Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • You mean Minecraft? Yeah sure but tbh i dont exactly know what they plan to do with the game, me(and the vast majority) dont play minecraft for the story, then again i was worried how telltale would pull off a borderlands game yet they did.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Tell us if the MC is good then I have mixed feelings about it

  • I wasn't really an active user on TWD and TWAU forums. I think I only participated in TWD fanfictions when there was a fanfic boom and voted on the polls in TWAU forums, but that's about it. :D It was when TftB came out I became super active.

    Now I'd really love to stay in this thread, because it has a really special place in my heart (as well as the whole TftB game), but if I'll just be talking to myself here, then I guess it'll be time to move on. We'll see.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So I see that a considerable amount of Rhyshans here were originally TWD fans before they immigrated to Rhysha (and I’m one myself),so I wan

  • ikr. It's already cropped, though. I could give you the full image if you are interested. :P

    Leluch123 posted: »

    This looks awesome

  • Yeah I meant that I don't know whenever to buy it or not since I'm not a fan but I could say the same about wolf I bought it not knowing any thing about fables

    UmbraCode posted: »

    You mean Minecraft? Yeah sure but tbh i dont exactly know what they plan to do with the game, me(and the vast majority) dont play minecraft for the story, then again i was worried how telltale would pull off a borderlands game yet they did.

  • Yeah, I'm not so sure about it either. But hey, it could be great! I'll definitely wait for reviews and user's reactions first though.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Tell us if the MC is good then I have mixed feelings about it

  • I like 3rd and the 6th one, especially the latter since it brings back alot of feels from that anime. The 3rd one has Rhysha stamp written all over it though!

  • It would look amazing with the mark,but I’m afraid it will be very identical to UmbraCode’s one,maybe tweak it a lil bit.

    I agree. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Sure also you should call upon our maester Grumpy and ask what can be done

    ikr. It's already cropped, though. I could give you the full image if you are interested. :P

  • Haha, I threw it in as a joke. Never thought someone would actually choose it. You have great taste, sir :P

    Toffe posted: »

    Dayyuummm ^^

  • This thread will never be forgotten,and hey look on the bright side,maybe we will another awesome ship to get behind and you will make the thread for it :)

    Pipas posted: »

    I wasn't really an active user on TWD and TWAU forums. I think I only participated in TWD fanfictions when there was a fanfic boom and voted

  • So third and sixth take the lead. Interesting. Great to see someone else who has watched the anime, btw. I feel lonely at times. :(

    UmbraCode posted: »

    I like 3rd and the 6th one, especially the latter since it brings back alot of feels from that anime. The 3rd one has Rhysha stamp written all over it though!

  • edited August 2015

    Hm...a valid worry. Would have to use it and see if it would look too similar. I am glad the avatars are a bit bigger now...they were really tiny before. This way, you don't stand as much at risk of people not being able to make out what your picture shows. Maybe it will be enough to differentiate now.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    It would look amazing with the mark,but I’m afraid it will be very identical to UmbraCode’s one,maybe tweak it a lil bit.

  • haha GC was one of my 1st anime(at least when i started to really get into it), looking at some this pics brings back alot of nostaglia. i just wish shu and inori :( had a better ending. Still love it.

    So third and sixth take the lead. Interesting. Great to see someone else who has watched the anime, btw. I feel lonely at times.

  • edited August 2015

    I know, mate. That's why I was all like "fuck the creators...if they won't give me a second season with a better ending, I will write my own one." And now I have the longest fanfic in the GC section on love for the anime might have gone a bit too far when it reached the 300k words mark, though... xD

    UmbraCode posted: »

    haha GC was one of my 1st anime(at least when i started to really get into it), looking at some this pics brings back alot of nostaglia. i just wish shu and inori had a better ending. Still love it.

  • here it is, always happy to share:

    enter image description here

    and yeah. I can do a bit of photoshop myself, but I am nowhere near Handsome Grumpy's level. :P

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Sure also you should call upon our maester Grumpy and ask what can be done

  • edited August 2015

    LOL, Shu should just have just **went **along with Inori, the ending was too cruel and none of characters deserve it. People like to say im a sucker for happy bubbly endings with rainbow and sunshine but this isnt really true(sorta), i just dislike unneedlessly tragic endings. Oh well.

    Btw im interested in your fanfic, ill read it when some free time.

    I know, mate. That's why I was all like "fuck the creators...if they won't give me a second season with a better ending, I will write my own

  • Yeah...Shu should have done a lot of things...things he will realize in my story. He will continue his character growth quite a will other characters as well.

    but you are interested? Really? Awesome. I would really appreciate some more readers. If you can overlook the somewhat boring start, you are sure to experience quite a ride. I poured my heart and soul into that fic...lots of theory crafting, using every element of the story that was given to me, including as many characters as I could...all while trying to let it maintain canon status...there won't be any rainbows and sunshine in it, though. When I said I was gonna give them a better ending, I never implied it would be a rosy one. Just one that wasn' unnecessarily cruel.

    UmbraCode posted: »

    LOL, Shu should just have just **went **along with Inori, the ending was too cruel and none of characters deserve it. People like to say im

  • enter image description here

    that one is so cute I'm dieing over here (that's the #1 on my list of things that regulary kill me). the last one is also awesome, I like pictures with "foreshadowing", but I guess that was a joke :D which is sad...the kissscene is also cute, but it would lose it's charm with using it as an avatar

  • Deep down i always knew this was the ship i would die in, i've been lurking like i do for a while now. I'm home.

  • edited August 2015

    hmm, interesting. So now we have a tie between the third, the sixth and the last one and one vote for the second one. Unless I miscounted. I see, you guys are having at least as much trouble deciding as I do. :D

    By the way, I WILL use the last one if it will win. I may have added it as a joke because I didn't think people would actually go for it, but if it wins, why not? I sure as hell like the pic, or else I wouldn't have posted it xD

    actually, if I count every one of the pics you mentioned as a vote, the last one would be leading with 3 votes...hmm ^^

    Dracu98 posted: »

    that one is so cute I'm dieing over here (that's the #1 on my list of things that regulary kill me). the last one is also awesome, I like pi


    hmm, interesting. So now we have a tie between the third, the sixth and the last one and one vote for the second one. Unless I miscounted. I

  • welcome home, brother. this is where your long and tiresome journey ends. you may find peace and rest among our ranks.

    Deep down i always knew this was the ship i would die in, i've been lurking like i do for a while now. I'm home.

  • edited August 2015

    Then so be it!


    1st: 0

    2nd: 1

    3rd: 2

    4th: 1

    5th: 0

    6th: 2

    7th: 0

    8th: 3


    Dracu98 posted: »


  • Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay! :D

    Deep down i always knew this was the ship i would die in, i've been lurking like i do for a while now. I'm home.

  • Welcome bruh,you’ll love this thread. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

    Deep down i always knew this was the ship i would die in, i've been lurking like i do for a while now. I'm home.

  • edited August 2015

    Welcome! Your home now.

    Deep down i always knew this was the ship i would die in, i've been lurking like i do for a while now. I'm home.

  • Uhhh looks like Sasha turned brutal

    enter image description here


  • Quality over Quantity, we really try to live up to our motto ;)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    First time I've been here in months and I have to say it looks much more professional than I remember it being.

  • edited August 2015

    I would be brutal, too. Look at them scumbags driving off in that van without her...leaving her alone in a fucking desert! xD

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Uhhh looks like Sasha turned brutal source

  • Welcome to the Rhysha thread, Podrick!

    If you'd like a Rhysha mark or to get added to a Rhysha map, just say so. :P

    Deep down i always knew this was the ship i would die in, i've been lurking like i do for a while now. I'm home.

  • Who needs to sleep anyway?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Uhhh looks like Sasha turned brutal source

  • Soo, is Rhys dead or just unconscious? :D

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Uhhh looks like Sasha turned brutal source

  • Maybe other people did, but I only said that I was going to watch the episode on youtube and that was when the episode came out. I'm kind of over it now. Don't remember anything about me saying I was going to burn down TT or anything like that. :P

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Oh you know Green, those guys that quite recently threatened to burn or harm TT because they didn't get what they wanted

  • Roofied ;)

    Pipas posted: »

    Soo, is Rhys dead or just unconscious?

  • add some leather, gloves and a whip and we might get the most awesome picture in existence

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Uhhh looks like Sasha turned brutal source

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited August 2015 are aware that she's taking it out on poor Rhys?

    Edit: Techinically she's not alone....

    I would be brutal, too. Look at them scumbags driving off in that van without her...leaving her alone in a fucking desert! xD

  • Never specified anyone Green ;)

    Green613 posted: »

    Maybe other people did, but I only said that I was going to watch the episode on youtube and that was when the episode came out. I'm kind of over it now. Don't remember anything about me saying I was going to burn down TT or anything like that. :P

  • enter image description here

    Deep down i always knew this was the ship i would die in, i've been lurking like i do for a while now. I'm home.

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