Two Brothers - Completed
So out of boredom and frustration over the fact there's no new Game of Thrones show, book or game on the immediate horizon, I've decided to write my own fan-fiction about the Forrester's. Rodrik and Asher, more specifically, hence the title: Two Brothers.
Now, obviously ^ this is outdated and untrue. Not only that, but the entirety of the story is complete. Enjoy!
Submit a Character:
(Purely for the archives. This is now DEFUNCT)
Latest Polls & &
Listen to the prequel of the prequel, previously-on right here:
Listen to the latest 'Next-Time-On', right here:
(Released Feb 19th) Read Part 1 Here:
(Released Feb 24th) Read Part 2 Here:
(Released Feb 27th) Read Part 3 Here:
(Released March 1) Read Part 4 Here:
(Released March 4) Read Part 5 Here:
(Released March 9) Read Part 6 Here:
(Released March 11) Read Part 7 Here:
(Released March 15) Read Part 8 Here:
(Released March 21) Read Part 9 Here:
(Released March 27) Read Part 10 Here:
(Released April 4th) Read Part 11 Here:
(Released April 8th) Read Part 12 Here:
(Released April 11th)Read Part 13 Here:
(Released April 24th)Read Part 14 Here:
(Released April 27th)Read Part 15 Here:
(Released April 29th)Read Part 16 Here:
(Released May 1st) Read Part 17 Here:
(Released May 3rd) Read Part 18 Here:
(Released May 7th) Read Part 19 Here:
(Released May 11th) Read Part 20 Here:
Current Edit: The project is completed! All the parts are out!
Here are all the Choices:
Here are their Until Dawn inspired, stats? (I would update them, but I accidently deleted the files, because I'm stupid) anywayyy:
Good luck with it, Dillion.
I have also wanted to write some fanfics about the Forresters. I want to do a "Book" version of the game. Like writing the perspectives of the Five Protagonists just like in George R R Martin's books.
That sounds like a great idea too
Edit: I liked the story btw !
Thanks, Dave.
I do appreciate it! From both of you.
And I actually love the idea of doing a novelisation of the game, in the style of the books. That's probably a better idea than this, actually. Anyway, If you ever went through it, PM me. I'd love to help out with it.
Thanks again.
I like the story, but something's bothering me. I don't know if you're bothered by it but there are a couple things that happend in your story that go against canon. Like Tazal. Asher and Beskha got on Tazal's bad side when a job went wrong or something in Volantis. And I believe Asher and Beskha were already running together at that point. I could be wrong, if I am then feel free to correct me.
Overall I'm interested in the story. Might even submit a character.
Nope, I know they had their big falling out in Volantis, don't worry.
"THIS IS FOR VOLANTIS!" So you are right. However, this is telling how they met, and how their rivalry first started.
I intend to include all of Asher and Beskha's referenced stories first-hand, if I can. "Remember when we stole that Warhammer, from that women in Lys?" Notice how there is a Warhammer in the Dragon's Mouth in this chapter
And I want to write about "that brothel in Norvos" they mentioned, too. So I am being careful to not contradict the canon, and in fact, expand upon it. But I get where you're coming from -- it does seem like it does.
And thank you. I hope you do!
Holy molly is that good stuff. I definitely liked it and would read the rest
Thank you very, very much. I'm glad to hear it.
You should submit a character if you haven't already!
Not my forte, but did it as a contribution
Yeah but Beskha says "isn't that Tazal, from the Volantis job" keyword 'job' I always thought that implied that they worked together at some point, but maybe I misinterpreted.
I just submitted a character, hope you like her
Be sure to PM me if you have any questions or if I accidently left something out. ^_^
I think the quote is quite open for interpretation
Very detailed, I love it!
And I'll bare that in mind.
The way I look at it is, they meet initially in Lys, as shown in this chapter. However, they meet again in Volantis, seeking the same bounty. If Asher reasoned with Tazal, they ally together. If Asher fought Tazal, they go against each other.
No matter what though, relations with them turn sour for reasons I intend to shed light on. Thus also setting up The Lost Lords in the process, and not, in any way, going against the "From the Volantis Job" or the "This is for Volantis" lines. Or so is my hope.
But I'm glad you raised the point to me, it has been written in such a way to seem contradictory. I'll try to avoid anything similar in the future.
You mean between Rodrik and Asher's POV? That would be interesting, though I wouldn't like to overdo it. It would seem strange. someone casually travelling between the Riverlands and an Essosi city-state. But it's something I will definitely consider.
I liked your character, btw
Sent my character in, hope it's all good.
I am considering of making a thread here in the forum and post the story chapter by chapter. But I don't know if I am allowed to do that here.
Oh god, you're doing really well, DillonDex. Keep up the awesome work, I want to play this game now.
Just ask one of the mods if you're not sure. I can't imagine why you wouldn't be allowed.
So, I have decided to give it a try. And I have to admire the writers of Telltale. I have been writing the first half of the intro of Episode 1 and it is already quite long. I don't even know if I should be posting it here because of its sheer size.
Great work you're doing, we need a little bit to keep the fire of fandom going.
How are things? Haven't heard much from this thread for a while.
I've ended up being a lot busier, than I thought I would be when begining this idea. Even still, I want to carry on with it, and will try my best to. The second part is up right now, along with polls for the second string of choices.
See, if you can work out how many Asher-Adventure references I worked into it.
Edit: Naomi doesn't make an appearance, by the way, but don't let that worry you. I have big plans for her.
So many references XD
I voted Dorne for Asher, sounds like the perfect place for him.
I do have some criticism. Rodrik's story doesn't really seem that interesting at the moment, although I love Ashers. Don't know how you could it improve, but I'm hoping it picks up soon.
I do try... :P
It's a lot more character-based that one, but I do have more plans for it. With the Battle of the Whispering Wood now won, Roose Bolton (along with the Whitehills, including Gryff) will be re-grouping with the main Stark force. So, I've set the groundwork for interactions between Rodrik, Gryff, Torrhen, Roose Bolton, Robb Stark, and many others, which hopefully will prove interesting. I also want to include Mira at some point.
But without knowing where exactly it's going wrong, I'm not sure how to improve
do let me know though. I'm always interested to hear your thoughts.
The second Asher choice had me really excited because SO MANY CHOICES
The second Rodrik choice was hard. Like as much as I want to be a humble Rodrik and let the Glovers take the boon, I brought the Kingslayer to his knees; House Forrester deserves it.
I was going to make it just between Norvos and Volantis, but at the last minute, decided to be varied.
Well, so long as deciding between the two is difficult, I've done my job
Thanks for reading!
Good job ! Part two was great, especially Rodrik's chapter IMO. Rodrik bringing down the kingslayer is part of my headcanon now
Great job regarding the Asher choices: all of them could open up to an interesting tale (brothel in norvos, that job we don't know much about in volantis...)
I hope you like the character I submited
I loved the previously on and next time on audio things, you did!!
A very minor criticism regarding Asher's latest part:
He acts as if he's not the type to visit brothels and though it's not stated in game Asher's codex stated that he often slept with whores.
A fair criticism, but I look at it as the same situation with Tyrion in Season 5. Just like he's so messed up over the whole situation with Shae, he just can't ease back into that lifestyle, and it sort of messes with his outlook of it all.
It's the same with Asher. After falling in love with Gwyn, and watching that get torn apart, then getting exiled, I think he'd feel a bit conflicted. (I could be wrong, of course, I suppose it's down to interpretation) anyway, that's why ultimately I've let it to the polls to decide whether Asher goes through it, and just powers through this little crisis, or stands firm behind his new-found beliefs.
Ultimately, though, it's more to do with his poor mental state in the wake of all that's happened to him lately, than any kind of chastity.
Right, I get what you're saying now. I do think Asher should eventually ease into that lifestyle though, because by episode 2 Asher did seem happy so he must've transitioned to his old self at some point.
I'd probably agree with that.
But The Lost Lords is still four years away. So plenty of time for Asher to change yet
in ways both good and bad.
Good point. Just to clarify, I'm just sharing my opinion, I'm not in any telling you how to write the story.
Hey, I know
it's cool!
And I do appreciate the feedback. I hope I didn't come across as rude haha, I just wanted to give a bit of clarity to my thought process on the whole thing.
This is really cool stuff, kind of tempts me to try one myself! Really good work. I can hear Asher's voice in my head when I'm reading it, which isn't easy when you're tackling someone else's characters. The relationship between he and Beskha is spot on. Keep it up.
Thank you!!
Will do!
Oh man, it keeps getting better and better each time. IMO "Lore-wise", Rodrik would ride with the Vanguard for Harrenhal seeing he is depicted as this serious "duty above all" guy (at least before the Red Wedding), but I also feel like he could meet with Mira, share one last day before they both return to their duty, then give her his parting present (that book in the chest in Mira's chambers).
Thank you very much
I felt Part 3 was quite poor, so to hear that is very comforting. Especially considering Part 4 is going to be the biggest one yet.
In a way, I'm glad I leave these sort of decisions to the polls, so I don't have to answer them.
I feel like both courses of action are things Rodrik would seriously consider. On one hand, he's incredibly family-oriented. He misses Ironrath and its people immensely. And he knows this may very well be the last chance he ever gets to see Mira. Plus, she's about to travel through the war-torn Riverlands, so having a Forrester escort would be a relief. And yes, I've thought about that book he gives her 
Yet, Rodrik is the leader of the Stark Vanguard. A very, dutiful man in a very important position. As you say, lore-wise, this also feels very right for him. After all, he's just been instructed by the newly-proclaimed King in the North to lead the attack against Harrenhal. So, yeah, between a rock and a hard place. The story of Rodrik's life.
Thanks again for reading.
Thank YOU for writing this fanfiction DillonDex
Yep, between a rock and a hard place it is ! Hard to choose between those two, especially if we take in mind Mira's canonical determinant state: this could very much indeed be the last time Rodrik sees his sister. Are you thinking of including some interaction between Gryff and Rodrik ? Perhaps explore Rodrik "waving his prick around the Whitehills" ?