Besides, the only reasons I was scared of selling out the Rhyiona thread because 1.)It's a het pairing and 2.)The Borderlands fandom on Tumblr can be toxic as fuck.
Nah they shouldn't.
Besides, the only reasons I was scared of selling out the Rhyiona thread because 1.)It's a het pairing and 2.)The Borderlands fandom on Tumblr can be toxic as fuck.
Well the tool supports all the recent TT games (MC: Story Mode included). I guess the problem is that I used the wrong model and didn't replace Elaena's facial expressions.
For example, Rodrik's model fitted 100% into Asher's model:
Well the tool supports all the recent TT games (MC: Story Mode included). I guess the problem is that I used the wrong model and didn't replace Elaena's facial expressions.
For example, Rodrik's model fitted 100% into Asher's model:
Mira's evil grin + Christmas edits = Perfection of the century B]
Did you enjoy my sexy as fuck fanfic?
Yes. I fucking love it
So.. um... should I be a sellout and tell to Tumblr about this thread or the Tumblr users will kill me? :v
Nah they shouldn't.
Besides, the only reasons I was scared of selling out the Rhyiona thread because 1.)It's a het pairing and 2.)The Borderlands fandom on Tumblr can be toxic as fuck.
Oh... now I'm kinda glad that my blog is mostly dedicated to GoT :v
I regret nothing.
Reblogged it because it's so heartbreaking...
The saddest death in the entire GoT history ;-;
This is what happened when I tried to model swap Elaena with Random Forrester Soldier #167:
Kill the beast!!!!
This is no time for jokes! look at this monstrosity! we have to kill it!!!!
She looks like the grinch.
I'm impressed on how you can model swap, how do you do that?
I used this video:
(as you can see I failed miserably)
Mmmmmm whatcha saaaaaaayy
I guess it didn't turn out right cause it's meant for TWD/TWAU
I can't even get past the game files part so don't worry about it.
Also thanks for the link
I don't even know who or what 'the grinch' is xD
Well sit down and Brodester will educate you.
Nah, I'm just gonna give you a wikipedia link
Well the tool supports all the recent TT games (MC: Story Mode included). I guess the problem is that I used the wrong model and didn't replace Elaena's facial expressions.
For example, Rodrik's model fitted 100% into Asher's model:
I saw the picture... and that's enough for me. xD
Yes, we North Americans are weird.
Tfw I'm not a North American
"u got a kik, bby?" xDD
Picture and line by: Winter-Storms (too bored to tag her xD)
I.... I knew this. I said we I was referring to me and all other people who live in North America not you.
Beautiful af, amirite? ;3
Yeah, I know ;p
Goddammit Wolfanus, why must you confuse me?
I'm sorryyy!!
please forgive me 
You think you can swap Rodrik and Elaena's models in the bed scene with Gwyn and Asher?
I forgive you, m8