Would you save Sarah or Jane?



  • Ahh, hell, I didn't even think about calling back to that in the trailer park scene. That would have been really touching actually. If Clem just held out her pinky and that's what pulls Sarah out of her trance long enough to keep moving. Using that little symbol of intimacy to remind her that people still love her. =(

    HugoCorv posted: »

    Yeah, the pinky swear was supposed to be an important part of the relationship between Clem and Sarah, and yet, Clem can't remind Sarah of this when she's trying to save her life! The only "option" we get is to slap Sarah:(

  • Probably better than using the outdated Airplane-era trope of slapping her, which would realistically trigger her memories of being hurt by Carlos.

    Ahh, hell, I didn't even think about calling back to that in the trailer park scene. That would have been really touching actually. If Clem

  • It's a tough choice, but on the first replay I'd save Sarah.

    On the second replay I'd go for Jane.

    And on the third I'd do nothing and see what happens.

  • It's a non-canon death.

    BoatsNHoes posted: »

    Yup its good to have Jane watching your back, as you can tell from the GIF below:

  • I personally prefer Jane because she would actually be competent in a fight. Contrary to belief, Sarah cannot hold her own in most situations. She needed people to keep her calm, her dad to shelter her, and others to keep her safe. Clementine is younger, yet can still hold her own in a fight, and does not rely on others. But also, Sarah had a more childish outlook on life, and while that is fine, it is not fine in the ZA. Jane however has an outlook on life that would keep her alive, maybe not happy, but alive. Sarah also was proven to not understand the ZA because of her dad. She was so sheltered that she could not adapt in time.

    Sarah hasn't killed anybody or gotten anyone killed other than people that would've died anyway (Reggie). Jane has put the group in unneeded

  • She was sheltered by her dad but she also had a disability. Clem was taught how to survive but Sarah wasn't, she could've been taught but many people wouldn't bother. Jane knew how to survive and no one should need to save her if her plans actually worked. Sarah needed help and Sarah would look out for people unlike Jane. Would Sarah probably die because of this? Probably but she would die with her humanity.

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    I personally prefer Jane because she would actually be competent in a fight. Contrary to belief, Sarah cannot hold her own in most situation

  • Sarah 4life

  • Jane has her humanity as well, and Sarah can be taught to shoot. Jane isn't some she-devil like (determinately) Lilly. She is just a person. A person who has been dealing with shitty situations even longer than Sarah has. And I also didn't think Telltale confirmed she had a disability.

    She was sheltered by her dad but she also had a disability. Clem was taught how to survive but Sarah wasn't, she could've been taught but ma

  • I like the (un)intentional reference to Christa talking about The Cancer Patients. Anyway Telltale confirmed that Sarah had PTSD, which she had developed before we met her.

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    Jane has her humanity as well, and Sarah can be taught to shoot. Jane isn't some she-devil like (determinately) Lilly. She is just a person.

  • well that it is a tough question. on one hand you have someone who has gotten everything due to image, and she isn't even that good at such. on the other you have someone who in their youth actively aided the enemy of her country. so i guess i'd save sarah palin over jane fonda, though i'd leave them both to die if given the choice.

  • edited October 2014

    Intentional and I did not know about Sarah.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I like the (un)intentional reference to Christa talking about The Cancer Patients. Anyway Telltale confirmed that Sarah had PTSD, which she had developed before we met her.

  • your point being?

    torkahn808 posted: »

    It's a non-canon death.

  • Point being it doesn't actually happen and the sequence cuts off to YOU ARE DEAD instantly. And what exactly is Jane supposed to do in that situation? Clem was grabbed and bit on the neck = she's dead instantly.

    BoatsNHoes posted: »

    your point being?

  • And if doing nothing get you a non-canon death?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It's a tough choice, but on the first replay I'd save Sarah. On the second replay I'd go for Jane. And on the third I'd do nothing and see what happens.

  • Close my eyes, spin around in a circle, move my finger around, and choose one at random.

    supersagig posted: »

    And if doing nothing get you a non-canon death?

  • Lilly wasn't a monster and Jane isn't a "Monster", just a shitty person. They have both survived the same amount of time so that point is invalid. Telltale confirmed her PTSD and I still think she has Anxiety but PTSD is confirmed.

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    Jane has her humanity as well, and Sarah can be taught to shoot. Jane isn't some she-devil like (determinately) Lilly. She is just a person.

  • That was more of a reference to Christa in season 1, but I consider Lilly to be a monster. What if Carley was pregnant? Joke, but she had no right to do that. Lee really liked Carley, and she was taken from him. However, if Sarah had been so sheltered and clueless about the world, then one can infer that Jane has undoubtedly been through worse situations than Sarah.

    Lilly wasn't a monster and Jane isn't a "Monster", just a shitty person. They have both survived the same amount of time so that point is invalid. Telltale confirmed her PTSD and I still think she has Anxiety but PTSD is confirmed.

  • What kind of bullshit excuse is that?
    Everyone with a single brain cell can see that she started running before the zombie even started chomping Clem.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Point being it doesn't actually happen and the sequence cuts off to YOU ARE DEAD instantly. And what exactly is Jane supposed to do in that situation? Clem was grabbed and bit on the neck = she's dead instantly.

  • I loved Lilly, yes that out burst of anger was uncalled for but she had good intentions. I always thought my Lee had a love triangle between Lilly and Carley. :P

    Sarah has PTSD so it's to be suspected she has seen some shit.

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    That was more of a reference to Christa in season 1, but I consider Lilly to be a monster. What if Carley was pregnant? Joke, but she had no

  • Okay, but you don't know whether she was running away or running around the slide to Clem.

    What kind of bullshit excuse is that?

    It's called a fact.

    BoatsNHoes posted: »

    What kind of bullshit excuse is that? Everyone with a single brain cell can see that she started running before the zombie even started chomping Clem.

  • True, and I actually guiltily thought that Lilly might've had feelings for Lee (if he tried to save her dad), and maybe that was a big factor in why she killed Carley. Maybe they did some "kissing stuff" and she got angry. I still always left her behind because I thought about that.

    I loved Lilly, yes that out burst of anger was uncalled for but she had good intentions. I always thought my Lee had a love triangle between Lilly and Carley. :P Sarah has PTSD so it's to be suspected she has seen some shit.

  • XD I love thinking there was a love triangle subplot. I always save Larry and be nice to Lilly.

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    True, and I actually guiltily thought that Lilly might've had feelings for Lee (if he tried to save her dad), and maybe that was a big facto

  • Source?

    actually to all you jane fans, telltale confirmed jane was preggers with lukes kid.

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned
    edited October 2014

    "Assumption"? Jesus Christ, I wonder why you keep trying to fight back.

    Uh... yes you made an assumption about me that you tried to play as fact. What is this sentence supposed to prove?

    But didn't you say that you had "No time" to reply? Sigh.

    All those people did were be sarcastic. They knew that wasn't the answer, hence why they did it. For a joke. Hell, it made me laugh. And it made the people that upvoted them laugh, too. But obviously, just because you didn't laugh, the joke is unfunny. Okay.

    Yes, I had every intention of replying to them but I had no time and replied to them at a later time. I also thought there first replies to me were funny but that doesn't change the fact they were dodging my original question at first by making silly responses. Are we done with your little "assumption".

    Did you expect it to go unpunished? You did say you were waiting for your ban. Meaning you knew that there would be some sort of consequence. And like I said before, it's not about winning an argument. It's about bringing up valid points, something you don't seem to be doing.

    I am literally baffled as to why I am still not banned. I've insulted you multiple times with the consequence in thought that I would get banned but only my posts were deleted. But I guess I got LUCKY, REAL LUCKY. I've also been using valid points throughout this whole argument and in my posts that got deleted, yet for some you seem to be oblivious to that.

    Then why are you even replying right now? You make me laugh, kid.

    Well I'm replying to because it seems like you still don't get it. You can't admit you were wrong by the claims you made about me and admit defeat. Your living in Neverland and still stick by a false assumption that i am a hypocrite and you called me out, even though I told you what's up.

    Back to name calling, I see? Well, I do have a vagina. Suprise. I'm also relatively short. And I do have a female dog, so.

    It's funny to see how you're getting butthurt over nothing. In all honesty, you fucked up, I called you out. Deal with it.

    I never meant my words to be taken that literal by you. I thought it was pretty obvious that my insults were meant to be derogatory. I'm not really mad at all. I'm just correcting another retard on the internet. You still believe a false assumption even though I told you exactly what was up. You never called me out on anything. Why can't you face reality and admit you were wrong?

    Kid, what the hell are you doing right now? Please, tell me what exactly you're trying to do. It's win. Win something you lost before I even called you out.

    I'm not trying to win the argument. Although it already appears I've already won. I'm just trying to correct a person who made up false claims about and took my words out of context like a little pussy bitch :). I see your getting aggravated now to the point where you have to call me kid after every sentence because you can't think of anything else to say other than more lies and fake assumptions.

    If they were false, I wouldn't have people agree with me. They'd say they're false. Genius over here, I swear.

    People agreeing with you have nothing to do with the fact their wrong. This thread is full of a bunch of Sarah lovers and want a another Sarah lover to win this argument, so blind in the process they can't see what was wrong with your posts. You made up false claims that I am a hypocrite and said my argument for the character Jane were wrong even there was absolutely nothing wrong and I also gave valid reasons for my argument. Although your hatred for a fictional character blinds you so much you fail to realize this.

    You're right. I don't. I don't like it, nor agree with it, but I respect it. I didn't even come into this about your opinion. I came into this to tell you that you dodged the question when someone gave a valid answer, right after saying "omg ur dodging th queschun u jus dont lyk jane"

    I never mentioned Jane in that reply and that I said they were dodging the question because they didn't like her, although considering your immense hatred for the character you must have imagined that I did . I sent that reply when people were still making joke comments before someone gave me a valid answer. Once again making up false claims and lies which is all you have at this point even when I told you everything that was up.

    Why would I flag your comment? You swore at me. Big fucking deal. I wasn't offended, you're actually great entertainment, you know that kid? It's like arguing with a broken record player. You just keep going.

    So, after all this, you're the one calling me pathetic? Hmph, seems like you get your arguing ability from Jane, because insulting is all you can do.

    I never said you flagged my comments. I said I wouldn't be surprised if you did. Who knows? It could have been the Sarah lovers that were flagging or people that got offended because I was swearing at you...LOL. You are pathetic because you made up false claims and continue to stick by your false claims and then takes my words out of context to use against me.

    Are we done here? I am growing weary of this little argument. I don't have the time nor interest in replying to anymore stupidity. Unless of course you admit you were wrong and we can move on from this. Otherwise save yourself the trouble and don't respond.

    Your entire argument is based on a assumption "Assumption"? Jesus Christ, I wonder why you keep trying to fight back. I had ev

  • i dont know the link, its been a while. i'll poke around.


  • Sarah Palin over G.I Jane


    jamoecw posted: »

    well that it is a tough question. on one hand you have someone who has gotten everything due to image, and she isn't even that good at such

  • I really hated that Clem can only hug Kenny and Luke. I guess anything else would make Clem too "girly". I don't think you can even hug Jane even. It really seemed like the writer's didn't want Clem having any kind of tender moments with anyone that doesn't fit one of the stereotypical hero molds. Least the writers of In Harm's Way going forward. We do get the pinky swear in one. And in two Clem sits down next to Sarah when she has her mini-panic attack and you get to top the Christmas tree for her. But god damn, I just wanted to see Clem actually hug Sarah at some point.

    Alt text

    It really sully the "badass" Clem image so much if she had at least the option to sympathize with someone whose suffering so much? In retrospect I wish Nick Breckon just remained in control. Terribly flawed he may be there did seem like a conscious effort to insert some fucking humanity into this story. You also have the option to give Nick the watch in A House Divided. Doesn't amount to much, but in retrospect it was literally better than nothing.

    Bokor posted: »

    Probably better than using the outdated Airplane-era trope of slapping her, which would realistically trigger her memories of being hurt by Carlos.

  • Sarah flipping out if you try to touch her in Omid The Ruins is deliberately designed to piss you off/give you 'feels', as is the devs forcing you to hurt her to 'save' her (and give Carver's insanity some half-assed validity.) It's already been established that Episode 4's developer and writer were irrationally mean-spirited with their treatment of their character.

    But yeah, more hugs for any character would've been awesome. Hugging Nick and Sarah in particular lol.

    I really hated that Clem can only hug Kenny and Luke. I guess anything else would make Clem too "girly". I don't think you can even hug Jane

  • edited October 2014

    Oh my god.

    You're pulling this card, aren't you? You're pulling the card. The 'this argument is growing old, but I'm going to get the last word in to make it like you're very wrong and stupid. But in reality, if you reply, I'll just reply back and totally contradict myself' card. Okay. You want to be done with this? Guess what, it's not over. You such a hypocrite that it actually hurts. So, let's begin.

    Uh... yes you made an assumption about me that you tried to play as fact. What is this sentence supposed to prove?

    It's supposed to prove how wrong you are. It wasn't an assumption that you were being a hypocrite, the evidence is purely there. You basically assumed that people were dodging the question. You exactly said "Decide who you want to be with. HINT: One of these people will get you and everyone around you killed." That's someone's opinion. You're asking for an opinion. Obviously, people didn't choose who you wanted, so you said "omg no you guys stop dodging the question". Then, you have the audacity to say to me "You're just assuming I'm a hypocrite". Sweetie, look back. Read them all again. The evidence is there, in the flesh, sitting at the top of this argument.

    Yes, I had every intention of replying to them but I had no time and replied to them at a later time.

    Replying to them at a later time? Hell, you seemed to reply to mine just off the ball. And that's when I called you out for ignoring someone's opinion in which you asked for. You got an answer, but because it wasn't "Jane is better than Sarah" you ignored it. And that's not an assumption. People don't agree with others' assumptions, they would usually call you out.

    I also thought there first replies to me were funny but that doesn't change the fact they were dodging my original question at first by making silly responses. Are we done with your little "assumption".

    You ASKED for their OPINION on which character THEY wanted to be with. What was the question? "Oh, do you want to be with Jane or the person who gets you killed?" Which in most cases, is most likely Jane to get you killed. She's great with survival and tactical moves, sure. But offering Luke sex while another woman is in labor? If that isn't beyond stupid, I have no idea what is, then.

    And back to the assumption topic. That's all I see you saying when it comes to defences. It's either that or you calling me a pussy little bitch. Which, in my case, is barely even an insult. You don't even bring up valid points, you insult. That's all you can do, by the looks of it. And that, is pretty damn pathetic to me.

    I am literally baffled as to why I am still not banned. I've insulted you multiple times with the consequence in thought that I would get banned but only my posts were deleted.

    Yeah, exactly. Because you insulted me. That's it. The only way to get your opinion across is by shoving it down my throat with insults to spice it up. The only way you thought of opting out of this is by being banned, because you can't handle being called out for your shit. You did what quite a lot of people do, it's not a bannable offence to be irrational about your opinion. But nowadays, I seriously think it should be.

    I've also been using valid points throughout this whole argument and in my posts that got deleted, yet for some you seem to be oblivious to that.

    Alt text

    Valid points my ass, all you've been doing is insulting me, and telling me that MY valid points, are assumptions.

    Well I'm replying to because it seems like you still don't get it. You can't admit you were wrong by the claims you made about me and admit defeat. Your living in Neverland and still stick by a false assumption that i am a hypocrite and you called me out, even though I told you what's up.

    Oh, I get it. I get it that you're wrong - and can't admit they're hypocrite. So, what do you do instead? You make up an excuse. Which isn't even believable since I clearly debunked you on it. Seems like Neverland is just a place you made up in your head. Because according to you, you're never wrong.

    I never meant my words to be taken that literal by you.

    Honey, you tried insult me. Did you expect me to completely lash out at you? I did what I do best, and that's be sarcastic. Clearly, you couldn't suspect it. Which worries me deeply.

    I thought it was pretty obvious that my insults were meant to be derogatory.

    Back to the sarcasm thing.

    I'm just correcting another retard on the internet.

    Oh, so you're using disabled slurs, now? Are you trying to say that I have down syndrome, in which you're using it to call me stupid? Take your ableism shit somewhere else, calling someone a retard isn't an achievement, you should be taking the walk of shame back to 'Neverland'. I don't think you'd feel all that great if you were disabled, and someone used your disability as an insult.

    You never called me out on anything. Why can't you face reality and admit you were wrong?

    Never called you out on anything? Babycakes, please, tell me what this is:

    Alt text

    If you say to me, that that isn't calling you out, then you've got some real denial issues. You can take this photo back to 'Neverland' with you.

    And I can tell you this, I'm not wrong. You just seem to be in denial about everything that completely embarrasses you.

    I'm not trying to win the argument. Although it already appears I've already won.

    Alt text

    Hahaha, omg. Do you really think that your insults and hypocrisy is what's making you win? You're not even winning! There's nothing to win! My valid points are clearly superior to your insults, and your claimed 'valid points' (more insults). You are so up yourself, that you're blinded by how wrong you are. And how calling me stupid is so ironic.

    I'm just trying to correct a person who made up false claims about and took my words out of context like a little pussy bitch :)

    Correcting me? Oh my god, son, get a life. Seriously, just go and get one.

    Well, I don't think taking your insults out of context is a correctable thing. Considering that they weren't even harmful in the first place.

    I see your getting aggravated now to the point where you have to call me kid after every sentence because you can't think of anything else to say other than more lies and fake assumptions.

    I called you kid, what, once or twice? And according to you, that's after every sentence? Then you go on to say that I say that because I can't think of anything else but lies. Tell me, please, what are you doing right now? You're lying. For what, the 10th time?

    And I'm not aggravated, sweetheart, I'm laughing. Everytime I complement you by calling you 'sweetie' or something, you return is with vulgar insults. If you're saying that I'm angry, then you clearly need to look at what you've been saying.

    People agreeing with you have nothing to do with the fact their wrong.

    People don't agree with assumptions. Especially on this topic. They're not just going to agree with someone who 'assumes' that you're being a hypocrite. You know why? Because they've clearly seen it for themselves. The evidence is sitting on top of your butthurt insults, just waiting for you to realize that you were wrong. You contradicted, and embarrassed yourself. A simple "Whoops, haha." would have done the trick.

    This thread is full of a bunch of Sarah lovers and want a another Sarah lover to win this argument, so blind in the process they can't see what was wrong with your posts.

    Um, maybe because there isn't anything wrong with my posts? Maybe it's because they agree someone who can argue without lying/insulting when they see it?

    You made up false claims that I am a hypocrite

    Alt text

    Keep believing that. Evidence means nothing according to you.

    and said my argument for the character Jane were wrong even there was absolutely nothing wrong and I also gave valid reasons for my argument.

    Your argument about Jane was simply 'kissing her ass'. You didn't even try to bring up valid points, you made a bunch of bullshit off and tried to claim it as fact. "Jane cared for Sarah" Jane cared for Sarah my ass. She saw her as a liability, not a human being. And you can go join her on that.

    Although your hatred for a fictional character blinds you so much you fail to realize this.

    My hatred for Jane has nothing to do with the fact that you made up bullshit and claimed it as fact. I don't like her character, simple. You don't like Sarah, but you don't see me making up bullshit about her to make her seem like she didn't do anything wrong. Which, actually, she didn't. It wasn't her fault that Sarita got bit when she tried to help the walkers not attack Sarah because a GUARD shot her father and caused him to be devoured. It's not her fault Reggie was thrown off a roof because Carver made Carlos slap her prior, just because she was being nice and asking how Clementine slept. It's not her fault that her father put her in a bubble, and when that bubble popped, she was thrown into the outside world with no experience of saving herself besides "A gun is not a toy, take a breath before you go to shoot". She didn't even get to shoot one.

    I never mentioned Jane in that reply and that I said they were dodging the question because they didn't like her

    But it was implied. Heavily. The OP's question is "Would you save Sarah or Jane". You said, "Decide who you want to be with." Meaning, "Say your opinion". They didn't say Jane, which made you say "Dodging the question, I see?" What question? You asked for their opinion, you got it. Just because their answer isn't Jane, doesn't mean they're dodging the question.

    although considering your immense hatred for the character you must have imagined that I did

    Totally. 10/10 correct.

    I sent that reply when people were still making joke comments before someone gave me a valid answer.

    Valid answer? They said "Wow, you really hate Sarah..." To which you replied: "How can you not? Can you please tell exactly why you would choose her?" Then CreepyCake replied, "Because people like Sarah's personality more than Jane's. Jane is cold hearted and nobody can relate to her, or agree what she believes. Even by the end of the game she still is cold hearted by hiding AJ and getting Clementine to kill Kenny out of her own selfish desires." To which you COMPLETELY IGNORED, and went onto the other person's comment. They gave a pretty damn clear example, to which you ignored. Basically, being a hypocrite as you were frustrated with others ignoring your opinion, and not picking Jane.

    Even GoldenPaladin called you out for it: "There are many examples but you are ignoring them, why?" To which you didn't reply.

    Once again making up false claims and lies which is all you have at this point even when I told you everything that was up.

    Oh, really? False claims? I had to basically copy and paste a lot of what people said, and it's all fact. And it's up there for you to see for your own eyes. So, it's not false claims, it's pure evidence.

    I never said you flagged my comments.

    You implied that I flagged them by saying "I wouldn't be surprised if you did". I don't need to flag your comments, your obvious butthurt is more than enough.

    It could have been the Sarah lovers that were flagging or people that got offended because I was swearing at you...LOL.

    So, they're automatically a Sarah lover because they flagged your indecent comments? What if it was a Jane supporter who was disgusted by how you are acting? Because I surely know I am. What if it's a mod? If it was, they'd see this whole argument. And not one of my comments are flagged, meaning I haven't done anything wrong.

    You are pathetic because you made up false claims and continue to stick by your false claims

    Lemme get this straight. You have false claims, that I'm false claiming, even though I've proved multiple times that they aren't false claims.

    Believe in whatever you think. I've got evidence, you don't. I have multiple people agreeing that you're a hypocrite, you don't.

    Are we done here? I am growing weary of this little argument.

    It was your choice to reply. How much more dense can you get.

    I don't have the time nor interest in replying to anymore stupidity.

    Stupidity? Hmph. I've got a great feeling that you're looking at this whole post, gobsmacked and embarrassed that I proved you wrong.

    Unless of course you admit you were wrong and we can move on from this.

    Alt text

    HAHAHAHA. I see, now! You replied to this with nothing of accuracy, and in your words 'stupidity', because you expect it to make me completely lie, and say that I was wrong? Aww, diddums. The world doesn't revolve around you, love.

    But, yeah, like you said...

    Suprise!!! People are mean.

    Now, if you really want to prove yourself that you're not a hypocrite and you don't contradict yourself, you'd take your own advice and move on. Like you said, you grew weary of this little argument? #rekt

    MrX1H2 posted: »

    "Assumption"? Jesus Christ, I wonder why you keep trying to fight back. Uh... yes you made an assumption about me that you tried to

  • But Sarah can tie her own shoes?

    Well, in Sarah's (only) defense. She was a warm caring person. People have an easier time relating to someone who needs protection and needs

  • I actually bursted out laughing.

    I can just see a little atom with a blue shirt and fire axe.

  • Please excuse me, I need to take notes for what may or may not be a fan rewrite.

    Ahh, hell, I didn't even think about calling back to that in the trailer park scene. That would have been really touching actually. If Clem

  • edited October 2014

    Its not about giving orders , its about who you would save...

    Sarah. Fuck Jane.

  • Mission accomplished

    I actually bursted out laughing.

  • Hell yeah.

    Mission accomplished

  • You've got that right.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    To be fair, every fanbase has their share of idiots.

  • I think Jane also has a form of PTSD, comparing erveryone to Jamie and because of that she'll desert them

    She keeps reliving that moment

    XD I love thinking there was a love triangle subplot. I always save Larry and be nice to Lilly.

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