Telltale changed the picture they originally had for the choosing between Vaughn and Vasquez's deal:
In the original it was at a differen… moret angle and it showed Yvette standing behing Vasquez, it even had her name in the call.
In this new one, however, all traces of Yvette have been removed.
You know how everyone thinks that Rhys' yellow eye in the future scenes means that Jack has fully taken control? Well I just realised that one of the first things Rhys says (or more accurately yells) when he's reunited with Fiona is:
"You no class, thieving Pandoran scum!"
And if that isn't the most Jack-esque line, then I don't know what is...
You know how everyone thinks that Rhys' yellow eye in the future scenes means that Jack has fully taken control? Well I just realised that o… morene of the first things Rhys says (or more accurately yells) when he's reunited with Fiona is:
"You no class, thieving Pandoran scum!"
And if that isn't the most Jack-esque line, then I don't know what is...
Jack has the line, "Must be compensating for something," (or something along those lines) in response to the gun that Vasquez uses in an attempt to kill Rhys.
If you decide to hack the gun, it pokes a few more jokes at this.
if the full word was «поверхность» then it reads 'surface'. if it was just «поверх», then it means 'atop' or 'over'.
UPD. no, I was wrong. the word in question is «повернуть» — 'turn around' and these inscriptions are less meaningful than I thought just like faux Cyrillic you could see in movies. also, other drawings around Felix's depict various views of a «блок Д» — strap-on booster of Russian-built Soyuz rockets, and some other rocket stages.
Jack has the line, "Must be compensating for something," (or something along those lines) in response to the gun that Vasquez uses in an att… moreempt to kill Rhys.
If you decide to hack the gun, it pokes a few more jokes at this.
Notably, the name of the gun and its ammo type.
Jack has the line, "Must be compensating for something," (or something along those lines) in response to the gun that Vasquez uses in an att… moreempt to kill Rhys.
If you decide to hack the gun, it pokes a few more jokes at this.
Notably, the name of the gun and its ammo type.
idk if anyone saw this, maybe they did but im not looking through all this shit, but did anyone notice when they showed the video of the sleeping general (huh lots of disney princesses references in this ep.) that he is saying that he might be the only person that might be able to save thigns or whatever, well i digress, did anyone see the dude was eating all happy and showing the spork a bit? lol idk when i saw that i damn near pissed myslef. that shit was freaking hilarious. and poor dude lost his bith eyes lolol
At the end of episode one, Rhys and Fiona say that they're going to both open the button, but in the end, Rhys kinda takes over button pressing, while Fiona's hand just sorta hovers there.
(One image doesn't really do it justice; it's a lot easier to see in the form of a video or gif... But I have neither!)
At the end of episode one, Rhys and Fiona say that they're going to both open the button, but in the end, Rhys kinda takes over button press… moreing, while Fiona's hand just sorta hovers there.
(One image doesn't really do it justice; it's a lot easier to see in the form of a video or gif... But I have neither!)
You know how everyone thinks that Rhys' yellow eye in the future scenes means that Jack has fully taken control? Well I just realised that o… morene of the first things Rhys says (or more accurately yells) when he's reunited with Fiona is:
"You no class, thieving Pandoran scum!"
And if that isn't the most Jack-esque line, then I don't know what is...
At the end of episode one, Rhys and Fiona say that they're going to both open the button, but in the end, Rhys kinda takes over button press… moreing, while Fiona's hand just sorta hovers there.
(One image doesn't really do it justice; it's a lot easier to see in the form of a video or gif... But I have neither!)
Another "choice" shot in episode 2, the brofist discussion has Vaughn in his vest still as well (I'm at work so I can't add the image myself).
If you miss the QTE for Rhys to catch the Gorys project ball before it rolls off the ledge, Fiona will stop it with her boot.
When I heard him I was like 'Andrew. St. John!'
According to this guy, the writing on Felix's blueprints are in Russian.
Isn't Marcus Russian or something? Or did I totally mix up him up with someone else.
Also, Arvo confirmed.
Yep. It means something like ''increased''.
What about the word on the top right, above the grenade? Unless it's incomplete or something.
Can't read the second and third letter because of the paper torn up
Well this is obvious but I like the fact that this is a story of a man telling us a story of two characters telling a story to a kidnapper
Ha, I remember the discussion I had with @ScoobyDoobyDoo xD
Storyception mindfuck...
That can only mean one thing:
That son of a bitch...
You know how everyone thinks that Rhys' yellow eye in the future scenes means that Jack has fully taken control? Well I just realised that one of the first things Rhys says (or more accurately yells) when he's reunited with Fiona is:
And if that isn't the most Jack-esque line, then I don't know what is...
Well then...Jack inside of Rhys confirmed?
"That's legitimately creepy."
Jack has the line, "Must be compensating for something," (or something along those lines) in response to the gun that Vasquez uses in an attempt to kill Rhys.
If you decide to hack the gun, it pokes a few more jokes at this.
Notably, the name of the gun and its ammo type.
looks like «повер???», obviously paper's torn up.
if the full word was «поверхность» then it reads 'surface'. if it was just «поверх», then it means 'atop' or 'over'.
UPD. no, I was wrong. the word in question is «повернуть» — 'turn around' and these inscriptions are less meaningful than I thought
just like faux Cyrillic you could see in movies. also, other drawings around Felix's depict various views of a «блок Д» — strap-on booster of Russian-built Soyuz rockets, and some other rocket stages.
I loved that so much.
''Ammo type: Penetrating''
Nice save Jack.
idk if anyone saw this, maybe they did but im not looking through all this shit, but did anyone notice when they showed the video of the sleeping general (huh lots of disney princesses references in this ep.) that he is saying that he might be the only person that might be able to save thigns or whatever, well i digress, did anyone see the dude was eating all happy and showing the spork a bit? lol idk when i saw that i damn near pissed myslef. that shit was freaking hilarious. and poor dude lost his bith eyes lolol
At the end of episode one, Rhys and Fiona say that they're going to both open the button, but in the end, Rhys kinda takes over button pressing, while Fiona's hand just sorta hovers there.
(One image doesn't really do it justice; it's a lot easier to see in the form of a video or gif... But I have neither!)
...Did he just call me and Carl an idiot...
I feel that's either Rhys' greed or Jack messing with his mind making him do that.
And The Captor hits Rhys in the head...
I think Vasquez dropped the first uncensored f bomb in the Borderlands series.
There's going to be steamy smut fics on these two isn't there?
Speaking of which, where's 50 Shades of HandRhys? Uh, Jahys? Rhyack?
I think thats a bug on your end - in my game they both clearly touch the button
I like this idea
but any ship name for them sounds weird... maybe it's not meant to be?
Rhyiona the superior ship
When trying to fix his gun. He mutters something like 'this fucking thing'.
Oh, might have to go back and watch that again