The Hunger Games: Forum Edition (EPILOUGE RELEASED!)



  • ;-;

    [Boy from 12]


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 5 OF DAY 4 Shelly D4 Hope and Thomas dance by the campfire while they laugh and have a jolly good time.. such bull.. I thought sh

  • edited March 2015

    Already new part out :P

    ComingSoon posted: »

    ;-; [Boy from 12] I HOPE THIS VOTE COINTS

  • <.<

    supersagig posted: »

    Already new part out :P

  • [Stay by lake]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 5 Sagig D11 I wake up with John sleeping silently next to me, the district 9's are sharing the same sleeping bag. The la

  • Woo :p

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    LOL well I went with that choice so it counted!

  • [Go with John]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 5 Sagig D11 I wake up with John sleeping silently next to me, the district 9's are sharing the same sleeping bag. The la

  • [Stay by lake]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 5 Sagig D11 I wake up with John sleeping silently next to me, the district 9's are sharing the same sleeping bag. The la

  • LOL well I went with that choice so it counted!

    ComingSoon posted: »

    ;-; [Boy from 12] I HOPE THIS VOTE COINTS

  • [Stay by lake]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 5 Sagig D11 I wake up with John sleeping silently next to me, the district 9's are sharing the same sleeping bag. The la

  • Parts 2 and maybe 3 will be done today.

  • 1000 comments! :D

    Thanks guys for supporting this series for an entire month now! :D

  • [Go with John]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 5 Sagig D11 I wake up with John sleeping silently next to me, the district 9's are sharing the same sleeping bag. The la

  • @#TeamSarah , could you chose Sagig to leave with John if this end up in a tie , please?

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 5 Sagig D11 I wake up with John sleeping silently next to me, the district 9's are sharing the same sleeping bag. The la

  • I usually flip a coin but sure! :)

    supersagig posted: »

    @#TeamSarah , could you chose Sagig to leave with John if this end up in a tie , please?

  • Lun still has Carley´s gift?

  • [Go with John]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 5 Sagig D11 I wake up with John sleeping silently next to me, the district 9's are sharing the same sleeping bag. The la

  • Yes

    supersagig posted: »

    Lun still has Carley´s gift?

  • I want Her and Carley to meet so they kill each other :P

    #TeamSarah posted: »


  • edited March 2015

    Starting Part 2!


  • O.O

    #TeamSarah posted: »


  • Oh no.. e.e

    #TeamSarah posted: »



    #TeamSarah posted: »


  • Alt text

    #TeamSarah posted: »


  • [Go with John]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 5 Sagig D11 I wake up with John sleeping silently next to me, the district 9's are sharing the same sleeping bag. The la

  • (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ YAY! Love blood!

    #TeamSarah posted: »


  • edited March 2015

    Pls not Lun, I'm not ready


    #TeamSarah posted: »


  • PART 2 OF DAY 5

    Carley D2

    "I'm back!" I say grinning at the girl from 5, she screams but I grab her.

    "Dont kill me you bitch!" The girl from 5 snarls at me and tries to slaps me in the face, I really want to kill her but i'm holding back.

    "I just want my knives!" I yell at her as she lays on the ground

    She grabs a bag of throwing knives at gives them to me

    "Now go!" I hiss "Before I change my mind and kill your weak ass!"

    She runs off into the forest and I keep walking across the fields, I look down at my leg wound.. it hurts so much.. fuck that girl from 7. I was only able to find the girl from 5 today, where the hell is everyone?! Are they hiding from me? If they are then thats pretty cute, but I will find them and kill them. I cant believe Furry and Soon got away though, they are at the top of the hit list. As I keep walking I begin regretting the fact I let the girl from 5 go, i'm feeling kind of blood thirsty and I could have killed her. Man, I cant wait until the feast! it'll be so much fun to have all the weaklings in one spot, maybe I could kill everyone in the feast and then will win pretty quickly. I do have fears though, I fear that the girl from 7 will kill me, she's pretty good.. other than her im not really sure.

    I keep roaming the grassy hills for someone, I turn direction towards the lake.. maybe someone will be there. I spot two figures in the distance running..

    "Oo... fresh meat!" I chirp while grinning

    I run over the first hill slowly, they are pretty far away but I run faster.. im moving away from the lake. I keep running over the second hill and can see the back of their jackets.

    "District 11 and District 12" I say giggling "This will be easy"

    I throw and knife and it hits the boy from 12 in the leg, it was nearly fifty feet away but I managed. He fell to the ground and the boy from 11 tried to grab onto him but fell over.

    "JOHN!" He screamed

    "Run Sagig!" John screams as he tries to get up from the ground.. the knife almost went straight through his large leg.

    "Thats cute" I mumble as I throw a second knife at the boy from 11 but it misses him, blood leaks out of the boy from 12's leg. I run over the fourth hill to the boy from 12. He's trying to get up from the grass when I step on his pale neck, the boy from 11 is running off.

    "Argh!" The boy from 12 struggles

    He looks up to see who I am and I cover my hands over my eyes.

    "Peek-a-boo!" I yell as I move my hands away from my eyes, my mom used to do that when I was a kid.

    He cries and tears flow down his puffy cheek.

    "HELP ME!" He screams out

    He tries to run but I take out my knife and dig it into his scrawny back, dark red blood sprays over my small face and taints my already bloody red jacket. The boy from 11 comes back and shoots an arrow at me but he misses then I stab the boy from 12 once more.. this time in the back of his neck. He lets out one last breathe and his body drops on the ground.


    JOHN 4:12:21:16

    "John!" The boy from 11 screams

    "John!" I say mocking him and then laugh as I throw another knife and it lands into his side, the boy from 11 falls over and I walk over to his body. His body is small so I can easily kick it.

    "Argh!" The boy from 11 screams while trying to stand up

    "Goodluck" I say evilly over his small body

    "Please dont kill me" He pleads.

    I pull my knife out of his side and lick the blood off of my knife, his blood tastes good.. I swirl my red tongue around the entire knife swallowing every bit of blood on there.

    "I cant have blood on it the next time I stick it inside you!" I chirp excitedly

    "You're sick!" He screams "YLENIA! HOPE! THOMAS!"

    "Who's that?" I ask him... does he have other allies he can bring me too?

    "Nobody!" He cries out "PLEASE!"

    "Take me too them!" I hiss, Furry and Soon might be there!

    "I wont kill you!" I say kindly "I promise"

    I actually wont kill him.. I need him to take me too Furry and Soon..

    SAGIG D11

    What should I do? She will let me live if she takes me too them? I dont want to die!

    What should Sagig do?

    [Take Carley to them] [Refuse]

    12th. John, District 12

  • edited March 2015

    Carley death count

    1. Santiago

    2. Athena

    3. Viola

    4. Zach

    5. Zelda

    6. John

    Pretty much... dont mess with Carley. SHE WILL LICK YOUR BLOOD


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 2 OF DAY 5 Carley D2 "I'm back!" I say grinning at the girl from 5, she screams but I grab her. "Dont kill me you bitch!" The

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited March 2015

    {Take Carley to them]



    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 2 OF DAY 5 Carley D2 "I'm back!" I say grinning at the girl from 5, she screams but I grab her. "Dont kill me you bitch!" The

  • edited March 2015

    [Take Carley to them]

    Purugly is right, he'll be killed if he refuses and if he leads her to them they might be able to kill her, though I would think people would die on both sides.

    Angrily mumbles some more

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 2 OF DAY 5 Carley D2 "I'm back!" I say grinning at the girl from 5, she screams but I grab her. "Dont kill me you bitch!" The

  • Errgh Idk its supersagig's last tribute alive so

    [Take Carley to them]


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 2 OF DAY 5 Carley D2 "I'm back!" I say grinning at the girl from 5, she screams but I grab her. "Dont kill me you bitch!" The

  • edited March 2015

    [Take Carley to them] Carley's outnumbered by a lot. She'd be stupid to attack them.

    I pull the blood out his side and lick the blood off my knife, his blood tastes good.

    Jesus, does she not know how many diseases you can get from that?

  • edited March 2015

    [Take Carley to them]

    Yes, I changed my decision because it's sagigs only living character.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 2 OF DAY 5 Carley D2 "I'm back!" I say grinning at the girl from 5, she screams but I grab her. "Dont kill me you bitch!" The

  • [Take Carley to them]

    Refusing is dumb because then only he will die, but taking her to them can result in Carley's, Sagig's and any of their deaths

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 2 OF DAY 5 Carley D2 "I'm back!" I say grinning at the girl from 5, she screams but I grab her. "Dont kill me you bitch!" The

  • [Take Carley to them]

    That decision will endanger most of my favourites besides Nero and it will likely get Atlas killed... But it's Sagigs last living tribute, so against better judgement, I'll be merciful.

    Besides, if that crazy bitch attacks them, she'll be deader than a possum in a redneck pot...

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 2 OF DAY 5 Carley D2 "I'm back!" I say grinning at the girl from 5, she screams but I grab her. "Dont kill me you bitch!" The

  • Well, let's take a closer look on her impressive death count...

    1. Not in close combat, simply threw some knives on him while he was busy not getting slaughtered

    2. Little girl, weakest tribute in the whole games

    3. Greatly outnumbered and almost pissed herself in fear

    4. Surprise betrayal/Knife to the guts

    5. Surprise betrayal/Fire/Collapsing building

    6. Ambush/Knife to the leg/Hopefully she got diseases from his blood

    "Yes, truly impressive feats of skill she displayed there", Liquid said with barely concealed sarcasm

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Carley death count * Santiago * Athena * Viola * Zach * Zelda * John Pretty much... dont mess with Carley. SHE WILL LICK YOUR BLOOD

  • edited March 2015

    Lol, good point.

    I'm still impressed though.

    Well, let's take a closer look on her impressive death count... * Not in close combat, simply threw some knives on him while he was bus

  • edited March 2015

    Other kills

    Soon: Stabbed Unk in the bloodbath

    Zach: Killed Super

    Garrrett: Stabbed Susie

    Nero: Killed Garrett out of anger

    Zelda: Killed Jeanie with sword

    Shelly: Ripped Sasha's tongue out after she tried to kill her

    Looks like Shelly is the real one to fear because in other deaths, one had a greater advantage than the other. Watch out Carley!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Lol, good point. I'm still impressed though.

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