Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Good night, xValkyx!

    xValkyx posted: »

    Okay guys i'm definitely going to bed now xD Sweet Rhyiona dreams people May our ranks increase with each passing day. Rhyiona will

  • The best part! :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    AND SLEEPING! How Could I forget!

  • Poogers555 posted: »

    Ill try, got any song ideas? :P

  • Night' (^^,)

    xValkyx posted: »

    Okay guys i'm definitely going to bed now xD Sweet Rhyiona dreams people May our ranks increase with each passing day. Rhyiona will

  • Those were fun but numbers got way higher than I could handle sadly. :P

    We still have our four glorious leaders tho.

    • Priest Handsome Jack to purify your minds with Rhyiona
    • King Asher to fight off the other ships' forces of evil
    • Conductor Bigby to take us all to the Rhyiona promised land
    • Captain Kenny to help us sail to canon island (good job, Kenny)

    Oh God, I remember the old edits with the trains and the conference room. XD And Jack the preacher...

  • But you forgot drooling... ;_;

    Poogers555 posted: »

    AND SLEEPING! How Could I forget!

  • I remember the making Gortys innuendos. Good times...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Back when episode 2, had all them moments, we got socks, we got shoes, we got friends, we got pushing metal parts into each other to make robots...

  • I will pay you in blood

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You know it, maybe Ill make another one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Keep pushing!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I remember the making Gortys innuendos. Good times...

  • Okay, Ill try my best to make it when Im not making rockets n stuff

    bloop posted: »

    enter link description here

  • Damn, I forgot too much Rhyiona, its been a while and ep 2 had a whole lotta that good stuff

    bloop posted: »

    But you forgot drooling... ;_;

  • I don't remember Asher...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Those were fun but numbers got way higher than I could handle sadly. :P We still have our four glorious leaders tho. * Priest Handso

  • He was included a bit later

    bloop posted: »

    I don't remember Asher...

  • When was this?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He was included a bit later

  • :^)

    Farauna posted: »

    Keep pushing!

  • I know that since 2 or 3 months

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Wolfenus is 13? Says the guy who, when I asked him was like "Das private man!" But he tells Eryka of all people?! LMAO!!!! XP

  • That's a false strawpoll, you can vote more than once

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Me. But I vote John- Wait, why is SirScrub the new lewd God exactly???

  • edited October 2015

    Another idea, We should also replace the faces of Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Puss and any other character who gets screentime in this scene with TTG Rhyiona shippers like Kenny Bigby and Handsome Jack. The rest of backround characters can be random:

    enter link description here

    Also think to add Vaughn, Sasha, Loader Bot, and Gortys as well. But you don't have to, the video I mean.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Okay, Ill try my best to make it when Im not making rockets n stuff

  • Months ago.

    bloop posted: »

    When was this?

  • I just need to know after the ending and its killing me that we will not know for awhile -_-

    enter image description here

  • Ask them, ask TTG.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    I just need to know after the ending and its killing me that we will not know for awhile -_-

  • I'm really psyched about this fic, but it's over 2k words long. Once it's done, should I spoiler tag it, so people don't have to scroll through it?

  • Thoryka I've tried.. but I'm just a lowly pleb, maybe you could ask them? I mean you are a god.

    Eryka posted: »

    Ask them, ask TTG.

  • Summer home

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Enigma12 posted: »

    I just need to know after the ending and its killing me that we will not know for awhile -_-

  • If someone is being a shit in the thread we'll get rid of them, don't worry.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I never let my guard down. Oh Christ no...

  • Finally finished updating the tree, I'll reply to this comment with it with a spoil tag on it. Then I'll update the link in the OP

  • enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    Finally finished updating the tree, I'll reply to this comment with it with a spoil tag on it. Then I'll update the link in the OP

  • edited October 2015

    I'm done with the one-shot! @ABigBadWolf

    This is based off if the Rhys and Fiona fight actually went down and if Rhys won. There is Rhyiona in here. Enjoy(?) :')

    Rhys sits alone in the seat that tried to relax every muscle in his being. However, it doesn’t matter how many dopamine injectors hit his body. it cannot stop the memory that haunts him. The girl that he cannot get out of his mind and how many people he has hurt with that one mistake. He looks around the room, the office that can only belong to the one who rules Hyperion. Jack has gloated how impressive his office is, but the newly found leader cannot help but think its empty.

    “Hey kiddo, what’s on the agenda today? Or do I have to make one for you again?” The blue hologram appears at his side, but Rhys doesn’t shift his attention to Jack. Instead, he continues to stare off into space. Next thing Rhys knows, a strong force hits him at the right side of his face.

    “O-ow! What the hell-” He looks at the source to see it was his cybernetic hand...This is the same arm that I, no that Jack-

    Jack appears at his right side, now in his view of vision with an annoyed look on his face, “Mr.Hyperion, you’re really starting to piss me off. If I could, I would just love to switch bodies. Too bad you have all these enhancements…” he says.

    “You’re pissing me off! Go back in my head and stay there…” Rhys mumbles and turns away in his chair, his eyes now focusing on the destroyed Elipis. One of the many things that Jack has ruined when he used to be President. Now, with Rhys in charge and Jack being inside him; being able to control his every move, why stop?

    Jack walks in front of Rhys’ view, crossing his arms and his eyebrows furrowed. “Are you STILL on that con-artist babe? What was her name...Fiona?” Rhys doesn’t say a word. “Cupcake, you really need to get over that. As President-”

    Rhys bolts up from his seat, and throws his hand at Jack’s collar, but it just goes right through.“Get over it?!” Rhys raises his voice. pointing his finger at the hologram that made his happiness come crashing down, “it’s because of YOU I’m like this! That day...it keeps replaying through my mind like clockwork…” Rhys grips his black jacket, right where his heart is. My heart...it’s starting to ache again…

    Rhys begins to picture the happy times, the adventure he had with those he considered friends. Sasha, Vaughn, Gortys, LB, and Fiona. Fiona…Her smile, that smile he didn’t get to see so often. One that can speak 1,000 words. He loved it. It’s a smile he can’t forget; one he can never see again.

    “You can’t bear to live another day,” Jack smiles, as if this is all a joke to him. “Admit it Rhys, you liked it. How smooth her neck was, after all that was the closest you’ve ever got to touching her-” Rhys flings himself towards Rhys, but like his hand earlier, he goes right through and lands on his knees. His pupils dilated, tears that refused to be held back.

    “I, no, that’s not the right word...How WE snapped it like it was a twig.” Jack says excitedly. Did I really look up to this guy? A man who brought hell to others?

    Tears drip onto the grow, his hands formed into a fist that only to get tighter and tighter as the moments progress, he can hear his pants wrinkling from it. “I have NOTHING left! My friends left me after what you-”

    “After what I did? Oh but Rhsyie boy, weren’t you the one who took over Hyperion? The one who kept me inside of you? You might as well of killed her after playing on my side for so long. You had so many chances to get rid of me. But, you could never get rid of your own hero, could you?”

    N-No...I can. You're not my damn hero...you're a monster.

    “I-I can get rid of you…” Rhys takes out a pocket knife that he kept secretly in his pocket, just in case he ever needed it, this was Helios after all, backstabbing to rise up in the ranks was common. I want to be free...How many times have I ached for freedom? Freedom from Jack? Freedom from it all? Rhys flips open the knife and aims it towards his port.

    “Sorry kiddo,” Rhys’ cybernetic hand grabs his regular hand holding the small pocket knife, which only mere inches away from Rhys reaching peace, “but checkmate.” Jack appears in front of Rhys, bending his knees to be eye-to-eye with him, then gets closer to his terrified face, his horrified-looking eyes with tears rolling down his cheeks, “I’m your king now.”

  • You can post it on Fanfiction.net or AO3 then link it here. :) If you post it on those sites, it'll get noticed more by others!

    I'm really psyched about this fic, but it's over 2k words long. Once it's done, should I spoiler tag it, so people don't have to scroll through it?


    MY HEART...

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I'm done with the one-shot! @ABigBadWolf This is based off if the Rhys and Fiona fight actually went down and if Rhys won. There is Rhyio

  • enter image description here


    Also, if im not mistaken this was made by @XDJulieXD , but I never saw it so I assume it got eaten in spam or something, so its coming back!


    Poogers555 posted: »

    soruce Also, if im not mistaken this was made by @XDJulieXD , but I never saw it so I assume it got eaten in spam or something, so its coming back!


    Poogers555 posted: »

    soruce Also, if im not mistaken this was made by @XDJulieXD , but I never saw it so I assume it got eaten in spam or something, so its coming back!

  • And there are people who still wanted to side with Jack... Permanently.


    Honestly though, this is wonderful. I'm all about fluff and cuddles, but....Borderlands wouldn't be Borderlands without its dark moments and this is so powerful and realistic.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I'm done with the one-shot! @ABigBadWolf This is based off if the Rhys and Fiona fight actually went down and if Rhys won. There is Rhyio

  • THIS IS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! A nice piece to show after the fanfic I just posted. You have impeccable timing, Poogers!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    soruce Also, if im not mistaken this was made by @XDJulieXD , but I never saw it so I assume it got eaten in spam or something, so its coming back!

  • enter image description here

    -saves to shamefully huge Rhyiona folder-

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • The lighting, the colors, THE FREAKING RHYS


    It's all SO PERFECT.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    soruce Also, if im not mistaken this was made by @XDJulieXD , but I never saw it so I assume it got eaten in spam or something, so its coming back!

  • edited October 2015

    Damn lol, I don't even ship Rhyiona but this hurt my heart. -_-

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I'm done with the one-shot! @ABigBadWolf This is based off if the Rhys and Fiona fight actually went down and if Rhys won. There is Rhyio

  • Begins to write a list on why you should ship Rhyiona

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Damn lol, I don't even ship Rhyiona but this hurt my heart. -_-

  • this is wonderful. I'm all about fluff and cuddles,

    enter image description here

    Yes, mission accomplished! I'm also about the fluff too, but I like to put some variety out there to show that while I can be an adorable and cheerful person who's all about the smiles, I can also write pretty tragic stuff. :'D

    this is so powerful and realistic.

    Really?! AWESOME! I started writing this in the morning so I wasn't sure how it'll end up being received. Though, a lot of my one-shots are usually written in a day and posted the day its finished or the next day. (I do think about them a lot so that might be why I finish them so quickly? I DUNNO!)

    And there are people who still wanted to side with Jack... Permanently. Pfft. Honestly though, this is wonderful. I'm all about fluff

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