Yeah my Mira stayed quite too, and ended up looking foolish. I think either way it was unavoidable. If you lay the blame with Sera you end up looking like you're not loyal to your friends and allies. If you take the blame your self you end up looking foolish.
Tyrion: "Where did you get it"
Mira: "...."
Sera: "We found it ... in that bush over there"
Tyrion: "Hmmm....curious it would find … moreits way into a bush, ugh if cersei found you with that wine she'd drown you in it yet your worried about an alliance with me? You need to learn what risks are worth taking"
I have a couple favorites from each of the protagonists.
Gared- At the Twins, drinking with soldiers - "Iron from ice!" "Aye!"
Prepari… moreng to attack Britt - "Get. Off. My. Land!" "Aye. You'll have it."
In the elevator with Jon - "Walder Frey and Roose Bolton will pay for their treachery."
Rodrik- Approaching the Great Hall - "I am the lord of this house. And you will move."
When Duncan and Royland bicker - Slams fist down "I am your lord."
Arguing with Ludd - "Fuck your soldiers, and Fuck you, too!"
Mira- talking to Andros - "Tell whomever you wish, my lord. It's no concern of mine."
Asher- after Tazal kills the fat man - "You just made a huge mistake, Tazal."
if killed soldier instead of stopping Beshka - "If I have to, I will murder my way to Ramsay Snow and cave his bloody head in!"
Ethan- meeting with Ludd - "Calm yourself, old man."
After the sentinel is chosen - "Enough! Would my father have stood for this kind of bickering? Neither will I!"
I thought this was funny. Maester Ortegryn's awkward advice for convincing Eleana in light of Rodrik's recovery: "You might remind Lady Elea… morena that in terms of lineage, you are still very much a man. What I mean is... If the two of you wanted to produce an heir..."
Ah, the wisdom of the Citadel.
Elissa: It's happening all over again. I can see it. My father's house was once mighty, like this one. But his loyalty to the Targaryens cost us dearly. I watched as countless of our kin fell, saw our lands destroyed, everything we clung to was ripped from our hands. I can't watch that same fate befall this family.
Rodrik: I won't let that happen to us.
Elissa: You must be ready to defend us, Rodrik. Your body may be damaged, but your spirit must be like IRON. You let nothing stand in your way. Do you understand? If you have to murder every last Whitehill down to the babes in their beds... No matter what you must do it...
Rodrik: I will kill anyone who stands in my way. I will do whatever it takes.
I absolutely love Lady Forrester's speech to Rodrik.
Your body may be damaged, but your spirit must be like iron. You let nothing get into your way, do you understand? If you have to murder every last Whitehill to the babes in their beds... No matter what you must do it.
I love most of Gared's answers like; "Who doesn't love bacon?" and "You... fuck potatoes?". I also love when Gared acts so chill when he says "I'm going to kill you." and "That wasn't very nice."
When Royland and Duncan are bickering, you as Rodrik have the chance to say:
"I will haveORDER!"- The way the actor delivers is pretty great, he sounds damn scary and imposing. I kind of jumped from my chair when I first heard in-game XD
For those of you Rodrik fans who have missed that option, here's a vid with it, it's pretty great :
That's pretty damn impressive! I love how Rodrik's VA is able to change his tune convincingly. When he talks to his family, his tone is gentle and kind. When he talks to his men or the Whitehills, he is really imposing and commanding.
When Royland and Duncan are bickering, you as Rodrik have the chance to say:
"I will have ORDER!"- The way the actor delivers is pretty g… morereat, he sounds damn scary and imposing. I kind of jumped from my chair when I first heard in-game XD
For those of you Rodrik fans who have missed that option, here's a vid with it, it's pretty great :
Rodrik is pretty darn badass.
That's pretty damn impressive! I love how Rodrik's VA is able to change his tune convincingly. When he talks to his family, his tone is gentle and kind. When he talks to his men or the Whitehills, he is really imposing and commanding.
I really hope he gets more lines like that. Makes me wonder if he's basing the way he acts as Lord on how Gregor used to... I can't imagine Gregor shouting, though.
When Royland and Duncan are bickering, you as Rodrik have the chance to say:
"I will have ORDER!"- The way the actor delivers is pretty g… morereat, he sounds damn scary and imposing. I kind of jumped from my chair when I first heard in-game XD
For those of you Rodrik fans who have missed that option, here's a vid with it, it's pretty great :
Rodrik is pretty darn badass.
When Royland and Duncan are bickering, you as Rodrik have the chance to say:
"I will have ORDER!"- The way the actor delivers is pretty g… morereat, he sounds damn scary and imposing. I kind of jumped from my chair when I first heard in-game XD
For those of you Rodrik fans who have missed that option, here's a vid with it, it's pretty great :
Rodrik is pretty darn badass.
Gared: "Fuck off Finn. Bloody arse.
Finn (mockingly): "Mind your language, Gared".
Mira: "You're a bastard?!"
Yeah my Mira stayed quite too, and ended up looking foolish. I think either way it was unavoidable. If you lay the blame with Sera you end up looking like you're not loyal to your friends and allies. If you take the blame your self you end up looking foolish.
The Forresters are a family of badass quotes.
HAHA yeah, god that was awkward! Not exactly a conversation my Roderick wanted to have in front of his mother - or at all really.
Asher: What in all the gods of fire and fuck?
You fuck potatos?
(At the funeral)
Elissa: It's happening all over again. I can see it. My father's house was once mighty, like this one. But his loyalty to the Targaryens cost us dearly. I watched as countless of our kin fell, saw our lands destroyed, everything we clung to was ripped from our hands. I can't watch that same fate befall this family.
Rodrik: I won't let that happen to us.
Elissa: You must be ready to defend us, Rodrik. Your body may be damaged, but your spirit must be like IRON. You let nothing stand in your way. Do you understand? If you have to murder every last Whitehill down to the babes in their beds... No matter what you must do it...
Rodrik: I will kill anyone who stands in my way. I will do whatever it takes.
Elissa: Remember that. You must be ready.
"You fuck potatoes?" - Tuttle
Gared: You fuck potatoes?
Soldier: Give me that sword boy!
Gared: Aye, you"ll have it!
Gared(to Duncan): I will make you proud.
Rodrik: Im going to kill that man!
Ethan: Calm yourself, old man. -And- Youre a craven!
I swear that had Rodrick not said, ''I'm going to kill that man,'' this would be the best quote so far in the game.
Whitehill: How rude of you!
Talia: Hello... Gwynn (reminds me of hello... Newman from Seinfeld).
Finn - Maybe you can help Frostfinger wash his cock if he still has one.
I believe when Gared replied "You fuck potatoes?" to the dude who stole the knife at The Wall
I absolutely love Lady Forrester's speech to Rodrik.
Your body may be damaged, but your spirit must be like iron. You let nothing get into your way, do you understand? If you have to murder every last Whitehill to the babes in their beds... No matter what you must do it.
"calm yourself old man"- Ethan
"You little shit! that's how you talk to a lord?" -Lard Whitehill
Seven fucking hells
Goosh, I never notices that Lord Whitehill was such a hypocrite.
"Like my father said, a naked man holds few secrets, a flayed man has none".
I don't think he did either.
"I may be young but I'm not so easily fooled you're trying to rile me but it won't work" -Ethan Forrester
"You're a craven Lord Whitehill." -Ethan
I died at that. XD
"My mother insisted."

But I don't know whitch one chose
"Do you like hunting?"
Does anyone else get the reference?
Yeah, and I'm so glad she avoided that fate.
The whole lead up to that too....
"My Lord....are you well?"
Long pause
"I'm going to kill that man..."
Oh Rodrik, I don't doubt it! My favourite line :-)
He is unspeakably handsome! ;-)
Gared- "you fuck Pigs!"
I laughed at the line Asher said: "Why have the best whores when the bad ones are always much more fun?"
I don't think that's a line...
The line Asher says in the beginning of Ep. 2.
Something along the lines of: ''I have enough naked, fat men in my life, thank you.''
Close enough
I love most of Gared's answers like; "Who doesn't love bacon?" and "You... fuck potatoes?". I also love when Gared acts so chill when he says "I'm going to kill you." and "That wasn't very nice."
Gared is love. Gared is life.
When Royland and Duncan are bickering, you as Rodrik have the chance to say:
"I will have ORDER!"- The way the actor delivers is pretty great, he sounds damn scary and imposing. I kind of jumped from my chair when I first heard in-game XD
For those of you Rodrik fans who have missed that option, here's a vid with it, it's pretty great :
Rodrik is pretty darn badass.
Talia (extended ballad lyrics): "A pyre on Aegon's hill."
The meaning is explained here (along with the rest of the lyrics):
That's pretty damn impressive! I love how Rodrik's VA is able to change his tune convincingly. When he talks to his family, his tone is gentle and kind. When he talks to his men or the Whitehills, he is really imposing and commanding.
Rodrik's VA has impressed me the most so far, with Royland and Lady Forrester following up.
I really hope he gets more lines like that. Makes me wonder if he's basing the way he acts as Lord on how Gregor used to... I can't imagine Gregor shouting, though.
I had the same reaction XD the guy is so intimidating.
My fave has to be Asher. " What in all the Gods of Fire and Fuck?!? "