Interactive GoT Fan Fiction: The Winds Beyond The Wall
Yes, I know there is already a really good fanfic here for GoT and I'm not sure if people are interested enough for another. However, I can tell you that this one should be pretty different from Liquid's.
My story should be placed to the far north, beyond the wall (in the lands of the Free Folk aka wildlings) and year 211 AC (about 90 years before the books/show). The story will be around the king-beyond-the-wall, Raymun Redbeard, uniting the wildlings so they could attack south. There are countless of wildling clans but they can be put to six categories: Hornfoots, Ice-River Clans, Nightrunners, Frozen Shore men and Thenns.....oh, and of course there are also Giants. The Night's Watch will of course also play a role in the story. So if you are wondering what's so interesting about some wildling uniting clans, well, lets just say the uniting wont happen softly. And if there is interest to this, the second book would be about what happens after the uniting.
So, some basic information about the clans:
Hornfoots: There are not much information about Hornfoots except they always walk barefoot. I assume they live mostly in the Haunted Forest. Hornfoots are also known for often warring with Nightrunners.
Ice-River clans: Ice-River clans live by the upper reaches of the Ice rivers. From them it is also known that they eat the flesh of their enemies. They are often warring with the Frozen Shore men.
Nightrunners: Nightrunners live in the Haunted Forest. They live the closest to the Wall and so often have to deal with the Night's Watch. Most of the raiders that go south of the wall are Nightrunners. (Since there is no information about it I have decided Raymun Redbeard to be Nightrunner.)
Frozen Shore men: They live in the Frozen Shore (surprise), as they live by the Bay of Ice they're mostly fishers. And here is something from Wiki of Ice and Fire: "The Frozen Shore men have queer names, as they name themselves after beasts of the region. They employ chariots made of walrus bone, pulled by dogs as big as direwolves, as transport. They also breed reindeer. Their women clad themselves in sealskins.
There are at least two factions of them, one wearing antlers on their hats, and others wearing walrus tusks; the two sorts do not get along with each other."
Thenn: Thenn's are probably the most interesting group of wildlings. They live far to the north in a hidden vale, speak the Old Tongue, and interact more with Giants than other clans. Thenn's are closer to the kingdoms south of the wall than any other wildlings, they even have their own king-like leader, magnar. They follow their magnar as a god, they make their own bronze weapons and armors instead of stealing. They even have laws and lords.
Night's Watch: Night's Watch protects the realm from wildlings, the current Lord Commander is Jack Musgood, known to be jolly and carefree fellow. Night's Watch brothers are divided into builders, stewards and rangers.
Here is where you can submit your characters:
And here you can read the story so far without going through all the pages:
The Winds Beyond The Wall
Prologue: There Will Be Blood - finished
Chapter 1: The Winds Arise - finished
Chapter 2: Tears and Swords - finished
Chapter 3: Rise Again - ongoing
Chapter 4: The Last Storm - coming soon
POVs are in bold
In the Vale of Thenn: Princess Sigira, Lenlie, Gorgar The Frozen, Skyrnor, Yrma, Storg, Sverik Varalaf, Skjorn the Scholar, Denyal Delen, Gregory
In northern Haunted Forest: Rumak, Elissa Mongrow, Gabbor, Arienne, Barryn, Paxtan Codd, Rambton Snow, Ariyana Caswell, Lynessa, Jay Snow, Daritus, Varik, Raugan Varalaf, Alex Deepstone, Fleshbearer, The Savage, Armun the Barbarian, Asger, Dogga
In the Frostfangs: Maya, Alexia, Terry Snowflake, Dakvidih Halvor
In southern Haunted Forest: Tarna, Melinda, Geren, Thormund, Konnor, Raymun Redbeard
On the Fist of the First Men: Edric Mormont, Jack Musgood, George Rivers, Wulfric Ironsteed, Victor, Ser Jaremy Brownbarrow, Khort
In Hardhome: -
By the Ice Rivers: -
By the Frozen Shore: Eira Eld, Germun, Ha'akh
In Castle Black: Ramsay Derran, Eren Meratus, Trystan Oldstark, Broken Hill, Ser Arthor Obsydian, Jorrel, Edric "Bloodstar" Dayne, Sawyer Glover, Jorgan, Croll, Howard McDonald, Sam, Thomos, Darran, Feather Waters, Bronn Forrester, Rass, Garran Sharp
In Eastwatch-by-the-sea: Tobas Flowers
In Shadow Tower: Robett "Weasel", Tom, Ser Lyonel Crakehall, Drymyr, Kip, Laurence
In Mole's Town: -
In the Gift: Dennis Stone
In the Last Hearth: Lord Osric Umber
In the Umber's lands: Federico Reed, Gareth Oaketh, Darron, Morsh, Devyn
In Winterfell: Tharn the Stone, Beron Stark, Argus Keding, Alistair, Marcyn of Izulepsia, Lord Brandon Icestark
In Winter Town: Ella
On the Island of Pyke: Matthias Verlen, Leona Verlen, Seamus, Yeron Greyjoy, Aldrich Greyjoy, Phoenix Hwarden, Ledrik Seryl, King Dagon Greyjoy, Asshkaan
Status unknown: Dani Evans, Peter Moore, Emilio Rivers, Lord Lonnel Crowl, Lady Miranna Stane, Lady Genna Magnar
Deceased: Torgon, Harg the Scarface, Keran, Jonk, Bryan, Dom, "Small" Marsh, Jon Oakheart, Cruz, Hrenhild, Skadol, Dickon, Magnar Krygorn, Harron Crowsbane, Griff, Grekorid Delen, Mul Strad, Noel
Characters waiting to be introduced: Jeremiah "Jewel" Erewel, Björn, Nerminy, Demarion, Clara Narder, Elliot, Arvid "Nightbane" Halvor, Ivar Halfthenn, Grekmark Whalebone, Ivan Longbeard, Travis Pyke, Dorrik, Harmilla Tusk, Ox, Nelsor Chalk, Jaylen, Gaston, Fullerton, Nikita, Varik Wolfe, Bridis Eagle, Hawke, Tom Pyke, Fraya, Isulas, Tylan, Connin Whent, Derek Hwarden, Ledrik Seryl, Mycah Sparr, Matthew Bolton, Rickard Snow, Lord Howar Forrester, Zane, Lady Serenna Crowl, Daemon Snow, Ser Karron Rockfort, Saeeda, Dire-Bone, Walf The Horned, Mikhail the Frost Blade, Baeleon Hearthstock, Gronn, Edric Dustmoore, Phil Gussley, Eadwyn Bravemaul, Varakul the Cold, Domund Greymyst, Vormyr Greymyst, Tun the Tall, Sacharia Snow, Brogg the Brother, Lucifer, Cassi Snow, Tristifer Oldstark, Lord Krestan Oldstark, Kartis Snow, Thomos Oldstark, Williem, Wacka, Packa, Cayde Storm, James Stone, Artimus, Fawkes Brickwell, Neyla Greymyst
A gallery of my drawings of the characters:
Oooh, interesting, think I'm gonna make a character.
I wanted to also participate in Liquid's fanfic as a GoT newcomer, but it's too long and I don't wanna read.
Good luck, Wildling King
That sounds amazing! I already look forward for it and will definitely create one or two characters.
I'll create a few characters
Well, if you still want to join, I recently wrote a summary of what happened so far and could send it to you.
Submitted a character, this seems interesting
Haha, maybe I will
Very good to hear there is interest for this! I hope I can deliver you enjoyable story
That's not cool bro
Is it ok if I submit other character than Maya? :P
Go ahead, as many as you like
Why not? WildlingKing's idea is pretty interesting.
i would give a character but im 2lazy4day rn
prepare for my cool characters soon
I thought it was sarcasm :S
Yeah...Gustav Arentoft being one of them, no?
karen you little shit
The Prologue: There Will Be Blood
The wind was blowing cold. It was summer but these lands never truly had summer, Torgon knew it by the 40 years he had walked through these forests. And he also knew what true summer was, he had seen the green and warm lands of the southeners. He had tasted the wines of the southeners, fucked southern girls and killed southern men in their iron shirts. Still he had always pitied them. They might have warmer sun to bath under, sweeter drinks and juicy fruits but they were also chained from the day they were born. The north was the only place where a man could truly be free, free of lords, free of kings. That’s what he had always thought but now he was following a man who called himself a king, King of the Free Folk. Sure Raymun had always been his friend, a great man, someone who was truly worth following and of course he didn’t mean to become like one of those tyrants south of the wall. Or did he? Torgon had not been sure after Raymun had started to talk about uniting the clans.
“Today is important for us.” Raymun said, walking beside Torgon with a decisive look on his face. “If we can convince Harg to join us, the rest of the Hornfoots will follow.”
“If you say so.” Torgon said with a skeptical tone. Raymun turned his head and watched Torgon in the eye.
“You doubt?” Raymun the Redbeard said sounding slightly offended.
“Aye, I doubt!” Torgon shouted and stopped walking. ”Hornfoots have been at Nightrunners’ throats since the born of the fucking world, just as much as we have been at theirs! And now you think they will start to bend their knees to you because you call yourself a king!”
Raymun put his hand in Torgon’s shoulder and smiled.
“No one is going to bend their knees, we are all free here.”
“I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to say…” Torgon tried to say but Raymun started to laugh his loud laughter.
“You think I don’t understand that it’s hard to bring together the clans that hate each other? Do you think my plan is to make a couple jokes for all the clan leaders in these lands and they will follow me to war? I thought you were smarter than that Torgon.” Raymun said with a mocking smile on his face.
Torgon didn’t know what to say. His mouth was open but words didn’t come out. Raymun laughed once more and started to walk again. Torgon took quick steps to catch up and finally found his tongue.
“What exactly do you think you can do to unite the Free Folk?”
“We all have a common enemy. I need to make that clear, remind that crows and southeners are all worse than the lowest shit of our kind. But it won’t be enough… There will be blood, lots of blood.” Raymun said, sounding more like he was talking to himself than to Torgon.
Raymun’s words echoed in Torgon’s head. There will be blood, lots of blood. Torgon just couldn’t figure out what to think about all this. He had always loved Raymun but was that young man now reaching too far? Did Raymun really know what he was doing? Is he leading us all to doom? As Torgon watched the redheaded man walk beside him he didn’t see any doubt in that warrior’s face, there was only confidence in those blue eyes of a king.
Torgon started to smell the smoke in the air. They were close. Torgon was not a coward, he had fought on both sides of the wall and survived from attack of a direwolf but now he was afraid. They were unarmed. They were two men facing a feared clan leader and just as many men he had decided to bring with him. Raymun surely believed this was meeting of honest men but Torgon was not so sure. He didn’t trust Harg the Scarface. He tried to forget his doubts when Harg’s camp came before their eyes. Five men, all of them armed. Harg sat by the campfire, his men stood behind him.
“Come sit by my fire.” Harg said with a grim voice. He was an ugly big man, his face was covered with scars, he had a big nose and there was only darkness in his eyes. As they sat by the fire, Torgon took a worried look to Raymun but for his surprise the young man still had the same decisive look on his face.
“Here we are Harg. Unarmed, as promised.” Raymun started. Harg said nothing so Raymun continued. “As you know we are here to talk about peace, and not only peace but also alliance.” Harg still said nothing. As Raymun was about to start speaking again Harg sighed and shook his head.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you are trying to do Raymun the Redbeard. Don’t think I don’t know who you think you are. I’ve heard much about you. Much more, than I would’ve liked to hear.” Harg talked with a voice that would've shook the bravest man. And his eyes were even darker than before, if that even was possible.
“What I’m trying to do will benefit us all, we will feast with the blood of the southeners.” Raymun said but Torgon noticed his voice wasn’t that convincing anymore.
“I’ve heard enough… capture this king. And kill the other fucker.” Harg’s voice was terrifying and calm at the same time. Before Torgon even realized what he had just heard an arrow hit him in the chest, then another, and another. He opened his mouth but words didn’t come out. He tried to look for Raymun, tried to shout for help. He was dying. The cold wind blew to his face while the blood spilled out of his body. Blood, lots of blood.
Holy shit...
if this was the show, tum dum dum dum, tum dum dum dum could be heard after Torgon's death...
So now the story has begun, I made this prologue in one evening so I can promise you there will be chapters with better quality in the future
I try my best to find time to write in next few days but I will have a guest here for two days so I'm afraid the next part won't come until Wednesday the earliest.
This was an amazing prologue! Your writing is really great and I'm looking forward for how the story will continue.
The wait for Wednesday will be hard, considering that I am very excited for this, but at least it should give me enough time to submit my characters
Thank you, always nice to have positive feedback
Of course I'm also eager to hear what people think is off in my writing so I can improve.
And I'm very much looking forward for your characters!
Awesome Start!!!!
Awesome prologue, I'm looking forward to this! Just sent in a character, hope you like him.
Thank you! I like your character very much and he will certainly have a role as soon as I start the Wall's storyline
Surprise! I found time for writing this morning and here comes the first part of chapter 1, enjoy
Chapter 1: The Winds Arise
Sun had already set and most of the camp was asleep. How could they? Their king was missing and they didn’t give a shit, just slept. Maya felt cold, it was the wind. Why? Maya had lived north of the Wall her whole life, how could she feel herself cold from some winds of summer? Of course she wouldn’t tell anyone, they would say it was her southerner’s blood that made her shiver in the real north. Idiots. She looked around and saw tents, hundreds, if not thousands, of tents. Raymun was a good man, it was no wonder all the Nightrunner clan leaders wanted to follow him. And now he was missing. They were an army of over two thousand men and women but now they didn’t have a leader. Maya was worried. Of course because of Raymun, without him this was all for nothing, but even more for Torgon. Torgon was a lovely and kind man; he had lived in the same village with Maya. And if Rumak had always been like a father to her then Torgon was something like an uncle. And now there was nothing she could do but wait.
A boy, surely under 20 years old, walked for Maya with an annoying smile on his face and sat atop the same stone with her.
“What are you doing here boy?” Maya asked with a cold tone.
“Doing where, atop this stone or in this camp? Or maybe you mean something else?” The boy’s voice was just annoying as his smile and his face with soft clean skin, short brown hair, pointy nose and sharp green eyes.
“The fuck are you talking about?” Maya could hardly hide her anger.
“You looked worried. I just wanted to talk to you my Miracle.” He said and Maya wasn’t sure if the boy was trying to mock her or flirt with her.
“How do you know I’m called Miracle?” Maya’s voice got even colder than it was before.
“I heard the story of your crow-father dropping you from atop the Wall. And now you’re here, alive, right before my eyes. That surely is hell of a miracle, aye?”
“Who told you the story?” Maya tried to ask strictly but the boy had no interest to answer.
“You certainly are a miracle but I don’t believe that story. For me you are a miracle because of your long black hair that’s like the silk of the southerner’s, your magical violet eyes, your lovely lips.” The boy spoke smoothly, like he would do something like this all the time.
“You think you are the first one to tell me I’m beautiful? I don’t need your pretty words, tell me what you want.” Maya’s voice was like cold iron, making the boy back out a little.
“What I want? I think mostly I want what all the men want…” The boy couldn’t finish because Maya interrupted.
“You are not a man, you are a boy.”
The boy went silent. Maya put a mocking smile on her face while the boy tried to find his tongue. Maya heard steps coming their way again and saw someone coming behind the boy. It was Rumak.
“Gabbor!” Rumak said with a commanding tone. The boy was clearly surprised and frightened.
“I would like to talk to Maya alone if you don’t mind.” The 48 years old warrior said calmly.
“Of course, Rumak… I-I’ll go.” The boy said with a thin voice and scampered away.
Rumak sat next to Maya with soft smile on his face but Maya could see the same worry in Rumak that was inside of her. This was the man who had found her as a baby, the man who had raised her to be a fighter, a spearwife. She had never met a more fierce man, more brave man. Rumak had all he needed to be a fighter; he had the spirit, he was big, he had strength, he was even surprisingly fast. And he has probably the longest hair and beard in the damn world. Maya couldn’t help but smile when Rumak sat next to her.
“The boy clearly likes you… He is 21, you know. Only three years younger than you. Young man, hungry for life.” Rumak said.
“He is too weak. If he ever tried to steal me for his wife I would have to hurt him, maybe even kill him. For the sake of the boy I hope he understands it.”
Rumak laughed and shook his head.
“I wonder if there will ever be a man strong enough to steal you. Anyway, you have been sitting here for hours, come back to tent. We are all worried for them but there is nothing we can do now.” He said and tapped Maya on the back.
“Nothing? Can’t we go after them? Something is clearly wrong, we can’t just sit here.” Maya’s tone was clearly frustrated. If Raymun is our king why don’t we save him? And Torgon…
“If we would run after them the Hornfoots would take it as an attack. And they know these lands better than we do.They would hunt us down. The wargs are looking for Raymun and Torgon all the time with their eagles and wolfs and shadowcats. They will find them, don’t worry.” Rumak said gently stroking Maya’s hair and they started to walk back to their tent.
“How do you even know that boy?” Maya was not sure why was she asking this; she had no interest in that damn boy.
“Gabbor?” Rumak seemed surprised of Maya’s question. “He joined us when Tagar the Bearfucker gave his backing for the king few months ago. Harmless boy, I’ve been giving him some lessons in fighting recently. Why are you asking?”
“Well don’t think that I would have any kind of interest in him, he is annoying…” Maya’s answer got interrupted when one of the clan leaders, Harron Crowsbane, interrupted them.
“Rumak, bad news.” He said, but already his voice told the same. “One of the wargs found Torgon with his owl.”
“So is he captured? Where?” Maya asked immediately.
“Torgon is dead… I assume they took Raymun as a prisoner.” The words went through Maya like ice, making her shiver.
“So, what do we do now?” Rumak asked with hardly hearable voice.
“We must wait for them to send us message, until that we cannot do anything. Besides, Raymun said that we shouldn’t go after him, no matter what.” Harron said sounding like he was trying to convince himself that he was doing the right thing.
“No. We can’t just wait here. They killed Torgon…” Maya’s voice was trembling with anger.
“Maya… Trust me I would love to spill their blood for this but…” Rumak’s words were like poison to Maya. Does he not want go after those bastards? I thought he was a true warrior.
“I will go.” Maya said without caring about anything or anyone else.
“You will not go.” Harron Crowsbane said and looked Maya like she was a piece of shit.
“Are you trying to give me commands Harron? I’m a free woman and I do as I like.”
“Remember the king’s words Maya, he didn’t want us to come after him. Maybe he still has hope. You can’t go there alone, it’s a suicide.” Rumak said grabbing Maya from the shoulders and looking her to the eyes, eyes that were crying.
[Go after the Hornfoots] [Go after the Hornfoots AND ask Rumak to come with you] [Stay in the camp]
[Go after them and ask Rumak]
I decided to change it, and I thought long about it.
I also love how you portrayed Rumak and Maya, exactly as I imagined them.
Great first part! I like Maya and Rumak already and look forward for their story.
[Go after the Hornfoots AND ask Rumak to come with you]
I don't think the king has planned to get captured. I mean, nobody could plan this, right? I also think that this is the more interesting option story-wise.
Awesome so far..I also think [Go after the Hornfoots AND ask Rumak to come with you]
BTW, sent you a character I had in mind for some time before you started this but felt Liquid probably had enough as it is so he wouldn't use him anyway so kudos for starting a new one
Thank you, I like the character very much! I've had some nice NW characters so the next part will probably start the storyline at the Wall
[Stay in the camp]
Awesome Chapter!!!!
can't wait to see how this unfolds!
[Go after the Hornfoots AND ask Rumak to come with you]
That was an interesting first part, i'm ready to see where this story goes!
{Go after the Hornfoots AND ask Rumak to come with you)
I think this one is pretty clear so... Voting is closed
Maya will go after the Hornfoots and ask Rumak to come with her. We'll see how that works out for them...
Anyway the next part will possibly come out tomorrow, and it will take place at Castle Black.
Oooh, nice
Now we will take ''the good side''.
Oh and one thing, I have now 8 characters from Night's Watch (not counting Jack Musgood), 5 of them are rangers and 1 a recruit who wants to be a ranger. They are all around 20 years, youngest 17 and oldest 28. Point being, if you plan to submit a character, at least consider something else than a young badass ranger
And I'm not saying that I don't like these rangers submitted so far, don't take this that way 
haha well everyone wants their guy to kick some wildlings beyond the wall :P
I'll see if I can send you some characters to fill the "lesser cooler guys who are not good enough to be rangers quota"
Submitted one,hopefully he can show up soon.
Thank you for the character, I like him and will surely find use for him. However as I've said I have quite the lot of rangers to be introduced so they all can't be introduced at the very beginning of the Wall storyline. But don't worry, your character will most certainly still be introduced in chapter 1.
That would surely be nice , the Night's Watch needs its stewards, their job is important!