Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Its amazing how far we have come.

    Grumpy, you are simply amazing. And so is this thread, look at how far we've come. We are everywhere.

  • The best thread ever.

  • Why does Telltale continue to tease us with these deleted lines, all of them are pure gold.

    Here's some golden cut dialogue for you guys! All from episode 3! Special occasion meals Well I'm like mold Hyperion underwear Incredible upper body strength

  • Welcome fellow Rhysha shipper

    Deep down i always knew this was the ship i would die in, i've been lurking like i do for a while now. I'm home.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited August 2015

    I second this.

    Welcome to the Forums! (Since it is your first comment)

    ch1b1 posted: »

    The best thread ever.

  • Now let's go into space!(R.I.P. Scooter)

    Grumpy, you are simply amazing. And so is this thread, look at how far we've come. We are everywhere.

  • enter image description here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Uhhh looks like Sasha turned brutal source



    Here's some golden cut dialogue for you guys! All from episode 3! Special occasion meals Well I'm like mold Hyperion underwear Incredible upper body strength

  • Thanks! I dont really lurk the forums just this particular thread. I discovered this place when episode 3 came out. I didn't even ship Sasha and Rhys before that but then when sasha and rhys started the flirting banter between one another......i had no control anymore

    I second this. Welcome to the Forums! (Since it is your first comment)




  • Yep, on that blog there's much more great cut dialogue. :D

    Here's some golden cut dialogue for you guys! All from episode 3! Special occasion meals Well I'm like mold Hyperion underwear Incredible upper body strength

  • Hello, welcome to the Rhysha thread and the forums as well! Hope you'll like it here. :P

    If you'd like a Rhysha mark or a place in the Rhysha map, just say so. :)

    ch1b1 posted: »

    The best thread ever.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited August 2015

    Strange that we have absolutely no one from Asia, over half of our world's populaton lives there..Anyways still our progress is awesome!

    Grumpy, you are simply amazing. And so is this thread, look at how far we've come. We are everywhere.

  • My avatar poll looks like this right now:

    1st: 1

    2nd: 1

    3rd: 2

    4th: 1

    5th: 0

    6th: 5

    7th: 0

    8th: 4

    Looks like it will be a battle between this one:

    enter image description here

    and this one:

    enter image description here

    The poll will be kept open for about 6 or 7 more hours. I am curious which one will win in the end. :D

    thanks to everyone who participated so far!

  • second one, so your actual avatar. it's just too cool

    My avatar poll looks like this right now: 1st: 1 2nd: 1 3rd: 2 4th: 1 5th: 0 6th: 5 7th: 0 8th: 4 Looks like it w

  • I love that gif from the episode 4 opening scene. I swear, that face Fiona makes is like "don't you dare think about porking my sister!"

  • enter image description here

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    This isn't the first map but it was our actual state (since it took me time to place everybody)

  • To get the line from Jack about Sasha and Rhys traveling the world, choose "Live the good life" option when he asks how you would hypothetically rule

  • enter image description here

    silvereye27 posted: »

    I love that gif from the episode 4 opening scene. I swear, that face Fiona makes is like "don't you dare think about porking my sister!"

  • I think at one point we had someone say they were from South Korea.

    That was far back tho, he's buried beneath the pages.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Strange that we have absolutely no one from Asia, over half of our world's populaton lives there..Anyways still our progress is awesome!

  • well, the votes are evened out now, so I think I am going to keep it xD

    Dracu98 posted: »

    second one, so your actual avatar. it's just too cool

  • Second one!!!!

    My avatar poll looks like this right now: 1st: 1 2nd: 1 3rd: 2 4th: 1 5th: 0 6th: 5 7th: 0 8th: 4 Looks like it w

  • I'll take it, if you want to add me to the map i live in Friesland, Netherlands.

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the Rhysha thread, Podrick! If you'd like a Rhysha mark or to get added to a Rhysha map, just say so. :P

  • edited August 2015

    Come and try out the new shipping game ^^
    NOTE: The first play through will be the same for everyone but the second one will be random

    HF and may the best player win ^^

  • Click on Proceed to the alliances. on the bottom of the page to start the game

    Toffe posted: »

    Come and try out the new shipping game ^^ NOTE: The first play through will be the same for everyone but the second one will be random HF and may the best player win ^^

  • Armis won!

    You lucky fuck!

    Toffe posted: »

    Click on Proceed to the alliances. on the bottom of the page to start the game

  • know that one. awesome song :D isn't that the same dude who made this "commander shepard"-song?

    Toffe posted: »

    enter link description here

  • edited August 2015

    Well since @Toffe posted the shipping game link here, I thought I would post Rhysha Games link here: Have fun and find out who is the best.

    enter image description here >:)

  • edited August 2015

    Damn, that was nerve-wracking. At least I made it to Top 4. :D And won Fan Favourite, ayy.

    gg Irunts, you deserved the win. :P

    Toffe posted: »

    Come and try out the new shipping game ^^ NOTE: The first play through will be the same for everyone but the second one will be random HF and may the best player win ^^

  • Okay, so I've been looking at this screenshot a lot over the past week, and I can say with 100% certainty that it is my favorite Rhysha screenshot to date. Its such a small moment, nothing particularly romantic about the situation, but its just the look on Rhys' face that gets me. I can't even put into words exactly why I love it so much, Rhys is just looking at Sasha, in a way he never would have in episode 1, they have come so far. They have gone from scowling at each other, to giving each other looks like the one Rhys has on in this screenshot. Its just so sweet :3 I love this ship so much.
    enter image description here

  • Don't forget, Town of Salem event is in 35 minutes! :D

  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Don't forget, Town of Salem event is in 35 minutes!

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    multikill! (We were the last ones remaining, too, so he won xD)

    IRunts posted: »

    Well since @Toffe posted the shipping game link here, I thought I would post Rhysha Games link here: Have fun and find out who is the best.

  • You can still join! Just get in our chat:

    Pipas posted: »

    Don't forget, Town of Salem event is in 35 minutes!

  • I just finished Pre-Sequel after having lost interest half a year ago...well, now I finished it and don't even get what this game was even for. According to the audio logs of BL2, Jack had already planned to take over Hyperion long ago, unless I remember something differently. So, wouldn't that mean he was already scheming to take over during teh events of Pre-Sequel? If so, why make him appear as someone who wouldn't? I am confused.

    I was angry with Moxxie, Lilith and Roland, though. Betrayal is unforgivable, no matter what. I would have been furious in Jack's place, too.

    The ending didn't make any sense to me either. So teh Vault of the Sentinel had...nothing? There was literally nothing to gain from there other than the knowledge of the vault of teh found a vault, fought a huge monster and your prize was...the knowledge of another vault's location? And then Lilith just shows up like "Yo, whazzup", scars Jack and leaves again like a fucking troll. What was that good for? She didn't attempt to stop the advance of Jack or him claiming the contents of the vault. She just tailed them to punch him in teh face...didn't even kill him. Is she fucking retarded? I don't get this at all...

  • I know that feel bro, the ending was really stupid. it felt...undone (great your avatar distracts me and now I struggle with the words). not completed, ya'know. and I really don't get rolands, liliths and moxxis logic. "there is something strange about you!" are you f*cking nuts? your doctor is a crazy frankenstein-fanboy, the guy who sells you weapons kills people if they ASK for refunds, you've seen all kinds of weird shit on pandora, and you are suspicious about JACK? seriously? and you did not only try to blow up him, but also the more or less innocent people who work for him! but ok, that's pandora-style, a life is worth nothing. but still...that was stupid af. and I don't even want to start talking about troll-lilith. I mean...what was that? "heyha bitch, I'll port into the vault because...because I can suddenly do this, then I will give you ONE punch even through I blew up a shitton of stuff to kill you, and disappear! good plan? good plan." yeah. sure. and the eridians are the real trolls. "hey, what do you think would people want after fighting a giant monster and almost dieing multiple times?" "they would want to know where to find the next, even stronger monster." "jimmy, you just nailed the borderlands-principe"

    I just finished Pre-Sequel after having lost interest half a year ago...well, now I finished it and don't even get what this game was even f

  • edited August 2015

    glad to see I was not the only one who thought this didn't make any sense at all. I am kind of really disappointed with the Prequel...

    and yes, let my avatar distract you...let the lewdness flow through you! :D

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I know that feel bro, the ending was really stupid. it felt...undone (great your avatar distracts me and now I struggle with the words). not

  • edited August 2015

    the prequel was...ok. I played it twice, once for the story, once with the handsome jack-doppelganger (just to found out that the baroness, which I bought later, was much better for snipers like me! CURSE YOU, BARONESS!), and was only entertaining one time. the game looked awesome and had very cool settings, but that's about it. what I missed was can I say, the "kill bitches and get weapons"-feeling of borderlands 2. you didn't really get to feel like a badass in pre-sequel, and, much more important, you didn't feel free. the world was not as open as in bl 2. I can't really describe it, the feeling is just not there


    enter image description here

    I know a lot of things about lewd stuff. it flews in my veins every single day. there is barely any blood left. it's all gone, for the sake of lewdness.

    glad to see I was not the only one who thought this didn't make any sense at all. I am kind of really disappointed with the Prequel... and yes, let my avatar distract you...let the lewdness flow through you!

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