Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • 3) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed.

    Who will come to their rescue?

    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

  • Pro and Jon will...

    Alt text

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    3) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. Who will come to their rescue?

  • Wow that was supprisingly dark..........

    Pro and Jon will...

  • Cough half of gustav **Cough*

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    3) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. Who will come to their rescue?

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited October 2014

    1) I did it. It was me

    The great Gary Oak will rescue them!

    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

  • 5) Say nothing.

    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

  • edited October 2014

    Every intense moment needs some...

    5) Say nothing.

    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

  • edited October 2014



    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

  • If they eat Sheep, doesnt that mean they are not cannibals?
    Plot twist!


  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited October 2014

    Shadow and Guilty to the rescue!


    I hope Shadow uses CC's pocket knife, or survives a gunshot because he was wearing Lee's bullet-proof vest.


  • edited October 2014


    (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed.

    The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring back at me, he nodded his head, as if he wanted me to blame him. I looked back at the man."It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed." I told him.

    The man stood up and laughed."Hahaha, somehow I don't believe you..."

    "She's telling the truth. I'm just sick of being here, and I had to let my anger out. I'm the one who screamed." Sheep spoke up.

    The man turned around and then started walking over to him."Sick of being here? You've only been here for like two hours. And you're telling me you're already sick of being here? Haha!"

    Sheep kept looking at him."That's right. I'm sick of this disgusting place, I'm sick of being tied up, I'm sick of not getting any medical treatment, I'm sick I'm having to listen to your voice, and most importantly... I'm sick of looking at your ugly fucking face." Sheep told him with a serious tone.

    The man snarled at Sheep."Fuck you!" He started walking back over to the wooden table that had a chainsaw and other tools on it. He grabs a black butcher apron and puts it on while also grabbing the chainsaw and then he starts to rev it up. He looks at Sheep while doing so."You making fun of me, huh?! I'll fuckin' show you!"

    "Sheep!" Azlyn said.

    "Scarlet...!" Juicy looked at me.

    The man got the chainsaw working and then started walking over to Sheep and Azlyn."I'm gonna cut off your fuckin' legs and force feed 'em to you!" He says to Sheep.

    "No! Don't!" Azlyn yelled.

    "Fuck you! Go ahead and try!" Sheep challenged him.

    "Sheep, no!" Azlyn told him.

    "Ahahaha! I'm gonna make you regret that, boy!" The man told him. He got in front of the two."Get the fuck up!" He ordered Sheep.

    "Make me, you sick fuck!" Sheep told him.

    "Make you?! You dumb piece of shit..." The man said. He moved in closer and then put the chainsaw near Azlyn's neck. Azlyn closed her eyes and turned her head to the side while trying to keep away. Sheep gritted his teeth."Ahaha! Say I cut her head off, would that make you get up?" The man asked him while grinning.

    Juicy looked shocked and frightened. I was getting angry."Stop!"

    Sheep looked at me."No!" He looked back up at the man."I'll get up..."

    "Good..." The man said while looking at Sheep. He got up and waited."Mmm, some shish kabob sounds good right now." Sheep gave him a disgusted look while trying to get up."Come on! I don't have all day!" The man yelled.

    "I have my hands tied, and I'm injured. Just give me a sec." Sheep replied as he struggled to get up.

    "Fuck this." The man said while grabbing Sheep's shirt with one arm and helping him up."Now, go over to the table." He tells him. Sheep starts to limp his way over. The man looks at the rest of us while smiling."You girls will be next, don't worry."

    "You do know that you're going to die, right?" Sheep asked him.

    "Fuck are you talkin' about?" He responded angrily.

    "Heh, you'll see. You'll die, I just know it. It'll be soon, too." Sheep replied.

    "Shut your fuckin' mouth. You don't know shit! Get on that fuckin' table!" The man ordered Sheep.

    "Scarlet! We have to do something!" Juicy whispered.

    "Ugh, there's nothing we can do! We have our hands tied, and we don't have any weapons on us." I whispered back.

    "Don't kill him!" Azlyn yelled.

    "Don't worry, girly. Like I said, you'll get a turn." The man replied.

    I looked over at a table that was next to Juicy. I saw my machete and her knife on top of it, along with our guns."Can you stand up?" I asked Juicy.

    "Yeah, I can." She replied.

    "Look over there..." I told her.

    Juicy turns her head and sees the table. She turns her head to look back at me."Our weapons!" She whispered.

    I looked over at Sheep leaning against the table and the man with his back turned, waiting for him to get on top of it. I turned to look at Juicy."Think you can try to get them? At least your knife so we can get our hands free. I'll need you to try to pass it over to me, and then I'll cut myself free." I told her.

    "It's risky... but I'll try..." Juicy said.

    "Don't do it if you don't want to..." I told her.

    She looked over at Sheep and then Azlyn."We don't really have a choice here... we could be next. And I'm not ready to die yet." Juicy replied.

    I looked over and the man still had his back turned. I looked back at Juicy."Okay... be careful." I told her.

    Juicy started to slowly stand up."Get the fuck on top of the damn table!" The man ordered Sheep.

    "I'm trying! You guys shouldn't have beat me up so bad..." Sheep told him.

    I kept looking back at them and Juicy. Hoping to God that the man wouldn't turn around and spot Juicy."Leave him alone! Just let us go!" Azlyn shouted.

    "You better keep your mouth shut! You're next!" The man yelled at her.

    "Hey! It's me you want, leave her out of this!" Sheep told him.

    "Haha! You like to talk a lot, don't ya?!" He says to him.

    "Come on, Juicy! Hurry!" I told her.

    "Almost got it..." Juicy was using one of her legs to try and drag the knife closer.

    "The knife is going to fall and make some noise if you do it that way. Try using both of your legs, and gripping it with your feet. Make sure you get a good grip on it." I told her.

    "Okay, I'll try." Juicy replied.

    I turned and noticed Sheep was looking over at us, I think he knew what was going on. He turned to look at the man."Okay, I'll try to get on the table now..."

    "Good, that's more like it." The man replied.

    I looked back at Juicy and she had her feet on top of the table, trying to get the knife."Almost got it, Juicy... Come on..." I said.

    Juicy managed to grip the knife with both of her feet and then she looked over at the man ordering Sheep to get on the table."Okay... this will be the tricky part." She says.

    "If you don't fuckin' get on the table, I'm gonna fuckin' kill you where you stand!" He said to Sheep.

    "Okay, here goes." Juicy said. She then tried to move her legs back and land on her feet. DING! CLING! As soon as Juicy's feet landed on the floor, the knife slipped and made some noises."Shit!" Juicy said out loud.

    "No!" I said.

    I looked over and the man turned around."What?" He realized what we were doing."Son of a--" Sheep shoulder tackled him over to the wall and he dropped the chainsaw.

    "Juicy! Quickly! The knife!" I shouted.

    Juicy passed the knife over using her feet. The knife reached my feet and then I tried standing up, the metal leg wasn't high enough for me to stand up, so I tried kicking the knife behind me."Ahh!" Azlyn shouted as Sheep tried fighting the man off.

    I felt the knife near my hands, and then I used my fingers to try and pick it up. Once I grabbed the handle, I started to slowly cut the rope off. I looked over and Sheep was kneeing the man in the ribs."Ah! Fuck you!" The man grabbed one of Sheep's legs and then punched him in the face. Sheep fell down, and then the man tried running over to his chainsaw. I saw Azlyn tripping him and making him fall flat on his face onto the concrete floor.

    "Come on, Scarlet!" Juicy shouted.

    "Almost have it!" I replied.

    "Fuck!" The man shouted. He rolled away and then got up, he grabbed the chainsaw but then Sheep jumped up onto his back. The man elbowed him off, and then started punching the side of his head. I looked over at Azlyn who was trying to get up, the man looked over at me and Juicy and then grabbed his chainsaw again."No more fuckin' games!" He shouted as he started running over to me.

    "No!" Juicy shouted and then she managed to kick him back a bit using both of her legs, but as she did she fell down."Ow, Scarlet, hurry!" She yelled.

    I felt the rope loosening up, I knew I almost had it."Stupid bitch! You're gonna pay for that!" The man yelled at Juicy. He started to grin at her while getting closer.

    "Scarlet!!!" Juicy yelled.

    I saw Sheep looking over at us, but he was still on the floor. Azlyn barely managed to get up, but she was leaning against a table, she looked like she could barely move. The man was slowly getting closer to Juicy."Now, now. No yelling, it'll be over soon, haha!" He says to her.

    "Help!" Juicy shouts.

    "Don't worry, you'll die and become a meal for me. Don't think of it as a bad thing, you'll be helping someone else out, haha!" He said as he held the chainsaw up, getting ready to cut her head off.

    "Fuck you!" I shouted. I got up and then ran over to him.

    "Wha-- Argh!" I managed to stab him in the neck and slashed his throat before he could harm Juicy. I saw him start to choke on his own blood, suffocating, and holding onto his neck. He looked shocked as he slowly walked back, he dropped the chainsaw and then fell onto his back. He started making gurgling sounds and looking back at me until he finally died.

    "Holy shit..." Sheep said while breathing heavily.

    "We need to get the fuck out of here before more of them come." Azlyn told us.

    I turned and started to cut the rope off around Juicy's hands."Tha- thank you... Thank you, Scarlet." Juicy said, she was shaking.

    I cut her hands free and then looked at her."No problem, Juicy. I'll always look after you." I told her with a smile.

    Juicy hugs me. She lets go and then looks over at Sheep and Azlyn."Come on, let's help them and get out of here."

    I get up and then run over to cut Sheep's hands free."I can't move... my legs. They're giving out on me, I can barely stand..." Azlyn tells us.

    "What did they do to you guys?" I asked.

    "I took a good beaten, they hurt Azlyn as well, but not as bad." Sheep explained.

    "We just need to get out of here while we still can..." Azlyn said.

    I freed Sheep and helped him up. I gave Juicy her knife."Free her hands, I'm going to get our weapons." I told her and she nodded. I ran over to the table that had our weapons on it and then I put on my gun belt and machete holster around my waist. I grabbed my Glock and then grabbed Juicy's as well. I saw some more guns on the table."Are these guns yours?" I looked at Sheep.

    "The .45 is mine. The 9mm is Azlyn's." He replied while grabbing a knife off of the bloody table and then walking over to look up the stairs.

    I grabbed them and then ran over to hand everyone their guns."Okay, we don't know how many there are, and we don't really have that much ammo. We'll need to be careful." I told them.

    "I'll take the lead." Sheep told us.

    "Are you sure you'll be able to?" I asked.

    "Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry." He said.

    "Okay, I'll cover you." I replied. I saw Juicy helping Azlyn walk."You two stay behind us, try to stay back and in cover as much as possible." I told them.

    "You girls ready?" Sheep asked and we all nodded."Okay... let's do this." He whispered. He started to slowly go up the stairs, and we all followed his lead. We reached the top of the stairs and then Sheep started to slowly open the door. He peeked out and then motioned his hand for us to move up. He opened the door all the way, and then walked out."Come on, hurry!" He whispered.

    I started to move up until I made it out of the door, I looked back and waited for Juicy and Azlyn to make it over to us. BOOM! Out of nowhere we heard a loud explosion. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BLAM! BANG! BANG! BLAM! "Sons a bitches!" I started hearing gunshots and people yelling.

    "The fuck is going on?!" I asked.

    "Cavalry has arrived." Sheep said with a smile. Juicy and Azlyn made it over to us, and then Sheep started heading toward the front door."Let's go!"

    "HAHA!" I heard a man laughing and then I saw someone tackling Sheep over to the wall.

    "Ahh!" Sheep yelled out.

    "Sheep!" Azlyn shouted."It's the cannibal's partner!" Azlyn told us.

    "Help him!" Juicy told me.

    I aimed my gun and got ready to shoot."Girls! Get out of here!" Sheep shouted. BRATATAT! BANG! BANG! BRATATAT! BLAM! BOOM! More gunshots and explosions outside.

    "Fuck you guys! You ain't getting away!" The man shouted.

    "AGH!" Sheep let out an agonizing scream. I saw that the guy had stabbed him in the arm multiple times.

    "Sheep! Shoot him, Scarlet!" Azlyn yelled.

    BANG! I fired off a shot and caught the man in the side of his head."Sheep!" I yelled while running over to him.

    "My fuckin' arm..." He said while holding on to his wounds.

    "Okay, okay. Just relax, we'll fix you up." I told him.

    "Get back in the house!" I heard someone yelling outside. I stood up and saw a couple of people with guns making there way over.

    Sheep started to stand up."Fuck! Scarlet, take the others and go!" He tells me.

    "What?! No, Sheep! We're not leaving without you!" Azlyn yelled.

    "I'll distract them, the others are here, just get to them and they'll keep you safe!" Sheep told us.

    "We can't do that... me and Juicy left someone behind a long time ago... we can't do that again." I said while looking down.

    BRATATAT! BLAM! "In the fucking house, now!" I heard more yelling outside.

    "Sheep, you're coming with us!" Azlyn yelled.

    "Scarlet, they're almost here!" Juicy told me.

    "Azlyn! You need to go! Get out of here!" Sheep shouted.

    "We can stay and help you! You don't have to die like this!" Azlyn shouted.

    I looked up and the men were getting nearer. Sheep got ready."Go!" Sheep yelled at us. It was time to make a decision. Should we leave Sheep behind like we left Star behind? Or should we actually stay and try to help this time? I needed to decide...

    1) Okay... fine. We'll leave. Good luck, Sheep.

    2) Fuck that, we're staying here and we're going to help you.

    3) Say nothing.


    "Almost two years into this mess and we're still alive. Can you believe it?" I asked Valky.

    "Well, yeah. Look at this place." She said as we looked down at the people working in Tobi's former warehouse."When you took over this place, everything was smoother. We trade with ATR and the people that decided to stay with her, and all of us haven't had that much problems. Everything is just a whole lot better now." She says while smiling.

    "I just knew that we couldn't let this place go to waste, with all the food, water, vehicles, gas and generators here, someone had to take over it and keep it running." I replied.

    "That's right, and when we helped bring back all of the people we lost to the mansion, we were all able to move on." Valky told me.

    "That was such a long time ago, I haven't visited in a while. How are they doing over there?" I asked Valky.

    "As good as us, if not better. They miss you, and want to see you one day." Valky said.

    I smiled at her."I'll try to visit one of these days, but you'll have to stay here and make sure everyone is working well with each other."

    "Of course! And don't worry about that, everyone here gets along." She told me.

    "Mr. Guilty!" I heard one of my workers on the walkie-talkie.

    I took it out of my pocket."Guilty here, what's up?"

    "Twistee has returned, he says that he wants to see you in the front."

    "Alright, on my way. Thanks." I said.

    "No problem, I'll let him know right away."

    I put the walkie-talkie away and then turned to look at Valky."I have to go check on something, think you'll be okay here while I'm gone?" I asked with a smile.

    She hugged me and then gave me a kiss."You bet." She says with a smile.

    I walked over to the door and left my office. I made my way down to the working area."Morning, Mr. Guilty!"

    "Good day, Guilty!"

    "Guilty! How's it going!" My workers greeted me as I walked by.

    "Morning, everyone. I'm sure you guys are getting your work done properly. I'll join you guys later when I check something out real quick." I told them. I walked over to the front door and then opened it.

    One of my guards walked over."Guilty. Twistee is just over there, waiting." He tells me.

    "Very good, escort me to him." I replied.

    "Right this way." He tells me. I put my hands in my pockets and start to follow.

    I saw Twistee standing outside while holding a walker on a dog pole."So you're finally back, huh? Still letting your hair grow, too?" I asked Twistee with a smile.

    "Yep, I see you've cut yours. Looks good. Are you trying to grow a little beard as well?" He asks.

    "Yeah, trying to look a bit older, heh." I said to him.

    "That's good, heh. How's AC doing in there?" Twistee asked.

    "She's good, I think. I haven't checked up on her today, but she should be over by the greenhouse with the others." I told him.

    "Good, good. When she lost Broken, I wasn't sure if she would ever be happy again. But it seems like things are looking up for her." Twistee told me.

    "Yeah, and with a safe place to stay in, she has nothing to worry about." I told him.

    "No sign of Gary today?" Twistee asked.

    "Nope. He's still out on his "Walker killing master adventure." After he killed one hundred and fifty walkers, he wasn't satisfied, said he wasn't going to stop until he killed them all. Who knows if he'll ever return." I explained."I'm guessing you didn't find Salt while you were out there?"

    "Nope, no luck at all, Guilty..." Twistee replied with a frown.

    "Goddamn it! I know that fucker is still out there! I'm going to find him one day and rip his head off!" I was starting to get frustrated.

    "He's most likely dead, Guilty. Give it a rest." Twistee told me.

    "No, Twistee. I won't stop looking for him until I'm absolutely sure he's dead." I said while crossing my arms.

    "Alright, man. It's your decision... anyway, I came back to tell you that you should consider keeping watch dogs out here. Like back at the mansion. I found this walker and thought I'd bring him back here to show you. Check out his jacket, though..." Twistee says while turning him around.

    "The World Burners?" I asked.

    "Yeah, check out his clothes. Leather jacket, biker boots, and ripped jeans. Surely he must have been in a biker gang or something." Twistee explained.

    "Probably. Do you know who he is?" I asked.

    "No idea, but check his back pocket. He has a wallet there, try to get it." Twistee asked me.

    "Heh, just make sure you don't let go of the dog pole." I said.

    "I got it." Twistee replied with a smile. The walker was growling, but I ignored it. I reached for his back pocket and took his wallet out. I opened it up and took out his ID card."Lord_EAA, hmm?"

    "So what do you think about the idea of keeping walkers as guard dogs? The mansion group is doing it, so I think we should as well. We can start with this walker." Twistee suggested.

    "Wouldn't we have to keep them fed?" I asked.

    "Not really, walkers can go on for a very long time without eating. And there's always new walkers out there to find, I'm not saying you should go out there and start hunting them. Just start off small." Twistee suggested again.

    "Hmm... more security around here would be a good idea, and the walkers around this place would scare some unwanted guests..." I started thinking...

    1) You're right, we should start using walker guards around here.

    2) Nah, we're good. Let's just kill this walker.



    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • What could be so important as to change a part?

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba


    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • edited October 2014


    Decided to change it, it pains me to see Juicy and Scarlet have to go through this again.

    1) You're right, we should start using walker guards around here.

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • edited October 2014

    Damn Pro. Good job! That part was f..king intense. Damn... I'm mentioned. I'm so happy right now! cries Thank god my ossum shrek cereals helped them. AYY LMAO!

    For BadassScarlet;

    2) Fuck that, we're staying here and we're going to help you.

    For GulityKingOumaShu;

    1) You're right, we should start using walker guards around here.

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • edited October 2014

    Pro, You're a great writer :) Alt text

  • Welp, we found Lord.

    1) Leave Sheep. It pains me to do this, it really does ;-;

    1) Use Walker guards. There's no reason not to, and it sure does work well.

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • 1) Okay... fine. We'll leave. Good luck, Sheep. I don't want to, but it'll be fulfilling his dying wish in a way. :,(

    1) You're right, we should start using walker guards around here. Wow, lot's of stuff and thangs changed. xD

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • 1) and 1)

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • you din't think i would return?

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Welp, we found Lord. 1) Leave Sheep. It pains me to do this, it really does ;-; 1) Use Walker guards. There's no reason not to, and it sure does work well.

  • edited October 2014

    2) Fuck that, we're staying here and we're going to help you.

    1) You're right, we should start using walker guards around here.

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • ayy lmao, surprised you guys voted to leave Sheep behind, haha. B^]

  • ur ded, get rekt

    2) Fuck that, we're staying here and we're going to help you. 1) You're right, we should start using walker guards around here.

  • shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    ur ded, get rekt

  • I think most people voted that option so that his suffering could end, and the others are more valuable than Sheep at this point.

    ayy lmao, surprised you guys voted to leave Sheep behind, haha. B^]

  • Man! Sheep has survived for almost two years! This is nothing to him, haha.

    Alt text

    I think most people voted that option so that his suffering could end, and the others are more valuable than Sheep at this point.

  • Im supprised no one but blue has reacted to my "return"

    ayy lmao, surprised you guys voted to leave Sheep behind, haha. B^]

  • 2) Fuck that, we're staying here and we're going to help you.

    1) You're right, we should start using walker guards around here.

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • Hey twistee thanks for bringing me back :)

    Twistee posted: »

    1) Okay... fine. We'll leave. Good luck, Sheep. I don't want to, but it'll be fulfilling his dying wish in a way. :,( 1) You're right, we should start using walker guards around here. Wow, lot's of stuff and thangs changed. xD

  • 1) Okay... fine. We'll leave. Good luck, Sheep

    1) You're right, we should start using walker guards around here.

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • Heck yeah. I am the boss now. I like that. That's good. Very good.

    Alt text

    2) Fuck that, we're staying here and we're going to help you.

    1) You're right, we should start using walker guards around here.

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • 3) Say nothing. The silence of the sheep ,>

    2) Nah, we're good. Let's just kill this walker. I won't accept this heresy!

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • Wow does no one but blue have ANYTHING to say about me coming back? Idont care if its negative or possitive just say something about it

  • 1) Okay we'll leave

    2) Nah, we're good. let's just kill this walker.

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • edited October 2014

    I actually felt sad. Like; that walker was a person named Lord before, we saw his story, what he went through. Now he's nothing but a walker. My fate is the same. Probably, I'm lurking around maybe without no legs or no arms. Or maybe I'm just like that walker called ''Hannah: The Bicycle Girl'' from the comics and the TV Show. Right, Pro? AM I RIGHT?! AYY LMAO!

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Wow does no one but blue have ANYTHING to say about me coming back? Idont care if its negative or possitive just say something about it

  • Dont feel bad for ZombiEAA (yes im calling him that) hopefully he does something. As for Star well hes in a better place with friends :)

    Dark_Star posted: »

    I actually felt sad. Like; that walker was a person named Lord before, we saw his story, what he went through. Now he's nothing but a walker

  • 2) Fuck that, we're staying here and we're going to help you.

    2) Nah, we're good. Let's just kill this walker.

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

  • ;-; When does Zombie-DarkStar come in and save the day??

    Dark_Star posted: »

    OMFG!!! ST. JOHN'S... THEY'RE ALIVE!!!!! AYY LMAO!!!! Stay safe, Juicy.

  • "That's right. I'm sick of this disgusting place, I'm sick of being tied up, I'm sick of not getting any medical treatment, I'm sick I'm having to listen to your voice, and most importantly... I'm sick of looking at your ugly fucking face." Sheep told him with a serious tone.

    But anyway...

    Fuck that we're staying here, and we are going to help you


    You're right, we should start using walker guards around here.

    BadassScarlet (!) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. The man kept grinning at me. I looked behind him and saw Sheep staring ba

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