Rates people?? i love this episode. really its one of the best. much better than the mid season premier, better than the premier than of season 5, better than the premier in this season. i'll get the lil "bad" parts from this episode. first of the cooking scene was too long. it was neat way to open the episode, but i felt it was too long. another thing about that scene was how Carol ACTUALLY heard the walker behind her. had that been another minor character that would've gotten killed. you know its true. and that was really my biggest problem with it. other things were so lil i jus didnt mind it. had the episode not been this good i would hated them. ill name them anyways. the way Glenn and Heath just fucking managed to just make it out of there and they just blasted back and killed everyone. well not eveyone, but basically everyone. and how all the dumbasses that rick killed in a row. i mean they just fucking kept running into the gun fire lol. i mean i guess it was just the velocity they were running down and then they couldnt stop and got killed. ok not so bad, i guess. loved the shit Father Gabriel said but it was a lil cheesy, and by that i mean the "Amen" at the end. lol c'mon just a tad bit cheesy. really not bad just a lil bit cheesy. still badass though. i think that was it. episode was great. 9/10
Ok, they swore like 20 times in this ep. This means one of two things. Either:
Amc is letting them do it for Negan!!!!!!!!!!
This is the most inconsistent swearing policy of any television network EVER.
Well Gabriel was praying for the guys soul. 'My father's land is full of houses..' = May you find a spot in heaven. And as you know praying tends to end with an Amen.
Rates people?? i love this episode. really its one of the best. much better than the mid season premier, better than the premier than of se… moreason 5, better than the premier in this season. i'll get the lil "bad" parts from this episode. first of the cooking scene was too long. it was neat way to open the episode, but i felt it was too long. another thing about that scene was how Carol ACTUALLY heard the walker behind her. had that been another minor character that would've gotten killed. you know its true. and that was really my biggest problem with it. other things were so lil i jus didnt mind it. had the episode not been this good i would hated them. ill name them anyways. the way Glenn and Heath just fucking managed to just make it out of there and they just blasted back and killed everyone. well not eveyone, but basically everyone. and how all the dumbasses that rick killed in a row. i mean they just fucking kept running into the gun fire … [view original content]
So this episode solidifies it: The Saviors (like in the comic) are an insanely large group in which most (if not all members) are sadistic or uncaring, easily joking about death and brushing aside others injuries. They also have a huge value for property (as shown when Wade took of Cams watch after chopping his hand off)
lol yeah i get it but how he said it after he shot him. lol it was a bit cheesy, just a bid. but sometimes you need some cheesiness.
(ok maybe ive seen some movies that that said a prayer and then they say amen at the end, so maybe it cuz ive seen it before. other than that i loved Father gabriel since the mid season premier. he has finally stepped up.)
Ps: my god the gun battles have gotten SO much better. remember Season 3's "gun fights? god those were bad. and holy shit was this gory lol.
Well Gabriel was praying for the guys soul. 'My father's land is full of houses..' = May you find a spot in heaven. And as you know praying tends to end with an Amen.
So is that one compound out of the many the saviours have im guessing?
Also poor Morgan, he's building a cell so they can imprison and not kill, just like Eastman.
Abraham and Eugene once again have the best lines and watching them clearing out the outpost was awesome and tense. Nice to see what one (Or more) of our beloved characters heads will look like when they meet Negan and his gal pal Lucille. Finally, that scene with Gabriel was fucking badass!
I am just getting more and more hyped up for the finale!
4th great episode in a row!!! I loved it!!! Still think Denise should've told Tara she loved her and to be honest, I got tense because I thought that anyone could literally die and I'm glad that Carol is getting more of a spotlight again I seriously can't wait, all this is getting me excited for 'All Out War'. xD
I really doubt that was 'almost every Savior'. It looked more like a single outpost. And given what we know as comic fans, yeah that was probably not even a third of the group.
I found it to be one of the most hilarious things I've seen
He practically hijacked and turned the show into a comedy, and Hardwick's passive-aggressive remarks towards him made it even better
yeah bu they can say shit and bitch. Breaking bad had a parade with bitch lol. (i know they dropped the F bombs)
i think the harder curse words are not allowed. Fuck being one of them.
Now that I'm thinking, was that motorcycle towards the end the one that got stolen from Daryl? I probably need to rewatch, but I just starting thinking about it.
Now that I'm thinking, was that motorcycle towards the end the one that got stolen from Daryl? I probably need to rewatch, but I just starting thinking about it.
Now that I'm thinking, was that motorcycle towards the end the one that got stolen from Daryl? I probably need to rewatch, but I just starting thinking about it.
Gabriel's prayer was BADASS. XD I've always liked that guy, even when everyone hated him, I knew he had it in him. I'm guessing Dwight is just around the corner.
This was a fantastic episode, an honest 10/10 from me. It's amazing how when they start actually following the comics the show becomes leagues better. This episode left us with many questions and moved the story forward and put through a lot of character development.
I loved the opening with Carol. The cookie on Sam's grave was sweet and necessary to see that Carol really cared. Carol’s character development is a nice bit of quality writing that actually feels organic and real rather than forced—though her sudden romance with Tobin felt as jarring as Rick and Michonne’s. It seemed that she had finally reached the point of wanting some semblance of normalcy and human intimacy in her life again. In the past she would have been up for a fight, but this time it was obvious that she didn't relish Rick's plan to attack the Saviors. Very well done and adds yet another layer of complexity to her character.
Abraham is a huge asshole and if Sasha gets with him without consulting Rosita first, I'm going to lose major respect points for her. Abraham is utter trash, honestly, and I hope he gets the arrow again.“When we met I thought you were the last woman on earth….but you’re not.” Poor Rosita. I really don’t want him with Sasha. Both women deserve better.
I understand that Maggie felt compelled to participate because she had negotiated the arrangement with the Hilltoppers, but I agree that Rick and Glenn should have forced her to sit this one out. Carol's frustration with Maggie is clearly coming from a place with good intent. It's Maggie's decision to be there, but Maggie's putting her baby on the line by being there so it's easy to understand why Carol isn't too pleased with her.
The moment Daryl popped up and sliced that Savior's throat I knew shit was about to get crazy. And man they didn't disappoint! I loved that whole fight scene so much. SOOOOOOO much.
I'm fricking loving the transformation of Gabriel into a warrior priest. It's about time! I liked that Gabriel was like quoting the bible or something and then shot a guy in the face. That was kind of funny.
The cliffhanger is gut-wrenching, as was watching Glenn have to kill the sleeping Savior. It's going to be interesting to see how this changes him as a character. The major key point about Glenn all of these seasons is that he's one of the few who have held on to their humanity for the longest. Now he's killed in cold blood and it was to keep his family safe, sure, but I'm honestly stunned they went there.
I couldn't tell what Morgan was doing with the welder. Morgan may intuitively know that the group is in deep trouble now.
Things are about to get very real very fast. Negan is coming. He probably has quite a lot more people than anyone suspected. Hard choices are going to need to be made. And a lot more blood is going to be shed.
They did something horrific for good reasons...... but I don't know, its debatable. I can't honestly say that they don't deserve whatever re… moretribution they get from the saviors. Rick and company can justify the shit until they're heads explode (or get bashed in), but anyway you look at it they're the aggressors.
Gabriel's prayer was BADASS. XD I've always liked that guy, even when everyone hated him, I knew he had it in him. I'm guessing Dwight is just around the corner.
Its life. People couple up, even in a zombie apocalypse. I dont understand people complaining about the romance. Its not like they do it all the time. I want to see more than just zombie killing.
Yeah, it was really bad.
damn did not noticed that.
YES LMAO. How much you wanna bet they're gonna pull the rug from under us
Ok, they swore like 20 times in this ep. This means one of two things. Either:
Amc is letting them do it for Negan!!!!!!!!!!
This is the most inconsistent swearing policy of any television network EVER.
I'd bet with Rick's hand.
Rates people?? i love this episode. really its one of the best. much better than the mid season premier, better than the premier than of season 5, better than the premier in this season. i'll get the lil "bad" parts from this episode. first of the cooking scene was too long. it was neat way to open the episode, but i felt it was too long. another thing about that scene was how Carol ACTUALLY heard the walker behind her. had that been another minor character that would've gotten killed. you know its true. and that was really my biggest problem with it. other things were so lil i jus didnt mind it. had the episode not been this good i would hated them. ill name them anyways. the way Glenn and Heath just fucking managed to just make it out of there and they just blasted back and killed everyone. well not eveyone, but basically everyone. and how all the dumbasses that rick killed in a row. i mean they just fucking kept running into the gun fire lol. i mean i guess it was just the velocity they were running down and then they couldnt stop and got killed. ok not so bad, i guess. loved the shit Father Gabriel said but it was a lil cheesy, and by that i mean the "Amen" at the end. lol c'mon just a tad bit cheesy. really not bad just a lil bit cheesy. still badass though. i think that was it. episode was great. 9/10
lol nice.
they did?? besides shit and needle-dick (i think i heard that..) i dont think they cussed much..
One guard said s-h-i-t about 7 time. The woman called Rick a prick. And they say the word Bitch twice.
Well Gabriel was praying for the guys soul. 'My father's land is full of houses..' = May you find a spot in heaven. And as you know praying tends to end with an Amen.
So this episode solidifies it: The Saviors (like in the comic) are an insanely large group in which most (if not all members) are sadistic or uncaring, easily joking about death and brushing aside others injuries. They also have a huge value for property (as shown when Wade took of Cams watch after chopping his hand off)
Truly the second most fd up people in the world.
lol yeah i get it but how he said it after he shot him. lol it was a bit cheesy, just a bid. but sometimes you need some cheesiness.
(ok maybe ive seen some movies that that said a prayer and then they say amen at the end, so maybe it cuz ive seen it before. other than that i loved Father gabriel since the mid season premier. he has finally stepped up.)
Ps: my god the gun battles have gotten SO much better. remember Season 3's "gun fights? god those were bad. and holy shit was this gory lol.
yeah bu they can say shit and bitch. Breaking bad had a parade with bitch lol. (i know they dropped the F bombs)
i think the harder curse words are not allowed. Fuck being one of them.
I'm not trying to be funny, but did anyone else notice the weed garden in the Savior Compond?( The Door that Abraham bust into)
Yes please do! I am so sick of Carol
So is that one compound out of the many the saviours have im guessing?
Also poor Morgan, he's building a cell so they can imprison and not kill, just like Eastman.
I really think something will happen to Maggie and Carol. Rick's Group almost killed every Savior.
Who do you think will be the poor guy, who Tastes Negan's Bat?
I have a feeling that morgan cell is going to be the same cell that Neegan is going to be in.
I thought the episode was great!
Abraham and Eugene once again have the best lines and watching them clearing out the outpost was awesome and tense. Nice to see what one (Or more) of our beloved characters heads will look like when they meet Negan and his gal pal Lucille. Finally, that scene with Gabriel was fucking badass!
I am just getting more and more hyped up for the finale!
I found it to be one of the most hilarious things I've seen
He practically hijacked and turned the show into a comedy, and Hardwick's passive-aggressive remarks towards him made it even better
4th great episode in a row!!! I loved it!!! Still think Denise should've told Tara she loved her and to be honest, I got tense because I thought that anyone could literally die and I'm glad that Carol is getting more of a spotlight again
I seriously can't wait, all this is getting me excited for 'All Out War'. xD
Dude spoiler tag. Please, thats at least 3 Seasons away.
I really doubt that was 'almost every Savior'. It looked more like a single outpost. And given what we know as comic fans, yeah that was probably not even a third of the group.
Edit: Forshadowing points to Daryl or Gleen.
Yeah, the most Hardwick could do is say 'Jesus' over and over.
Oh and needle dick.
Hey, Francine made a cameo at the start.
Now that I'm thinking, was that motorcycle towards the end the one that got stolen from Daryl? I probably need to rewatch, but I just starting thinking about it.
Yeah, that's why he reacted and said where did you get that
Yep, thats why Daryl started screaming 'Where did you get the bike?' as he beat the guy up.
Gabriel's prayer was BADASS. XD I've always liked that guy, even when everyone hated him, I knew he had it in him. I'm guessing Dwight is just around the corner.
This was a fantastic episode, an honest 10/10 from me. It's amazing how when they start actually following the comics the show becomes leagues better. This episode left us with many questions and moved the story forward and put through a lot of character development.
I loved the opening with Carol. The cookie on Sam's grave was sweet and necessary to see that Carol really cared. Carol’s character development is a nice bit of quality writing that actually feels organic and real rather than forced—though her sudden romance with Tobin felt as jarring as Rick and Michonne’s. It seemed that she had finally reached the point of wanting some semblance of normalcy and human intimacy in her life again. In the past she would have been up for a fight, but this time it was obvious that she didn't relish Rick's plan to attack the Saviors. Very well done and adds yet another layer of complexity to her character.
Abraham is a huge asshole and if Sasha gets with him without consulting Rosita first, I'm going to lose major respect points for her. Abraham is utter trash, honestly, and I hope he gets the arrow again.“When we met I thought you were the last woman on earth….but you’re not.” Poor Rosita. I really don’t want him with Sasha. Both women deserve better.
I understand that Maggie felt compelled to participate because she had negotiated the arrangement with the Hilltoppers, but I agree that Rick and Glenn should have forced her to sit this one out. Carol's frustration with Maggie is clearly coming from a place with good intent. It's Maggie's decision to be there, but Maggie's putting her baby on the line by being there so it's easy to understand why Carol isn't too pleased with her.
The moment Daryl popped up and sliced that Savior's throat I knew shit was about to get crazy. And man they didn't disappoint! I loved that whole fight scene so much. SOOOOOOO much.
I'm fricking loving the transformation of Gabriel into a warrior priest. It's about time! I liked that Gabriel was like quoting the bible or something and then shot a guy in the face. That was kind of funny.
The cliffhanger is gut-wrenching, as was watching Glenn have to kill the sleeping Savior. It's going to be interesting to see how this changes him as a character. The major key point about Glenn all of these seasons is that he's one of the few who have held on to their humanity for the longest. Now he's killed in cold blood and it was to keep his family safe, sure, but I'm honestly stunned they went there.
I couldn't tell what Morgan was doing with the welder. Morgan may intuitively know that the group is in deep trouble now.
Things are about to get very real very fast. Negan is coming. He probably has quite a lot more people than anyone suspected. Hard choices are going to need to be made. And a lot more blood is going to be shed.
Im preatty sure Negan is 100% going to make sure they realise that.
Wow, Carol finally finds love and the next day she gets kidnapped. Not too lucky in that department.
Yeah, I guess she does feel a little remorse for how she spooked him.
Meh, I think its time to move on. She was getting nowhere with Daryl.
I thought the same thing. He sure has changed.
Its life. People couple up, even in a zombie apocalypse. I dont understand people complaining about the romance. Its not like they do it all the time. I want to see more than just zombie killing.
I like his face.
More like slightly older sister.
Well, you remember the first love she had.......really nice guy. That should tell you enough about her luck in that departament.