Jane said...



  • Nope. Kenny only yelled at her, abandoned her in the middle of a Walker horde, yell at her every time she doesn't say what he wants to hear, determinantly accidentally hits her, determinantly pushes her, doesn't try to help her if she's drowning in ice cold water, blames her for Sarita's death and make her do all the dangerous things.

    AronDracula posted: »

    NO. Jane is the one who is crazy. Jane's plan was stupid and pointless. She needed to die. Tell me, did Kenny ever beat up Clem?

  • Kenny's done allot of bad things too but I still personally like him.

    Kenny is not worse then Jane, She faked the baby's death to do what cause a fight where she has an equal chance of getting killed? Kenny los

  • Because for me, Jane shows character growth, she shows she can change and she doesn't have an anger problem like Kenny does. She's more stable and ensures Clementine's protection, Kenny basically gave no shit about Clementine in episode 4 and then focuses his attention on the newly born AJ. He was quick to ask about AJ and blame Clementine. He just charged at Jane without even giving her a chance to explain herself. He acts too irrationally for my tastes and yet I miss Kenny in my Jane playthrough not because he's been good to Clementine, I clearly see how many times he abandoned her and risked her life and blamed her but because I don't fully trust Jane since I don't know her as much as Kenny and Clementine has only known her for literally a few days, the only evidence to believe what she's been through is from her words. Hopefully they add more insight into Jane in Season 3.

  • Alt text

    You should probably get your facts straight.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'll never forget that. I killed Jane because she caused Sarah's death

  • Tell me, did Kenny ever beat up Clem?

    Nope, He TOOOOTALLY didn't hurt her Physically or Mentally, TOTALLY. (Sarcasm)

    Also, when did Jane beat up Clem? Was it in the the Special, "Only AronDracula has Seen this and No one else can: Special Edition" of Season 2? The edition where Jane evilly Laughed as she murdered her sister, Kenny was perfect, and Then they all flew away on a Boat, except for Jane because Jane doesn't deserve life Because she has PTSD from watching her sister die and not being able to do shit about it, so she stays sheltered and betrays people because she's scared? Is that the Version of Season 2 you were playing?

    AronDracula posted: »

    NO. Jane is the one who is crazy. Jane's plan was stupid and pointless. She needed to die. Tell me, did Kenny ever beat up Clem?

  • I'm not picking one over the other here, but the relationship with Jane was kinda forced too. To the point where I found myself thinking "I don't want to have a deep conversation about your dead sister, I don't want to bond with you. Just go away!" I even went out of my way to be a bitch to her, but it still doesn't make a difference.

    prink34320 posted: »

    His/her friend? I'm sorry but I think you mean, non-determinant forced relationship because no matter how you treat Kenny, you somehow creat

  • edited June 2015

    I guarantee that had Jane tried to tell Kenny AJ was alive, Kenny would've called her a liar and continued trying to kill her regardless of what she said. Hell, she said point blank she didn't kill him, and did Kenny listen then?

    Some people just can't be reasoned with, which is why Jane felt she had to imply a less-than-comforting fate about AJ in the first place.

    prink34320 posted: »

    We don't really know enough about her character to justify that she would tell Kenny that AJ is fine, and either way, Kenny would've most likely killed her.

  • Uh, sorry but I still hate her because of her offer

    You should probably get your facts straight.

  • That didn't happen almost instantly after. It was before, when the situation had not escalated into a fight yet and Jane hadn't slit open his stomach for instance.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I guess people forget that Jane put her weapon away and Kenny attacked her almost instantly after?

  • She technically caused the fight by hiding AJ so its not really murder. She knew he would react like that.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    By any means i had at my disposal short of murder. Hopefully the fact that i am in their 'circle of trust' would help them consider my position and what i had to say. If not They wouldn't be in MY circle anymore. No matter who the fuck they were.

  • edited June 2015

    yeah... and if you stay silent, when you have to shoot/leave Lee. Clementine decides on her own what is "best" for him... Just like when you have to make Kenny or yourself shoot Duck, or when you have to come up with the plan to infiltrate Crawford...

    It's happens randomly, Jane sometimes doesn't drop, she sometimes does...

    Her horribly written character doesn't make her a saint...

    AronDracula posted: »

    Uh, sorry but I still hate her because of her offer

  • Well, I'm the one who tell anyone what to do.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    yeah... and if you stay silent, when you have to shoot/leave Lee. Clementine decides on her own what is "best" for him... Just like when you

  • Well, I'm the one who tell anyone what to do.

    Well yeah, because Clem is a video game character, and she gets to do everything...

    I was responding to those wiki screeshots

    AronDracula posted: »

    Well, I'm the one who tell anyone what to do.

  • As a eleven year girl, i think it would be best that someone be watching over her. If it was me, George i would go alone.

    Plus in this case the sociopath and psychopath care about her, (it is possible for both) and for both it is a real obsession. Point is the sociopath has at least a lid on their emotions so I'd go with that too

  • Wiki does not equal Facts, just letting you know buddy.

    You should probably get your facts straight.

  • It's happens randomly, Jane sometimes doesn't drop, she sometimes does...

    Do you have proof of that?

    Her horribly written character doesn't make her a saint...

    :looks around: Who in this thread is calling her a saint?

    TheMPerson posted: »

    yeah... and if you stay silent, when you have to shoot/leave Lee. Clementine decides on her own what is "best" for him... Just like when you

  • edited June 2015

    But Jane antagonized him after for god's sake

    prink34320 posted: »

    I guess people forget that Jane put her weapon away and Kenny attacked her almost instantly after?

  • You can kill em both

    Green613 posted: »

    Kenny has said 10X more stupid shit so I guess I shouldn't save him either

  • Sarah stills dies regardless and Jane just tried to help. Clementine used the axe to cut whatever was being held and that indirectly got Sarah killed. Jane's help or not helping didn't matter.

    AronDracula posted: »

    It was indirectly. Her offer got Sarah killed.

  • True, But I've seen these things happen in the game, So there's a lot of proof some of it is factual.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Wiki does not equal Facts, just letting you know buddy.

  • You mean her Offer to Have sex with Luke, that Luke accepted, Completely making your argument backfire?

    AronDracula posted: »

    Uh, sorry but I still hate her because of her offer

  • I accept that her sister wanted to die. But I don't think she wanted to die by being eaten alive. I hope Jane euthanised her and she just doesn't admit it.

    You know, I'm getting real tired of these Kenny vs. Jane things. Look, either way, For that whole Mess, Kenny was to Blame, and Jane was to

  • edited June 2015

    I guarantee that had Jane tried to tell Kenny AJ was alive, Kenny would've called her a liar and continued trying to kill her regardless of what she said.

    I agree 100%. However, if Jane had confessed that AJ was really just in the car safe and sound right before Kenny was about to plunge that knife into her chest, I bet you a lot more players would've shot Kenny if Kenny continued to try to kill Jane then and there (which he would've.) Because at that point there's even more doubt on why Kenny is trying to kill Jane in the first place. So another reason they had Jane uncharacteristically not confess about AJ at the end was for Telltale to get more evenly-split decisions from their players in their big season finale decision, I imagine.

    Also, if Kenny had miraculously stopped seeing red and realized that AJ could actually be safe and there was no reason for him to kill Jane, then the conflict is gone, yet again. Poof, no "climatic" final season decision.

    I guarantee that had Jane tried to tell Kenny AJ was alive, Kenny would've called her a liar and continued trying to kill her regardless of

  • It takes two to tango.

    You mean her Offer to Have sex with Luke, that Luke accepted, Completely making your argument backfire?

  • Ditto.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm done. I don't wanna hear from you anymore

  • I'm not going to argue about what the definition of murder is.

    She technically caused the fight by hiding AJ so its not really murder. She knew he would react like that.

  • Luke wouldn't start anything if Jane never made that

    You mean her Offer to Have sex with Luke, that Luke accepted, Completely making your argument backfire?

  • edited June 2015

    No, if there were less walkers at the deck, the whole group wouldn't have been on it.

    Sg190th posted: »

    Sarah stills dies regardless and Jane just tried to help. Clementine used the axe to cut whatever was being held and that indirectly got Sarah killed. Jane's help or not helping didn't matter.

  • because i despise kenny and i'm happy he's finally dead.

    i went with jane after because being alone was idiotic

  • You say this in a way as if Kenny knew exactly what she was doing. That he killed her because she lied and not because he thought she wasn't lying.

    No, that's how you read it. When I say, "The worst thing she ever did is tell that lie," I encompass everything that goes with that "lie"--which was baiting Kenny and the fight, basically.

    On the contrary, as Kenny himself said, if at any point Jane revealed her lie and said that Alvin was fine Kenny would've stopped.

    Ok, let me ask you something. Why did Jane not say anything about AJ? What's your reasoning for that? Why did she let Kenny kill her without saying anything, leaving Kenny alone with Clem, when Jane so clearly wanted Clem to not be with Kenny? The one thing people who don't like Jane can say is she's "selfish" right? So why is she not thinking of herself here? Why does she not take some action to keep herself alive?

    She was written badly, for a poorly written, forced final conflict. That's why.

    And While Kenny was going to kill her for killing AJ, Jane was going to kill Kenny because...........I still can't figure out what her reason was. Besides the whole "Kenny is dangerous, ooooooo, spooky"

    Copy/paste from something I wrote before:

    Jane knew Kenny's plan to find Wellington in the freezing winter wilderness with a starving baby and just one gun made no sense. If you're going for realism the Kenny endings are a sham because there's no way you can find a camp when you have no idea what state of the U.S. the camp is even in, and Kenny indeed had no idea where it was exactly. (He said it was "near Michigan," not "in Michigan.") That's a few hundred thousand square miles they'd have to search to find it--just a wild goose chase, stumbling around in the dark, with a starving kid, a starving baby, all in the middle of winter. If the writers wanted to go for realism, Kenny, AJ, and Clem should've been starving and barely able to walk by the time they found Wellington, if they had even been able to find it at all before freezing to death. If you were going for REALISM, Kenny, AJ, and Clem would be DEAD in Kenny's endings.

    Jane suggested Howe's because it was the nearest shelter they knew of (it was the only shelter whose location they knew, compared to Wellington) that had food and even baby formula. Jane knew Kenny was leading Clem and AJ to their deaths and Jane was trying to stop that. She knew if Kenny didn't leave the group that he would continue his suicide mission to find Wellington, not listening to what anyone else had to say on the best place to go. Hence why she staged the stupid baby-hiding plan, and hence why I will never go with Kenny. Ever.

    HERO_1000 posted: »

    You say this in a way as if Kenny knew exactly what she was doing. That he killed her because she lied and not because he thought she wasn't

  • Either way, at least with Jane you have a clear option to dislike her, there's zero to barely any dialogue options that can show a clear dislike towards Kenny.

    Teemarie1 posted: »

    I'm not picking one over the other here, but the relationship with Jane was kinda forced too. To the point where I found myself thinking "I

  • I agree they have both done horrible things, but I disagree they can never get their humanity back. Kenny as well; I may not like him at all but that doesn't mean he can't become a better person. When it comes to Jane, you're right; she has helped a lot. She helps Rebecca and Clem through the herd, she helps bring Luke and determinately Sarah back, she shows Clem skills she has indeed never seen before--like checking "fresh" walkers rather than old ones and searching them and using a nail file in different ways such as picking a lock and making a fire, she opens up the observation deck gift shop and finds a safe place for Rebecca to have the baby and for everyone to spend the night, she stabbed that Russian dude Vitali ending the gunfight, she broke up an off-screen argument between Kenny and Mike, she got Clem out of the river, she even looked after AJ for a bit in the house.

    In getting her humanity back, Jane proves she can get better. If you don't choose what to do about Arvo's meds, Jane decides to not take them. If you don't decide what to do about the family at Howe's, Jane lets them in. If you don't choose what to do before Sarah's second death, Jane indeed does go save Sarah of her own accord. (I have to figure out how to record this last one, as I've seen it does indeed happen.)

    prink34320 posted: »

    I think the worst thing each of them have done is lose their humanity to an extent where they can never get it back. Jane left her sister to

  • Of course they're both to blame. They both made stupid decisions that could've been resolved in more peaceful ways. By the end, they both wanted to definitely kill each other. But yeah, I don't think we have enough evidence to tell if Jane most definitely wanted Kenny dead from the very beginning of the fight, or not. It depends on your opinion. My opinion is that she didn't want him dead from the beginning.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I say they're both to blame. They both knew what was happening at this moment and at certain points(mainly outside) they both showed through action and dialogue that they wanted the other dead.

  • Ya Jane is a good person 100% and didnt also try to kill Kenny.

    Lol I never said that. Of course Jane tried to kill Kenny. However I think it's questionable whether she wanted him dead from the beginning of the fight or not. She put her knife away at one point and said to him, "Just go." It's true, I don't have enough evidence to say I'm 100% sure Jane didn't want him dead from the beginning, but others don't have enough evidence to say they're 100% sure Jane did want him dead from the beginning, either. I just prefer the "innocent until proven guilty" approach. >_> And of course she's not 100% perfect, jeez. Don't put words in my mouth, please.

    Only_Jags posted: »

    Wait a sec.... You are trying to tell me Jane didnt try to also kill Kenny? I mean go watch the fight. Kenny first pushed her on a wall then

  • Kenny stabbing Jane is absolutely murder. If you shoot him, he admits as he dies that he was wrong. Similarly, Jane stabbing Kenny--had she succeeded--would absolutely be murder.

    She technically caused the fight by hiding AJ so its not really murder. She knew he would react like that.

  • edited June 2015

    @ClemyClooAndBabyboo too

    Jane indeed actually does try to save Sarah if you let the timer run out! Just tried it! Hehe I've got to find a working screen recorder for Android devices so I can prove it lol. And also I've yet to see an occurrence when the timer runs out and Jane doesn't try to save Sarah too.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Wiki does not equal Facts, just letting you know buddy.

  • while jane did it for her own sake

    You have no solid proof of that.

    darky07 posted: »

    All right this Kenny vs Jane thing is getting out of control, well it went out of control a long time ago, to be honest Jane was wrong, who

  • The reason Jane left Jaime was because leaving Jaime was Jane's last option to have Jaime alive. She says, and I quote, "Walkers cornered us. Forced us up to the roof. And then when they kept coming...I...I couldn't make her jump. Couldn't throw her. So I tried something else. I told her she could have what she wanted. And I left her there. Jumped to the next building over by myself." The key word is "tried." Jane wanted Jaime to come with her, so she hoped that her jumping across would spur Jaime to get up and go herself, because nothing else was working.

    In addition, if Clem says, "Did she get 'turned'? Do you know?" Jane says, "When she didn't follow me over...I didn't have the guts to go back and see for myself." So technically, Jaime could still be alive. Personally I find it suspicious that Jane never heard any screaming from Jaime indicating Jaime was being eaten alive, and I like to think Jaime did indeed jump over, but just wasn't able to catch up with Jane, and she's still out there somewhere....Wishful thinking I know, but it's still possible.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    I accept that her sister wanted to die. But I don't think she wanted to die by being eaten alive. I hope Jane euthanised her and she just doesn't admit it.

  • In addition to Jane trying to save Sarah on her own if the timer runs out, I think it's cool to note that if you let the timer run out, Jane will let Arvo keep his meds, and if you let the timer run out, Jane will let the family at Howe's in. The fact that she would make those decisions on her own shows she can grow as a character, and not be so cold and "selfish" as some think.

    True, But I've seen these things happen in the game, So there's a lot of proof some of it is factual.

  • Copy/paste.

    Ok really, I love both Jane and Luke but I can't understand how people keep thinking this is without a doubt Jane's fault. First off, we don't know exactly what Luke and Jane said to each other as it was never explicitly stated what they said to each other in that observation deck. In addition, Luke clearly knew what his job was. In the scene before everyone split up to do their jobs, Jane walked away immediately, saying, "I'll check the building by the river" and is not seen again the rest of that scene. And Jane left before Luke ever announced his duty to check the perimeter for walkers (a duty which he assigned to himself!) to everyone, minus possibly Jane. The rest of the group had guns; when Jane and Luke were together, Jane could've assumed some of the rest of the group was on duty if Luke never mentioned what his specific job was to Jane. If it was anyone's fault that the group was caught off guard by walkers that we can be absolutely sure of, it was most definitely, at the very least, Luke's, as he knew he had a job to do, and he instead accepted Jane's offer. The only way he couldn't have gotten away was if she forcibly had her way with him, and that just plain didn't happen. ("She made me an offer and I accepted.") If the guy had really wanted to do his duty, he would have been able to shrug Jane off and protect everyone, like he'd said he was going to.

    It takes two to tango.

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