Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • [removed]

    sigh go spam your own thread Rhyshas

  • This is actually a good chance to set some things straight between the two threads.

    I'm actually going to PM you about a few things, if that's okay too.

    Green613 posted: »

    Starting tomorrow I'm going to start setting down some rules to filter out the tremendous amount of spam that goes on here. And I'm going to be really strict about it too, so please if you guys feel the need to spam do it in ur own thread

  • gah but we thought we were welcome to share some periods of time with you all

    it was worth it but
    enter image description here

    sigh go spam your own thread Rhyshas

  • What's the point in spamming our thread then?

  • Go ahead, but if it drowns under the posts from here in my feed you know why :P

    This is actually a good chance to set some things straight between the two threads. I'm actually going to PM you about a few things, if that's okay too.

  • well, at least stop coming and spamming ours, if you're so bored spam your own thread

  • This is just ridiculous, though. We went months getting along just fine. What's with the random confrontations lately?

  • It's not that it's inappropriate to post, just not Rhyiona related, which you are clearly pushing.

    So, PM or not?

    Green613 posted: »

    Go ahead, but if it drowns under the posts from here in my feed you know why :P

  • edited September 2015

    I'm noticing it's usually the same people every time too. I guess they're just mad salty cause we don't ship their "too canon for us" ship? :^]

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is just ridiculous, though. We went months getting along just fine. What's with the random confrontations lately?

  • Your choice man, whatever works best for you :p

    It's not that it's inappropriate to post, just not Rhyiona related, which you are clearly pushing. So, PM or not?

  • We've been shipping Rhyiona since March tho, why start now?

    Green613 posted: »

    I'm noticing it's usually the same people every time too. I guess they're just mad salty cause we don't ship their "too canon for us" ship? :^]

  • no idea...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    We've been shipping Rhyiona since March tho, why start now?

  • Because they've become more popular than us at this point.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    We've been shipping Rhyiona since March tho, why start now?

  • It's mainly that they are mad bored.

    And other factors, but that's coming soon.

    Green613 posted: »

    I'm noticing it's usually the same people every time too. I guess they're just mad salty cause we don't ship their "too canon for us" ship? :^]

  • [removed]

    well, at least stop coming and spamming ours, if you're so bored spam your own thread

  • and spamming in our thread does?

    get out

  • We still have more people. ;P But that barely matters for anything.

    Green613 posted: »

    Because they've become more popular than us at this point.

  • Do we really? I think they actually have more than us now.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    We still have more people. ;P But that barely matters for anything.

  • We're at 171 (give or take one or two). I'm still keeping count. I just haven't updated lists because people change their avatars all the time and I have no way to keep up.

    Green613 posted: »

    Do we really? I think they actually have more than us now.

  • I'm out


  • because TT tries to shove Rhysha down the players throat. NOT WITH US TT! we want to decide by ourself! you know, decide, like in decisions that are supposed to matter in this game. but don't.

    Green613 posted: »

    Because they've become more popular than us at this point.

  • see ya celt

    I'm out peace!

  • Lol it makes more sense than spamming ourselves like wtf? Anyway I did it because it was fun, it's as simple as that, how exactly is that so hard to understand?

    and spamming in our thread does? get out

  • Yeah, I'm definitely way inclined to believe Rhysha is only so popular at this point because you can actually choose it in the game. Imagine us if we had canon on our side :p

    Though we have way more passion for our ship than they ever had, and that's all that matters to me. This thread is self evident proof of that fact.

    Kruzii posted: »

    because TT tries to shove Rhysha down the players throat. NOT WITH US TT! we want to decide by ourself! you know, decide, like in decisions that are supposed to matter in this game. but don't.

  • Please cut it out now the both of you.

    No_username posted: »

    Lol it makes more sense than spamming ourselves like wtf? Anyway I did it because it was fun, it's as simple as that, how exactly is that so hard to understand?

  • amen, father, amen!

    Green613 posted: »

    Yeah, I'm definitely way inclined to believe Rhysha is only so popular at this point because you can actually choose it in the game. Imagine

  • okay, I'll stop now, I don't like getting into arguments anyway

    Green613 posted: »

    Please cut it out now the both of you.

  • edited September 2015

    Anyway, sorry for being lame but what day to you guys think Rhys' birthday would be on?

    I made one up for Fiona sooo hinthintnudgenudge help me out here?

  • k

    Green613 posted: »

    Please cut it out now the both of you.

  • Thank you.

    No_username posted: »


  • June 9th for Americans

    September 6th for any losers who flip their dates around.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Anyway, sorry for being lame but what day to you guys think Rhys' birthday would be on? I made one up for Fiona sooo hinthintnudgenudge help me out here?

  • so september then

    sorry green, americans are the minority here :^)

    Green613 posted: »

    June 9th for Americans September 6th for any losers who flip their dates around.

  • america enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    so september then sorry green, americans are the minority here :^)

  • September 6th for any losers who flip their dates around.

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    June 9th for Americans September 6th for any losers who flip their dates around.

  • That is the main thing I dislike about a lot of Rhysha shippers. Just because they enjoy the pairing they deny it's forced.

    Kruzii posted: »

    because TT tries to shove Rhysha down the players throat. NOT WITH US TT! we want to decide by ourself! you know, decide, like in decisions that are supposed to matter in this game. but don't.

  • So I don't always get involved in shippings (I'm like that creepy guy looking in through the window) but I see how often that once a pairing gets a little bit of traction in being canon, there's a massive band wagon then from the "undecided voters".

    Green613 posted: »

    Yeah, I'm definitely way inclined to believe Rhysha is only so popular at this point because you can actually choose it in the game. Imagine

  • what? they're denying it? hoooow

    That is the main thing I dislike about a lot of Rhysha shippers. Just because they enjoy the pairing they deny it's forced.

  • I can't say I understand either, if this thread is so annoying why would anyone waste their time coming here to just argue or to do "omg so fun xD" pranks? No logic whatsoever.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is just ridiculous, though. We went months getting along just fine. What's with the random confrontations lately?

  • Yeah, basically, it happened with me and Korrasami in The Legend of Korra for a little while

    So I don't always get involved in shippings (I'm like that creepy guy looking in through the window) but I see how often that once a pairing gets a little bit of traction in being canon, there's a massive band wagon then from the "undecided voters".

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