She's been growing up in this environment , most of that time spent with Christa and Omid. She hasn't really had time to turn into something like that.
To be honest Kenny is an accurate representation of what someone would turn into in that enviornment. So is Jane, So is everyone in episode … more5. The main issue is, clementine just isn't. That's my biggest issue with her as a character, she just doesn't react the way a real person would to situations. Lee in season 1 had some similar issues but thats kind of unavoidable with a playable character but overall his responses were pretty good, clementine just doesnt give that feel at all.
She's still a character. She just...doesn't feel. The only place she feels is the arm-stitch scene. Although that scene is unrealistic for an 11 year old. Heck, she doesn't even cry. Yet the Kenny's death/farewell scene is more painful for her than stitching up her own arm
I like Jane but not that much. Hating Kenny has nothing to do with how I feel about her. Ill defend characters I like but I dont take it per… moresonally if another fan doesnt. I cant tell you how many times Ive defended tv Rick from people who just dont get him, but if they persist, I move on because obviously its just not worth the effort to argue with people most of the time when you are getting nowhere.
Oh jolly good sir/madam whoever you are. You hold onto that hatred or attachment you have in not liking me or my posts. I'll do my best not to let you down with my so called hypocrisy
Kind of hard not to see you when you start the same argument in multiple places.
The hypocrisy in your posts is so extreme I just have to respond to it.
Janes ending choice was shit. And thats not a opinion. Its like telltale wanted the players to choose Kenny to live then Jane because Kennys… more ending was so much better scripted and played out, it was very emotional. Janes ending had no were emotion especially since most people who killed Kenny didn't like him, so that whole thing wouldn't be emotional either. When Jane dies she just dies. When Kenny dies they play it out to be really emotional and him accepting deathe. Not only that but Kennys ending was much more selfless with begging Clem to stay at wellignton while Janes ending, either Clem walks away from Jane or they just walk in to a house with other people... wtf? 9/10 people choose Kennys ending over Janes, that 10 percent (or even less) is just more Kenny haters. How can you hate a character in a game anyways if he tries to be the good guy and proves that if you choose him over Jane? Jane is nice, but since shes more of a loner/rogue … [view original content]
And it's here I realize that it's not the Jane VS Kenny Threads that make this Forum a War Zone, it's the people who take things too far, take things personal and just try to add a barrier between the Kenny and Jane fans.
It is an opinion, oh how I dislike people who act like their subjective opinions are somehow fact.
Can you source your proof for your statistics? So they actually have some validity?
This really opens up the question - did anyone in a post-zombie apocalyptic world become a monster? I don't think Kenny did become a monster, he's just a human that's made mistakes but at the same time, I don't think he's made up for killing Larry and determinantly Jane, as well as beating Arvo constantly(whether he deserved it or not is subjective and it was entirely unnecessary), as well as causing turmoil in the group in both Seasons, I personally don't think that letting Clementine and AJ go into Wellington can redeem him for some of the things he's done but I still like him as a character but when it comes down to it, I don't believe the things he had done were all about protecting his family.
When it comes to characters, people who dislike some of a character's actions doesn't make them hate or dislike the character itself, something I often see people suggesting about others on this Forum. In the end, we really are just expressing our own opinions. Let's all just remember to keep it respectful, you don't have to like someone's opinion but you should try to respect it in my opinion, even if they argue with yours.
Are seriously using something that didn't happen to support your claim?
Except this one actually did happen
He shot one of Carver… more's men during the hostage situation at the lodge, which escalated the situation and got Walter killed, and potentially put everyone in that room at risk
Seriously, shooting during a hostage situation when you don't even know how many people are in there, who the 'leader' is, or who they are or what they're willing to do is pretty dumb, to say the least
For all you know, the minute you kill one of them, the rest could open fire and gun down everyone else in there without a second thought
If anything, that is probably the stupidest course of action you could have taken in that situation
I don't think it's right to say she doesn't act like a real person in that situation, mostly because it's not something that can be proven, I mean, there's not exactly a proper way to act during a zombie apocalypse, is there?
To be honest Kenny is an accurate representation of what someone would turn into in that enviornment. So is Jane, So is everyone in episode … more5. The main issue is, clementine just isn't. That's my biggest issue with her as a character, she just doesn't react the way a real person would to situations. Lee in season 1 had some similar issues but thats kind of unavoidable with a playable character but overall his responses were pretty good, clementine just doesnt give that feel at all.
In this case, would you use that same excuse for every other character? The Stranger, Carver, Jane, Bonnie, Arvo etc.? Because they've all lost people too.
Opinions don't make things facts though, whether you like Kenny or Jane, neither Ending is the best objectively, neither character is the best objectively, it's all up to perspective, you only watched 100 people when The Walking Dead Game Season 2 has sold allot more episodes than that, making it a pretty unreliable, otherwise biased survey. In the end, it doesn't matter which Ending most people like best, there's no objectively best Ending, it's all subjective.
Nope. Once again, Im just saying what I have researched. Literally, 90/100 people I have watched or asked liked Kennys ending. Everyone who … morechose Jane to live, when I saw, they said TWD S2 had a bad ending, because they never got to know Kennys ending. People who chose Kenny, said TWD S2 had a powerfull ending. Im not saying Janes ending is bad, but apparently Kennys ending is WAY better. Just saying what I have observed, not disrespecting anyone with research. But I guess anything that says Kenny is better, even when sometimes its proven in the game, Jane fans will get upset. Jane has a better personality, Kenny has better morals. But Kenny vs Jane, Kenny wins in the ending, as the last thing both of them did, Kennys meant something.
Oh I have, but that doesn't prove that 9/10 people chose Kenny's Ending over Jane's(plus are you even counting the Alone ending?), the statistics at the end of Episode 5 really beg to differ.
:facepalm: Im not talking about the statistics of the ending. The amount of people who chose kenny or jane doesnt go with what I am saying. People who chose jane or kenny is where I got my evidence because people who liked jane more chose her, but where disipointed with her ending compared to Kennys. Kennys over all ending is more emotional and if you cant tell that from the start.. then there no point in me waisiting time explaining. The bettrr ending is the one that is better well scripted, and most importanly solves the problem with Kenny, as in him showing his good side, while jane did the opposite. Opinions may be opinions, But people that dont hate kenny and are not jane lovers will choose kennys ending if they liked better scripted endings.
Oh I have, but that doesn't prove that 9/10 people chose Kenny's Ending over Jane's(plus are you even counting the Alone ending?), the statistics at the end of Episode 5 really beg to differ.
"9/10 people choose Kennys ending over Janes, that 10 percent (or even less) is just more Kenny haters." Sounds like you are, you literally do say this.
Again, where is the proof? You are stating other peoples' opinions, how can I be sure you're not making this up? When you don't even source a single YouTuber to solidify your statement.
Kenny's ending can be more emotional for one individual, whilst Jane's can be more emotional for another, the Alone ending could be emotional for both or neither, you can't state one ending is more emotional as a fact based on your own opinion on it because not everyone feels the same emotions as you or I when viewing an Ending scene.
And who decides which ending is better or well scripted? Both Endings solves the subjective problem with Kenny in different ways.
I'm sorry but not hating Kenny and not loving Jane doesn't mean a person will choose Kenny's ending, there is still the Alone Ending after all and it doesn't mean the ending was better scripted because that is entirely subjective.
:facepalm: Im not talking about the statistics of the ending. The amount of people who chose kenny or jane doesnt go with what I am saying. … morePeople who chose jane or kenny is where I got my evidence because people who liked jane more chose her, but where disipointed with her ending compared to Kennys. Kennys over all ending is more emotional and if you cant tell that from the start.. then there no point in me waisiting time explaining. The bettrr ending is the one that is better well scripted, and most importanly solves the problem with Kenny, as in him showing his good side, while jane did the opposite. Opinions may be opinions, But people that dont hate kenny and are not jane lovers will choose kennys ending if they liked better scripted endings.
But just moving on is just like the Wellington option, or in your opinion anyway, walking around with no place to go exactly. And there's no smoke without fire as the saying goes. For rumours of Wellington to have spread, and some distance too, there must have been truth behind it. We don't know the extent of the rumour or what Kenny knew about it.
And okay then, don't be SO dramatic though, you don't know me!. I have an opinion, and you have yours. I don't think Wellington was a bad idea, it was one of the better ones in a bad bunch, in my opinion. You have yours, I respect that.
It's no more suicidal than travelling back to Howe's, which the last time they saw had both enemy guards and a gigantic herd outside. They c… moreould travel back there, and risk the place being overrun, hence a wasted journey, or they could search for Wellington, which for all they knew could have been just around the corner. I think both plan's carried risks, I just think Wellington seemed a safer bet.
If Howe's was still full of walkers, they couldve just moved on. If they didnt find Wellington, it didnt exist in the first place, they just ran out of supplies or froze, i see Howe's as a lot less risky option.
If you truly believe that trying to find Wellington wasnt a bad idea, that tells just about everything i need to know about you and i see no point talking with you anymore.
I already said that my proof is the people I have watched or the people I have asked and others I know in real life who choose Kennys ending over janes. Unless you know these people in real life or my friend then I cant show you but I know Im right. Over all Kennys ending is better, opinion or not, its like choosing a obvious better scripted oscar awarding movie over a low budget straight to dvd movie. Some people will choose the bad movie but the majority of people will choose the better scripted version. If you want to know why kennys is better then you can play it yourself or watch kennys ending again and janes ending, kenny had a self reviving moment while jane had no changing moment. Canon. Either way jane lovers will choose janes ending no matter what, even if janes ending was even worse. Pretty simple concept
"9/10 people choose Kennys ending over Janes, that 10 percent (or even less) is just more Kenny haters." Sounds like you are, you literally … moredo say this.
Again, where is the proof? You are stating other peoples' opinions, how can I be sure you're not making this up? When you don't even source a single YouTuber to solidify your statement.
Kenny's ending can be more emotional for one individual, whilst Jane's can be more emotional for another, the Alone ending could be emotional for both or neither, you can't state one ending is more emotional as a fact based on your own opinion on it because not everyone feels the same emotions as you or I when viewing an Ending scene.
And who decides which ending is better or well scripted? Both Endings solves the subjective problem with Kenny in different ways.
I'm sorry but not hating Kenny and not loving Jane doesn't mean a person will choose Kenny's ending, there is still the Alone Ending after… [view original content]
Oh jolly good sir/madam whoever you are. You hold onto that hatred or attachment you have in not liking me or my posts. I'll do my best not to let you down with my so called hypocrisy
But you're just saying that's your proof, you're not providing sources, so I can't believe you since I have no idea which people you watched and asked or even know that had the same opinion and made the decision as you.
I'm afraid without having a source for your statistics and statements, it lacks validity, I'm not trying to be mean but you should always have evidence to back up your claims, otherwise people can easily turn a blind eye to it because you lack a way of proving your statements are true.
"Opinion or not" That just simply isn't true, again, a lack of evidence to prove this point, if you only stated it as an opinion i.e. a subjective point of view, I wouldn't be arguing about that point but you've stated multiple times that it's more so fact i.e. and objective statement but still evidently lacks any proof and is still dependent upon perspective and personal opinion.
Cause again, who chooses what's better scripted? Just because an individual says something is or isn't better scripted doesn't make it objective, otherwise wouldn't we all agree with one another in these subjective matters? Plus the Oscars is a bad example of showing what's objectively good, just because someone or something gets an award doesn't make them objectively good because they earn those awards often based on votes or perspectives of judges. Same goes with choosing movies, plus you can't really prove a majority or minority will do as anything, since none of us even knows precisely how many people watch or know about the movies, there are other variables that come into play in these different situations.
I have played it and I've watched it but my favorite ending is still Jane and the Family, but I'm not going to label it as being the best or most emotional ending based only on how I felt. I agree that Kenny had a self-reviving moment, well more so a selfless and compassionate moment but Jane did have a changing moment, she lets the Family stay if you stay silent and she trusts Clementine enough to let strangers into their new home, she even hugs Patricia, which was a moment that made me smile Not sure why you wrote "Canon."
I don't think it's right to say what other people would choose just because they like a character, since you don't know what they'll do and I don't think it's right to label people who chose Jane's ending and liked it and her character as 'Lovers', there's no need for labeling in a Forum, do you like being called a "Jane Hater" or a "Kenny Lover"? I'm just a fan of the game who happens to like both Jane and Kenny but like Jane's character allot more ^-^, I chose all Endings(in fact 2 of my saves were Kenny Endings, 1 being Alone and 1 being with Jane).
P.S. Sorry for the length of this, I've been trying to type things shorter but I just like typing long things for some reason >.>
I already said that my proof is the people I have watched or the people I have asked and others I know in real life who choose Kennys ending… more over janes. Unless you know these people in real life or my friend then I cant show you but I know Im right. Over all Kennys ending is better, opinion or not, its like choosing a obvious better scripted oscar awarding movie over a low budget straight to dvd movie. Some people will choose the bad movie but the majority of people will choose the better scripted version. If you want to know why kennys is better then you can play it yourself or watch kennys ending again and janes ending, kenny had a self reviving moment while jane had no changing moment. Canon. Either way jane lovers will choose janes ending no matter what, even if janes ending was even worse. Pretty simple concept
He WAS a hero in the end though, and you know it, to Clem and AJ..
Kenny will always be one of my favourite characters in this whole game series but one thing he did that really pissed me off was that when he and Clem finally reunited back at the lodge he swore to protect her from now on and then later on in the herd when they were escaping Howe's he just yelled at her and left her there and ran away without her. That really dissapointed me cuz I always assumed that no matter how crazy he gets I thought Clem was his limit, since he swore to protect her I thought he would take her with him when he and Mike ran to make sure she got out and is safe (no matter how mad he was at the moment)
I agree with Kenny/Lee's post.
I don't really see what's wrong with wanting to protect your family above all else, getting pissed that Clem… more was the cause of Sarita's death and getting frustrated when plans don't go his way. Yeah, he can be very overbearing. I'm not saying he's a cinnamon too good for this world because he's really not. He's no hero but he's not a monster either.
He's a broken man that's set on finding a purpose to keep going.
Now, what I don't agree with is that, if you get this in Season 1, Kenny doesn't come with Lee to find Clementine. Another would be that whole Ben situation. He does, however, bounce back from that and tries to save Ben in the end. Now just because I agree with Kenny's actions more doesn't mean I hate Jane. She's a pretty cool chick, I admit. I was disappointed that you'd have to choose between her and Kenny.
It was pretty annoying that she had Crawford's ways of survival. She would always be lik… [view original content]
Yeah, if you think Im literally telling people that they have no right to like jane, Im done responding. Like how you keep saying over and over, there is no proof of me saying jane lovers shouldnt exsist. Believe what you want to believe but I can tell your not going to listen since your 100 percent jane and all hate kenny, even if you dont believe me I know the people I have multiplayer played with twd s2 ending with so people not believing me doesnt phase me aslong as I know it, I also found it funny how you never played kennys ending.... that solves alot as if you think JANE was emotional when she hugged then you should know how much more emotional it was with kenny and clem seperating or going together. Jane lovers will never talk bad or allow bad for janes ending, so jane lovers will choose janes side. Kenny lovers will choose kennys side. But from my research, once again I could care less, kennys was more meaningfull clearly as you can choose what to do with kenny. If you cant accept what I said dont bother replying, because I can tell you wont take any kind of critizism to jane or accept in any way that kennys was emotional. I never called janes ending useless or bad, only that compared to kennys his ended better, in my opinion or not, I have not found one person who did not choose kennys version over janes except jane lovers. And dont worry, I type long to, usually when Im completely bored of a coversation and hinting to the person Im talking to that Id rather this end since Im summing it up.
But you're just saying that's your proof, you're not providing sources, so I can't believe you since I have no idea which people you watched… more and asked or even know that had the same opinion and made the decision as you.
I'm afraid without having a source for your statistics and statements, it lacks validity, I'm not trying to be mean but you should always have evidence to back up your claims, otherwise people can easily turn a blind eye to it because you lack a way of proving your statements are true.
"Opinion or not" That just simply isn't true, again, a lack of evidence to prove this point, if you only stated it as an opinion i.e. a subjective point of view, I wouldn't be arguing about that point but you've stated multiple times that it's more so fact i.e. and objective statement but still evidently lacks any proof and is still dependent upon perspective and personal opinion.
Cause again, who chooses what's better scripted? Just be… [view original content]
I never said anything close to that. I never said there's no proof that you said that Jane 'Lovers' shouldn't exist...
If you read my comments in this Thread, you'd know that I've expressed the fact that I like Kenny as a character, I just happen to like Jane more, it's not very nice or fair to practically state that if I like Jane, I hate Kenny, which just isn't true I'm afraid.
Uh, I'm pretty sure that TTG games aren't multiplayer... I'm probably misinterpreting what you mean, so I apologize in advance ^-^
As I've already typed down, I have played Kenny's Ending, in fact, I have two Saves specifically for Wellington and Kenny ^-^
I've acknowledged how good the Kenny Ending scene was, heck, I even cried in that scene but I still favor Jane's Ending because as much as I love emotional moments, it's the character development that draws my attention more, which I felt Jane's Ending showed the most development in character out of all the Endings and no this isn't objective, it's my own subjective opinion.
I've been critical about Jane's actions as well, I strongly disliked how she felt about Sarah and I definitely didn't like that she used AJ to prove a point, you can paint me as a Jane Lover and Kenny Hater if you feel the need to but just like every other individual in the world, I'm complex, meaning it's not as simple as I like hot food and don't like cold food because I love both. I guess you can call me a Jane Lover who picked Kenny's Ending twice
Thanks, it's good to know there are others who like to type long as well
Yeah, if you think Im literally telling people that they have no right to like jane, Im done responding. Like how you keep saying over and o… morever, there is no proof of me saying jane lovers shouldnt exsist. Believe what you want to believe but I can tell your not going to listen since your 100 percent jane and all hate kenny, even if you dont believe me I know the people I have multiplayer played with twd s2 ending with so people not believing me doesnt phase me aslong as I know it, I also found it funny how you never played kennys ending.... that solves alot as if you think JANE was emotional when she hugged then you should know how much more emotional it was with kenny and clem seperating or going together. Jane lovers will never talk bad or allow bad for janes ending, so jane lovers will choose janes side. Kenny lovers will choose kennys side. But from my research, once again I could care less, kennys was more meaningfull clearly as you can … [view original content]
Imo the only real monsters I can think of in the series are Danny St John, The Stranger and possibly Carver.
I find it hard to call someone like Kenny, who's only goal throughout the series is to keep his family/friends safe, a monster although he does justify being called an asshole at times.
1 you did many times, that doesnt make any sense.
2. Kennys has more development, jane stays the same, Kenny apologizes for the jerkiness he has been doing
3. Shhhhhh, the rest I stopped reading, shh its alright to know when to stop
I never said anything close to that. I never said there's no proof that you said that Jane 'Lovers' shouldn't exist...
If you read my com… morements in this Thread, you'd know that I've expressed the fact that I like Kenny as a character, I just happen to like Jane more, it's not very nice or fair to practically state that if I like Jane, I hate Kenny, which just isn't true I'm afraid.
Uh, I'm pretty sure that TTG games aren't multiplayer... I'm probably misinterpreting what you mean, so I apologize in advance ^-^
As I've already typed down, I have played Kenny's Ending, in fact, I have two Saves specifically for Wellington and Kenny ^-^
I've acknowledged how good the Kenny Ending scene was, heck, I even cried in that scene but I still favor Jane's Ending because as much as I love emotional moments, it's the character development that draws my attention more, which I felt Jane's Ending showed the most development in character out of all… [view original content]
…that is an opinion, not a fact. Kenny doesn't turn into a hero for everyone just because he was one of your favorites. He is just a person. Not even, he's just a character.
He's no hero but he's not a monster either.
He WAS a hero in the end though, and you know it, to Clem and AJ..
Kenny will always b… moree one of my favourite characters in this whole game series but one thing he did that really pissed me off was that when he and Clem finally reunited back at the lodge he swore to protect her from now on and then later on in the herd when they were escaping Howe's he just yelled at her and left her there and ran away without her. That really dissapointed me cuz I always assumed that no matter how crazy he gets I thought Clem was his limit, since he swore to protect her I thought he would take her with him when he and Mike ran to make sure she got out and is safe (no matter how mad he was at the moment)
But just moving on is just like the Wellington option, or in your opinion anyway, walking around with no place to go exactly. And there's no… more smoke without fire as the saying goes. For rumours of Wellington to have spread, and some distance too, there must have been truth behind it. We don't know the extent of the rumour or what Kenny knew about it.
And okay then, don't be SO dramatic though, you don't know me!. I have an opinion, and you have yours. I don't think Wellington was a bad idea, it was one of the better ones in a bad bunch, in my opinion. You have yours, I respect that.
That's a pretty good point you make there. But Wellington isn't just a rumour, Christa and Kenny were polar opposites in personality and yet they both believed Wellington was out there
But I don't understand why searching for Wellington is such a bad choice. Howe's wasn't a better choice either. Kenny wasn't suicidal and I don't think he's stupid, I think that's just potentially bias against him
And there's no smoke without fire as the saying goes.
Ever heard of religions?
And okay then, don't be SO dramatic though, you… more don't know me
Only reason anyone would search for Wellington unprepared is if they are stupid or just suicidal. Kenny was both suicidal and stupid.
I am not a Kenny fan, not in season 1 or 2. I would say Kenny is broken and reckless. and that people who are do dangerous things. however I wouldn't be Kenny's fault he loss too much.
He didn't do anything to warrant being shot imo. I really like him. I can understand how when someone like Jane said she had killed/abandoned AJ, the thing he swore to protect, he got angry. It may just be me as I'm a fan of Kenny, but I didn't help Jane ata ll when he and Kenny fought because I felt she was in the wrong.
That's a pretty good point you make there. But Wellington isn't just a rumour, Christa and Kenny were polar opposites in personality and yet… more they both believed Wellington was out there
But I don't understand why searching for Wellington is such a bad choice. Howe's wasn't a better choice either. Kenny wasn't suicidal and I don't think he's stupid, I think that's just potentially bias against him
But I don't understand why searching for Wellington is such a bad choice
-cold weather
-no proper equipment
-no supplies
-a new b… moreorn baby with you
Dont get me wrong, i would also try to find place like Wellington, but i would actually prepare for the journey.
Please don't give me that ''it's just a game'' crap when we are on a forum discussing games, then you might aswell tell that to every single person on this forum expressing their opinion and break every discussion/debate with ''it's just a game he's not real'' Yeah no shit I know it's not real but what does that have to do with the topic, can't a fictional character be a hero?
He WAS a hero in the end though, and you know it
…that is an opinion, not a fact. Kenny doesn't turn into a hero for everyone just because he was one of your favorites. He is just a person. Not even, he's just a character.
Btw I never said that he turned into a hero because he's my favourite character.. if you read again I said he turned into a hero because of the selfless act he did at the end for Clem and AJ. Favourite character or not what he did in the game was a FACT. Not my opinion. Stating that he is my fave was just something on the side it didn't have anything to do with why he is a hero.
He WAS a hero in the end though, and you know it
…that is an opinion, not a fact. Kenny doesn't turn into a hero for everyone just because he was one of your favorites. He is just a person. Not even, he's just a character.
Well obviously. Only thing that really complicated the things was the car. Supplies you can always split but a car is completely different thing, as it boosts your chances of survival by quite a lot.
Clem is 11 , though. Everyone else is an adult.
She's been growing up in this environment , most of that time spent with Christa and Omid. She hasn't really had time to turn into something like that.
She's still a character. She just...doesn't feel. The only place she feels is the arm-stitch scene. Although that scene is unrealistic for an 11 year old. Heck, she doesn't even cry. Yet the Kenny's death/farewell scene is more painful for her than stitching up her own arm
Moreover, she's RIDICULOUSLY mature
Hi Sage still following me round i see? Thought i "agitated" you
Kind of hard not to see you when you start the same argument in multiple places.
The hypocrisy in your posts is so extreme I just have to respond to it.
Rick's awesome! You saying these people you mentioned don't like him? Ugh...
Oh jolly good sir/madam whoever you are. You hold onto that hatred or attachment you have in not liking me or my posts. I'll do my best not to let you down with my so called hypocrisy
It is an opinion, oh how I dislike people who act like their subjective opinions are somehow fact.
Can you source your proof for your statistics? So they actually have some validity?
And it's here I realize that it's not the Jane VS Kenny Threads that make this Forum a War Zone, it's the people who take things too far, take things personal and just try to add a barrier between the Kenny and Jane fans.
Try watching any playthrough on youtube of the ending, its the easiest way for you to see.
This really opens up the question - did anyone in a post-zombie apocalyptic world become a monster? I don't think Kenny did become a monster, he's just a human that's made mistakes but at the same time, I don't think he's made up for killing Larry and determinantly Jane, as well as beating Arvo constantly(whether he deserved it or not is subjective and it was entirely unnecessary), as well as causing turmoil in the group in both Seasons, I personally don't think that letting Clementine and AJ go into Wellington can redeem him for some of the things he's done but I still like him as a character but when it comes down to it, I don't believe the things he had done were all about protecting his family.
When it comes to characters, people who dislike some of a character's actions doesn't make them hate or dislike the character itself, something I often see people suggesting about others on this Forum. In the end, we really are just expressing our own opinions. Let's all just remember to keep it respectful, you don't have to like someone's opinion but you should try to respect it in my opinion, even if they argue with yours.
Ah okay. I thought he was talking about Kenny's plan to bumrush Carver's men the moment the truck doors opened as if it actually happened.
I don't think it's right to say she doesn't act like a real person in that situation, mostly because it's not something that can be proven, I mean, there's not exactly a proper way to act during a zombie apocalypse, is there?
Team Kenny for life!!!!
In this case, would you use that same excuse for every other character? The Stranger, Carver, Jane, Bonnie, Arvo etc.? Because they've all lost people too.
Opinions don't make things facts though, whether you like Kenny or Jane, neither Ending is the best objectively, neither character is the best objectively, it's all up to perspective, you only watched 100 people when The Walking Dead Game Season 2 has sold allot more episodes than that, making it a pretty unreliable, otherwise biased survey. In the end, it doesn't matter which Ending most people like best, there's no objectively best Ending, it's all subjective.
Oh I have, but that doesn't prove that 9/10 people chose Kenny's Ending over Jane's(plus are you even counting the Alone ending?), the statistics at the end of Episode 5 really beg to differ.
:facepalm: Im not talking about the statistics of the ending. The amount of people who chose kenny or jane doesnt go with what I am saying. People who chose jane or kenny is where I got my evidence because people who liked jane more chose her, but where disipointed with her ending compared to Kennys. Kennys over all ending is more emotional and if you cant tell that from the start.. then there no point in me waisiting time explaining. The bettrr ending is the one that is better well scripted, and most importanly solves the problem with Kenny, as in him showing his good side, while jane did the opposite. Opinions may be opinions, But people that dont hate kenny and are not jane lovers will choose kennys ending if they liked better scripted endings.
"9/10 people choose Kennys ending over Janes, that 10 percent (or even less) is just more Kenny haters." Sounds like you are, you literally do say this.
Again, where is the proof? You are stating other peoples' opinions, how can I be sure you're not making this up? When you don't even source a single YouTuber to solidify your statement.
Kenny's ending can be more emotional for one individual, whilst Jane's can be more emotional for another, the Alone ending could be emotional for both or neither, you can't state one ending is more emotional as a fact based on your own opinion on it because not everyone feels the same emotions as you or I when viewing an Ending scene.
And who decides which ending is better or well scripted? Both Endings solves the subjective problem with Kenny in different ways.
I'm sorry but not hating Kenny and not loving Jane doesn't mean a person will choose Kenny's ending, there is still the Alone Ending after all and it doesn't mean the ending was better scripted because that is entirely subjective.
But just moving on is just like the Wellington option, or in your opinion anyway, walking around with no place to go exactly. And there's no smoke without fire as the saying goes. For rumours of Wellington to have spread, and some distance too, there must have been truth behind it. We don't know the extent of the rumour or what Kenny knew about it.
And okay then, don't be SO dramatic though, you don't know me!. I have an opinion, and you have yours. I don't think Wellington was a bad idea, it was one of the better ones in a bad bunch, in my opinion. You have yours, I respect that.
I already said that my proof is the people I have watched or the people I have asked and others I know in real life who choose Kennys ending over janes. Unless you know these people in real life or my friend then I cant show you but I know Im right. Over all Kennys ending is better, opinion or not, its like choosing a obvious better scripted oscar awarding movie over a low budget straight to dvd movie. Some people will choose the bad movie but the majority of people will choose the better scripted version. If you want to know why kennys is better then you can play it yourself or watch kennys ending again and janes ending, kenny had a self reviving moment while jane had no changing moment. Canon. Either way jane lovers will choose janes ending no matter what, even if janes ending was even worse. Pretty simple concept
Just so you know , I am a girl. That is why my name is Sage.
But you're just saying that's your proof, you're not providing sources, so I can't believe you since I have no idea which people you watched and asked or even know that had the same opinion and made the decision as you.
I'm afraid without having a source for your statistics and statements, it lacks validity, I'm not trying to be mean but you should always have evidence to back up your claims, otherwise people can easily turn a blind eye to it because you lack a way of proving your statements are true.
"Opinion or not" That just simply isn't true, again, a lack of evidence to prove this point, if you only stated it as an opinion i.e. a subjective point of view, I wouldn't be arguing about that point but you've stated multiple times that it's more so fact i.e. and objective statement but still evidently lacks any proof and is still dependent upon perspective and personal opinion.
Cause again, who chooses what's better scripted? Just because an individual says something is or isn't better scripted doesn't make it objective, otherwise wouldn't we all agree with one another in these subjective matters? Plus the Oscars is a bad example of showing what's objectively good, just because someone or something gets an award doesn't make them objectively good because they earn those awards often based on votes or perspectives of judges. Same goes with choosing movies, plus you can't really prove a majority or minority will do as anything, since none of us even knows precisely how many people watch or know about the movies, there are other variables that come into play in these different situations.
I have played it and I've watched it but my favorite ending is still Jane and the Family, but I'm not going to label it as being the best or most emotional ending based only on how I felt. I agree that Kenny had a self-reviving moment, well more so a selfless and compassionate moment but Jane did have a changing moment, she lets the Family stay if you stay silent and she trusts Clementine enough to let strangers into their new home, she even hugs Patricia, which was a moment that made me smile
Not sure why you wrote "Canon."
I don't think it's right to say what other people would choose just because they like a character, since you don't know what they'll do and I don't think it's right to label people who chose Jane's ending and liked it and her character as 'Lovers', there's no need for labeling in a Forum, do you like being called a "Jane Hater" or a "Kenny Lover"? I'm just a fan of the game who happens to like both Jane and Kenny but like Jane's character allot more ^-^, I chose all Endings(in fact 2 of my saves were Kenny Endings, 1 being Alone and 1 being with Jane).
P.S. Sorry for the length of this, I've been trying to type things shorter but I just like typing long things for some reason >.>
He WAS a hero in the end though, and you know it, to Clem and AJ..
Kenny will always be one of my favourite characters in this whole game series but one thing he did that really pissed me off was that when he and Clem finally reunited back at the lodge he swore to protect her from now on and then later on in the herd when they were escaping Howe's he just yelled at her and left her there and ran away without her. That really dissapointed me cuz I always assumed that no matter how crazy he gets I thought Clem was his limit, since he swore to protect her I thought he would take her with him when he and Mike ran to make sure she got out and is safe (no matter how mad he was at the moment)
Yeah, if you think Im literally telling people that they have no right to like jane, Im done responding. Like how you keep saying over and over, there is no proof of me saying jane lovers shouldnt exsist. Believe what you want to believe but I can tell your not going to listen since your 100 percent jane and all hate kenny, even if you dont believe me I know the people I have multiplayer played with twd s2 ending with so people not believing me doesnt phase me aslong as I know it, I also found it funny how you never played kennys ending.... that solves alot as if you think JANE was emotional when she hugged then you should know how much more emotional it was with kenny and clem seperating or going together. Jane lovers will never talk bad or allow bad for janes ending, so jane lovers will choose janes side. Kenny lovers will choose kennys side. But from my research, once again I could care less, kennys was more meaningfull clearly as you can choose what to do with kenny. If you cant accept what I said dont bother replying, because I can tell you wont take any kind of critizism to jane or accept in any way that kennys was emotional. I never called janes ending useless or bad, only that compared to kennys his ended better, in my opinion or not, I have not found one person who did not choose kennys version over janes except jane lovers. And dont worry, I type long to, usually when Im completely bored of a coversation and hinting to the person Im talking to that Id rather this end since Im summing it up.
I never said anything close to that. I never said there's no proof that you said that Jane 'Lovers' shouldn't exist...
If you read my comments in this Thread, you'd know that I've expressed the fact that I like Kenny as a character, I just happen to like Jane more, it's not very nice or fair to practically state that if I like Jane, I hate Kenny, which just isn't true I'm afraid.
Uh, I'm pretty sure that TTG games aren't multiplayer... I'm probably misinterpreting what you mean, so I apologize in advance ^-^
As I've already typed down, I have played Kenny's Ending, in fact, I have two Saves specifically for Wellington and Kenny ^-^
I've acknowledged how good the Kenny Ending scene was, heck, I even cried in that scene but I still favor Jane's Ending because as much as I love emotional moments, it's the character development that draws my attention more, which I felt Jane's Ending showed the most development in character out of all the Endings and no this isn't objective, it's my own subjective opinion.
I've been critical about Jane's actions as well, I strongly disliked how she felt about Sarah and I definitely didn't like that she used AJ to prove a point, you can paint me as a Jane Lover and Kenny Hater if you feel the need to but just like every other individual in the world, I'm complex, meaning it's not as simple as I like hot food and don't like cold food because I love both. I guess you can call me a Jane Lover who picked Kenny's Ending twice
Thanks, it's good to know there are others who like to type long as well
Imo the only real monsters I can think of in the series are Danny St John, The Stranger and possibly Carver.
I find it hard to call someone like Kenny, who's only goal throughout the series is to keep his family/friends safe, a monster although he does justify being called an asshole at times.
Thank you for letting me know
1 you did many times, that doesnt make any sense.
2. Kennys has more development, jane stays the same, Kenny apologizes for the jerkiness he has been doing
3. Shhhhhh, the rest I stopped reading, shh its alright to know when to stop
…that is an opinion, not a fact. Kenny doesn't turn into a hero for everyone just because he was one of your favorites. He is just a person. Not even, he's just a character.
You all realize that if Kenny pulled any of the shit he did with Rick's group...either Rick or Carol or Michone would have killed him.
Ever heard of religions?
Only reason anyone would search for Wellington unprepared is if they are stupid or just suicidal. Kenny was both suicidal and stupid.
That's a pretty good point you make there. But Wellington isn't just a rumour, Christa and Kenny were polar opposites in personality and yet they both believed Wellington was out there
But I don't understand why searching for Wellington is such a bad choice. Howe's wasn't a better choice either. Kenny wasn't suicidal and I don't think he's stupid, I think that's just potentially bias against him
well it depends on your term of the word MONSTER
I am not a Kenny fan, not in season 1 or 2. I would say Kenny is broken and reckless. and that people who are do dangerous things. however I wouldn't be Kenny's fault he loss too much.
He didn't do anything to warrant being shot imo. I really like him. I can understand how when someone like Jane said she had killed/abandoned AJ, the thing he swore to protect, he got angry. It may just be me as I'm a fan of Kenny, but I didn't help Jane ata ll when he and Kenny fought because I felt she was in the wrong.
Carol especially. She does not suffer fools.
-cold weather
-no proper equipment
-no supplies
-a new born baby with you
Dont get me wrong, i would also try to find place like Wellington, but i would actually prepare for the journey.
And not try to force everyone against their will.
Please don't give me that ''it's just a game'' crap when we are on a forum discussing games, then you might aswell tell that to every single person on this forum expressing their opinion and break every discussion/debate with ''it's just a game he's not real'' Yeah no shit I know it's not real but what does that have to do with the topic, can't a fictional character be a hero?
Btw I never said that he turned into a hero because he's my favourite character.. if you read again I said he turned into a hero because of the selfless act he did at the end for Clem and AJ. Favourite character or not what he did in the game was a FACT. Not my opinion. Stating that he is my fave was just something on the side it didn't have anything to do with why he is a hero.
Well obviously. Only thing that really complicated the things was the car. Supplies you can always split but a car is completely different thing, as it boosts your chances of survival by quite a lot.