I wasn't around the forums for the months following the end of the first season, but I understand there were quite a few "Is Lee really dead?" threads. Are the "Luke may be alive" comments the spiritual successor to those threads? Time will tell I suppose.
Luke is dead. My guess is the drowning got him first, but even if it didn't, the hypothermia would have done him in shortly thereafter. Luke is dead, dead, dead, as dead as Lee is dead. They're all dead, because that's the Walking Dead. Dead is in the title.
Heck, Clementine should be dead, and would probably be if she didn't have main character powers. If she chooses to help Luke, she's in that near freezing water for as long as he is, and she doesn't even have his body mass to hold as much heat as Luke does. And if you say "Clem's jacket helped keep her warm and saved her life" well it's not as effective after Arvo perforates it with his bullet that narrowly misses her heart (she was shot on the left side after all).
I wasn't around the forums for the months following the end of the first season, but I understand there were quite a few "Is Lee really dead… more?" threads. Are the "Luke may be alive" comments the spiritual successor to those threads? Time will tell I suppose.
Luke is dead. My guess is the drowning got him first, but even if it didn't, the hypothermia would have done him in shortly thereafter. Luke is dead, dead, dead, as dead as Lee is dead. They're all dead, because that's the Walking Dead. Dead is in the title.
Heck, Clementine should be dead, and would probably be if she didn't have main character powers. If she chooses to help Luke, she's in that near freezing water for as long as he is, and she doesn't even have his body mass to hold as much heat as Luke does. And if you say "Clem's jacket helped keep her warm and saved her life" well it's not as effective after Arvo perforates it with his bullet that narrowly misses her heart (she was shot on the left side after all).
You gotta hand it to Tara... not many characters can say they've had a friendly fistbump with the biggest villain and the biggest hero of th… moree zombie world. If she had been at the peace summit instead of Andrea, she totally could have smoothed things over between them.
A lot of people don't agree ( Just for say, I liked Luke... ), but I know what Nick made. Of course Luke as a main character, but it's too much obvious the Kenny VS Luke conflict, this was a move. For me, the shock value was incredible, I mean, who expected that? You guys don't understand that things, for sure. EP5 have a lot of unexpected things, and if you say '' Cliche '' I will say '' You don't know what cliche is ''.
I think that the death of Luke was handled really well actually. The three potential adults who seem to have any semblance of a clue are Kenny, Luke, and Jane. Kenny and Jane are on two opposite fields, one caring just a bit too much, and one caring not a bit. Luke is the happy medium, had he lived and the choice was a three way choice I have a feeling the overwhelming majority would choose Luke. By killing him off Telltale forced us to make a decision we probably would not have made. Also, Luke spends a lot of time guiding Clem on how she should be careful with Kenny and Jane, and were those characters not so simple and shallow to understand at first glance the loss of this source of insight would have been huge. I feel almost like the story sets up with this: You have Jane on your left shoulder and you have Kenny on your right shoulder (classic!), but then you have Luke in the middle that keeps you from going with either one of them. Luke is now gone; what do you do? It's not that bad a progression in my opinion. Especially with a deadline closing in, like I am sure they had.
It doesn't make any sense at all. A main character dies and the secondary character takes over. When It was happening I was hoping someone else would jump into the water too, I was thinking once Clementine falls through the ice I honestly through Clem might die along with Luke there was no way she could put him up from the water. He dies saving Clem from a zombie then the zombie pulls him underwater and he drowns, at least that what happened in my play through. I know the most logical thing was to cover him but I wasn't thinking logical, apart from Clem Luke was fav character of the second series.
Drowning is horrible. I nearly drown twice as a kid one when it was 10 the other when I was 14. I don't know what people were thinking when they say drowning is peaceful, it hurts a lot.
the only drowning I've seen in a movie that turn out right was R in warm bodies, he gets pulled out of the water and he is human, when he drowned he was a zombie. Yeah it doesn't make any sense I know, but in most films things don't. I am going to check out more things that Scott Porter is in, I love his voice and really want to see it more.
I'm just pissed off that I didn't get my Luke ending TBH.
People say that the script was changed due to Luke vs. Kenny being too predictable. Bullshit. I'd much rather have a predictable yet consistent ending than the one we got. That Jane/Kenny fight might have been unpredictable but it also didn't make any sense whatsoever. The tension between these two was so forced and out of the blue that I kept facepalming myself throughout the entire thing.
I like Jane but I liked Luke way better. Why couldn't it be Jane vs. Luke? With Kenny dying in that lake.
What Telltale needs to do with the next season is finish the entire thing BEFORE releasing the episodes. Fan feedback obviously affects the game in a BAD way. Someone Tweeted that Pizza vs. Ice Cream thing. People predicted that it's probably a Luke vs. Kenny choice. And there you have it... The entire season ruined just like that because Telltale wants it to be unpredictable. What a mess.
Agreed, take a like, in a game series like this fan freed back means a lot.
If the wirters have a basic idea on how the season is going to end then the chracters would have better delvoping about they would be better resaults from the market, fans and the reviews.
I'm just pissed off that I didn't get my Luke ending TBH.
People say that the script was changed due to Luke vs. Kenny being too predicta… moreble. Bullshit. I'd much rather have a predictable yet consistent ending than the one we got. That Jane/Kenny fight might have been unpredictable but it also didn't make any sense whatsoever. The tension between these two was so forced and out of the blue that I kept facepalming myself throughout the entire thing.
I like Jane but I liked Luke way better. Why couldn't it be Jane vs. Luke? With Kenny dying in that lake.
What Telltale needs to do with the next season is finish the entire thing BEFORE releasing the episodes. Fan feedback obviously affects the game in a BAD way. Someone Tweeted that Pizza vs. Ice Cream thing. People predicted that it's probably a Luke vs. Kenny choice. And there you have it... The entire season ruined just like that because Telltale wants it to be unpredictable. What a mess.
I have to agree [except with the bit with Kenny falling in the lake T.T]. The decision to off Luke like that and go with Jane both ruined the finale and put me off wanting to buy another TWDG title after this I miss back when I was so looking forward to the finale, or just the time after the credits rolled for Episode 2 for maybe the fifth or seventh time, when I remember thinking "I can't get enough of this game, this is going to be my favorites in a long time" and it ended up being the opposite towards the last stretch with that finale. It makes me upset Telltale actually thought this was a good idea, because as the dorky little writer that I am who they'd probably shoot with several rounds of a paint ball bullets if they ever saw me for saying this, but I can honestly tell you this out of my own personal opinion that no, it was NOT a good idea. So while Telltale were twirling their moustaches thinking it the best curve ball since Bruce Willis realized he was dead in the Sixth Sense, I too was facepalming throughout the entire thing feeling like I got cheated out of a decent end for what potential could've been one of my favorite games if they'd just stuck with Kenny and Luke, and not tried to be unpredictable by throwing in another character who didn't gel well with the scenes they slotted her in towards the end where deciding between Jane and Kenny for me was only difficult because I didn't care enough to save her life or to back Kenny in what he was doing.
To throw a convincing curveball by having a character replace another, the character who replaces them need to have been established early too and be equally compatible, otherwise you're left with a weaker character in a role with too big shoes for them to fill. And that was my issue with Jane, exposition didn't mean pickles because she still felt like a secondary character that I didn't care enough about for. Luke showed much of what he did through his actions in the game with trying to protect the group, give Clem advice and look out for the others [porking excused lol] and what did Jane show with her invaluble exposition? This! T_T
"I used to pretend I was friends with my sister because I couldn't stand her for the life of me. Also I robbed from her purse and stuck gum in her hair and then gave her a bad haircut and teased her for it afterwards. Although I still cared enough to help her survive, I kinda left her to die when I couldn't take her moping anymore, and because of that scarring and guilt I will now tell you to ditch Sarah to be eaten alive and attach myself to you because you're much more cooler than Jaime! Hey Clem, did I ever tell you I got really drunk and ate glass as well, scaring the daisies out of my dead sis and my parents? Oh nevermind, I'm gonna go hide AJ now so Kenny will try and kill me in a fit of rage and under no circumstances will I tell him the baby's alive because I am a genius! =D"
I'm being a little over the top with this, but you kinda see my point T_T all that back story just made Jane unlikeable. Even if she taught Clem useful things and saved lives and shot a dude in the dick, it was difficult to see her in that role with Clem as this sister to her because of all that. Despite this I don't hate Jane, I just dislike what they did with her.
But I am so with you. Telltale should just have most of the game complete next time before they release the first episode, because fan feedback ended up working in a bad way for this season with deciding to go against being predictable with Kenny and Luke, despite that being what most people were looking forward to in the first place. I actually don't see what was the problem with having something like that when they were setting it up from episode 2, I mean that's what made it exciting and so thought provoking as we got closer to the finale. Why take away that excitment by having no pay off for it?
You know what would have been unpredictable? Having a decision with Kenny and Luke where one or the other didn't die, or that the two never broken out into a fight and actually became friends. I think that would've caught me by surprise for sure, where picking between them wasn't something violent, yet just as difficult as deciding who to sit with at a table.
Ah! I need a cigarette after all that...oh wait I don't smoke o_o
I'm just pissed off that I didn't get my Luke ending TBH.
People say that the script was changed due to Luke vs. Kenny being too predicta… moreble. Bullshit. I'd much rather have a predictable yet consistent ending than the one we got. That Jane/Kenny fight might have been unpredictable but it also didn't make any sense whatsoever. The tension between these two was so forced and out of the blue that I kept facepalming myself throughout the entire thing.
I like Jane but I liked Luke way better. Why couldn't it be Jane vs. Luke? With Kenny dying in that lake.
What Telltale needs to do with the next season is finish the entire thing BEFORE releasing the episodes. Fan feedback obviously affects the game in a BAD way. Someone Tweeted that Pizza vs. Ice Cream thing. People predicted that it's probably a Luke vs. Kenny choice. And there you have it... The entire season ruined just like that because Telltale wants it to be unpredictable. What a mess.
Like many others, I really wanted to be able to end the season with Luke. In my opinion, he's always been pretty chill in the past, and he seemed to keep on getting kinder and cooler in each episode. Despite his lukewarm reactions towards Nick's death, you could tell he really did care for his friend, despite his frosty exterior. Even though Luke seemed to be frozen in a constant mood of heroics and caring towards others, he did have a few cracks in him, making him a realistic character that wasn't some stereotypical hero (unless it's Captain America, as they were both trapped in a frosty state for a long period of time). When Luke died, I swear I literally froze for 5 minutes.
R.I.P My friend who was truly great at breaking the ice with others, or just by himself.
His chilling tale will be eternally remembered by us all.
And that's why my Clem is alone with AJ. Kenny and Jane were too extreme in their view points/way of thinking. Luke had a nice balance of survival and humanity that I thought was best for Clem to have in her life growing up.
I think that the death of Luke was handled really well actually. The three potential adults who seem to have any semblance of a clue are Ken… moreny, Luke, and Jane. Kenny and Jane are on two opposite fields, one caring just a bit too much, and one caring not a bit. Luke is the happy medium, had he lived and the choice was a three way choice I have a feeling the overwhelming majority would choose Luke. By killing him off Telltale forced us to make a decision we probably would not have made. Also, Luke spends a lot of time guiding Clem on how she should be careful with Kenny and Jane, and were those characters not so simple and shallow to understand at first glance the loss of this source of insight would have been huge. I feel almost like the story sets up with this: You have Jane on your left shoulder and you have Kenny on your right shoulder (classic!), but then you have Luke in the middle that keeps you from going with either one of them. Luke i… [view original content]
Like many others, I really wanted to be able to end the season with Luke. In my opinion, he's always been pretty chill in the past, and he s… moreeemed to keep on getting kinder and cooler in each episode. Despite his lukewarm reactions towards Nick's death, you could tell he really did care for his friend, despite his frosty exterior. Even though Luke seemed to be frozen in a constant mood of heroics and caring towards others, he did have a few cracks in him, making him a realistic character that wasn't some stereotypical hero (unless it's Captain America, as they were both trapped in a frosty state for a long period of time). When Luke died, I swear I literally froze for 5 minutes.
R.I.P My friend who was truly great at breaking the ice with others, or just by himself.
His chilling tale will be eternally remembered by us all.
And if you say "Clem's jacket helped keep her warm and saved her life" well it's not as effective after Arvo perforates it with his bullet that narrowly misses her heart (she was shot on the left side after all).
That implies you were saying her coat didn't keep her warm in the ice water because it had been damaged from the bullet. I was just saying that was not the order of events.
Simply, it's okay, hands tissue
Im a terrible person.
Thank you wipes tears better now c;
I'm a little creeped out by that gif
Im sad Luke is dead, but atleast I accept hes dead
I use Celsius, and water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius ;P
As alive as a popsicle.
No, he didn't. Luke will be back in Season 3.
I get a kick out of your stupidity. Luke's dead, get over it, he's gone.
Luke isn't dead.
I found the way he died kind of funny. Maybe funny isn't the word, more of ironic. It reminded me of frozen for some reason.
I see what you did there.
I wasn't around the forums for the months following the end of the first season, but I understand there were quite a few "Is Lee really dead?" threads. Are the "Luke may be alive" comments the spiritual successor to those threads? Time will tell I suppose.
Luke is dead. My guess is the drowning got him first, but even if it didn't, the hypothermia would have done him in shortly thereafter. Luke is dead, dead, dead, as dead as Lee is dead. They're all dead, because that's the Walking Dead. Dead is in the title.
Heck, Clementine should be dead, and would probably be if she didn't have main character powers. If she chooses to help Luke, she's in that near freezing water for as long as he is, and she doesn't even have his body mass to hold as much heat as Luke does. And if you say "Clem's jacket helped keep her warm and saved her life" well it's not as effective after Arvo perforates it with his bullet that narrowly misses her heart (she was shot on the left side after all).
Yes, Luke really did die. He was an alright guy, if a bit stale.
Clem falls in the ice water before Arvo shoots her.
She's also just fist-bumped the worlds biggest liar. What a cool girl.
A lot of people don't agree ( Just for say, I liked Luke... ), but I know what Nick made. Of course Luke as a main character, but it's too much obvious the Kenny VS Luke conflict, this was a move. For me, the shock value was incredible, I mean, who expected that? You guys don't understand that things, for sure. EP5 have a lot of unexpected things, and if you say '' Cliche '' I will say '' You don't know what cliche is ''.
I think that the death of Luke was handled really well actually. The three potential adults who seem to have any semblance of a clue are Kenny, Luke, and Jane. Kenny and Jane are on two opposite fields, one caring just a bit too much, and one caring not a bit. Luke is the happy medium, had he lived and the choice was a three way choice I have a feeling the overwhelming majority would choose Luke. By killing him off Telltale forced us to make a decision we probably would not have made. Also, Luke spends a lot of time guiding Clem on how she should be careful with Kenny and Jane, and were those characters not so simple and shallow to understand at first glance the loss of this source of insight would have been huge. I feel almost like the story sets up with this: You have Jane on your left shoulder and you have Kenny on your right shoulder (classic!), but then you have Luke in the middle that keeps you from going with either one of them. Luke is now gone; what do you do? It's not that bad a progression in my opinion. Especially with a deadline closing in, like I am sure they had.
It doesn't make any sense at all. A main character dies and the secondary character takes over. When It was happening I was hoping someone else would jump into the water too, I was thinking once Clementine falls through the ice I honestly through Clem might die along with Luke there was no way she could put him up from the water. He dies saving Clem from a zombie then the zombie pulls him underwater and he drowns, at least that what happened in my play through. I know the most logical thing was to cover him but I wasn't thinking logical, apart from Clem Luke was fav character of the second series.
Drowning is horrible. I nearly drown twice as a kid one when it was 10 the other when I was 14. I don't know what people were thinking when they say drowning is peaceful, it hurts a lot.
the only drowning I've seen in a movie that turn out right was R in warm bodies, he gets pulled out of the water and he is human, when he drowned he was a zombie. Yeah it doesn't make any sense I know, but in most films things don't. I am going to check out more things that Scott Porter is in, I love his voice and really want to see it more.
Luke confirmed dead for S3
Sigh He's gone. He was a good guy but face it, He's as dead as Carver.
I'm a guy :P
so if someone having a swim we'll see him as zombie taking a walk?
All the best characters die early, I have to agree with you on that. its like, dying is like fate. there no escaping it, and it really dose sucks.
I'm just pissed off that I didn't get my Luke ending TBH.
People say that the script was changed due to Luke vs. Kenny being too predictable. Bullshit. I'd much rather have a predictable yet consistent ending than the one we got. That Jane/Kenny fight might have been unpredictable but it also didn't make any sense whatsoever. The tension between these two was so forced and out of the blue that I kept facepalming myself throughout the entire thing.
I like Jane but I liked Luke way better. Why couldn't it be Jane vs. Luke? With Kenny dying in that lake.
What Telltale needs to do with the next season is finish the entire thing BEFORE releasing the episodes. Fan feedback obviously affects the game in a BAD way. Someone Tweeted that Pizza vs. Ice Cream thing. People predicted that it's probably a Luke vs. Kenny choice. And there you have it... The entire season ruined just like that because Telltale wants it to be unpredictable. What a mess.
I hate how Uncle Pete died so Early...
Agreed ^_^ great character.
Lady fate is laughing in the walking dead.
Agreed, take a like, in a game series like this fan freed back means a lot.
If the wirters have a basic idea on how the season is going to end then the chracters would have better delvoping about they would be better resaults from the market, fans and the reviews.
Luke isn't dead he just went to find his child hood idol the little mermaid don't worry.
I know this is hard for a lot of you to grasp, but repeat after me:
"Luke is dead, and while I'm sad, I'm going to try to live life as well as I can."
Now, sweetie pies, let's all join hands for a prayer...
I have to agree [except with the bit with Kenny falling in the lake T.T]. The decision to off Luke like that and go with Jane both ruined the finale and put me off wanting to buy another TWDG title after this
I miss back when I was so looking forward to the finale, or just the time after the credits rolled for Episode 2 for maybe the fifth or seventh time, when I remember thinking "I can't get enough of this game, this is going to be my favorites in a long time" and it ended up being the opposite towards the last stretch with that finale. It makes me upset Telltale actually thought this was a good idea, because as the dorky little writer that I am who they'd probably shoot with several rounds of a paint ball bullets if they ever saw me for saying this, but I can honestly tell you this out of my own personal opinion that no, it was NOT a good idea. So while Telltale were twirling their moustaches thinking it the best curve ball since Bruce Willis realized he was dead in the Sixth Sense, I too was facepalming throughout the entire thing feeling like I got cheated out of a decent end for what potential could've been one of my favorite games if they'd just stuck with Kenny and Luke, and not tried to be unpredictable by throwing in another character who didn't gel well with the scenes they slotted her in towards the end where deciding between Jane and Kenny for me was only difficult because I didn't care enough to save her life or to back Kenny in what he was doing.
To throw a convincing curveball by having a character replace another, the character who replaces them need to have been established early too and be equally compatible, otherwise you're left with a weaker character in a role with too big shoes for them to fill. And that was my issue with Jane, exposition didn't mean pickles because she still felt like a secondary character that I didn't care enough about for. Luke showed much of what he did through his actions in the game with trying to protect the group, give Clem advice and look out for the others [porking excused lol] and what did Jane show with her invaluble exposition? This! T_T
"I used to pretend I was friends with my sister because I couldn't stand her for the life of me. Also I robbed from her purse and stuck gum in her hair and then gave her a bad haircut and teased her for it afterwards. Although I still cared enough to help her survive, I kinda left her to die when I couldn't take her moping anymore, and because of that scarring and guilt I will now tell you to ditch Sarah to be eaten alive and attach myself to you because you're much more cooler than Jaime! Hey Clem, did I ever tell you I got really drunk and ate glass as well, scaring the daisies out of my dead sis and my parents? Oh nevermind, I'm gonna go hide AJ now so Kenny will try and kill me in a fit of rage and under no circumstances will I tell him the baby's alive because I am a genius! =D"
I'm being a little over the top with this, but you kinda see my point T_T all that back story just made Jane unlikeable. Even if she taught Clem useful things and saved lives and shot a dude in the dick, it was difficult to see her in that role with Clem as this sister to her because of all that. Despite this I don't hate Jane, I just dislike what they did with her.
But I am so with you. Telltale should just have most of the game complete next time before they release the first episode, because fan feedback ended up working in a bad way for this season with deciding to go against being predictable with Kenny and Luke, despite that being what most people were looking forward to in the first place. I actually don't see what was the problem with having something like that when they were setting it up from episode 2, I mean that's what made it exciting and so thought provoking as we got closer to the finale. Why take away that excitment by having no pay off for it?
You know what would have been unpredictable? Having a decision with Kenny and Luke where one or the other didn't die, or that the two never broken out into a fight and actually became friends. I think that would've caught me by surprise for sure, where picking between them wasn't something violent, yet just as difficult as deciding who to sit with at a table.
Ah! I need a cigarette after all that...oh wait I don't smoke o_o
Yeah...I'm confused, did you mean to respond to me? That's what I said, she can fall in the lake, and is later shot by Arvo.
As a wise man once said. "He's dead. We have to move on.".
Like many others, I really wanted to be able to end the season with Luke. In my opinion, he's always been pretty chill in the past, and he seemed to keep on getting kinder and cooler in each episode. Despite his lukewarm reactions towards Nick's death, you could tell he really did care for his friend, despite his frosty exterior. Even though Luke seemed to be frozen in a constant mood of heroics and caring towards others, he did have a few cracks in him, making him a realistic character that wasn't some stereotypical hero (unless it's Captain America, as they were both trapped in a frosty state for a long period of time). When Luke died, I swear I literally froze for 5 minutes.
R.I.P My friend who was truly great at breaking the ice with others, or just by himself.
His chilling tale will be eternally remembered by us all.
And that's why my Clem is alone with AJ.
Kenny and Jane were too extreme in their view points/way of thinking. Luke had a nice balance of survival and humanity that I thought was best for Clem to have in her life growing up.
This sent chills down my spine.
And if you say "Clem's jacket helped keep her warm and saved her life" well it's not as effective after Arvo perforates it with his bullet that narrowly misses her heart (she was shot on the left side after all).
That implies you were saying her coat didn't keep her warm in the ice water because it had been damaged from the bullet. I was just saying that was not the order of events.