I hear ya.
I saw a similar question like this sometime back.
And most of the people who answered, if I remember correctly, were not in favor of it, having homosexual/bisexual characters in the game.
Or no more than have already been shown.
I don't remember if the user who posted this question, posted the same question that I'm referring to, but if that indeed is so, whether or not he liked the answers he got, he should at least accept them.
And on a sidenote, when it came to the sex-scenes in Mass Effect 1, they were nude, or perhaps a more accurate description would be "partially nude."
However in the following 2 games, that wasn't the case.
I wonder why bioware put a stop to it?
And for the female characters, the one I liked the best was Kelly.
She had a real sincerity and gentleness about her.
More so than the others.
It was actually intended for Kaiden to be bisexual in Mass Effect 1, but due to the controversy the game received that was scrapped. You can still find it in the files though. Technically, he was always bi.
I don't care what sexuality any character is.. It makes no difference when trying to survive in a ZA. If given this option in the game, i'll proably let the timer expire and have the game choose for me and regardless of the outcome I'm still going to play Clem with the main focus of staying alive, and not concern my self with who she likes.
Actually, I'll be more disappointed with Telltale for even wasting time implimenting this in the game.
Well I'm asexual =D I'd kill to see a character in a game be asexual because I've just never seen it in anything except for this one vague mention in a show and that's it. If Clem ever turned out to be that, I'd support it [plus there's all different sorts too.].
Doesn't mean she can't have a romance though, still it is odd to think of Clementine like that. If Telltale ever did do that, I just hope it wouldn't feel forced having her in a relationship, like 'oh look here's your love interest Clem, make goo goo eyes at each other, exchange flowers and chocolates because that's what chu do when you're in wuv.' I keep imagining a clueless Duck kid showing up and it terrifies me o_o
Funny thing you mentioned Fallout NV!
Was there any actual romance between the player and another character?
It's been a very long time since I played the game, but I don't remember there being any.
Honestly, I don't understand why nearly every form of media entertainment nowadays, has to have a homosexual character on it.
As som… moreeone whose bi himself, I can't help but to agree. I get that pop culture is trying to be diverse, but too much diversity only comes across as being pretentious.
As for the OP, I can see this happening, but again, it may just end up being forced and awkwardly ending up having Clem being listed as bisexual no matter what. This is something that games like Fallout NV failed at significantly.
That all depends on which way your game ends.
If you're like me, who couldn't bear to split Clementine and Kenny up after seeing how close they had become; just like father and daughter; and had them leave Wellington together, who's to say what will happen.
There was none really, but there were a lot of forced bisexual/lesbians lines and moments for the female PC. The male however had very little homosexual/bisexual interaction. These were only trigger if you had the Confirmed Bachelor perk. The female however would appear to be bisexual no made what perk you had. This always bothered me, cause this seemed very forced.
Funny thing you mentioned Fallout NV!
Was there any actual romance between the player and another character?
It's been a very long time since I played the game, but I don't remember there being any.
Where did you hear that?
And on a sidenote, when it came to the sex-scenes in Mass Effect 1, they were nude, or perhaps a more accurate d… moreescription would be "partially nude."
However in the following 2 games, that wasn't the case.
I wonder why bioware put a stop to it?
And for the female characters, the one I liked the best was Kelly.
She had a real sincerity and gentleness about her.
More so than the others.
Romances between the player and their companions were originally planned, but then scrapped due to... time restraints I believe? That's what happens to most content in Obsidian games. In fact, with Cass there was apparently a quest where she and the player would get drunk in Vegas, then discover the next morning that they had been married by The King (Who is easily one of my favorite NPCs).
Funny thing you mentioned Fallout NV!
Was there any actual romance between the player and another character?
It's been a very long time since I played the game, but I don't remember there being any.
Yeah I liked The King too.
Cass was also a likable character.
As was that sniper guy.
One character I found to be somewhat useless, was Rex.
Eveytime I got into a scrape, particularly with Caesar's legion, and if he was the only companion I had with me, he would get killed very quickly.
Basically, he wasn't real good in a fight.
And there wasn't really anything I could do to upgrade his fighting ability, nor his damage resistance.
In fact, nearly every companion in Fallout NV, was relatively easy to kill off.
I have to wonder why Bioware made Rex, and every other traveling companion in the game so weak, and easy to be killed off?
Dogmeat, on the other hand, was absolutely priceless as a traveling companion.
He could deal significant damage, but best of all, he was damn-near impossible to kill.
Even a deathclaw, nor a pack of them, could take him down.
The only thing that really had a chance to put him six-feet-under, was that giant super mutant.
Romances between the player and their companions were originally planned, but then scrapped due to... time restraints I believe? That's what… more happens to most content in Obsidian games. In fact, with Cass there was apparently a quest where she and the player would get drunk in Vegas, then discover the next morning that they had been married by The King (Who is easily one of my favorite NPCs).
Anyone else out there that thought any sort of "romantic/sexual tension" between Lee and Carley in S1 was a distracting thread that felt shoehorned in because "why not? Other choice based games like Mass Effect did it" reason or something equally silly. Now I've never played Mass Effect or any of those other games, so I don't know if the writers did a good job of weaving it into the story, or if they just used it to cater to teenage boy fantasies.
I'm heterosexual, but I didn't choose Carley because she was a woman. I chose her most playthroughs because I wanted to option to turn down Kenny's griping during the RV murder scene. I liked Doug's character and his lines much better than Carley's, and it's a shame TT's writers couldn't have figured out a way for a smart guy like Doug to have heard about Lee's past also.
I'd say give Clem a relationship or (probably at her age we might see her, a crush)--IF the writers can pull it off where it truly makes a difference and adds to the story. I just have serious doubts they could in this setting.
Now I know TLOU definitely is not the only game to put characters into non-traditional relationships, but be honest. Would this topic even be an issue without that near ending scene from the Left Behind DLC? Younger than usual female characters in a zombie(like) apocalypse? That's where most of the impetus in this thread is coming from, right?
Romances between the player and their companions were originally planned, but then scrapped due to... time restraints I believe? That's what… more happens to most content in Obsidian games. In fact, with Cass there was apparently a quest where she and the player would get drunk in Vegas, then discover the next morning that they had been married by The King (Who is easily one of my favorite NPCs).
Yes, they could easily do another timeskip. It helps with the writing process, as the older she is the more they can have her do without hav… moreing it look ridiculous (like an 11 year kicking down a locked door that two walkers couldn't get thru, an 11 year old doing the most important tasks, instead of the adults or the adults blaming the preteen for everything bad that happens).
I never once said that romance was the reason why she should be older, but that because if she's older she can now experiment with relationship as an option.
I don't get why you're so against this; it would be an option to establish relationships with other characters in a different way. Clem being a little girl, in a ZA, isn't what makes her special; what makes her special is watching her live on and grow up with the decisions I've made.
Would this topic even be an issue without that near ending scene from the Left Behind DLC? Younger than usual female characters in a zombie(like) apocalypse? That's where most of the impetus in this thread is coming from, right?
The Left Behind scene has nothing do with this thread, as I bringing this idea up with the assumption that there will be a time skip, and because it's another way to create relationships with other characters.
Anyone else out there that thought any sort of "romantic/sexual tension" between Lee and Carley in S1 was a distracting thread that felt sho… moreehorned in because "why not? Other choice based games like Mass Effect did it" reason or something equally silly. Now I've never played Mass Effect or any of those other games, so I don't know if the writers did a good job of weaving it into the story, or if they just used it to cater to teenage boy fantasies.
I'm heterosexual, but I didn't choose Carley because she was a woman. I chose her most playthroughs because I wanted to option to turn down Kenny's griping during the RV murder scene. I liked Doug's character and his lines much better than Carley's, and it's a shame TT's writers couldn't have figured out a way for a smart guy like Doug to have heard about Lee's past also.
I'd say give Clem a relationship or (probably at her age we might see her, a crush)--IF the writers can pull it off where i… [view original content]
When Bethesda sets a time for the game to be released, that's when the game get's released. They don't even set back games they themselves are developing, like The Elder Scrolls. Those game's have so much cut content, it's ridiculous.
Romances between the player and their companions were originally planned, but then scrapped due to... time restraints I believe?
Huh, I didn't know that. Damn,Bethesda most of really dicked them over then.
I'm fine with any relationship she chooses. I think it would be interesting to see how people would react to her having a crush on a girl. I always figured that if she and Sarah were on their own with A.J alone for a few years, they'd end up being a couple. If Telltale does decide for season 3 to have a little romance with Clem than I trust them enough to handle it realistically and maturely, of course given the current writers it could be handled poorly.
I'm absolutely disgusted by this post. You honestly think they did this just to sell copies? A persons sexuality doesn't define a person or a character. What did you expect them to turn Ellie into a fucking stereotype just because she kissed a girl? It made complete sense. Riley being the only companionship she's ever had it makes sense that she would be attracted to her.
Her being a lesbian doesn't change anything about the story,
It's not supposed to be a "OMG SHE'S A LESBIAN" moment.
But her loving Riley does change the story, because what Riley says to her in the final scene of Left behind factors into Ellie's mindset when keeping Joel alive in winter.
Seriously WTF WHY?
So? What's your point? Are saying you had a problem with Ellie possibly being a lesbian? Why?
Her being a l… moreesbian doesn't change anything about the story, it was a mindless SJW cash in, nothing else. If you wrote a character where homosexuality defined who they were, and the story was about then yeah, it would make sense that she was a lesbian. However they just threw that in there to copy Gone Home. Another SJW shit game, hoping that SJW reviewers would praise it for its "kiss scene."
To sell more copies. Don't you get it. Its always about money.
Here's a (disturbing) question...
What if Clementine grew up to be a "wild child?" Not discerning herself or wanting to be "tied down" by… more the "restrictions" of a relationship.
In other words, what if Clementine grew up to be "loose?"
And boy, is that a hard thought to stomach.
When Bethesda sets a time for the game to be released, that's when the game get's released. They don't even set back games they themselves are developing, like The Elder Scrolls. Those game's have so much cut content, it's ridiculous.
I don't think turning Clem into a homo or bi is a good idea, not that I'm against gays or bis or anything, it's just it'll probably cause a … moreTON of controversy and would somewhat feel forced as there's really not alot of hints that Clem is gay or bi in S1 or S2, her being hetero seems like the safest option.
Our culture objectifies men and women all the time, particularly women in american advertising (not that men arent sometimes), and there's a big focus on straight men trying to 'win' sex with women or being a player for getting laid or whatever.
And yet, when it's someone they know, they don't want them to have sex....ever.
The same's true with daughters. It highlights the interesting juxtapositional double-standard between 'mm boobies' and 'my 16 year old daughter better not be having sex'
Sorry, off-topic for LGBT stuff, but just some observations I've gleaned from this thread.
Well...I don't know, I honestly would have NO problem if she was gay or bi, I mean I would be fine if they made it feel natural or believable, I just don't want this idea to blow up in TT's faces.
Yeah, I get where you're coming from. But to be honest, if Clem is confirmed non-straight and some people start to rant about it and stop pl… moreaying, who cares? Their loss for not playing a great game just because the protagonist isn't straight and they don't support equality.
Also, I don't agree with 'and would somewhat feel forced as there's really not alot of hints that Clem is gay or bi in S1 or S2, her being hetero seems like the safest option.' Clem is 8-9 in S1 and 11 in S2. A girl that young of an age isn't going to drop hints about her sexuality, ANY sexuality, including heterosexuality. So in my opinion it's unfair to say that she should be straight because she doesn't hint that she's of any other sexuality besides that. (Sorry if I sounded a bit hostile there, but it just sounded like you were making heterosexuality the 'norm' or whatever, that because she doesn't seem like she's gay/bi means she's straight. I know you didn't mean it in a harsh way though, since you're not against gay+bi people.)
How is that disturbing? Unless you're assuming some people are fantasizing about that.
The 'apocalyptic slut' seems to be pretty common in media about the post-apocalyptic world. Part of the whole male-fantasy package.
Well I'm asexual =D I'd kill to see a character in a game be asexual because I've just never seen it in anything except for this one vague m… moreention in a show and that's it. If Clem ever turned out to be that, I'd support it [plus there's all different sorts too.].
Doesn't mean she can't have a romance though, still it is odd to think of Clementine like that. If Telltale ever did do that, I just hope it wouldn't feel forced having her in a relationship, like 'oh look here's your love interest Clem, make goo goo eyes at each other, exchange flowers and chocolates because that's what chu do when you're in wuv.' I keep imagining a clueless Duck kid showing up and it terrifies me o_o
I hear ya.
I saw a similar question like this sometime back.
And most of the people who answered, if I remember correctly, were not in favor of it, having homosexual/bisexual characters in the game.
Or no more than have already been shown.
I don't remember if the user who posted this question, posted the same question that I'm referring to, but if that indeed is so, whether or not he liked the answers he got, he should at least accept them.
Where did you hear that?
And on a sidenote, when it came to the sex-scenes in Mass Effect 1, they were nude, or perhaps a more accurate description would be "partially nude."
However in the following 2 games, that wasn't the case.
I wonder why bioware put a stop to it?
And for the female characters, the one I liked the best was Kelly.
She had a real sincerity and gentleness about her.
More so than the others.
I don't care what sexuality any character is.. It makes no difference when trying to survive in a ZA. If given this option in the game, i'll proably let the timer expire and have the game choose for me and regardless of the outcome I'm still going to play Clem with the main focus of staying alive, and not concern my self with who she likes.
Actually, I'll be more disappointed with Telltale for even wasting time implimenting this in the game.
Sure, why not?
Well I'm asexual =D I'd kill to see a character in a game be asexual because I've just never seen it in anything except for this one vague mention in a show and that's it. If Clem ever turned out to be that, I'd support it [plus there's all different sorts too.].
Doesn't mean she can't have a romance though, still it is odd to think of Clementine like that. If Telltale ever did do that, I just hope it wouldn't feel forced having her in a relationship, like 'oh look here's your love interest Clem, make goo goo eyes at each other, exchange flowers and chocolates because that's what chu do when you're in wuv.' I keep imagining a clueless Duck kid showing up and it terrifies me o_o
Funny thing you mentioned Fallout NV!
Was there any actual romance between the player and another character?
It's been a very long time since I played the game, but I don't remember there being any.
That all depends on which way your game ends.
If you're like me, who couldn't bear to split Clementine and Kenny up after seeing how close they had become; just like father and daughter; and had them leave Wellington together, who's to say what will happen.
It'd be funny if Clem turned out to have a preference for girls over boys. But I know the devs would NEVER go down that route. Too 'risky' for them.
Homosexuality's apparently scarier than the rotten remains of human beings turning into soulless cannibals.
There was none really, but there were a lot of forced bisexual/lesbians lines and moments for the female PC. The male however had very little homosexual/bisexual interaction. These were only trigger if you had the Confirmed Bachelor perk. The female however would appear to be bisexual no made what perk you had. This always bothered me, cause this seemed very forced.
I heard it on the Internet, so you know it has to be true.
But seriously, there's a few videos on Youtube of it IIRC, and it was in a Cracked article about game content being hidden in the files or some such.
Romances between the player and their companions were originally planned, but then scrapped due to... time restraints I believe? That's what happens to most content in Obsidian games. In fact, with Cass there was apparently a quest where she and the player would get drunk in Vegas, then discover the next morning that they had been married by The King (Who is easily one of my favorite NPCs).
Yeah I liked The King too.
Cass was also a likable character.
As was that sniper guy.
One character I found to be somewhat useless, was Rex.
Eveytime I got into a scrape, particularly with Caesar's legion, and if he was the only companion I had with me, he would get killed very quickly.
Basically, he wasn't real good in a fight.
And there wasn't really anything I could do to upgrade his fighting ability, nor his damage resistance.
In fact, nearly every companion in Fallout NV, was relatively easy to kill off.
I have to wonder why Bioware made Rex, and every other traveling companion in the game so weak, and easy to be killed off?
Dogmeat, on the other hand, was absolutely priceless as a traveling companion.
He could deal significant damage, but best of all, he was damn-near impossible to kill.
Even a deathclaw, nor a pack of them, could take him down.
The only thing that really had a chance to put him six-feet-under, was that giant super mutant.
Anyone else out there that thought any sort of "romantic/sexual tension" between Lee and Carley in S1 was a distracting thread that felt shoehorned in because "why not? Other choice based games like Mass Effect did it" reason or something equally silly. Now I've never played Mass Effect or any of those other games, so I don't know if the writers did a good job of weaving it into the story, or if they just used it to cater to teenage boy fantasies.
I'm heterosexual, but I didn't choose Carley because she was a woman. I chose her most playthroughs because I wanted to option to turn down Kenny's griping during the RV murder scene. I liked Doug's character and his lines much better than Carley's, and it's a shame TT's writers couldn't have figured out a way for a smart guy like Doug to have heard about Lee's past also.
I'd say give Clem a relationship or (probably at her age we might see her, a crush)--IF the writers can pull it off where it truly makes a difference and adds to the story. I just have serious doubts they could in this setting.
Now I know TLOU definitely is not the only game to put characters into non-traditional relationships, but be honest. Would this topic even be an issue without that near ending scene from the Left Behind DLC? Younger than usual female characters in a zombie(like) apocalypse? That's where most of the impetus in this thread is coming from, right?
Huh, I didn't know that. Damn,Bethesda most of really dicked them over then.
But that boy is butt ugly
Here's a (disturbing) question...
What if Clementine grew up to be a "wild child?" Not discerning herself or wanting to be "tied down" by the "restrictions" of a relationship.
In other words, what if Clementine grew up to be "loose?"
And boy, is that a hard thought to stomach.
Hetero of course.... Why are you even asking?
We don't know Clementine's sexuality for sure. She can turn out to be bisexual or homosexual and there's nothing wrong with it at all.
I do not support a time skip, in my opinion it would be bad.. Look at how S2 turned out. It had a time skip and everyone ripped on it endlessly.
That ship has sailed.
Well my opinion about that is different.
Honestly, i don't give a shit about Clem's sexual preferences. She'll still be the same old Clem in my eyes.
Well, it would be realistic, if there were one homo character for every 10 - 20 characters, based off your stats.
The Left Behind scene has nothing do with this thread, as I bringing this idea up with the assumption that there will be a time skip, and because it's another way to create relationships with other characters.
so you're homophobic?
why can't Clementine be a sexuality other than hetero?
I didn't say she can't... I said that I wouldn't like it.
God this shit is so stupid. Stop being such a SJW for a made up character. Jesus Christ.
When Bethesda sets a time for the game to be released, that's when the game get's released. They don't even set back games they themselves are developing, like The Elder Scrolls. Those game's have so much cut content, it's ridiculous.
Oooo... That came out racist.
I'm fine with any relationship she chooses. I think it would be interesting to see how people would react to her having a crush on a girl. I always figured that if she and Sarah were on their own with A.J alone for a few years, they'd end up being a couple. If Telltale does decide for season 3 to have a little romance with Clem than I trust them enough to handle it realistically and maturely, of course given the current writers it could be handled poorly.
I'm absolutely disgusted by this post. You honestly think they did this just to sell copies? A persons sexuality doesn't define a person or a character. What did you expect them to turn Ellie into a fucking stereotype just because she kissed a girl? It made complete sense. Riley being the only companionship she's ever had it makes sense that she would be attracted to her.
It's not supposed to be a "OMG SHE'S A LESBIAN" moment.
But her loving Riley does change the story, because what Riley says to her in the final scene of Left behind factors into Ellie's mindset when keeping Joel alive in winter.
How is that disturbing? Unless you're assuming some people are fantasizing about that.
The 'apocalyptic slut' seems to be pretty common in media about the post-apocalyptic world. Part of the whole male-fantasy package.
Well, there's aren't any more signs of her being straight than there are of her being bi, are there?
It's weird.
Our culture objectifies men and women all the time, particularly women in american advertising (not that men arent sometimes), and there's a big focus on straight men trying to 'win' sex with women or being a player for getting laid or whatever.
And yet, when it's someone they know, they don't want them to have sex....ever.
The same's true with daughters. It highlights the interesting juxtapositional double-standard between 'mm boobies' and 'my 16 year old daughter better not be having sex'
Sorry, off-topic for LGBT stuff, but just some observations I've gleaned from this thread.
The Clem Sexuality Defense Squad?
Well...I don't know, I honestly would have NO problem if she was gay or bi, I mean I would be fine if they made it feel natural or believable, I just don't want this idea to blow up in TT's faces.
No, it's disturbing because he's asking what if that "apocalyptic slut" was Clement-
I can't even finish the sentence, it's so fucked up.
You're asexual too?