Green Lantern
Sorry, after that terrible Ryan Reynolds GL movie, I can't take anyone without laughing a bit.
I hope DC makes his character interesting.
Green Lantern
Sorry, after that terrible Ryan Reynolds GL movie, I can't take anyone without laughing a bit.
I hope DC makes his character interesting.
Just because he directed "The Watchmen," Zack Snyder isn't an instant negative in my book. I still probably won't see it; in fact, the only one that sounds remotely interesting to me is the Suicide Squad, and that's probably only because of the name... Though the idea of a team of villains sounds appealing - it could either very dark and nihilistic, or just silly. My bet is on the latter.
I think this could possibly take place with an original set of superheroes set in like Chicago or something. They have so many in New York. There are a bunch of other places they could explore. Or hell, take it to another country. They call it the Marvel universe, but it just takes place in New York.
Given some of the jokey meta stuff in Tales from Borderlands and the focus on narrative arc, one of the few things I can see working is a Deadpool game. Wiseass comments triggered by point-and-click seems ideal. The violence in Deadpool is often more absurd spectacle than practical functional fighting, so that would probably fit better with the quick time event structure too. Admittedly there's already a Deadpool game that services a lot of those areas well, but a Telltale version would still be cool. I guess with the movie coming out early next year, it seems unlikely that is what this is though.
I think this could possibly take place with an original set of superheroes set in like Chicago or something. They have so many in New York. … moreThere are a bunch of other places they could explore. Or hell, take it to another country. They call it the Marvel universe, but it just takes place in New York.
Umm... TWD: Season 3 is coming. And if you want to blame anyone for the lack of a TWAU: Season 2, I'd blame the creator of Fables. I'm sure TellTale expressed interest in a second season, especially since TWAU seemed to have received a better overall reception on the forums than TWD: Season 2. I'm sure Willingham is to blame for this: The Wolf Among Us: The Comic. Long story short: there's more TWD coming, and tell Bill Willingham to sign a deal with TellTale if you really want more TWAU.
You beat me too it. I was about to say the exact same thing you posted. Regardless, I agree. I can see a Marvel game including Deadpool based off of the same formula TellTale is using for TFTBL.
Given some of the jokey meta stuff in Tales from Borderlands and the focus on narrative arc, one of the few things I can see working is a De… moreadpool game. Wiseass comments triggered by point-and-click seems ideal. The violence in Deadpool is often more absurd spectacle than practical functional fighting, so that would probably fit better with the quick time event structure too. Admittedly there's already a Deadpool game that services a lot of those areas well, but a Telltale version would still be cool. I guess with the movie coming out early next year, it seems unlikely that is what this is though.
The problem with Zack Snyder is that he's all style no substance, the only reason Watchmen was good is that for the most part it was a very faithful adaptation of the comic, not all that different from his take on 300, so yeah Watchmen was good because the comic was really fucking good, he did make some changes of which I only really liked one but the others weren't enough to make me not like the movie.
Anyway what this means is that Batman V Superman needs a really good screenplay and writing and I'm afraid that isn't going to happen as long as David S. Goyer is involved, well unless it's mostly Chis Terrio's writing and David S. Goyer is just there because he wrote the Batman movies, of which I must remind you that the first one was mediore at best, the second one was only good because the villains were excellent and the third one was shit and he also wrote Man of Steel which was absolute shit, but then again Chris Terrio has never written super hero stuff so who knows how good he will be, having written one good movie (Argo) doesn't really mean all that much.
As for Suicide Squad it sounds interesting and I don't mind Jared Letto as The Joker but I don't know Warner has failed to produce good comic book movies so many times that it's hard to be interested, I really hope they don't fuck it up though.
Just because he directed "The Watchmen," Zack Snyder isn't an instant negative in my book. I still probably won't see it; in fact, the only … moreone that sounds remotely interesting to me is the Suicide Squad, and that's probably only because of the name... Though the idea of a team of villains sounds appealing - it could either very dark and nihilistic, or just silly. My bet is on the latter.
I already said it to the other person, but Zack Snyder is all style no substance, so while it's guaranteed to look very stylish and probably good it's really all up to the writers whether the movie will be good or bad.
And not really, but I don't have enough money to watch everything there and I have other things I want to waste my money on like Comics and video games and other movies that are not Super Hero stuff, so I can't just watch everything, besides I can't stand Sony's Spider Man so fuck that shit I ain't watching that.
First thing I thought of upon hearing this announcement was Deadpool! Even though it is probably unlikely. I have a feeling this might be some sort of MCU tie-in, which means Deadpool would be out of the question.
Regardless, I'm really pumped up about this team up. I love Telltale and I love Marvel!
Given some of the jokey meta stuff in Tales from Borderlands and the focus on narrative arc, one of the few things I can see working is a De… moreadpool game. Wiseass comments triggered by point-and-click seems ideal. The violence in Deadpool is often more absurd spectacle than practical functional fighting, so that would probably fit better with the quick time event structure too. Admittedly there's already a Deadpool game that services a lot of those areas well, but a Telltale version would still be cool. I guess with the movie coming out early next year, it seems unlikely that is what this is though.
They said "one with Lionsgate" and another one they would announce this summer. So I figure this is really their second one and they're announcing it early
their second Super Show
Second? Did they announce a second one? I assumed this was going to be their first one, since they said their first one wasn't going to be with Lionsgate it makes perfect sense
It will probably be one of their regular series, if it was one of the super shows, they probably would have said that when they announced the partnership yesterday.
Yeah, the blog post that announced it was worded pretty clearly that Marvel and Telltale are teaming up for a game series project. If it was for a super show, they most likely would have just called it a series project, or a super show.
Plus, the Super Show format is being done in conjunction with Lionsgate. It's unlikely that they'd partner additionally with Disney, as that seems like it would be too many cooks in one pot, and would probably be a licensing nightmare when it comes to sorting out royalty percentages.
It will probably be one of their regular series, if it was one of the super shows, they probably would have said that when they announced the partnership yesterday.
A Super Show is another game format - kind of like Telltale's normal 5-episode Season - not a game itself. Telltale's first original IP will be used for Telltale's first Super Show game. They have not announced much details about what the original IP will be yet, but I think I heard on Twitter that they will share more details with us later this Summer?
Kevin tweeted when the Super Show thing was first announced that "can't wait to tell everyone who we've partnered up with for a Super Show!" which to me felt like they had one planned with Lionsgate and the second is this. I could be wrong but it's what I thought
Yeah, the blog post that announced it was worded pretty clearly that Marvel and Telltale are teaming up for a game series project. If it wa… mores for a super show, they most likely would have just called it a series project, or a super show.
Plus, the Super Show format is being done in conjunction with Lionsgate. It's unlikely that they'd partner additionally with Disney, as that seems like it would be too many cooks in one pot, and would probably be a licensing nightmare when it comes to sorting out royalty percentages.
It's Zack Snyder's best movie, I dare say his only good movie because I personally don't like 300 and generally dislike stuff by Frank Miller, so yeah, I'd recommend it, pretty much the only Syder movie I'd recommend, the graphic novel is still better but it's a pretty good adaptation all things considered.
Kevin tweeted when the Super Show thing was first announced that "can't wait to tell everyone who we've partnered up with for a Super Show!"… more which to me felt like they had one planned with Lionsgate and the second is this. I could be wrong but it's what I thought
Oh yeah that's the tweet I was thinking about. I think they could have maybe just announced it earlier, but I guess we'll figure out if they announced anything in the summer.
game of thrones season 2 is basically confirmed, telltale are basically under contract to do it
Telltale & Marvel:
Sorry, after that terrible Ryan Reynolds GL movie, I can't take anyone without laughing a bit.
I hope DC makes his character interesting.
OH GOD First Minecraft Now This.
Never make a judgement on a character if all you have to go on them is movies.
It's like an unspoken rule.
Well, if at first you don't succeed, reboot and repeat, apparentliy.
God forbid anybody in Hollywood actually write some original content...
Just because he directed "The Watchmen," Zack Snyder isn't an instant negative in my book. I still probably won't see it; in fact, the only one that sounds remotely interesting to me is the Suicide Squad, and that's probably only because of the name... Though the idea of a team of villains sounds appealing - it could either very dark and nihilistic, or just silly. My bet is on the latter.
Annnd the cycle continues
I think this could possibly take place with an original set of superheroes set in like Chicago or something. They have so many in New York. There are a bunch of other places they could explore. Or hell, take it to another country. They call it the Marvel universe, but it just takes place in New York.
That means only one thing, Stan Lees cameo
BTW they should partner up with Disney, they will own pretty much everything anyway 
I actually am much more enthusiastic and excited about this than Minecraft. I feel like it has more potential as far as a storyline goes.
Given some of the jokey meta stuff in Tales from Borderlands and the focus on narrative arc, one of the few things I can see working is a Deadpool game. Wiseass comments triggered by point-and-click seems ideal. The violence in Deadpool is often more absurd spectacle than practical functional fighting, so that would probably fit better with the quick time event structure too. Admittedly there's already a Deadpool game that services a lot of those areas well, but a Telltale version would still be cool. I guess with the movie coming out early next year, it seems unlikely that is what this is though.
This move by TellTale and Marvel is perfect to do just that and more.
Umm... TWD: Season 3 is coming. And if you want to blame anyone for the lack of a TWAU: Season 2, I'd blame the creator of Fables. I'm sure TellTale expressed interest in a second season, especially since TWAU seemed to have received a better overall reception on the forums than TWD: Season 2. I'm sure Willingham is to blame for this: The Wolf Among Us: The Comic. Long story short: there's more TWD coming, and tell Bill Willingham to sign a deal with TellTale if you really want more TWAU.
You beat me too it. I was about to say the exact same thing you posted. Regardless, I agree. I can see a Marvel game including Deadpool based off of the same formula TellTale is using for TFTBL.
The problem with Zack Snyder is that he's all style no substance, the only reason Watchmen was good is that for the most part it was a very faithful adaptation of the comic, not all that different from his take on 300, so yeah Watchmen was good because the comic was really fucking good, he did make some changes of which I only really liked one but the others weren't enough to make me not like the movie.
Anyway what this means is that Batman V Superman needs a really good screenplay and writing and I'm afraid that isn't going to happen as long as David S. Goyer is involved, well unless it's mostly Chis Terrio's writing and David S. Goyer is just there because he wrote the Batman movies, of which I must remind you that the first one was mediore at best, the second one was only good because the villains were excellent and the third one was shit and he also wrote Man of Steel which was absolute shit, but then again Chris Terrio has never written super hero stuff so who knows how good he will be, having written one good movie (Argo) doesn't really mean all that much.
As for Suicide Squad it sounds interesting and I don't mind Jared Letto as The Joker but I don't know Warner has failed to produce good comic book movies so many times that it's hard to be interested, I really hope they don't fuck it up though.
I already said it to the other person, but Zack Snyder is all style no substance, so while it's guaranteed to look very stylish and probably good it's really all up to the writers whether the movie will be good or bad.
And not really, but I don't have enough money to watch everything there and I have other things I want to waste my money on like Comics and video games and other movies that are not Super Hero stuff, so I can't just watch everything, besides I can't stand Sony's Spider Man so fuck that shit I ain't watching that.
First thing I thought of upon hearing this announcement was Deadpool! Even though it is probably unlikely. I have a feeling this might be some sort of MCU tie-in, which means Deadpool would be out of the question.
Regardless, I'm really pumped up about this team up. I love Telltale and I love Marvel!
I agree.
They said "one with Lionsgate" and another one they would announce this summer. So I figure this is really their second one and they're announcing it early
Other than Minecraft I think all of their partnerships have been great
Really? I'm not hating on Minecraft but you're gonna compare something so story rich like the stuff Marvel has to Minecraft?
Alongside with what @Jewfreeus and I guess @freelancepolicefan11 said :P
This is so F-ing awesome, I can't wait
I hope they do Star Wars or even Avengers heck even upcoming games idea 
I made a poll on what you guys think it'll be set up like -
I personally think it's one of their Super Shows
Super show seems a good idea to be honest : )
It will probably be one of their regular series, if it was one of the super shows, they probably would have said that when they announced the partnership yesterday.
Yeah, the blog post that announced it was worded pretty clearly that Marvel and Telltale are teaming up for a game series project. If it was for a super show, they most likely would have just called it a series project, or a super show.
Plus, the Super Show format is being done in conjunction with Lionsgate. It's unlikely that they'd partner additionally with Disney, as that seems like it would be too many cooks in one pot, and would probably be a licensing nightmare when it comes to sorting out royalty percentages.
that is what i mean minecraft was and still is a shit partnership and now they are back on track
yo wait a minute what about their new IP, or super show?????
A Super Show is another game format - kind of like Telltale's normal 5-episode Season - not a game itself. Telltale's first original IP will be used for Telltale's first Super Show game. They have not announced much details about what the original IP will be yet, but I think I heard on Twitter that they will share more details with us later this Summer?
Don't really think a waiting thread is really necessary yet considering this is happening 2 years from now. :P
Kevin tweeted when the Super Show thing was first announced that "can't wait to tell everyone who we've partnered up with for a Super Show!" which to me felt like they had one planned with Lionsgate and the second is this. I could be wrong but it's what I thought
It's Zack Snyder's best movie, I dare say his only good movie because I personally don't like 300 and generally dislike stuff by Frank Miller, so yeah, I'd recommend it, pretty much the only Syder movie I'd recommend, the graphic novel is still better but it's a pretty good adaptation all things considered.
Actually their second one is with Lionsgate and they've hinted that they'll reveal who their partner for the first super show is this summer.
Oh yeah that's the tweet I was thinking about. I think they could have maybe just announced it earlier, but I guess we'll figure out if they announced anything in the summer.
I hope **TT puts **Thor in the game because people will swap his model with Kenny