Konni: I am not ignoring you.
I started looking around the boxes. Clothes of all sizes, canned food, you were onto a goldmine. You just h… moreurried around in there, grabed a couple clothes that looked about your size, a knife, a lighter and a flashlight which you stuffed inside the first backpack you saw lying around before turning around.
"Oh so you did get your butt kicked good you deserved it"
By god Deamian is a child.
Wow sis must have had fun she s… moremilling and laughthing.
What the hell is it about that boy? Maybe im being paranoid. But i just have this bad vibe.....
Konni: I didn't say I like it. But at the moment being, we just need a way out.
You saw a jacket, grabbed it and put it on right before walking out.
Konni: I never found my can opener...
You draged the guy in the next room and tied him on a selfe with some random rope you found around there. You were about to walk out when you realized the guy was waking up. You walked a bit closer to him.
Konni: I am sorry and I wish you luck with whatever you are planning to do. Now, if you excuse me, I have to kill someone...
I was about to go get her when she started to choke me.
"Please....please...im not lying please" i did'nt know if she was killing me or making me fall uncouncious but it FELt like either way.
You draged the guy in the next room and tied him on a selfe with some random rope you found around there. You were about to walk out when yo… moreu realized the guy was waking up. You walked a bit closer to him.
Konni: I am sorry and I wish you luck with whatever you are planning to do. Now, if you excuse me, I have to kill someone...
You needed a while to find the exit but you finaly did it. It was heavily snowing but you had no time to worry about that. Broken glass everywhere, you looked your reflection anhd got scared. Bruises, messy hair and eyes that had been diped into hell.
"THEY DID and they need to pay ALL off them. They nead to suffer. And when theire on the ground begging for mercy, praying for fogiveness clinggin to there last hope thats when were rip their hearts out" i smiled. Just SAYING that felt amazing.
You needed a while to find the exit but you finaly did it. It was heavily snowing but you had no time to worry about that. Broken glass ever… moreywhere, you looked your reflection anhd got scared. Bruises, messy hair and eyes that had been diped into hell.
Konni: What the fuck happened to us?
"THEY DID and they need to pay ALL off them. They nead to suffer. And when theire on the ground begging for mercy, praying for fogiveness clinggin to there last hope thats when were rip their hearts out" i smiled. Just SAYING that felt amazing.
Konni: I know. But you know, we have to put limits. You were walking around in the dark. You saw people passing by. You were lucky that you didn't get caught. You saw Chasley passing by followed him into his cabbin. You took your knife out and followed in. You saw him and smiled.
She has a tablet, on which she also has steam, where she coincidentally also has me as a friend. Plus the fact that I'm closer to her than anyone else :P
She has a tablet, on which she also has steam, where she coincidentally also has me as a friend. Plus the fact that I'm closer to her than anyone else :P
She has a tablet, on which she also has steam, where she coincidentally also has me as a friend. Plus the fact that I'm closer to her than anyone else :P
You kept walking unitil you saw someone pointing a gun at you......... BANG! for a miracle you dodged the bullet.
Guard : Hey dont fucking move! its you! fucking spy!
Bryan : What the.......!
you found cover and started to shoot. an alarm sounded and a Girl with a megaphone started to talk
(OFC : that part is all plot power because my shit writing last time, . i hope you are ok with it XD but if you dont like i can edit it. )
Bryan i have no fucking idea who are they..... BANG! BANG! i came here looking for help
Lucy : fuck you. you are dead!
A guard came behind you and shoot you
Guard : came here...... now you are fucking dead! they started to punch you.... when you hear another BANG!
Guard : what the........ BANG!
Kate : Let the carnage begin! she said while killing the guards.
Poly ran to you
you spit out blood.
Bryan : i........i...... you lose consciousness.
Kate : GO GO...... I GRAB HIM!
Poly : thanks! Henry lets go!
Henry was shot in the head. his brain exploded and he fell on the ground!
Lucy : nobody is going out there! not again! not alive! fucking cowards!
Kate quickly throws the knife on her. she drops the gun and scream in pain
Lucy: fucking bitch! aaaaaaaaaaargh! you will see i will kill you with my bare hands!
she grabs a sword.
Kate : Go! i meet you and bryan out there! hurry. he lost too much blood!!
Poly : Good luck! she said while grabs you and escape
"We had to be RESCUED. Oh sorry YOU had to be rescued. By a GUY do not see how shamefull that is?"
Konni: It doesn't matter how you get to something, what matter is that you get to it.
"Oh so you did get your butt kicked good you deserved it"
By god Deamian is a child.
Wow sis must have had fun she smilling and laughthing.
What the hell is it about that boy? Maybe im being paranoid. But i just have this bad vibe.....
"Oh so you LIKE being the damsel in disstress. WTF"
"It was joke , relax a bit"
Konni: I didn't say I like it. But at the moment being, we just need a way out.
You saw a jacket, grabbed it and put it on right before walking out.
Konni: I never found my can opener...
"Do you even trust this retard" i said as we got closer to him
".......Wait you did't break his teeth?"
Konni: I didn't trust him, he trusted me.
I took out one of my laces and prepared to choke the guard.
I was about to go get her when she started to choke me.
"Please....please...im not lying please" i did'nt know if she was killing me or making me fall uncouncious but it FELt like either way.
"Apparentally , i got lucky"
You draged the guy in the next room and tied him on a selfe with some random rope you found around there. You were about to walk out when you realized the guy was waking up. You walked a bit closer to him.
Konni: I am sorry and I wish you luck with whatever you are planning to do. Now, if you excuse me, I have to kill someone...
"NO don't go they'lll KILL you"
Reverse Konni
"OH MY GOD why are you sparing him? "
Konni: He tried to help me. I ain't killing him.
You looked at him again.
Konni: I don't care.
You walked out.
Reverse Konni
"Hell escape and warn them and then theyll do god knows what because you were stupid"
You needed a while to find the exit but you finaly did it. It was heavily snowing but you had no time to worry about that. Broken glass everywhere, you looked your reflection anhd got scared. Bruises, messy hair and eyes that had been diped into hell.
Konni: What the fuck happened to us?
"THEY DID and they need to pay ALL off them. They nead to suffer. And when theire on the ground begging for mercy, praying for fogiveness clinggin to there last hope thats when were rip their hearts out" i smiled. Just SAYING that felt amazing.
Konni: Some of them.
You smiled.
Konni: We are gonna have fun tonight.
"Yes we are" i smiled
"But why do you keep limiting. Killing is so good why stop?"
Konni: I know. But you know, we have to put limits. You were walking around in the dark. You saw people passing by. You were lucky that you didn't get caught. You saw Chasley passing by followed him into his cabbin. You took your knife out and followed in. You saw him and smiled.
Konni: Hi.
Sorry to be that guy, but Konni's dad has smashed her PC into pieces... So... Whether she'll be back or not is uncertain.
..........why does my life suck ?........
I suppose I'll make a character for the while being...
Say hi to um...
Yeah sure, Rodrik.
Me and blue were gonna finish on a cliff hanger because she wanted to help you with your guy she was pming me just a few minutes ago........
That's another character that was going to be based on me...
So that's why I'll perhaps just make Rodrik in the meantime.
yeah.....wait how do you know what happened to her PC?
Yeah sorry...it just....Look at gustavs post....im sad.....but dont worry Herman just got my FULK attention
Cellphones exist , you know? XD
She knows gustavs cell number?
She has a tablet, on which she also has steam, where she coincidentally also has me as a friend. Plus the fact that I'm closer to her than anyone else :P
O okay could you tell her that ill miss her? please
Also that.
wow gustav you are lucky
Sure thing.
Thaks gustav
i owe you one if you need any help in the forums let me know and ill do my best
@Gustav_Kenny , @blueneon , @supersagig , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
next morning
Bryan : we need a plan to get the hell out of here
Poly : a distraction. something to left the guards very busy
Kate : ooh i know what do to. just give me that knife
she gave a weird smile at you
Bryan : Be caareful. what we have to do?
Kate: well......... im gonna make a party with friends here then you call the guards and we embellish those bastards face XD
Henry : im in.
. then we steal his guns and start shooting everyone, who cares?
Bob : Not the kids.... asshole
Henry : hey, fuck you
Henry ounches him
Kate : Really? now?. go go go!
other prisioners who i dont care : yeaaaaaaaah lets have fun!
You run to call the guards
Guard1 : Holy fuck.....someone was buried here. look!
Guard 2 : sons of bitches! must have been those who escaped last time
Guard3 : shut up! lets see who he was
they dug up the body
Guard1 : fuck! is without the uniform. you know what that means? those fuckers sent a spy to here
Guard2 : lets go warn the others!
10 minutes later
Guards screaming : We have an intruder here! intruder.... inttruder!!
the commander came running toward the gate
Ozzy : for fuck sake, what happened?
Guards : One of us... was.... burried here without the fucking uniform!
Ozzy : What? where?!
Guards : close to our camp. close to the gate
Ozzy : so...... one of the guards was burried here for fucking days and nobody notice it? Fucking incompetence! those fuckers.....
Guard : im sorry........ but i think that i know the intruder. he said he was a new guard promoted last week, but i never saw him before
Ozzy : and why you didint tell me........ Fucking stupid!
he shot the guard!
Ozzy : what are you looking huh? this is what happens with weak and stupid guys. Go get him!
on which she also has steam
I JUST GOT STEAM THIS WEEK (haven't activated the email do to buisiness.)
@Gustav_Kenny , @blueneon , @supersagig , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
Bryan : fuck....... where are they?
You kept walking unitil you saw someone pointing a gun at you......... BANG! for a miracle you dodged the bullet.
Guard : Hey dont fucking move! its you! fucking spy!
Bryan : What the.......!
you found cover and started to shoot. an alarm sounded and a Girl with a megaphone started to talk
(OFC : that part is all plot power because my shit writing last time, . i hope you are ok with it XD but if you dont like i can edit it. )
Bryan i have no fucking idea who are they..... BANG! BANG! i came here looking for help
Lucy : fuck you. you are dead!
A guard came behind you and shoot you
Guard : came here...... now you are fucking dead! they started to punch you.... when you hear another BANG!
Guard : what the........ BANG!
Kate : Let the carnage begin! she said while killing the guards.
Poly ran to you
you spit out blood.
Bryan : i........i...... you lose consciousness.
Kate : GO GO...... I GRAB HIM!
Poly : thanks! Henry lets go!
Henry was shot in the head. his brain exploded and he fell on the ground!
Lucy : nobody is going out there! not again! not alive! fucking cowards!
Kate quickly throws the knife on her. she drops the gun and scream in pain
Lucy: fucking bitch! aaaaaaaaaaargh! you will see i will kill you with my bare hands!
she grabs a sword.
Kate : Go! i meet you and bryan out there! hurry. he lost too much blood!!
Poly : Good luck! she said while grabs you and escape