Should an older Clem be hetero, homo or bi, if romance is to be implemented in future games?



  • I wonder why many feel Clem being in a relationship is odd. Isn't it a part of growing up and being human? My best guess is that many people are used to seeing her as a child.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It's weird. Our culture objectifies men and women all the time, particularly women in american advertising (not that men arent sometimes)

  • Honestly, look at Clementine, she's a fucking MAN(mentally). Any relationship she gets into, She's the one that would be running it. I think it would be more like a type of thing that she's a teaser, not a A.S.(apocalyptic s^&*)

    No, it's disturbing because he's asking what if that "apocalyptic slut" was Clement- I can't even finish the sentence, it's so fucked up.

  • Some people like being 'lonely' or rather like being alone, but that doesn't mean they like to feel unwanted. Being alone and being unwanted are two completely different things. Clem can be lonely if we choose her to be. But it's a basic human want to feel wanted by others, to feel like people need us. Ultimately its up to the person to decide if they want to feel wanted in a romantic sense or in a familial friendly sense. No one has to have a lover, romantic partner, etc. We can survive without them. And Clem has proven she can survive without anyone it seems, even if it is lonely. People don't have to pair off, I guess that's what I'm getting at. It just makes more sense to me that Clem stays alone in the romantic sense.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    It helped me to learn what real love might feel like. But in the end, he rejected me because I didn't want to have sex with him right off th

  • Yes! Are you!? O.O

    You're asexual too?

  • I would hope she feels repulsed and apprehensive to start any romantic relationship after losing so many people she cares for.

  • It is fucked up.

    But it's also, in a way, very understandable. Think back to all she's lost, her trust levels have to be at an all time low. And no telling what her mental instability mixed with hormones will cause as the effect...

    No, it's disturbing because he's asking what if that "apocalyptic slut" was Clement- I can't even finish the sentence, it's so fucked up.

  • edited November 2014

    Forget the "male-fantasy package" for a minute.

    Is it a possibility that Clementine could become that "apocalyptic slut" you're referring to?

    Bokor posted: »

    How is that disturbing? Unless you're assuming some people are fantasizing about that. The 'apocalyptic slut' seems to be pretty common in media about the post-apocalyptic world. Part of the whole male-fantasy package.

  • edited November 2014


    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Yes! Are you!? O.O

  • I'm just stating my opinion...

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    God this shit is so stupid. Stop being such a SJW for a made up character. Jesus Christ.

  • edited November 2014

    Anything's a possibility. But from what we've seen, I don't think it's likely.

    What I do hope for is that, at the very end of however many seasons, at least she finds somebody to be with, and they'll be able to live together. It's awfully lonely being on your own most of your life.

    Forget the "male-fantasy package" for a minute. Is it a possibility that Clementine could become that "apocalyptic slut" you're referring to?

  • Doesn't seem too likely that she'll find someone that can give her the kind of emotional stability she needs.

    I personally think she'll end up like Revy from Black Lagoon. Living a life devoid of many people, building up a shell that'll undoubtedly ward off many people.

    squadsenser posted: »

    Anything's a possibility. But from what we've seen, I don't think it's likely. What I do hope for is that, at the very end of however man

  • In Big Business, it's always about money.
    And the idea that it's all about the customer, is just a facade.
    Yes, they do have to keep their customers happy by providing merchandise that is of good quality, and that is appealing to a diverse group of people, but at the same time their going to charge the hell out of their customers for whatever product they cook up.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Seriously WTF WHY? So? What's your point? Are saying you had a problem with Ellie possibly being a lesbian? Why? Her being a l

  • edited November 2014

    A person's sexual preferences do define them.
    As people our actions define who we are.
    But what we decide to do everyday either makes us good people, or it doesn't.

    sprocket23 posted: »

    A persons sexuality does not define who they are. A character should'nt have homosexuality or heterosexuality define them. Sexual preferenc

  • Her sexuality doesn't define - or label her, so it really doesn't matter what she is. I seriously doubt they'd implement romance between her and someone considering they won't take that far of a time-skip.

    And if they need to make Clementine romantically involved with someone to get sales, her character would be failing to begin with.

  • Woo! =D I've never spoke to another asexual before! Where have you been sis?

    [sings] And we are living in an over sexual world, and we are asexual girls!


  • Cough dumbledore cough

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Well I'm asexual =D I'd kill to see a character in a game be asexual because I've just never seen it in anything except for this one vague m

  • And then there's a difference between a young teen/adult and a grown caring father. YA's wouldn't care about another man's daughter like her father would

    Flog61 posted: »

    It's weird. Our culture objectifies men and women all the time, particularly women in american advertising (not that men arent sometimes)

  • edited November 2014

    "People don't always make sense"

    -Lee Everett

    Bokor posted: »

    It'd be funny if Clem turned out to have a preference for girls over boys. But I know the devs would NEVER go down that route. Too 'risky'

  • edited November 2014

    Wait, I thought Dumbledore was into men. o.o isn't that what J.K.Rowling said?

    Cough dumbledore cough

  • edited November 2014


  • I wasn't really referring to you, i was referring to this.

    so you're homophobic?

    I'm just stating my opinion...

  • I'm absolutely disgusted by this post.

    Alt text

    You honestly think they did this just to sell copies?

    Alt text

    A persons sexuality doesn't define a person or a character

    So what did their kiss add to the overall story. Absolutely nothing.

    What did you expect them to turn Ellie into a fucking stereotype just because she kissed a girl

    Didn't you play the DLC. They did that.

    It made complete sense.

    Yeah it does, with the way media is today, they're going to promote their game for cause to get more sales. Its called business. Why do you think that pos game Gone home got such a good review, don't sit here and tell me that game is good. Because i know it isn't.

    But her loving Riley does change the story, because what Riley says to her in the final scene of Left behind factors into Ellie's mindset when keeping Joel alive in winter.

    No, she had no impact on the entire game. No one cared about Riley, until after the DLC. When they gave her a cause to fight for.

    I'm absolutely disgusted by this post. You honestly think they did this just to sell copies? A persons sexuality doesn't define a person or

  • Some people like being 'lonely' or rather like being alone

    Not me, if i didn't have my dog, not sure how i would react. Most likely in a very angry way.

    Some people like being 'lonely' or rather like being alone, but that doesn't mean they like to feel unwanted. Being alone and being unwanted

  • edited November 2014

    Did you just use the phrase 'un-human' to describe asexuality? Asexuality IS human and humans CAN have 0 sexual attraction for any gender, it's actually more common than you think. You should never use 'un-human' to describe any sexual orientation - I'm not asexual myself but I imagine it would offend many asexuals who might read that. To answer your question, yes, Clem would not experience sexual attraction for males or females if she was asexual. She wouldn't have sexual attraction to agender people (people who are neither male or female) or genderfluid people (people who are both genders) either, since asexuality is sexual attraction for literally no gender, which includes others apart from male/female.

  • I'm down for asexual Clementine, anyone else.

  • You've never spoken to another asexual? :O I have met a couple over my years on this internet. (Never anybody in real life though, most people don't even know what asexuality is...)

    [sings along]

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Woo! =D I've never spoke to another asexual before! Where have you been sis? [sings] And we are living in an over sexual world, and we are asexual girls!

  • Alt text

    Wow, you actually just made yourself look like even more of an ignorant shit than you already were. Congratulations.

    13 years and the only companion you've ever had, you're gonna be attracted to them, boy or girl it doesn't matter.

    No, she had no impact on the entire game

    She had a big impact on Ellie's character arc, who is the game's most important character. Therefore she clearly does have some impact.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I'm absolutely disgusted by this post. You honestly think they did this just to sell copies? A persons sexuali

  • look at Clementine, she's a fucking MAN(mentally).

    I almost threw up.

    Since when are all men mentally invincible?

    Honestly, look at Clementine, she's a fucking MAN(mentally). Any relationship she gets into, She's the one that would be running it. I think it would be more like a type of thing that she's a teaser, not a A.S.(apocalyptic s^&*)

  • She'll probably end up as a Lee / Kenny / Jane / Carver kind-of-person.

    unless she finds someone interesting and nice, or someone finds her.. uh interesting? :l

    It is fucked up. But it's also, in a way, very understandable. Think back to all she's lost, her trust levels have to be at an all time low. And no telling what her mental instability mixed with hormones will cause as the effect...

  • I just hope they won't follow "The Last Of Us"s trail.

    We don't know Clementine's sexuality for sure. She can turn out to be bisexual or homosexual and there's nothing wrong with it at all.

  • No romantic Clem. Hell yes.

    I'm down for asexual Clementine, anyone else.

  • She'll end up as a Kenny, Jane, Carver kind-of-person. Trust me. In season 3, they will change her personality. drastically.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Honestly, i don't give a shit about Clem's sexual preferences. She'll still be the same old Clem in my eyes.

  • Couldn't agree more.

    squadsenser posted: »

    I wonder why many feel Clem being in a relationship is odd. Isn't it a part of growing up and being human? My best guess is that many people are used to seeing her as a child.

  • wow. just wan't to bring this to the surface; You're way too obsessed with the website "tumblr" and everything associated with it.

  • Are you suggesting that you would like to see Clementine maimed and sterilized?!

    Alt text

    I'm down for asexual Clementine, anyone else.

  • No, I mean that she would be like me. Don't love or sex with anyone, just have friends.

    Are you suggesting that you would like to see Clementine maimed and sterilized?!

  • What the...absolutely not. What do you think being asexual is exactly? It means she's not attracted romantically or sexually to anyone.

    Are you suggesting that you would like to see Clementine maimed and sterilized?!

  • Thats people like me.

    What the...absolutely not. What do you think being asexual is exactly? It means she's not attracted romantically or sexually to anyone.

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