Saddest Death?

Sarah's death actually made me tear up a bit. Right before she was about to get devoured by walkers she started calling for Clem, I think that's when Sarah realized she was about to die.

Which was the saddest death for you?



  • Lee made me cry like a baby and Luke had me teary eyed

  • Lee's death obviously.

    But if not him, then Kenny.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Ben Paul's episode 5 death, I'd say the saddest death in the series for me. I cried harder at his than I did Lee's.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Lee, Kenny, Ben (No Time Left) and Omid

    Honorable mentions go to: Luke, Alvin (In Harm's Way), Pete (A House Divided), and Rebecca

  • Lee’s death and Sarah’s first death, no contest. I would also say Luke, but his death made me feel super angry more than anything.

  • S1 was Lee ( of course) and Duck (I can't believe he got bitten and died on the third ep plus his mother), Ben ( he was just a teenager who can't survive on his own duh),Carley (I almost cried and got shocked when I saw it), Chuck (I know he is homeless guy but he risked his life to save clementine), Mark (he was useful when he was infected and he got a small role and died already I liked him though)

    S2: Kenny ( I'm glad I made him live on my walkthrough, Jane just trying to prove a pointless point), Omid (DIED ON THE VERY BEGINNING?!) Pete ( really... He could have been useful on the other epsiodes), Sarah (I don't think Carlos made her ready for the apocalypse I do feel sad for Sarah), Nick ( even if he was an Ahole he just made mistakes and bad choices), Walter ( he could have been Pete 2.0 ;-; he was a fine man though), Alvin (alvin risked his life to distract the guard from clementine and did the right thing he also helped clementine a lot of times), Luke ( was my half-favorite character...) Rebecca ( come on guys you know that she has trust issues and she said sorry to clem, she was just scared of carvers group)

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Ben in No Time Left. It makes me feel so sad.

  • Sarah's both deaths. Worst written deaths.

  • Well, besides the obvious candidate of Lee Everett, I'd have to say my eyes swelled up when Sam was killed.

    It's funny that out of all the deaths in season two, the one that by far hit the hardest was the dog that had less than ten minutes in the game dying. And personally, the reason probably has something to do with the first dog I owned dying a very horrible death. He had been rescued from the side of a bridge by his piece of maggot shit owners that abused him and he had tapeworm and was on the brink of death when he was found. I had only owned him for a few months and I remember him coughing up blood and gagging on his own food, I had to take him to the vet where he was put to peace...

    But anyway, that shit fucked me up for ever. And anytime a dog dies in anything, I usually get hyper emotional.

  • Pete's death if you chose to go with him in episode 1.

  • Kenny's death where he tell clem to shoot him always makes me sad when i see others do it on youtube, otherwise, Sarah's death was the only one besides his that got me crying and feeling like shit for days.

  • Saddest death for me has to be Kenny because it was the only death in the entire game that I cried at.

    Buuuut, if we're going for the saddest death afterwards (not just at the time), then for me that's Luke. If you don't know by now I have an obsession with Luke and ever since his death, seeing the lake, seeing his death and even listening to his death music can send me into tears not only that but just thinking about it can make me cry or almost cry...

  • Aside from Lee being the most obvious choice, Kenny's determinate death if you shoot him. I honestly don't think I can ever watch it again.

    I would say Sarah, but her deaths disgusted me more than anything.

  • Obviously Lee's goes without saying.

    Kenny, if you shoot him, is one of the saddest, when I first saw it, it hit me almost as much as Lee's. Pete (in A House Divided) was also very sad.

  • And Nick's in terms of writing

    AronDracula posted: »

    Sarah's both deaths. Worst written deaths.

  • Doug, the first time I ever got upset over a video game characters death. Followed by Ben and Kenny, and everyone is season 2 because I didn't like any of their deaths.

  • I cried when Sam died.

    I may or may not have threw my computer when Luke died.

  • edited May 2015

    Sarah's death was so horrific and brutal her screams really disturbed me and I really wanted her to prove herself and help her survive so her death upset me a lot also that her only contribution, will only ever be as baggage in s2 once she died she deserved more

  • Kenny... :( (determinant) and Luke.

  • Not even Pete's second death? Alvin's second death?

    AGentlman posted: »

    Doug, the first time I ever got upset over a video game characters death. Followed by Ben and Kenny, and everyone is season 2 because I didn't like any of their deaths.

    1. Lee
    2. Shooting Kenny
    3. Pete
    4. Duck/Katjaa
    5. Omid
  • Alvin's in In Harms Way is definitely a great send off, a big reason why he's one of my favorite characters.

    Not even Pete's second death? Alvin's second death?

  • Yeah. Alvin's in A House Divided? Not so much. I did sort of like the feel it gave Rebecca in the next episode though.

    Alvin's in In Harms Way is definitely a great send off, a big reason why he's one of my favorite characters.

    • Lee, I'll never get over his death
    • Pete, he was only one from the cabin group that I liked right off the bat
    • Kenny, if I actually let him die (I usually don't)
    • Luke, he was one of my favorite characters in Season 2
    • Alvin, he was a sweetheart and I hated seeing him die in Carver's office. That's why I usually let him die at the lodge
  • Shurg, I laughed the first time i saw Luke drowning, what does that say about me.

    I made my own sound effects, and proclaimed Nooooooooooooooooooooooo, to me its just a game.

  • You have no heart?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Shurg, I laughed the first time i saw Luke drowning, what does that say about me. I made my own sound effects, and proclaimed Nooooooooooooooooooooooo, to me its just a game.

  • I know, he deserved better. Both of them.

    Clemenem posted: »

    And Nick's in terms of writing

  • She definetly deserves better.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Sarah's death was so horrific and brutal her screams really disturbed me and I really wanted her to prove herself and help her survive so he

  • Nah, Luke's death wasn't as sad as it was infuriating how dumb it was he died. Especially if Clementine does the smart thing and covers him.

    AronDracula posted: »

    You have no heart?

    1. Lee
    2. Kenny
    3. Omid
    4. Duck
    5. Carley(2nd one)
  • It didn't make me sad either but pissed off.

    Nah, Luke's death wasn't as sad as it was infuriating how dumb it was he died. Especially if Clementine does the smart thing and covers him.

  • For me it was Sarah's death as well. It was rather grim and brutal than sad and I felt offended and angry at the game. Everyone was so busy with their own personal stuff and later on with Rebecca's childbirth that they completely forgot about the other kid in the group. While I had to listen to Kenny's issues and Jane's fairytales I was hoping that we would get a chance to help Sarah getting over Carlos' death, telling her about our own parents, maybe finally developing a real friendship, not this parental "kid and grownup" relationships we had with Luke, Jane and co. But..nooo... what was I thinking..

  • Lee (obvious), then Luke. I think he was the closest thing to Lee in Season 2. Still very far though cause its hard to get on that level.
    To be honest, Kenny was broken. He got broken so many times, he really was a running time bomb. He was just looking for Duck and Katjaa replacements - he didnt even live a real life, he just lived in his own dream.

  • Lee

    Lee's made me feel horrible. Ducks was especially sad because after he'd been bitten the entire game just seemed so depressing.

  • I didn't really like Season 2's story in general, and Alvin and Pete didn't get that much development so I don't think I was really sadden by their deaths, unfortunately. Hopefully Season 3 isn't like that

    Yeah. Alvin's in A House Divided? Not so much. I did sort of like the feel it gave Rebecca in the next episode though.

  • Rebecca's death

  • I'd say Pete in Episode 2. Though that's just as much because of his resemblance to my father as it is how awesome Pete is on his own. There was a real danger of my father having cancer a while back (Thankfully he's fine), and seeing Pete, a character who resembles my father in so many ways, waste away due to the bite (A disease) like that before expiring was tough. It hit a little close to home.

  • Jane was looking for her sister replacement too.

    Lewt_Shogun posted: »

    Lee (obvious), then Luke. I think he was the closest thing to Lee in Season 2. Still very far though cause its hard to get on that level. T

  • All of them except Sarah, Alvin and Carver

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