I wanna ask ya'll......its been awhile since I was in the forums I didn't want to make a thread about it, so..
1) I have TWD season 2 on … moresteam, but can I buy michonne on my PS4? or are they connected so I must but TWDS2 on PS4 too?
2) I also play on buying TWD Season 3 On my PS4... So would it be a problem if I buy michonne on PS4, and I would assume I can transfer my saves to ps4 from season 2?
A BIG THANKYOU to whoever answers. i'm just confused and I don't want to be mad when technical stuff about saves among other things occur. I don't want to buy a game twice just because I wanted to play in a different platform.
Michonne was originally Season 2 DLC, but they changed the game and now Michonne is its own standalone series.
We don't know yet if Michonne saves will transfer into Season 3, or if Michonne will have an updated Cloud Save system from what Minecraft has (where saves can - so far - be shared between PC and mobile, but not consoles).
I wanna ask ya'll......its been awhile since I was in the forums I didn't want to make a thread about it, so..
1) I have TWD season 2 on … moresteam, but can I buy michonne on my PS4? or are they connected so I must but TWDS2 on PS4 too?
2) I also play on buying TWD Season 3 On my PS4... So would it be a problem if I buy michonne on PS4, and I would assume I can transfer my saves to ps4 from season 2?
A BIG THANKYOU to whoever answers. i'm just confused and I don't want to be mad when technical stuff about saves among other things occur. I don't want to buy a game twice just because I wanted to play in a different platform.
* Michonne was originally Season 2 DLC, but they changed the game and now Michonne is its own standalone series.
* We don't know yet if M… moreichonne saves will transfer into Season 3, or if Michonne will have an updated Cloud Save system from what Minecraft has (where saves can - so far - be shared between PC and mobile, but not consoles).
Ah, screw this. I'm watching the preview, of course if I make it in time. If not then it'll be even better but for now, I definitely am. I have a weak will y'know.
The Michonne preview will air in a little under an hour. However, that being said, waiting threads are meant for spoiler free discussion where people can chat as they wait for the latest episode (although Spoilers from past episodes are fair game).
So, please refrain from discussing the Michonne Extended Preview in this waiting thread. Instead, discuss it in our other thread. Thank you!
Michoone looks like she is going to die, but she will have an ephinay about the situation. She will be sad, want to hurt herself even more, more think about the past, finally she moves on and the comic series continues.
Not spoiling anyhing but the story seems INTENSE after watching first 6 mins...cant wait! Its gonna b awesome AND sick!
Just one spoiler-ish thing: ttg is using new Zombie models and they look awesome!
Here is the Season 3 waiting thread if that's helpful:
The Michonne series had release dates shared on the blog recently:
* Michonne Episode 1: February 23rd
* Michonne Episode 2: March
* … moreMichonne Episode 3: April
As for Season 3, we don't know any details for now, but check back after Michonne ends. They say 2016 will be the "biggest year" they've ever had so far for Walking Dead, so I'd potentially expect a few episodes of Season 3 this year.
Hey now! As a fellow Virginian and current ODU undergrad, stop it!!!
First off, I can't swim. So, VA isn't allowed to sink into the water.
Second, VA isn't that bad. Northern VA (where I'm from) is nice just full of traffic. Southeast isn't that bad either as long as you avoid the areas around HU, Norfolk State, and the south side of ODU. VA tends to be seen in a better light from non-military better than military (though my dad was in the Navy w/ 6 years spent in NOVA)
Third, I can't swim.
BTW, my comment is brought to you by SarcasticSolutions.net and its affiliates. VA is definitely a state that requires a taste to enjoy. But as we say, at least we're not Maryland.
AHHH MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent 17 year's living in Norfolk (10 in the US Navy) and it was the worst part of my life and now, NOW you br… moreing it all back! SO not cool.
But yes I've been to Ft. Monroe several times and really it wouldn't be a bad spot to use as a safe haven for survivors.
What I do also see on this cursed map is Hampton, which only remind's me of my first ever concert at the Hampton Colosseum. Alice Cooper.
Other than that, May Virginia sink into the sea.
Anyone else notice that the place Michonne was in the 5 minute gameplay, with the ambulance, was the same place you take Pete to in Season 2 when he gets bitten?
Anyone else notice that the place Michonne was in the 5 minute gameplay, with the ambulance, was the same place you take Pete to in Season 2 when he gets bitten?
Is Vita just not getting this or Season 3? This never giving us news is getting a little old, and with TWD, a lot of us are already locked into the console we chose. We've spent too much to suddenly switch platforms, not to mention all the games we'd have to play through all over again.
Ok, I haven't seen the preview, and I don't plan to... but, for those who have, Does it look good? Did they change anything (maybe gameplay-wise)? It's just the first 5 minutes, but, I'm intrigued as to what will have changed between S2 and this. (please try not to spoil some story stuff. If you HAVE to, it's fine. There's probably not much story stuff to talk about)
Ok, I haven't seen the preview, and I don't plan to... but, for those who have, Does it look good? Did they change anything (maybe gameplay-… morewise)? It's just the first 5 minutes, but, I'm intrigued as to what will have changed between S2 and this. (please try not to spoil some story stuff. If you HAVE to, it's fine. There's probably not much story stuff to talk about)
Fortunately for you, Michonne is not connected to any other TWD game, it's been confirmed to be a standalone mini-series
Michonne was originally Season 2 DLC, but they changed the game and now Michonne is its own standalone series.
We don't know yet if Michonne saves will transfer into Season 3, or if Michonne will have an updated Cloud Save system from what Minecraft has (where saves can - so far - be shared between PC and mobile, but not consoles).
Other The Walking Dead Forum
it's the other TWD forum
too bad. I wont make a perchance until I know these answers
especially the transfer thing... I hope they make this happeeeen 
Okay, I'm laughing out loud. No idea why I wrote "fandom" instead of "forum". So, uh, act like you didn't read that, I guess?
I'm making it even more awkward…
@crips can I join you?
Guess I'll wait until 1:30 XD
Niiice trailer!!
The Michonne preview will air in a little under an hour. However, that being said, waiting threads are meant for spoiler free discussion where people can chat as they wait for the latest episode (although Spoilers from past episodes are fair game).
So, please refrain from discussing the Michonne Extended Preview in this waiting thread. Instead, discuss it in our other thread. Thank you!
Oh no, the series is actually coming out
OK.... and...?
The series is not going to be good. IMO
Not even gonna give it a chance?
May I ask why? I haven't really seen a real reason why you dislike it.
The trailer that was released today looks really not good. You already know what is going to happen
Whoa really? Like what?
Michoone looks like she is going to die, but she will have an ephinay about the situation. She will be sad, want to hurt herself even more, more think about the past, finally she moves on and the comic series continues.
Please keep spoiler discussion in the Extended Preview thread. We want waiting threads to be spoiler free. Thanks!
That was not a spoiler
That was a thing I think will happen in the way that I 100% think will happen
If it will happen 100% in future according to u then it IS spoiler dude
Not spoiling anyhing but the story seems INTENSE after watching first 6 mins...cant wait! Its gonna b awesome AND sick!
Just one spoiler-ish thing: ttg is using new Zombie models and they look awesome!
without spoiler want the episode a good without spoiler
It's not the third season yet
Thanks a lot
Feb 23rd.... next week.... AMAZING! lol
Nice one.
Hopefully we can get season 3 before 2016 is over
Oh no... It is about to be like Clementine seeing her parents as walkers again. Except this time, it's going to be worse.
Hey now! As a fellow Virginian and current ODU undergrad, stop it!!!
First off, I can't swim. So, VA isn't allowed to sink into the water.
Second, VA isn't that bad. Northern VA (where I'm from) is nice just full of traffic. Southeast isn't that bad either as long as you avoid the areas around HU, Norfolk State, and the south side of ODU. VA tends to be seen in a better light from non-military better than military (though my dad was in the Navy w/ 6 years spent in NOVA)
Third, I can't swim.
BTW, my comment is brought to you by SarcasticSolutions.net and its affiliates. VA is definitely a state that requires a taste to enjoy. But as we say, at least we're not Maryland.
Anyone else notice that the place Michonne was in the 5 minute gameplay, with the ambulance, was the same place you take Pete to in Season 2 when he gets bitten?
Hello everyone. I was wondering when the Michonne mini series took place in the comic universe. Any help would be nice.
It takes place between issues 126 and 139 while Michonne is away from the rest of the group.
Nah, it was a cigarette truck in Season 2, not an ambulance. The enviroment is also pretty different.
Lots of zombies getting killed. I like to keep this aspect a mystery until I play. Not sure why.
For those who didn't realize, I was being sarcastic.
All of the games take place in the comic universe
Thank you!
Who's the hot dude next to Michonne?
Ay lassie, that there is ol'Pete, captain of ye vessel.
Is Vita just not getting this or Season 3? This never giving us news is getting a little old, and with TWD, a lot of us are already locked into the console we chose. We've spent too much to suddenly switch platforms, not to mention all the games we'd have to play through all over again.
Ok, I haven't seen the preview, and I don't plan to... but, for those who have, Does it look good? Did they change anything (maybe gameplay-wise)? It's just the first 5 minutes, but, I'm intrigued as to what will have changed between S2 and this. (please try not to spoil some story stuff. If you HAVE to, it's fine. There's probably not much story stuff to talk about)
Yeah it looks good, the QTE's look more like they're part of the comic.