That's why I'm not looking forward to the next season at all. I remember how ecstatic I was when they announced that the 2nd game is being made back in 2012. That excitement is now gone and TWD has unfortunately run its course.
I'm pretty sure people wouldn't have predicted a Luke vs. Kenny choice if one of Telltale's employees hadn't Tweeted that Pizza vs. Ice Cream thing. It was their fault in the first place.
I have to agree [except with the bit with Kenny falling in the lake T.T]. The decision to off Luke like that and go with Jane both ruined th… moree finale and put me off wanting to buy another TWDG title after this I miss back when I was so looking forward to the finale, or just the time after the credits rolled for Episode 2 for maybe the fifth or seventh time, when I remember thinking "I can't get enough of this game, this is going to be my favorites in a long time" and it ended up being the opposite towards the last stretch with that finale. It makes me upset Telltale actually thought this was a good idea, because as the dorky little writer that I am who they'd probably shoot with several rounds of a paint ball bullets if they ever saw me for saying this, but I can honestly tell you this out of my own personal opinion that no, it was NOT a good idea. So while Telltale were twirling their moustaches thinking it the best curve ball since Bruce W… [view original content]
Like many others, I really wanted to be able to end the season with Luke. In my opinion, he's always been pretty chill in the past, and he s… moreeemed to keep on getting kinder and cooler in each episode. Despite his lukewarm reactions towards Nick's death, you could tell he really did care for his friend, despite his frosty exterior. Even though Luke seemed to be frozen in a constant mood of heroics and caring towards others, he did have a few cracks in him, making him a realistic character that wasn't some stereotypical hero (unless it's Captain America, as they were both trapped in a frosty state for a long period of time). When Luke died, I swear I literally froze for 5 minutes.
R.I.P My friend who was truly great at breaking the ice with others, or just by himself.
His chilling tale will be eternally remembered by us all.
Dont rise your hopes much up. There is big big difference between Kenny's and Luke's endings which fans tend to neglect when they are talking about "Kenny's kind of luck": Kenny was MiA presumed to be dead because of tough situation and with Luke we actully saw him dying by drowning.
So, it wasnt like Kenny got ressurected out of drowning but just case of unresolved cliffhanger which could be easily written if writers tought it was relevant to the storyline. But, apparently, that story was irrelevant to storyline so it was never made.
In Luke's case it would be needed too much imagination and too much neglecting of obvious facts that his death could ever consider to be "cliffhanger". There is nothing left hanging in air. He simply died in front of Clem's eyes and wanished into darkness so we coudn't see him actually turned. But that doesnt mean it didnt happen.
To save Luke from that writers would have to make him immortal (even mermaid would die in that stone cold lake) or resurrect him with powers of Jesus. Maybe even cure him from being zombie before that.
Luke's situation is much more Lee's situation then Kenny's. And we all know Lee didnt come back.
Luke could be alive but it would require some very unlikely situations to happen. First, in rare situations their have been people who have survived as long as 30 minutes under water from drowning but it was because of the cold water that allowed them to go that long and be resuscitated, and even then it's still very rare to survive. Second is there would still need to be someone who fished him out of the water. Meaning someone following the group witnessed him go in. All in all it would be so unrealistic telltale won't do it.
Yeah exactly the only way that could happen is if somebody out there heard all the shooting or saw the smoke from the group having lit the fire in the house and were drawn to it, or someone having just gone to the lake for water. Luke would have to get increeeedibly lucky.
Luke could be alive but it would require some very unlikely situations to happen. First, in rare situations their have been people who have… more survived as long as 30 minutes under water from drowning but it was because of the cold water that allowed them to go that long and be resuscitated, and even then it's still very rare to survive. Second is there would still need to be someone who fished him out of the water. Meaning someone following the group witnessed him go in. All in all it would be so unrealistic telltale won't do it.
The whole scene was unrealistic, Clementine, Luke or Bonnie wouldn't be able to breath under water for that long, the whole scene was just ew. Especially seeing as how all three of them weren't able to catch their breath before they fell in, Luke is dead.
To spend 30 minutes in frozen lake and not to die without air and his heart not to stop from extreme coldness he need to be immortal. At least.
You are right, being immortal is kind of "rare".
If writers decide Luke is really immortal and survived all that, they could easily decide he has enough skills to swim to surfice and then walk alone for miles ignoring warm house with smoking chimney where rest of group is stationed and go to alone, wet and frozen somewhere else.
Its really nothing for someone immortal. You are right, it could happen.
On other hand, like you said, telltale could decide someone was following group and witness all and saved him from frozen lake.
Do something for man they dont even know which Luke's original group couldn't. They would do it for dead immortal man on bottom of lake for pureness of their harth, being so kind to unknown strangers in middle of nowhere.
Ofc, there is still gaping hole of not understanding why that savior and Luke wouldn't join the group in nearby house with smoking chimney. Maybe that saving stranger has car which is fast as light and could reach some other warm place in no time.
Yeah, that could happen, in appocaliptic desert world of walking dead, even if its quite unbelivable in our world.
Yeah yeah, everything happened just like that. Some kind stranger rescued immortal Luke from drowing and cold and they avoided warm place and left so quietly in space car that no one ever heard them in that house.
Its so true and "probable" that it hurts.
Hurts almost as admiting Luke is dead and not coming back.
Luke could be alive but it would require some very unlikely situations to happen. First, in rare situations their have been people who have… more survived as long as 30 minutes under water from drowning but it was because of the cold water that allowed them to go that long and be resuscitated, and even then it's still very rare to survive. Second is there would still need to be someone who fished him out of the water. Meaning someone following the group witnessed him go in. All in all it would be so unrealistic telltale won't do it.
Yeah, they must have done it and no one heard that car in that house, because... because... oh, come on... there is eternal silence of walking dead world, who can hear one space car in world silent like that, with no other noises?
It's for the same reasons why organs are put on ice before transplants or even just putting food in the fridge, the cold works wonder in prolonging it's life so they don't decay straight away. They used a trick like it on this other boy who didn't drown in cold waters as so to prevent him getting brain damage.
To spend 30 minutes in frozen lake and not to die without air and his heart not to stop from extreme coldness he need to be immortal. At lea… morest.
You are right, being immortal is kind of "rare".
If writers decide Luke is really immortal and survived all that, they could easily decide he has enough skills to swim to surfice and then walk alone for miles ignoring warm house with smoking chimney where rest of group is stationed and go to alone, wet and frozen somewhere else.
Its really nothing for someone immortal. You are right, it could happen.
On other hand, like you said, telltale could decide someone was following group and witness all and saved him from frozen lake.
Do something for man they dont even know which Luke's original group couldn't. They would do it for dead immortal man on bottom of lake for pureness of their harth, being so kind to unknown strangers in middle of nowhere.
Ofc, there is still gaping hole of not… [view original content]
Just on terms of the drowning thing, immortal isn't really the word, more like diving response, it's happened before:…
It's for the same reasons why organs are put on ice before transplants or even just putting food in the fridge, the cold works wonder in prolonging it's life so they don't decay straight away. They used a trick like it on this other boy who didn't drown in cold waters as so to prevent him getting brain damage.
People have survived drowning 30 minutes is all I'm saying. Kennyftw isn't wrong about that.
Survining drowing + Surviving death of being at cold bottom of lake even if not drowning = Immoratility
During the winter some people test their strenght by swimming in cold water. You know what often happens with crazy guys like those? They die from hearth attack. Because their body temperature is lowered too much too quickly and their hearth cannnot stand it. Even if body temperature is lowered step by step they will die anyway, because their heart and all their bodily functions will slow down dramatically at lower body temperature.
So, its not just drowning. Its being drown in frozen cold lake at winter. 5 minutes in that lake and he is dead even without being drowned.
You show some utube video not shoot in winter as proof. Thats just neglecting of basic facts of Luke's death. Kennyftw is wrong because he is ignoring death from low body temperature and you are repeating his error by ignoring same apparent fact.
EDIT: Found it on wikipedia. Its called Hypothermia
Just on terms of the drowning thing, immortal isn't really the word, more like diving response, it's happened before:…
It's for the same reasons why organs are put on ice before transplants or even just putting food in the fridge, the cold works wonder in prolonging it's life so they don't decay straight away. They used a trick like it on this other boy who didn't drown in cold waters as so to prevent him getting brain damage.
People have survived drowning 30 minutes is all I'm saying. Kennyftw isn't wrong about that.
I know what hypothermia is, but Luke died of drowning first not being in the water too long, why bring heart attacks into it when he would've stopped breathing by then anyway o_o he's on ice! You can't have a heart attack if you're already dead.
But people have survived longer than 5 minutes in the waters like that. It can be between 30 or more minutes. It all depends what you have on, your body fat, etc:
I wish I could find that article from before, but it said something about the diving reflect, although just in general like I said the cold does preserve your body for a while after you are dead. In fact, that video on the Air Florida flight 90, the article mentioned more lives could've been saved if they'd pulled more people out from the water sooner who would've been deemed dead by then.
Take a lookie at the story on this woman Anna Bagenholm who was under for 90 minutes it's incredible! o.o for about 40 of it she was lucky to have an air pocket to survive the first half of it.
This isn't really about Luke [and I already said before he'd have to get incredibly lucky anyway] I just wanted to prove a point it is possible to revive someone even if they've been in freezing water like that after so long and can survive prolonged just, sucks T_T
Anyway I'll stop now because you're getting me really hooked on this subject XD But you should have a read of this too, it's really interesting.
I dont talk about drowning. Read it again.
Survining drowing + Surviving death of being at cold bottom of lake even if not drowning = Imm… moreoratility
During the winter some people test their strenght by swimming in cold water. You know what often happens with crazy guys like those? They die from hearth attack. Because their body temperature is lowered too much too quickly and their hearth cannnot stand it. Even if body temperature is lowered step by step they will die anyway, because their heart and all their bodily functions will slow down dramatically at lower body temperature.
So, its not just drowning. Its being drown in frozen cold lake at winter. 5 minutes in that lake and he is dead even without being drowned.
You show some utube video not shoot in winter as proof. Thats just neglecting of basic facts of Luke's death. Kennyftw is wrong because he is ignoring death from low body temperature and you are repeating his error by i… [view original content]
If Luke is already dead as you said he is then turned into zombie no matter if is in ice or not. He would be ice frozen zombie, thats all.
I know about hybernation but frozen lake isnt same like that frozen car where that driver from your article survived 2 months. As I said before lowering of body temperature in frozen lake is too fast to induce anything but hearth faliure. That driver has some means to keep himself warm for a while and that kept process of lowering his body temperature to be slow enough. For good example how that looks in fiction I suggest you to watch Under the Dome episode called "Black Ice" where Julia Shumway is slowly suckumb to hypertermia in overturned ambulance car and Dale Barbara is trying to induce that hibernation state using several ways to keep them warm for enough time.
There is nothing remotely similar in situation where body is sinking fast into water. There is no way to avioid drowning or hypotermia and either one will induce state of turning into zombie no matter if that zombie will remain ice frozen or not.
So, only Jesus can now help Luke. Same as Lee and many others we left before seing them actually turned. Not remotely close to Kenny cliffhanger situation where enough space was left for a miracle kind of being lucky.
I know what hypothermia is, but Luke died of drowning first not being in the water too long, why bring heart attacks into it when he would'v… moree stopped breathing by then anyway o_o he's on ice! You can't have a heart attack if you're already dead.
But people have survived longer than 5 minutes in the waters like that. It can be between 30 or more minutes. It all depends what you have on, your body fat, etc:
I wish I could find that article from before, but it said something about the diving reflect, although just in general like I said the cold does preserve your body for a while after you are dead. In fact, that video on the Air Florida flight 90, the article mentioned more lives could've been saved if they'd pulled more people out from the water sooner who would've been deemed dead by then.
Take a lookie at the story on this woman Anna Bagenholm who was under for 90 minutes it's incredible! o.o for about … [view original content]
If by a miracle that happened...I'm not sure, I'd have to look it up since I don't know the full details with that [I think they sometimes give drugs to help, maybe]. But from several cases of drowning in really cold water or a kid's body freezing solid out in the cold, the body has to be warmed up again for CPR to be more effective since in those circumstances your body is in a state of hibernation and your system needs to be woken out of it. I guess it's sort of like how some animals systems shut down for the winter or survive being frozen [this is mostly frogs and such, but mammals like bears hibernate too.] for humans this type of thing appears to work only temporary, after about an hour or so chances for that person's survival and making a full recover are pretty weak, although there have been a few freak incidents where people have survived longer than that without a heartbeat.
The miraculous case of Erika Nordby, a chubby-cheeked one-year-old who survived being frozen stiff in 2001, also had doctors scratching their heads.
After wandering outside on a bitterly cold Canadian winter night, little Erika was found hours later lying in the snow wearing only a nappy in temperatures of -20c. Even though she was clinically dead — her heart stopped beating for more than two hours — the tot survived. When paramedics arrived, they had trouble putting a tube down her throat because her mouth was frozen shut. Her toes were also frozen together.
But when she was warmed up by an emergency hospital team, a seeming miracle happened: her heart began to beat on its own. Scans showed that her oxygen-starved brain had swelled a little, but doctors say she now shows no evidence of brain damage. Again, the frozen conditions that could have killed Erika were actually responsible for saving her, by putting her body and brain into suspended animation.
Another extreme case of survival has inspired doctors to investigate whether putting people into a state of suspended animation could help to save them from the effects of strokes, heart attacks or even cancer.
Dr Anna Bagenholm was skiing off-piste in Norway when she crashed through ice into a flooded gully and was trapped underwater for 40 minutes. When the 29-year-old was finally pulled from under the ice, she was clinically dead. Her heart had stopped for nearly three hours, and efforts to resuscitate her went on for nine hours. Doctors say that she was saved by the fact that her body’s vital organs had chilled very quickly. Her body temperature had plummeted from 37c to 14c. It stopped her heart but protected her brain, because it was so cold that it did not need any oxygen.
She has since made a full recovery and continues to ski the very mountains where she cheated death in 1999.
You can see more on that in the link below if you're interested :P
It'd be great if years from now they end up using these things more to save lives by cooling the body down. They've already started doing so for some operations =D
Yeah, it could happen in cartoons. If possible in real life everyone will get passed out and frozen so they could live in future. Unfortunatly,its not. Some rich people do actually get frozen in crio chambers but only for period when science would be advanced enough to revive them (from actually being dead, which would mean Luke would become zombie in future when they thaw him out) and cure deseases they have when they were frozen, like cancer. Actually, its just waste of money. But they are rich and dead and dont care.
Completely agree with this! When Telltale brought Jane in I thought she would be another Molly, she wouldn't last long. When she came back it was shocking, I didn't really know what more they could do with her and I was thinking of ways Telltale could kill her off in my head since I honestly thought the ending would have been Kenny, Luke, Clementine and maybe Aj. When Telltale killed Luke I was shocked and angry, especially since they tried to make us bond with Jane immediately after Luke's death, and wanted us to comfort her when I thought Clementine should have been the one that needed the cheering up! It really annoyed me that they thought *'hey, you know what we could do? Make Jane seem more appealing and try to make her relationship with Clementine seem like a Sibling relationship, right after we kill Luke, since most of the fandom thought he was like Clem's big brother!' * The only reason I didn't choose Jane (before I knew she hid the baby) was because I didn't like how Telltale brought her in as a replacement Luke, Luke is my favourite character, I don't want anyone to replace him! I especially don't want him to be given a shitty death that was only brought about to shock people/ make his 'copy cat' (I'm going to start calling her that now haha) seem more appealing!
I feel so strongly about this topic as you can probably tell!
I have to agree [except with the bit with Kenny falling in the lake T.T]. The decision to off Luke like that and go with Jane both ruined th… moree finale and put me off wanting to buy another TWDG title after this I miss back when I was so looking forward to the finale, or just the time after the credits rolled for Episode 2 for maybe the fifth or seventh time, when I remember thinking "I can't get enough of this game, this is going to be my favorites in a long time" and it ended up being the opposite towards the last stretch with that finale. It makes me upset Telltale actually thought this was a good idea, because as the dorky little writer that I am who they'd probably shoot with several rounds of a paint ball bullets if they ever saw me for saying this, but I can honestly tell you this out of my own personal opinion that no, it was NOT a good idea. So while Telltale were twirling their moustaches thinking it the best curve ball since Bruce W… [view original content]
If by a miracle that happened...I'm not sure, I'd have to look it up since I don't know the full details with that [I think they sometimes g… moreive drugs to help, maybe]. But from several cases of drowning in really cold water or a kid's body freezing solid out in the cold, the body has to be warmed up again for CPR to be more effective since in those circumstances your body is in a state of hibernation and your system needs to be woken out of it. I guess it's sort of like how some animals systems shut down for the winter or survive being frozen [this is mostly frogs and such, but mammals like bears hibernate too.] for humans this type of thing appears to work only temporary, after about an hour or so chances for that person's survival and making a full recover are pretty weak, although there have been a few freak incidents where people have survived longer than that without a heartbeat.
The miraculous case of Erika Nordby, a chubby-cheeked … [view original content]
Yeah, it could happen in cartoons. If possible in real life everyone will get passed out and frozen so they could live in future. Unfortunat… morely,its not. Some rich people do actually get frozen in crio chambers but only for period when science would be advanced enough to revive them (from actually being dead, which would mean Luke would become zombie in future when they thaw him out) and cure deseases they have when they were frozen, like cancer. Actually, its just waste of money. But they are rich and dead and dont care.
Did Carlos REALLY die? I mean, we only saw a couple of zombies bite at his throat - that's survivable!
Did Sarita REALLY die? I mean, last time we saw her she was either left for dead by Kenny or left surrounded by a bunch of zombies. Which was how Kenny's 'death' in Season 1 panned out as well!
Did Nick really die? I mean, he only got whacked in the head three times. That's survivable!
Did Walter and Matthew really die? We only saw the former get his brains blown out and the latter get shot in the carotid before falling off a river into the icy water - Kenny's lived through worse!
Did Lee really die? I mean, he only got bit multiple times, shot, had his hand amputated with unsterilized equipment and had a bullet blow his skull open! He's definitely not dead!
Did Sarah REALLY die? I mean, we only saw zombies pull guts out of her - that doesn't mean she still can't be magically immune to the virus!!
Carver's not really dead, too! I mean, he only got his face ripped off. That's survivable! If you don't believe me, then why didn't the zombies eat him in Jane's endings?!
(Jesus Christ, the 'X is not dead' fans are especially stupid in a series called THE WALKING DEAD. Except for Christa. Christa's definitely not dead.)
Did Carlos REALLY die? I mean, we only saw a couple of zombies bite at his throat - that's survivable!
Did Sarita REALLY die? I mean, l… moreast time we saw her she was either left for dead by Kenny or left surrounded by a bunch of zombies. Which was how Kenny's 'death' in Season 1 panned out as well!
Did Nick really die? I mean, he only got whacked in the head three times. That's survivable!
Did Walter and Matthew really die? We only saw the former get his brains blown out and the latter get shot in the carotid before falling off a river into the icy water - Kenny's lived through worse!
Did Lee really die? I mean, he only got bit multiple times, shot, had his hand amputated with unsterilized equipment and had a bullet blow his skull open! He's definitely not dead!
Did Sarah REALLY die? I mean, we only saw zombies pull guts out of her - that doesn't mean she still can't be magically immune to the virus!!
Carver's not real… [view original content]
I'll just say that this is Telltale's fault for bringing Kenny back in the first place. It only gave fuel to the folks who were already in denial about Lee's death.
You know, if Clem or Bonnie didn't walk over to Luke, he'd be alive. He would have been able to pull himself from the water, and crawl to stronger ice. To the Clementines who walked to Luke, you killed him, to the ones who shot at the walkers, you did the right thing. Don't listen to Bonnie, she's in denial and needed a scapegoat to make herself feel better.
It pissed me off so much when Bonnie started blaming my clem, and then Kenny stood up for her which made me happy again. Then, outside, when kenny was fixing the car, she was a total b*&^% to Clem and it really made me want to just throw her in the water to join luke,.
You know, if Clem or Bonnie didn't walk over to Luke, he'd be alive. He would have been able to pull himself from the water, and crawl to st… moreronger ice. To the Clementines who walked to Luke, you killed him, to the ones who shot at the walkers, you did the right thing. Don't listen to Bonnie, she's in denial and needed a scapegoat to make herself feel better.
I liked Bonnie, up until that point. People have different coping mechanisms, some are clear headed and deal with it calmly, others can't take their responsibility and blame others so they don't feel bad about themselves. If Bonnie is encountered in Season three, if there will be one for that matter(I hope so) I'll probably have Clem do what my Lee would have done, welcome her as a friend. Hopefully Bons will have enough time to realize her fault and apologize. Still, for me she killed one of the last good people in the world(in desperation to save him, if she took responsibility for his death, I would still like her as much as I did), and for others she convinced a little girl to risk her life to save someone who didn't necessarily need saving. Luke will forever be on my favorite character list, right next to Omid.
It pissed me off so much when Bonnie started blaming my clem, and then Kenny stood up for her which made me happy again. Then, outside, when… more kenny was fixing the car, she was a total b*&^% to Clem and it really made me want to just throw her in the water to join luke,.
You know, if Clem or Bonnie didn't walk over to Luke, he'd be alive. He would have been able to pull himself from the water, and crawl to st… moreronger ice. To the Clementines who walked to Luke, you killed him, to the ones who shot at the walkers, you did the right thing. Don't listen to Bonnie, she's in denial and needed a scapegoat to make herself feel better.
He's dead! Sorry I hate to say it! But if you choose to shot the walkers that were coming close and then Bonnie tries to grab his hand. Then they both fall in the water. Then Clem starts to break the glass with her gun then Clem falls in tries to save Luke but its to late. You see him floating. Then that bitch bonnie blames it on Clem for Lukes death.
On my first playthrough I was thinking there might be a sequence where someone would be able to haul Luke out and there'd be a small window of time in which Bonnie, maybe, would try to revive him while Clem fires shots at the advancing walkers since she just doesn't have the strength to do chest compressions. A throwback to Lilly and Larry, y'know? And Bonnie would be desperate and in denial and it'd just an awful situation all around (and then Kenny is conveniently carrying another saltlick block in his pocket /shot.) It would have been a terrible way for Luke to go, what with Bonnie trying and trying but not being able to bring him back (maybe she's inexperienced with CPR or panicking too much, or he's just unresponsive, or both) and he turns. Alternatively, imagine if he was saved but then died of hypothermia overnight or something. :'D
They say the average person can hold their breath longer in cold water than warm water, which I think someone else here addressed already (sorry for not going back to pinpoint who exactly.) Luke was already dealing with busted ribs which is all sorts of painful and would have made it very hard to get a decent breath in a split second before he hit the water. Shitsux. His arm on the injured side would have been preeetty hard to use so it's amazing he got any sort of swimming done (at least in the scenario where he saves Clem.) But you do what you have to do.
I really wish he made it, at least for a little while longer, but yeah. There's always fanart and ficcery, eh? At least Luke went out as a nice guy. He didn't have the chance to be warped by hardship into someone colder (no pun intended,) though maybe he would have never gone so sharply in that direction. Impossible to say for sure.
That's why I'm not looking forward to the next season at all. I remember how ecstatic I was when they announced that the 2nd game is being made back in 2012. That excitement is now gone and TWD has unfortunately run its course.
I'm pretty sure people wouldn't have predicted a Luke vs. Kenny choice if one of Telltale's employees hadn't Tweeted that Pizza vs. Ice Cream thing. It was their fault in the first place.
Thank you! See, some reassurance?:)
Oh Jesus man stop with the ice puns it's giving me brain freeze! T_T
Sadly he's definitely dead. But ya know, I thought the same for Kenny in Season 1. But I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Dont rise your hopes much up. There is big big difference between Kenny's and Luke's endings which fans tend to neglect when they are talking about "Kenny's kind of luck": Kenny was MiA presumed to be dead because of tough situation and with Luke we actully saw him dying by drowning.
So, it wasnt like Kenny got ressurected out of drowning but just case of unresolved cliffhanger which could be easily written if writers tought it was relevant to the storyline. But, apparently, that story was irrelevant to storyline so it was never made.
In Luke's case it would be needed too much imagination and too much neglecting of obvious facts that his death could ever consider to be "cliffhanger". There is nothing left hanging in air. He simply died in front of Clem's eyes and wanished into darkness so we coudn't see him actually turned. But that doesnt mean it didnt happen.
To save Luke from that writers would have to make him immortal (even mermaid would die in that stone cold lake) or resurrect him with powers of Jesus. Maybe even cure him from being zombie before that.
Luke's situation is much more Lee's situation then Kenny's. And we all know Lee didnt come back.
Luke could be alive but it would require some very unlikely situations to happen. First, in rare situations their have been people who have survived as long as 30 minutes under water from drowning but it was because of the cold water that allowed them to go that long and be resuscitated, and even then it's still very rare to survive. Second is there would still need to be someone who fished him out of the water. Meaning someone following the group witnessed him go in. All in all it would be so unrealistic telltale won't do it.
I think you are missing a gif.
Here we go.
Yeah exactly
the only way that could happen is if somebody out there heard all the shooting or saw the smoke from the group having lit the fire in the house and were drawn to it, or someone having just gone to the lake for water. Luke would have to get increeeedibly lucky.
Maybe Ace and Gary saved him.
The whole scene was unrealistic, Clementine, Luke or Bonnie wouldn't be able to breath under water for that long, the whole scene was just ew. Especially seeing as how all three of them weren't able to catch their breath before they fell in, Luke is dead.
Luke could've just passed out and got frozen and then in the future they thaw him out.
To spend 30 minutes in frozen lake and not to die without air and his heart not to stop from extreme coldness he need to be immortal. At least.
You are right, being immortal is kind of "rare".
If writers decide Luke is really immortal and survived all that, they could easily decide he has enough skills to swim to surfice and then walk alone for miles ignoring warm house with smoking chimney where rest of group is stationed and go to alone, wet and frozen somewhere else.
Its really nothing for someone immortal. You are right, it could happen.
On other hand, like you said, telltale could decide someone was following group and witness all and saved him from frozen lake.
Do something for man they dont even know which Luke's original group couldn't. They would do it for dead immortal man on bottom of lake for pureness of their harth, being so kind to unknown strangers in middle of nowhere.
Ofc, there is still gaping hole of not understanding why that savior and Luke wouldn't join the group in nearby house with smoking chimney. Maybe that saving stranger has car which is fast as light and could reach some other warm place in no time.
Yeah, that could happen, in appocaliptic desert world of walking dead, even if its quite unbelivable in our world.
Yeah yeah, everything happened just like that. Some kind stranger rescued immortal Luke from drowing and cold and they avoided warm place and left so quietly in space car that no one ever heard them in that house.
Its so true and "probable" that it hurts.
Hurts almost as admiting Luke is dead and not coming back.
That's the space car I was talking about!!!
Yeah, they must have done it and no one heard that car in that house, because... because... oh, come on... there is eternal silence of walking dead world, who can hear one space car in world silent like that, with no other noises?
Just on terms of the drowning thing, immortal isn't really the word, more like diving response, it's happened before:
It's for the same reasons why organs are put on ice before transplants or even just putting food in the fridge, the cold works wonder in prolonging it's life so they don't decay straight away. They used a trick like it on this other boy who didn't drown in cold waters as so to prevent him getting brain damage.
People have survived drowning 30 minutes is all I'm saying. Kennyftw isn't wrong about that.
But... wouldn't somebody who rescued Luke need some serious medical equipment to get him breathing again?
I dont talk about drowning. Read it again.
Survining drowing + Surviving death of being at cold bottom of lake even if not drowning = Immoratility
During the winter some people test their strenght by swimming in cold water. You know what often happens with crazy guys like those? They die from hearth attack. Because their body temperature is lowered too much too quickly and their hearth cannnot stand it. Even if body temperature is lowered step by step they will die anyway, because their heart and all their bodily functions will slow down dramatically at lower body temperature.
So, its not just drowning. Its being drown in frozen cold lake at winter. 5 minutes in that lake and he is dead even without being drowned.
You show some utube video not shoot in winter as proof. Thats just neglecting of basic facts of Luke's death. Kennyftw is wrong because he is ignoring death from low body temperature and you are repeating his error by ignoring same apparent fact.
EDIT: Found it on wikipedia. Its called Hypothermia
So, formula is:
Being drowned +Being dead from hypothermia = Luke is Immortal as Jesus
I know what hypothermia is, but Luke died of drowning first not being in the water too long, why bring heart attacks into it when he would've stopped breathing by then anyway o_o he's on ice! You can't have a heart attack if you're already dead.
But people have survived longer than 5 minutes in the waters like that. It can be between 30 or more minutes. It all depends what you have on, your body fat, etc:
I wish I could find that article from before, but it said something about the diving reflect, although just in general like I said the cold does preserve your body for a while after you are dead. In fact, that video on the Air Florida flight 90, the article mentioned more lives could've been saved if they'd pulled more people out from the water sooner who would've been deemed dead by then.
Take a lookie at the story on this woman Anna Bagenholm who was under for 90 minutes it's incredible! o.o for about 40 of it she was lucky to have an air pocket to survive the first half of it.
'Dead' Woman Survives 90-Minutes Under Ice
This isn't really about Luke [and I already said before he'd have to get incredibly lucky anyway] I just wanted to prove a point it is possible to revive someone even if they've been in freezing water like that after so long and can survive prolonged just, sucks T_T
Anyway I'll stop now because you're getting me really hooked on this subject XD But you should have a read of this too, it's really interesting.
If Luke is already dead as you said he is then turned into zombie no matter if is in ice or not. He would be ice frozen zombie, thats all.
I know about hybernation but frozen lake isnt same like that frozen car where that driver from your article survived 2 months. As I said before lowering of body temperature in frozen lake is too fast to induce anything but hearth faliure. That driver has some means to keep himself warm for a while and that kept process of lowering his body temperature to be slow enough. For good example how that looks in fiction I suggest you to watch Under the Dome episode called "Black Ice" where Julia Shumway is slowly suckumb to hypertermia in overturned ambulance car and Dale Barbara is trying to induce that hibernation state using several ways to keep them warm for enough time.
There is nothing remotely similar in situation where body is sinking fast into water. There is no way to avioid drowning or hypotermia and either one will induce state of turning into zombie no matter if that zombie will remain ice frozen or not.
So, only Jesus can now help Luke. Same as Lee and many others we left before seing them actually turned. Not remotely close to Kenny cliffhanger situation where enough space was left for a miracle kind of being lucky.
If by a miracle that happened...I'm not sure, I'd have to look it up since I don't know the full details with that [I think they sometimes give drugs to help, maybe]. But from several cases of drowning in really cold water or a kid's body freezing solid out in the cold, the body has to be warmed up again for CPR to be more effective since in those circumstances your body is in a state of hibernation and your system needs to be woken out of it. I guess it's sort of like how some animals systems shut down for the winter or survive being frozen [this is mostly frogs and such, but mammals like bears hibernate too.] for humans this type of thing appears to work only temporary, after about an hour or so chances for that person's survival and making a full recover are pretty weak, although there have been a few freak incidents where people have survived longer than that without a heartbeat.
The miraculous case of Erika Nordby, a chubby-cheeked one-year-old who survived being frozen stiff in 2001, also had doctors scratching their heads.
After wandering outside on a bitterly cold Canadian winter night, little Erika was found hours later lying in the snow wearing only a nappy in temperatures of -20c. Even though she was clinically dead — her heart stopped beating for more than two hours — the tot survived. When paramedics arrived, they had trouble putting a tube down her throat because her mouth was frozen shut. Her toes were also frozen together.
But when she was warmed up by an emergency hospital team, a seeming miracle happened: her heart began to beat on its own. Scans showed that her oxygen-starved brain had swelled a little, but doctors say she now shows no evidence of brain damage. Again, the frozen conditions that could have killed Erika were actually responsible for saving her, by putting her body and brain into suspended animation.
Another extreme case of survival has inspired doctors to investigate whether putting people into a state of suspended animation could help to save them from the effects of strokes, heart attacks or even cancer.
Dr Anna Bagenholm was skiing off-piste in Norway when she crashed through ice into a flooded gully and was trapped underwater for 40 minutes. When the 29-year-old was finally pulled from under the ice, she was clinically dead. Her heart had stopped for nearly three hours, and efforts to resuscitate her went on for nine hours. Doctors say that she was saved by the fact that her body’s vital organs had chilled very quickly. Her body temperature had plummeted from 37c to 14c. It stopped her heart but protected her brain, because it was so cold that it did not need any oxygen.
She has since made a full recovery and continues to ski the very mountains where she cheated death in 1999.
You can see more on that in the link below if you're interested :P
It'd be great if years from now they end up using these things more to save lives by cooling the body down. They've already started doing so for some operations =D
Yeah, it could happen in cartoons. If possible in real life everyone will get passed out and frozen so they could live in future. Unfortunatly,its not. Some rich people do actually get frozen in crio chambers but only for period when science would be advanced enough to revive them (from actually being dead, which would mean Luke would become zombie in future when they thaw him out) and cure deseases they have when they were frozen, like cancer. Actually, its just waste of money. But they are rich and dead and dont care.
Completely agree with this! When Telltale brought Jane in I thought she would be another Molly, she wouldn't last long. When she came back it was shocking, I didn't really know what more they could do with her and I was thinking of ways Telltale could kill her off in my head since I honestly thought the ending would have been Kenny, Luke, Clementine and maybe Aj. When Telltale killed Luke I was shocked and angry, especially since they tried to make us bond with Jane immediately after Luke's death, and wanted us to comfort her when I thought Clementine should have been the one that needed the cheering up! It really annoyed me that they thought *'hey, you know what we could do? Make Jane seem more appealing and try to make her relationship with Clementine seem like a Sibling relationship, right after we kill Luke, since most of the fandom thought he was like Clem's big brother!' * The only reason I didn't choose Jane (before I knew she hid the baby) was because I didn't like how Telltale brought her in as a replacement Luke, Luke is my favourite character, I don't want anyone to replace him! I especially don't want him to be given a shitty death that was only brought about to shock people/ make his 'copy cat' (I'm going to start calling her that now haha) seem more appealing!
I feel so strongly about this topic as you can probably tell!
You've become quite an expert, haven't you?
Thanks for explanation.
It's weird since in real life people who have been presumed dead have come back to life before.
Did Carlos REALLY die? I mean, we only saw a couple of zombies bite at his throat - that's survivable!
Did Sarita REALLY die? I mean, last time we saw her she was either left for dead by Kenny or left surrounded by a bunch of zombies. Which was how Kenny's 'death' in Season 1 panned out as well!
Did Nick really die? I mean, he only got whacked in the head three times. That's survivable!
Did Walter and Matthew really die? We only saw the former get his brains blown out and the latter get shot in the carotid before falling off a river into the icy water - Kenny's lived through worse!
Did Lee really die? I mean, he only got bit multiple times, shot, had his hand amputated with unsterilized equipment and had a bullet blow his skull open! He's definitely not dead!
Did Sarah REALLY die? I mean, we only saw zombies pull guts out of her - that doesn't mean she still can't be magically immune to the virus!!
Carver's not really dead, too! I mean, he only got his face ripped off. That's survivable! If you don't believe me, then why didn't the zombies eat him in Jane's endings?!
(Jesus Christ, the 'X is not dead' fans are especially stupid in a series called THE WALKING DEAD. Except for Christa. Christa's definitely not dead.)
He is alive, in heaven though. cries
That was a n-ice pun there
So Carlos, Sarita, Nick, Walter, Matthew, Lee, Sarah and Carver confirmed for S3?
Thank you, I'm glad you though it was cool.
I'll just say that this is Telltale's fault for bringing Kenny back in the first place. It only gave fuel to the folks who were already in denial about Lee's death.
Haha what? I'm sorry but how could Luke still be alive? We saw him drown or freeze to death. I really liked him but sadly he's long gone.
You know, if Clem or Bonnie didn't walk over to Luke, he'd be alive. He would have been able to pull himself from the water, and crawl to stronger ice. To the Clementines who walked to Luke, you killed him, to the ones who shot at the walkers, you did the right thing. Don't listen to Bonnie, she's in denial and needed a scapegoat to make herself feel better.
It pissed me off so much when Bonnie started blaming my clem, and then Kenny stood up for her which made me happy again. Then, outside, when kenny was fixing the car, she was a total b*&^% to Clem and it really made me want to just throw her in the water to join luke,.
I see (icy) what you did there
I liked Bonnie, up until that point. People have different coping mechanisms, some are clear headed and deal with it calmly, others can't take their responsibility and blame others so they don't feel bad about themselves. If Bonnie is encountered in Season three, if there will be one for that matter(I hope so) I'll probably have Clem do what my Lee would have done, welcome her as a friend. Hopefully Bons will have enough time to realize her fault and apologize. Still, for me she killed one of the last good people in the world(in desperation to save him, if she took responsibility for his death, I would still like her as much as I did), and for others she convinced a little girl to risk her life to save someone who didn't necessarily need saving. Luke will forever be on my favorite character list, right next to Omid.
No he has gilbs and found Atlantis
Hey , he could have gotten out of the water if that damn walker didn´t exist
You didn't see anything, because i was being chill about it. :P
He ain't coming back, we just have to
He's dead! Sorry I hate to say it! But if you choose to shot the walkers that were coming close and then Bonnie tries to grab his hand. Then they both fall in the water. Then Clem starts to break the glass with her gun then Clem falls in tries to save Luke but its to late. You see him floating. Then that bitch bonnie blames it on Clem for Lukes death.
On my first playthrough I was thinking there might be a sequence where someone would be able to haul Luke out and there'd be a small window of time in which Bonnie, maybe, would try to revive him while Clem fires shots at the advancing walkers since she just doesn't have the strength to do chest compressions. A throwback to Lilly and Larry, y'know? And Bonnie would be desperate and in denial and it'd just an awful situation all around (and then Kenny is conveniently carrying another saltlick block in his pocket /shot.) It would have been a terrible way for Luke to go, what with Bonnie trying and trying but not being able to bring him back (maybe she's inexperienced with CPR or panicking too much, or he's just unresponsive, or both) and he turns. Alternatively, imagine if he was saved but then died of hypothermia overnight or something. :'D
They say the average person can hold their breath longer in cold water than warm water, which I think someone else here addressed already (sorry for not going back to pinpoint who exactly.) Luke was already dealing with busted ribs which is all sorts of painful and would have made it very hard to get a decent breath in a split second before he hit the water. Shitsux.
His arm on the injured side would have been preeetty hard to use so it's amazing he got any sort of swimming done (at least in the scenario where he saves Clem.) But you do what you have to do.
I really wish he made it, at least for a little while longer, but yeah. There's always fanart and ficcery, eh? At least Luke went out as a nice guy. He didn't have the chance to be warped by hardship into someone colder (no pun intended,) though maybe he would have never gone so sharply in that direction. Impossible to say for sure.