Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Katjaa mentioned that Doug spent time in Belgium.

  • Yes, where she apparently is from?

    Did anyone else take note of that?

    Katjaa mentioned that Doug spent time in Belgium.

  • Heimdall from Thor.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Is Idris Elba someone I should know?

  • Oh, dat guy

    Bokor posted: »

    Heimdall from Thor.

  • Funny, at this point the walkers should have already noticed they are walking differently and should have started attacking earlier.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    If you chopped of Saritas arm in episode three, at the start of episode four once Kenny runs over to Sarita and is trying to save her, if yo

  • No wonder why Disney had sexual innuendoes in their cartoon movies.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    A statement was issued by Telltale today about the suspected dick drawn in the clouds on one of their episodes: "We were bored," Job J Stauffer defended, "20 hours at work a day, 7 days a week, you'd of done the same!" XD

  • Wow, Lee looks the double of him O.O

    Dark_Star posted: »

    Everyone here on the forums (not everyone but still) says Idris Elba = Lee Everett Actually, Lee's concept art and maybe the character is mo

  • I know, right? Even the noses are the same.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Wow, Lee looks the double of him O.O

  • Even their "I do not get paid enough for this job" expressions are spot on! o_o

    Dark_Star posted: »

    I know, right? Even the noses are the same.

  • edited October 2014

    I found it funny that Troy called himself a "rooster", then when Jane shot his dick off, his scream sounded exactly like a rooster being castrated.

    Also at the start of In Harm's Way, in the truck, the following dialogue is a quote from the chorus a Bruce Springsteen song, The Promised Land
    *Nick: Mister, I ain't a boy

    Kenny: No, you're a man

  • How do you know what a rooster being castrated sounds like?

    ClemRanger posted: »

    I found it funny that Troy called himself a "rooster", then when Jane shot his dick off, his scream sounded exactly like a rooster being cas

  • The racoon's paws had only four fingers. They have five IRL
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  • Just like Larry said. An uncontrollable little man-eater. =O

    dojo32161 posted: »

  • *for the trailer

    They also considered exploring Kenny's backstory Yee, like, Kenny saved Season 2 because of how his ending was the only emotional one.

  • edited October 2014

    I did

    That means



    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Yes, where she apparently is from? Did anyone else take note of that?

  • Who doesnt?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    How do you know what a rooster being castrated sounds like?

  • To be fair, she just called Christa a "friend" and didn't specify the gender.

    Christa = Boy O_o??? W...T...F

  • edited October 2014

    He also appears in Pacific Rim

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    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Oh, dat guy

  • Ha, to everyone who made fun of Sarah, and wished she was dead, especially you Greg Miller

    quinnics posted: »

    In an interview with Game Informer, Telltale was asked about Sarah. They asked if she was just extremely sheltered or if there was more to h

  • edited October 2014

    Are you telling me AJ should be a criminal, thief, murderer and gang member?

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  • XD gotta save that link

    Pipas posted: »

    Reused character model. ...or is it? DUN DUN DUNNNN!

  • Clementine's hands are sinking in the ground.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    The racoon's paws had only four fingers. They have five IRL

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited October 2014

    There's actually no floor. It's just a painting, and Clem got her hand stuck.

    Clementine's hands are sinking in the ground.

  • Maybe it's wet cement. She's rehearsing for when she gets her star on Hollywood blvd.

    There's actually no floor. It's just a painting, and Clem got her hand stuck.

  • ◦Telltale tweaked dialogue and their editing to ensure that the player made a strong connection with Jane in episode four. Fan feedback helped influence this. Telltale describes her as being one of the most important characters in the story, despite being introduced later than the rest of the cast

    Yeah, that didn't work for me, Telltale. I never really connected with Jane (mostly because of her cold nature and how she was telling Clem to leave behind people I had come to care much about). I always felt that the Jane/Clementine relationship was kind of forced, especially in the short amount of time we spent with Jane, and guess what! It was!

    quinnics posted: »

    As mentioned in another post above, Telltale did an interview with Game Informer. Here's some tidbits they released about the development of

  • People refer the S1 sequence in S2E5 as a "dream"

    where the game refers to it as a Flashback.

  • edited October 2014

    In S2E1 the zombie tied to the tree at the camp is also Sam's owner.
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  • The zombie by the river is the woman and the grave is for the baby

    In S2E1 the zombie tied to the tree at the camp is also Sam's owner.

  • Luke never holds AJ.

  • in "amid the ruins" while going to rescue luke and sarah with jane,,,, when we try to distract the walkers by honking the car we can notice that there is a walker with his helmet on at the door .... its very funny to imagine as his brain cant be smashed due to the helmet but he cant bite either

  • He can, if you at the beginning of the 5th episode run for cover instead of going for AJ.

    Kennythegod posted: »

    Luke never holds AJ.

  • Based on the picture, his arm has a bandage.

    The picture was probably taken after he was bit.

    In S2E1 the zombie tied to the tree at the camp is also Sam's owner.

  • and..?

    in "amid the ruins" while going to rescue luke and sarah with jane,,,, when we try to distract the walkers by honking the car we can notice

  • edited October 2014

    Based on the picture too, there were four people in that family because somebody is obviously holding the camera and isn't in shot. It's also made apparent because there's the small grave, the dead body not far from it, the body in the river and then the man tied to the tree.

    In S2E1 the zombie tied to the tree at the camp is also Sam's owner.

  • What if Sam took the picture?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Based on the picture too, there were four people in that family because somebody is obviously holding the camera and isn't in shot. It's als

  • Even if you told the truth to Nick , if you told Walter that is like everyone else or stayed silent , Nick will tell that he didnt do anything

  • You can actually have an extra dialogue with Ben on the train back in S1 ep 3 . If you do not select the Doug/Carley option on there until after Ben confesses then a new option appears

    "Anything else you want to say?"

    I cant exactly remember what Ben says but I think he hints at telling Kenny and Lee stops him. Someone could maybe go back and check

  • But Sam is down by Mr Bob, how can that be? o_o

    What if Sam took the picture?

  • Sam has hidden super powers!

    He bit Clem so he can use his healing powers, but he died too early :(

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    But Sam is down by Mr Bob, how can that be? o_o

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