Rebecca: "I knew you were going to be a fucking problem"
Clementine: "You should probrably think about being nicer to me, that's just my advice"
Pete: "I feel like ten pounds of shit in a five pound sack"
Christa: "You should be doing this not me, tending a fire so you can cook and stay warm it's something you have to able to do Clementine, otherwise."
Nick: (Carlos voice) "Luke he's becoming a danger to the group"
Clementine: "I'm still not bitten, I never was and you left me out here to DIE"
Carley: "You think your some tough bitch don't you? Like nothing could hurt you, your just a scared little girl. Get the fuck over it".
Any of Lee's interactions with Clementine I also liked Chuck's quote a few comments above, and any of Kenny's really funny ones.
I liked Carley's entire speech calling Lilly out. The one that ends in, "take a page from Lee's book and try helping somebody for once."
Definitely when Lee's talking to Vernon and says: "That little girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE! - is gonna wind up dead! You hear me?!"
Another of my favorites is a determinant line by Kenny: "You've always been there for me, Lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? You and Clementine are the only family I got left. Bitten or not, I'm with you to the end. You can count on me."
Lee - "Fuck it! Im going for it!"
Omid- "Going for it?"
Christa - "What does that mean?"
Lee - "It means Im already bitten! I just have to push my way through!"
Omid - "What the fuck!" "But maybe you got to it fast enough! Maybe you'll be fine!" Lee - I cant risk wasting more time on a long shot!
That conversation basically just shows how desperate Lee became to save Clementine. It shows hes willing to slice through a horde of walkers to save her, and he doesnt care whether he gets bitten or not.
Im mostly reminded of a quote from something else when I see this scene.
"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose."
And that is shown right here. With nothing but a cleaver and a stub (Or a useless arm) for an arm.
"Nobody who died is anyone's fault! We...we all wanted to be together, and it just went bad. But we owe it to them to try to make the best of this!" -Clementine S2E5
My fav interaction Clem and Lee have was the drugstore one when he's like "being good is good" and Clem is thinking "get the fuck Outta my face", but just says "yup".
Any of Lee's interactions with Clementine I also liked Chuck's quote a few comments above, and any of Kenny's really funny ones.
I liked… more Carley's entire speech calling Lilly out. The one that ends in, "take a page from Lee's book and try helping somebody for once."
Definitely when Lee's talking to Vernon and says: "That little girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE! - is gonna wind up dead! You hear me?!"
Another of my favorites is a determinant line by Kenny: "You've always been there for me, Lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? You and Clementine are the only family I got left. Bitten or not, I'm with you to the end. You can count on me."
My fav interaction Clem and Lee have was the drugstore one when he's like "being good is good" and Clem is thinking "get the fuck Outta my face", but just says "yup".
I definitely replayed that so many times lol
That's fucking stupid Ben.
If people don't trust you how can you trust them?
Quiet Clem, the adults are talking. Is that what this is?
I'm going to punch the first sonuvabitch I see, then I'm gonna take his gun and use it to shoot the next sonuvabitch I see.
I also liked, in the Drugstore:
Lee: "I know I'm not your dad, but if you need anything, I'm your guy."
Clementine: "Okay. Same."
L… moreee: "You're my guy?"
Clementine: "Oh, no! You knooow."
Lee: "We're gonna try and take care of each other."
Clementine: "Yes. Deal."
I found it difficult to choose some favourite lines, but the following one I used when I was recovering from anaesthetic, after having a lobectomy. No not lobotomy either
After a six hour surgery, major groggy and unaware of my surroundings, my wife asked me how I felt.
'I feel like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound sack' - I don't even remember saying it, but my wife certainly does. Just goes to show how much this game, this phenomenon stays with us.
* Rick: We are The Walking Dead!
* Kennys speech on Wellington.
* Lee: I'll miss you.
* Rick: They fucked with the wrong people!
* Clementine: I am still. NOT. Bitten.
* Kenny Do you know what it feels like to get beaten almost to death peaseful it feels peaceful it was like i was floating away watching the whole thing happen to me. And then i woke up again.
Erm no!
Rebecca: "I knew you were going to be a fucking problem"
Clementine: "You should probrably think about being nicer to me, that's just my advice"
Pete: "I feel like ten pounds of shit in a five pound sack"
Christa: "You should be doing this not me, tending a fire so you can cook and stay warm it's something you have to able to do Clementine, otherwise."
Nick: (Carlos voice) "Luke he's becoming a danger to the group"
Clementine: "I'm still not bitten, I never was and you left me out here to DIE"
Carley: "You think your some tough bitch don't you? Like nothing could hurt you, your just a scared little girl. Get the fuck over it".
Kenny: "My rigor mortis is acting up again"
Lee: "What?"
Kenny: "What?"
Also, the whole "Urban" section.
Luke : Can't shoot em ,too much noise . There's only two of em....
Clem : Let's take em.
And also Chuck's quote .
"You ruined that dude's face" - Omid
S1 E1 (At the Drugstore)
S2 E5 (During shootout)
Any of Lee's interactions with Clementine
I also liked Chuck's quote a few comments above, and any of Kenny's really funny ones.
I liked Carley's entire speech calling Lilly out. The one that ends in, "take a page from Lee's book and try helping somebody for once."
Definitely when Lee's talking to Vernon and says: "That little girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE! - is gonna wind up dead! You hear me?!"
Another of my favorites is a determinant line by Kenny: "You've always been there for me, Lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? You and Clementine are the only family I got left. Bitten or not, I'm with you to the end. You can count on me."
"These people don't trust you. Why do you trust them?" - Carver
Lee - "Fuck it! Im going for it!"
Omid- "Going for it?"
Christa - "What does that mean?"
Lee - "It means Im already bitten! I just have to push my way through!"
Omid - "What the fuck!" "But maybe you got to it fast enough! Maybe you'll be fine!"
Lee - I cant risk wasting more time on a long shot!
That conversation basically just shows how desperate Lee became to save Clementine. It shows hes willing to slice through a horde of walkers to save her, and he doesnt care whether he gets bitten or not.
Im mostly reminded of a quote from something else when I see this scene.
"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose."
And that is shown right here. With nothing but a cleaver and a stub (Or a useless arm) for an arm.
Jane: "Versatility is not overrated."
and I shall not lie...
Kenny: "Whatever, man. I find whoever's doing that, I'll ring their motherfucking bell for 'em."
Powerful 'stache.
"Nobody who died is anyone's fault! We...we all wanted to be together, and it just went bad. But we owe it to them to try to make the best of this!" -Clementine S2E5
"Sometimes you have to hurt someone else to protect the people you care about. A friend told me that once."-Clementine
"I'd come back for you." — Clementine to Luke. ; A;/
I kinda wish in an alternate world, everyone died at lowes except for Clem and Carvers group and she had to roll with them.
I really liked carvers character and man he had some dope ass lines
My fav interaction Clem and Lee have was the drugstore one when he's like "being good is good" and Clem is thinking "get the fuck Outta my face", but just says "yup".
I definitely replayed that so many times lol
Damn I wish I said that I shot Lee... That hit me right in the feels...
Well. You're... you know... urban?
Hey Ben. See Ya.
Lmao as a black man, I couldn't stop laughing after I heard him say that.
I also liked, in the Drugstore:
Lee: "I know I'm not your dad, but if you need anything, I'm your guy."
Clementine: "Okay. Same."
Lee: "You're my guy?"
Clementine: "Oh, no! You knooow."
Lee: "We're gonna try and take care of each other."
Clementine: "Yes. Deal."
That's fucking stupid Ben.
If people don't trust you how can you trust them?
Quiet Clem, the adults are talking. Is that what this is?
I'm going to punch the first sonuvabitch I see, then I'm gonna take his gun and use it to shoot the next sonuvabitch I see.
The drugstore had the some of the best interactions of the season
Couldn't decide between these three.
"Whatever, man. I find whoever's doing that, I'll ring their motherfucking bell for 'em." - Kenny.
"I'm going to punch the first sonuvabitch I see, then I'm gonna take his gun and use it to shoot the next sonuvabitch I see." - Kenny.
"I'd eat the shit out of that raccoon." - Mike.
"You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy. You ain't strong or smart. You're alive"- Chuck
I'll Miss You........
Stop it. Get out of here with those feels.
No, I'm just kidding. Kind of. I'll miss you, too, Lee.
Season 1: "That's fucking Stupid Ben."
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Season 2: "Kenny's Speech"
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And for the Show, this Moment takes the cake.
enter link description here
What line you ask? Every bit of it.
I found it difficult to choose some favourite lines, but the following one I used when I was recovering from anaesthetic, after having a lobectomy. No not lobotomy either
After a six hour surgery, major groggy and unaware of my surroundings, my wife asked me how I felt.
'I feel like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound sack' - I don't even remember saying it, but my wife certainly does. Just goes to show how much this game, this phenomenon stays with us.
Rick says that in the comic
I like that you added lines from the comic, since Telltale is canon with the comic.
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I like this one because I thought it was funny.
Right after they leave Carver's.
Nick: "We're not going to make it through this!"
Luke: "Are you kidding me? If Clem can handle it, you can!"
So many...
I'll start off with (when Duck has to be shot)
Lee: "This will never happen to you"
Clem: "You don't know that"
Lee: "Yes I do"
When Clem says to Rebecca 'Who's baby is it?' Loved this line.
This gets my vote. I got goosebumps hearing it in the Episode 4 trailer.
Sounds like something Kenny or Carver could have said.
"Why are dingleberries brown? It's just the way shit is." Abraham Ford
"You threating me old man? Because you're not gonna like how that goes. Put the fuck%ng gun down before you really make me mad"
-Vernon's says he will shoot.-
"No. I don't think so. I know killers, i've seen my share. You ain't got the look. And that means you ain't got the balls.
Now drop the godd@mn gun!"
"I dunno what the fuck you're sayin', but I know it's BULLSHIT!" - Kenny
Gavin Hammon's delivery cracks me up every time.