Well I apologize if you feel I did, could you direct me to the comment that specified me saying "I think you're literally telling people that they have no right to like jane"? If I did type that down, I will change or remove it if you wish.
Could you give some insight on how Kenny's shows more development over Jane? For me, Jane had more character development because she changed for Clementine, someone who wanted to be alone, had the survivalist idea of letting the weak die and didn't trust in people ends up being with a little girl and baby that they only just met(in fact Jane wanted to go to Howe's because there was baby formula, shows that AJ may have grown on her that moment they spent time together) and Clementine is the only one who doesn't let a Family of strangers who look famished inside of Howe's, Jane does the opposite and agrees with Clementine's decisions, also apologizing doesn't change consequences from previous actions. But again, that's entirely my subjective point of view ^-^
I'll stop when I want to thank you Even if you decide not to read my comments, I'll be respectful and read yours
1 you did many times, that doesnt make any sense.
2. Kennys has more development, jane stays the same, Kenny apologizes for the jerkiness he has been doing
3. Shhhhhh, the rest I stopped reading, shh its alright to know when to stop
Makes me wonder how long Morgan will last, I like him and I like his morality but it's such a controversial thing, I feel Morgan is in between making decisions of the good and the subjectively greater good. But I'm going off topic so yeah, I think Carol would be the most likely because of two specific reasons - one is that she had a person, I think long time experience of being with an abusive person as a husband and she's shown her anger towards people who act abusive towards women but two is the bigger one, she literally threatened to let a child suffer and messed with his head as well as killed multiple other people, so it's definitely more probable, she doesn't want to take risks.
That is true, it depends on how you look at it, what makes a person a 'monster'? Is it a general reason, a specific reason or a complex reason with multiple variables and subtext?
well it depends on your term of the word MONSTER
I am not a Kenny fan, not in season 1 or 2. I would say Kenny is broken and reckless. and that people who are do dangerous things. however I wouldn't be Kenny's fault he loss too much.
Just wanted to let you know, Jane never says she killed or abandoned AJ, I believe she said "I didn't kill him" when Kenny accuses her of doing so ^-^ But it's understandable for Kenny to get angry, although I still think the situation could've been handled better by both individuals. I helped both of them, mostly cause I forgot I didn't have to do anything xD
He didn't do anything to warrant being shot imo. I really like him. I can understand how when someone like Jane said she had killed/abandone… mored AJ, the thing he swore to protect, he got angry. It may just be me as I'm a fan of Kenny, but I didn't help Jane ata ll when he and Kenny fought because I felt she was in the wrong.
I wondered if they might not put Morgan and Carol together. In the comic, the Carol character was with Tyreese and we saw a little of that when they were living with the two girls. But I could see their hostility turning into understanding and them sort of tempering each other. I Think his zen attitude could calm her down, while she makes him see the importance of protecting their own.
Makes me wonder how long Morgan will last, I like him and I like his morality but it's such a controversial thing, I feel Morgan is in betwe… moreen making decisions of the good and the subjectively greater good. But I'm going off topic so yeah, I think Carol would be the most likely because of two specific reasons - one is that she had a person, I think long time experience of being with an abusive person as a husband and she's shown her anger towards people who act abusive towards women but two is the bigger one, she literally threatened to let a child suffer and messed with his head as well as killed multiple other people, so it's definitely more probable, she doesn't want to take risks.
He didn't do anything to warrant being shot imo. I really like him. I can understand how when someone like Jane said she had killed/abandone… mored AJ, the thing he swore to protect, he got angry. It may just be me as I'm a fan of Kenny, but I didn't help Jane ata ll when he and Kenny fought because I felt she was in the wrong.
Hm actually, you stop when I stop because if I stopped replying to you then you would stop replying, unless you keep replying as spam. But for your other question Kennys has more development, that you can tell just by clearly watching it... over all your going to think janes is better but Kennys showed that he apologized for being a jerk and actually risked his life for clem, he either begs you to stay at wellignton an clem stays while kenny leaves just so that clem can stay, or you leave with kenny and kenny accepts it but shakes his head knowing that he cant control clem but wished she would stay there, Kennys did this, not jane, jane had no ending where she risked her life for clem and her ending was nothing about choosing clems life over hers, instead its either joining a group with her or angerly leaving jane behind because you dont want to stay with her. Kennys was life risking/emotional, janes had no life risking or emotion, no crying, only being a jerk with forcing the group to leave or staying with them. The over all scenes show how emotional they are, because Clem and Kenny were crying, there was no crying in janes ending, even the characters show whoes ending was emotional. More development for Kenny because literally Jane did not change at all, you either stay with her or leave, Kenny shows he is not a jerk like some of the group says, jane says that kenny can not be trusted and kenny will evantually kill clem, but TT actually wrote that ending like that to show that kenny was showing he would do the complete opposite, kill himself for Clem. jane in her scene did not change, did not risk her life because her ending did not have that. Kennys did. So kennys is more emotional and shows the greatest change in any of the characters.
Well I apologize if you feel I did, could you direct me to the comment that specified me saying "I think you're literally telling people tha… moret they have no right to like jane"? If I did type that down, I will change or remove it if you wish.
Could you give some insight on how Kenny's shows more development over Jane? For me, Jane had more character development because she changed for Clementine, someone who wanted to be alone, had the survivalist idea of letting the weak die and didn't trust in people ends up being with a little girl and baby that they only just met(in fact Jane wanted to go to Howe's because there was baby formula, shows that AJ may have grown on her that moment they spent time together) and Clementine is the only one who doesn't let a Family of strangers who look famished inside of Howe's, Jane does the opposite and agrees with Clementine's decisions, also apologizing doesn't change consequences from previous actions. But… [view original content]
That's possible! It's a little difficult to really know since neither live past this point but I felt that Carol is beginning to contemplate her current state of mind, I felt like she is questioning herself, specifically at the scene where she tells Sam that killing is the only way to keep yourself from becoming a monster. Hopefully their current 'rivalry' won't just get forgotten as bigger events happen, it's kind of a good one in my opinion since they've both got opposing controversial beliefs.
I wondered if they might not put Morgan and Carol together. In the comic, the Carol character was with Tyreese and we saw a little of that w… morehen they were living with the two girls. But I could see their hostility turning into understanding and them sort of tempering each other. I Think his zen attitude could calm her down, while she makes him see the importance of protecting their own.
That is true, it depends on how you look at it, what makes a person a 'monster'? Is it a general reason, a specific reason or a complex reason with multiple variables and subtext?
Well yeah, if I want to continue the discussion I will do so, as is my right to, just as you have done. I've never spammed, when I said "I'll stop when I want to" I meant the discussion, you can choose to end your side of the discussion but I can still choose to reply ^-^
As I've stated multiple times, I have watched Kenny's Ending but you haven't explained to me why you think he has more development than Jane, even so, I've already analysed all Endings and made a decision of which one I liked the best overall, so I probably won't change my opinion but it would be helpful for those that read your comment to know why you felt that Kenny developed more as a character in his Ending. But again, an apology doesn't change an outcome that occurred based on previous decision, would you forgive Jane for apologizing for her mistakes? Jane risked her life for Clementine, Rebecca, Kenny and Sarah as well, although I don't really see how Kenny risks his own life by asking for Clementine and AJ to go into Wellington as they said they wouldn't accept him due to being an Adult beforehand and even then, it's Clementine's decision whether she'd like to go to Wellington, a place she knows nothing about or stay with Kenny, the only person in that Ending whom she can trust the most, at least in my perspective, telling someone to go inside a Community you've only heard about in rumors is less risking your life and more so trying to make a decision for someone else.
But in Jane's Ending, you see her character develop, they're in a familiar surrounding and they actually find baby formula for AJ, Clementine gets to decide whether Randy, Patricia or Gill are accepted into Howe's or not, otherwise Jane accepts them in, showing a rather large change in character considering how she had the 'lone survivalist' mentality not that long ago. But again, different subjective viewpoints, you can like Kenny's Ending and I can like Jane's Ending because for me, Jane seemed to change for Clementine and it was allot more realistically emotional as supposed to melodramatically emotional ^-^
Kenny might have apologized and tries to give Clementine and AJ what he believes is the best chance they have but that doesn't change how he caused turmoil in the group due to the way he treated Arvo and dismissed everyone else's ideas but if you don't believe that Kenny was a jerk for not taking anyone's opinion into perspective or for treating members of his group badly that's fine, but that's why I see him as quite a jerk, again my own personal opinion. Also Jane never said that Kenny would eventually kill Clementine but she makes sure to take precaution, it's not unexpected considering she's a survivalist surrounded by mostly strangers, plus, you do remember that Jane was the last person in the group to give Kenny a chance, she even tries to get Clementine to try and keep Kenny on the right path and acknowledges how he's been through allot.
If that's true, I'd like to see your source for where Telltale Games, or more so, a TTG employee who worked on The Walking Dead Game Season 2 Episode 5: No Going Back that states Kenny's Ending was meant to show how'd he'd sacrifice himself for Clementine
In the end, as everything I write is my own subjective and biased opinion, as is yours, so I guess we should just end the argument here since it feels to me that it's become less of giving an explanation on why we have our own opinions and more of a 'I'm right you're wrong' type argument, you don't have to acknowledge that Jane changed in her Ending but I've shown my evidence to back this up and as Emotion is a complex topic, I don't think it's best to stretch this discussion that far.
Hm actually, you stop when I stop because if I stopped replying to you then you would stop replying, unless you keep replying as spam. But f… moreor your other question Kennys has more development, that you can tell just by clearly watching it... over all your going to think janes is better but Kennys showed that he apologized for being a jerk and actually risked his life for clem, he either begs you to stay at wellignton an clem stays while kenny leaves just so that clem can stay, or you leave with kenny and kenny accepts it but shakes his head knowing that he cant control clem but wished she would stay there, Kennys did this, not jane, jane had no ending where she risked her life for clem and her ending was nothing about choosing clems life over hers, instead its either joining a group with her or angerly leaving jane behind because you dont want to stay with her. Kennys was life risking/emotional, janes had no life risking or emotion, no crying,… [view original content]
You can't forget the fact that Clem did lose those three people closes to her. Though, she also had to watch all her friends leave her in some way or another. Plus, for some she doesn't even know what happened to them.
I mean with all that death around her....How can Clem even begin to understand what Kenny is going through?
Kenny: The best character of all time.
He always sided with Lee no matter how bad the circumstances were. I didn't help kill Larry and in… more episode 3 he stood by my side watching me QTE my ass off while walkers pinned me down under a door.
He cares about everyone in his group. When bandits attacked the motel, Lily sneaked out, got on the balcony, and saved the whole group from the raid. And Kenny expressed his affection: "Screw her. Let her stay." when the group was escaping.
He deeply loves and cares for Clementine in his heart. He proved it by not coming with me to look for Clementine because I wasn't there for him when he wanted to smash the head of a girl's father (the only person she had left), when he wanted me to drop a kid to death just because he INDIRECTLY caused his family's death.
Of course it was Ben's fault. If only he hadn't made that deal with the bandits, they wouldn't had bothered coming to the motor inn and the gr… [view original content]
You said that Kenny is a hero, that it is a fact, and and that some people just act like he isn't, as seen on your phrase "and you know it". Let me tell you, not everyone thinks that he is a hero, therefore, it is an opinion. I am supposing you think that he is a hero because of the Kenny endings. But not everyone got that ending, either.
Please don't give me that ''it's just a game'' crap when we are on a forum discussing games
I never said that it's just a game. I said that Kenny isn't a hero, just a character.
Btw I never said that he turned into a hero because he's my favourite character.. if you read again I said he turned into a hero because of … morethe selfless act he did at the end for Clem and AJ. Favourite character or not what he did in the game was a FACT. Not my opinion. Stating that he is my fave was just something on the side it didn't have anything to do with why he is a hero.
Please stop with the emojees. Overall you know which one is more emotional when Kennys ending everyone was crying and in janes ending not one tear was shed. Opinions are opinions but some opinions I just laugh at because they are overly wrong its pityfull. Just, Lol.
Well yeah, if I want to continue the discussion I will do so, as is my right to, just as you have done. I've never spammed, when I said "I'l… morel stop when I want to" I meant the discussion, you can choose to end your side of the discussion but I can still choose to reply ^-^
As I've stated multiple times, I have watched Kenny's Ending but you haven't explained to me why you think he has more development than Jane, even so, I've already analysed all Endings and made a decision of which one I liked the best overall, so I probably won't change my opinion but it would be helpful for those that read your comment to know why you felt that Kenny developed more as a character in his Ending. But again, an apology doesn't change an outcome that occurred based on previous decision, would you forgive Jane for apologizing for her mistakes? Jane risked her life for Clementine, Rebecca, Kenny and Sarah as well, although I don't really see how Kenny risks hi… [view original content]
and yet Jane is the one that stupidly had to start a fight and fake killing the baby, when they could have first found a safe place and not in the middle of a storm, just so that she could kill Kenny right in front of Clem. she choose to fight Kenny, while Kenny was just angry that she killed the baby since he wanted to protect the kids. I did NOT trust her after I saw her do that, and try over and over to stab Kenny with the knife until Kenny had the upper hand. that makes sense.
Yeah to Clem and AJ, In MY opinion, not in general. YOU thought i said he was a hero because he's my fave character and thats where I corrected you, it was bc what he did. No think whatever you want. I didn't mean it like that, everyones free to think whatever they want. Don't take every Word I say so literal.
I never said that it's just a game. I said that Kenny isn't a hero, just a character
It's the same thing dude, you're stating that its not real, the meaning is the same, ''He's not a person, not even, just a character.'' yeah so what if he's real or not? It doesn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about. And by saying somethings not real you're telling me it's stupid to think of a fictional character as a hero. So you're kinda mocking my opinion. Or else why would you even bring it up?
You said that Kenny is a hero, that it is a fact, and and that some people just act like he isn't, as seen on your phrase "and you know it".… more Let me tell you, not everyone thinks that he is a hero, therefore, it is an opinion. I am supposing you think that he is a hero because of the Kenny endings. But not everyone got that ending, either.
Please don't give me that ''it's just a game'' crap when we are on a forum discussing games
I never said that it's just a game. I said that Kenny isn't a hero, just a character.
Season 2 Kenny would wreck Rick. Rick is a joke and overrated. Governor, Merle and Shane would have all fucked him up in a one on one fight too. It's a shame they are dead and he's still alive. How is Carol even in the conversation? Killing kids is one thing, she tries stepping up to a grown, badass adult, she would be checked in a heartbeat as proven with her fight with Morgan. As for Michonne, I wouldn't expect robots who effortlessly slice up thousands of walkers to lose a fight to anyone.
Season 2 Kenny would wreck Rick. Rick is a joke and overrated. Governor, Merle and Shane would have all fucked him up in a one on one fight … moretoo. It's a shame they are dead and he's still alive. How is Carol even in the conversation? Killing kids is one thing, she tries stepping up to a grown, badass adult, she would be checked in a heartbeat as proven with her fight with Morgan. As for Michonne, I wouldn't expect robots who effortlessly slice up thousands of walkers to lose a fight to anyone.
It's easy to say that, when it was you who said that it was a fact in the first place. Okay, whatever, you now say that it's only your opinion, so I'm going to act like you said that in the beginning.
It's the same thing dude, you're stating that its not real, the meaning is the same, ''He's not a person, not even, just a character.'' yeah so what if he's real or not? It doesn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about. And by saying somethings not real you're telling me it's stupid to think of a fictional character as a hero. So you're kinda mocking my opinion. Or else why would you even bring it up?
I first said that he is just a person, meaning that he is not a hero, and then I corrected myself and said that he is a character. I wasn't attempting to "mock your opinion".
Listen, you can have your opinion and that is completely fine as long as you realize that it is your opinion, not everyone else's nor a fact.
Yeah to Clem and AJ, In MY opinion, not in general. YOU thought i said he was a hero because he's my fave character and thats where I correc… moreted you, it was bc what he did. No think whatever you want. I didn't mean it like that, everyones free to think whatever they want. Don't take every Word I say so literal.
I never said that it's just a game. I said that Kenny isn't a hero, just a character
It's the same thing dude, you're stating that its not real, the meaning is the same, ''He's not a person, not even, just a character.'' yeah so what if he's real or not? It doesn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about. And by saying somethings not real you're telling me it's stupid to think of a fictional character as a hero. So you're kinda mocking my opinion. Or else why would you even bring it up?
That was season 1 against pretty strong opponents (Larry was built like a titan). Season 2 he is clearly much more tougher. Rick and Carol (especially) would be taken care of by the likes of Lee, Kenny and Larry imo.
Just wanted to let you know, Jane never says she killed or abandoned AJ, I believe she said "I didn't kill him" when Kenny accuses her of doing so
she also said "it was an accident Kenny" in which he didn't believe her and i can't blame him not believing her to be honest because of her past discussions about not wanting the baby around. She also refers to AJ as an "it" and not a he which I didn't like and further makes me feel she didn't care about him deep down
Just wanted to let you know, Jane never says she killed or abandoned AJ, I believe she said "I didn't kill him" when Kenny accuses her of do… moreing so ^-^ But it's understandable for Kenny to get angry, although I still think the situation could've been handled better by both individuals. I helped both of them, mostly cause I forgot I didn't have to do anything xD
What gives anyone the right to commit murder against someone over an assumption, which turned out to be wrong to begin with? No matter how much Jane wants to provoke Kenny into acting out over the loss of the baby, it still gives him no right to try and murder her for 'causing' the baby's death, when in both scenarios she had done no such thing.
And besides, you forget that Jane was shown to sheathe her weapon as Kenny attacks her once, and shortly after that Kenny attacks her again when she tells him not to touch her.
and yet Jane is the one that stupidly had to start a fight and fake killing the baby, when they could have first found a safe place and not … morein the middle of a storm, just so that she could kill Kenny right in front of Clem. she choose to fight Kenny, while Kenny was just angry that she killed the baby since he wanted to protect the kids. I did NOT trust her after I saw her do that, and try over and over to stab Kenny with the knife until Kenny had the upper hand. that makes sense.
it doesn't give jane the reason to want to kill Kenny? you do know that jane faked the babys deathe so she could kill Kenny right? if jane did not do that dumb idea and didn't randomly fake a babys deathe and put him in a a car alone they both could have walked out without Kenny getting in to a fight and they all could have survived together if jane did not do that, no wonder Kenny wanted to kill her, she put clems life at risk AND the babys at choosing the most POSSIBLE WORST time to choose to kill Kenny in the middle of a snow storm surrounded by WALKERS, Kenny and jane were fighting in the car for a reason and jane said MANY things which is why Kenny was so pissed off at jane not to mention that he thought jane killed the baby, it was literally the dumbest idea to prove her point that she is better then Kenny when all it did was prove shes no better then anyone in the game to put a newborn baby in a freezing car just to kill a person she hates in front of a little girl in the middle of a zombie infested area, very smart.
What gives anyone the right to commit murder against someone over an assumption, which turned out to be wrong to begin with? No matter how m… moreuch Jane wants to provoke Kenny into acting out over the loss of the baby, it still gives him no right to try and murder her for 'causing' the baby's death, when in both scenarios she had done no such thing.
And besides, you forget that Jane was shown to sheathe her weapon as Kenny attacks her once, and shortly after that Kenny attacks her again when she tells him not to touch her.
That was season 1 against pretty strong opponents (Larry was built like a titan). Season 2 he is clearly much more tougher. Rick and Carol (especially) would be taken care of by the likes of Lee, Kenny and Larry imo.
Jane faked the baby's death to show how unstable Kenny was to Clementine, not because he wanted to kill Kenny. If she wanted him dead, then why save him and his group's life from a Russian bandit in the beginning of Episode 5? She could have easily put a bullet in his head while Kenny was tending for Clementine after being shot by Arvo.
she put clems life at risk AND the babys at choosing the most POSSIBLE WORST time to choose to kill Kenny in the middle of a snow storm surrounded by WALKERS
And who took everyone there by force? Kenny. He gave Jane and an unconscious Clementine no say in whether they wanted to go to Wellington without any sense of direction, with little to no supplies, and with the blizzard growing stronger as they failed to find sufficient shelter. Not only that, Kenny was growing more defiant and stubborn in listening to reason, hence why Jane faked the baby's death out of desperation. She wanted Clementine to see how suicidal the plan was, and didn't want her to end up dying while Kenny risk everyone's lives in his search for a safe haven he had no proof that existed.
Her plan was stupid, but it doesn't warrant her own death for something she didn't do, and it certainly doesn't prove that she wanted Kenny dead to begin with. The only time Jane wanted Kenny dead was when he was actively trying to kill her, and she wasn't going to just stand there and let him do it.
it doesn't give jane the reason to want to kill Kenny? you do know that jane faked the babys deathe so she could kill Kenny right? if jane… more did not do that dumb idea and didn't randomly fake a babys deathe and put him in a a car alone they both could have walked out without Kenny getting in to a fight and they all could have survived together if jane did not do that, no wonder Kenny wanted to kill her, she put clems life at risk AND the babys at choosing the most POSSIBLE WORST time to choose to kill Kenny in the middle of a snow storm surrounded by WALKERS, Kenny and jane were fighting in the car for a reason and jane said MANY things which is why Kenny was so pissed off at jane not to mention that he thought jane killed the baby, it was literally the dumbest idea to prove her point that she is better then Kenny when all it did was prove shes no better then anyone in the game to put a newborn baby in a freezing car just to kill a person she… [view original content]
Ohhh, okay that makes sense. From an in-game perspective the situation was pretty desperate though. They had to make a decision quickly and Kenny argument came through louder
In my opinion, they were as prepared as were ever going to be
But I don't understand why searching for Wellington is such a bad choice
-cold weather
-no proper equipment
-no supplies
-a new b… moreorn baby with you
Dont get me wrong, i would also try to find place like Wellington, but i would actually prepare for the journey.
Nope, actually when jane was fighting Kenny, if you tell jane to stop she will say "no, time to finally kill this mother*cker" so obviously she WANTED to kill him, not only that but obviously she hated Kenny and wanted him dead and gone if she would go out of her way to sabatoge Kenny by putting clems and the babys life at risk just to set Kenny up, she literally sabatoged a plan to get Kenny killed just because she did not see the real Kenny, which is proven at the ending of the last episode when Kenny sacrifices himself for Clem and the baby, jane just wanted Kenny dead, if she really didn't she would not have did ANY of that and would have peacefully stayed with clem and Kenny without trying to kill him in front of clem who was friends with him, if Kenny does die jane is happy about it while if jane dies Kenny says that it shouldn't have happened but she was crazy of trying to set Kenny up, she KNEW that Kenny would get angry, well duh, if she killed the baby, she could have waited or even smarter, DO NOT DO THE STUPID PLAN just to make herself look better then Kenny so clem would stay with her instead of Kenny, but that didn't work out, again Kenny sacrificed himself for clem and the baby at the ending while jane nearly got clem and the baby killed just to make herself look better, as in make Kenny look bad so that clem will stay with jane
Jane faked the baby's death to show how unstable Kenny was to Clementine, not because he wanted to kill Kenny. If she wanted him dead, then … morewhy save him and his group's life from a Russian bandit in the beginning of Episode 5? She could have easily put a bullet in his head while Kenny was tending for Clementine after being shot by Arvo.
she put clems life at risk AND the babys at choosing the most POSSIBLE WORST time to choose to kill Kenny in the middle of a snow storm surrounded by WALKERS
And who took everyone there by force? Kenny. He gave Jane and an unconscious Clementine no say in whether they wanted to go to Wellington without any sense of direction, with little to no supplies, and with the blizzard growing stronger as they failed to find sufficient shelter. Not only that, Kenny was growing more defiant and stubborn in listening to reason, hence why Jane faked the baby's death out of desperation. She wanted Clementine to… [view original content]
Her line was "No, Clem, it's time to put this crusty piece of shit out of his misery". There was no 'finally' in her line, which implies more that she did not want to kill him to begin with, right up until he was actively trying to kill her.
She sabotaged Kenny's plan to go to Wellington for the right reasons, but in the wrong way. Kenny didn't know where to go, the air was getting colder, there were no supplies, Clementine was just shot in the shoulder, and the baby had only just a blanket on him. By all rights, the plan to go to Wellington in this condition with no sense of direction was suicidal, and had it not been for a ridiculous stroke of luck, everyone involved would have either starved, froze to death, or been eaten by walkers.
Jane dealt with the issue the wrong way, which was to hide the baby and lie to Kenny. She only had to ask Clementine whether she was safe around Kenny, if she trusts him, and if she did want to go to Wellington in the first place. Nevertheless, it still doesn't warrant her death by the hands of Kenny.
And even though Kenny does succeed in finding Wellington, and suppose if Jane did not carry out her plan, it still would have been revealed in the end that only Clementine and AJ can go inside. Had it been not only Jane, but Luke, Bonnie, Mike, and the other Cabin Group had they survived, everyone would have been shut out. The entire journey would have been a complete waste of time, and given how Kenny wasn't allowed in to watch out for Clementine and AJ, it still was a wasted journey. And that's not even getting into why exactly Clementine and AJ were the ones that were allowed inside, and how Kenny was willing to let them in without even knowing whether Wellington was safe to begin with.
If anything, Kenny's sacrifice would have ended up endangering Clementine and AJ if Wellington turns out to be overrun by the likes of people like Carver and Troy.
Nope, actually when jane was fighting Kenny, if you tell jane to stop she will say "no, time to finally kill this mother*cker" so obviously … moreshe WANTED to kill him, not only that but obviously she hated Kenny and wanted him dead and gone if she would go out of her way to sabatoge Kenny by putting clems and the babys life at risk just to set Kenny up, she literally sabatoged a plan to get Kenny killed just because she did not see the real Kenny, which is proven at the ending of the last episode when Kenny sacrifices himself for Clem and the baby, jane just wanted Kenny dead, if she really didn't she would not have did ANY of that and would have peacefully stayed with clem and Kenny without trying to kill him in front of clem who was friends with him, if Kenny does die jane is happy about it while if jane dies Kenny says that it shouldn't have happened but she was crazy of trying to set Kenny up, she KNEW that Kenny would get angry, well duh, if… [view original content]
Dude, I was being sarcastic. I'm actually insulting Kenny. What I'm saying is that Kenny is not the only one who has lost someone close to him. Clem, Lee, Jane, Lily etc. all lost people so this is not an excuse for Kenny to be...well...Kenny (ish)
You can't forget the fact that Clem did lose those three people closes to her. Though, she also had to watch all her friends leave her in so… moreme way or another. Plus, for some she doesn't even know what happened to them.
I mean with all that death around her....How can Clem even begin to understand what Kenny is going through?
It's funny that what people miss (myself included until very recently) is even before the fight started, if Clem tells Jane to back off, she says words i believe to be "Not gonna happen. It's time to put this crusty piece of shit out of his misery". If that isn't a threat or means to kill him too then what is? Both were as bad as each other fighting in front of Clem and harming her in the process but as ive said time and time again, the fight never would have occurred if Jane hadn't put on her big hit staged production of "Where's AJ At?" with guest stars Kenny and Clementine. No one would have died either.
Jane faked the baby's death to show how unstable Kenny was to Clementine, not because he wanted to kill Kenny. If she wanted him dead, then … morewhy save him and his group's life from a Russian bandit in the beginning of Episode 5? She could have easily put a bullet in his head while Kenny was tending for Clementine after being shot by Arvo.
she put clems life at risk AND the babys at choosing the most POSSIBLE WORST time to choose to kill Kenny in the middle of a snow storm surrounded by WALKERS
And who took everyone there by force? Kenny. He gave Jane and an unconscious Clementine no say in whether they wanted to go to Wellington without any sense of direction, with little to no supplies, and with the blizzard growing stronger as they failed to find sufficient shelter. Not only that, Kenny was growing more defiant and stubborn in listening to reason, hence why Jane faked the baby's death out of desperation. She wanted Clementine to… [view original content]
So Kenny attacking Jane twice in 1:48 and 2:14 on this video doesn't count as a fight or a mean to kill her? She even sheathes her weapon at 2:09 to show that she wasn't going to attack him, and he still lunges at her in an attempt to kill her.
And while I agree that the entire situation would never have happened had it not been for Jane and her ridiculous plan, it does prove that Kenny was capable of murdering his own team-member. Suppose if it was Clementine, or even Luke if he survived, had lost the baby in the storm, what to say that Kenny wouldn't have lost it and lashed out this violently as he was to Jane?
It's funny that what people miss (myself included until very recently) is even before the fight started, if Clem tells Jane to back off, she… more says words i believe to be "Not gonna happen. It's time to put this crusty piece of shit out of his misery". If that isn't a threat or means to kill him too then what is? Both were as bad as each other fighting in front of Clem and harming her in the process but as ive said time and time again, the fight never would have occurred if Jane hadn't put on her big hit staged production of "Where's AJ At?" with guest stars Kenny and Clementine. No one would have died either.
The action in the game was a fact, what is it that you're not getting? It's something he did, not someones opinion. But then what was MY OPINION on it was that it made him a hero. If you don't think that it's fine I don't care,
Okay, whatever, you now say that it's only your opinion, so I'm going to act like you said that in the beginning.
I DID say that in the beginning.
Not everyone shares the same opinion as me but I don't think I'm the only one who shares that opinion either..
Okay for the last time, I think you got me wrong there, I didn't say that my opinion was a fact. Because it's not. His ACT was a fact. Do you understand what im sayin now? And thats also what I meant in the beginning, I stick with what I say the whole time im not changing anything so dont assume that for yourself. Maybe I could have formulated it better but that was what I meant even if it didn't seem like it to you.
Don't take every Word I say so literal.
It's easy to say that, when it was you who said that it was a fact in the first place. Okay,… more whatever, you now say that it's only your opinion, so I'm going to act like you said that in the beginning.
It's the same thing dude, you're stating that its not real, the meaning is the same, ''He's not a person, not even, just a character.'' yeah so what if he's real or not? It doesn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about. And by saying somethings not real you're telling me it's stupid to think of a fictional character as a hero. So you're kinda mocking my opinion. Or else why would you even bring it up?
I first said that he is just a person, meaning that he is not a hero, and then I corrected myself and said that he is a character. I wasn't attempting to "mock your opinion".
Listen, you can have your opinion and that is completely fine as long as you realize that it is your opinion, not everyone else's nor a fact.
Dude, I was being sarcastic. I'm actually insulting Kenny. What I'm saying is that Kenny is not the only one who has lost someone close to him. Clem, Lee, Jane, Lily etc. all lost people so this is not an excuse for Kenny to be...well...Kenny (ish)
So Kenny attacking Jane twice in 1:48 and 2:14 on this video doesn't count as a fight or a mean to kill her?
Did i say that? I actually said "If that isn't a threat or means to kill him too then what is? They were both as bad as each other.
At 1:58 of the vid if Clem says "Jane don't!" then Jane will say the above line i said in my last post so as far as im concerned she is just as bad in that situation, it says to me that she wanted him dead as much as he did and i still feel in my opinion her "plan" wasn't just to show Clem that he's dangerous but in hope that Clem would kill Kenny as well. Certainly seems that way to me anyway
it does prove that Kenny was capable of murdering his own team-member. Suppose if it was Clementine, or even Luke if he survived, had lost the baby in the storm, what to say that Kenny wouldn't have lost it and lashed out this violently as he was to Jane?
Well again this is a what if moment that we will most likely never know for sure however, based on how i truly think that Kenny feels about Clementine, i will never believe he would hurt her in that situation because i think the worst he would ever do is get angry/shout at her as shown when his new love Sarita (who he cared for as much for as he does for AJ) died/got bit, that and because deep down he cares and trusts Clem more than every other character in season 2. It's implied he sees Clem as his own child like when he called her Duck in episode 2. This is why I don't think he would do the same thing that he did to Jane.
So Kenny attacking Jane twice in 1:48 and 2:14 on this video doesn't count as a fight or a mean to kill her? She even sheathes her weapon at… more 2:09 to show that she wasn't going to attack him, and he still lunges at her in an attempt to kill her.
enter link description here
And while I agree that the entire situation would never have happened had it not been for Jane and her ridiculous plan, it does prove that Kenny was capable of murdering his own team-member. Suppose if it was Clementine, or even Luke if he survived, had lost the baby in the storm, what to say that Kenny wouldn't have lost it and lashed out this violently as he was to Jane?
"No, Clem, it's time to put this crusty piece of shit out of his misery".
and you call that any nicer and not saying she doesn't want to kill Kenny? I knew she said that, but I was literally rephrasing it since what she is saying is she wants to kill Kenny
honestly though forget it, I know I'm waisting my time talking about this anymore judging by how your still saying things like that
Her line was "No, Clem, it's time to put this crusty piece of shit out of his misery". There was no 'finally' in her line, which implies mor… moree that she did not want to kill him to begin with, right up until he was actively trying to kill her.
She sabotaged Kenny's plan to go to Wellington for the right reasons, but in the wrong way. Kenny didn't know where to go, the air was getting colder, there were no supplies, Clementine was just shot in the shoulder, and the baby had only just a blanket on him. By all rights, the plan to go to Wellington in this condition with no sense of direction was suicidal, and had it not been for a ridiculous stroke of luck, everyone involved would have either starved, froze to death, or been eaten by walkers.
Jane dealt with the issue the wrong way, which was to hide the baby and lie to Kenny. She only had to ask Clementine whether she was safe around Kenny, if she trusts him, and if she did want to go to Wel… [view original content]
Kenny definatly proves he thinks of clem and the baby as his own but ofcourse any one who hates Kenny isn't going to see or admit that, apparently some peoples logic is if someone tries to make a plan to get you killed and hated by making it seem like they killed someone close to you, your NOT supposed to fight back (what makes it even worse is in the car jane and Kenny were already ready to kill one another in arguing, so if your enemies with someone and THEN your enemy kills someone your very close to, ofcourse your going to attack them), I'm worried about some peoples morals ¯_(ツ)_/¯
So Kenny attacking Jane twice in 1:48 and 2:14 on this video doesn't count as a fight or a mean to kill her?
Did i say that? I actua… morelly said "If that isn't a threat or means to kill him too then what is? They were both as bad as each other.
At 1:58 of the vid if Clem says "Jane don't!" then Jane will say the above line i said in my last post so as far as im concerned she is just as bad in that situation, it says to me that she wanted him dead as much as he did and i still feel in my opinion her "plan" wasn't just to show Clem that he's dangerous but in hope that Clem would kill Kenny as well. Certainly seems that way to me anyway
it does prove that Kenny was capable of murdering his own team-member. Suppose if it was Clementine, or even Luke if he survived, had lost the baby in the storm, what to say that Kenny wouldn't have lost it and lashed out this violently as he was to Jane?
Well again this is a what if moment t… [view original content]
Kenny definatly proves he thinks of clem and the baby as his own but ofcourse any one who hates Kenny isn't going to see or admit that, appa… morerently some peoples logic is if someone tries to make a plan to get you killed and hated by making it seem like they killed someone close to you, your NOT supposed to fight back (what makes it even worse is in the car jane and Kenny were already ready to kill one another in arguing, so if your enemies with someone and THEN your enemy kills someone your very close to, ofcourse your going to attack them), I'm worried about some peoples morals ¯_(ツ)_/¯
your stealing jokes now? funny, that you think that someone doesn't have the right to attack if they attacked him in the first place and said insults regarding why he was no angry that she some how killed the baby, Kenny should have thrown her body to the walkers after he realized jane was trying to make Kenny look like a jerk in front of her so that clem would leave him
And of course , someone who hates Jane is never going to admit that Kenny was wrong to attack her after she sheathed her weapon.
I'm worried about some people's morals. ¯(ツ)/¯
I was hoping to reflect on how idiotic your statement was , but it seems that has been lost on you. Not surprising.
And yes , killing someone because you THINK that they MIGHT have had something to do with someone else's death is wrong , especially when you have little proof to support this claim.
Throwing Jane's body to the Walkers would have been kind of pointless , since she was already dead.
your stealing jokes now? funny, that you think that someone doesn't have the right to attack if they attacked him in the first place and sai… mored insults regarding why he was no angry that she some how killed the baby, Kenny should have thrown her body to the walkers after he realized jane was trying to make Kenny look like a jerk in front of her so that clem would leave him
The only one who is sounding like a idiot is the one who is trying to start insults. I knew that you were trying to reflect but the fact that you did that was unoriginal to me and basically is just copying my comeback. The only thing idiotic is what you just said, especially the last sentence, you really don't understand that what I meant is throwing janes body to the walkers would be double revenge? I wouldn't have even said "body" if I wasn't stating shes already dead, but throwing her to the walkers would just be a good final act for someone who tried to do that to Kenny. Try reading the own words you type, and read over someone's words before you try to right even a bad reply. neither Kenny or jane is anything but a fictional character so I think you need to stop getting angry over nonsense of other peoples opinions (unless you are replying to someone who gets on your nerves about it) because if this is the stuff you take offense by, all I feel is pity. I wonder why some people are either all Kenny or all jane, because of the idiotic backlash that some people take great offense by when you just offend a fictional character. Maybe it would be better if TT completely gets rid of Kenny and jane in S3 (if there still there), I would be alright with that, it would certainly stop these moronic replies that I get and keep getting myself caught in to them when I shouldn't be bothering in so called "fights" like this one, that involve video games.
I was hoping to reflect on how idiotic your statement was , but it seems that has been lost on you. Not surprising.
And yes , killing som… moreeone because you THINK that they MIGHT have had something to do with someone else's death is wrong , especially when you have little proof to support this claim.
Throwing Jane's body to the Walkers would have been kind of pointless , since she was already dead.
Well I apologize if you feel I did, could you direct me to the comment that specified me saying "I think you're literally telling people that they have no right to like jane"? If I did type that down, I will change or remove it if you wish.
Could you give some insight on how Kenny's shows more development over Jane? For me, Jane had more character development because she changed for Clementine, someone who wanted to be alone, had the survivalist idea of letting the weak die and didn't trust in people ends up being with a little girl and baby that they only just met(in fact Jane wanted to go to Howe's because there was baby formula, shows that AJ may have grown on her that moment they spent time together) and Clementine is the only one who doesn't let a Family of strangers who look famished inside of Howe's, Jane does the opposite and agrees with Clementine's decisions, also apologizing doesn't change consequences from previous actions. But again, that's entirely my subjective point of view ^-^
I'll stop when I want to thank you
Even if you decide not to read my comments, I'll be respectful and read yours 
Makes me wonder how long Morgan will last, I like him and I like his morality but it's such a controversial thing, I feel Morgan is in between making decisions of the good and the subjectively greater good. But I'm going off topic so yeah, I think Carol would be the most likely because of two specific reasons - one is that she had a person, I think long time experience of being with an abusive person as a husband and she's shown her anger towards people who act abusive towards women but two is the bigger one, she literally threatened to let a child suffer and messed with his head as well as killed multiple other people, so it's definitely more probable, she doesn't want to take risks.
That is true, it depends on how you look at it, what makes a person a 'monster'? Is it a general reason, a specific reason or a complex reason with multiple variables and subtext?
Just wanted to let you know, Jane never says she killed or abandoned AJ, I believe she said "I didn't kill him" when Kenny accuses her of doing so ^-^ But it's understandable for Kenny to get angry, although I still think the situation could've been handled better by both individuals. I helped both of them, mostly cause I forgot I didn't have to do anything xD
I wondered if they might not put Morgan and Carol together. In the comic, the Carol character was with Tyreese and we saw a little of that when they were living with the two girls. But I could see their hostility turning into understanding and them sort of tempering each other. I Think his zen attitude could calm her down, while she makes him see the importance of protecting their own.
He was hovering over Jane with a knife. That warranted it for me. I didnt trust him not to come after Clementine, he was in such a state.
Hm actually, you stop when I stop because if I stopped replying to you then you would stop replying, unless you keep replying as spam. But for your other question Kennys has more development, that you can tell just by clearly watching it... over all your going to think janes is better but Kennys showed that he apologized for being a jerk and actually risked his life for clem, he either begs you to stay at wellignton an clem stays while kenny leaves just so that clem can stay, or you leave with kenny and kenny accepts it but shakes his head knowing that he cant control clem but wished she would stay there, Kennys did this, not jane, jane had no ending where she risked her life for clem and her ending was nothing about choosing clems life over hers, instead its either joining a group with her or angerly leaving jane behind because you dont want to stay with her. Kennys was life risking/emotional, janes had no life risking or emotion, no crying, only being a jerk with forcing the group to leave or staying with them. The over all scenes show how emotional they are, because Clem and Kenny were crying, there was no crying in janes ending, even the characters show whoes ending was emotional. More development for Kenny because literally Jane did not change at all, you either stay with her or leave, Kenny shows he is not a jerk like some of the group says, jane says that kenny can not be trusted and kenny will evantually kill clem, but TT actually wrote that ending like that to show that kenny was showing he would do the complete opposite, kill himself for Clem. jane in her scene did not change, did not risk her life because her ending did not have that. Kennys did. So kennys is more emotional and shows the greatest change in any of the characters.
That's possible! It's a little difficult to really know since neither live past this point but I felt that Carol is beginning to contemplate her current state of mind, I felt like she is questioning herself, specifically at the scene where she tells Sam that killing is the only way to keep yourself from becoming a monster. Hopefully their current 'rivalry' won't just get forgotten as bigger events happen, it's kind of a good one in my opinion since they've both got opposing controversial beliefs.
exactly take a like
Well yeah, if I want to continue the discussion I will do so, as is my right to, just as you have done. I've never spammed, when I said "I'll stop when I want to" I meant the discussion, you can choose to end your side of the discussion but I can still choose to reply ^-^
As I've stated multiple times, I have watched Kenny's Ending but you haven't explained to me why you think he has more development than Jane, even so, I've already analysed all Endings and made a decision of which one I liked the best overall, so I probably won't change my opinion but it would be helpful for those that read your comment to know why you felt that Kenny developed more as a character in his Ending. But again, an apology doesn't change an outcome that occurred based on previous decision, would you forgive Jane for apologizing for her mistakes? Jane risked her life for Clementine, Rebecca, Kenny and Sarah as well, although I don't really see how Kenny risks his own life by asking for Clementine and AJ to go into Wellington as they said they wouldn't accept him due to being an Adult beforehand and even then, it's Clementine's decision whether she'd like to go to Wellington, a place she knows nothing about or stay with Kenny, the only person in that Ending whom she can trust the most, at least in my perspective, telling someone to go inside a Community you've only heard about in rumors is less risking your life and more so trying to make a decision for someone else.
But in Jane's Ending, you see her character develop, they're in a familiar surrounding and they actually find baby formula for AJ, Clementine gets to decide whether Randy, Patricia or Gill are accepted into Howe's or not, otherwise Jane accepts them in, showing a rather large change in character considering how she had the 'lone survivalist' mentality not that long ago. But again, different subjective viewpoints, you can like Kenny's Ending and I can like Jane's Ending because for me, Jane seemed to change for Clementine and it was allot more realistically emotional as supposed to melodramatically emotional ^-^
Kenny might have apologized and tries to give Clementine and AJ what he believes is the best chance they have but that doesn't change how he caused turmoil in the group due to the way he treated Arvo and dismissed everyone else's ideas but if you don't believe that Kenny was a jerk for not taking anyone's opinion into perspective or for treating members of his group badly that's fine, but that's why I see him as quite a jerk, again my own personal opinion. Also Jane never said that Kenny would eventually kill Clementine but she makes sure to take precaution, it's not unexpected considering she's a survivalist surrounded by mostly strangers, plus, you do remember that Jane was the last person in the group to give Kenny a chance, she even tries to get Clementine to try and keep Kenny on the right path and acknowledges how he's been through allot.
If that's true, I'd like to see your source for where Telltale Games, or more so, a TTG employee who worked on The Walking Dead Game Season 2 Episode 5: No Going Back that states Kenny's Ending was meant to show how'd he'd sacrifice himself for Clementine
In the end, as everything I write is my own subjective and biased opinion, as is yours, so I guess we should just end the argument here since it feels to me that it's become less of giving an explanation on why we have our own opinions and more of a 'I'm right you're wrong' type argument, you don't have to acknowledge that Jane changed in her Ending but I've shown my evidence to back this up and as Emotion is a complex topic, I don't think it's best to stretch this discussion that far.
Have a nice day!
You can't forget the fact that Clem did lose those three people closes to her. Though, she also had to watch all her friends leave her in some way or another. Plus, for some she doesn't even know what happened to them.
I mean with all that death around her....How can Clem even begin to understand what Kenny is going through?
I guess it's lucky I don't give a shit about them then.
You said that Kenny is a hero, that it is a fact, and and that some people just act like he isn't, as seen on your phrase "and you know it". Let me tell you, not everyone thinks that he is a hero, therefore, it is an opinion. I am supposing you think that he is a hero because of the Kenny endings. But not everyone got that ending, either.
I never said that it's just a game. I said that Kenny isn't a hero, just a character.
Please stop with the emojees. Overall you know which one is more emotional when Kennys ending everyone was crying and in janes ending not one tear was shed. Opinions are opinions but some opinions I just laugh at because they are overly wrong its pityfull. Just, Lol.
and yet Jane is the one that stupidly had to start a fight and fake killing the baby, when they could have first found a safe place and not in the middle of a storm, just so that she could kill Kenny right in front of Clem. she choose to fight Kenny, while Kenny was just angry that she killed the baby since he wanted to protect the kids. I did NOT trust her after I saw her do that, and try over and over to stab Kenny with the knife until Kenny had the upper hand. that makes sense.
Yeah to Clem and AJ, In MY opinion, not in general. YOU thought i said he was a hero because he's my fave character and thats where I corrected you, it was bc what he did. No think whatever you want. I didn't mean it like that, everyones free to think whatever they want. Don't take every Word I say so literal.
It's the same thing dude, you're stating that its not real, the meaning is the same, ''He's not a person, not even, just a character.'' yeah so what if he's real or not? It doesn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about. And by saying somethings not real you're telling me it's stupid to think of a fictional character as a hero. So you're kinda mocking my opinion. Or else why would you even bring it up?
Season 2 Kenny would wreck Rick. Rick is a joke and overrated. Governor, Merle and Shane would have all fucked him up in a one on one fight too. It's a shame they are dead and he's still alive. How is Carol even in the conversation? Killing kids is one thing, she tries stepping up to a grown, badass adult, she would be checked in a heartbeat as proven with her fight with Morgan. As for Michonne, I wouldn't expect robots who effortlessly slice up thousands of walkers to lose a fight to anyone.
Really? Kenny got his ass kicked by Molly and Larry and Lee....so no I see no problem with Rick's group killing him...easily....like a bitch.
It's easy to say that, when it was you who said that it was a fact in the first place. Okay, whatever, you now say that it's only your opinion, so I'm going to act like you said that in the beginning.
I first said that he is just a person, meaning that he is not a hero, and then I corrected myself and said that he is a character. I wasn't attempting to "mock your opinion".
Listen, you can have your opinion and that is completely fine as long as you realize that it is your opinion, not everyone else's nor a fact.
That was season 1 against pretty strong opponents (Larry was built like a titan). Season 2 he is clearly much more tougher. Rick and Carol (especially) would be taken care of by the likes of Lee, Kenny and Larry imo.
she also said "it was an accident Kenny" in which he didn't believe her and i can't blame him not believing her to be honest because of her past discussions about not wanting the baby around. She also refers to AJ as an "it" and not a he which I didn't like and further makes me feel she didn't care about him deep down
What gives anyone the right to commit murder against someone over an assumption, which turned out to be wrong to begin with? No matter how much Jane wants to provoke Kenny into acting out over the loss of the baby, it still gives him no right to try and murder her for 'causing' the baby's death, when in both scenarios she had done no such thing.
And besides, you forget that Jane was shown to sheathe her weapon as Kenny attacks her once, and shortly after that Kenny attacks her again when she tells him not to touch her.
it doesn't give jane the reason to want to kill Kenny? you do know that jane faked the babys deathe so she could kill Kenny right? if jane did not do that dumb idea and didn't randomly fake a babys deathe and put him in a a car alone they both could have walked out without Kenny getting in to a fight and they all could have survived together if jane did not do that, no wonder Kenny wanted to kill her, she put clems life at risk AND the babys at choosing the most POSSIBLE WORST time to choose to kill Kenny in the middle of a snow storm surrounded by WALKERS, Kenny and jane were fighting in the car for a reason and jane said MANY things which is why Kenny was so pissed off at jane not to mention that he thought jane killed the baby, it was literally the dumbest idea to prove her point that she is better then Kenny when all it did was prove shes no better then anyone in the game to put a newborn baby in a freezing car just to kill a person she hates in front of a little girl in the middle of a zombie infested area, very smart.
Jane faked the baby's death to show how unstable Kenny was to Clementine, not because he wanted to kill Kenny. If she wanted him dead, then why save him and his group's life from a Russian bandit in the beginning of Episode 5? She could have easily put a bullet in his head while Kenny was tending for Clementine after being shot by Arvo.
And who took everyone there by force? Kenny. He gave Jane and an unconscious Clementine no say in whether they wanted to go to Wellington without any sense of direction, with little to no supplies, and with the blizzard growing stronger as they failed to find sufficient shelter. Not only that, Kenny was growing more defiant and stubborn in listening to reason, hence why Jane faked the baby's death out of desperation. She wanted Clementine to see how suicidal the plan was, and didn't want her to end up dying while Kenny risk everyone's lives in his search for a safe haven he had no proof that existed.
Her plan was stupid, but it doesn't warrant her own death for something she didn't do, and it certainly doesn't prove that she wanted Kenny dead to begin with. The only time Jane wanted Kenny dead was when he was actively trying to kill her, and she wasn't going to just stand there and let him do it.
Ohhh, okay that makes sense. From an in-game perspective the situation was pretty desperate though. They had to make a decision quickly and Kenny argument came through louder
In my opinion, they were as prepared as were ever going to be
Nope, actually when jane was fighting Kenny, if you tell jane to stop she will say "no, time to finally kill this mother*cker" so obviously she WANTED to kill him, not only that but obviously she hated Kenny and wanted him dead and gone if she would go out of her way to sabatoge Kenny by putting clems and the babys life at risk just to set Kenny up, she literally sabatoged a plan to get Kenny killed just because she did not see the real Kenny, which is proven at the ending of the last episode when Kenny sacrifices himself for Clem and the baby, jane just wanted Kenny dead, if she really didn't she would not have did ANY of that and would have peacefully stayed with clem and Kenny without trying to kill him in front of clem who was friends with him, if Kenny does die jane is happy about it while if jane dies Kenny says that it shouldn't have happened but she was crazy of trying to set Kenny up, she KNEW that Kenny would get angry, well duh, if she killed the baby, she could have waited or even smarter, DO NOT DO THE STUPID PLAN just to make herself look better then Kenny so clem would stay with her instead of Kenny, but that didn't work out, again Kenny sacrificed himself for clem and the baby at the ending while jane nearly got clem and the baby killed just to make herself look better, as in make Kenny look bad so that clem will stay with jane
Her line was "No, Clem, it's time to put this crusty piece of shit out of his misery". There was no 'finally' in her line, which implies more that she did not want to kill him to begin with, right up until he was actively trying to kill her.
She sabotaged Kenny's plan to go to Wellington for the right reasons, but in the wrong way. Kenny didn't know where to go, the air was getting colder, there were no supplies, Clementine was just shot in the shoulder, and the baby had only just a blanket on him. By all rights, the plan to go to Wellington in this condition with no sense of direction was suicidal, and had it not been for a ridiculous stroke of luck, everyone involved would have either starved, froze to death, or been eaten by walkers.
Jane dealt with the issue the wrong way, which was to hide the baby and lie to Kenny. She only had to ask Clementine whether she was safe around Kenny, if she trusts him, and if she did want to go to Wellington in the first place. Nevertheless, it still doesn't warrant her death by the hands of Kenny.
And even though Kenny does succeed in finding Wellington, and suppose if Jane did not carry out her plan, it still would have been revealed in the end that only Clementine and AJ can go inside. Had it been not only Jane, but Luke, Bonnie, Mike, and the other Cabin Group had they survived, everyone would have been shut out. The entire journey would have been a complete waste of time, and given how Kenny wasn't allowed in to watch out for Clementine and AJ, it still was a wasted journey. And that's not even getting into why exactly Clementine and AJ were the ones that were allowed inside, and how Kenny was willing to let them in without even knowing whether Wellington was safe to begin with.
If anything, Kenny's sacrifice would have ended up endangering Clementine and AJ if Wellington turns out to be overrun by the likes of people like Carver and Troy.
Dude, I was being sarcastic. I'm actually insulting Kenny. What I'm saying is that Kenny is not the only one who has lost someone close to him. Clem, Lee, Jane, Lily etc. all lost people so this is not an excuse for Kenny to be...well...Kenny (ish)
It's funny that what people miss (myself included until very recently) is even before the fight started, if Clem tells Jane to back off, she says words i believe to be "Not gonna happen. It's time to put this crusty piece of shit out of his misery". If that isn't a threat or means to kill him too then what is? Both were as bad as each other fighting in front of Clem and harming her in the process but as ive said time and time again, the fight never would have occurred if Jane hadn't put on her big hit staged production of "Where's AJ At?" with guest stars Kenny and Clementine. No one would have died either.
So Kenny attacking Jane twice in 1:48 and 2:14 on this video doesn't count as a fight or a mean to kill her? She even sheathes her weapon at 2:09 to show that she wasn't going to attack him, and he still lunges at her in an attempt to kill her.
enter link description here
And while I agree that the entire situation would never have happened had it not been for Jane and her ridiculous plan, it does prove that Kenny was capable of murdering his own team-member. Suppose if it was Clementine, or even Luke if he survived, had lost the baby in the storm, what to say that Kenny wouldn't have lost it and lashed out this violently as he was to Jane?
The action in the game was a fact, what is it that you're not getting? It's something he did, not someones opinion. But then what was MY OPINION on it was that it made him a hero. If you don't think that it's fine I don't care,
I DID say that in the beginning.
Not everyone shares the same opinion as me but I don't think I'm the only one who shares that opinion either..
Okay for the last time, I think you got me wrong there, I didn't say that my opinion was a fact. Because it's not. His ACT was a fact. Do you understand what im sayin now? And thats also what I meant in the beginning, I stick with what I say the whole time im not changing anything so dont assume that for yourself. Maybe I could have formulated it better but that was what I meant even if it didn't seem like it to you.
I feel like you took what i said entirely wrong lol.
Did i say that? I actually said "If that isn't a threat or means to kill him too then what is? They were both as bad as each other.
At 1:58 of the vid if Clem says "Jane don't!" then Jane will say the above line i said in my last post so as far as im concerned she is just as bad in that situation, it says to me that she wanted him dead as much as he did and i still feel in my opinion her "plan" wasn't just to show Clem that he's dangerous but in hope that Clem would kill Kenny as well. Certainly seems that way to me anyway
Well again this is a what if moment that we will most likely never know for sure however, based on how i truly think that Kenny feels about Clementine, i will never believe he would hurt her in that situation because i think the worst he would ever do is get angry/shout at her as shown when his new love Sarita (who he cared for as much for as he does for AJ) died/got bit, that and because deep down he cares and trusts Clem more than every other character in season 2. It's implied he sees Clem as his own child like when he called her Duck in episode 2. This is why I don't think he would do the same thing that he did to Jane.
"No, Clem, it's time to put this crusty piece of shit out of his misery".
and you call that any nicer and not saying she doesn't want to kill Kenny? I knew she said that, but I was literally rephrasing it since what she is saying is she wants to kill Kenny
honestly though forget it, I know I'm waisting my time talking about this anymore judging by how your still saying things like that
Kenny definatly proves he thinks of clem and the baby as his own but ofcourse any one who hates Kenny isn't going to see or admit that, apparently some peoples logic is if someone tries to make a plan to get you killed and hated by making it seem like they killed someone close to you, your NOT supposed to fight back (what makes it even worse is in the car jane and Kenny were already ready to kill one another in arguing, so if your enemies with someone and THEN your enemy kills someone your very close to, ofcourse your going to attack them), I'm worried about some peoples morals ¯_(ツ)_/¯
And of course , someone who hates Jane is never going to admit that Kenny was wrong to attack her after she sheathed her weapon.
I'm worried about some people's morals. ¯(ツ)/¯
your stealing jokes now? funny, that you think that someone doesn't have the right to attack if they attacked him in the first place and said insults regarding why he was no angry that she some how killed the baby, Kenny should have thrown her body to the walkers after he realized jane was trying to make Kenny look like a jerk in front of her so that clem would leave him
I was hoping to reflect on how idiotic your statement was , but it seems that has been lost on you. Not surprising.
And yes , killing someone because you THINK that they MIGHT have had something to do with someone else's death is wrong , especially when you have little proof to support this claim.
Throwing Jane's body to the Walkers would have been kind of pointless , since she was already dead.
The only one who is sounding like a idiot is the one who is trying to start insults. I knew that you were trying to reflect but the fact that you did that was unoriginal to me and basically is just copying my comeback. The only thing idiotic is what you just said, especially the last sentence, you really don't understand that what I meant is throwing janes body to the walkers would be double revenge? I wouldn't have even said "body" if I wasn't stating shes already dead, but throwing her to the walkers would just be a good final act for someone who tried to do that to Kenny. Try reading the own words you type, and read over someone's words before you try to right even a bad reply. neither Kenny or jane is anything but a fictional character so I think you need to stop getting angry over nonsense of other peoples opinions (unless you are replying to someone who gets on your nerves about it) because if this is the stuff you take offense by, all I feel is pity. I wonder why some people are either all Kenny or all jane, because of the idiotic backlash that some people take great offense by when you just offend a fictional character. Maybe it would be better if TT completely gets rid of Kenny and jane in S3 (if there still there), I would be alright with that, it would certainly stop these moronic replies that I get and keep getting myself caught in to them when I shouldn't be bothering in so called "fights" like this one, that involve video games.