Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • edited September 2014

    Wanting to see Arvo suffer = being a Kenny fan?

    I hate it when people can't stop talking "how could Arvo shoot a 11-years-old girl, with her defending him all the way? I'll kill the son of bitch!". But please, Arvo's business is Arvo's. No need to link it with Kenny's fans.

    zykelator posted: »

    Theres a difference between hating Arvo and wanting to be see him suffer.

  • whats with you jane fans going and starting shit?

    zykelator posted: »

    Well to be honest, it was Clem/Kennys fault that the robbery (which was supposed to be smooth, without deaths) went wrong, because one of th

  • They should have said something about the walker, instead of just shooting.

    24601 posted: »

    Then what should they do? Next second Rebecca is going to eat her own baby. You're a Janefan, so please at least get a rational head as Jane does. PS.I'm not anyone's fan. Perhaps Christa's?

  • Have you even read the russian dialogues?

    xClementine posted: »

    Fearing retaliation and revenge from Clementine's group i highly doubt they would just rob them and not kill them.. Think about it. Those Russians are not stupid and they would not take the risk, and empathy is only deserved for good people.

  • Well most of the people i've seen, who want Arvo to suffer, have been Kenny fans.

    24601 posted: »

    Wanting to see Arvo suffer = being a Kenny fan? I hate it when people can't stop talking "how could Arvo shoot a 11-years-old girl, with

  • The eagle flies backwards at midnight.

    zykelator posted: »

    Have you read the translated russian dialogues?

  • When he tells them that the group robbed him, he wasn't exactly lying. How else was he supposed to identify the people who...robbed him? I say this was a friendly chat that backfired, you say he had it out for the group at word go. I say "obviously", you say "clearly". I think we are at an impasse.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Arvo obviously thought that the group could help them How is that obvious? Why was he hobbling to the area alone with a bag of medi

  • Yes, obviously. They were a dangerous bunch of thugs and deserved no pity, something you fail to anknowledge my friend. :)

    zykelator posted: »

    Have you even read the russian dialogues?

  • Atleast they were trying to deal with with robbery peacefully and Arvo even told them to back off because the situation was getting out of hands.

    xClementine posted: »

    Yes, obviously. They were a dangerous bunch of thugs and deserved no pity, something you fail to anknowledge my friend.

  • You call waving there guns around and shouting threats "Peacefull". I wouldn't exactly term it "Peacefully", Far from it, they were violent and aggressive towards Clem's group. Arvo and his group merely wanted to ambush them and ravage their supplies then most likely kill them and take AJ.

    zykelator posted: »

    Atleast they were trying to deal with with robbery peacefully and Arvo even told them to back off because the situation was getting out of hands.

  • Well clearly you havent read the russian dialogues, so i will not continue this conversation.

    xClementine posted: »

    You call waving there guns around and shouting threats "Peacefull". I wouldn't exactly term it "Peacefully", Far from it, they were violent

  • Just concede to the truth my friend, I have but it seems you are in dire need of finding the right translation to the Russian dialogue yourself. Do a bit more research and you will understand. :)

    zykelator posted: »

    Well clearly you havent read the russian dialogues, so i will not continue this conversation.

  • Now you're just trolling.

    xClementine posted: »

    Just concede to the truth my friend, I have but it seems you are in dire need of finding the right translation to the Russian dialogue yourself. Do a bit more research and you will understand.

  • (I know this isn't dialogue) When Kenny was about to stab Jane. I wish Clem would have shot the knife (or Kenny's hand) instead of choosing a side. Maybe if the fight had continued, keep on getting between them until they heard the baby crying.

  • Fine.. Whatever you say, I'm trolling now apparently. I give up.. i might just go and have a cold bath now.

    zykelator posted: »

    Now you're just trolling.

  • edited September 2014

    After Clem gets bit by a dog and shot in the shoulder, she just shrugs it off? I wish you could've said...

    Alt text

  • Ohhhhhh snap. Dee how could you miss bonnie, she's not a hard target?

    She is the worst person because she failed to kill Bonnie.

  • Randy: I'm asking, as a FATHER.

    Clem: So a Caucasian-American you is the father of that African-American boy?

  • I would forcefully calm Arvo down at the night camp and tell him that his sister turned into a walker from the shot and tries to attack Clem and she had to shoot her but Arvo misunderstood and thought I shot his alive sister. ARVO YOUR SISTER WAS A MOTHER-FUCKING-WALKER.

  • Luke: Clem, just shoot those damn walkers, alright! Just give me some time!

    Bonnie: Clem you can do it, you're light, it will be fine!

    Clem: Fuck no! He weighs more than me! We'll both go down together! You go there you hillbilly bitch!

    Bonnie: Fine then...Ice breaks

    Luke: banging ice for help

    Clem: Fuck that! I'm out!

    Mike: Where the hell is Bonnie and Luke!?

    Clem: Bonnie went for a dip in the lake.

  • I wish Clem could have asked Edith to take AJ into Wellington with her and then leave with Kenny. I knew I wanted to stick with him but I wanted AJ to be safe. I was waiting for that option to appear but it didn't.

  • When Clem first meets Kenny at the lodge.

    Clem: "You have a beard!"


    24601 posted: »

    Randy: I'm asking, as a FATHER. Clem: So a Caucasian-American you is the father of that African-American boy?

  • You know, while inside the Ski lodge in A House Divided, one thing I wanted to ask Kenny was this

    "Did you managed to find Molly before you got out of Savannah, Kenny?"

    Would've been nice to know.

  • Mike: Clem, I'm going to walk up to you, and your gonna give me the gun okay?

    Clem: No, you're not. [SHOOTS ARVO]

    Mike: CLEM! Jesus Christ! I'll kill yo-

    Clem: [SHOOTS MIKE]

    Bonnie: MIKE! ARVO! You little mon-


    Kenny and Jane come outside

    Kenny: What the fuck is goin' on?!

    Clem: Mike and Bonnie turned out to be Vernon 2.0, and I took care of Arvo for you.

  • this is my favorite thread. well done, sir.

  • That gif is awesome.

    After Clem gets bit by a dog and shot in the shoulder, she just shrugs it off? I wish you could've said...

  • share a cigarette with bigby

    MayorMilk posted: »

    [Have tea with Bigby]

  • I wish we had the option to tell Lee "I love you" in the dream. We didn't get the option to say it back in S1, it would've been cool if we could've said it this time.

  • One option would be "Here Ken, look at this" pointing to the drawing with Ken, Kat, and Duck.

    Ken would then say, "What the fuck is this hairless motherfucker doing with my family!?"

    Clem: facepalm

  • edited September 2014


    Lilly: Kenny left the keys in the ignition.

    Lee: [TAKES KEYS AND PUTS THEM IN HIS POCKET] Now try to leave.


    Lilly: I was trying to protect all of us!

    Lee: How the fuck is killing Carley protecting us?!

    All I can come up with, since most all the others were taken. The should have had an option where you accuse Lilly of stealing the supplies, though she may have ended up killing Lee instead.

  • Well shiiittttttt

    24601 posted: »

    When Kenny was dying from Clem's shoot: Clem: You are going to see Katjaa and Duck. Kenny: You are always good for a smile, ...(some w

  • I wish that when you first see Kenny in S2EP2 (before he sees you) you could say "nice beard"

  • Clem: ...it's a goat.

    One option would be "Here Ken, look at this" pointing to the drawing with Ken, Kat, and Duck. Ken would then say, "What the fuck is this hairless motherfucker doing with my family!?" Clem: facepalm

  • When talking to Rebecca after she has her baby.
    Clementine: I wish everyone else was here to see this

  • Jane: I spy with my little eye, an asshole.

    Clem: Is it you?

  • "Why don't we walk around the lake?"

  • Shoot Kenny, Look Away or Fire Warning Shot.

  • i think there was a similar option.

    "Why don't we walk around the lake?"

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