Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • oh shit. Clem with sass.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I just saw this on tumblr XD had to share it with you guys:

  • edited September 2014

    Oops. Ignore this.

    Emyl19 posted: »

    If running to safety in the beginning of ''No Going Back'', Luke will run to the baby and back for cover, and Clem can then say: Clem: Ar

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited September 2014

    Luke: "When I look at Kenny now, he seems broken, and broken people get reckless."

    Clem: (Carlos Impersonation) "Luke... He's becoming a danger to the group."

  • edited September 2014

    Kenny: “I should slap you for saying that.”
    Clem: “Like you did earlier?.”

  • Wait did ken slap her once? When?

    Kenny: “I should slap you for saying that.” Clem: “Like you did earlier?.”

  • Bonnie: Want one?

    Clem: Sure......(Starts smoking) gross....oh uh..

    Bonnie: What?

    Clem: Kenny saw me smoking...


    Clem: LEE?!

  • edited September 2014

    It's determinant. When Kenny starts beating Arvo, you have the option to help Arvo. Doing so will have Clem run into Kenny's elbow as he prepares to punch Arvo again. It's not exactly slapping, but it's probably what she's referencing.

    nickybello posted: »

    Wait did ken slap her once? When?

  • WOW, yes! That scene was intense by as it was...but that would've taken it to a whole new level of intensity. That would have been a great option. Then they both would have stopped and realize their main interest in Clementine...then we'd hear the baby and Kenny and Jane would FIGHT again. Lol

    CSN2014 posted: »

    I think I would have probably threaten suicide, that would have made them stop.

  • Clem: Sarah's determinant for only the rest of the episode, bitch...

    LUKE: Shut the fuck up, Clem! Sarah's determinant, so she doesn't count! SHE DOESN'T COUNT!!

  • Tell Lilly that Carely is the one who asked Lee to help Lilly find the thief.

  • Come on... Kenny didn't mean to do that.

    Kenny: “I should slap you for saying that.” Clem: “Like you did earlier?.”

  • I would have loved this option! Or to smack them in the head...

    24601 posted: »

    Jane: Let's play a game, Clem. I spy with my little eye, an asshole. Your turn. Clem: I spy with my little eye, three babies...

  • Nah, Dee was pretty much the worst person in that episode. The idiot deliberately tried to murder Bonnie and got herself killed in the process.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Clem: "I'm sorry about Luke" Bonnie: "Sorry? It must be nice being a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do a damn thing. You an

  • I like your style.

    CSN2014 posted: »

    then shoot her in the knees and take a dump on her face.

  • The knee shots, I'm loving it. That's what I wanted to do to Lilly when she shot Carley. Leave her with a bullet in the knee.

    CSN2014 posted: »

    or tell her to go shit in a biscuit tin then shoot her in the knees, and attract zombies.

  • Kenny: Girl like Jane could learn a thing or two about respect.

    Clementine: Yeah but has she ever cave someone's face in?

  • Thank you. :D

    I like your style.

  • She won't be able to walk then with shattered knee caps. Slow death, revenge is sweet.

    The knee shots, I'm loving it. That's what I wanted to do to Lilly when she shot Carley. Leave her with a bullet in the knee.

  • She did make a man suffocate in his own blood...

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Kenny: Girl like Jane could learn a thing or two about respect. Clementine: Yeah but has she ever cave someone's face in?

  • Clementine: Then why didn't you respect Lee's choice when he didn't want to kill Larry with you?

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Kenny: Girl like Jane could learn a thing or two about respect. Clementine: Yeah but has she ever cave someone's face in?

  • I wish that if Lee took Clem to Crawford with him, she can talk about it with Carver.

  • "I can confirm there was no time for kissing."

    "There was no time for any of that in the first place."

  • THIS.. It's just epic! You deserve more likes.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    "Dialogue options that you WISH you had." Clem: A truly horrendous piece of modern art molded into its most ghastly of manifestatio

  • “Thanks a lot, Clem.”

    Buckette posted: »

    "I can confirm there was no time for kissing." "There was no time for any of that in the first place."

  • Someone needs to make a video out of that.

    Lolzkittiez posted: »

    I can just imagine Clem saying that to Carver in Lee's voice.

  • I think you can do that if you let the timer run out.

  • She is the worst person because she failed to kill Bonnie.

    Bokor posted: »

    Nah, Dee was pretty much the worst person in that episode. The idiot deliberately tried to murder Bonnie and got herself killed in the process.

  • Arvo: "I knew it! It's a trap!"

    Ackbar: "Kid, please. I know you don't exactly have the best track record with little girls, but even if she was waiting out in the woods to screw you, would she try that against three people with guns pointed at them, who decided the bait for the trap would be the rest of the entire group plus the baby?"

  • She also shot a guy in the dick.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    She did make a man suffocate in his own blood...

  • cant...stop...laughing xD

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I just saw this on tumblr XD had to share it with you guys:

  • edited September 2014

    Arvo: You will regret this

    Jane: pushes him Dont come ever back you-

    Clem: Shoot him.

    Jane: W-what?

    Clem: Fcking shoot him.

    Jane: Clem we dont have to kill him, are you crazy?

    Clem: Stfu Jane and shoot him. I know telltale games and I'm pretty damn sure, he and his people will be the reasons why some of us will die.So fcking shoot him and nobody will die!

    Jane: But-

    Clem: SHOOT HIM!

  • edited September 2014

    When Kenny and Jane are trying to kill each other and you have the pistol

    [Shoot warning shot] and then [Threathen to leave them]

    I'm pretty sure that would have gotten them to get off each other, if Clem scared them :T

    Why didn't you think of that, Clem?

  • It doesnt matter what he meant, what he caused to happen does.

    24601 posted: »

    Come on... Kenny didn't mean to do that.

  • doing something accidently = doing something on purpose?

    zykelator posted: »

    It doesnt matter what he meant, what he caused to happen does.

  • He means good, but most of the times he causes only bad. And he doesnt learn from his mistakes.

    24601 posted: »

    doing something accidently = doing something on purpose?

  • most of the times he causes only bad

    Well, that´s like, your opinion man.

    he doesnt learn from his mistakes.

    Well, that´s like, your opinion man.

    zykelator posted: »

    He means good, but most of the times he causes only bad. And he doesnt learn from his mistakes.

  • Whether some one do something on purpose is one thing. Whether he or she can learn from it is another. I'm not defending Kenny but do you think the law with give the same to someone no matter whether you break it on purpose because they know he or she won't learn from it?

    zykelator posted: »

    He means good, but most of the times he causes only bad. And he doesnt learn from his mistakes.

  • No, he proves this himself in action. If you are unable to give any proper arguments, dont bother giving some childish quotes from Lebowski to me.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    most of the times he causes only bad Well, that´s like, your opinion man. he doesnt learn from his mistakes. Well, that´s like, your opinion man.

  • edited September 2014

    No, he proves this himself in action. If you are unable to give any proper arguments, dont bother giving some childish quotes from Lebowski to me.

    Like I said, that´s just your opinion.

    As for him not learning about his mistakes, have you forgot that lets go of his hatred for Ben and puts himself in danger to try at save him or a least give him a peaceful death? Have you forgotten his endings?


    unable to give any proper arguments

    This makes me laugth, considering you didn´t even give arguments.

    zykelator posted: »

    No, he proves this himself in action. If you are unable to give any proper arguments, dont bother giving some childish quotes from Lebowski to me.

  • Have you forgotten that the ONLY if the someone stops him, he wont make mistakes. And even while other people babysitting Kenny, he makes mistakes.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    No, he proves this himself in action. If you are unable to give any proper arguments, dont bother giving some childish quotes from Lebowski

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