He's certainly more inclusive than Cullen. Cullen seems to be too insecure in his manhood (or, the other way around with dwarves) when it comes to romancing female Kossiths or dwarves.
He's certainly more inclusive than Cullen. Cullen seems to be too insecure in his manhood (or, the other way around with dwarves) when it comes to romancing female Kossiths or dwarves.
Yeah, I never hated the guy, but I never really loved him either. He seemed kinda like any other side-NPC to me. Not sure where his massive fanbase sprung from, tbh.
I'm not sure, too. My bet would be that it's somehow tied in with his potential crush on a female Mage Warden... which was blown out of proportion, and there we go.
Yeah, I never hated the guy, but I never really loved him either. He seemed kinda like any other side-NPC to me. Not sure where his massive fanbase sprung from, tbh.
Lol, so long as he isn't on the flank he's definitely a good choice. Just add him to the list of people who would make way more sense in the role than Cullen does. Hawke is back, so why not Hawke? Why Cullen? What has he done to warrant this position?
Lol, so long as he isn't on the flank he's definitely a good choice. Just add him to the list of people who would make way more sense in the… more role than Cullen does. Hawke is back, so why not Hawke? Why Cullen? What has he done to warrant this position?
Apparently Cassandra recruited him because he did a good job restoring order in Kirkwall as the new Knight-Commander after Meredith died.
Which...is all well and good, but I don't think that's necessarily the same thing as leading an army.
Not because she's an inanimate object, but because she's eternal, the pinnacle of evolution and existence. Before her, we are nothing. Our extinction is inevitable. She is the end of everything.
@Lingvort convinced me.
Since you're going to roll a male character first, Cassandra is going to be your first scabbard in DA:I.
Oghren is a better pick than Cullen.
Damn straight. xD
Female Qunari is too tempting for me. :S
Willing to try out Iron Bull's "horn"- I mean, horns? I mean, feeling a bit horny, are we?
Goddammit, I'm bad at this.
I guess so. Nothing can be funnier than that scabbard joke, though.
You stumbling over words was funnier than a good joke would have been.
I was actually considering scaling Blackwall's 'wall.' :S
Didn't you know? Blackwall is male Kossith, only.
Noe, he's into horny seven foot women. :S
He's certainly more inclusive than Cullen. Cullen seems to be too insecure in his manhood (or, the other way around with dwarves) when it comes to romancing female Kossiths or dwarves.
Well, that was fast. BTW, did you know that Vivienne is bald under that hat?
Next time: Varric or Cole
I don't see any hair, that's for sure. And her concept art, shown at EGAX during Bioware's DA demo coverage, does show her as bald.
I think they're both just too much woman for that little punk to handle. Pah. :P
So many bald people. Solas, Iron Bull, Vivienne... :S
Cole next tbh.
I still can't get over the fact that Cullen was added in DA:I (hell, even in DA2 I couldn't sometimes get over it).
Yeah, I never hated the guy, but I never really loved him either. He seemed kinda like any other side-NPC to me. Not sure where his massive fanbase sprung from, tbh.
I'm not sure, too. My bet would be that it's somehow tied in with his potential crush on a female Mage Warden... which was blown out of proportion, and there we go.
You know, at first I thought that her hair were shaped as the hat. Was a bit disappointed when I found out that she's bald.
Well, I'm glad she isn't a romance option, then. xD
Actually, in a save where he's alive, I would have the Inquisition dial up Loghain.
Just never get him to lead flanking charges.
Lol, so long as he isn't on the flank he's definitely a good choice. Just add him to the list of people who would make way more sense in the role than Cullen does. Hawke is back, so why not Hawke? Why Cullen? What has he done to warrant this position?
Apparently Cassandra recruited him because he did a good job restoring order in Kirkwall as the new Knight-Commander after Meredith died.
Which...is all well and good, but I don't think that's necessarily the same thing as leading an army.
Ooo, there's going to be a new demo on Monday apparently, which will include the character creator. :O
Yup, at 10 AM PDT.

I wanna see my darkspawn child! anybody got this? reference to Origins...
There goes our short friend.
The Paragon of Manliness in the flesh...
I know, right?
Dat sexy chesthair...
And he still has good ol Bianca. If Bianca dies....we riot!
Finally a riot I can get behind!
Bianca can't die.
Not because she's an inanimate object, but because she's eternal, the pinnacle of evolution and existence. Before her, we are nothing. Our extinction is inevitable. She is the end of everything.
Well, since he isn't romanceable once again, there's a chance he might not need the crossbow anymore after he reunites with the real Bianca... :O
Here comes Mr. Mustachio (lol, "Mustachio" is a word recognized by the spellchecker) himself.
Gotta say, he has the coolest looking poster thus far.
Yeah, he looks pretty cool, especially in comparison to his other pictures.
Nikola Tesla? Is that you?
Hah, I never actually noticed how alike they look. :S