I really liked this one! I loved the battle against the Dothraki
Thank you! And it was a weird idea, but I think it worked out well!
You may recall that I found Rodrik's story a bit boring before? Well I'm super into it now.
Excellent! That's great to hear. And his storyline is really going to take off in the next part.
For the first choice I chose for Asher and Beskha to go their own way. I prefer them on their own as I've always seen them as Asher and Beskha vs the world. Doing whatever the fuck they want regardless of consequence. Plus both of them hate being told what to do.
That they do. I like your thinking.
I picked revenge for Rodrik, as he's the always fight back type. I'm hoping that he doesn't kill anyone though.
Well, for the moment, "Take Revenge" has the lead, so I guess we'll have to see :P
I really liked this one! I loved the battle against the Dothraki. You may recall that I found Rodrik's story a bit boring before? Well I'm s… moreuper into it now.
For the first choice I chose for Asher and Beskha to go their own way. I prefer them on their own as I've always seen them as Asher and Beskha vs the world. Doing whatever the fuck they want regardless of consequence. Plus both of them hate being told what to do.
I picked revenge for Rodrik, as he's the always fight back type. I'm hoping that he doesn't kill anyone though.
Well damn, that may be the greatest compliment I've ever gotten about this! ^_^
Even having my work compared to theirs would have been flattering enough.
And honestly, I don't know. I don't want to drag it out, but there's still plenty of story yet to tell. It won't be finishing any time soon, that's for sure.
Well damn, that may be the greatest compliment I've ever gotten about this! ^_^
Even having my work compared to theirs would have been fl… moreattering enough.
And honestly, I don't know. I don't want to drag it out, but there's still plenty of story yet to tell. It won't be finishing any time soon, that's for sure.
Another great chapter! I literally gasped when I realized Naomi had returned.
I picked Braavos for the first choice. I can't imagine Ashe… morer and Beskha resisting the temptation of something called The free city.
I chose for Rodrik to spare Axel because he's no murderer, and this would be straight up murder. There'd be no denying it.
Thank you, I thought you'd be happy I always intended for her to return, so I decided to just do it sooner rather than later.
I picke… mored Braavos for the first choice. I can't imagine Asher and Beskha resisting the temptation of something called The free city.
Sounds good to me.
I chose for Rodrik to spare Axel because he's no murderer, and this would be straight up murder. There'd be no denying it.
Yes, if only there was no witnesses...
Haha oh man that was a twist! I did not see Axel being that bad but I suppose you never know whats within people's hearts and it's definitely time he is put down by Rodrik! Both stories continue to be going very well but Rodrik's story is without a doubt my favorite! Its very awesome how well you have added Houses Forrester and Whitehill into the northern army with both houses playing significant roles. Keep up the good work!
Haha oh man that was a twist! I did not see Axel being that bad but I suppose you never know whats within people's hearts and it's definitel… morey time he is put down by Rodrik! Both stories continue to be going very well but Rodrik's story is without a doubt my favorite! Its very awesome how well you have added Houses Forrester and Whitehill into the northern army with both houses playing significant roles. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! It was pretty difficult putting that character together with all the random stuff i threw in but it seemed it payed off! I mean come on he was basically the main villain for two whole chapters that's awesome! Yea i suppose there is but ill admit i am still pretty biased! After doing something so awful if he was spared his head is most likely ending up on a pike! So a death in battle would be a great way to go out! But it is game of thrones so if he ends up somehow surviving and being a thorn in the Forrester's side it would be pretty intriguing for sure. Either option works for me!
Well, I felt it was time the story had a certain villainous touch. and Axel fit the role nicely. He's a great character.
But I never tho… moreught you would vote to kill him, though! still, I think there is a kind of poetry to that... and I like it!
Keep up the good work!
I will be sure to do so, thank you very much.
I can't believe I haven't seen this amazing story so far I have just found it and I'm currently reading the older parts, but so far I like what I see, I like it a lot. Asher's story is my favourite right now, but I enjoy Rodrik's story just as well. I just enjoy the character of Asher a bit more than Rodrik, though they are both great and from what I've read so far, you capture them perfectly. In general, this is a great and well-written story you've created here I hope I'm not too late to join!
I never expected to get a comment from you, but I'm glad I have!
I'm not anywhere near as patient and talented as you are, I mean the shear amount of information you have to deal with on "Forum of Thrones" makes my head spin. All those characters and plotlines... it really is impressive how you deal with it all. And I hope to eventually catch up with everything that's been published.
In general, this is a great and well-written story you've created here I hope I'm not too late to join!
Thank you so much. And no, it's never too late to join!
I can't believe I haven't seen this amazing story so far I have just found it and I'm currently reading the older parts, but so far I like … morewhat I see, I like it a lot. Asher's story is my favourite right now, but I enjoy Rodrik's story just as well. I just enjoy the character of Asher a bit more than Rodrik, though they are both great and from what I've read so far, you capture them perfectly. In general, this is a great and well-written story you've created here I hope I'm not too late to join!
I'm not anywhere near as patient and talented as you are, I mean the shear amount of information you have to deal with on "Forum of Thrones" makes my head spin. All those characters and plotlines... it really is impressive how you deal with it all. And I hope to eventually catch up with everything that's been published.
You flatter me ^^ Thank you very much, it's nice to hear this. Not gonna lie though, planning everything makes my head spin as well from time to time XD I'd be honoured if you want to join, you're always welcome. Also, I think you're selling yourself short. I'm currently at the end of Asher's third part and the detail is just amazing. The characters are nicely fleshed out (Beskha is awesome ) and your writing has a really good flow to it. I can't wait until I have fully caught up.
Thank you so much. And no, it's never too late to join!
That sounds good! I will try to catch up over the next few days, so that I can vote once the next part is out. By the way, do you still accept submitted characters? I was just checking out the character submission and found out that it is already closed. If you still accept characters, I would like to create one or two, once I have fully caught up.
I never expected to get a comment from you, but I'm glad I have!
I'm not anywhere near as patient and talented as you are, I mean the sh… moreear amount of information you have to deal with on "Forum of Thrones" makes my head spin. All those characters and plotlines... it really is impressive how you deal with it all. And I hope to eventually catch up with everything that's been published.
In general, this is a great and well-written story you've created here I hope I'm not too late to join!
Thank you so much. And no, it's never too late to join!
You flatter me ^^ Thank you very much, it's nice to hear this. Not gonna lie though, planning everything makes my head spin as well from time to time XD I'd be honoured if you want to join, you're always welcome. Also, I think you're selling yourself short. I'm currently at the end of Asher's third part and the detail is just amazing.
I bet it does! I struggle enough with two viewpoint characters, and just a handful of submitted ones. :P But I appreciate your words. I've always assumed my writing was pretty poor (like most people, I would have thought) but all this has been such a confidence boost! As is, knowing you're not only reading it, but enjoying it as well. So thank you again.
That sounds good! I will try to catch up over the next few days, so that I can vote once the next part is out. By the way, do you still accept submitted characters? I was just checking out the character submission and found out that it is already closed. If you still accept characters, I would like to create one or two, once I have fully caught up.
There's plenty of time, so no rush! And I will of course be reading more and more "Forum of Thrones" the first chance I get. I'm looking forward to it. And yes, I accept submitted characters! It wasn't meant to be closed, that's a mistake, one I'll fix right now. I'd love to see what you submit!
I'm not anywhere near as patient and talented as you are, I mean the shear amount of information you have to deal with on "Forum of Thrones"… more makes my head spin. All those characters and plotlines... it really is impressive how you deal with it all. And I hope to eventually catch up with everything that's been published.
You flatter me ^^ Thank you very much, it's nice to hear this. Not gonna lie though, planning everything makes my head spin as well from time to time XD I'd be honoured if you want to join, you're always welcome. Also, I think you're selling yourself short. I'm currently at the end of Asher's third part and the detail is just amazing. The characters are nicely fleshed out (Beskha is awesome ) and your writing has a really good flow to it. I can't wait until I have fully caught up.
Thank you so much. And no, it's never too late to join!
That sounds good! I will try to catch up over the next few days, so … [view original content]
For the first choice I picked help the second Sons, because...
For the second I picked Gared. I don't trust this, they clearly want Rodrik to fight for some reason. I feel it's good to show that Rodrik has loyal followers. Plus Gared's character has been a bit lacking, I think it's time to see him shine.
Gared Tuttle VS Torrhen Whitehill. A pig farmer turned squire against a Lord in training. Sounds awesome!
Haha, alright then! I see where you're coming from.
For the second I picked Gared. I don't trust this, they clearly want Rodrik to fight for some reason. I feel it's good to show that Rodrik has loyal followers. Plus Gared's character has been a bit lacking, I think it's time to see him shine. Gared Tuttle Vs Torrhen Whitehill.
I like the reasoning there. I can get behind that. It certainly does sound awesome.
For the first choice I picked help the second Sons, because...
For the second I picked Gared. I don't trust this, th… moreey clearly want Rodrik to fight for some reason. I feel it's good to show that Rodrik has loyal followers. Plus Gared's character has been a bit lacking, I think it's time to see him shine.
Gared Tuttle VS Torrhen Whitehill. A pig farmer turned squire against a Lord in training. Sounds awesome!
Another very well written chapter ! Rodrik's choice feels very obvious however, especially considering how we saw Gared fight before being trained at Castle Black. Can't wait to see the next part :P
EDIT: Small subjective criticism, I feel like Rodrik does everything: Taking down the Kingslayer, fighting the Mountain almost by himself and mostly holding his ground, having met and played with the Stark children as a child... I really love your fanfiction and it's one of the best I've ever read, but I just feel like Rodrik could be less of a "does everything, meets everyone" kind of person, not that I mind it
Another very well written chapter ! Rodrik's choice feels very obvious however, especially considering how we saw Gared fight before being trained at Castle Black. Can't wait to see the next part :P
Thank you. I appreciate it! But remember, this is still a while before Gared's training at Castle Black -- so he's not quite as trained and competent at fighting by this point, as he was then. If I understand your meaning. I mean, he's still a bit unsullied here.
EDIT: Small subjective criticism, I feel like Rodrik does everything: Taking down the Kingslayer, fighting the Mountain almost by himself and mostly holding his ground, having met and played with the Stark children as a child... I really love your fanfiction and it's one of the best I've ever read, but I just feel like Rodrik could be less of a "does everything, meets everyone" kind of person, not that I mind it
I hear what you're saying, but I think I play it up a bit more than it really is. As he says, he's only met some of the Stark children, and it was only on two separate occasions. And while he does take down the Kingslayer, he doesn't do it alone; and by that point in battle, Jaime had been fighting for hours, while Rodrik was relatively fresh. Many northerners even reference this, throughout the story. Also, the Mountain actually overpowered Rodrik, and knocked him to the ground, likely would have killed him too, were it not for his Sentinel. The fact we're seeing it from Rodrik's POV, is the main reason he seems a bit like the centre of the universe... I mean, everyone is the hero of their own story, right? :P
My main motivation with the Rodrik chapters is to set up this accomplished and renowned firstborn; so when the events of the Twins happens, you realize the massive toll and change it takes on him. A bit like how Jaime goes from being the legendary Kingslayer, to a mere, crippled prisoner.
Still, I will of course take this into consideration for the next part, and the rest of the story. So that his story doesn't feel quite as over-the-top. Thanks for the feedback!
Another very well written chapter ! Rodrik's choice feels very obvious however, especially considering how we saw Gared fight before being … moretrained at Castle Black. Can't wait to see the next part :P
EDIT: Small subjective criticism, I feel like Rodrik does everything: Taking down the Kingslayer, fighting the Mountain almost by himself and mostly holding his ground, having met and played with the Stark children as a child... I really love your fanfiction and it's one of the best I've ever read, but I just feel like Rodrik could be less of a "does everything, meets everyone" kind of person, not that I mind it
Thank you. I appreciate it! But remember, this is still a while before Gared's training at Castle Black -- so he's not quite as trained and competent at fighting by this point, as he was then. If I understand your meaning. I mean, he's still a bit unsullied here.
By that I meant exactly that haha, he definitely shouldn't fight Torrhen.
Regarding your 2nd argument, I definitely understand your point of view and what you are saying
Another very well written chapter ! Rodrik's choice feels very obvious however, especially considering how we saw Gared fight before being … moretrained at Castle Black. Can't wait to see the next part :P
Thank you. I appreciate it! But remember, this is still a while before Gared's training at Castle Black -- so he's not quite as trained and competent at fighting by this point, as he was then. If I understand your meaning. I mean, he's still a bit unsullied here.
EDIT: Small subjective criticism, I feel like Rodrik does everything: Taking down the Kingslayer, fighting the Mountain almost by himself and mostly holding his ground, having met and played with the Stark children as a child... I really love your fanfiction and it's one of the best I've ever read, but I just feel like Rodrik could be less of a "does everything, meets everyone" kind of person, not that I mind it
I hear what you're saying, but I think I play it up … [view original content]
Regarding your 2nd argument, I definitely understand your point of view and what you are saying
As I do, with you. I hope I didn't come across as defensive, I was just trying to shed some light on my thought process. I do honestly appreciate your words; and I will think on them for the next part.
Thank you. I appreciate it! But remember, this is still a while before Gared's training at Castle Black -- so he's not quite as trained and… more competent at fighting by this point, as he was then. If I understand your meaning. I mean, he's still a bit unsullied here.
By that I meant exactly that haha, he definitely shouldn't fight Torrhen.
Regarding your 2nd argument, I definitely understand your point of view and what you are saying
I have finally caught up, in time to vote. It has been a wonderful read and I've enjoyed every second of it so far. Now I'm super excited for future parts. Thank you so much for writing this By the way, I was especially impressed how you wrote Jaime Lannister. You do a great job writing the canon characters in general, but Jaime stands out for me. I find him to be one of the most complex characters in the books, so I imagine it must have been difficult to write him in-character during his talk with Rodrik, but you did amazing work there. Shame that we likely won't see more of him, because his appearance has been a highlight for me.
At first I thought that Asher's storyline would be my favourite, but after reading everything, I started to enjoy Rodrik's at least as much, starting with his arrival in Harrenhal. The talk with Jaime in the third part and the confrontation with Axel in the seventh are definitely my favourite moments in the entire story. At the same time, Beskha is definitely my favourite character and Asher's storyline in general is just as exciting as Rodrik's, so I like both storylines equally.
As for this part, it contains my favourite Asher moment in the story so far. The discussion between Naomi and Beskha has been hilarious. Also, I've learned that bananas and kiwis are actually berries, so this story is officially educational now. For his choice, I chose to help the village, even though I don't think this is going to win. I can understand why the village helped the Dothraki and I don't think they deserve to get killed (or worse) by the Second Sons for this. I mean, the one who made the deal with the Dothraki is probably the Elder. If the Second Sons want to punish him, so be it, but there are more people there who are likely entirely innocent and who would likely be killed as well if no one helps them.
I also enjoyed Rodrik's part. The battle against the Mountain was epic and the court scene was intense. I must say, I genuinely hate Axel, but in a good way. I love to hate him and I hope he gets what he deserves. For the choice, I chose to let Gared fight Torrhen. I agree with Agent's reasoning, Gared could need a bit more screentime. Also, this is clearly part of some Whitehill plot. Ludd wouldn't risk his heir for no reason, especially not to just defend someone like Axel, who brings nothing but shame to the family. He plans something and it probably includes the death of the man who is chosen to fight against Torrhen. Rodrik has shown to have a very bad temper, which Ludd clearly tries to use against him here, but I always thought of Gared as calmer and more collected, so it should be harder for the Whitehills to use his weaknesses against him.
Now that I've caught up, I'm going to think of some characters to submit Two questions though, before I start writing anything down: First, is there any type of character you don't really need? Also, is there a limit to how many characters we can submit? Currently I have an idea for two characters in Essos, but I would actually like to submit one character for Rodrik's storyline as well.
Hey, you caught up way quicker than I expected, that's great! I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts, and I totally agree with you about Jaime Lannister. That's actually, by far, my biggest regret of the story--not doing more with his character, while I could. I'm almost tempted to go back and extend those scenes. He's actually my favourite character from the show and books. It is a shame there's no real way to include him in the story now--unles Rodrik returns to Harrenhal when Jaime arrives there with Brienne, but that seems a bit unlikely. Hmm. I don't know. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed that part; it's probably my all-time favourite!
And I'm glad you like both storyline's equally. I don't feel like I give either one extra treatment over the other--though I think I feel like most do, that Asher's story starts out the best, but Rodrik's slowly surpasses it as we go along. Maybe? Whatever, I love both. And I'm super happy you like my portrayal of Beskha!
And her scenes with Naomi; I thought they'd be good opportunities to breathe some humour AND light into the story. (And inadverdently, a bit of education haha) I actually found out that fact with the berries, a few hours before writing, so when it came to that chapter--I just worked in, and somehow, it fit perfectly. That was a result.
Moreover, I would actually vote to defend the village myself; Asher is a hero at heart. I'm quite surprised the poll results for that choice have been as low as they have. And I'm glad you hate Axel in a good way, I guess that means I did my job properly. And I agree with you and @AgentZ46 Gared has been very underused; I will fix that. It's a bit of a shame he's been outvoted for the fight against Torrhen (For now). Oh well. I will think of something.
Also, this is clearly part of some Whitehill plot. Ludd wouldn't risk his heir for no reason, especially not to just defend someone like Axel, who brings nothing but shame to the family. He plans something and it probably includes the death of the man who is chosen to fight against Torrhen. Rodrik has shown to have a very bad temper, which Ludd clearly tries to use against him here, but I always thought of Gared as calmer and more collected, so it should be harder for the Whitehills to use his weaknesses against him.
Very clever. Very. But I'm not saying more than that. :P
Now that I've caught up, I'm going to think of some characters to submit Two questions though, before I start writing anything down: First, is there any type of character you don't really need? Also, is there a limit to how many characters we can submit? Currently I have an idea for two characters in Essos, but I would actually like to submit one character for Rodrik's storyline as well.
I don't want to limit anyone's creativity--so no, submit as many characters as you like, and they can be whoever you like. I look forward to reading about them! And thanks again! It's been really delightful reading through all your thoughts.
I have finally caught up, in time to vote. It has been a wonderful read and I've enjoyed every second of it so far. Now I'm super excited fo… morer future parts. Thank you so much for writing this By the way, I was especially impressed how you wrote Jaime Lannister. You do a great job writing the canon characters in general, but Jaime stands out for me. I find him to be one of the most complex characters in the books, so I imagine it must have been difficult to write him in-character during his talk with Rodrik, but you did amazing work there. Shame that we likely won't see more of him, because his appearance has been a highlight for me.
At first I thought that Asher's storyline would be my favourite, but after reading everything, I started to enjoy Rodrik's at least as much, starting with his arrival in Harrenhal. The talk with Jaime in the third part and the confrontation with Axel in the seventh are definitely my favourite moments in the ent… [view original content]
Hey, you caught up way quicker than I expected, that's great!
At first, I planned to take it a bit slower and to catch up over a couple of days, but it was just such an engrossing read that I wasn't able to put it down until I was all caught up
though I think I feel like most do, that Asher's story starts out the best, but Rodrik's slowly surpasses it as we go along.
Indeed, I feel like Asher's story started out stronger, but remained on that high level ever since, while Rodrik's started a bit weaker but gradually got better, especially once the Harrenhal parts started. I also think that Rodrik's story has more highlights, from the talk with Jaime, to the confrontation with Axel, to the duel with the Mountain. I don't feel like it surpassed Asher's story though, not yet at least, but it is at least on the same level for me.
Moreover, I would actually vote to defend the village myself; Asher is a hero at heart. I'm quite surprised the poll results for that choice have been as low as they have.
To my surprise, it looks like helping the village made a serious comeback I definitely see it as more in line with Asher's character. He's a sellsword and at this point probably more pragmatic than Rodrik, but he never appeared to me as the kind of sellsword who would commit an atrocity like slaughtering an entire village just to get some gold, no matter how nice this gold might be. I agree that he's a hero at heart, despite the things that happened in his life. He's still a Forrester after all.
I don't want to limit anyone's creativity--so no, submit as many characters as you like, and they can be whoever you like. I look forward to reading about them!
Okay, I have just submitted two characters. Writing them was a lot of fun, so I hope you like them!
Hey, you caught up way quicker than I expected, that's great! I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts, and I totally agree with you about… more Jaime Lannister. That's actually, by far, my biggest regret of the story--not doing more with his character, while I could. I'm almost tempted to go back and extend those scenes. He's actually my favourite character from the show and books. It is a shame there's no real way to include him in the story now--unles Rodrik returns to Harrenhal when Jaime arrives there with Brienne, but that seems a bit unlikely. Hmm. I don't know. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed that part; it's probably my all-time favourite!
And I'm glad you like both storyline's equally. I don't feel like I give either one extra treatment over the other--though I think I feel like most do, that Asher's story starts out the best, but Rodrik's slowly surpasses it as we go along. Maybe? Whatever, I love both. And I'm super happy you like my … [view original content]
it was just such an engrossing read that I wasn't able to put it down until I was all caught up
Well you're too kind! ^_^ but thank you, that's great to hear.
I don't feel like it surpassed Asher's story though, not yet at least, but it is at least on the same level for me.
When I finish all the parts, I think I'll do a poll to see whose storyline--in its entirety--people enjoyed most. That will be interesting. For now, so long as people are enjoying Asher and Rodrik's story, I'm happy. After all, I enjoy writing them both; since they are both great characters, in totally different and interesting settings.
To my surprise, it looks like helping the village made a serious comeback I definitely see it as more in line with Asher's character
I know! I just noticed that myself. I wonder if our words swayed people. And I'd also agree; it feels more in-character. Not that I don't see the other choices as being in-character, and valid choices, of course I do--I wouldn't have included them otherwise. But my particular preference falls in-line with yours, I think.
Okay, I have just submitted two characters. Writing them was a lot of fun, so I hope you like them!
And I just got finished reading about Kren and Kara! I love how detailed you've made it--there is so much to work with! I also love how--whether this was intentional or not, I don't know, but it's great--how they are a bit of a flip-side to Asher and Beskha themselves! Except, in their case, they're real brother and sisters. I already have a few plans in mind for roles they can fulfil, moving forward. So thank you, it's great stuff!
Hey, you caught up way quicker than I expected, that's great!
At first, I planned to take it a bit slower and to catch up over a cou… moreple of days, but it was just such an engrossing read that I wasn't able to put it down until I was all caught up
though I think I feel like most do, that Asher's story starts out the best, but Rodrik's slowly surpasses it as we go along.
Indeed, I feel like Asher's story started out stronger, but remained on that high level ever since, while Rodrik's started a bit weaker but gradually got better, especially once the Harrenhal parts started. I also think that Rodrik's story has more highlights, from the talk with Jaime, to the confrontation with Axel, to the duel with the Mountain. I don't feel like it surpassed Asher's story though, not yet at least, but it is at least on the same level for me.
Moreover, I would actually vote to defend the village myself; Asher is a hero at heart. I'm… [view original content]
Now that I am remembering we had the chance to kill axel, we should have fucking voted for that, haha
I enjoyed it, you make a great job at writing these fights, Dillon, Keep it up
still, I thought Rodrik had a Seizure or something, hahaha
If you need help with anything, you know where to get me
Now that I am remembering we had the chance to kill axel, we should have fucking voted for that, haha
I enjoyed it, you make a great job a… moret writing these fights, Dillon, Keep it up
still, I thought Rodrik had a Seizure or something, hahaha
If you need help with anything, you know where to get me
And what it came down to was; Asher and Beskha will be in Yunkai very soon, and canonically, obviously, they were there alone. Just the two of them. So Naomi had to split up from them relatively soon. So I figured I'd have her go out like a hero this time, as opposed to how she did last time. Also, no proper character has been killed off yet -- so I felt I had to embrace the Game of Thrones name, and live up to that reputation. Basically, there were a lot of reasons.
But I'm still sorry... and kinda regret it... and feel bad... and will miss her in the next part... Forgive me!
Hang in there, mate. You have my condolences.
And what it came down to was; Asher and Beskha will be in Yunkai very soon, and canonicall… morey, obviously, they were there alone. Just the two of them. So Naomi had to split up from them relatively soon. So I figured I'd have her go out like a hero this time, as opposed to how she did last time. Also, no proper character has been killed off yet -- so I felt I had to embrace the Game of Thrones name, and live up to that reputation. Basically, there were a lot of reasons.
But I'm still sorry... and kinda regret it... and feel bad... and will miss her in the next part... Forgive me!
Edit: this silence is killing me.
Naomi Oh man, now I regret choosing to defend the village, especially as they were ultimately not achieving much. At least, Asher, Beskha and Naomi did what was right instead of killing innocents, though in retrospect, I would have chosen to abandom them all. I'll definitely miss Naomi, she was a nice addition to Asher and Beskha. Her death was not only surprising, but also so far the saddest moment in the entire story. On a positive side, the battle was epic. I also had the correct feeling that this would mark the point where Two-Eyed Croft turned into One-Eyed Croft For this choice, I chose to go to Astapor. No real reason for it, as I'm kinda neutral about it, I just like Astapor a little bit more. Out of interest, what would have happened if we would have chosen differently? Specifically with Naomi.
Rodrik's PoV was also awesome! I knew the Whitehills planned something, damn them! For this choice, I chose Ludd. This poison stuff reeks of Ludd. I don't think Axel has the backbone to do that without him. Meanwhile, Torrhen was probably informed about the plan, but I doubt he was behind it. The whole trial by combat was Ludd's idea, so he's my prime suspect.
I'll definitely miss Naomi, she was a nice addition to Asher and Beskha. Her death was not only surprising, but also so far the saddest moment in the entire story
I know! :-'( I actually surprised myself with how sad just writing that scene made me. It really make's that storyline feel a lot more empty; but at the same time, finally lends it that true Game of Thrones authenticity. I felt, up to this point, I'd been far too merciful, so... It was necessary evil, I think. One I don't feel good about.
For this choice, I chose to go to Astapor. No real reason for it, as I'm kinda neutral about it, I just like Astapor a little bit more. Out of interest, what would have happened if we would have chosen differently? Specifically with Naomi.
Fair enough! and Naomi was also going to die in the Second Sons version, but survive in the abandon choice.
Rodrik's PoV was also awesome! I knew the Whitehills planned something, damn them! For this choice, I chose Ludd. This poison stuff reeks of Ludd. I don't think Axel has the backbone to do that without him. Meanwhile, Torrhen was probably informed about the plan, but I doubt he was behind it. The whole trial by combat was Ludd's idea, so he's my prime suspect.
Haha, you and @AgentZ46 picked up there was more going on that it seemed--and you were right! I like your reasoning there, as well, with Ludd. As ever, it's great to hear your thoughts, and a real pleasure to know you're taking part in all this with us. (I apologise for this short reply. I'm on my phone at the moment) but thanks! Your words are very much appreciated.
Naomi Oh man, now I regret choosing to defend the village, especially as they were ultimately not achieving much. At least, Asher, Beskha a… morend Naomi did what was right instead of killing innocents, though in retrospect, I would have chosen to abandom them all. I'll definitely miss Naomi, she was a nice addition to Asher and Beskha. Her death was not only surprising, but also so far the saddest moment in the entire story. On a positive side, the battle was epic. I also had the correct feeling that this would mark the point where Two-Eyed Croft turned into One-Eyed Croft For this choice, I chose to go to Astapor. No real reason for it, as I'm kinda neutral about it, I just like Astapor a little bit more. Out of interest, what would have happened if we would have chosen differently? Specifically with Naomi.
Rodrik's PoV was also awesome! I knew the Whitehills planned something, damn them! For this choice, I chose Ludd. This poison stuff reek… [view original content]
Thank you! And it was a weird idea, but I think it worked out well!
Excellent! That's great to hear. And his storyline is really going to take off in the next part.
That they do. I like your thinking.
Well, for the moment, "Take Revenge" has the lead, so I guess we'll have to see :P
Such a nice fan made story.Seriously I find this better than Season 2 AU and Forum of thrones.How long will this series be?
Well damn, that may be the greatest compliment I've ever gotten about this! ^_^
Even having my work compared to theirs would have been flattering enough.
And honestly, I don't know. I don't want to drag it out, but there's still plenty of story yet to tell. It won't be finishing any time soon, that's for sure.
Great to hear c:
Oh one last question whose story do you like more? At first I was liking Asher's then I realized rodriks existed so I'm starting to like his
I love them both, but Rodrik and his storyline will always occupy a special place in my heart.
Aaaaandddddd Part 7 is up. It's a lot shorter than I originally planned... but hopefully you'll all like it.
Part 8 will be much longer, I promise.
Another great chapter! I literally gasped when I realized Naomi had returned.
I picked Braavos for the first choice. I can't imagine Asher and Beskha resisting the temptation of something called The free city.
I chose for Rodrik to spare Axel because he's no murderer, and this would be straight up murder. There'd be no denying it.
Thank you, I thought you'd be happy
I always intended for her to return, so I decided to just do it sooner rather than later.
Sounds good to me.
Yes, if only there was no witnesses...
Witnesses or not it's still murder
Haha oh man that was a twist! I did not see Axel being that bad but I suppose you never know whats within people's hearts and it's definitely time he is put down by Rodrik! Both stories continue to be going very well but Rodrik's story is without a doubt my favorite! Its very awesome how well you have added Houses Forrester and Whitehill into the northern army with both houses playing significant roles. Keep up the good work!
Well, I felt it was time the story had a certain villainous touch.
and Axel fit the role nicely. He's a great character.
But I never thought you would vote to kill him, though!
still, I think there is a kind of poetry to that... and I like it!
I will be sure to do so, thank you very much.
Thanks! It was pretty difficult putting that character together with all the random stuff i threw in but it seemed it payed off! I mean come on he was basically the main villain for two whole chapters that's awesome! Yea i suppose there is but ill admit i am still pretty biased! After doing something so awful if he was spared his head is most likely ending up on a pike! So a death in battle would be a great way to go out! But it is game of thrones so if he ends up somehow surviving and being a thorn in the Forrester's side it would be pretty intriguing for sure. Either option works for me!
Aaaaandddddd Part 8 is up.
I can't believe I haven't seen this amazing story so far
I have just found it and I'm currently reading the older parts, but so far I like what I see, I like it a lot. Asher's story is my favourite right now, but I enjoy Rodrik's story just as well. I just enjoy the character of Asher a bit more than Rodrik, though they are both great and from what I've read so far, you capture them perfectly. In general, this is a great and well-written story you've created here
I hope I'm not too late to join!
I never expected to get a comment from you, but I'm glad I have!
I'm not anywhere near as patient and talented as you are, I mean the shear amount of information you have to deal with on "Forum of Thrones" makes my head spin.
All those characters and plotlines... it really is impressive how you deal with it all. And I hope to eventually catch up with everything that's been published.
Thank you so much. And no, it's never too late to join!
You flatter me ^^ Thank you very much, it's nice to hear this. Not gonna lie though, planning everything makes my head spin as well from time to time XD I'd be honoured if you want to join, you're always welcome. Also, I think you're selling yourself short. I'm currently at the end of Asher's third part and the detail is just amazing. The characters are nicely fleshed out (Beskha is awesome
) and your writing has a really good flow to it. I can't wait until I have fully caught up.
That sounds good! I will try to catch up over the next few days, so that I can vote once the next part is out. By the way, do you still accept submitted characters? I was just checking out the character submission and found out that it is already closed. If you still accept characters, I would like to create one or two, once I have fully caught up.
I bet it does! I struggle enough with two viewpoint characters, and just a handful of submitted ones. :P But I appreciate your words. I've always assumed my writing was pretty poor (like most people, I would have thought) but all this has been such a confidence boost! As is, knowing you're not only reading it, but enjoying it as well.
So thank you again.
There's plenty of time, so no rush! And I will of course be reading more and more "Forum of Thrones" the first chance I get. I'm looking forward to it. And yes, I accept submitted characters! It wasn't meant to be closed, that's a mistake, one I'll fix right now. I'd love to see what you submit!
For the first choice I picked help the second Sons, because...
For the second I picked Gared. I don't trust this, they clearly want Rodrik to fight for some reason. I feel it's good to show that Rodrik has loyal followers. Plus Gared's character has been a bit lacking, I think it's time to see him shine.
Gared Tuttle VS Torrhen Whitehill. A pig farmer turned squire against a Lord in training. Sounds awesome!
Haha, alright then!
I see where you're coming from.
I like the reasoning there. I can get behind that. It certainly does sound awesome.
Another very well written chapter
! Rodrik's choice feels very obvious however, especially considering how we saw Gared fight before being trained at Castle Black. Can't wait to see the next part :P
EDIT: Small subjective criticism, I feel like Rodrik does everything: Taking down the Kingslayer, fighting the Mountain almost by himself and mostly holding his ground, having met and played with the Stark children as a child... I really love your fanfiction and it's one of the best I've ever read, but I just feel like Rodrik could be less of a "does everything, meets everyone" kind of person, not that I mind it
Thank you.
I appreciate it! But remember, this is still a while before Gared's training at Castle Black -- so he's not quite as trained and competent at fighting by this point, as he was then. If I understand your meaning. I mean, he's still a bit unsullied here.
I hear what you're saying, but I think I play it up a bit more than it really is. As he says, he's only met some of the Stark children, and it was only on two separate occasions. And while he does take down the Kingslayer, he doesn't do it alone; and by that point in battle, Jaime had been fighting for hours, while Rodrik was relatively fresh. Many northerners even reference this, throughout the story. Also, the Mountain actually overpowered Rodrik, and knocked him to the ground, likely would have killed him too, were it not for his Sentinel. The fact we're seeing it from Rodrik's POV, is the main reason he seems a bit like the centre of the universe... I mean, everyone is the hero of their own story, right? :P
My main motivation with the Rodrik chapters is to set up this accomplished and renowned firstborn; so when the events of the Twins happens, you realize the massive toll and change it takes on him. A bit like how Jaime goes from being the legendary Kingslayer, to a mere, crippled prisoner.
Still, I will of course take this into consideration for the next part, and the rest of the story.
So that his story doesn't feel quite as over-the-top. Thanks for the feedback!
By that I meant exactly that haha, he definitely shouldn't fight Torrhen.
Regarding your 2nd argument, I definitely understand your point of view and what you are saying
Oh, oops, haha
then my mistake!
As I do, with you. I hope I didn't come across as defensive, I was just trying to shed some light on my thought process. I do honestly appreciate your words; and I will think on them for the next part.
I have finally caught up, in time to vote. It has been a wonderful read and I've enjoyed every second of it so far. Now I'm super excited for future parts. Thank you so much for writing this
By the way, I was especially impressed how you wrote Jaime Lannister. You do a great job writing the canon characters in general, but Jaime stands out for me. I find him to be one of the most complex characters in the books, so I imagine it must have been difficult to write him in-character during his talk with Rodrik, but you did amazing work there. Shame that we likely won't see more of him, because his appearance has been a highlight for me.
At first I thought that Asher's storyline would be my favourite, but after reading everything, I started to enjoy Rodrik's at least as much, starting with his arrival in Harrenhal. The talk with Jaime in the third part and the confrontation with Axel in the seventh are definitely my favourite moments in the entire story. At the same time, Beskha is definitely my favourite character and Asher's storyline in general is just as exciting as Rodrik's, so I like both storylines equally.
As for this part, it contains my favourite Asher moment in the story so far. The discussion between Naomi and Beskha has been hilarious. Also, I've learned that bananas and kiwis are actually berries, so this story is officially educational now. For his choice, I chose to help the village, even though I don't think this is going to win. I can understand why the village helped the Dothraki and I don't think they deserve to get killed (or worse) by the Second Sons for this. I mean, the one who made the deal with the Dothraki is probably the Elder. If the Second Sons want to punish him, so be it, but there are more people there who are likely entirely innocent and who would likely be killed as well if no one helps them.
I also enjoyed Rodrik's part. The battle against the Mountain was epic and the court scene was intense. I must say, I genuinely hate Axel, but in a good way. I love to hate him and I hope he gets what he deserves. For the choice, I chose to let Gared fight Torrhen. I agree with Agent's reasoning, Gared could need a bit more screentime. Also, this is clearly part of some Whitehill plot. Ludd wouldn't risk his heir for no reason, especially not to just defend someone like Axel, who brings nothing but shame to the family. He plans something and it probably includes the death of the man who is chosen to fight against Torrhen. Rodrik has shown to have a very bad temper, which Ludd clearly tries to use against him here, but I always thought of Gared as calmer and more collected, so it should be harder for the Whitehills to use his weaknesses against him.
Now that I've caught up, I'm going to think of some characters to submit
Two questions though, before I start writing anything down: First, is there any type of character you don't really need? Also, is there a limit to how many characters we can submit? Currently I have an idea for two characters in Essos, but I would actually like to submit one character for Rodrik's storyline as well.
Hey, you caught up way quicker than I expected, that's great!
I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts, and I totally agree with you about Jaime Lannister. That's actually, by far, my biggest regret of the story--not doing more with his character, while I could. I'm almost tempted to go back and extend those scenes. He's actually my favourite character from the show and books. It is a shame there's no real way to include him in the story now--unles Rodrik returns to Harrenhal when Jaime arrives there with Brienne, but that seems a bit unlikely. Hmm. I don't know. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed that part; it's probably my all-time favourite!
And I'm glad you like both storyline's equally.
I don't feel like I give either one extra treatment over the other--though I think I feel like most do, that Asher's story starts out the best, but Rodrik's slowly surpasses it as we go along. Maybe? Whatever, I love both.
And I'm super happy you like my portrayal of Beskha!
And her scenes with Naomi; I thought they'd be good opportunities to breathe some humour AND light into the story. (And inadverdently, a bit of education haha) I actually found out that fact with the berries, a few hours before writing, so when it came to that chapter--I just worked in, and somehow, it fit perfectly.
That was a result.
Moreover, I would actually vote to defend the village myself; Asher is a hero at heart. I'm quite surprised the poll results for that choice have been as low as they have. And I'm glad you hate Axel in a good way, I guess that means I did my job properly.
And I agree with you and @AgentZ46 Gared has been very underused; I will fix that. It's a bit of a shame he's been outvoted for the fight against Torrhen (For now). Oh well. I will think of something.
Very clever. Very. But I'm not saying more than that. :P
I don't want to limit anyone's creativity--so no, submit as many characters as you like, and they can be whoever you like.
I look forward to reading about them! And thanks again! It's been really delightful reading through all your thoughts.
At first, I planned to take it a bit slower and to catch up over a couple of days, but it was just such an engrossing read that I wasn't able to put it down until I was all caught up
Indeed, I feel like Asher's story started out stronger, but remained on that high level ever since, while Rodrik's started a bit weaker but gradually got better, especially once the Harrenhal parts started. I also think that Rodrik's story has more highlights, from the talk with Jaime, to the confrontation with Axel, to the duel with the Mountain. I don't feel like it surpassed Asher's story though, not yet at least, but it is at least on the same level for me.
To my surprise, it looks like helping the village made a serious comeback
I definitely see it as more in line with Asher's character. He's a sellsword and at this point probably more pragmatic than Rodrik, but he never appeared to me as the kind of sellsword who would commit an atrocity like slaughtering an entire village just to get some gold, no matter how nice this gold might be. I agree that he's a hero at heart, despite the things that happened in his life. He's still a Forrester after all.
Okay, I have just submitted two characters. Writing them was a lot of fun, so I hope you like them!
Well you're too kind! ^_^ but thank you, that's great to hear.
When I finish all the parts, I think I'll do a poll to see whose storyline--in its entirety--people enjoyed most. That will be interesting.
For now, so long as people are enjoying Asher and Rodrik's story, I'm happy. After all, I enjoy writing them both; since they are both great characters, in totally different and interesting settings.
I know! I just noticed that myself. I wonder if our words swayed people.
And I'd also agree; it feels more in-character. Not that I don't see the other choices as being in-character, and valid choices, of course I do--I wouldn't have included them otherwise. But my particular preference falls in-line with yours, I think.
And I just got finished reading about Kren and Kara! I love how detailed you've made it--there is so much to work with!
I also love how--whether this was intentional or not, I don't know, but it's great--how they are a bit of a flip-side to Asher and Beskha themselves! Except, in their case, they're real brother and sisters. I already have a few plans in mind for roles they can fulfil, moving forward. So thank you, it's great stuff! 
Aaaaandddddd Part 9 is now up. I apologise for the long wait, and short amount of pages.
Hopefully you enjoy!
Now that I am remembering we had the chance to kill axel, we should have fucking voted for that, haha

I enjoyed it, you make a great job at writing these fights, Dillon, Keep it up
still, I thought Rodrik had a Seizure or something, hahaha
If you need help with anything, you know where to get me
You said it, not me :P
Thank you! As always, it's nice to hear your thoughts.
Haha, no seizure, but it was still pretty bad, wasn't it?
And I do indeed, thanks again!
Oh god, I've been waiting for this. I feel so bad I can't even tell you...
Feel bad? Why?
For the atrocity I committed.
Oh, I'll survive. I'm super sad though. I didn't expect her to die this soon.
Hang in there, mate. You have my condolences.
And what it came down to was; Asher and Beskha will be in Yunkai very soon, and canonically, obviously, they were there alone. Just the two of them. So Naomi had to split up from them relatively soon. So I figured I'd have her go out like a hero this time, as opposed to how she did last time. Also, no proper character has been killed off yet -- so I felt I had to embrace the Game of Thrones name, and live up to that reputation. Basically, there were a lot of reasons.
But I'm still sorry... and kinda regret it... and feel bad... and will miss her in the next part... Forgive me!
Edit: this silence is killing me.
It's fine. Don't worry about it.
Oh man, now I regret choosing to defend the village, especially as they were ultimately not achieving much. At least, Asher, Beskha and Naomi did what was right instead of killing innocents, though in retrospect, I would have chosen to abandom them all. I'll definitely miss Naomi, she was a nice addition to Asher and Beskha. Her death was not only surprising, but also so far the saddest moment in the entire story. On a positive side, the battle was epic. I also had the correct feeling that this would mark the point where Two-Eyed Croft turned into One-Eyed Croft
For this choice, I chose to go to Astapor. No real reason for it, as I'm kinda neutral about it, I just like Astapor a little bit more. Out of interest, what would have happened if we would have chosen differently? Specifically with Naomi.
Rodrik's PoV was also awesome! I knew the Whitehills planned something, damn them! For this choice, I chose Ludd. This poison stuff reeks of Ludd. I don't think Axel has the backbone to do that without him. Meanwhile, Torrhen was probably informed about the plan, but I doubt he was behind it. The whole trial by combat was Ludd's idea, so he's my prime suspect.
I know! :-'( I actually surprised myself with how sad just writing that scene made me. It really make's that storyline feel a lot more empty; but at the same time, finally lends it that true Game of Thrones authenticity. I felt, up to this point, I'd been far too merciful, so... It was necessary evil, I think. One I don't feel good about.
Fair enough!
and Naomi was also going to die in the Second Sons version, but survive in the abandon choice.
Haha, you and @AgentZ46 picked up there was more going on that it seemed--and you were right! I like your reasoning there, as well, with Ludd.
As ever, it's great to hear your thoughts, and a real pleasure to know you're taking part in all this with us. (I apologise for this short reply. I'm on my phone at the moment) but thanks! Your words are very much appreciated.