Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Guys I just wanted to say how awesome the wiki is! Reggie you have enormous props from me! I'm dying from laughter right now!

  • we good

    Pipas posted: »

    Oh, I forgot to say hi to Rhyionas! Hi Rhyionas! How you doing?

  • edited July 2015

    Most of the texts on the wiki were provided by @armis37. :P

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Guys I just wanted to say how awesome the wiki is! Reggie you have enormous props from me! I'm dying from laughter right now!

  • You're too kind Pipas <3

    Pipas posted: »

    Most of the texts on the wiki were provided by @armis37. :P

  • edited July 2015

    thats probably armis's stuff ( @armis37 ) youre laughing at, but i'll take those props for making the thing :)

    why dont you join in?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Guys I just wanted to say how awesome the wiki is! Reggie you have enormous props from me! I'm dying from laughter right now!

  • This game has more of a comedy vibe as opposed to to TWD's dark and TWAU's mystery. All can be funny and epic when they need to though.
    I think the ending will adhere to that.
    The other two ended with those themes intact...

    Pipas posted: »

    No, they've had enough of the suffering they caused to the players, so now they're doing happy ending where no one dies!

  • i'll come

    Pipas posted: »

    So, about the chat meet up. How many of you are actually planning to go there? 2 people already said they can't, so I wonder if it'd be bett

  • Nope he's right, write something cool on my page too, or some jack quote i don't care as long as it's awesome

    armis37 posted: »

    You're too kind Pipas

  • I only speak the truth. :)

    armis37 posted: »

    You're too kind Pipas

  • Idea was yours ;) and I joined albeit I have a problem with getting confirmation e mail

    thats probably armis's stuff ( @armis37 ) youre laughing at, but i'll take those props for making the thing why dont you join in?

  • edited July 2015

    so armis suggested we could meet on Skype?

    Why don't you guys just use Steam group chat :p

    Provided everyone you want on there has a premium steam account (meaning they bought at least one thing on steam) anyone can use it and it works great ^-^

    Pipas posted: »

    So, about the chat meet up. How many of you are actually planning to go there? 2 people already said they can't, so I wonder if it'd be bett

  • And so the journey of one of the most glorious threads began.

    And so the journey of the most glorious thread began.

    FTFY ;D

    Pipas posted: »

    Once upon a time there was a thread. It was named "Sasha x Rhys? Sasha x Rhys." It was created the same day as the first episode came out by

  • cool

    Green613 posted: »

    we good

  • I knew someone was going to mention this. :P I just didn't want any other thread to feel inferior. :^)

    And so the journey of one of the most glorious threads began. And so the journey of the most glorious thread began. FTFY ;D

  • It's okay Pipas... I'll take the hit for the team.
    Stands up and throws arms into the air
    RHYSHA IS THE BEST SHIP IN THE WORLD!!!! COME GET MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pipas posted: »

    I knew someone was going to mention this. :P I just didn't want any other thread to feel inferior. :^)

  • The ship feels forced to some because they probably shipped something else and probably tried going out of their way to avoid Rhysha moments, but it looks like Rhysha might be happening anyway.

    Kinda like with FFVIII. No matter how much you go out of your way to ignore Rinoa, she and Squall still end up together. Ignoring her all the time makes the player miss a lot of their scenes and makes the relationship feel like it came out of nowhere.

    J-Master posted: »

    Why are people finding the Rhys and Sasha stuff forced as far as story and character development goes? I totally bought it and the only reason why I shipped the two was because I thought they both had a great chemistry in Episode 1.

  • if you need some help on the wiki, just ask :)

    And if you want join us in the chat...

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Idea was yours and I joined albeit I have a problem with getting confirmation e mail

  • I don't think the "CLAPTRAP CONFIRMED AS THE STRANGER" thread will have any hard feelings about this.

    Pipas posted: »

    I knew someone was going to mention this. :P I just didn't want any other thread to feel inferior. :^)


    Grimnir3 posted: »

    I don't think the "CLAPTRAP CONFIRMED AS THE STRANGER" thread will have any hard feelings about this.

  • Chatzy is fine... it fits 15 people... i doubt we'll have more than that.

    Pipas posted: »

    So, about the chat meet up. How many of you are actually planning to go there? 2 people already said they can't, so I wonder if it'd be bett

  • Well i'm off on vacatios and have crappy net so that might be the issue.

    if you need some help on the wiki, just ask And if you want join us in the chat...

  • edited July 2015

    Hey there, fellow shippers. So, here's the deal. Remember how we talked about a severe lack of fanfiction in this thread? Like, really, we kinda lack it. So, me and my already good friend @Ctarl_Ctarl_Empire decided to write one fanfic to rule them all! And we're gonna need your help for it... I'll just let you see for yourself...

    Ladies and gentlemen, loyal shippers of Rhysha, I have one very important question for you. Are you ready? Ready for what, you ask? The adventure of your lifetime, which you can be the decider of! Surprised, aren't you? No need, cupcakes, everything will be explained.

    Imagine you're standing in a crossway. Right in front of you is a sign with two pointers. On one, you can read this: 'The adventure of your beloved quad – Rhys, Sasha, Fiona and Vaughn in Pandora, far away from canon story but no less fun or crazy! Decide their fate with your decisions and watch their story unfold in front of your eyes as they search for something very valuable…’

    The other one reads ‘Have you ever wanted to experience Pandora yourself? Immerse yourself in the world of danger and madness? Now, you finally have a chance! Dive right in with your fellow Rhysha members as you create your own avatar and start your journey in the search of whatever you want!’

    And so, you, my friends, have to make your first choice already. What will it be – will you spectate our favorite quad’s adventures and make choices for them, cheer and support them through every obstacle they’re travelling through? Or will you experience Pandoran life as yourself and your friends while you try to survive in that harsh world? And to show we mean business, here, amaze yourself with these pictures of the adventures to come!

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Alt text

    So, dear friends, do you want to follow Rhys, Sasha, Fiona, Vaughn and Loader bot on an all new adventure in the pandoran wastelands as they uncover a new dastardly plot that could shake the very core of the universe?

    Or do YOU want to be the one to discover this evil scheme. Jump into the world of borderlands with your fellow Rhyshans and be the bandit/mercenary/soldier/looter/man/woman/child/man-child/cupcake you were always meant to be!

    Decide the fate of this story now!!!

    A: I want to follow the original cast on their all new adventure!!!

    B: I want to go on an adventure!!!

    Write your opinions about this and vote in the comments below this post - remember, say if you will participate, because this is a story for you - you'll be making choices that will decide the fate of characters, and vote for the story you want to experience!

    EDIT: the voting is now stopped, and A option won. Don't comment under this post for the purpose of voting anymore! :)

  • because I thought they both had a great chemistry in Episode 1.

    That's the problem though, I personally went out of my way to avoid any possible connection Rhys could have with Sasha in episode 1, yet those options were still available to me and the only way to not romance Sasha would make the situation awkward or make Rhys looks like a jerk.

    J-Master posted: »

    Why are people finding the Rhys and Sasha stuff forced as far as story and character development goes? I totally bought it and the only reason why I shipped the two was because I thought they both had a great chemistry in Episode 1.

  • A

    armis37 posted: »

    Hey there, fellow shippers. So, here's the deal. Remember how we talked about a severe lack of fanfiction in this thread? Like, really, we k

  • The hype is real!!!

    armis37 posted: »

    Hey there, fellow shippers. So, here's the deal. Remember how we talked about a severe lack of fanfiction in this thread? Like, really, we k

  • YES !


    armis37 posted: »

    Hey there, fellow shippers. So, here's the deal. Remember how we talked about a severe lack of fanfiction in this thread? Like, really, we k

  • edited July 2015

    I plowed through this damn entire thread for the last three days and it still have surprises for me.
    Okay here is my opinion, that's a great idea. But for a long time project with more than two or three contributors, a story with original charakters would be better. Like a forum-RPG without the RPG elements. That way new writers can easier join the party down the road.
    Because when, let's say ten people write the story, personality and dialouge of four main characters, it could become a giant clusterfuck, espacially when newcommers arrive.
    You know the word: "Too many cooks spoil the broth."

    armis37 posted: »

    Hey there, fellow shippers. So, here's the deal. Remember how we talked about a severe lack of fanfiction in this thread? Like, really, we k

  • edited July 2015

    Haha. I appreciate the advice, but that's not what we're going for. Only two writers. But much like telltale's games, we'll give you a choice at certain intervals. Get it?

    Grimnir3 posted: »

    I plowed through this damn entire thread for the last three days and it still have surprises for me. Okay here is my opinion, that's a gre

  • A it is.

    armis37 posted: »

    Hey there, fellow shippers. So, here's the deal. Remember how we talked about a severe lack of fanfiction in this thread? Like, really, we k

  • Yeah, if anyone is confused, just ask me or @armis37.
    We'll be more than happy to answer.

    The hype is real!!! LISTEN FOR THE HYPE

  • Has it really been three months already, well I'll be damned, time certainly does fly. Cheers guys.

    Alt text

    Pipas posted: »

    Once upon a time there was a thread. It was named "Sasha x Rhys? Sasha x Rhys." It was created the same day as the first episode came out by

  • Oooh, now I get it, I thought this whole thing would be much more interactive, okay in that case. I have no idea, both options are pretty good.

    Haha. I appreciate the advice, but that's not what we're going for. Only two writers. But much like telltale's games, we'll give you a choice at certain intervals. Get it?

  • Remember. I you need some more info, don't be afraid to ask. Armis or I would be more than happy to inform your decision...

    Grimnir3 posted: »

    Oooh, now I get it, I thought this whole thing would be much more interactive, okay in that case. I have no idea, both options are pretty good.

  • Well, if you can post better quality of the picture, that would definitely be a plus, but it's not needed. :P

    Grimnir3 posted: »

    Thank you all for the warm welcome. And yes, I'd like the official markings and all that. Do I have to send someone a better quality pictu

  • I thought it fits only 10? Well, if it's 15, then it's settled. :D

    Chatzy is fine... it fits 15 people... i doubt we'll have more than that.

  • Definitely A.

    This sounds exciting :D

    armis37 posted: »

    Hey there, fellow shippers. So, here's the deal. Remember how we talked about a severe lack of fanfiction in this thread? Like, really, we k

  • Alt text

    ...yes I've gotta be that guy. xD

    armis37 posted: »

    Hey there, fellow shippers. So, here's the deal. Remember how we talked about a severe lack of fanfiction in this thread? Like, really, we k

  • Alt text

    Pipas posted: »

    I thought it fits only 10? Well, if it's 15, then it's settled.

  • edited July 2015

    Omg, this is a great idea! :D You certainly surpassed my expectations since you teased us on chatzy. :D

    And I vote A, because it'd take me forever to create character in B. (just ask @Crips, I've been writing a character for his fanfic like month. :D)

    armis37 posted: »

    Hey there, fellow shippers. So, here's the deal. Remember how we talked about a severe lack of fanfiction in this thread? Like, really, we k

  • Well option A is pretty self explanatory.
    And if I understand option B right, we're free to send in charakter sheets with basic info like age, height, appearance, backround etc. and the rest is up to you, right? If that's the case then mercy on your souls. While interesting, creating a balanced ensemble piece like that with two authors is hell, I immagine.

    Beccause I care for your sanities I would vote for A.

    Remember. I you need some more info, don't be afraid to ask. Armis or I would be more than happy to inform your decision...

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