The Hunger Games: Forum Edition (EPILOUGE RELEASED!)



  • [Take Carley to them]


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 2 OF DAY 5 Carley D2 "I'm back!" I say grinning at the girl from 5, she screams but I grab her. "Dont kill me you bitch!" The

  • edited March 2015

    Starting part 3

    Your choice in part 2 will influence the entire storyline in part 3. >:)

  • Where´s Nero?

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting part 3 Your choice in part 2 will influence the entire storyline in part 3.

  • He's living his life in the forest, just chillin'

    supersagig posted: »

    Where´s Nero?

  • (ミ ̄ー ̄ミ)

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting part 3 Your choice in part 2 will influence the entire storyline in part 3.

  • severely not ready

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting part 3 Your choice in part 2 will influence the entire storyline in part 3.

  • edited March 2015

    Just realized if Sagig manages to survives this the cool kids allies will probably kill him afterwards, right? RIP my friend.

    supersagig posted: »


  • PART 3 OF DAY 5


    Shelly is teaching me how to fish.. the waters are cool around my feet and I move my toes around trying to warm myself up.

    "Get off of me!" A voice screams and me and Shelly look up and see the boy from 11 and the girl from 2 with a knife to his throat!

    Hope gets up and grabs Ylenia's bow aiming it at Carley, Ylenia grabs her throwing axe and so does Furry. Soon grabs his bow and me and Shelly run over.

    "Put your weapons down!" Carley screamed holding a throwing knife on her other hand

    "If any of you even think about killing me!" Carley snarls

    "Put him down!" Hope yells as Carley holds Sagig with her knife on his throat.

    "What do you want?" Ylenia asks

    Hope eyes me, me and Hope have grown closer over the last few days... I really like her. I wish I knew her back in District 9, then we couldve dated without knowing one of us will certainly die. Hope lowers the bow and puts it on the ground.

    "What are you doing Hope?" Ylenia snarls

    "I dont want Bloodshed" Hope says calmly "Carley ill do whatever.. just dont create any more blood"

    "I dont want you!" Carley says in repulse "I want Furry"

    I look over to Furry and he looks at Carley in shock..poor Furry..

    "No fucking way" Ylenia growls harshly as she hangs onto her throwing axe, Atlas drops his sledgehammer agreeing with Hope.

    "If you dont give me Furry" Carley says rudley "I'll kill your friend here, and i'll probably manage to kill two more of you guys before you can end my life, right?"

    Ylenia looks over at Furry

    "I'll go with her.." Furry says slowly "For the group"

    "No!" Ylenia yells out "We arent letting this happen!"

    "Theres nothing we can do" Hope says with her head down

    "Are you guys serious?" Ylenia hisses "She's outnumbered! Theres so much we could do!"

    "Yeah" Atlas says disagreeing "But do you really want more deaths Ylenia?"

    "Have you all forgotten this is the Hunger Games!" Ylenia asked "No matter what there will be more deaths"

    "Ylenia you're outvoted" Hope says quietly and she sighs loudly.

    "Furry isnt going" Soon says "I'll go with Carley"

    Carley smiles evily

    "Lets finish where we started okay?" Carley says "Soon will come with me, you can keep the kid"

    Ylenia looks over to me and mouths

    "Throw the hook at her, then ill axe her" Ylenia mouths as Carley grabs onto Soon and clutches his throat as they move backwards over the grassy hill.

    I look over at Hope who is looking at me also

    "Dont try anything" Hope mouths "You'll make it worse"

    Who do I listen too? If I take Ylenia's approach we could kill Carley.. but if I throw the hook and it miss.. maybe even hit Soon it'll just screw everything up. But I could kill Carley and no matter what only one person can win these games right? But if I take Hope's approach she will just take Soon and then everything will be fine for us, but for how long? If we don't do anything it will make us look weak.

    Who should Thomas listen to?

    [Ylenia] [Hope]

  • [Take Carley to them]

    Drinking blood? That sick little fuck.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 2 OF DAY 5 Carley D2 "I'm back!" I say grinning at the girl from 5, she screams but I grab her. "Dont kill me you bitch!" The

  • This is the last part today, having a birthday party

  • [Ylenia]

    This next part, it's going to kill me to wait to see what happens.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 5 THOMAS D9 Shelly is teaching me how to fish.. the waters are cool around my feet and I move my toes around trying to w

  • [Hope] Hope is the queen of throwing up , listen to her

    Awesome Chapter!!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 5 THOMAS D9 Shelly is teaching me how to fish.. the waters are cool around my feet and I move my toes around trying to w



    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 5 THOMAS D9 Shelly is teaching me how to fish.. the waters are cool around my feet and I move my toes around trying to w

  • is it your birthday? or.. :O

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    This is the last part today, having a birthday party

  • edited March 2015

    [Ylenia] Fuck it, it's the hunger games! Let's try and kill this bitch.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 5 THOMAS D9 Shelly is teaching me how to fish.. the waters are cool around my feet and I move my toes around trying to w

  • [Ylenia]

    Carley won't stand a chance against them. Yes, she will likely kill people. My predictions would be Soon and maybe Ylenia or Atlas. But these are the Hunger Games. And since this is probably the last chance I'll get for this gif:

    Alt text

    This is what Atlas is going to give her!

    Let's see if Carley's impressive kill streak of people who hadn't seen it coming or were too weak to fight back continues when she has to fight against the Hunger Games poor man's version of Thor

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 5 THOMAS D9 Shelly is teaching me how to fish.. the waters are cool around my feet and I move my toes around trying to w

  • [Ylenia] I'm sorry, but someone fucking kill her!!! Please!!!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 5 THOMAS D9 Shelly is teaching me how to fish.. the waters are cool around my feet and I move my toes around trying to w

  • [Ylenia]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 5 THOMAS D9 Shelly is teaching me how to fish.. the waters are cool around my feet and I move my toes around trying to w

  • [Ylenia]

    Alt text

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 5 THOMAS D9 Shelly is teaching me how to fish.. the waters are cool around my feet and I move my toes around trying to w

  • Its almost my b day!! :)

    ayylmao posted: »

    is it your birthday? or.. :O

  • [Ylenia]


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 5 THOMAS D9 Shelly is teaching me how to fish.. the waters are cool around my feet and I move my toes around trying to w

  • Happy bday in advance!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Its almost my b day!!

  • edited March 2015

    Hehe... this choice tho.


  • ;-;

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hehe... this choice tho. :c


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 5 THOMAS D9 Shelly is teaching me how to fish.. the waters are cool around my feet and I move my toes around trying to w

  • Hey guys im really sick, I woke up today feeling terrible, not sure if i can write today. :c im super sick

  • Aw :c it's okay, take the day off xD get well soon!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hey guys im really sick, I woke up today feeling terrible, not sure if i can write today. :c im super sick

  • Get well soon! :c

    ayylmao posted: »

    Aw :c it's okay, take the day off xD get well soon!

  • Oh no! Getting sick sucks, I hope you get well soon. And remember, don't pressure yourself on writing if you don't feel well.

    Happy cat will save you from sickness -=^.^=-

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hey guys im really sick, I woke up today feeling terrible, not sure if i can write today. :c im super sick

  • Hope you get well sonn!!!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hey guys im really sick, I woke up today feeling terrible, not sure if i can write today. :c im super sick

  • It's okay hug rest up and get better!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hey guys im really sick, I woke up today feeling terrible, not sure if i can write today. :c im super sick

  • Okay guys im going to power through... im doing part 4. Took some meds (I think i took too many, oops!) and feel well enough to do part 4.. just excuse any grammar mistakes.

  • I'm scared e.e

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Okay guys im going to power through... im doing part 4. Took some meds (I think i took too many, oops!) and feel well enough to do part 4.. just excuse any grammar mistakes.

  • You should >:)

    ayylmao posted: »

    I'm scared e.e

  • ヾ| ̄ー ̄|ノ LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    You should

  • edited March 2015

    Hey guys c: I recently just started writing my own hunger games fanfic and there are 3 spots left open so if you want to join here's the link!

    (District 3F, District 7F, and District 10M are the spots that haven't been filled in yet.) District 1 & 2's reapings have already been done and yeah ^-^

  • edited March 2015

    PART 4

    HOPE D9

    "Let go of him!" Thomas yelled and threw a fishhook at Carley, it misses and Ylenia threw her throwing knife and it crushed into Carley's lower shoulder.

    Carley pushes Soon away and quickly throws a knife at Ylenia, Ylenia manages to dodge it and Carley's eyes widen in fear.

    What the hell? I quickly go for my bow which is on the ground and Carley turns around and throws two throwing knives right before Atlas is able to pick up his sledgehammer. The first knife misses Atlas barely, the second is aimed for Furry and it quickly goes through the air and goes into Furry's small chest.

    "Furry!" Ylenia cries out, I shot my bow at the injured Carley and she managed get away as Furry lays on the cold ground in pain. How could this happen to him? How could we have let Carley do this?

    I crawl over to Furry's body, Atlas, Ylenia and Thomas are over by it. Shelly and Soon are watching from behind with Sagig...

    "Furry?" I ask him

    His small body is slowly breathing as his brown hair lays against the cool grassy ground. He opens his eyes and looks down at his chest, the knife is pretty far down.

    "Oh my god" Ylenia cries "You're fine Furry, you are okay"

    "It doesnt even hurt" Furry mumbles as he lays his head back again "I was worried it would hurt, you know?"

    Ylenia nods with tears in her eyes and brushes his hair back with her hand, Furry looks up at all of us and smiles.

    "You guys can win" Furry says encouragingly "I believe in you guys I really do..."

    "You're not going to die!" I say quickly

    I can believe his is happening, out of everyone it has to happen to poor Furry I would've never expected him to die like this, he was so skilled and smart.

    "We are all going to die" Furry says weakly "Just at different times"

    Furry's little eyes close and Ylenia begins panicking.

    "Someone grab the medical supplies!" Ylenia shrieks

    "No!" Shelly says coldly "We only have so much supplies!"

    "What?" Ylenia spits "Guys! He is going to die if we dont-"

    "He's going to die no matter what" Shelly says cutting Ylenia off

    "H- hope..." Furry says weakly

    "Yeah?" I say quickly and go back to his body

    "I need you to do me a favour" Furry says kindly

    "Whatever you want" I say trying to calm him down, his heartrate is escalating.

    "I need you too kill me.." Furry says mumbling "Its beginning to hurt, a lot"

    I.. I dont know if I could do this.

    "I.. cant" I say slowly "Dont make me do this"

    "Do it for me" Furrys says and he opens his eyes "Please"

    "What's going on!" Ylenia says angrily

    "He.. wants to die" I say to Ylenia

    "What?!?" Ylenia exclaims "He isnt going to die"

    "Ylenia!" Thomas says butting in "Be logical about this"

    While Ylenia is fighting with Thomas I take my curved knife and put it too Furrys throat.. my hands shake nervously as it looms over his adams apple. I can do it... I can do this..

    "You can do it" Furry says smiling at me "It'll stop the pain"

    I lift the knife up and dig it into his throat, his fragile eyes go too the back of his head and blood spews from his neck and goes all over my jacket.. his body stops moving.


    Furry 4:14:23:03

    I turn my body around and see Ylenia's eyes widen..

    "You bitch!" Ylenia shrieks and she runs over and throws me too the ground, Thomas quickly breaks it up as everyone watches Furry's body float away towards the hovercraft.


    "She totally hates me" I say discouraged

    "No she doesnt" Thomas says as we lay watching the bright stars "She just over reacted... its all my fault Furry died. I shouldnt have thrown that hook.."

    "I know" I say crossing my arms "But Furry would forgive you"

    "Yeah.." Thomas says trailing off, he kisses me on the cheek and lays backwards.

    "Goodnight" Thomas says softly

    "Night'" I say casually and Thomas begins to go to sleep.. I have the first night shift and I hear the capitol anthem playing.

    FURRY, DISTRICT 7 It flashes across the sky with his little face on it, his kind eyes look at me..

    JOHN, DISTRICT 12 Fucking Carley.. she killed two of our allies today. If Ylenia never exiled somebody this never would have happened, I look over at Sagig who seems a little shaken up still over John's death, I feel bad for him.. I feel even worse that the chances of him dying are really huge. The chances of all of us dying are huge.. maybe I didnt take that into account.. I look around at everyone sleeping and realize only one of us can win. In several days all of us or all but one will be dead..

    Suddenly I hear a rustle in the forest, is that an animal? We are all really hungry and havent seen one in several days. I grab onto the knife in my pocket. Should I check it out?

    What should Hope do?

    [Check it out] [Stay]


    11th. Furry, District 7

  • edited March 2015

    [Stay] Don´t trust sound in the night

    RIP Furry , i saw it coming.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 4 HOPE D9 "Let go of him!" Thomas yelled and threw a fishhook at Carley, it misses and Ylenia threw her throwing knife and it cru

  • edited March 2015

    [Check it out]

    How did Carley get away? I am livid.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 4 HOPE D9 "Let go of him!" Thomas yelled and threw a fishhook at Carley, it misses and Ylenia threw her throwing knife and it cru

  • [Check it out] best to see what it is...

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 4 HOPE D9 "Let go of him!" Thomas yelled and threw a fishhook at Carley, it misses and Ylenia threw her throwing knife and it cru

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