Clementine is the main character, right? You would think they would get her character right..
If i'm going to write a book on space, i should have space things in it, like Planets, stars, Galaxies whatever the fuck. People would have certain expectations on what to see in a book about Space. TTG provided us with a picture of the moon. There you go.
I don't know why you keep talking about other characters, this is about Clementine or Becca.
So Arvo, Bonnie, and Mike get away with being shitty characters cause of the writers but Clementine doesn't?
You hound on Clem a lot for … morebeing inconsistent but say "He (Arvo) shoots Clementine for plot." And that's your defense for his character making a 180 degree turn? If Arvo gets to get off being plot-fodder, why not Clementine's "emotional inconsistencies?" Is it cause disliking her seems more against the grain? I'm trying to understand.
Clementine on the other hand imo doesn't play a convincing eleven year old girl. She acts like a adult pretty much the entire game.
e… moreven though Becca is a brat, imo she is better written Character than Clem S2.
If you remember shel actually sticks up for Sarah, when Becca starts to pick on her, Clementine ignores it, which makes her more emotionless.
Obvious troll post is obvious.
I never said i was right about "every" little fact, but i still stand by my original post. All you got right? I'm not obsessed with the game like some of ya'll.
Yea, it's not like she had someone that taught her how to be strong, how to survive and told her everything she needs to know about zombies and how to avoid getting bit/killed. Oh wait... nvm.
She is acting as an adult at times because she is right most of the time and is smarter than most of the adults she encounters. It is true that people think of her as an adult. But think about it, do people think of her as an adult the first time they meet her? No, everyone so far has been gentle and kind to her the first time they encounter her because they don't know she's strong, fierce and cold blooded. After they see that side of her and what she is capable of, they treat her as a grown up because she is acting like one.
And you only seem to talk about Season 2. In season 1, after it all started, Clementine was a scared little girl that couldn't kill a single zombie. Throughout the episodes, Lee taught her everything hence the personality and skills she has now.
Season 2 had a number of issues, and one of the big ones was that the writers didn't seem to know how to handle a little girl as the protago… morenist, so they kind of just shrugged and acted as if she were an adult the entire season. I don't care how mature she acts: no group of adults would send a little girl into danger as regularly, and unhesitatingly, as the adults do here. Nor would any little girl this side of a full-blown sociopath handle all the horrible shit that was thrown at Clem this season as casually as she seems to take it.
You were bullied as a child weren't you. I can tell. Come on bro, get all those self hate feelings out. We can hug if you need it.
You need to fix yourself, you're toxicity level is through the roof, you need to go out and exercise, lose some weight, then you will have a more positive outlook on life and won't feel the need to attack people on the internet Zyklaor.
What was the point of telling me that if you are so mature and smarter than i? Is it to show how self righteous you are?
Well since … moreyou asked, I found your contradiction amusing considering it was made in the exact same post. And I appreciate that you acknowledge me as someone who is more mature and smarter than you because I literally said nothing at all about it.
Shit smells no matter what direction it is thrown. I let you win, and you still pushed it, want to see how far this will get , keep pushing it.
You didn't "let me win", there's no game being played here. You simply have no decent counter argument. Fool post a topic, states in the very first reply for anyone who agrees/disagree to "start a discussion" and now Fool is upset, I don't understand.
You were bullied as a child weren't you. I can tell. Come on bro, get all those self hate feelings out. We can hug if you need it.
You … moreneed to fix yourself, you're toxicity level is through the roof, you need to go out and exercise, lose some weight, then you will have a more positive outlook on life and won't feel the need to attack people on the internet Zyklaor.
Lee's tutelage is less of a strong explanation and more of an thin excuse for treating an 11 year old girl as if she were just like any other adult. No matter what he taught her, she's still a little girl, not Rambo. Yet over the course of the season Clementine appears to be just as competent, physically and mentally, as Lee ever was. And the adults accept this to the extent of not only treating her as a full-grown adult but even letting her make a bunch of the decisions for them. It's pretty ridiculous.
When they first announced Clementine as the protagonist, I was actually very intrigued to see how they would handle it. Playing a little girl would make for a very different experience than playing Lee, with a much greater emphasis on thinking and evading enemies rather than taking them down with brute force, as well as having to deal with adults who don't take you seriously rather than looking to you as a leader and the decision-maker. What actually happened was that these problems seemed to take the writers too far out of their comfort zones, so they simply spent the rest of the season acting as if Clementine were the straightforward successor to Lee.
That's not only bad writing, it's downright boring. It's wasted potential for what could have been something new and exciting.
Yea, it's not like she had someone that taught her how to be strong, how to survive and told her everything she needs to know about zombies … moreand how to avoid getting bit/killed. Oh wait... nvm.
She is acting as an adult at times because she is right most of the time and is smarter than most of the adults she encounters. It is true that people think of her as an adult. But think about it, do people think of her as an adult the first time they meet her? No, everyone so far has been gentle and kind to her the first time they encounter her because they don't know she's strong, fierce and cold blooded. After they see that side of her and what she is capable of, they treat her as a grown up because she is acting like one.
And you only seem to talk about Season 2. In season 1, after it all started, Clementine was a scared little girl that couldn't kill a single zombie. Throughout the episodes, Lee taught her everything hence the personality and skills she has now.
I'm not obsessed with the game like some of ya'll.
Lmao, so now remembering little things is being obsessed with the game? Let's face it, the only reason you made this thread was clearly only to bait people in, and once you realized that you lost this game against an overwhelming majority of people who disagreed you go around throwing around statements like "go outside and lost some weight" or " I'm not obsessed with the game like some of ya'll.". If you can't handle people disagreeing with you, either ignore them or don't make these threads at all.
Also in your other post, "You were bullied as a child weren't you." why would you even go there? Is it any of your business whether or not that happened to him? No, and also no you can't tell if someone was over an internet argument so again I ask, why would you even bring that up? That's so completely rude.
I never said i was right about "every" little fact, but i still stand by my original post. All you got right? I'm not obsessed with the game like some of ya'll.
"She showed no emotion when Becca was making fun of Sarah?" Why would she? There were slightly more pressing matters than what some brat was saying about an inept child like Sarah. Your points just don't make sense.
And, a "character comparison" is usually in-depth and has several points backing their claims. And your post is barely that, just say you don't like Clem because she doesn't fit your personal image of young children and that you'd rather have a really naïve and blank child character like Becca or Sarah as the protagonist.
Because as it stands now, I'm sorely disappoint in how one-sided and biased this thread is.
You talk big about bias but claiming that Sarah and Becca are "blank child characters"... How would you define that? Is it based on your oppion? Isn't your own oppinion also biased?
And why the hell I'm trying to bring a filosophic arguement on this forum?
No, just your post makes very VERY little sense.
"She showed no emotion when Becca was making fun of Sarah?" Why would she? There were sl… moreightly more pressing matters than what some brat was saying about an inept child like Sarah. Your points just don't make sense.
And, a "character comparison" is usually in-depth and has several points backing their claims. And your post is barely that, just say you don't like Clem because she doesn't fit your personal image of young children and that you'd rather have a really naïve and blank child character like Becca or Sarah as the protagonist.
Because as it stands now, I'm sorely disappoint in how one-sided and biased this thread is.
Sarah was given no character other than naïve. Sarah's actions were always being scared or tense or moronic. Now, I don't normally see any problem with that if they're well fleshed out and engaging. But Sarah's lack of personality made it hard to feel any sympathy for her.
The biggest and most glaring I can think of is In Harms Way where Sarah starts yapping in front of a tyrant she claimed to have history with. So it stands to reason she'd know that he's a bit ruthless. Sarah starts yapping about some dream she had WHILE he was giving his speech, why? To clumsily Segway into a "heartfelt" scene where she's hit. I didn't feel sorry for her though because I had asked her politely to keep quite, which should've been common sense. It's shit like that and the next scene she's in where she's sulking in a corner and barely even cooperates with Reggie's instructions because she needs yet another pep-talk. It's all emotional baiting and it's really ridiculous that she has amassed such a large fan-base off of being dense and boring.
I don't need to say anything about Becca, she's had maybe a total of five minutes in 400 Days and less than twenty seconds as a "cameo" in season two. She's bratty, annoying, and so far that's all we're given.
You talk big about bias but claiming that Sarah and Becca are "blank child characters"... How would you define that? Is it based on your opp… moreion? Isn't your own oppinion also biased?
And why the hell I'm trying to bring a filosophic arguement on this forum?
When put into a position like the zombie apocalypse, kids are probably the most affected out of anyone else mentally speaking. Adults never … morehad a childhood taken away from them and lived a normal life for the most part before the world went to hell. Kids, they end up having to grow up in a world where you have to basically fight to survive and if you don't adapt to it, you die. Kids are pushed into a position where they have to grow up and become responsible in order to survive in this new world, they don't get to have a childhood basically and it causes them to grow up faster than they should. Carl from the comics is similar to Clementine in that he was a child who's entire childhood was taken away from him and his mentality changed to that of survival, and it caused him to become much colder and emotionless as a result. Carl went from this:
to this:
Carl is one to take charge of a situation and acts a lot older than his age, s… [view original content]
Clementine acts more mature for her age because she was pretty much forced to grow up fast.. She isn't a kid anymore, she is a survivor. Anyone who has made it this far (including Becca) are survivors. With all the crazy shit Clem has been through, all the painful and sorrowful moments, all the deaths she has witnessed and you expect her to still act like a normal kid? C'mon now, this is 'The Walking Dead'.
No one looks to Clem for all the answers, but she's a viable member of the group and they value her input...if Clem wasn't capable there's no way she would've lasted. Maybe she shouldn't have taken taken on those responsibilities, buts that's a normative question. In those situations you dot the best with what you got and Clem was the only common ground the two groups had so, regardless of her age, I think she was the best choice for mediator
Ok, fair enough. But a child WOULDN'T have all the answers. No matter how much you talked to them, or trained them. Not at 11 years old. How… moreever, I don't believe a child at her age is capable of taking on responsibilities as she did, either. She's not a developed human being, no matter how much shit she goes through.
Let's face it, the only reason you made this thread was clearly only to bait people in
Its not my fault people can't act in a non childish way, have i called anyone of you trolls? Then again what should i expect really, INTELLIGENT DISCUSSION?? SCOFF
I said that because You apparently know every scene memorized ... Since you corrected me, i played Season 2 once. I played season one twice, because i ended up transferring to PC from PS3. I'm sure you played through every ending, and every conversation at least once right?
One playthrough for me.
You were bullied as a child weren't you." why would you even go there? I
A lot of bad things happened to me as a child, being negative on the internet doesn't help anyone. Go out, lift weights, run six miles. I am only human, i can be baited into anger like everyone else.
I'm not obsessed with the game like some of ya'll.
Lmao, so now remembering little things is being obsessed with the game? Let's fac… moree it, the only reason you made this thread was clearly only to bait people in, and once you realized that you lost this game against an overwhelming majority of people who disagreed you go around throwing around statements like "go outside and lost some weight" or " I'm not obsessed with the game like some of ya'll.". If you can't handle people disagreeing with you, either ignore them or don't make these threads at all.
Also in your other post, "You were bullied as a child weren't you." why would you even go there? Is it any of your business whether or not that happened to him? No, and also no you can't tell if someone was over an internet argument so again I ask, why would you even bring that up? That's so completely rude.
OK I will break this down for you, so you understand....
So like, i was thinking and you know what Becca even though she is a brat, she plays a real convincing brat.
The writers wrote a convincing character.
Clementine on the other hand imo doesn't play a convincing eleven year old girl.
It is laughable to believe that adults would delegate authority to a minor.
I think they need to totally rewrite the personality of Clementine.
Do you understand now? Or do i need to draw you a map with crayons?
And, a "character comparison" is usually in-depth and has several points backing their claims
I'm not going to sit here for thirty minutes and write seventeen pages of nonsense that won't be read anyways. My threads don't have to live up to you "standard." I have my own expectations and goals that i set for myself daily. I made the point i wanted to make, you have nothing to say against it, so you call foul. I am not really surprised though, this forum is full of immaturity.
Because as it stands now, I'm sorely disappoint in how one-sided and biased this thread is.
No, just your post makes very VERY little sense.
"She showed no emotion when Becca was making fun of Sarah?" Why would she? There were sl… moreightly more pressing matters than what some brat was saying about an inept child like Sarah. Your points just don't make sense.
And, a "character comparison" is usually in-depth and has several points backing their claims. And your post is barely that, just say you don't like Clem because she doesn't fit your personal image of young children and that you'd rather have a really naïve and blank child character like Becca or Sarah as the protagonist.
Because as it stands now, I'm sorely disappoint in how one-sided and biased this thread is.
Clementine acts more mature for her age because she was pretty much forced to grow up fast.. She isn't a kid anymore, she is a survivor.
That might be the "players" mind of thinking because they met chuck and got that speech, but Luke, and the rest of the gang did not, so IMO it would be unrealistic to think that people would just think like that, people would be more like Carlos, where she is JUST A LITTLE GIRL.
Here is another thing, that i think is funny. People talk about how Smart Clementine is. She is smart, but does she know everything? No, Case in point she had no idea what LUKE/Jane were doing, she referred to it as kissing stuff. Sure that was one innocent situation where she didn't know what was going on because of her age, but then it throws a wrench in the whole badass know it all Clem that they were presenting throughout the entire season.
Clementine acts more mature for her age because she was pretty much forced to grow up fast.. She isn't a kid anymore, she is a survivor. Any… moreone who has made it this far (including Becca) are survivors. With all the crazy shit Clem has been through, all the painful and sorrowful moments, all the deaths she has witnessed and you expect her to still act like a normal kid? C'mon now, this is 'The Walking Dead'.
Let's face it, the only reason you made this thread was clearly only to bait people in
Its not my fault people can't act in a non ch… moreildish way, have i called anyone of you trolls? Then again what should i expect really, INTELLIGENT DISCUSSION?? SCOFF
I said that because You apparently know every scene memorized ... Since you corrected me, i played Season 2 once. I played season one twice, because i ended up transferring to PC from PS3. I'm sure you played through every ending, and every conversation at least once right?
One playthrough for me.
You were bullied as a child weren't you." why would you even go there? I
A lot of bad things happened to me as a child, being negative on the internet doesn't help anyone. Go out, lift weights, run six miles. I am only human, i can be baited into anger like everyone else.
Too bad she has almost ALL the answers. The only time she ever doesn't seem to have an answer is either at contrived story moments (such as saving Sarah (which, it should've been pretty fucking obvious to my Clem what the right option was (You're telling me that Clem, the one who stood up for BEN is doubting herself about saving someone? Bullshit))), or in stupid throwaway lines that had 0 thought put into them ("You're talking about kissing... And stuff...)
I would've had a better time believing Clem as moderator if she was anything at all like the sweet girl in Season 1. Instead, she comes off as dead inside, and I don't want to see Clem dead inside. That just takes away any feeling of impact that Season 1 had. In fact, of everything terrible in Season 2, that lack of ANYTHING from Season 1 really pisses me off the most. I would've been fine if it were a completely new story full of completely new people, but they tried to make us feel as though what we did last time around did matter when it clearly didn't, and only served to downplay Lee's role even more than Lee's role already was (When teaching Sarah how to shoot a gun: "And don't be afraid," "What does that mean?" "I dunno.") It was as if it was spitting in my face. I seriously can't stand that.
No one looks to Clem for all the answers, but she's a viable member of the group and they value her input...if Clem wasn't capable there's n… moreo way she would've lasted. Maybe she shouldn't have taken taken on those responsibilities, buts that's a normative question. In those situations you dot the best with what you got and Clem was the only common ground the two groups had so, regardless of her age, I think she was the best choice for mediator
How old are you? Are you twelve? Your entire response is extremely immature and your continued attempt to be rude and disguise it as strong points is laughable. Grow up.
No, just your post makes very VERY little sense.
OK I will break this down for you, so you understand....
So like, i was thin… moreking and you know what Becca even though she is a brat, she plays a real convincing brat.
The writers wrote a convincing character.
Clementine on the other hand imo doesn't play a convincing eleven year old girl.
It is laughable to believe that adults would delegate authority to a minor.
I think they need to totally rewrite the personality of Clementine.
Do you understand now? Or do i need to draw you a map with crayons?
And, a "character comparison" is usually in-depth and has several points backing their claims
I'm not going to sit here for thirty minutes and write seventeen pages of nonsense that won't be read anyways. My threads don't have to live up to you "standard." I have m… [view original content]
Its not my fault people can't act in a non childish way
Says the guy acting in a childish way. pls.
Then again what should i e… morexpect really, INTELLIGENT DISCUSSION??
Intelligent discussion was over as soon as you said "Clementine on the other hand imo doesn't play a convincing eleven year old girl."
I'm sure you played through every ending, and every conversation at least once right?
Nope, same as you only played it once.
A lot of bad things happened to me as a child
Doesn't give you the right to go asking about things people probably don't want to remember.
Six days of thinking and that was the best reply you could come up with? You really shouldn't have. That was bad.
My toxicity level is through the roof and I should lose some weight? Ok, doctor. I'm hardly 10% body fat and I'm 22, not some middle-aged alcoholic with an eating disorder, like yourself. Glad to inform you that your butt-hurt claims against me are all wrong. Now please, go study proper grammar, and while you're at it, try reading something that isn't the back of a cereal box. Life projecting, moron. You lose.. Again.
You were bullied as a child weren't you. I can tell. Come on bro, get all those self hate feelings out. We can hug if you need it.
You … moreneed to fix yourself, you're toxicity level is through the roof, you need to go out and exercise, lose some weight, then you will have a more positive outlook on life and won't feel the need to attack people on the internet Zyklaor.
Make her act human
act human
PS: Some of the pictures shrunk since they were too big I guess.
Pissed off
Little nervous (gulp moment)
'Hmm.... pointy.'
Get rid of the juice and it's the same face when her hair was cut.
In Pain
Enjoying/Listening to Story
Sly? I dunno, seemed random.
Trying to be brave.
Sorrowful realization
Stuttering Lie
Getting her hopes up.
Thinking about the weapon.
Little irritation (cuz the hat was touched)
Suspicious 2
Scared to die.
Angry (mild version)
Feeling trapped (well... literally she is)
Sad (over Alvin's sacrifice)
Cold Empty Gaze
Losing hope
Sad/ 'I will'
Frightening decision
Reassuring/Didn't want to do it
'Get off me, dirt bag.'
Sympathetic/Saddened by memories
'Well... I'm stuck.'
Um... calm?
Ready to cry
Disgusted 2
And there's still MORE you can find through the web. Such as the Many Faces of Clementine Thread here or in TWD wikia. I sincerely hope you were drunk when you were playing Seasons 2. She clearly has emotions and is in fact acting human (or if you still want to call her a robot, might as well call the others that too since at times their character seems to immediately shift emotions). Just because she doesn't smile a lot doesn't make her a robot. I have a friend who rarely smiles. And suffered a lot like Clementine has. Do you really expect Clem to smile often after everything she's been through? And you should look at the fact that Clem had much more chances to relax and be happy in Season 1 compared to Season 2 where almost every second she had to be ready for danger. Clearly you don't understand a single thing about Clementine.
No, just your post makes very VERY little sense.
OK I will break this down for you, so you understand....
So like, i was thin… moreking and you know what Becca even though she is a brat, she plays a real convincing brat.
The writers wrote a convincing character.
Clementine on the other hand imo doesn't play a convincing eleven year old girl.
It is laughable to believe that adults would delegate authority to a minor.
I think they need to totally rewrite the personality of Clementine.
Do you understand now? Or do i need to draw you a map with crayons?
And, a "character comparison" is usually in-depth and has several points backing their claims
I'm not going to sit here for thirty minutes and write seventeen pages of nonsense that won't be read anyways. My threads don't have to live up to you "standard." I have m… [view original content]
I'm not the one attacking here, so if you don't agree with what i say, I must be childish. Interesting theory, would you like to expand on your hypothesis.
BTW i'm not fighting with Green, the only person that was trying to fight was Almighty but i'm done with him, I'm ignoring him like Zylaklor.
Do you really expect Clem to smile often after everything she's been through
I expect a character to be written realistically, where they have a wide range of emotions, and they have interactions with others that are realistic in nature.
Clearly you don't understand a single thing about Clementine.
What is to understand? Do i not understand some secret fan love about this character, where she gets a free pass because she "IS" Clementine? Am i not supposed to criticize Season two's, constructively in order to fix the issues i believe we had in season 2. I even said in my first post that this thread was focus on the issues of Clementine, to fix her for season 3.
If you don't agree with me fine, We can have difference of opinions, maybe. I don't know.
How old are you? Are you twelve? Your entire response is extremely immature and your continued attempt to be rude and disguise it as strong points is laughable. Grow up.
Six days of thinking and that was the best reply you could come up with? You really shouldn't have. That was bad.
My toxicity level is th… morerough the roof and I should lose some weight? Ok, doctor. I'm hardly 10% body fat and I'm 22, not some middle-aged alcoholic with an eating disorder, like yourself. Glad to inform you that your butt-hurt claims against me are all wrong. Now please, go study proper grammar, and while you're at it, try reading something that isn't the back of a cereal box. Life projecting, moron. You lose.. Again.
Too bad it's a freakin video game....not a reality TV show. It's and fiction being the operative words. You do comprehend that Clementine is the PC, right? She has to do everything so we, the player, can experience it. Lee had all the answers too and had to do everything which is just as unrealistic as well.
Too bad she has almost ALL the answers. The only time she ever doesn't seem to have an answer is either at contrived story moments (such as … moresaving Sarah (which, it should've been pretty fucking obvious to my Clem what the right option was (You're telling me that Clem, the one who stood up for BEN is doubting herself about saving someone? Bullshit))), or in stupid throwaway lines that had 0 thought put into them ("You're talking about kissing... And stuff...)
I would've had a better time believing Clem as moderator if she was anything at all like the sweet girl in Season 1. Instead, she comes off as dead inside, and I don't want to see Clem dead inside. That just takes away any feeling of impact that Season 1 had. In fact, of everything terrible in Season 2, that lack of ANYTHING from Season 1 really pisses me off the most. I would've been fine if it were a completely new story full of completely new people, but they tried to make us feel a… [view original content]
Thank you for making the effort in collecting a wide range of emotions Clementine can have throughout Season 2.
If I had to guess why come may call her emotionless when she's clearly not from these pictures, it's probably to do with the sudden transition between the more emotional and livelier character she was in Season 1, making her hardened and less emotional responses a little harder to take in.
I'm not the one attacking here, so if you don't agree with what i say, I must be childish. Interesting theory, would you like to expand on y… moreour hypothesis.
BTW i'm not fighting with Green, the only person that was trying to fight was Almighty but i'm done with him, I'm ignoring him like Zylaklor.
Chuck was ahead of the game in suggesting that they stop treating clementine as a child. I think it's more unrealistic for the people 2 yrs in to think that someone's Clem's age needs to be sheltered. That's the reason Clem is still alive-b/c she's been exposed to the reality of the apocalypse. Clem's ignorance about sex has more to do with age than with her intellect and mental maturity. She was only 8 when it started...I doubt she had the sex talk yet. So that's not a valid argument against her intelligence and survival prowess...
Is there any particular reason she should've known more about sex? No...there isnt
Clementine acts more mature for her age because she was pretty much forced to grow up fast.. She isn't a kid anymore, she is a survivor.
… more
That might be the "players" mind of thinking because they met chuck and got that speech, but Luke, and the rest of the gang did not, so IMO it would be unrealistic to think that people would just think like that, people would be more like Carlos, where she is JUST A LITTLE GIRL.
Here is another thing, that i think is funny. People talk about how Smart Clementine is. She is smart, but does she know everything? No, Case in point she had no idea what LUKE/Jane were doing, she referred to it as kissing stuff. Sure that was one innocent situation where she didn't know what was going on because of her age, but then it throws a wrench in the whole badass know it all Clem that they were presenting throughout the entire season.
Ohhh, Zyaklor, good one.
Honestly never heard of that one. Must be a popular insult among the 40 something internet forum user.
Yes, I'm in the prime of my life. Don't you miss those days? Nowadays you probably have nothing to look forward to but banquet meals and your favorite network TV show. Glad to fluster your feathers, woman. Now we can continue this exchange in PM if you'd like.
This girl seems more real than any other video game character I've ever seen (including both S1 and S2). Clementine is so well portrayed given all the situations she is in and what she had been through. Nice pictures!
Not everyone is filled with with dozens and dozens of emotions. Some has one emotion that appears more often than others. Say you're mostly calm and barely angry, sad, etc. Clem is written realistically and does have emotions. Have there been flaws ths season? Yes but we shouldn't allow the problems blind us from the pros.
You don't need to be fan of Clem to see the obvious. Look if you want it that way then Arvo shouldn't get a free pass either, neither Nate, Lee or any other character. Including Becca. Just Clem? What about Becca's flaws? Hmmm? She's not exactly a perfect character either. Becca is just depicted as some snot nosed brat. Lee is depicted as a good guy even if he was an asshole by choice.
I sincerely hope you were drunk when you were playing Seasons 2
[Click here]( "Title")
… more Never know.
Do you really expect Clem to smile often after everything she's been through
I expect a character to be written realistically, where they have a wide range of emotions, and they have interactions with others that are realistic in nature.
Clearly you don't understand a single thing about Clementine.
What is to understand? Do i not understand some secret fan love about this character, where she gets a free pass because she "IS" Clementine? Am i not supposed to criticize Season two's, constructively in order to fix the issues i believe we had in season 2. I even said in my first post that this thread was focus on the issues of Clementine, to fix her for season 3.
If you don't agree with me fine, We can have difference of opinions, maybe. I don't know.
Thank you for making the effort in collecting a wide range of emotions Clementine can have throughout Season 2.
If I had to guess why com… moree may call her emotionless when she's clearly not from these pictures, it's probably to do with the sudden transition between the more emotional and livelier character she was in Season 1, making her hardened and less emotional responses a little harder to take in.
Ohhh, Zyaklor, good one.
Honestly never heard of that one. Must be a popular insult among the 40 something internet forum user.
WOW … more22. YOU A BIG MAN.
Yes, I'm in the prime of my life. Don't you miss those days? Nowadays you probably have nothing to look forward to but banquet meals and your favorite network TV show. Glad to fluster your feathers, woman. Now we can continue this exchange in PM if you'd like.
Clementine is the main character, right? You would think they would get her character right..
If i'm going to write a book on space, i should have space things in it, like Planets, stars, Galaxies whatever the fuck. People would have certain expectations on what to see in a book about Space. TTG provided us with a picture of the moon. There you go.
I don't know why you keep talking about other characters, this is about Clementine or Becca.
I am too inept to come up with something, so i pout and call Troll.
I never said i was right about "every" little fact, but i still stand by my original post. All you got right? I'm not obsessed with the game like some of ya'll.
Yea, it's not like she had someone that taught her how to be strong, how to survive and told her everything she needs to know about zombies and how to avoid getting bit/killed. Oh wait... nvm.
She is acting as an adult at times because she is right most of the time and is smarter than most of the adults she encounters. It is true that people think of her as an adult. But think about it, do people think of her as an adult the first time they meet her? No, everyone so far has been gentle and kind to her the first time they encounter her because they don't know she's strong, fierce and cold blooded. After they see that side of her and what she is capable of, they treat her as a grown up because she is acting like one.
And you only seem to talk about Season 2. In season 1, after it all started, Clementine was a scared little girl that couldn't kill a single zombie. Throughout the episodes, Lee taught her everything hence the personality and skills she has now.
You were bullied as a child weren't you. I can tell. Come on bro, get all those self hate feelings out. We can hug if you need it.
You need to fix yourself, you're toxicity level is through the roof, you need to go out and exercise, lose some weight, then you will have a more positive outlook on life and won't feel the need to attack people on the internet Zyklaor.
''You need to fix yourself, you're toxicity level is through the roof''
It's actually your*.
Lee's tutelage is less of a strong explanation and more of an thin excuse for treating an 11 year old girl as if she were just like any other adult. No matter what he taught her, she's still a little girl, not Rambo. Yet over the course of the season Clementine appears to be just as competent, physically and mentally, as Lee ever was. And the adults accept this to the extent of not only treating her as a full-grown adult but even letting her make a bunch of the decisions for them. It's pretty ridiculous.
When they first announced Clementine as the protagonist, I was actually very intrigued to see how they would handle it. Playing a little girl would make for a very different experience than playing Lee, with a much greater emphasis on thinking and evading enemies rather than taking them down with brute force, as well as having to deal with adults who don't take you seriously rather than looking to you as a leader and the decision-maker. What actually happened was that these problems seemed to take the writers too far out of their comfort zones, so they simply spent the rest of the season acting as if Clementine were the straightforward successor to Lee.
That's not only bad writing, it's downright boring. It's wasted potential for what could have been something new and exciting.
Lmao, so now remembering little things is being obsessed with the game? Let's face it, the only reason you made this thread was clearly only to bait people in, and once you realized that you lost this game against an overwhelming majority of people who disagreed you go around throwing around statements like "go outside and lost some weight" or " I'm not obsessed with the game like some of ya'll.". If you can't handle people disagreeing with you, either ignore them or don't make these threads at all.
Also in your other post, "You were bullied as a child weren't you." why would you even go there? Is it any of your business whether or not that happened to him? No, and also no you can't tell if someone was over an internet argument so again I ask, why would you even bring that up? That's so completely rude.
No. Just no.
No, just your post makes very VERY little sense.
"She showed no emotion when Becca was making fun of Sarah?" Why would she? There were slightly more pressing matters than what some brat was saying about an inept child like Sarah. Your points just don't make sense.
And, a "character comparison" is usually in-depth and has several points backing their claims. And your post is barely that, just say you don't like Clem because she doesn't fit your personal image of young children and that you'd rather have a really naïve and blank child character like Becca or Sarah as the protagonist.
Because as it stands now, I'm sorely disappoint in how one-sided and biased this thread is.
You talk big about bias but claiming that Sarah and Becca are "blank child characters"... How would you define that? Is it based on your oppion? Isn't your own oppinion also biased?
And why the hell I'm trying to bring a filosophic arguement on this forum?
It's a fact.
Sarah was given no character other than naïve. Sarah's actions were always being scared or tense or moronic. Now, I don't normally see any problem with that if they're well fleshed out and engaging. But Sarah's lack of personality made it hard to feel any sympathy for her.
The biggest and most glaring I can think of is In Harms Way where Sarah starts yapping in front of a tyrant she claimed to have history with. So it stands to reason she'd know that he's a bit ruthless. Sarah starts yapping about some dream she had WHILE he was giving his speech, why? To clumsily Segway into a "heartfelt" scene where she's hit. I didn't feel sorry for her though because I had asked her politely to keep quite, which should've been common sense. It's shit like that and the next scene she's in where she's sulking in a corner and barely even cooperates with Reggie's instructions because she needs yet another pep-talk. It's all emotional baiting and it's really ridiculous that she has amassed such a large fan-base off of being dense and boring.
I don't need to say anything about Becca, she's had maybe a total of five minutes in 400 Days and less than twenty seconds as a "cameo" in season two. She's bratty, annoying, and so far that's all we're given.
Clementine acts more mature for her age because she was pretty much forced to grow up fast.. She isn't a kid anymore, she is a survivor. Anyone who has made it this far (including Becca) are survivors. With all the crazy shit Clem has been through, all the painful and sorrowful moments, all the deaths she has witnessed and you expect her to still act like a normal kid? C'mon now, this is 'The Walking Dead'.
No one looks to Clem for all the answers, but she's a viable member of the group and they value her input...if Clem wasn't capable there's no way she would've lasted. Maybe she shouldn't have taken taken on those responsibilities, buts that's a normative question. In those situations you dot the best with what you got and Clem was the only common ground the two groups had so, regardless of her age, I think she was the best choice for mediator
Its not my fault people can't act in a non childish way, have i called anyone of you trolls? Then again what should i expect really, INTELLIGENT DISCUSSION?? SCOFF
I said that because You apparently know every scene memorized ... Since you corrected me, i played Season 2 once. I played season one twice, because i ended up transferring to PC from PS3. I'm sure you played through every ending, and every conversation at least once right?
One playthrough for me.
A lot of bad things happened to me as a child, being negative on the internet doesn't help anyone. Go out, lift weights, run six miles. I am only human, i can be baited into anger like everyone else.
OK I will break this down for you, so you understand....
The writers wrote a convincing character.
It is laughable to believe that adults would delegate authority to a minor.
Do you understand now? Or do i need to draw you a map with crayons?
I'm not going to sit here for thirty minutes and write seventeen pages of nonsense that won't be read anyways. My threads don't have to live up to you "standard." I have my own expectations and goals that i set for myself daily. I made the point i wanted to make, you have nothing to say against it, so you call foul. I am not really surprised though, this forum is full of immaturity.
That might be the "players" mind of thinking because they met chuck and got that speech, but Luke, and the rest of the gang did not, so IMO it would be unrealistic to think that people would just think like that, people would be more like Carlos, where she is JUST A LITTLE GIRL.
Here is another thing, that i think is funny. People talk about how Smart Clementine is. She is smart, but does she know everything? No, Case in point she had no idea what LUKE/Jane were doing, she referred to it as kissing stuff. Sure that was one innocent situation where she didn't know what was going on because of her age, but then it throws a wrench in the whole badass know it all Clem that they were presenting throughout the entire season.
Says the guy acting in a childish way. pls.
Intelligent discussion was over as soon as you said "Clementine on the other hand imo doesn't play a convincing eleven year old girl."
Nope, same as you only played it once.
Doesn't give you the right to go asking about things people probably don't want to remember.
Too bad she has almost ALL the answers. The only time she ever doesn't seem to have an answer is either at contrived story moments (such as saving Sarah (which, it should've been pretty fucking obvious to my Clem what the right option was (You're telling me that Clem, the one who stood up for BEN is doubting herself about saving someone? Bullshit))), or in stupid throwaway lines that had 0 thought put into them ("You're talking about kissing... And stuff...)
I would've had a better time believing Clem as moderator if she was anything at all like the sweet girl in Season 1. Instead, she comes off as dead inside, and I don't want to see Clem dead inside. That just takes away any feeling of impact that Season 1 had. In fact, of everything terrible in Season 2, that lack of ANYTHING from Season 1 really pisses me off the most. I would've been fine if it were a completely new story full of completely new people, but they tried to make us feel as though what we did last time around did matter when it clearly didn't, and only served to downplay Lee's role even more than Lee's role already was (When teaching Sarah how to shoot a gun: "And don't be afraid," "What does that mean?" "I dunno.") It was as if it was spitting in my face. I seriously can't stand that.
How old are you? Are you twelve? Your entire response is extremely immature and your continued attempt to be rude and disguise it as strong points is laughable. Grow up.
Break it up M'kay
Whatever, fine
Six days of thinking and that was the best reply you could come up with? You really shouldn't have. That was bad.
My toxicity level is through the roof and I should lose some weight? Ok, doctor. I'm hardly 10% body fat and I'm 22, not some middle-aged alcoholic with an eating disorder, like yourself. Glad to inform you that your butt-hurt claims against me are all wrong. Now please, go study proper grammar, and while you're at it, try reading something that isn't the back of a cereal box. Life projecting, moron. You lose.. Again.
PS: Some of the pictures shrunk since they were too big I guess.
Sorrowful realization
And there's still MORE you can find through the web. Such as the Many Faces of Clementine Thread here or in TWD wikia. I sincerely hope you were drunk when you were playing Seasons 2. She clearly has emotions and is in fact acting human (or if you still want to call her a robot, might as well call the others that too since at times their character seems to immediately shift emotions). Just because she doesn't smile a lot doesn't make her a robot. I have a friend who rarely smiles. And suffered a lot like Clementine has. Do you really expect Clem to smile often after everything she's been through? And you should look at the fact that Clem had much more chances to relax and be happy in Season 1 compared to Season 2 where almost every second she had to be ready for danger. Clearly you don't understand a single thing about Clementine.
I'm not the one attacking here, so if you don't agree with what i say, I must be childish. Interesting theory, would you like to expand on your hypothesis.
BTW i'm not fighting with Green, the only person that was trying to fight was Almighty but i'm done with him, I'm ignoring him like Zylaklor.
[Click here]( "Title")
Never know.
I expect a character to be written realistically, where they have a wide range of emotions, and they have interactions with others that are realistic in nature.
What is to understand? Do i not understand some secret fan love about this character, where she gets a free pass because she "IS" Clementine? Am i not supposed to criticize Season two's, constructively in order to fix the issues i believe we had in season 2. I even said in my first post that this thread was focus on the issues of Clementine, to fix her for season 3.
If you don't agree with me fine, We can have difference of opinions, maybe. I don't know.
Now I'm Playing the victim.
Seriously who is acting like a baby here?
Yeah , you are right Zyaklor.
Ahahah. WOW 22. YOU A BIG MAN.
Too bad it's a freakin video game....not a reality TV show. It's and fiction being the operative words. You do comprehend that Clementine is the PC, right? She has to do everything so we, the player, can experience it. Lee had all the answers too and had to do everything which is just as unrealistic as well.
Thank you for making the effort in collecting a wide range of emotions Clementine can have throughout Season 2.
If I had to guess why come may call her emotionless when she's clearly not from these pictures, it's probably to do with the sudden transition between the more emotional and livelier character she was in Season 1, making her hardened and less emotional responses a little harder to take in.
Good we got enough arguing, instigating and ganging up on this forum by troublemakers its best just to be mature and ignore the apologists
Chuck was ahead of the game in suggesting that they stop treating clementine as a child. I think it's more unrealistic for the people 2 yrs in to think that someone's Clem's age needs to be sheltered. That's the reason Clem is still alive-b/c she's been exposed to the reality of the apocalypse. Clem's ignorance about sex has more to do with age than with her intellect and mental maturity. She was only 8 when it started...I doubt she had the sex talk yet. So that's not a valid argument against her intelligence and survival prowess...
Is there any particular reason she should've known more about sex? No...there isnt
Ohhh, Zyaklor, good one.
Honestly never heard of that one. Must be a popular insult among the 40 something internet forum user.
Yes, I'm in the prime of my life. Don't you miss those days? Nowadays you probably have nothing to look forward to but banquet meals and your favorite network TV show. Glad to fluster your feathers, woman. Now we can continue this exchange in PM if you'd like.
This girl seems more real than any other video game character I've ever seen (including both S1 and S2). Clementine is so well portrayed given all the situations she is in and what she had been through. Nice pictures!
Well, it certainly makes me wonder.
Not everyone is filled with with dozens and dozens of emotions. Some has one emotion that appears more often than others. Say you're mostly calm and barely angry, sad, etc. Clem is written realistically and does have emotions. Have there been flaws ths season? Yes but we shouldn't allow the problems blind us from the pros.
You don't need to be fan of Clem to see the obvious. Look if you want it that way then Arvo shouldn't get a free pass either, neither Nate, Lee or any other character. Including Becca. Just Clem? What about Becca's flaws? Hmmm? She's not exactly a perfect character either. Becca is just depicted as some snot nosed brat. Lee is depicted as a good guy even if he was an asshole by choice.
No problem. Just wanted to make a VERY CLEAR statement that she DOES have emotions to the ones who don't think so. Someone's gotta prove it.
I think you should rewrite your comment dude ... couldn't you watch Clementine grew into a survivor?