Sorry for the extra long wait, my studies have started again so that's one reason Not the only reason though, because I've lately had more … moreinspiration to my other story than to this particular part, which was a pain to write. Certainly not the best one, but it brings this chapter to its cliffhangerish end anyway And I certainly do have more inspiration for many things that will come in the next chapter
Seeing with one eye on a rainy night and running in an army of over thousand men and women was even harder than Rambton had expected. But he knew that Ariyana was running in front of him with her shadowcat, Skadol and Hrenhild were on the right to him, Lynessa was behind him, and on the left there was the only Thenn fighting for Raymun Redbeard – Barryn.
“King! King! King!” Rambton heard everyone chanting around him, but he didn’t join it. Raymun will never be a king to me. Instead Rambton clenched to his sword and trie… [view original content]
Sorry for the extra long wait, my studies have started again so that's one reason Not the only reason though, because I've lately had more … moreinspiration to my other story than to this particular part, which was a pain to write. Certainly not the best one, but it brings this chapter to its cliffhangerish end anyway And I certainly do have more inspiration for many things that will come in the next chapter
Seeing with one eye on a rainy night and running in an army of over thousand men and women was even harder than Rambton had expected. But he knew that Ariyana was running in front of him with her shadowcat, Skadol and Hrenhild were on the right to him, Lynessa was behind him, and on the left there was the only Thenn fighting for Raymun Redbeard – Barryn.
“King! King! King!” Rambton heard everyone chanting around him, but he didn’t join it. Raymun will never be a king to me. Instead Rambton clenched to his sword and trie… [view original content]
Vote closed! And Rambton will run away. This choice pretty much determines his storyline in the next chapter.
Chapter 2 "Tears and Swords" has ended and soon (some point next week) will start the chapter 3 "Rise Again". So, what to expect?
King Raymun and Magnar Krygorn have battled in the dark night of the Haunted Forest, but who will survive to see the morning? The Ice-River men surely will have their word to say. And somewhere in the north also the giants are considering on joining the war.
While Rambton just runs to wherever he can, Maya and Lenlie have more clear destinations. Maya, along with Alexia and Terry, tries to find Ivan Longbeard, but what kind of man will he find? Lenlie arrives to the great halls of the Magnar with Princess Sigira and they'll surely have their own problems - especially when they hear about the outcome of the battle.
Lord Commander Jack Musgood is questioning the wildlings in the southern Haunted Forest, but he might not like the answers. But how will he act? In Castle Black the blood of the casualties of the massacre will dry as the survivors try to survive to next day. Robett will try to find his way to Shadow Tower, but what kind of help will he get from there?
South of the Wall the rebellion of Dagon Greyjoy is bringing chaos to the western coast of the North - and now Argus Keding will be heading towards that chaos.
Also many new characters will be introduced
Some questions! If you have time, you could answer these:
After two chapters, who is your favorite PoV?
Favorite non-PoV?
Least favorite PoV?
Least favorite non-PoV?
Which parts/moments have been your favorite so far?
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
Do you have any advises to give on the writing or storytelling?
1) Rambton, His storyline is probably one with most ups and falls, I like it.
2) Princess Sigira, She was really helpfull for now.
3) Edric Mormont, He can't really control himself, and he still look like a bit too noble for the Nights watch.
4) Eren Meratus, I don't think you really need an explanation here.
5) Last battle was pretty cool, I love how you let us to unfold the battle with multiple choices. Also Keran and Rambton capturing was suprising. And Raymun vs Harg the Scarface fight was pretty cool
6) Well, only moments when I feel disappointed is when I know we screwed us over, especialy when I screw us over with the choice together with others. But this is only personal feeling and it doesn't change enjoyement of the story. Bad choices make everything interesting after all.
7) I don really have anything to tell you about that, just keep up the great work
Vote closed! And Rambton will run away. This choice pretty much determines his storyline in the next chapter.
Chapter 2 "Tears and Swords… more" has ended and soon (some point next week) will start the chapter 3 "Rise Again". So, what to expect?
King Raymun and Magnar Krygorn have battled in the dark night of the Haunted Forest, but who will survive to see the morning? The Ice-River men surely will have their word to say. And somewhere in the north also the giants are considering on joining the war.
While Rambton just runs to wherever he can, Maya and Lenlie have more clear destinations. Maya, along with Alexia and Terry, tries to find Ivan Longbeard, but what kind of man will he find? Lenlie arrives to the great halls of the Magnar with Princess Sigira and they'll surely have their own problems - especially when they hear about the outcome of the battle.
Lord Commander Jack Musgood is questioning the wildlings in the southern Haunted F… [view original content]
Sun was starting to rise as Dickon woke up in the middle of the forest. He knew that Mole’s Town had to be pretty close, but as tempting as it was he couldn’t go there – it had too big risk of getting caught. Every night it was hard to fall asleep and again he hadn’t slept more than two or three hours. The rangers are after me. If Dickon would be lucky he would manage to slip further to the south, steal new clothes somewhere and maybe head back to the Reach – or somewhere out of these cold lands. All this would have been so much easier with Bryan, but that idiot just had to try his luck with the Volantene. True enough, if Bryan had managed to kill the man and took the Valyrian steel sword it would’ve meant riches beyond their dreams. But it was still stupidity, and now I am alone.
Dickon got up and looked at the foods he had left. Perhaps the only positive side on travelling alone was that the food would last longer. Dickon had estimated that he had enough food to travel to Winter Town, but he wasn’t sure anymore – it was hard and slow to travel through the woods, and at nights he could hear the wolves howling, sending shivers down his spine. And before he could go near Winter Town he would have to find new clothes from somewhere. There are farms and villages on the way.
Walking alone in the silence, which was only now and then broken by the animals of the forest, made Dickon’s mind travel to his past. He remembered the farm of his family, in the warmth of the Reach, near the Cider Hall. Dickon couldn’t say that his childhood would have been bad, even if he never knew what was he supposed to become when would grow up, since his older brother would inherit the farm. He spent his youth working in the farm at days and running to taverns at nights. Both his father and his brother looked down to that, but he always had a friend he could trust – Bryan. Bryan was his savior and his doom. Without him Dickon wouldn’t have been much lonelier, but Bryan was also the one who always brought him to troubles. And finally one of these troubles had been so bad that it had taken both of them to the Wall. It had been a rainy night at Ashford, when Bryan managed to anger the innkeeper of the Broken Nobleman so badly that a fight had been inevitable. The fight had led to Bryan and Dickon killing two men and trying to escape to the night. Of course the city guard caught us. Taking the black had been Bryan’s idea, and he had kept saying that there would come a chance for them to escape. And he was right.
Dickon let out a sigh. Part of him just wanted to stop and give up, but at the same time he knew that he would have to keep going – for Bryan.
Dickon started to think about the bloody night at the Castle Black again. It was the most terrible night of his life – even worse than the one at Ashford. It was the second time in his life that he had to kill a man. It had been just some honest lad who had tried to stop him from escaping. For Dickon this had only been about escaping, but he knew that many others, Devyn and Small Marsh for example, had done terrible things during that night. He didn’t want to see those people ever again, so he had chosen to find his own way. Some of the deserters had headed for the abandoned castles of the Wall, some had chosen the eastern side of the King’s Road, and trying to sneak through the lands of the Umbers. Idiots. Dickon wasn’t sure if his plan was any better, but he had thought that the forests between the King’s Road and the lands of the mountain clans would be the safest option.
Sun was up on the sky, and Dickon decided to stop, just to eat something quickly. He grubbed some bread from his small bag and took a bite. The taste was surprisingly good, but that was probably just because he was so hungry. Somewhere in the distance could be heard an animal running, perhaps a deer. Dickon didn’t have anything he could hunt with so he didn’t care. He took another bite from the bread, thinking about where he would find his place in the world. He couldn’t go near Ashford or Cider Hall, but perhaps Oldtown would be an option. Or King’s Landing. For what he knew the Great Spring Sickness was more or less over, and the cities needed men to do all kinds of jobs now. I’ll find my way to King’s Landing. Dickon didn’t know if this decision would hold, but he needed something to aim for. He heard the running again, but it sounded like it was several animals and not just one. Are they heading this way? Dickon took out the sword he had stolen from Castle Black. The noise came closer and closer. They are horses, Dickon realized and started to look for a place where he could hide, but it was too late. Four men rode from the forest, all of them wearing cloaks as black as night. One of the men dismounted the horse and took out his sword. He was Laurence, a young an honorable ranger – or that was the picture Dickon had got of him during his short time at the Wall. The other three were Kip, Gareth Oaketh and Dennis Stone. Everyone of them had the rage in their eyes as they gazed at Dickon.
“Looks like we got one.” Kip, a young and short boy, said with a haunting look on his grey eyes.
“Bu- but how?” Dickon stuttered, as he was starting to realize what would happen to him. Kip let out a laugh and shook his head.
“We are trained for this, hunting down rats like you is easy.” Kip said with mocking tone as he dismounted his horse.
“Put down the sword and you’ll be given a swift and clean death.” Dennis Stone spoke with toneless words, but Dickon couldn’t just give in, he had come so far. He tightened his grip to the sword.
“Please, don’t kill me. I… I’ll come back to Castle Black.” Dickon’s words were full of panic. It can’t end like this!
“You took lives from loyal and honorable men, and you expect us to show you mercy?” Laurence took a step closer to Dickon as he spoke. “You deserve this punishment. Put down the sword, now!” Laurence words were full of rage, but Dickon shook his head. And so Laurence attacked him.
Dickon wasn’t a great swordsman, but he was able to parry the first strike. The second however hit him straight to the legs, and the pain made him scream and drop his sword. There he was, on his knees on the cold ground, tears running down his cheeks. He raised his look up and saw Laurence in front of him.
“Please… please… I regret everything… everything.”
“Perhaps we shouldn’t…” Laurence started, but was cut off as Kip walked next to him with a stone cold expression on his face. Dickon could feel his life escaping from him as he looked into those grey eyes. This is the end.
“Good night, traitor.” The young man said coldly, raised his sword, and struck it down – ending the life of Dickon.
So here was a little intro for the third chapter And please answer to the questions I posted about the first chapters, doesn't take long and I'd like to hear some of your thoughts about characters etc.
Hard to say. I like Maya and Lenlie's PoV's a lot and I also enjoyed Robett's PoV. If I have to decide on one, I'd probably go with Robett.
Favorite non-PoV?
I really liked Cruz, which makes his death even more sad. Out of the non-PoV characters who are still alive, the Magnar and Princess Sigira are favourites of mine
Least favorite PoV?
I don't really know why, but for some reason I don't really like Rambton. His storyline was very enjoyable, but there is something about his character that makes me dislike him.
Least favorite non-PoV?
Well, this one is easy. Fleshbearer is a major creep and definitely my least favourite character at the moment, regardless of how interesting he is. Eren Meratus is also interesting, but a complete asshole, so I severely dislike him too.
Which parts/moments have been your favorite so far?
Probably the aftermath of the mutiny, that was a very well-written part that cemented Robett's position as my favourite PoV. I also liked the final battle a lot, but I enjoyed the mutiny even more.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
I can't recall any moments in particular which I haven't enjoyed in some way. Every storyline has something interesting and unique and I honestly liked all of them so far.
Do you have any advises to give on the writing or storytelling?
Not, definitely not. You do a great job with this story. Just keep up the quality and there is nothing you have to worry about.
Vote closed! And Rambton will run away. This choice pretty much determines his storyline in the next chapter.
Chapter 2 "Tears and Swords… more" has ended and soon (some point next week) will start the chapter 3 "Rise Again". So, what to expect?
King Raymun and Magnar Krygorn have battled in the dark night of the Haunted Forest, but who will survive to see the morning? The Ice-River men surely will have their word to say. And somewhere in the north also the giants are considering on joining the war.
While Rambton just runs to wherever he can, Maya and Lenlie have more clear destinations. Maya, along with Alexia and Terry, tries to find Ivan Longbeard, but what kind of man will he find? Lenlie arrives to the great halls of the Magnar with Princess Sigira and they'll surely have their own problems - especially when they hear about the outcome of the battle.
Lord Commander Jack Musgood is questioning the wildlings in the southern Haunted F… [view original content]
Hard to say. I like Maya and Lenlie's PoV's a lot and I also enjoyed Robett's PoV. If I have to decide on one, I'd probably go with Robett.
Yeah, it's not a fair situation for many other PoVs since the chapter 2 was so heavy on Robett, but he indeed is one of my own favorites as well. As for Maya and Lenlie they will both make a comeback soon. I have to admit though that Lenlie was always meant to be one of the more minor PoVs and that probably wont change - however she will have more to do than she did in chapter 2.
I don't really know why, but for some reason I don't really like Rambton.
Totally understandable ;D I'd probably hate him too, but I kinda have to have some love for him to be able to write from his view. If I wanted to be absolutely cruel I'd call him an immature brute, but at the same time he is a survivor and pretty strong willed and definitely deserves some respect.
Oh, and just to let you know: this chapter will probably make you hate Fleshbearer even more
After two chapters, who is your favorite PoV?
Hard to say. I like Maya and Lenlie's PoV's a lot and I also enjoyed Robett's PoV. If I hav… moree to decide on one, I'd probably go with Robett.
Favorite non-PoV?
I really liked Cruz, which makes his death even more sad. Out of the non-PoV characters who are still alive, the Magnar and Princess Sigira are favourites of mine
Least favorite PoV?
I don't really know why, but for some reason I don't really like Rambton. His storyline was very enjoyable, but there is something about his character that makes me dislike him.
Least favorite non-PoV?
Well, this one is easy. Fleshbearer is a major creep and definitely my least favourite character at the moment, regardless of how interesting he is. Eren Meratus is also interesting, but a complete asshole, so I severely dislike him too.
Which parts/moments have been your favorite so far?
Probably the aftermath of the mutiny, that was a v… [view original content]
I'd say it's a mix between Robett and Rambton. I really like the Wall storyline, and so far, Rambton's the only one beyond the wall that's getting a lot of action, so yeah.
Favorite non-PoV?
I like the Argus and Alistair combo, so I'd say Alistair. (No it has nothing to do with the fact that Alistair's my character)
Least favorite PoV?
I'd say Skjorn, I like his storyline, I just don't like Thenns. But personality wise, it'd be Rambton.
Least favorite non-PoV?
Ariyanna, it's just that I don't like Rambton and she's on good terms with Rambton.
Which parts/moments have been your favorite so far?
The big battle near the end of the chapter.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
I guess whenever Rambton and Ariyanna are having one-on-one conversations. It's not that it's not well-written, it's just that I'm not particularly fond of the characters.
Do you have any advises to give on the writing or storytelling?
Be confident with your writing abilities, and I don't know, it never hurts to proof read it a couple times before posting it.
I guess whenever Rambton and Ariyanna are having one-on-one conversations. It's not that it's not well-written, it's just that I'm not particularly fond of the characters.
Yeah, both of them are kinda annoying on their own ways And their hate-love relationship (no, not romantic one) makes them act especially bitchy towards each other.
it never hurts to proof read it a couple times before posting it.
I have to admit my proof reading is horribly lazy at times So it definitely is something where I can improve
After two chapters, who is your favorite PoV?
I'd say it's a mix between Robett and Rambton. I really like the Wall storyline, and so far… more, Rambton's the only one beyond the wall that's getting a lot of action, so yeah.
Favorite non-PoV?
I like the Argus and Alistair combo, so I'd say Alistair. (No it has nothing to do with the fact that Alistair's my character)
Least favorite PoV?
I'd say Skjorn, I like his storyline, I just don't like Thenns. But personality wise, it'd be Rambton.
Least favorite non-PoV?
Ariyanna, it's just that I don't like Rambton and she's on good terms with Rambton.
Which parts/moments have been your favorite so far?
The big battle near the end of the chapter.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
I guess whenever Rambton and Ariyanna are having one-on-one conversations. It's not that it's not well-written, it's just that I'm not particularly fond of the characters.
Do you have… [view original content]
Rumak woke up. It was still raining, not as heavily anymore though. As Rumak tried to get up the pain flashed through him and he had to lay back down. He saw someone walking towards him.
“So, you finally woke up.” The man said with an unpleasant tone. The man was clearly at least on his forties, even if his dark beard and deep set eyes probably made him look older than he really was. Rumak didn’t know the man and couldn’t tell if he was a Hornfoot or a Nightrunner. He didn’t answer anything to this man, but concentrated on checking his injuries. Rumak’s right leg was clearly injured, since he could hardly move it. On his upper left arm was a relatively small scar, and his head was in constant pain.
“They say you are a great fighter.” The man said with skeptical voice. “If you ask me, I’d say you are not – anymore at least. We could’ve just as well eaten you.” Eaten me? The realization hit Rumak harder than anything that had hit him last night – this man was from the Ice Rivers.
“Why are you here?” Rumak muttered, his voice being weaker than he had thought. The man with the dark beard chuckled for the question.
“I’m here to make Fleshbearer the king.” He said with a smirk on his face. Rumak coughed, his heart started to beat faster. What in the name of the Others has happened here?
“And… Where is Raymun?” Rumak asked, fearing what the answer would be. The man’s face turned serious and he shrugged.
“They haven’t found him yet. But they will… And then we’ll have a feast.” The dark bearded man spoke quietly with a dark look in his eyes. Rumak gulped – deep inside he felt rage, but his body was broken and he couldn’t do anything, so he had to just stay silent.
“Can you stand up?” The man asked and Rumak nodded, even if he wasn’t sure about it. He fought against the overwhelming pain, his whole body fought against him, screaming for him to stop, but slowly he did manage to scramble up. As he stood there he could still feel the pain, and his sight was blurring. The Ice-River man laughed at him mockingly.
“Come on, bastard, let me help.” He said and took Rumak to his hold. And so Rumak was dragged to a place where there was more of the Ice-River men gathered. Rumak had no idea what was going on, but he was allowed to sit down as they were apparently waiting for something. As Rumak looked around he saw some Hornfoots, Nightrunners and even Thenns. Many of them were tied, and none of them had their weapons.
“Here comes King Fleshbearer!” Rumak could hear being shouted from somewhere after a while of waiting. Despite the pain he fought himself up on his feet again. And there this man called Fleshbearer was, walking towards them, all the other Ice-River men making way for him. Fleshbearer was a tall man, towering most of the men around him. And he was ugly with his missing eye and messy beard – not that Rumak would’ve considered himself beautiful. For his disgust Rumak noticed that Fleshbearer was carrying two heads on his hands. After looking at the heads for a while he recognized the other one of them – it was Harron Crowsbane's.
“Gather around me!” Fleshbearer bellowed and quickly there was a ring of men around him. He threw the head of Harron to the wet ground. “That there is head of the man who called himself Crowsbane.” Fleshbearer said and spat on the head. “And he is a great example of what happens to those who will not submit to me! Sadly I can’t say that Crowsbane became crow’s food – because he became my food.” Fleshbearer had a wicked smile on his face as he said this, making the men of the Ice Rivers burst into laughing.
“But that is not all!” Fleshbearer shouted and raised the head on his right hand up. “Look at this! This is the man the Thenns saw as their god! This is Magnar Krygorn!” As the Ice-River men started to laugh again Rumak felt himself deeply shocked – for some reason even more shocked than he was about Harron. Just yesterday the Magnar of Thenn had been his greatest enemy, and there he was now – or what was left of him anyway. Rumak noticed the rage in the eyes of the couple Thenns that were present. One of them even screamed something in Old Tongue, but was immediately punched to the ground. Then Fleshbearer tossed the head of Krygorn to the ground. “And so I name myself the god and the king of the Thenns!” He shouted, making the Ice-River men cheer at him. Rumak closed his eyes. Is this a nightmare?
Then Fleshbearer suddenly noticed Rumak. The look on his eyes changed, as if he was a predator looking at its prey. Fleshbearer approached Rumak with slow steps, having his wicked smile on.
“So… It seems you finally woke up.” He started, and Rumak gave him the smallest possible nod. “I heard you were the closest advisor of Raymun Redbeard. I’m still looking for that bastard… Perhaps you could help.” There was a touch of mockery in the words of this monster. “But before that… Submit yourself to me, kneel in front of me and kiss my hand.” The words of Fleshbearer were hard and commanding, and Rumak had to bite his tongue to not insult him. Rumak glanced at the heads of Harron and Krygorn. Is that my fate? He turned his look back to this monstrous man of the Ice Rivers. Fleshbearer’s gaze was horrifying as he waited for Rumak’s reaction.
[Submit and kneel to him][Submit, but don't kneel][Refuse to submit to him]
Rumak woke up. It was still raining, not as heavily anymore though. As Rumak tried to get up the pain flashed through him and he ha… mored to lay back down. He saw someone walking towards him.
“So, you finally woke up.” The man said with an unpleasant tone. The man was clearly at least on his forties, even if his dark beard and deep set eyes probably made him look older than he really was. Rumak didn’t know the man and couldn’t tell if he was a Hornfoot or a Nightrunner. He didn’t answer anything to this man, but concentrated on checking his injuries. Rumak’s right leg was clearly injured, since he could hardly move it. On his upper left arm was a relatively small scar, and his head was in constant pain.
“They say you are a great fighter.” The man said with skeptical voice. “If you ask me, I’d say you are not – anymore at least. We could’ve just as well eaten you.” Eaten me? The realization hit Rumak harder than anything that had hit… [view original content]
After two chapters, who is your favorite PoV?
Robett or Skjorn
Favorite non-PoV?
Cruz. Don't know why I got so attached to him, I think it was probably because he had a hidden strength to him which was only visible at his end
Least favorite PoV?
Rambton. Don't know why, I guess it's just his attitude? Like the story for him is great and I'm loving so far though!
Least favorite non-PoV?
Devyn, bloody hated the prick. Griff gave me the shivers though it was mainly Devyn as I've seen a lot of his kind and it just pisses me off
Which parts/moments have been your favorite so far?
Loved it all, favorite part would have to be the mutiny though.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
I can't really say there have been any parts I haven't enjoyed. It has been a great pleasure to read and I'm often checking daily to see if you have submitted another part
Do you have any advises to give on the writing or storytelling?
Not really, you and LiquidChicago are my main influences for writing so keep up the great work!
[Refuse to submit to him] Honestly, I can't see Rumak betraying everything he believes just to save his life. He has proved his loyalty to run back to battle when he had the chance to escape, I cannot see him working for Fleshbearer. Magnar Krygorn dead? Holy crap I did not expect that, so who will the new magnar be?? I hope it is who I think it is
Great chapter!
Thanks for answering! It has come as a little surprise to me how liked Cruz was. I liked him myself of course, and I'm happy to see he was this popular
And the dislike towards Rambton - well that has not been a surprise
After two chapters, who is your favorite PoV?
Robett or Skjorn
Favorite non-PoV?
Cruz. Don't know why I got so attached to him, I thi… morenk it was probably because he had a hidden strength to him which was only visible at his end
Least favorite PoV?
Rambton. Don't know why, I guess it's just his attitude? Like the story for him is great and I'm loving so far though!
Least favorite non-PoV?
Devyn, bloody hated the prick. Griff gave me the shivers though it was mainly Devyn as I've seen a lot of his kind and it just pisses me off
Which parts/moments have been your favorite so far?
Loved it all, favorite part would have to be the mutiny though.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
I can't really say there have been any parts I haven't enjoyed. It has been a great pleasure to read and I'm often checking daily to see if you have submitted another part
Do you have any advises to give on the writing or storytelling?
… [view original content]
[Submit, but don't kneel] The free folk does not kneel!
That was a great part! It's sad that the Magnar is dead, as he was among my favourite characters, but it was also a great twist. And well, I really want to see Fleshbearer dead now, fuck that guy!
Rumak woke up. It was still raining, not as heavily anymore though. As Rumak tried to get up the pain flashed through him and he ha… mored to lay back down. He saw someone walking towards him.
“So, you finally woke up.” The man said with an unpleasant tone. The man was clearly at least on his forties, even if his dark beard and deep set eyes probably made him look older than he really was. Rumak didn’t know the man and couldn’t tell if he was a Hornfoot or a Nightrunner. He didn’t answer anything to this man, but concentrated on checking his injuries. Rumak’s right leg was clearly injured, since he could hardly move it. On his upper left arm was a relatively small scar, and his head was in constant pain.
“They say you are a great fighter.” The man said with skeptical voice. “If you ask me, I’d say you are not – anymore at least. We could’ve just as well eaten you.” Eaten me? The realization hit Rumak harder than anything that had hit… [view original content]
Rumak woke up. It was still raining, not as heavily anymore though. As Rumak tried to get up the pain flashed through him and he ha… mored to lay back down. He saw someone walking towards him.
“So, you finally woke up.” The man said with an unpleasant tone. The man was clearly at least on his forties, even if his dark beard and deep set eyes probably made him look older than he really was. Rumak didn’t know the man and couldn’t tell if he was a Hornfoot or a Nightrunner. He didn’t answer anything to this man, but concentrated on checking his injuries. Rumak’s right leg was clearly injured, since he could hardly move it. On his upper left arm was a relatively small scar, and his head was in constant pain.
“They say you are a great fighter.” The man said with skeptical voice. “If you ask me, I’d say you are not – anymore at least. We could’ve just as well eaten you.” Eaten me? The realization hit Rumak harder than anything that had hit… [view original content]
Rumak woke up. It was still raining, not as heavily anymore though. As Rumak tried to get up the pain flashed through him and he ha… mored to lay back down. He saw someone walking towards him.
“So, you finally woke up.” The man said with an unpleasant tone. The man was clearly at least on his forties, even if his dark beard and deep set eyes probably made him look older than he really was. Rumak didn’t know the man and couldn’t tell if he was a Hornfoot or a Nightrunner. He didn’t answer anything to this man, but concentrated on checking his injuries. Rumak’s right leg was clearly injured, since he could hardly move it. On his upper left arm was a relatively small scar, and his head was in constant pain.
“They say you are a great fighter.” The man said with skeptical voice. “If you ask me, I’d say you are not – anymore at least. We could’ve just as well eaten you.” Eaten me? The realization hit Rumak harder than anything that had hit… [view original content]
Lenlie saw the grey castle of the Magnar in front of her. It felt weird because she hadn’t expected to return to here – at least not until the war was over. She had wondered if the Magnar and the King had already battled, what had happened, and had her people been there. If she knew anything about Fleshbearer it was that the man had a lust for violence – and that he saw himself superior to everyone. Lenlie also felt sorry for Sigira, it was clear that she was sad and worried about her father. I wish I could help.
Even Gorgar had been a little bit quieter and less annoying during their journey – clearly he respected the princess. As they were climbing the stairs to the grey halls a woman walked against them. She was a probably on her late thirties, with lean build, pale skin and long black hair, and on her back was sheathed a great sword. Looks like a warrior.
“Hi Yrma.” Princess Sigira said with lazy tone, making Yrma narrow her eyes.
“Hi, Princess.” She answered with cold tone. “I hope you are not the only ones returning from the war.” She added with her hard voice.
“No, the war hasn’t probably even begun.” Sigira answered as they kept climbing up the stairs. “Father just sent me to look over Storg.”
“Why?” Yrma asked, sounding genuinely confused. “Your cousin is already watching over him, there was no need for you to return.”
“Skyrnor?” Now Sigira was confused. “I didn’t know he was here… Then why did my father send me back?” Yrma shook her head and chuckled as they opened the doors to the castle.
“I guess your father didn’t want to see his little girl in danger.” Lenlie couldn’t tell if Yrma was mocking Sigira or not, but it made the Princess frown anyway.
“Just take us to Skyrnor.” Sigira snapped, and Yrma nodded with a sly smile on her face. And then they walked through the high corridors that still felt unbelievable in Lenlie’s eyes. This is what people can do if they don’t only concentrate on killing each other.
Quite quickly they arrived to a large room where a young man sat behind a wooden table, reading some kind of map. The man had something that reminded Lenlie of Magnar Krygorn – the look on his pale grey eyes was hard and commanding. He also had a dreadlocked hair with shades of black, grey and white – and on his stony face was blue paint – making him look all the more threatening.
“Sigira.” The young man said with surprised tone as he noticed them. “I didn’t expect to see you here so soon… Is the war over?” He asked, and Sigira shook her head.
“I thought you were smarter than that, Skyrnor.” Gorgar blurted with an amused tone, receiving an angry glare from Skyrnor.
“No, the war isn’t over… At least I don’t think it is.” Sigira said, ignoring Gorgar. “And I have to say I am surprised to find you here… Father sent me here to look after Storg.”
“That’s what he commanded me to do.” Skyrnor said, raising an eyebrow.
“Exactly.” Sigira shook her head as she answered. “Well then, how has the little lad been?”
“He is a good boy, he admires his father.” Skrynor answered shortly with a serious tone, which made Gorgar chuckle – and again Skyrnor glared at him. “I have to ask Sigira, why have you brought that swank here?” Skyrnor asked with strict words, making Sigira sigh with a tired expression on her face.
“Just ignore Gorgar and his stupid jokes, he means no disrespect.” Sigira answered. Gorgar shrugged with a grin on his face and even Lenlie had to shook her head for that.
“By the way, Princess, who is this woman?” Yrma asked with a sly tone, looking at Lenlie with vicious eyes. “I can tell she isn’t a Thenn.” Now also Skyrnor’s attention shifted to Lenlie, making her feel a little uncomfortable.
“That is a good question.” Skyrnor said quietly, and the stare he gave to Lenlie surely wasn’t a respectful one.
“I am Lenlie, and I come from the Ice Rivers – I have accompanied Princess Sigira since Fleshbearer made his visit here.” Lenlie answered, keeping her voice tough and emotionless. A barely visible smile was formed on the face of Skyrnor. For a moment that felt terribly long no one said anything.
“May I ask you, Lenlie of Ice Rivers, who is it that you serve?” Skyrnor asked with chilling tone, his intense stare piercing through Lenlie. That is a good question, Lenlie thought to herself. She could feel that all the eyes were on her. Lenlie gulped, she wasn't sure who should it be that she serves - Fleshbearer was the leader of her clan, but Sigira had saved her from Fleshbearer. And of course she was fighting a war on Magnar Krygorn's side - or was she? Right now she was as far from fighting as one could be - and no one would probably stop her from leaving and going wherever she wanted. That is a hard question.
[Say that you serve Fleshbearer][Say that you serve Princess Sigira][Say that you serve Magnar Krygorn][Say that you serve no one]
[Say that you serve Princess Sigira] I really love what you did with Skyrnor, and boy is Lenlie going to be in a lot of shit once news of Magnar Krygorn's death reaches the Vale. Really looking forward to future Lenlie chapter's now as it's has only recently dawned on me just how much Lenlie is in danger now. Looking forward to seeing more of Skyrnor :P Great work man!
Lenlie saw the grey castle of the Magnar in front of her. It felt weird because she hadn’t expected to return to here – at least n… moreot until the war was over. She had wondered if the Magnar and the King had already battled, what had happened, and had her people been there. If she knew anything about Fleshbearer it was that the man had a lust for violence – and that he saw himself superior to everyone. Lenlie also felt sorry for Sigira, it was clear that she was sad and worried about her father. I wish I could help.
Even Gorgar had been a little bit quieter and less annoying during their journey – clearly he respected the princess. As they were climbing the stairs to the grey halls a woman walked against them. She was a probably on her late thirties, with lean build, pale skin and long black hair, and on her back was sheathed a great sword. Looks like a warrior.
“Hi Yrma.” Princess Sigira said with lazy tone, making Yrma narrow h… [view original content]
Lenlie saw the grey castle of the Magnar in front of her. It felt weird because she hadn’t expected to return to here – at least n… moreot until the war was over. She had wondered if the Magnar and the King had already battled, what had happened, and had her people been there. If she knew anything about Fleshbearer it was that the man had a lust for violence – and that he saw himself superior to everyone. Lenlie also felt sorry for Sigira, it was clear that she was sad and worried about her father. I wish I could help.
Even Gorgar had been a little bit quieter and less annoying during their journey – clearly he respected the princess. As they were climbing the stairs to the grey halls a woman walked against them. She was a probably on her late thirties, with lean build, pale skin and long black hair, and on her back was sheathed a great sword. Looks like a warrior.
“Hi Yrma.” Princess Sigira said with lazy tone, making Yrma narrow h… [view original content]
Lenlie saw the grey castle of the Magnar in front of her. It felt weird because she hadn’t expected to return to here – at least n… moreot until the war was over. She had wondered if the Magnar and the King had already battled, what had happened, and had her people been there. If she knew anything about Fleshbearer it was that the man had a lust for violence – and that he saw himself superior to everyone. Lenlie also felt sorry for Sigira, it was clear that she was sad and worried about her father. I wish I could help.
Even Gorgar had been a little bit quieter and less annoying during their journey – clearly he respected the princess. As they were climbing the stairs to the grey halls a woman walked against them. She was a probably on her late thirties, with lean build, pale skin and long black hair, and on her back was sheathed a great sword. Looks like a warrior.
“Hi Yrma.” Princess Sigira said with lazy tone, making Yrma narrow h… [view original content]
Lenlie saw the grey castle of the Magnar in front of her. It felt weird because she hadn’t expected to return to here – at least n… moreot until the war was over. She had wondered if the Magnar and the King had already battled, what had happened, and had her people been there. If she knew anything about Fleshbearer it was that the man had a lust for violence – and that he saw himself superior to everyone. Lenlie also felt sorry for Sigira, it was clear that she was sad and worried about her father. I wish I could help.
Even Gorgar had been a little bit quieter and less annoying during their journey – clearly he respected the princess. As they were climbing the stairs to the grey halls a woman walked against them. She was a probably on her late thirties, with lean build, pale skin and long black hair, and on her back was sheathed a great sword. Looks like a warrior.
“Hi Yrma.” Princess Sigira said with lazy tone, making Yrma narrow h… [view original content]
I was torn between this and no one. I see serving no one as the more desirable option, but considering that Lenlie is going to be in trouble as soon as the others learn about Fleshbearers betrayal, it can't hurt to gain a powerful ally in form of the princess. Besides, there are certainly worse people she could serve.
Lenlie saw the grey castle of the Magnar in front of her. It felt weird because she hadn’t expected to return to here – at least n… moreot until the war was over. She had wondered if the Magnar and the King had already battled, what had happened, and had her people been there. If she knew anything about Fleshbearer it was that the man had a lust for violence – and that he saw himself superior to everyone. Lenlie also felt sorry for Sigira, it was clear that she was sad and worried about her father. I wish I could help.
Even Gorgar had been a little bit quieter and less annoying during their journey – clearly he respected the princess. As they were climbing the stairs to the grey halls a woman walked against them. She was a probably on her late thirties, with lean build, pale skin and long black hair, and on her back was sheathed a great sword. Looks like a warrior.
“Hi Yrma.” Princess Sigira said with lazy tone, making Yrma narrow h… [view original content]
As Argus walked in from the southern gates of Winterfell he felt overwhelmed by the sight. There was something mystic and intriguing about this castle – it had been built thousands of years ago by the First Men.
“Bran the Builder built this.” Alistair said as if he knew what Argus was thinking.
“So the legends say.” Emilio Rivers answered quietly. “And you sound tired my friend, I hope you didn’t drink too much last night.” The skinny young man added with a smirk and Alistair just shook his head.
“No, it’s not just a legend.” He insisted. “Bran the Builder lived during the Age of Heroes. He is the founder of the House Stark, builder of Winterfell and the Wall.” Emilio shrugged with a small smile on his face as they walked to the court yard that was filled with dozens of soldiers.
“Let’s just get to Lord Stark.” Argus said quietly – he had to admit that his head was mildly in pain because of the drinking last night. I should have just left the drinking for Alistair. And so they walked quietly to the gates of the inner castle. A brawny dark haired man in a plated armor stood in front of the gate, eyeing them with a cold gaze.
“Who are you and what is your business?” The man asked sternly. Argus noticed that the bastard sword the man was holding had dried blood all over it.
“I am Argus of House Keding, son of Gregor Keding, the Lord of Phoenixfall.” Argus spoke with polite tone. The look in the eyes of the man changed a little.
“Phoenixfall… That is in the Vale.” The man stated and Argus nodded. “So who are these… companions of yours?” The man asked, gazing at Alistair and Emilio without any respect in his eyes. Argus was about to clear his throat and answer, but Alistair was faster.
“I am Alistair… Well, I don’t have a last name, but I am a sellsword!” He announced ceremoniously, making the man with the bastard sword frown.
“And I am Emilio Rivers.” Emilio said shortly. Before the man could say anything Argus cleared his throat.
“They are under my command.” He said hastily, and the man shifted his attention back to him. “We would like to meet Lord Stark.”
“To join the war.” The man said, rather stating it than asking. “Perhaps I could take you to Lord Beron… But right now he is speaking with our guests from Skagos, so you will have to wait.”
“Skagos?” Alistair had a baffled expression on his face. “The Skagosi rebelled during the last winter!” The man looked at Alistair with a frustrated expression, which made Argus react.
“We can wait.” He said quickly. “Just take us to the audience room, Ser.”
“The Great Hall.” The man corrected. “And you can call me Tharn.” Argus nodded and the man led them through the gates and towards the Great Hall. Argus, Alistair and Emilio certainly sparked some interest in the guardsmen as they walked through the yard of the inner castle. And Argus could see that both Alistair and Emilio were very excited to be there. The direwolf banners of House Stark decorated the stony walls of the Great Hall from the outside, and four guardsmen stood in front of the grand doors made of oak and iron.
“A Knight from the Vale that wants to step into service of Lord Stark.” Tharn said to the guards and nodded towards Argus. Argus saw no reason to correct Tharn about him not being a knight as the guards opened the doors to them. They stepped into the hall that indeed was great – and right now full of people.
“I’ll go back on my duty.” Tharn said sternly. “Good luck, Argus Keding.” Argus nodded to Tharn who turned away and walked out of the hall.
“Let’s go somewhere where we can see something.” Argus said quietly, and that was what they did.
“There is no trust between us. You surely understand that.” Lord Beron Stark, a long faced man on his mid-thirties said calmly from the raised platform to two ladies and one lord who were standing in front of the platform – they were all wearing fur coats and if Argus had to guess they were a little younger than Lord Beron. They are probably the Skagosi that Tharn mentioned.
“No trust you say? Half of my family was murdered by Starks! And still I am here, as invited.” The black-haired sturdy man growled, and Beron Stark nodded.
“And I am thankful of that, Lord Crowl. Lords Magnar and Stane however decided to only send their wives.” Beron’s words were calm, but Argus could also hear frustration in them. “What am I supposed to make of that?”
“Oh, you haven’t heard, Lord Stark?” The older one of the ladies said with a voice that was supposed to be a sad one, but it was clearly fake. “My husband, Lord Helman Magnar, died a couple months ago on a terrible fewer. I am the head of House Magnar now – until our son comes of age. And Lord Stane… well he sent Lady Miranna because he was too busy to come himself.” The younger lady nodded shyly.
“I am sorry to hear that, Lady Genna.” Beron said with a sigh. “When I invited you here I asked you to bring a small amount of forces with you. It seems you brought even less. Why?”
“Skagos is not on the leash of the Starks anymore, Lord Beron.” Genna Magnar answered with a sly tone. “We are only here from our good will.”
“And to show the world that Stoneborn are harder than Ironborn!” Lord Crowl boasted, which made Alistair chuckle behind Argus.
“Is it so?” Beron had a subtle smile on his face as he spoke. “Well then, I have a suggestion for you.”
“Suggest away, Lord Stark.” Lady Genna said with her sly smile on. Lord Beron pressed his fingers together and cleared his throat before he started speaking.
“The Ironborn have taken the control over Stony Shore and it will be a hard task to take it back… A task suited for a larger force. The Wolfswood is in havoc, some fortresses have been lost, some taken back already. I am planning on sending new forces there soon, but the Stoneborn won’t be on those forces. However, a raven from Barrowton came less than two weeks ago and it seems a small amount of Ironborn have been raiding the Saltspear lately. If you want to prove your worth that is where you should go.” After Beron had spoken Lord Crowl chuckled mockingly.
“Fucking Saltspear? I think you are underestimating the Stoneborn!” He growled, and Lord Beron shrugged with a small smile on his face.
“Maybe I am. But if your mission on Saltspear would be successful, then you could of course head for the Stony Shore with the forces of the House Dustin.” Beron answered with calm words, and Argus could see that Lord Crowl was already tempted to accept this mission.
“And who would lead the forces?” Genna Magnar asked, narrowing her eyes as she gazed at Lord Stark.
“You can decide that yourselves.” Beron answered softly. “I’ll give you a handful of men, but the rest is in your hands.”
“I’ll lead the forces.” Lord Crowl announced with a decisive tone. “And we’ll leave tomorrow.” Beron nodded to this with a smile on his face.
“I am happy we have come to an agreement.” Lord Beron stated. “Good luck, Lonnel.” Lord Crowl grunted in agreement and turned away, ladies Genna and Miranna following after him. As the Skagosi left, more than half of the people shoved themselves out the doors of the Great Hall. For a moment the hall was full of noise and blabbing, but after few minutes it was quiet again. An old man in grey robes stepped in front of the platform.
“Is there anyone who would like to speak up?” He asked with his raspy voice. Argus’ heart started to beat a little faster, to his own surprise he was nervous about speaking to Lord Stark. Time to start a new chapter in my life.
“I would like to speak!” Argus yelled, after he had found his courage again.
“And who are you?” The old man asked. Argus waved for Emilio and Alistair to follow him, and they walked in the middle of the Great Hall – at the same spot where the Skagosi had been earlier.
“My Lord, I am Argus of House Keding, son of Lord Gregor Keding of the Phoenixfall. And these are my… companions, Emilio Rivers and-“
“Alistair the Bloodsword!” Alistair said with a triumphant voice, which looked to amuse Lord Stark, but made Argus feel embarrassed. Why can’t he just keep his mouth shut? He shook his head subtly and knelt in front of the Lord, as did Emilio and Alistair after him.
“I have heard you are collecting swords on your side at this war against the Greyjoys, my Lord.” Argus started.
“You can stand up.” Lord Beron interrupted with his calm tone. “I assume you are sellswords then?”
“Well, yes, we are.” Argus answered awkwardly. Beron nodded again and cleared his throat.
“I need all the swords I can get, Argus Keding, so I’ll gladly hire you.” Beron Stark said, eyeing each of them with both interest and amusement in his eyes. “I am sure you, as a noble boy, have been trained in castle, but your companions most likely haven’t been. I’m sure you understand that effects on how much I’m ready to pay you. Just know that war is not a pleasant thing… If you’ll go to the Wolfswood you’ll learn that. The Greyjoys are a decease that is killing more of the Northerners than the Great Spring Sickness ever did.”
“Don’t worry, m’lord!” Alistair yelled cheerfully. “We’ll beat this sickness back to the sea!” These words caused cheering and laughing all over the Great Hall, and a wide grin was formed on Alistair’s face – Even Lord Stark let out a small laugh.
“I like your attitude, young man, but the Greyjoys are the sea – and the sea can never be beaten. New storms always rise. All we can do is to survive the storms and rebuild once they’re over.” Beron’s words were calm, but at the same time they were powerful. “So, my friends, if you want to serve the North in this war we will have to decide where you will head.”
“And what are the options, my Lord?” Argus asked with a polite tone.
“There are two options.” Beron said with a small smile on his face. “Lord Matthew Bolton will bring his forces here within a week or two and they will head for the Wolfswood to join the forces of my father and brother – and you can go with them. The other option is that you leave with Lord Lonnel Crowl and his Stoneborn tomorrow and head for the Saltspear. It’s your decision.”
[Bolton's army - Wolfswood][Crowl's army - Saltspear]
As Argus walked in from the southern gates of Winterfell he felt overwhelmed by the sight. There was something mystic and intriguin… moreg about this castle – it had been built thousands of years ago by the First Men.
“Bran the Builder built this.” Alistair said as if he knew what Argus was thinking.
“So the legends say.” Emilio Rivers answered quietly. “And you sound tired my friend, I hope you didn’t drink too much last night.” The skinny young man added with a smirk and Alistair just shook his head.
“No, it’s not just a legend.” He insisted. “Bran the Builder lived during the Age of Heroes. He is the founder of the House Stark, builder of Winterfell and the Wall.” Emilio shrugged with a small smile on his face as they walked to the court yard that was filled with dozens of soldiers.
“Let’s just get to Lord Stark.” Argus said quietly – he had to admit that his head was mildly in pain because of the drinking last night. I shou… [view original content]
[Return to the battle]
[Run away]
[Return to the battle]
Til the end !
return to the battle
Nope !
[Run away]
[Run away]
[Run away] Great chapter man!
Vote closed! And Rambton will run away. This choice pretty much determines his storyline in the next chapter.
Chapter 2 "Tears and Swords" has ended and soon (some point next week) will start the chapter 3 "Rise Again". So, what to expect?
King Raymun and Magnar Krygorn have battled in the dark night of the Haunted Forest, but who will survive to see the morning? The Ice-River men surely will have their word to say. And somewhere in the north also the giants are considering on joining the war.
While Rambton just runs to wherever he can, Maya and Lenlie have more clear destinations. Maya, along with Alexia and Terry, tries to find Ivan Longbeard, but what kind of man will he find? Lenlie arrives to the great halls of the Magnar with Princess Sigira and they'll surely have their own problems - especially when they hear about the outcome of the battle.
Lord Commander Jack Musgood is questioning the wildlings in the southern Haunted Forest, but he might not like the answers. But how will he act? In Castle Black the blood of the casualties of the massacre will dry as the survivors try to survive to next day. Robett will try to find his way to Shadow Tower, but what kind of help will he get from there?
South of the Wall the rebellion of Dagon Greyjoy is bringing chaos to the western coast of the North - and now Argus Keding will be heading towards that chaos.
Also many new characters will be introduced
Some questions! If you have time, you could answer these:
After two chapters, who is your favorite PoV?
Favorite non-PoV?
Least favorite PoV?
Least favorite non-PoV?
Which parts/moments have been your favorite so far?
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
Do you have any advises to give on the writing or storytelling?
Thanks for all the readers!
1) Rambton, His storyline is probably one with most ups and falls, I like it.
2) Princess Sigira, She was really helpfull for now.
3) Edric Mormont, He can't really control himself, and he still look like a bit too noble for the Nights watch.
4) Eren Meratus, I don't think you really need an explanation here.
5) Last battle was pretty cool, I love how you let us to unfold the battle with multiple choices. Also Keran and Rambton capturing was suprising. And Raymun vs Harg the Scarface fight was pretty cool
6) Well, only moments when I feel disappointed is when I know we screwed us over, especialy when I screw us over with the choice together with others. But this is only personal feeling and it doesn't change enjoyement of the story. Bad choices make everything interesting after all.
7) I don really have anything to tell you about that, just keep up the great work
Chapter 3: Rise Again
Sun was starting to rise as Dickon woke up in the middle of the forest. He knew that Mole’s Town had to be pretty close, but as tempting as it was he couldn’t go there – it had too big risk of getting caught. Every night it was hard to fall asleep and again he hadn’t slept more than two or three hours. The rangers are after me. If Dickon would be lucky he would manage to slip further to the south, steal new clothes somewhere and maybe head back to the Reach – or somewhere out of these cold lands. All this would have been so much easier with Bryan, but that idiot just had to try his luck with the Volantene. True enough, if Bryan had managed to kill the man and took the Valyrian steel sword it would’ve meant riches beyond their dreams. But it was still stupidity, and now I am alone.
Dickon got up and looked at the foods he had left. Perhaps the only positive side on travelling alone was that the food would last longer. Dickon had estimated that he had enough food to travel to Winter Town, but he wasn’t sure anymore – it was hard and slow to travel through the woods, and at nights he could hear the wolves howling, sending shivers down his spine. And before he could go near Winter Town he would have to find new clothes from somewhere. There are farms and villages on the way.
Walking alone in the silence, which was only now and then broken by the animals of the forest, made Dickon’s mind travel to his past. He remembered the farm of his family, in the warmth of the Reach, near the Cider Hall. Dickon couldn’t say that his childhood would have been bad, even if he never knew what was he supposed to become when would grow up, since his older brother would inherit the farm. He spent his youth working in the farm at days and running to taverns at nights. Both his father and his brother looked down to that, but he always had a friend he could trust – Bryan. Bryan was his savior and his doom. Without him Dickon wouldn’t have been much lonelier, but Bryan was also the one who always brought him to troubles. And finally one of these troubles had been so bad that it had taken both of them to the Wall. It had been a rainy night at Ashford, when Bryan managed to anger the innkeeper of the Broken Nobleman so badly that a fight had been inevitable. The fight had led to Bryan and Dickon killing two men and trying to escape to the night. Of course the city guard caught us. Taking the black had been Bryan’s idea, and he had kept saying that there would come a chance for them to escape. And he was right.
Dickon let out a sigh. Part of him just wanted to stop and give up, but at the same time he knew that he would have to keep going – for Bryan.
Dickon started to think about the bloody night at the Castle Black again. It was the most terrible night of his life – even worse than the one at Ashford. It was the second time in his life that he had to kill a man. It had been just some honest lad who had tried to stop him from escaping. For Dickon this had only been about escaping, but he knew that many others, Devyn and Small Marsh for example, had done terrible things during that night. He didn’t want to see those people ever again, so he had chosen to find his own way. Some of the deserters had headed for the abandoned castles of the Wall, some had chosen the eastern side of the King’s Road, and trying to sneak through the lands of the Umbers. Idiots. Dickon wasn’t sure if his plan was any better, but he had thought that the forests between the King’s Road and the lands of the mountain clans would be the safest option.
Sun was up on the sky, and Dickon decided to stop, just to eat something quickly. He grubbed some bread from his small bag and took a bite. The taste was surprisingly good, but that was probably just because he was so hungry. Somewhere in the distance could be heard an animal running, perhaps a deer. Dickon didn’t have anything he could hunt with so he didn’t care. He took another bite from the bread, thinking about where he would find his place in the world. He couldn’t go near Ashford or Cider Hall, but perhaps Oldtown would be an option. Or King’s Landing. For what he knew the Great Spring Sickness was more or less over, and the cities needed men to do all kinds of jobs now. I’ll find my way to King’s Landing. Dickon didn’t know if this decision would hold, but he needed something to aim for. He heard the running again, but it sounded like it was several animals and not just one. Are they heading this way? Dickon took out the sword he had stolen from Castle Black. The noise came closer and closer. They are horses, Dickon realized and started to look for a place where he could hide, but it was too late. Four men rode from the forest, all of them wearing cloaks as black as night. One of the men dismounted the horse and took out his sword. He was Laurence, a young an honorable ranger – or that was the picture Dickon had got of him during his short time at the Wall. The other three were Kip, Gareth Oaketh and Dennis Stone. Everyone of them had the rage in their eyes as they gazed at Dickon.
“Looks like we got one.” Kip, a young and short boy, said with a haunting look on his grey eyes.
“Bu- but how?” Dickon stuttered, as he was starting to realize what would happen to him. Kip let out a laugh and shook his head.
“We are trained for this, hunting down rats like you is easy.” Kip said with mocking tone as he dismounted his horse.
“Put down the sword and you’ll be given a swift and clean death.” Dennis Stone spoke with toneless words, but Dickon couldn’t just give in, he had come so far. He tightened his grip to the sword.
“Please, don’t kill me. I… I’ll come back to Castle Black.” Dickon’s words were full of panic. It can’t end like this!
“You took lives from loyal and honorable men, and you expect us to show you mercy?” Laurence took a step closer to Dickon as he spoke. “You deserve this punishment. Put down the sword, now!” Laurence words were full of rage, but Dickon shook his head. And so Laurence attacked him.
Dickon wasn’t a great swordsman, but he was able to parry the first strike. The second however hit him straight to the legs, and the pain made him scream and drop his sword. There he was, on his knees on the cold ground, tears running down his cheeks. He raised his look up and saw Laurence in front of him.
“Please… please… I regret everything… everything.”
“Perhaps we shouldn’t…” Laurence started, but was cut off as Kip walked next to him with a stone cold expression on his face. Dickon could feel his life escaping from him as he looked into those grey eyes. This is the end.
“Good night, traitor.” The young man said coldly, raised his sword, and struck it down – ending the life of Dickon.
So here was a little intro for the third chapter
And please answer to the questions I posted about the first chapters, doesn't take long and I'd like to hear some of your thoughts about characters etc. 
After two chapters, who is your favorite PoV?
Hard to say. I like Maya and Lenlie's PoV's a lot and I also enjoyed Robett's PoV. If I have to decide on one, I'd probably go with Robett.
Favorite non-PoV?
I really liked Cruz, which makes his death even more sad. Out of the non-PoV characters who are still alive, the Magnar and Princess Sigira are favourites of mine
Least favorite PoV?
I don't really know why, but for some reason I don't really like Rambton. His storyline was very enjoyable, but there is something about his character that makes me dislike him.
Least favorite non-PoV?
Well, this one is easy. Fleshbearer is a major creep and definitely my least favourite character at the moment, regardless of how interesting he is. Eren Meratus is also interesting, but a complete asshole, so I severely dislike him too.
Which parts/moments have been your favorite so far?
Probably the aftermath of the mutiny, that was a very well-written part that cemented Robett's position as my favourite PoV. I also liked the final battle a lot, but I enjoyed the mutiny even more.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
I can't recall any moments in particular which I haven't enjoyed in some way. Every storyline has something interesting and unique and I honestly liked all of them so far.
Do you have any advises to give on the writing or storytelling?
Not, definitely not. You do a great job with this story. Just keep up the quality and there is nothing you have to worry about.
Yeah, it's not a fair situation for many other PoVs since the chapter 2 was so heavy on Robett, but he indeed is one of my own favorites as well. As for Maya and Lenlie they will both make a comeback soon. I have to admit though that Lenlie was always meant to be one of the more minor PoVs and that probably wont change - however she will have more to do than she did in chapter 2.
Totally understandable ;D I'd probably hate him too, but I kinda have to have some love for him to be able to write from his view. If I wanted to be absolutely cruel I'd call him an immature brute, but at the same time he is a survivor and pretty strong willed and definitely deserves some respect.
Oh, and just to let you know: this chapter will probably make you hate Fleshbearer even more
After two chapters, who is your favorite PoV?
I'd say it's a mix between Robett and Rambton. I really like the Wall storyline, and so far, Rambton's the only one beyond the wall that's getting a lot of action, so yeah.
Favorite non-PoV?
I like the Argus and Alistair combo, so I'd say Alistair. (No it has nothing to do with the fact that Alistair's my character)
Least favorite PoV?
I'd say Skjorn, I like his storyline, I just don't like Thenns. But personality wise, it'd be Rambton.
Least favorite non-PoV?
Ariyanna, it's just that I don't like Rambton and she's on good terms with Rambton.
Which parts/moments have been your favorite so far?
The big battle near the end of the chapter.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
I guess whenever Rambton and Ariyanna are having one-on-one conversations. It's not that it's not well-written, it's just that I'm not particularly fond of the characters.
Do you have any advises to give on the writing or storytelling?
Be confident with your writing abilities, and I don't know, it never hurts to proof read it a couple times before posting it.
Yeah, both of them are kinda annoying on their own ways
And their hate-love relationship (no, not romantic one) makes them act especially bitchy towards each other.
I have to admit my proof reading is horribly lazy at times
So it definitely is something where I can improve 
Almost forgot to do this...
Important decisions from Chapter 2:
New beginning: Argus chose to leave Castle Black behind and head for Winterfell.
Journey to Frostfangs: Maya decided to leave Raymun's army behind and go on a mission to find Ivan Longbeard with Alexia and Terry.
Wisdom of Citadel: Robett spoke with Maester Jon about his concerns.
Realism: Skjorn didn't advise Magnar Krygon to give any forces under Denyal Delen's leading.
Freedom: Rambton decided to run away.
Rumak woke up. It was still raining, not as heavily anymore though. As Rumak tried to get up the pain flashed through him and he had to lay back down. He saw someone walking towards him.
“So, you finally woke up.” The man said with an unpleasant tone. The man was clearly at least on his forties, even if his dark beard and deep set eyes probably made him look older than he really was. Rumak didn’t know the man and couldn’t tell if he was a Hornfoot or a Nightrunner. He didn’t answer anything to this man, but concentrated on checking his injuries. Rumak’s right leg was clearly injured, since he could hardly move it. On his upper left arm was a relatively small scar, and his head was in constant pain.
“They say you are a great fighter.” The man said with skeptical voice. “If you ask me, I’d say you are not – anymore at least. We could’ve just as well eaten you.” Eaten me? The realization hit Rumak harder than anything that had hit him last night – this man was from the Ice Rivers.
“Why are you here?” Rumak muttered, his voice being weaker than he had thought. The man with the dark beard chuckled for the question.
“I’m here to make Fleshbearer the king.” He said with a smirk on his face. Rumak coughed, his heart started to beat faster. What in the name of the Others has happened here?
“And… Where is Raymun?” Rumak asked, fearing what the answer would be. The man’s face turned serious and he shrugged.
“They haven’t found him yet. But they will… And then we’ll have a feast.” The dark bearded man spoke quietly with a dark look in his eyes. Rumak gulped – deep inside he felt rage, but his body was broken and he couldn’t do anything, so he had to just stay silent.
“Can you stand up?” The man asked and Rumak nodded, even if he wasn’t sure about it. He fought against the overwhelming pain, his whole body fought against him, screaming for him to stop, but slowly he did manage to scramble up. As he stood there he could still feel the pain, and his sight was blurring. The Ice-River man laughed at him mockingly.
“Come on, bastard, let me help.” He said and took Rumak to his hold. And so Rumak was dragged to a place where there was more of the Ice-River men gathered. Rumak had no idea what was going on, but he was allowed to sit down as they were apparently waiting for something. As Rumak looked around he saw some Hornfoots, Nightrunners and even Thenns. Many of them were tied, and none of them had their weapons.
“Here comes King Fleshbearer!” Rumak could hear being shouted from somewhere after a while of waiting. Despite the pain he fought himself up on his feet again. And there this man called Fleshbearer was, walking towards them, all the other Ice-River men making way for him. Fleshbearer was a tall man, towering most of the men around him. And he was ugly with his missing eye and messy beard – not that Rumak would’ve considered himself beautiful. For his disgust Rumak noticed that Fleshbearer was carrying two heads on his hands. After looking at the heads for a while he recognized the other one of them – it was Harron Crowsbane's.
“Gather around me!” Fleshbearer bellowed and quickly there was a ring of men around him. He threw the head of Harron to the wet ground. “That there is head of the man who called himself Crowsbane.” Fleshbearer said and spat on the head. “And he is a great example of what happens to those who will not submit to me! Sadly I can’t say that Crowsbane became crow’s food – because he became my food.” Fleshbearer had a wicked smile on his face as he said this, making the men of the Ice Rivers burst into laughing.
“But that is not all!” Fleshbearer shouted and raised the head on his right hand up. “Look at this! This is the man the Thenns saw as their god! This is Magnar Krygorn!” As the Ice-River men started to laugh again Rumak felt himself deeply shocked – for some reason even more shocked than he was about Harron. Just yesterday the Magnar of Thenn had been his greatest enemy, and there he was now – or what was left of him anyway. Rumak noticed the rage in the eyes of the couple Thenns that were present. One of them even screamed something in Old Tongue, but was immediately punched to the ground. Then Fleshbearer tossed the head of Krygorn to the ground. “And so I name myself the god and the king of the Thenns!” He shouted, making the Ice-River men cheer at him. Rumak closed his eyes. Is this a nightmare?
Then Fleshbearer suddenly noticed Rumak. The look on his eyes changed, as if he was a predator looking at its prey. Fleshbearer approached Rumak with slow steps, having his wicked smile on.
“So… It seems you finally woke up.” He started, and Rumak gave him the smallest possible nod. “I heard you were the closest advisor of Raymun Redbeard. I’m still looking for that bastard… Perhaps you could help.” There was a touch of mockery in the words of this monster. “But before that… Submit yourself to me, kneel in front of me and kiss my hand.” The words of Fleshbearer were hard and commanding, and Rumak had to bite his tongue to not insult him. Rumak glanced at the heads of Harron and Krygorn. Is that my fate? He turned his look back to this monstrous man of the Ice Rivers. Fleshbearer’s gaze was horrifying as he waited for Rumak’s reaction.
[Submit and kneel to him] [Submit, but don't kneel] [Refuse to submit to him]
[Submit, but don't kneel]
After two chapters, who is your favorite PoV?
Robett or Skjorn
Favorite non-PoV?
Cruz. Don't know why I got so attached to him, I think it was probably because he had a hidden strength to him which was only visible at his end
Least favorite PoV?
Rambton. Don't know why, I guess it's just his attitude? Like the story for him is great and I'm loving so far though!
Least favorite non-PoV?
Devyn, bloody hated the prick. Griff gave me the shivers though it was mainly Devyn as I've seen a lot of his kind and it just pisses me off
Which parts/moments have been your favorite so far?
Loved it all, favorite part would have to be the mutiny though.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
I can't really say there have been any parts I haven't enjoyed. It has been a great pleasure to read and I'm often checking daily to see if you have submitted another part
Do you have any advises to give on the writing or storytelling?
Not really, you and LiquidChicago are my main influences for writing so keep up the great work!
[Refuse to submit to him] Honestly, I can't see Rumak betraying everything he believes just to save his life. He has proved his loyalty to run back to battle when he had the chance to escape, I cannot see him working for Fleshbearer. Magnar Krygorn dead? Holy crap I did not expect that, so who will the new magnar be?? I hope it is who I think it is
Great chapter!
[Submit, but don't kneel]
Thanks for answering! It has come as a little surprise to me how liked Cruz was. I liked him myself of course, and I'm happy to see he was this popular
And the dislike towards Rambton - well that has not been a surprise
[Submit, but don't kneel] The free folk does not kneel!
That was a great part! It's sad that the Magnar is dead, as he was among my favourite characters, but it was also a great twist. And well, I really want to see Fleshbearer dead now, fuck that guy!
[Submit, but don't kneel]
[Submit, but don't kneel] mmmh ... I Wonder who is the Ice river man that is helping Rumak .. ,:)
Actually not a named character
I just wanted to show a glimpse of the more common folk of the Ice-River men and not just the leaders all the time 
Okay, vote closed!
In this dire situation Rumak will submit to Fleshbearer, but refuse to kneel.
The next part, which is Lenlie PoV, is more or less ready and will be posted very soon!
Lenlie saw the grey castle of the Magnar in front of her. It felt weird because she hadn’t expected to return to here – at least not until the war was over. She had wondered if the Magnar and the King had already battled, what had happened, and had her people been there. If she knew anything about Fleshbearer it was that the man had a lust for violence – and that he saw himself superior to everyone. Lenlie also felt sorry for Sigira, it was clear that she was sad and worried about her father. I wish I could help.
Even Gorgar had been a little bit quieter and less annoying during their journey – clearly he respected the princess. As they were climbing the stairs to the grey halls a woman walked against them. She was a probably on her late thirties, with lean build, pale skin and long black hair, and on her back was sheathed a great sword. Looks like a warrior.
“Hi Yrma.” Princess Sigira said with lazy tone, making Yrma narrow her eyes.
“Hi, Princess.” She answered with cold tone. “I hope you are not the only ones returning from the war.” She added with her hard voice.
“No, the war hasn’t probably even begun.” Sigira answered as they kept climbing up the stairs. “Father just sent me to look over Storg.”
“Why?” Yrma asked, sounding genuinely confused. “Your cousin is already watching over him, there was no need for you to return.”
“Skyrnor?” Now Sigira was confused. “I didn’t know he was here… Then why did my father send me back?” Yrma shook her head and chuckled as they opened the doors to the castle.
“I guess your father didn’t want to see his little girl in danger.” Lenlie couldn’t tell if Yrma was mocking Sigira or not, but it made the Princess frown anyway.
“Just take us to Skyrnor.” Sigira snapped, and Yrma nodded with a sly smile on her face. And then they walked through the high corridors that still felt unbelievable in Lenlie’s eyes. This is what people can do if they don’t only concentrate on killing each other.
Quite quickly they arrived to a large room where a young man sat behind a wooden table, reading some kind of map. The man had something that reminded Lenlie of Magnar Krygorn – the look on his pale grey eyes was hard and commanding. He also had a dreadlocked hair with shades of black, grey and white – and on his stony face was blue paint – making him look all the more threatening.
“Sigira.” The young man said with surprised tone as he noticed them. “I didn’t expect to see you here so soon… Is the war over?” He asked, and Sigira shook her head.
“I thought you were smarter than that, Skyrnor.” Gorgar blurted with an amused tone, receiving an angry glare from Skyrnor.
“No, the war isn’t over… At least I don’t think it is.” Sigira said, ignoring Gorgar. “And I have to say I am surprised to find you here… Father sent me here to look after Storg.”
“That’s what he commanded me to do.” Skyrnor said, raising an eyebrow.
“Exactly.” Sigira shook her head as she answered. “Well then, how has the little lad been?”
“He is a good boy, he admires his father.” Skrynor answered shortly with a serious tone, which made Gorgar chuckle – and again Skyrnor glared at him. “I have to ask Sigira, why have you brought that swank here?” Skyrnor asked with strict words, making Sigira sigh with a tired expression on her face.
“Just ignore Gorgar and his stupid jokes, he means no disrespect.” Sigira answered. Gorgar shrugged with a grin on his face and even Lenlie had to shook her head for that.
“By the way, Princess, who is this woman?” Yrma asked with a sly tone, looking at Lenlie with vicious eyes. “I can tell she isn’t a Thenn.” Now also Skyrnor’s attention shifted to Lenlie, making her feel a little uncomfortable.
“That is a good question.” Skyrnor said quietly, and the stare he gave to Lenlie surely wasn’t a respectful one.
“I am Lenlie, and I come from the Ice Rivers – I have accompanied Princess Sigira since Fleshbearer made his visit here.” Lenlie answered, keeping her voice tough and emotionless. A barely visible smile was formed on the face of Skyrnor. For a moment that felt terribly long no one said anything.
“May I ask you, Lenlie of Ice Rivers, who is it that you serve?” Skyrnor asked with chilling tone, his intense stare piercing through Lenlie. That is a good question, Lenlie thought to herself. She could feel that all the eyes were on her. Lenlie gulped, she wasn't sure who should it be that she serves - Fleshbearer was the leader of her clan, but Sigira had saved her from Fleshbearer. And of course she was fighting a war on Magnar Krygorn's side - or was she? Right now she was as far from fighting as one could be - and no one would probably stop her from leaving and going wherever she wanted. That is a hard question.
[Say that you serve Fleshbearer] [Say that you serve Princess Sigira] [Say that you serve Magnar Krygorn] [Say that you serve no one]
[Say that you serve Princess Sigira] I really love what you did with Skyrnor, and boy is Lenlie going to be in a lot of shit once news of Magnar Krygorn's death reaches the Vale. Really looking forward to future Lenlie chapter's now as it's has only recently dawned on me just how much Lenlie is in danger now. Looking forward to seeing more of Skyrnor :P Great work man!
[Say that you serve no one]
[Say that you serve no one]
[Say that you serve Princess Sigira]
She deserves it after all I think, and it's probably the safest way.
[Say that you serve Princess Sigira
[Say that you serve Princess Sigira]
I was torn between this and no one. I see serving no one as the more desirable option, but considering that Lenlie is going to be in trouble as soon as the others learn about Fleshbearers betrayal, it can't hurt to gain a powerful ally in form of the princess. Besides, there are certainly worse people she could serve.
Finally made the illustration of Robett :P
And the voting is still open
Wow love it! Pretty much my exact thoughts on him
[Say that you serve no one]
Looks like no more votes coming... Vote closed! Wow, tie dodged
And, Lenlie will say that she serves Princess Sigira.
The next part is more than 50% done, so it's likely I'll post it here tomorrow. Oh, btw it's Argus part and we'll finally meet one of the Starks.
As Argus walked in from the southern gates of Winterfell he felt overwhelmed by the sight. There was something mystic and intriguing about this castle – it had been built thousands of years ago by the First Men.
“Bran the Builder built this.” Alistair said as if he knew what Argus was thinking.
“So the legends say.” Emilio Rivers answered quietly. “And you sound tired my friend, I hope you didn’t drink too much last night.” The skinny young man added with a smirk and Alistair just shook his head.
“No, it’s not just a legend.” He insisted. “Bran the Builder lived during the Age of Heroes. He is the founder of the House Stark, builder of Winterfell and the Wall.” Emilio shrugged with a small smile on his face as they walked to the court yard that was filled with dozens of soldiers.
“Let’s just get to Lord Stark.” Argus said quietly – he had to admit that his head was mildly in pain because of the drinking last night. I should have just left the drinking for Alistair. And so they walked quietly to the gates of the inner castle. A brawny dark haired man in a plated armor stood in front of the gate, eyeing them with a cold gaze.
“Who are you and what is your business?” The man asked sternly. Argus noticed that the bastard sword the man was holding had dried blood all over it.
“I am Argus of House Keding, son of Gregor Keding, the Lord of Phoenixfall.” Argus spoke with polite tone. The look in the eyes of the man changed a little.
“Phoenixfall… That is in the Vale.” The man stated and Argus nodded. “So who are these… companions of yours?” The man asked, gazing at Alistair and Emilio without any respect in his eyes. Argus was about to clear his throat and answer, but Alistair was faster.
“I am Alistair… Well, I don’t have a last name, but I am a sellsword!” He announced ceremoniously, making the man with the bastard sword frown.
“And I am Emilio Rivers.” Emilio said shortly. Before the man could say anything Argus cleared his throat.
“They are under my command.” He said hastily, and the man shifted his attention back to him. “We would like to meet Lord Stark.”
“To join the war.” The man said, rather stating it than asking. “Perhaps I could take you to Lord Beron… But right now he is speaking with our guests from Skagos, so you will have to wait.”
“Skagos?” Alistair had a baffled expression on his face. “The Skagosi rebelled during the last winter!” The man looked at Alistair with a frustrated expression, which made Argus react.
“We can wait.” He said quickly. “Just take us to the audience room, Ser.”
“The Great Hall.” The man corrected. “And you can call me Tharn.” Argus nodded and the man led them through the gates and towards the Great Hall. Argus, Alistair and Emilio certainly sparked some interest in the guardsmen as they walked through the yard of the inner castle. And Argus could see that both Alistair and Emilio were very excited to be there. The direwolf banners of House Stark decorated the stony walls of the Great Hall from the outside, and four guardsmen stood in front of the grand doors made of oak and iron.
“A Knight from the Vale that wants to step into service of Lord Stark.” Tharn said to the guards and nodded towards Argus. Argus saw no reason to correct Tharn about him not being a knight as the guards opened the doors to them. They stepped into the hall that indeed was great – and right now full of people.
“I’ll go back on my duty.” Tharn said sternly. “Good luck, Argus Keding.” Argus nodded to Tharn who turned away and walked out of the hall.
“Let’s go somewhere where we can see something.” Argus said quietly, and that was what they did.
“There is no trust between us. You surely understand that.” Lord Beron Stark, a long faced man on his mid-thirties said calmly from the raised platform to two ladies and one lord who were standing in front of the platform – they were all wearing fur coats and if Argus had to guess they were a little younger than Lord Beron. They are probably the Skagosi that Tharn mentioned.
“No trust you say? Half of my family was murdered by Starks! And still I am here, as invited.” The black-haired sturdy man growled, and Beron Stark nodded.
“And I am thankful of that, Lord Crowl. Lords Magnar and Stane however decided to only send their wives.” Beron’s words were calm, but Argus could also hear frustration in them. “What am I supposed to make of that?”
“Oh, you haven’t heard, Lord Stark?” The older one of the ladies said with a voice that was supposed to be a sad one, but it was clearly fake. “My husband, Lord Helman Magnar, died a couple months ago on a terrible fewer. I am the head of House Magnar now – until our son comes of age. And Lord Stane… well he sent Lady Miranna because he was too busy to come himself.” The younger lady nodded shyly.
“I am sorry to hear that, Lady Genna.” Beron said with a sigh. “When I invited you here I asked you to bring a small amount of forces with you. It seems you brought even less. Why?”
“Skagos is not on the leash of the Starks anymore, Lord Beron.” Genna Magnar answered with a sly tone. “We are only here from our good will.”
“And to show the world that Stoneborn are harder than Ironborn!” Lord Crowl boasted, which made Alistair chuckle behind Argus.
“Is it so?” Beron had a subtle smile on his face as he spoke. “Well then, I have a suggestion for you.”
“Suggest away, Lord Stark.” Lady Genna said with her sly smile on. Lord Beron pressed his fingers together and cleared his throat before he started speaking.
“The Ironborn have taken the control over Stony Shore and it will be a hard task to take it back… A task suited for a larger force. The Wolfswood is in havoc, some fortresses have been lost, some taken back already. I am planning on sending new forces there soon, but the Stoneborn won’t be on those forces. However, a raven from Barrowton came less than two weeks ago and it seems a small amount of Ironborn have been raiding the Saltspear lately. If you want to prove your worth that is where you should go.” After Beron had spoken Lord Crowl chuckled mockingly.
“Fucking Saltspear? I think you are underestimating the Stoneborn!” He growled, and Lord Beron shrugged with a small smile on his face.
“Maybe I am. But if your mission on Saltspear would be successful, then you could of course head for the Stony Shore with the forces of the House Dustin.” Beron answered with calm words, and Argus could see that Lord Crowl was already tempted to accept this mission.
“And who would lead the forces?” Genna Magnar asked, narrowing her eyes as she gazed at Lord Stark.
“You can decide that yourselves.” Beron answered softly. “I’ll give you a handful of men, but the rest is in your hands.”
“I’ll lead the forces.” Lord Crowl announced with a decisive tone. “And we’ll leave tomorrow.” Beron nodded to this with a smile on his face.
“I am happy we have come to an agreement.” Lord Beron stated. “Good luck, Lonnel.” Lord Crowl grunted in agreement and turned away, ladies Genna and Miranna following after him. As the Skagosi left, more than half of the people shoved themselves out the doors of the Great Hall. For a moment the hall was full of noise and blabbing, but after few minutes it was quiet again. An old man in grey robes stepped in front of the platform.
“Is there anyone who would like to speak up?” He asked with his raspy voice. Argus’ heart started to beat a little faster, to his own surprise he was nervous about speaking to Lord Stark. Time to start a new chapter in my life.
“I would like to speak!” Argus yelled, after he had found his courage again.
“And who are you?” The old man asked. Argus waved for Emilio and Alistair to follow him, and they walked in the middle of the Great Hall – at the same spot where the Skagosi had been earlier.
“My Lord, I am Argus of House Keding, son of Lord Gregor Keding of the Phoenixfall. And these are my… companions, Emilio Rivers and-“
“Alistair the Bloodsword!” Alistair said with a triumphant voice, which looked to amuse Lord Stark, but made Argus feel embarrassed. Why can’t he just keep his mouth shut? He shook his head subtly and knelt in front of the Lord, as did Emilio and Alistair after him.
“I have heard you are collecting swords on your side at this war against the Greyjoys, my Lord.” Argus started.
“You can stand up.” Lord Beron interrupted with his calm tone. “I assume you are sellswords then?”
“Well, yes, we are.” Argus answered awkwardly. Beron nodded again and cleared his throat.
“I need all the swords I can get, Argus Keding, so I’ll gladly hire you.” Beron Stark said, eyeing each of them with both interest and amusement in his eyes. “I am sure you, as a noble boy, have been trained in castle, but your companions most likely haven’t been. I’m sure you understand that effects on how much I’m ready to pay you. Just know that war is not a pleasant thing… If you’ll go to the Wolfswood you’ll learn that. The Greyjoys are a decease that is killing more of the Northerners than the Great Spring Sickness ever did.”
“Don’t worry, m’lord!” Alistair yelled cheerfully. “We’ll beat this sickness back to the sea!” These words caused cheering and laughing all over the Great Hall, and a wide grin was formed on Alistair’s face – Even Lord Stark let out a small laugh.
“I like your attitude, young man, but the Greyjoys are the sea – and the sea can never be beaten. New storms always rise. All we can do is to survive the storms and rebuild once they’re over.” Beron’s words were calm, but at the same time they were powerful. “So, my friends, if you want to serve the North in this war we will have to decide where you will head.”
“And what are the options, my Lord?” Argus asked with a polite tone.
“There are two options.” Beron said with a small smile on his face. “Lord Matthew Bolton will bring his forces here within a week or two and they will head for the Wolfswood to join the forces of my father and brother – and you can go with them. The other option is that you leave with Lord Lonnel Crowl and his Stoneborn tomorrow and head for the Saltspear. It’s your decision.”
[Bolton's army - Wolfswood] [Crowl's army - Saltspear]
This was a really good chapter! [Bolton's army - Wolfswood]
Great chapter, I'm really excited for the next Argus chapters! [Bolton's army - Wolfswood] sounds very interesting, I love and hate the Bolton's >:D