Apologies for the long, and probably worthless reply, I'm typing this on my phone as the site is refusing to work on anything else because of the security certificate something, something. Anyway, on to your points!
I am honestly hooked on this fan-fiction. I've been reading since you posted the first chapter, but I've shied away from commenting.
Well I'm very glad to finally hear from you, then! I love hearing people's thoughts on it all, and thank you, by the way... I appreciate it!
I do have a question, and pardon me if it has already been asked, but do you write both options for your new chapters? Like, do you have the outcome for both Arkara and Krendak written/plotted out, even if one isn't used? I'm just curious, but it's really interesting that the story depends on what people choose.
Actually, it's not really been asked before, at least not properly. I never fully write out all the options beforehand--but I do, do some basic planning; so no matter what option is picked, I know the general outcome. So no, I don't write out both options, but I do plan in advance what will happen in them, so I'm prepared for whatever people finally choose. I think the polls work well for both parties--it keeps things fresh and interesting for me, and allows everyone else to be pro-active participants in the story, very much--as you say--in the style of Telltale.
I really enjoy the relationship you've formed between Gared and Rodrik(what a surprise, a comment from me that includes Gared in it), because I've thought little of the two, and it fits really well in my opinion.
Haha, I'm glad you've liked it! They seem like quite compatible people, who would get along, so it just made sense to me. I regret not including more scenes between the two, to be honest, but hopefully that'll be rectified in the future.
Basically, keep up the awesome work! I'm really excited to see what happens to both Asher and Rodrik in future chapters.
Thank you very much for the feedback, and of course, for reading! It really is nice to hear from someone new, or old, I suppose, since you've been here from the start! Feel free to post here anytime, or PM me, if you have any other thoughts - and I hope you'll like the next part, too, when I finally finish it.
I am honestly hooked on this fan-fiction. I've been reading since you posted the first chapter, but I've shied away from commenting. I like … morehow interactive this is, and how you continue the style of TellTale with this work. I do have a question, and pardon me if it has already been asked, but do you write both options for your new chapters? Like, do you have the outcome for both Arkara and Krendak written/plotted out, even if one isn't used? I'm just curious, but it's really interesting that the story depends on what people choose. I really enjoy the relationship you've formed between Gared and Rodrik(what a surprise, a comment from me that includes Gared in it), because I've thought little of the two, and it fits really well in my opinion.
Basically, keep up the awesome work! I'm really excited to see what happens to both Asher and Rodrik in future chapters.
Kren's state is clouding Kara's judgement, we need to go. It'll risk put Kren at risk but it's the smart thing. There's no saving him from the grave.
I choose for Axel to stay. He'll atone the hard way. If he leaves he's not making amends, he's running from his mistakes. Let him work to earn Rodrik and the others respect and trust.
Kren's state is clouding Kara's judgement, we need to go. It'll risk put Kren at risk but it's the smart thing. There's no saving him from the grave.
Haha, it certainly doesn't look good. But we shall see. :P
I choose for Axel to stay. He'll atone the hard way. If he leaves he's not making amends, he's running from his mistakes. Let him work to earn Rodrik and the others respect and trust.
That makes a lot of sense. I look forward to seeing where the polls finally end on that particular choice. It's 50/50 for now, which is interesting.
Kren's state is clouding Kara's judgement, we need to go. It'll risk put Kren at risk but it's the smart thing. There's no saving him from t… morehe grave.
I choose for Axel to stay. He'll atone the hard way. If he leaves he's not making amends, he's running from his mistakes. Let him work to earn Rodrik and the others respect and trust.
I really liked this part. Particularly Rodrik's.
Asher's part was awesome! The fight scenes were wonderful and I loved that they actually succeeded in slaughtering these masters. This justice stuff, when the crowd started to support them, that was epic. But oh man, Kren... I am amazed that he is still somewhat alive, because I was expecting him to die, but it definitely does not look good. Still, in the end this is the outcome I'm more happy with, because I guess if we would have chosen to go with him, Kara would have taken the spear, right? Or worse, considering that she almost did a severe mistake in this part if it wouldn't have been for Asher. In the end, if one of them has to die I prefer her to live. At the same time though, I just have to choose to stay in the house, because if there's a chance to save Kren, I have to take it. Also, if he dies because we leave the house, Kara is going to be extremely pissed, to say the least. My hope is that the crowd that hunts them is in a frenzy and won't thoroughly search the houses, but I admit that I am biased here. The way I see it, both options are equally risky, because there is no telling what awaits them behind the house. Outside of the house, I am afraid Kren's chances will be even worse, while in the house he at least has a genuine chance. This leaves the house as the marginally better option for me. Both is a risk, so I'm actually pretty torn about this. I just hope that if the other choice wins, Kara won't do something reckless again, like playing the hero at the decidedly worst moment ever, or getting pissed at the two people that can actually save her life when things get even worse.
Rodrik's part was awesome as well. I do somewhat like Torrhen now, although still not that much. Axel on the other hand was pretty great in this part. Haytham as well. I greatly enjoyed their interaction in this chapter. These two likely will never be friends, but they sure as hell are enjoyable to read about. And Mortimer is one creepy bastard for sure. The dungeon scene has to be one of the most intense in the entire story for me. I also got the implication that he's still hunting for them even now that they are in the relative safety of Riverrun, which is definitely scary. For the choice, I fully agree with what Agent said. Axel should atone the hard way. Against all odds, a redemption is possible for him, but he has to work for it. There's no guarantee that he actually is going to work for it if Rodrik lets him go. I think Axel is not the strongest and most determined person, so someone like Rodrik, who actively pushes him to redemption, could be helpful for him if he starts to doubt his new way of life. Of course, none of the other characters want him at Riverrun, but he surely did a lot of things to deserve being treated like that. I think that, considering the horrible things he did earlier in the story, he should have to stay and earn redemption in the eyes of Rodrik and his men. Also, I enjoy his character too much to let him go like this.
Asher's part was awesome! The fight scenes were wonderful and I loved that they actually succeeded in slaughtering these masters.
They did indeed! And thank you
I am amazed that he is still somewhat alive, because I was expecting him to die, but it definitely does not look good. Still, in the end this is the outcome I'm more happy with, because I guess if we would have chosen to go with him, Kara would have taken the spear, right?
It does not look good :P but yes, Kara would have taken the spear, if you went with Kren, and they would have escaped using the pits below as the crowd wouldn't have helped in that case. (On her own, she wouldn't have done the speech about justice, hence the crowd would have not supported her, and therefore all of them).
I just have to choose to stay in the house, because if there's a chance to save Kren, I have to take it. Also, if he dies because we leave the house, Kara is going to be extremely pissed, to say the least. My hope is that the crowd that hunts them is in a frenzy and won't thoroughly search the houses, but I admit that I am biased here. The way I see it, both options are equally risky
Haha, this is the first choice I've done where I genuinely don't know which one I would actually go with. Do you drag a wounded man into uncertainty, or stay and wait for a hundred savages to, potentially, storm into your house? Pretty difficult, I think. But I like your logic.
just hope that if the other choice wins, Kara won't do something reckless again
Haha, yeah, she is a hot-head... and not taking Kren's injury very well.
Rodrik's part was awesome as well. I do somewhat like Torrhen now, although still not that much.
That's basically Rodrik's feelings as well :P but thank you!
Axel on the other hand was pretty great in this part. Haytham as well. I greatly enjoyed their interaction in this chapter. These two likely will never be friends, but they sure as hell are enjoyable to read about.
I'm glad to hear that, I was worried their whole little rivalry would be a bit, I don't know, tedious or boring. Apparently, not which is good!
And Mortimer is one creepy bastard for sure. The dungeon scene has to be one of the most intense in the entire story for me. I also got the implication that he's still hunting for them even now that they are in the relative safety of Riverrun, which is definitely scary.
He is creepy. And yes, it would seem he's still on the hunt for them. That's part of the reason Axel wishes to leave--to kill him before he can do anymore harm. I'm glad you liked the dungeon scene, though, it was really fun to write.
For the choice, I fully agree with what Agent said. Axel should atone the hard way. Against all odds, a redemption is possible for him, but he has to work for it. There's no guarantee that he actually is going to work for it if Rodrik lets him go. Of course, none of the other characters want him at Riverrun, but he surely did a lot of things to deserve being treated like that. I think that, considering the horrible things he did earlier in the story, he should have to stay and earn redemption in the eyes of Rodrik and his men.
Another quite difficult choice, I think. On one hand, he wishes to go, and everyone else wishes for him to go, but there's still a sense he has unfinished business with Rodrik... and in general. I'm loving the fact it's 50/50 right now, though.
Also, I enjoy his character too much to let him go like this.
Well, that's good to hear! thanks again for the feedback!
Asher's part was awesome! The fight scenes were wonderful and I loved that they actually succeeded in slaughtering these masters. This justi… morece stuff, when the crowd started to support them, that was epic. But oh man, Kren... I am amazed that he is still somewhat alive, because I was expecting him to die, but it definitely does not look good. Still, in the end this is the outcome I'm more happy with, because I guess if we would have chosen to go with him, Kara would have taken the spear, right? Or worse, considering that she almost did a severe mistake in this part if it wouldn't have been for Asher. In the end, if one of them has to die I prefer her to live. At the same time though, I just have to choose to stay in the house, because if there's a chance to save Kren, I have to take it. Also, if he dies because we leave the house, Kara is going to be extremely pissed, to say the least. My hope is that the crowd that hunts them is in a frenzy a… [view original content]
As always both chapters were excellent. As expected Kara and Asher dealt a massive amount of damage and in this case justice! It was great to see that the twins accomplished their goal! I chose for them to sneak out through the back largely because i hate for them to be sitting ducks if they are found but there is an argument for either choice with this choice being one of if not the toughest choice yet! Hopefully though Kren is able to make it through on both options because both of the twins are really unique characters all around!!
Rodrik's part has really hit its stride in terms of all around action in these past few chapters with it definitely continuing here! Mortimer really is very sadistic and it was fun seeing him in his element with him being basically being the Ramsay Bolton of the story! It was wild how Mortimer nearly took out all four men by himself! I thought Axel was a goner! I enjoyed the little rivalry between Axel and Haytham. They are literally polar opposites with Haytham being very "Stark" like with his sense of honor and really just being a pure man of the north while Axel is obviously not which made for some funny moments betwen the two! Probably my favorite part however is the ever evolving relationship between Axel and Rodrik. They have went from sworn enemies to reluctant allies to now it seems to me they have gained some kind of respect for one another with Rodrik in my mind showing Axel what it really means to be a "true knight" even though Rodrik is not a knight himself. Obviously I have chosen for Axel to stay with Rodrik for now because i really think it is the best way for him to find what ever atonement he is searching for plus I hate to see him leave the story!
Aaaaandddddd Part 14 is up. It's pretty short, for reasons if you care enough to find out, I've listed below. Spoiler alert: it's not that interesting.
(For those are who are interested, however, @AgentZ46 in particular, who I should have done this as a reply to...)
I've had to complete a billion word assignment for my course, and it's taken me forever. I'm still currently working on it. As such, this particular part not only took ages to get finished, but it also had to be rushed, and done by someone with a spent, work-addled brain. That probably comes across in the part, unfortunately. But hopefully you enjoy it anyway... and hopefully I'll do better next time.
Also, GoT Season 6 soon. Very soon. So yay for that. And that is all.
I enjoyed this part, but I'm not sure how I feel about that certain graphic detail in Asher's part. I applaud you for having the guts to have something like that happen but part of me feels like it was a bit too much. I'll get over it eventually though.
For the first choice I picked defy as all I can think is "Forresters don't submit to the likes of you" the consequences will probably suck though.
For the second I picked raid because at the end of the day Rodrik's a soldier, he's most useful in a fight.
All I can think of after finishing this part is: "Should've listened to Beskha and gotten the fuck out of there" she knew the plan was destined to fail. Oh and fuck this bitch with the power-play fetish.
Aaaaandddddd Part 14 is up. It's pretty short, for reasons if you care enough to find out, I've listed below. Spoiler alert: it's not that i… morenteresting.
(For those are who are interested, however, @AgentZ46 in particular, who I should have done this as a reply to...)
I've had to complete a billion word assignment for my course, and it's taken me forever. I'm still currently working on it. As such, this particular part not only took ages to get finished, but it also had to be rushed, and done by someone with a spent, work-addled brain. That probably comes across in the part, unfortunately. But hopefully you enjoy it anyway... and hopefully I'll do better next time.
Also, GoT Season 6 soon. Very soon. So yay for that. And that is all.
I enjoyed this part, but I'm not sure how I feel about that certain graphic detail in Asher's part. I applaud you for having the guts to have something like that happen but part of me feels like it was a bit too much. I'll get over it eventually though.
Look my mind was in a weird and tired place at the time, leave me alone xD but seriously, yeah, it was pretty graphic. But that's Game of Thones, I guess, but I probably did overdo it. (I haven't read it back) apologies anyway.
For the first choice I picked defy as all I can think is "Forresters don't submit to the likes of you" the consequences will probably suck though.
They almost certainly will. But it will be quite the badass spectacle, provided it wins out in the polls.
For the second I picked raid because at the end of the day Rodrik's a soldier, he's most useful in a fight.
Makes a lot of sense.
All I can think of after finishing this part is: "Should've listened to Beskha and gotten the fuck out of there" she knew the plan was destined to fail.
She did indeed, not that going outside would have ended in sunshine and rainbows either, may I add. I flipped a coin for the choice--since they were even--and hide was heads, and it won twice in a row.
Oh and fuck this bitch with the power-play fetish.
You mean Nyx the Champion? Yeah, she's a piece of work, alright. Thanks for reading
Good luck with the assignment.
I enjoyed this part, but I'm not sure how I feel about that certain graphic detail in Asher's part. I app… morelaud you for having the guts to have something like that happen but part of me feels like it was a bit too much. I'll get over it eventually though.
For the first choice I picked defy as all I can think is "Forresters don't submit to the likes of you" the consequences will probably suck though.
For the second I picked raid because at the end of the day Rodrik's a soldier, he's most useful in a fight.
All I can think of after finishing this part is: "Should've listened to Beskha and gotten the fuck out of there" she knew the plan was destined to fail. Oh and fuck this bitch with the power-play fetish.
Oh no For obvious reasons, I found Asher's part very painful to read. Damn it, poor Kara... At first I even thought that Nyx killed her, but she did not kill her, did she? A small part of me thinks that Nyx made a terrible mistake in not finishing her off. The rest of me is too afraid of her to think anything. That said, I easily have a new least favourite character. I hope someone cuts out both of Nyx' eyes and feeds them to stray dogs. While we're at it, I hope someone feeds the rest of her to the dogs as well, but not to the large ones, but to the small, vicious ones, with their tiny teeth, because that's going to be twice as painful. God, what a fucking bitch... That was sickening, but at the same time, I read this part on my phone right after waking up and it was better than coffee. For the choice, I chose to submit to Nyx. Obviously, Asher is going out of this unscathed, which makes me afraid that Nyx is going to take her anger out on Kara and Kren even further, makes them suffer and forces Asher to watch, something like that. God, I hope Beskha comes back to save the others
Out of interest, what would have happened if we would have left through the back? Since Beskha got into a fight, I doubt things would have went smoothly. Since she was so quick to abandon the others (which I can't blame her for, honestly), I think there's also the chance that Kara would have stayed back with Kren either way, but still... What would have happened?
Rodrik's part was a bit shorter, but nonetheless neat. I especially loved Haytham's rant towards Axel, that was spectacular. I also had a particularly horrible realization. Rodrik knows that Roose Bolton is up to something, that he likely conspires against the king. We also know that the Red Wedding is going to happen and that it likely wouldn't have happened if Rodrik would have just told Robb what he saw. I can only imagine the horrible feeling of guilt Rodrik feels after the Red Wedding. For the choice, I chose to raid the Westerlands, simply because Rodrik seems best suited for that and also since it sounds like the most exciting option. It's also going to put some miles between him and Mortimer, so that's a good thing.
Aaaaandddddd Part 14 is up. It's pretty short, for reasons if you care enough to find out, I've listed below. Spoiler alert: it's not that i… morenteresting.
(For those are who are interested, however, @AgentZ46 in particular, who I should have done this as a reply to...)
I've had to complete a billion word assignment for my course, and it's taken me forever. I'm still currently working on it. As such, this particular part not only took ages to get finished, but it also had to be rushed, and done by someone with a spent, work-addled brain. That probably comes across in the part, unfortunately. But hopefully you enjoy it anyway... and hopefully I'll do better next time.
Also, GoT Season 6 soon. Very soon. So yay for that. And that is all.
Oh no For obvious reasons, I found Asher's part very painful to read. Damn it, poor Kara... At first I even thought that Nyx killed her, but she did not kill her, did she?
No, Kara is still very much alive, but in a world of pain... just like Krendak, really.
I easily have a new least favourite character. I hope someone cuts out both of Nyx' eyes and feeds them to stray dogs. While we're at it, I hope someone feeds the rest of her to the dogs as well, but not to the large ones, but to the small, vicious ones, with their tiny teeth, because that's going to be twice as painful. God, what a fucking bitch...
Yeah, she's pretty nasty, and you haven't seen anything yet... she gets much, much worse :S
... That was sickening, but at the same time, I read this part on my phone right after waking up and it was better than coffee. For the choice, I chose to submit to Nyx. Obviously, Asher is going out of this unscathed, which makes me afraid that Nyx is going to take her anger out on Kara and Kren even further, makes them suffer and forces Asher to watch, something like that. God, I hope Beskha comes back to save the others
Well, thank you, for the first part for the rest of it, I get all of that! Submitting is certainly the easiest way out of that particular situation for them. And Beskha is indeed still out there, somewhere
Out of interest, what would have happened if we would have left through the back? Since Beskha got into a fight, I doubt things would have went smoothly. Since she was so quick to abandon the others (which I can't blame her for, honestly), I think there's also the chance that Kara would have stayed back with Kren either way, but still... What would have happened?
If they went out the back, Kara would've been incredibly angry, while Beskha would be pleased. They would have made it a fair while before Kren succumbs to his wounds, and dies. The rest of them would have escaped unharmed, however, and gone on the offense. Instead of getting ambushed by Nyx, they would be ambushing her. So a few pro's and con's for both I think, I'm not sure one is definitively better.
Rodrik knows that Roose Bolton is up to something, that he likely conspires against the king. We also know that the Red Wedding is going to happen and that it likely wouldn't have happened if Rodrik would have just told Robb what he saw. I can only imagine the horrible feeling of guilt Rodrik feels after the Red Wedding.
I didn't even think about that - that's a great, and really tragic, point! And I also like all your reasoning for the decision to raid the Westerlands, too. Especially with the good point you made about Mortimer. That's smart. Thanks for reading!
Oh no For obvious reasons, I found Asher's part very painful to read. Damn it, poor Kara... At first I even thought that Nyx killed her, bu… moret she did not kill her, did she? A small part of me thinks that Nyx made a terrible mistake in not finishing her off. The rest of me is too afraid of her to think anything. That said, I easily have a new least favourite character. I hope someone cuts out both of Nyx' eyes and feeds them to stray dogs. While we're at it, I hope someone feeds the rest of her to the dogs as well, but not to the large ones, but to the small, vicious ones, with their tiny teeth, because that's going to be twice as painful. God, what a fucking bitch... That was sickening, but at the same time, I read this part on my phone right after waking up and it was better than coffee. For the choice, I chose to submit to Nyx. Obviously, Asher is going out of this unscathed, which makes me afraid that Nyx is going to take her anger out on… [view original content]
No, Kara is still very much alive, but in a world of pain... just like Krendak, really.
Well... it is at least something. At first, probably because I was still a bit dizzy from just waking up, I thought that Nyx pulled a Mountain on her, but well... she got lucky that she 'only' lost one eye. Hopefully she gets the chance to return the favour a thousand times.
Yeah, she's pretty nasty, and you haven't seen anything yet... she gets much, much worse :S
Oh... oh, oh no. I don't even want to know how that is still possible. I mean, I have a couple of ideas, but I like none of them. You got me royally scared
If they went out the back, Kara would've been incredibly angry, while Beskha would be pleased. They would have made it a fair while before Kren succumbs to his wounds, and dies. The rest of them would have escaped unharmed, however, and gone on the offense. Instead of getting ambushed by Nyx, they would be ambushing her. So a few pro's and con's for both I think, I'm not sure one is definitively better.
True, I'm still very much torn even now that I know the alternative. On the one hand, Kren would have died, which would have sucked. On the other hand, Kara would have escaped unscathed, though she would have been understandably pissed at Asher. Now, both are still alive, but in the hands of a complete monster who's probably going to do stuff to them I don't even want to think about, Kara lost an eye, while Kren's condition is still not better, though at the same time there is the chance that Beskha comes for the rescue. I guess in this choice, both options are bad, though I'm not sure which one is worse.
Oh no For obvious reasons, I found Asher's part very painful to read. Damn it, poor Kara... At first I even thought that Nyx killed her, bu… moret she did not kill her, did she?
No, Kara is still very much alive, but in a world of pain... just like Krendak, really.
I easily have a new least favourite character. I hope someone cuts out both of Nyx' eyes and feeds them to stray dogs. While we're at it, I hope someone feeds the rest of her to the dogs as well, but not to the large ones, but to the small, vicious ones, with their tiny teeth, because that's going to be twice as painful. God, what a fucking bitch...
Yeah, she's pretty nasty, and you haven't seen anything yet... she gets much, much worse :S
... That was sickening, but at the same time, I read this part on my phone right after waking up and it was better than coffee. For the choice, I chose to submit to Nyx. Obviously, Asher is going out of this unscathed, whic… [view original content]
Aaaaandddddd Part 15 is up. I was pretty quick this time, and that's good. Now to just sit here and neurotically worry about all the typos I may have done... or how I messed up the polls... or how X, Y or Z didn't work... you know, the usual after submitting a new part.
Huh, that was a very fast one You didn't kept me waiting for long after the last part literally had me on the edge of my seat. And on top of that, it has the same high level of quality as the other parts, so well done! Btw, I hope your assignment stuff goes well!
Again, Asher's part had me on the egde of my seat. Over the past few days, I was literally checking the poll at least twice each day and the last time I looked, it seemed the option of submitting to Ny was going to win, so I was terrified when I realized that the choice was even in the end. Thankfully, that fuckturd did not take her anger out even further on them. And well, I expected Beskha to arrive, but it was still glorious. It appears Kara sadly won't get a chance for vengeance, so I hope Beskha gives this eye-gouging cunt the most painful death she can think of. And I have trust in Beskha to be pretty damn creative when it comes to that sort of stuff, even if sadly there won't be any dogs to eat Nyx' gruesomely mutilated body alive. As for the choice, I decided to run. I don't see this as abandoning Beskha and I highly doubt she would see it that way either. Beskha previously did the same, she retreated out of pragmatism, so that she can return later to save the day. In fact, I'm pretty sure that this is her reason for challenging Nyx so openly. She just guaranteed to draw the attention towards her and I believe she wants to give Asher, Kara and Kren this chance to flee. Aside from that, I am deeply worried for Kara, way more than I am worried for Kren. I believe he has a chance to make it either way. His wounds are treated and while he is still in a bad shape, they definitely disinfected the wound. Meanwhile, if Kara's eye is infected, then she needs medical help and she needs to get to this help as long as she is still able to run. If it truly is infected, and frankly, it probably is, then she won't be able to run for much longer, so they have to take this chance Beskha is giving them if they want any chance for Kara to survive. Later, they may have to carry her and even later and she might succumb to the infection. Aside from that, I'm sure that the Masters will never let them go, so they have to run either way sooner or later and now seems like the best choice. That said, I was wrong before and Kara paid dearly for it, so I hope that I will be right this time.
Rodrik's part was amazing as well! I'm always in awe at the detail in your fighting scenes and can't get enough of them. The fight against the Lefford host was amazing as expected and I really grow to love Axel as a character. I also love how his relationship with Haytham evolved, it is one of the most noticeable developments in the entire story for me. Their buddy talk after the battle was nice and really shows how both have grown as characters. And well, the return of creepy Mortimer is always a nice thing. He's my favourite original villain in this story by a country mile. Axel eventually redeemed himself completely and I have far too much of a personal grudge against Nyx to like anything about her, so I am happy to say that Mortimer is my favourite antagonist. In his own way, he is awesome and his lines give me the chills. Because of that, it was clear that I won't kill him now, I enjoy him far too much for that. Also, I'd rather take the chance to save a loyal friend. The choice between Axel and Haytham was hard for me. Both are very well-developed characters and I like them equally. Since I have to make a choice, I decided to save Haytham, with a heavy heart. Unlike Axel, who started of as a villain, Haytham was always the loyal good guy and trusted soldier under Rodrik's command. For his loyalty, I think he deserved to be saved. Aside from that, as much as I would want Axel to survive, this part felt like a farewell from his character. He finally fully redeemed himself, not only in the eyes of the readers, but also in the eyes of his new companions, even Haytham and perhaps even in his own eyes. It appears to me, he literally achieved what he truly wants to achieve. That said, I am not at all sad if he survives. Quite the contrary, as I love his character so much. I just have to make a choice and I'm leaning slightly more in favour of the guy who has always been on Rodrik's side. But this was a hard choice, perhaps the hardest in the entire story for me. Both choices were hard, but Rodrik's was the first one where I legitimately thought about skipping the vote.
Aaaaandddddd Part 15 is up. I was pretty quick this time, and that's good. Now to just sit here and neurotically worry about all the typos I… more may have done... or how I messed up the polls... or how X, Y or Z didn't work... you know, the usual after submitting a new part.
Anyway, enjoy!
Huh, that was a very fast one You didn't kept me waiting for long after the last part had me on the edge of my seat. And on top of that, it has the same high level of quality as the other parts, so well done! Btw, I hope your assignment stuff goes well!
Thank, thank you by the way, I heard about the surgery. It sounded pretty rough, but I'm glad you're back home now! I hope you continue to improve, mate. Oh, and it's weird seeing you without your Oberyn avatar... though the new one is very cool!
And well, I expected Beskha to arrive, but it was still glorious. It appears Kara sadly won't get a chance for vengeance, so I hope Beskha gives this eye-gouging cunt the most painful death she can think of.
She's certainly going to try
As for the choice, I decided to run. I don't see this as abandoning Beskha and I highly doubt she would see it that way either. Beskha previously did the same, she retreated out of pragmatism, so that she can return later to save the day. In fact, I'm pretty sure that this is her reason for challenging Nyx so openly. She just guaranteed to draw the attention towards her and I believe she wants to give Asher, Kara and Kren this chance to flee.
That makes a lot of sense. And I'll just come out and say it: yes, Beskha's whole idea behind this fight was buying them time to escape. (Not that escaping is necessarily the best, or right choice, just to be clear) but as I said, all your logic sounds pretty good to me
Aside from that, I am deeply worried for Kara
Well, Part 16 will finally answer the question of whether her and Kren are going to make it, or not. At least, in terms of their injuries. They'll be getting a lot more coverage then, so that should be good! You needn't worry much longer! ... maybe. :P
Rodrik's part was amazing as well! I'm always in awe at the detail in your fighting scenes and can't get enough of them. The fight against the Lefford host was amazing as expected and I really grow to love Axel as a character. I also love how his relationship with Haytham evolved, it is one of the most noticeable developments in the entire story for me.
Once again, thank you! I really enjoy writing fighting scenes, so I'm glad they're as good to read, as they are to write. And I love the Axel-Haytham relationship, too. It wasn't really ever planned, their whole rivalry, it just sort of organically happened. And I'm really glad with how it's turned out... and even more glad I'm not alone in thinking that!
And well, the return of creepy Mortimer is always a nice thing. He's my favourite original villain in this story by a country mile. Axel eventually redeemed himself and I have far too much of a personal grudge against Nyx to like anything about her, so I am happy to say that Mortimer is my favourite.
He's fun to write as well. A very Ramsay-ish character, but with his own distinct spin!
Also, I'd rather take the chance to save a loyal friend. The choice between Axel and Haytham was hard for me. Both are very well-developed characters and I like them equally. Since I have to make a choice, I decided to save Haytham, with a heavy heart. Unlike Axel, who started of as a villain, Haytham was always the loyal good guy and trusted soldier under Rodrik's command. For his loyalty, I think he deserved to be saved
That makes sense. This decision is probably the one I'm most excited to see where it ends up. And I did try my best, to set every option up perfectly, prior to the point. Like we were basically at Foreshadow City before it happened. :P so thanks for reading! It's always exciting hearing people's comments! And I look forward to reading yours every time.
Huh, that was a very fast one You didn't kept me waiting for long after the last part literally had me on the edge of my seat. And on top o… moref that, it has the same high level of quality as the other parts, so well done! Btw, I hope your assignment stuff goes well!
Again, Asher's part had me on the egde of my seat. Over the past few days, I was literally checking the poll at least twice each day and the last time I looked, it seemed the option of submitting to Ny was going to win, so I was terrified when I realized that the choice was even in the end. Thankfully, that fuckturd did not take her anger out even further on them. And well, I expected Beskha to arrive, but it was still glorious. It appears Kara sadly won't get a chance for vengeance, so I hope Beskha gives this eye-gouging cunt the most painful death she can think of. And I have trust in Beskha to be pretty damn creative when it comes to that sort of stuff, even if sadly there wo… [view original content]
Thank, thank you by the way, I heard about the surgery. It sounded pretty rough, but I'm glad you're back home now! I hope you continue to improve, mate.
Thanks! I think after today the worst is over and in a week I should be fully recovered. It wasn't exactly rough in terms of pain, but it was extremely unpleasant. Any kind of nasal surgery probably is. Currently, I'm having the important choice of either continuing to catch up on everything I missed, or going to sleep. Though it's 3PM here and that's not a time anyone should be asleep XD
She's certainly going to try
I have faith in her. At least I'm willing to bet money that she is going to win and I'm curious to see how she finishes Nyx of. Fingers crossed that it'll happen under a lot of pain, but honestly, I just want Nyx dead in general. The agony would just be the icing on the cake.
That makes a lot of sense. And I'll just come out and say it: yes, Beskha's whole idea behind this fight was buying them time to escape. (Not that escaping is necessarily the best, or right choice, just to be clear) but as I said, all your logic sounds pretty good to me
Hah, I knew it! That's just so in-character for Beskha. The way I see it, currently many people watch that epic battle and I'd love to as well. However, they have to run sooner or later. If they run later, it might not only be the physical condition of Kara and Kren (whom I both imagine to grow weaker with every second) that's going to be a problem, there are also going to be a lot less people interested in Nyx's corpse, which means a lot more people are going to be interested in fleeing prisoners.
Well, Part 16 will finally answer the question of whether her and Kren are going to make it, or not. At least, in terms of their injuries. They'll be getting a lot more coverage then, so that should be good! You needn't worry much longer! ... maybe. :P
Oh man... I am excited and honestly scared at the same time. Though on a slightly more positive note, I realized that, if Kara survives, she is now eligible for a badass eyepatch If she survives that is. I'm nervous for this choice, because it really can go both ways.
While I'm at it, one question out of interest: How would this part have played out if a majority would have decided to leave the house at the end of part 13? You said before that Kren would have died and Asher, Beskha and Kara would have ambushed Nyx, but what would have happened then?
Once again, thank you! I really enjoy writing fighting scenes, so I'm glad they're as good to read, as they are to write. And I love the Axel-Haytham relationship, too. It wasn't really ever planned, their whole rivalry, it just sort of organically happened. And I'm really glad with how it's turned out... and even more glad I'm not alone in thinking that!
Their rivalry greatly enhanced both characters for me, so I have no doubt that it was the right decision to write them into this direction. Their discussions have always been a highlight in Rodrik's part. And them settling their rivarly and becoming friends of some sort really made the current choice a lot harder for me. No matter who's going to survive, I'm going to miss the one that dies.
That makes sense. This decision is probably the one I'm most excited to see where it ends up. And I did try my best, to set every option up perfectly, prior to the point. Like we were basically at Foreshadow City before it happened. :P so thanks for reading! It's always exciting hearing people's comments! And I look forward to reading yours every time.
I actually made the mistake of scrolling too far, and I read the choice before I read the rest of the part, so I knew it was coming. I definitely noticed the foreshadowing and it made this choice so much better. Seriously, this is not only the hardest choice for me, but also probably my favourite so far
Huh, that was a very fast one You didn't kept me waiting for long after the last part had me on the edge of my seat. And on top of that, it… more has the same high level of quality as the other parts, so well done! Btw, I hope your assignment stuff goes well!
Thank, thank you by the way, I heard about the surgery. It sounded pretty rough, but I'm glad you're back home now! I hope you continue to improve, mate. Oh, and it's weird seeing you without your Oberyn avatar... though the new one is very cool!
And well, I expected Beskha to arrive, but it was still glorious. It appears Kara sadly won't get a chance for vengeance, so I hope Beskha gives this eye-gouging cunt the most painful death she can think of.
She's certainly going to try
As for the choice, I decided to run. I don't see this as abandoning Beskha and I highly doubt she would see it that way either. Beskha previously did the same, she retreated out of pragma… [view original content]
Thanks! I think after today the worst is over and in a week I should be fully recovered. It wasn't exactly rough in terms of pain, but it was extremely unpleasant. Any kind of nasal surgery probably is. Currently, I'm having the important choice of either continuing to catch up on everything I missed, or going to sleep. Though it's 3PM here and that's not a time anyone should be asleep XD
WHAT!? I sleep in the afternoon all the time. xD but that is quite the dilemma you have there. Maybe make a poll for it? Actually, don't, because I wouldn't know what to vote for. On a serious note, though, I'm glad you should recover in a week.
I have faith in her. At least I'm willing to be money that she is going to win and I'm curious to see how she finishes Nyx of. Fingers crossed that it'll happen under a lot of pain, but honestly, I just want Nyx dead in general. The agony would just be the icing on the cake.
We will just have to see
Hah, I knew it! That's just so in-character for Beskha. The way I see it, currently many people watch that epic battle and I'd love to as well. However, they have to run sooner or later.
I couldn't help but tell you the truth, once you worked it all out perfectly. Just like you did with the Rodrik-Torrhen dual. (Damn you, you know too much!) In my head the entire time, Beskha's motive here wasn't to kill Nyx or anything (though that would be a bonus!) she's just trying to create a distraction, for Asher, Kren and Kara to escape.
I realized that, if Kara survives, she is now eligible for a badass eyepatch
Judging by the descriptions, she would certainly look even more epic and badass with an eyepatch! And I'd be lying if I said that was something, I hadn't already thought about :P
While I'm at it, one question out of interest: How would this part have played out if a majority would have decided to leave the house at the end of part 13? You said before that Kren would have died and Asher, Beskha and Kara would have ambushed Nyx, but what would have happened then?
To be honest, that was as far as I got, in planning for that. I tend not to plan too far ahead, into the different choices as obviously the majority of them will never see the light of day. I work out the basic outcomes of every choice, and then expand upon them once the polls have been fully decided. Likely, though, that particular arc would have ended with Nyx's demise.
And them settling their rivarly and becoming friends of some sort really made the current choice a lot harder for me. No matter who's going to survive, I'm going to miss the one that dies.
Me too, me too...
I actually made the mistake of scrolling too far, and I read the choice before I read the rest of the part, so I knew it was coming. I definitely noticed the foreshadowing and it made this choice so much better. Seriously, this is not only the hardest choice for me, but also probably my favourite so far
Yeah, I figured it would be pretty clear--even without seeing the choice first lol--where things were heading. But in a way, I think that just adds to the tragedy, as you kind of said. It's definitely my favourite choice, I think, that or the "hide in the house" or "escape the house" one. Mainly because they are the only two, where I genuinely don't favour one or the other. I'm completely neutral. Which I guess is a sign of a good and difficult moral dilemma!
Thank, thank you by the way, I heard about the surgery. It sounded pretty rough, but I'm glad you're back home now! I hope you continue to … moreimprove, mate.
Thanks! I think after today the worst is over and in a week I should be fully recovered. It wasn't exactly rough in terms of pain, but it was extremely unpleasant. Any kind of nasal surgery probably is. Currently, I'm having the important choice of either continuing to catch up on everything I missed, or going to sleep. Though it's 3PM here and that's not a time anyone should be asleep XD
She's certainly going to try
I have faith in her. At least I'm willing to bet money that she is going to win and I'm curious to see how she finishes Nyx of. Fingers crossed that it'll happen under a lot of pain, but honestly, I just want Nyx dead in general. The agony would just be the icing on the cake.
That makes a lot of sense. And I'll just come out and say it: yes, Beskha'… [view original content]
That part was a blast to read, especially Rodrik's part. I don't really comment as often anymore, but I really appreciate to see that even though Rodrik is an extremely skilled fighter, he still has flaws and is more realistic in his actions and decisions (as opposed to the always heroic in very early parts). Considering Rodrik doesn't have a sentinel for himself as of the Red Wedding, I feel like part 16 could be the time to kill Haytham.
Well, firstly, I'm sad that after reading about the biggest scene your character has yet had, this is the only feedback you could come up with...
That said, yes Mortimer's speech was directly inspired by Randall's speech. That's no secret. I just finished TWD: Michonne and I loved it. I had those lines on the brain. Especially with Mortimer as I feel him and Randall are very similar in a lot of ways.
Its just a rip off.
Well, the whole thing is technically a rip off. It's fan fiction of essentially, Telltale's own fan fiction of Game of Thrones. I'm not trying to pretend it's anything else.
That part was a blast to read, especially Rodrik's part. I don't really comment as often anymore, but I really appreciate to see that even though Rodrik is an extremely skilled fighter, he still has flaws and is more realistic in his actions and decisions (as opposed to the always heroic in very early parts).
Well it's nice to hear from you again and I took that criticism on-board, and I'm glad you stuck around to notice!
Considering Rodrik doesn't have a sentinel for himself as of the Red Wedding, I feel like part 16 could be the time to kill Haytham.
Well, there's no Axel around then, either, but I get what you mean. it's quite a well-rounded choice, I think. Either way is justified. Thanks for reading! I hope to hear from you again.
That part was a blast to read, especially Rodrik's part. I don't really comment as often anymore, but I really appreciate to see that even t… morehough Rodrik is an extremely skilled fighter, he still has flaws and is more realistic in his actions and decisions (as opposed to the always heroic in very early parts). Considering Rodrik doesn't have a sentinel for himself as of the Red Wedding, I feel like part 16 could be the time to kill Haytham.
I hear what you're saying exactly, but yeah, the wording was a bit much. :P Still, though, this isn't my official, published work. This is fan fiction. Of a fan fiction. For the Telltale community. I wouldn't rip off a Telltale product, and then try to pass it off as my own... to the Telltale community. His whole speech mirroring Randall's own was an intentional parallel, because I loved it, and felt it fit the character so well. If you didn't like it, I respect that, but as I said, the term "rip off" is a bit much.
Rodrik and Asher aren't my own characters either, you know. I stole them too. But I wouldn't call it ripping-off. I'm just repurposing them for my own story, in my own way.
Still, I get your concerns, and see where you're coming from. Honestly, I do. And I'm glad you're reading the story, anyway. The more readers, the better.
WHAT!? I sleep in the afternoon all the time. xD but that is quite the dilemma you have there. Maybe make a poll for it? Actually, don't, because I wouldn't know what to vote for. On a serious note, though, I'm glad you should recover in a week.
It's not that I don't want it, it's just that I know, if I'd go for a nap in the afternoon, I would sleep until it's the middle of the night XD Getting up once each day is already hard enough. In fact, the very same thing happened today after I wrote my last comment, where I was just too tired to do anything else. A small hour-long nap turned into four solid hours of sleep. At the very least I am quite happy with my new Avatar now that I slept over it, even if I'm probably going to miss Oberyn in time
I couldn't help but tell you the truth, once you worked it all out perfectly. Just like you did with the Rodrik-Torrhen dual. (Damn you, you know too much!) In my head the entire time, Beskha's motive here wasn't to kill Nyx or anything (though that would be a bonus!) she's just trying to create a distraction, for Asher, Kren and Kara to escape.
It looks like she has the upper hand currently, though that's hard to say with Nyx. From what we've seen, I see Beskha as the slightly better fighter though. Nyx is strong and fast, but Beskha is Beskha. I wonder if she would get any sort of authority as the Champion of Meereen that could save Asher and the siblings, but I somehow doubt it. Now looks like their best chance to escape and to get medical supplies, but that could very well also end up in disaster.
Judging by the descriptions, she would certainly look even more epic and badass with an eyepatch! And I'd be lying if I said that was something, I hadn't already thought about :P
The thought almost made me feel less guilty for choosing to stay in the house. Almost, at least until I recall how utterly painful the last part must have been. But well, that happened and all she gotta do now is survive, which is probably the hardest part. At least from the way I see it, things look very grim for her and she needs to get medical help asap in order to survive, but maybe she still has more time left than I think and running away now will be what kills her. Ugh, this choice and the possible outcomes are literally messing with me right now XD In any way, first she gotta survive this rather grievous wound, then she can think of cool new looks she can pull off now. I heard pirates are in this year.
To be honest, that was as far as I got, in planning for that. I tend not to plan too far ahead, into the different choices as obviously the majority of them will never see the light of day. I work out the basic outcomes of every choice, and then expand upon them once the polls have been fully decided. Likely, though, that particular arc would have ended with Nyx's demise.
I actually start to regret that I argued in favour of hiding in the house so heavily. It's indeed hard to say if leaving would have truly been better, but currently it does certainly look even more grim for the siblings, so I'm inclined to believe I simply chose wrong with the house. Krendak is still as good as dead and to make things way worse, Kara looks even closer to death now as well. The only truly positive thing I currently see is that if she survives, she won't be pissed at Asher and Beskha now, because even if Kren dies, they did their best to save him. But well, it appears that at least from a physical standpoint she would have survived this story arc without problems, so that would have been something.
Yeah, I figured it would be pretty clear--even without seeing the choice first lol--where things were heading. But in a way, I think that just adds to the tragedy, as you kind of said. It's definitely my favourite choice, I think, that or the "hide in the house" or "escape the house" one. Mainly because they are the only two, where I genuinely don't favour one or the other. I'm completely neutral. Which I guess is a sign of a good and difficult moral dilemma!
Tbh, I find the current Asher choice even harder than the house choice. At least the house choice had the single obvious benefit that it was better for Kren to stay. This current choice however can go either way for him and Kara. Perhaps staying now is going to kill both, or it saves them. Perhaps one of them dies regardless as a result of our choices, or perhaps there's an option none die. Perhaps running is the right choice, or perhaps running ends in a complete disaster. Taking the time aspect into consideration, I am especially worried about the possible infection of Kara's wound, since there's no saying how bad that might be without having someone with medical knowledge look over it. Since I prefer her alive even over Kren, I believe that running gives her the better chances of survival. We know Asher is getting out of there with both choices, I'm just afraid that one or both siblings could end up dead as the result of this choice and unlike the house choice, where staying was clearly better for Kren, it can go both ways with both siblings for both options here. So, this part definitely features the hardest choices from either PoV for me. Though I noticed you don't mention this choice as being one where you don't have a favoured outcome, so does that mean that one option is going to be better here?
Oh, by the way, one thing I wanted to say but totally forgot to mention which I enjoyed in Rodrik's part was the return of Rickard Snow and Philo Frost. I liked them in the early story and can't recall them appearing much after the Sentinel choice, so it was nice to have them do some more stuff Hopefully it won't be the last time.
Thanks! I think after today the worst is over and in a week I should be fully recovered. It wasn't exactly rough in terms of pain, but it wa… mores extremely unpleasant. Any kind of nasal surgery probably is. Currently, I'm having the important choice of either continuing to catch up on everything I missed, or going to sleep. Though it's 3PM here and that's not a time anyone should be asleep XD
WHAT!? I sleep in the afternoon all the time. xD but that is quite the dilemma you have there. Maybe make a poll for it? Actually, don't, because I wouldn't know what to vote for. On a serious note, though, I'm glad you should recover in a week.
I have faith in her. At least I'm willing to be money that she is going to win and I'm curious to see how she finishes Nyx of. Fingers crossed that it'll happen under a lot of pain, but honestly, I just want Nyx dead in general. The agony would just be the icing on the cake.
We will just have to… [view original content]
It's not that I don't want it, it's just that I know, if I'd go for a nap in the afternoon, I would sleep until it's the middle of the night XD Getting up once each day is already hard enough.
Haha, fair enough! And I can relate to that, too. At least you've had some sleep now, mate.
Ugh, this choice and the possible outcomes are literally messing with me right now XD In any way, first she gotta survive this rather grievous wound, then she can think of cool new looks she can pull off now. I heard pirates are in this year.
Sowwy! I'm evil, I know, but I learned from the best (Telltale, George R.R Martin). But I personally think eyepatches are cool. And pirates are so in this year. If she makes it, Kara will look more badass than ever, that's for sure. Like a female Kenny.
The only truly positive thing I currently see is that if she survives, she won't be pissed at Asher and Beskha now, because even if Kren dies, they did their best to save him. But well, it appears that at least from a physical standpoint she would have survived this story arc without problems, so that would have been something.
True, in Telltale speak, Kara is not determinant! Though that eye certainly needs looking at. If she makes a recovery, she will definitely remember how Asher and Beskha did all they could to protect her and Kren. So that is definitely a positive, without a doubt. As for the Beskha / Nyx fight, they are very even, I'd say, basically 50/50.
This part definitely features the hardest choices from either PoV for me. Though I noticed you don't mention this choice as being one where you don't have a favoured outcome, so does that mean that one option is going to be better here?
I suppose there's nothing wrong with admitting one option is arguably far better than the other, in terms of outcome, yes. But as to which it is, these lips are sealed. :P I'm glad to hear about that first part, though. I do keep trying to make these as difficult as possible! And it seems to be working so far.
Oh, by the way, one thing I wanted to say but totally forgot to mention which I enjoyed in Rodrik's part was the return of Rickard Snow and Philo Frost. I liked them in the early story and can't recall them appearing much after the Sentinel choice, so it was nice to have them do some more stuff Hopefully it won't be the last time.
Haha, yeah, I try to sneak them in whenever I can! It's just, after the Sentinel decision, they became far less relevant and harder to implement. I do hope to give them proper roles again, before the story is done. They're pretty cool characters in their own rights!
WHAT!? I sleep in the afternoon all the time. xD but that is quite the dilemma you have there. Maybe make a poll for it? Actually, don't, be… morecause I wouldn't know what to vote for. On a serious note, though, I'm glad you should recover in a week.
It's not that I don't want it, it's just that I know, if I'd go for a nap in the afternoon, I would sleep until it's the middle of the night XD Getting up once each day is already hard enough. In fact, the very same thing happened today after I wrote my last comment, where I was just too tired to do anything else. A small hour-long nap turned into four solid hours of sleep. At the very least I am quite happy with my new Avatar now that I slept over it, even if I'm probably going to miss Oberyn in time
I couldn't help but tell you the truth, once you worked it all out perfectly. Just like you did with the Rodrik-Torrhen dual. (Damn you, you know too much!) In my head the entire time, Bes… [view original content]
First off, it is good to see you are back and writing again and hopefully your assignments turned out well!
When it comes to both of the stories there is not much I can say that has not been said however, I have to applaud how well you flipped Axel! You made a character that was initially a really bad guy all around and have realistically turned him good!! Obviously I want neither Axel or Haytham to die especially considering how they now have seemed to form an unlikely friendship but with my obvious bias I definitely want Axel to live especially seeing how now he has actually become a honorable knight! I know it probably won't happen but I would definitely like to see them both make it through but overall great story and I can say without a doubt I am here to see it to the end!
Haha, fair enough! And I can relate to that, too. At least you've had some sleep now, mate.
Yeah. I just would have preferred not to fall asleep in my chair, because when I woke up hours later, my neck was killing me XD
Sowwy! I'm evil, I know, but I learned from the best (Telltale, George R.R Martin). But I personally think eyepatches are cool. And pirates are so in this year. If she makes it, Kara will look more badass than ever, that's for sure. Like a female Kenny.
I wholeheartedly agree, there are indeed very few things that look more badass than eyepatches. Kenny-like beards for example, but I think it's safe to say that Kara is never going to have one of these, regardless of wether or not she makes it out alive. I'm not yet entirely convinced if I prefer this more visually badass version of her, considering how absolutely painful the eye-gouging scene was to read, but the eyepatch certainly makes for a nice touch. Here's hoping that she gets a chance to rock the new look.
True, in Telltale speak, Kara is not determinant! Though that eye certainly needs looking at. If she makes a recovery, she will definitely remember how Asher and Beskha did all they could to protect her and Kren. So that is definitely a positive, without a doubt. As for the Beskha / Nyx fight, they are very even, I'd say, basically 50/50.
One thing I just noticed is, I'm actually not sure how long such an infection needs to kick in, so perhaps her chances aren't as bad as I previously thought. Still, she needs serious medical treatment and it is going to be horribly painful, even more so the longer they wait. I think a lot of my opinion on wether or not we made the right decision in the house is going to depend on the events of the next part. But yeah, if she makes it out, I'd very much prefer for Kara to remain on good terms with Asher and Beskha, especially since being on bad terms with Beskha is never advisable. As for the fight, I'm definitely not betting against Beskha. She landed the more nasty blows so far, or so it seems. Also, she's Beskha. Hopefuly she literally butchers Nyx. In any way, this fight is going to have me super excited. Since it is a fight to the death, Beskha theoretically has to win, but a part of me wonders if there's going to be a twist to it.
I suppose there's nothing wrong with admitting one option is arguably far better than the other, in terms of outcome, yes. But as to which it is, these lips are sealed. :P I'm glad to hear about that first part, though. I do keep trying to make these as difficult as possible! And it seems to be working so far.
Oh shit... I'm calling it now, we're totally going to screw up. From experience, I know that if there is one choice that is far better than the other, the wrong one somehow has an oddly increased chance of winning. Here's hoping that we're going to get lucky this time. Before joining, I told myself I shouldn't become that attached to the characters, but well, I certainly failed with this once I saw how wonderfully you wrote them. Most of the times, that is not a bad thing, but this time... eh, I'm literally and genuinely deeply afraid.
Haha, yeah, I try to sneak them in whenever I can! It's just, after the Sentinel decision, they became far less relevant and harder to implement. I do hope to give them proper roles again, before the story is done. They're pretty cool characters in their own rights!
I realized, one of them could have been a main character if he would have won the Sentinel decision and Rodrik's storyline would have probably had a completely different vibe to it. What I've seen so far shows that they all have potential to be fascinating characters, though if I would have followed the story back when the choice was made, I would have probably chosen Haytham for Sentinel as well. While he never had a storyline of his own, his presence gave the Rodrik storyline a certain vibe to it, which I greatly enjoyed. His clashing morals with Axel greatly enhanced Rodrik's storyline for me. Considering that this element of the storyline wasn't planned in advance, I can only imagine what kind of storylines Philo and Rickard would have offered instead. I don't know enough about their morals, but I guess they probably wouldn't have been too fond of Axel either, at least initially.
It's not that I don't want it, it's just that I know, if I'd go for a nap in the afternoon, I would sleep until it's the middle of the night… more XD Getting up once each day is already hard enough.
Haha, fair enough! And I can relate to that, too. At least you've had some sleep now, mate.
Ugh, this choice and the possible outcomes are literally messing with me right now XD In any way, first she gotta survive this rather grievous wound, then she can think of cool new looks she can pull off now. I heard pirates are in this year.
Sowwy! I'm evil, I know, but I learned from the best (Telltale, George R.R Martin). But I personally think eyepatches are cool. And pirates are so in this year. If she makes it, Kara will look more badass than ever, that's for sure. Like a female Kenny.
The only truly positive thing I currently see is that if she survives, she won't be pissed at Asher and Beskha now, because even if Kren dies, the… [view original content]
[Asher] It's better to try and escape than to sit and do nothing.
[Rodrik] This is a difficult choice for me, I'm leaning towards saving Axel, who I find the most interesting but I decided to end Mortimer here and now. I don't really see this choice winning though.
Aaaaandddddd Part 16 is up, at long last. I know, it took ages, right?
Nah, but somehow the fastest part I've yet released is also the longest part I've yet released. It's funny how things work out. Anyway, it was quick and has lots of pages. Whether it's any good or not, you be the judge. Enjoy
I'm pretty sure I will never know how you manage to write so much, so fast and with such outstanding quality
Well... Phew... Asher's part literally gave me the huge sigh of relief, because it appears we have not screwed up. The more I thought about, the more I was convinced that escaping is the right choice and I am glad I was correct on this. The escape scene was intense and you had me holding my breath several times. I'm a bit sad that we haven't seen Nyx's death, but well, perhaps we get to see her corpse once Beskha the new champion puts it on display. Though a part of me thinks that Nyx may have survived, even won this fight, since you teased that she is going to get much worse after she plucked out Kara's eye. Afterwards, I can't recall her doing anything more horrific, so that got me thinking she might return after all. I know Beskha is going to live, but I am still worried for her. Just so that I know what kind of bullet we just dodged, how would things have turned out if the alternative would have won? As for the rest of the part, I had a big grin on my face the entire time. Well until they used their medical supplies on Kara's wound. Damn, that must have hurt, though kudos that she made it through without passing out. She really earned that badass eyepatch Asher found for her! I immensely enjoyed the bonding moments between her and Asher, and between Asher and Kren as well. Both siblings have something in common with him, but whereas Kren is more like Asher used to be, Kara definitely has a lot in common with the current Asher and this part showed both of this extremely well. I haven't outright planned for them to have so much in common with Asher, but now that you pointed it out, I loved it. As for the choice, surprise, surprise, I chose to kiss Kara. Usually, I'm not the person to squee, but well, perhaps I squeed a tiny bit this time Never knew how much I needed this choice until now. I found their interactions, especially in this part, very sweet and I really want to give them a bit of happiness, for they make a cute match. It's a rare occasion. A fling of course, but I believe it'll be good for them to have some comfort as long as it lasts. They've been through enough, they deserve it and it's going to be super adorable
And Rodrik's part was a strong contrast. Not quality-wise of course, but whereas I had an Asher-grin on my face during most of Asher's part, Rodrik's part was something I read with a heavy heart. In retrospect, I would have probably chosen to kill Mortimer, not because I want him dead, but because that would be the neutral option. Haytham and Axel are both such great characters that it felt wrong choosing one over the other. While I am happy that Haytham survived, the complex personality of Axel will be missed in future parts. It's tragic, because for half of the part I thought they may manage to survive both. Axel's death gave me a flashback to Naomi's death, as both died as a hero and at peace, saving their friend and redeeming themselves for their past wrongdoings. Axel may have started a villain, but he became an unlikely hero. As for the rest of Rodrik's PoV, Mortimer is creepy awesome. He just killed one of my favourite characters and I can't even hate him because he is so cool. I still hope he dies of course, like any villain of his caliber should, but against all odds, I find him too cool to truly hate him. The choice got me thinking a bit, but ultimately I decided to send Axel to Torrhen. He is not a Tully, so his body shouldn't be kept at Riverrun. That is not right for him and not right for the Tully's. Gwyn is a good choice and I trust her to be respectful with the body. However, I am actually not sure if Axel would have wanted to rest in the Whitehill family crypt. He turned against his family, supported and died for the Forresters in the end and it seemed his relationship to most Whitehills was rather complicated. But Torrhen is outright stated to be his friend and he should definitely be noble enough to respect this friendship. If anyone knows how Axel would have liked to be buried, it is Torrhen.
Aaaaandddddd Part 16 is up, at long last. I know, it took ages, right?
Nah, but somehow the fastest part I've yet released is also the lo… morengest part I've yet released. It's funny how things work out. Anyway, it was quick and has lots of pages. Whether it's any good or not, you be the judge. Enjoy
I'm pretty sure I will never know how you manage to write so much, so fast and with such outstanding quality
I got lucky. Real lucky. :P ah idk, sometimes it just all comes together, and sometimes it doesn't. Thankfully, this occasion happened to be the former. Thank you, though
Well... Phew... Asher's part literally gave me the huge sigh of relief, because it appears we have not screwed up. The more I thought about, the more I was convinced that escaping is the right choice and I am glad I was correct on this. The escape scene was intense and you had me holding my breath several times. I'm a bit sad that we haven't seen Nyx's death, but well, perhaps we get to see her corpse once Beskha the new champion puts it on display. Though a part of me thinks that Nyx may have survived, even won this fight, since you teased that she is going to get much worse after she plucked out Kara's eye.
I thought you'd be happy! and I'm glad you liked the whole escape scenario. The escape choice was probably the best result, so you were indeed correct! I thought it was pretty cool. As for Nyx, I think it's fair to say, we haven't seen the last of her, just yet.
Just so that I know what kind of bullet we just dodged, how would things have turned out if the alternative would have won?
If they got back on their knees, the fight between Beskha and Nyx would have continued until Beskha won. However, Nyx, before dying, would have made a suicidal charge for Asher. Either Kren or Kara (probably Kren, I hadn't decided though) would have rushed in the way, and died as a result. Nyx and Kren would have then died together, before Beskha became the Champion of Yunkai. She would then have used that gold to take Kara to a maester.
for the choice, surprise, surprise, I chose to kiss Kara. Usually, I'm not the person to squee, but well, perhaps I squeed a tiny bit this time Never knew how much I needed this choice until now. I found their interactions, especially in this part, very sweet and I really want to give them a bit of happiness, for they make a cute match.
I thought you might but they are a cute match, and it seemed a nice way to end this chapter, considering the way it had been going prior to that point. But, I never like to force things like this on the story - so I'll let the polls decide.
I had an Asher-grin on my face during most of Asher's part, Rodrik's part was something I read with a heavy heart. In retrospect, I would have probably chosen to kill Mortimer, not because I want him dead, but because that would be the neutral option. Haytham and Axel are both such great characters that it felt wrong choosing one over the other.
Yes, I only realized, once finished, how tonally different both chapters are. I see what you mean with the Mortimer choice, though, but then both Axel and Haytham would have died. Still, that is the neutral option, as you say, so there's a certain allure to it. And to be honest, I'm just happy to see how even the polls were - a complete even split, almost. I didn't want to stop writing either character, and Axel will certainly be missed. He was a complex and a lot of fun, but that's life. I also didn't even notice the parallel between his demise and Naomi's - so good eye!
As for the rest of Rodrik's PoV, Mortimer is creepy awesome. He just killed one of my favourite characters and I can't even hate him because he is so cool. I still hope he dies of course, like any villain of his caliber should, but against all odds, I find him too cool to truly hate him.
He's certainly got his own unique edge. And I fell in love with this idea, that he moves with the shadows, as if he was a part of them. There's still lots of great Mortimer stuff to come
The choice got me thinking a bit, but ultimately I decided to send Axel to Torrhen. He is not a Tully, so his body shouldn't be kept at Riverrun. That is not right for him and not right for the Tully's. Gwyn is a good choice and I trust her to be respectful with the body. However, I am actually not sure if Axel would have wanted to rest in the Whitehill family crypt. He turned against his family, supported and died for the Forresters in the end and it seemed his relationship to most Whitehills was rather complicated. But Torrhen is outright stated to be his friend and he should definitely be noble enough to respect this friendship. If anyone knows how Axel would have liked to be buried, it is Torrhen.
Yeah, I'd agree with all of that. I think this decision is quite hard, as well. Not because it could have drastic consequences (at least in theory) but because it's hard to really determine which is right. I don't particularly have a strong preference here, but I liked your logic behind the Torrhen choice. As always, thanks for reading, mate!
I'm pretty sure I will never know how you manage to write so much, so fast and with such outstanding quality
Well... Phew... Asher's par… moret literally gave me the huge sigh of relief, because it appears we have not screwed up. The more I thought about, the more I was convinced that escaping is the right choice and I am glad I was correct on this. The escape scene was intense and you had me holding my breath several times. I'm a bit sad that we haven't seen Nyx's death, but well, perhaps we get to see her corpse once Beskha the new champion puts it on display. Though a part of me thinks that Nyx may have survived, even won this fight, since you teased that she is going to get much worse after she plucked out Kara's eye. Afterwards, I can't recall her doing anything more horrific, so that got me thinking she might return after all. I know Beskha is going to live, but I am still worried for her. Just so that I know what kind of bullet we just d… [view original content]
I thought you'd be happy! and I'm glad you liked the whole escape scenario. The escape choice was probably the best result, so you were indeed correct! I thought it was pretty cool. As for Nyx, I think it's fair to say, we haven't seen the last of her, just yet.
The escape was indeed pretty cool! In retrospect it even made a lot of sense to me, more than at the time I gave my vote for it. And Nyx... I am terrified of her. Having her alive might open the way for giving her a gruesome death, though at the same time, she is definitely going to be horrifying as long as she is still alive. My guess is that she won this fight in the general confusion, but did not kill Beskha, in order to lure Asher and the siblings out of hiding later. Here's hoping her eyes are going down first.
If they got back on their knees, the fight between Beskha and Nyx would have continued until Beskha won. However, Nyx, before dying, would have made a suicidal charge for Asher. Either Kren or Kara (probably Kren, I hadn't decided though) would have rushed in the way, and died as a result. Nyx and Kren would have then died together, before Beskha became the Champion of Yunkai. She would then have used that gold to take Kara to a maester.
Yeah, we made the right choice for sure. At least that's how I see things now. Since Nyx is currently probably alive, she now has the chance to return and fuck things up another day, whereas the other choice would have meant that she is dead for sure. Still, I'm very happy with how this scene ended. Kren has some great moments in this part, which I would have missed otherwise.
I thought you might but they are a cute match, and it seemed a nice way to end this chapter, considering the way it had been going prior to that point. But, I never like to force things like this on the story - so I'll let the polls decide.
True. I definitely hope for the kissing option to win, though I like to handle things similarly to you, to give the readers a choice. I thought the end to this part was well-written though and kissing her now seems like such an Asher choice. I don't see him wasting a chance like that
Yes, I only realized, once finished, how tonally different both chapters are. I see what you mean with the Mortimer choice, though, but then both Axel and Haytham would have died. Still, that is the neutral option, as you say, so there's a certain allure to it. And to be honest, I'm just happy to see how even the polls were - a complete even split, almost. I didn't want to stop writing either character, and Axel will certainly be missed. He was a complex and a lot of fun, but that's life. I also didn't even notice the parallel between his demise and Naomi's - so good eye!
Actually, I should have made that more clear. I would have chosen the Mortimer option, but not only because it is neutral, but also because I was sure that it wouldn't win. This would have been a choice where I gladly would have wasted my vote on an option that has no chance of winning, because it was so hard. Also, I just checked Naomi's death scene again and I noticed a very fascinating similarity. She and Axel had very similar last words. In Axel's case it was this:
"You saved me then as well", put in Rodrik
Axel's last action in this world was to laugh. "I never saved you", he said, "You saved me"
Meanwhile, Naomi (and Asher in case of the first line) said this:
"I will get you to a healer. I will save you"
She smiled at that, as sweetly as she did at most everything else. "You already have"
In general, Axel and Naomi were very different kinds of awesome, but I find it really cool that both brothers have such a similar experience in their respective storylines.
He's certainly got his own unique edge. And I fell in love with this idea, that he moves with the shadows, as if he was a part of them. There's still lots of great Mortimer stuff to come
Definitely a very menacing guy. I like this sort of villain. He's not the big, strong guy, but instead more subtle and that makes him so entertaining. And it is terrifying that he hunted Rodrik down all the way from Harrenhal.
Yeah, I'd agree with all of that. I think this decision is quite hard, as well. Not because it could have drastic consequences (at least in theory) but because it's hard to really determine which is right. I don't particularly have a strong preference here, but I liked your logic behind the Torrhen choice. As always, thanks for reading, mate!
I actually found some reasoning for the Riverrun option as well. Axel redeemed himself so much that he can hardly be said to be at the Whitehill's side at all, so it would also seem in character for Rodrik to give him the honour of being buried with the kind of people he aspired to be, not with the kind of people he left behind. Though I still think that Torrhen sounds like the most respectful choice.
I'm pretty sure I will never know how you manage to write so much, so fast and with such outstanding quality
I got lucky. Real luck… morey. :P ah idk, sometimes it just all comes together, and sometimes it doesn't. Thankfully, this occasion happened to be the former. Thank you, though
Well... Phew... Asher's part literally gave me the huge sigh of relief, because it appears we have not screwed up. The more I thought about, the more I was convinced that escaping is the right choice and I am glad I was correct on this. The escape scene was intense and you had me holding my breath several times. I'm a bit sad that we haven't seen Nyx's death, but well, perhaps we get to see her corpse once Beskha the new champion puts it on display. Though a part of me thinks that Nyx may have survived, even won this fight, since you teased that she is going to get much worse after she plucked out Kara's eye.
I thought you'd be happy! and I'm … [view original content]
Still, I'm very happy with how this scene ended. Kren has some great moments in this part, which I would have missed otherwise.
I'm happy with the result as well. Kren and Axel dying in the same part would have been very depressing, both for me and the reader. :P I'm glad we were all spared that. Plus, it gave me the opportunity to do more bonding scenes, and they're always fun.
True. I definitely hope for the kissing option to win, though I like to handle things similarly to you, to give the readers a choice. I thought the end to this part was well-written though and kissing her now seems like such an Asher choice. I don't see him wasting a chance like that
Haha, he is well in there, it's true. I think it's bound to win, but I just don't like doing stuff like that, unless it's been democratically decided. As you say you like to do, as well.
Also, I just checked Naomi's death scene again and I noticed a very fascinating similarity. She and Axel had very similar last words.
Ah, that's so cool, all of that! You're very dedicated and inquisitive, I like it! I never want to make it too on-the-nose, but subtle parallels between Asher's journey and Rodrik's are definitely there, and I love them. It makes them feel connected as opposed to detached. I originally had a lot more ideas on that front - like characters who would meet both Rodrik and Asher, and maybe the two brothers would have exchanged letters every other chapter, but it seemed too much, too unlikely. This subtleness is far better, I think. And I'm glad some of it is getting noticed
Definitely a very menacing guy. I like this sort of villain. He's not the big, strong guy, but instead more subtle and that makes him so entertaining. And it is terrifying that he hunted Rodrik down all the way from Harrenhal.
Yeah, he's a persistent bugger, with far too much time on his hands. xD but I agree. Talking of parallels, both Rodrik and Asher's central villain are opposites. Nyx is strong and dumb, whereas Mortimer is quick and clever. It'll be interesting to see if both of their ends, have any similarities!
I actually found some reasoning for the Riverrun option as well. Axel redeemed himself so much that he can hardly be said to be at the Whitehill's side at all, so it would also seem in character for Rodrik to give him the honour of being buried with the kind of people he aspired to be, not with the kind of people he left behind. Though I still think that Torrhen sounds like the most respectful choice.
I'm torn. I like the Torrhen one, because it makes a lot of sense, but I also like the Gwyn one, because it means he gets to be buried in the crypts of Highpoint. And I also like the Riverrun one, as it means Rodrik and Haytham can have a proper funeral for him. Urgh, too hard for me. I'm glad I don't participate in the polls I just make the dilemma and run away.
I thought you'd be happy! and I'm glad you liked the whole escape scenario. The escape choice was probably the best result, so you were ind… moreeed correct! I thought it was pretty cool. As for Nyx, I think it's fair to say, we haven't seen the last of her, just yet.
The escape was indeed pretty cool! In retrospect it even made a lot of sense to me, more than at the time I gave my vote for it. And Nyx... I am terrified of her. Having her alive might open the way for giving her a gruesome death, though at the same time, she is definitely going to be horrifying as long as she is still alive. My guess is that she won this fight in the general confusion, but did not kill Beskha, in order to lure Asher and the siblings out of hiding later. Here's hoping her eyes are going down first.
If they got back on their knees, the fight between Beskha and Nyx would have continued until Beskha won. However, Nyx, before dying, would have made a suici… [view original content]
Aaaaandddddd Part 16 is up, at long last. I know, it took ages, right?
Nah, but somehow the fastest part I've yet released is also the lo… morengest part I've yet released. It's funny how things work out. Anyway, it was quick and has lots of pages. Whether it's any good or not, you be the judge. Enjoy
Aaaaandddddd Part 17 is up. It's a shorter one, this one, and mainly setting up the exciting stuff to come. Hopefully, you'll like anyway.
Oh, and I've now realized I'm going to be able to make good on my original intention; of making this a 20-part thing. So yes, Part 20 will be the last one, and will conclude the full origin / prequel story of Rodrik and Asher Forrester. I'm amazed I've actually took them from the start of their journey (Rodrik marching south with Robb Stark, Asher being exiled across the Narrow Sea) to the point in which we find them in the game. But, I digress, and I will save the rest of this talk for another time...
Hah, Asher and Kara do not waste any time I'd ship them and frankly, Ashkara makes the perfect ship name, though at the same time it felt almost like friends with benefits. This is probably a result of Kara's charmingly nonchalant reaction. That said, she had a pretty interesting freudian slip at the end of the part and I'm not sure how to interpret it. In any way, I had to grin when Asher asked what they are now, just for her to give the most evasive answer possible. They are the best, their interaction and talk was priceless int his part. I was definitely expecting Kara to act like that and I loved it. In any way, whatever it is between them, I think they needed it and I was greatly entertained. In the long run, their paths are bound to separate again of course and Kara's behaviour in this part gave me an idea how it might end between them. Amicable, probably, but she does not seem ready for any deeper romance, she made that quite clear. I still like to imagine that it meant something to her and in Asher's case, that it helped him getting over Gwyn. I always interpreted the interactions between Asher and Gwyn in the finale as him being largely over her and having matured as a person. For the choice, I had a hard time, because both options sound like they will end in a catastrophe. I ultimately chose to accept Dezzaq's offer. I definitely don't trust him, but the thing is, he brought up one brilliant argument in his favour. If he wanted them dead, he would have had them right here. He could have brought guards with them to take them and even if he wanted them alive, to torture them for his own amusement, he still could have captured them here and now. Inviting them sounds like a risk that is not befitting of a cunning man. In turn, breaking into the mansion is something he almost certainly expects, Kren is right on this one and it is even more risky than accepting his offer. The presence of Nyx makes me nervous for sure though. On the one hand, Kara has a score to settle. On the other hand, she can't afford loosing any more eyes, or well, anything else, so I'd simultaneously like to keep her away from that crazy monster as far as possible. I expect things to end badly in both cases, but perhaps Dezzaq surprises me. If he means to screw them over, he could have done so during their talk, so I presume he seeks an agreement that ends up satisfying him, but also Asher, Kara and Kren. Mostly him probably, but if he seeks vengeance, he could have taken it already, so I am inclined to believe he wants some sort of deal with them. Hell, it wouldn't be too far fetched to assume that he needs them for something, after seeing their skills.
As always, I enjoyed Rodrik's part as well, though this time I clearly had a lot more fun with Asher's part. The Asher/Arkara dialogue has been priceless this time XD Rodrik's part felt a bit like a breather after the last and very action-heavy part. I loved that Lame Lothar and Black Walder appeared. They have been among my favourite side characters in the books and I was happy they used them in Season 3 (even with Lothar's limp from the books). I was even more happy that they are actually bringing them back for Season 6, and in Black Walder's case they even use the original actor. They may have been bit characters in Season 3, but killing Cat and Talisa made them quite memorable still. And well, no one can make a ridiculous Frey hat and a weak chin look so intimidating as Black Walder XD Their scene was short and sweet, nice foreshadowing for what's about to come. The talk with Robb was wonderful as well. Together with Jaime, I feel like Robb is one of the canon characters you write the strongest. As for the choice, I chose Friends. Allies seems a bit... cold in this situation especially as they just seemed to bond. Meanwhile, family might be too personal. Robb is still his king and no matter how close they are, the Starks and the Forresters are not family. Considering how important the term is in Westeros, calling Robb, his king and liege lord, who is not related to him at all family could even be seen as an insult. I'm sure people like Tywin Lannister would see it as a severe insult. While Robb might see it differently and might even be moved by this, it sounds like a risk to say something he might take insult in.
It feels odd that we have almost reached the end of the story. I'm still sad that I joined so late, though in the end I was able to follow a majority of the story, which I'm quite thankful for. Now I'm looking forward for the finale. I'm sure a lot of shit is going to hit the fan. My speculation would be that the stuff with Dezzaq is either going to end in a horrible bloodbath, or that he indeed needs them for something else and that there will be one last mission after which Asher and Beskha part ways with Kara and Kren (if they are hopefully still alive by then) and end up in Yunkai. In any way, I hope Nyx dies screaming and I'm still quite fixed on taking her eye (or both eyes) before she dies. As for Rodrik, it's harder to speculate what happens to him before the Red Wedding as his storyline ends a bit earlier than Asher's in terms of the time that is going to pass until then, but there is probably going to be a showdown with Mortimer and maybe a chance to take revenge for Axel.
Aaaaandddddd Part 17 is up. It's a shorter one, this one, and mainly setting up the exciting stuff to come. Hopefully, you'll like anyway.
… more
Oh, and I've now realized I'm going to be able to make good on my original intention; of making this a 20-part thing. So yes, Part 20 will be the last one, and will conclude the full origin / prequel story of Rodrik and Asher Forrester. I'm amazed I've actually took them from the start of their journey (Rodrik marching south with Robb Stark, Asher being exiled across the Narrow Sea) to the point in which we find them in the game. But, I digress, and I will save the rest of this talk for another time...
Hah, Asher and Kara do not waste any time I'd ship them and frankly, Ashkara makes the perfect ship name, though at the same time it felt almost like friends with benefits.
Ashkara! xD that's great! Why didn't I think of that...? And I'll certainly be expanding upon their relationship, and establishing its conclusion before this is over! I'm excited for it. I'm glad you liked their interactions - they're pretty great, I thought. And I honestly agree with every point you've made on the subject. They're basically in-line with my own on the matter.
For the choice, I had a hard time, because both options sound like they will end in a catastrophe. I ultimately chose to accept Dezzaq's offer. I definitely don't trust him, but the thing is, he brought up one brilliant argument in his favour. If he wanted them dead, he would have had them right here. He could have brought guards with them to take them and even if he wanted them alive, to torture them for his own amusement, he still could have captured them here and now. Inviting them sounds like a risk that is not befitting of a cunning man. In turn, breaking into the mansion is something he almost certainly expects, Kren is right on this one and it is even more risky than accepting his offer. The presence of Nyx makes me nervous for sure though.
Between a rock and a hard place, yet again! There's certainly more going on that it seems... but which of the twins are right about it, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I like your thought process on the matter, though. He indeed made a valid point, about the fact he didn't attack them when he could have. There must be a reason for it.
always, I enjoyed Rodrik's part as well, though this time I clearly had a lot more fun with Asher's part.
I think that's just true in general :P of their lives and the storyline... Rodrik always seem to get the shit end of the stick.
As for the choice, I chose Friends. Allies seems a bit... cold in this situation especially as they just seemed to bond. Meanwhile, family might be too personal. Robb is still his king and no matter how close they are
Makes sense. I just figured it was about time to fully establish the specificity of their relationship... before, you know...
It feels odd that we have almost reached the end of the story. I'm still sad that I joined so late, though in the end I was able to follow a majority of the story, which I'm quite thankful for.
Haha, it's been a weird, yet wonderful journey. And I'm glad you've joined me on it. Like everyone else who has posted, it's great to hear people's thoughts on it all. But I feel like I've told the story I wanted to tell - and I don't want to artificially extend it. 20 parts sounds good to me... and who knows? Maybe I'll do another story, down the line. I've certainly had a lot of fun with it all, as I hope others have, to. As for the rest of your final paragraph, I have planned out the end, so I know more or less what happens now (with leeway given for the polls, of course). It should be pretty intense! And we will see if your speculations ring true!
Hah, Asher and Kara do not waste any time I'd ship them and frankly, Ashkara makes the perfect ship name, though at the same time it felt a… morelmost like friends with benefits. This is probably a result of Kara's charmingly nonchalant reaction. That said, she had a pretty interesting freudian slip at the end of the part and I'm not sure how to interpret it. In any way, I had to grin when Asher asked what they are now, just for her to give the most evasive answer possible. They are the best, their interaction and talk was priceless int his part. I was definitely expecting Kara to act like that and I loved it. In any way, whatever it is between them, I think they needed it and I was greatly entertained. In the long run, their paths are bound to separate again of course and Kara's behaviour in this part gave me an idea how it might end between them. Amicable, probably, but she does not seem ready for any deeper romance, she made that quite clear. I… [view original content]
I gotta say, things are really starting to get interesting for both Asher and Rodrik. They've both got their own issues with potential threats and it's keeping me hanging off the edge of my seat.
I reckon Robb really needs someone like Rodrik to kinda keep him grounded and someone to rely upon at this point, and I couldn't just say that the Starks were friends to the Forresters; that alone wasn't enough. So for now, the Starks are family.
I gotta say, things are really starting to get interesting for both Asher and Rodrik. They've both got their own issues with potential threats and it's keeping me hanging off the edge of my seat.
Well, I'm very glad to hear that! And it's only going to get better from here, I hope.
I reckon Robb really needs someone like Rodrik to kinda keep him grounded and someone to rely upon at this point, and I couldn't just say that the Starks were friends to the Forresters; that alone wasn't enough. So for now, the Starks are family.
I get that. Good choice. it makes sense. Thanks for reading!
Another job well done, DillonDex.
I gotta say, things are really starting to get interesting for both Asher and Rodrik. They've both got … moretheir own issues with potential threats and it's keeping me hanging off the edge of my seat.
I reckon Robb really needs someone like Rodrik to kinda keep him grounded and someone to rely upon at this point, and I couldn't just say that the Starks were friends to the Forresters; that alone wasn't enough. So for now, the Starks are family.
Apologies for the long, and probably worthless reply, I'm typing this on my phone as the site is refusing to work on anything else because of the security certificate something, something. Anyway, on to your points!
Well I'm very glad to finally hear from you, then!
I love hearing people's thoughts on it all, and thank you, by the way... I appreciate it!
Actually, it's not really been asked before, at least not properly. I never fully write out all the options beforehand--but I do, do some basic planning; so no matter what option is picked, I know the general outcome. So no, I don't write out both options, but I do plan in advance what will happen in them, so I'm prepared for whatever people finally choose. I think the polls work well for both parties--it keeps things fresh and interesting for me, and allows everyone else to be pro-active participants in the story, very much--as you say--in the style of Telltale.
Haha, I'm glad you've liked it! They seem like quite compatible people, who would get along, so it just made sense to me. I regret not including more scenes between the two, to be honest, but hopefully that'll be rectified in the future.
Thank you very much for the feedback, and of course, for reading! It really is nice to hear from someone new, or old, I suppose, since you've been here from the start! Feel free to post here anytime, or PM me, if you have any other thoughts - and I hope you'll like the next part, too, when I finally finish it.
Aaaaandddddd Part 13 is up. (It was pretty quick, right?) hopefully it's not awful and filled with grammatical errors. Let me know!
Kren's state is clouding Kara's judgement, we need to go. It'll risk put Kren at risk but it's the smart thing. There's no saving him from the grave.
I choose for Axel to stay. He'll atone the hard way. If he leaves he's not making amends, he's running from his mistakes. Let him work to earn Rodrik and the others respect and trust.
I really liked this part. Particularly Rodrik's.
Haha, it certainly doesn't look good. But we shall see. :P
That makes a lot of sense. I look forward to seeing where the polls finally end on that particular choice. It's 50/50 for now, which is interesting.
it's always nice to hear from you.
Asher's part was awesome! The fight scenes were wonderful and I loved that they actually succeeded in slaughtering these masters. This justice stuff, when the crowd started to support them, that was epic. But oh man, Kren... I am amazed that he is still somewhat alive, because I was expecting him to die, but it definitely does not look good. Still, in the end this is the outcome I'm more happy with, because I guess if we would have chosen to go with him, Kara would have taken the spear, right? Or worse, considering that she almost did a severe mistake in this part if it wouldn't have been for Asher. In the end, if one of them has to die I prefer her to live. At the same time though, I just have to choose to stay in the house, because if there's a chance to save Kren, I have to take it. Also, if he dies because we leave the house, Kara is going to be extremely pissed, to say the least. My hope is that the crowd that hunts them is in a frenzy and won't thoroughly search the houses, but I admit that I am biased here. The way I see it, both options are equally risky, because there is no telling what awaits them behind the house. Outside of the house, I am afraid Kren's chances will be even worse, while in the house he at least has a genuine chance. This leaves the house as the marginally better option for me. Both is a risk, so I'm actually pretty torn about this. I just hope that if the other choice wins, Kara won't do something reckless again, like playing the hero at the decidedly worst moment ever, or getting pissed at the two people that can actually save her life when things get even worse.
Rodrik's part was awesome as well. I do somewhat like Torrhen now, although still not that much. Axel on the other hand was pretty great in this part. Haytham as well. I greatly enjoyed their interaction in this chapter. These two likely will never be friends, but they sure as hell are enjoyable to read about. And Mortimer is one creepy bastard for sure. The dungeon scene has to be one of the most intense in the entire story for me. I also got the implication that he's still hunting for them even now that they are in the relative safety of Riverrun, which is definitely scary. For the choice, I fully agree with what Agent said. Axel should atone the hard way. Against all odds, a redemption is possible for him, but he has to work for it. There's no guarantee that he actually is going to work for it if Rodrik lets him go. I think Axel is not the strongest and most determined person, so someone like Rodrik, who actively pushes him to redemption, could be helpful for him if he starts to doubt his new way of life. Of course, none of the other characters want him at Riverrun, but he surely did a lot of things to deserve being treated like that. I think that, considering the horrible things he did earlier in the story, he should have to stay and earn redemption in the eyes of Rodrik and his men. Also, I enjoy his character too much to let him go like this.
They did indeed! And thank you
It does not look good :P but yes, Kara would have taken the spear, if you went with Kren, and they would have escaped using the pits below as the crowd wouldn't have helped in that case. (On her own, she wouldn't have done the speech about justice, hence the crowd would have not supported her, and therefore all of them).
Haha, this is the first choice I've done where I genuinely don't know which one I would actually go with. Do you drag a wounded man into uncertainty, or stay and wait for a hundred savages to, potentially, storm into your house? Pretty difficult, I think. But I like your logic.
Haha, yeah, she is a hot-head... and not taking Kren's injury very well.
That's basically Rodrik's feelings as well :P but thank you!
I'm glad to hear that, I was worried their whole little rivalry would be a bit, I don't know, tedious or boring. Apparently, not
which is good!
He is creepy. And yes, it would seem he's still on the hunt for them. That's part of the reason Axel wishes to leave--to kill him before he can do anymore harm. I'm glad you liked the dungeon scene, though, it was really fun to write.
Another quite difficult choice, I think. On one hand, he wishes to go, and everyone else wishes for him to go, but there's still a sense he has unfinished business with Rodrik... and in general. I'm loving the fact it's 50/50 right now, though.
Well, that's good to hear!
thanks again for the feedback!
As always both chapters were excellent. As expected Kara and Asher dealt a massive amount of damage and in this case justice! It was great to see that the twins accomplished their goal! I chose for them to sneak out through the back largely because i hate for them to be sitting ducks if they are found but there is an argument for either choice with this choice being one of if not the toughest choice yet! Hopefully though Kren is able to make it through on both options because both of the twins are really unique characters all around!!
Rodrik's part has really hit its stride in terms of all around action in these past few chapters with it definitely continuing here! Mortimer really is very sadistic and it was fun seeing him in his element with him being basically being the Ramsay Bolton of the story! It was wild how Mortimer nearly took out all four men by himself! I thought Axel was a goner! I enjoyed the little rivalry between Axel and Haytham. They are literally polar opposites with Haytham being very "Stark" like with his sense of honor and really just being a pure man of the north while Axel is obviously not which made for some funny moments betwen the two! Probably my favorite part however is the ever evolving relationship between Axel and Rodrik. They have went from sworn enemies to reluctant allies to now it seems to me they have gained some kind of respect for one another with Rodrik in my mind showing Axel what it really means to be a "true knight" even though Rodrik is not a knight himself. Obviously I have chosen for Axel to stay with Rodrik for now because i really think it is the best way for him to find what ever atonement he is searching for plus I hate to see him leave the story!
This thread's been quite for a while. How are things?
Aaaaandddddd Part 14 is up. It's pretty short, for reasons if you care enough to find out, I've listed below. Spoiler alert: it's not that interesting.
(For those are who are interested, however, @AgentZ46 in particular, who I should have done this as a reply to...)
I've had to complete a billion word assignment for my course, and it's taken me forever. I'm still currently working on it. As such, this particular part not only took ages to get finished, but it also had to be rushed, and done by someone with a spent, work-addled brain. That probably comes across in the part, unfortunately. But hopefully you enjoy it anyway... and hopefully I'll do better next time.
Also, GoT Season 6 soon. Very soon. So yay for that. And that is all.
Good luck with the assignment.
I enjoyed this part, but I'm not sure how I feel about that certain graphic detail in Asher's part. I applaud you for having the guts to have something like that happen but part of me feels like it was a bit too much. I'll get over it eventually though.
For the first choice I picked defy as all I can think is "Forresters don't submit to the likes of you" the consequences will probably suck though.
For the second I picked raid because at the end of the day Rodrik's a soldier, he's most useful in a fight.
All I can think of after finishing this part is: "Should've listened to Beskha and gotten the fuck out of there" she knew the plan was destined to fail. Oh and fuck this bitch with the power-play fetish.
Thanks mate, appreciate it.
Look my mind was in a weird and tired place at the time, leave me alone xD but seriously, yeah, it was pretty graphic. But that's Game of Thones, I guess, but I probably did overdo it. (I haven't read it back) apologies anyway.
They almost certainly will. But it will be quite the badass spectacle, provided it wins out in the polls.
Makes a lot of sense.
She did indeed, not that going outside would have ended in sunshine and rainbows either, may I add. I flipped a coin for the choice--since they were even--and hide was heads, and it won twice in a row.
You mean Nyx the Champion? Yeah, she's a piece of work, alright. Thanks for reading
Oh no
For obvious reasons, I found Asher's part very painful to read. Damn it, poor Kara... At first I even thought that Nyx killed her, but she did not kill her, did she? A small part of me thinks that Nyx made a terrible mistake in not finishing her off. The rest of me is too afraid of her to think anything. That said, I easily have a new least favourite character. I hope someone cuts out both of Nyx' eyes and feeds them to stray dogs. While we're at it, I hope someone feeds the rest of her to the dogs as well, but not to the large ones, but to the small, vicious ones, with their tiny teeth, because that's going to be twice as painful. God, what a fucking bitch... That was sickening, but at the same time, I read this part on my phone right after waking up and it was better than coffee. For the choice, I chose to submit to Nyx. Obviously, Asher is going out of this unscathed, which makes me afraid that Nyx is going to take her anger out on Kara and Kren even further, makes them suffer and forces Asher to watch, something like that. God, I hope Beskha comes back to save the others 
Out of interest, what would have happened if we would have left through the back? Since Beskha got into a fight, I doubt things would have went smoothly. Since she was so quick to abandon the others (which I can't blame her for, honestly), I think there's also the chance that Kara would have stayed back with Kren either way, but still... What would have happened?
Rodrik's part was a bit shorter, but nonetheless neat. I especially loved Haytham's rant towards Axel, that was spectacular. I also had a particularly horrible realization. Rodrik knows that Roose Bolton is up to something, that he likely conspires against the king. We also know that the Red Wedding is going to happen and that it likely wouldn't have happened if Rodrik would have just told Robb what he saw. I can only imagine the horrible feeling of guilt Rodrik feels after the Red Wedding. For the choice, I chose to raid the Westerlands, simply because Rodrik seems best suited for that and also since it sounds like the most exciting option. It's also going to put some miles between him and Mortimer, so that's a good thing.
No, Kara is still very much alive, but in a world of pain... just like Krendak, really.
Yeah, she's pretty nasty, and you haven't seen anything yet... she gets much, much worse :S
Well, thank you, for the first part
for the rest of it, I get all of that! Submitting is certainly the easiest way out of that particular situation for them. And Beskha is indeed still out there, somewhere 
If they went out the back, Kara would've been incredibly angry, while Beskha would be pleased. They would have made it a fair while before Kren succumbs to his wounds, and dies. The rest of them would have escaped unharmed, however, and gone on the offense. Instead of getting ambushed by Nyx, they would be ambushing her. So a few pro's and con's for both I think, I'm not sure one is definitively better.
I didn't even think about that - that's a great, and really tragic, point! And I also like all your reasoning for the decision to raid the Westerlands, too. Especially with the good point you made about Mortimer. That's smart. Thanks for reading!
Well... it is at least something. At first, probably because I was still a bit dizzy from just waking up, I thought that Nyx pulled a Mountain on her, but well... she got lucky that she 'only' lost one eye. Hopefully she gets the chance to return the favour a thousand times.
Oh... oh, oh no. I don't even want to know how that is still possible. I mean, I have a couple of ideas, but I like none of them. You got me royally scared
True, I'm still very much torn even now that I know the alternative. On the one hand, Kren would have died, which would have sucked. On the other hand, Kara would have escaped unscathed, though she would have been understandably pissed at Asher. Now, both are still alive, but in the hands of a complete monster who's probably going to do stuff to them I don't even want to think about, Kara lost an eye, while Kren's condition is still not better, though at the same time there is the chance that Beskha comes for the rescue. I guess in this choice, both options are bad, though I'm not sure which one is worse.
Aaaaandddddd Part 15 is up. I was pretty quick this time, and that's good. Now to just sit here and neurotically worry about all the typos I may have done... or how I messed up the polls... or how X, Y or Z didn't work... you know, the usual after submitting a new part.
Anyway, enjoy!
Huh, that was a very fast one
You didn't kept me waiting for long after the last part literally had me on the edge of my seat. And on top of that, it has the same high level of quality as the other parts, so well done! Btw, I hope your assignment stuff goes well!
Again, Asher's part had me on the egde of my seat. Over the past few days, I was literally checking the poll at least twice each day and the last time I looked, it seemed the option of submitting to Ny was going to win, so I was terrified when I realized that the choice was even in the end. Thankfully, that fuckturd did not take her anger out even further on them. And well, I expected Beskha to arrive, but it was still glorious. It appears Kara sadly won't get a chance for vengeance, so I hope Beskha gives this eye-gouging cunt the most painful death she can think of. And I have trust in Beskha to be pretty damn creative when it comes to that sort of stuff, even if sadly there won't be any dogs to eat Nyx' gruesomely mutilated body alive. As for the choice, I decided to run. I don't see this as abandoning Beskha and I highly doubt she would see it that way either. Beskha previously did the same, she retreated out of pragmatism, so that she can return later to save the day. In fact, I'm pretty sure that this is her reason for challenging Nyx so openly. She just guaranteed to draw the attention towards her and I believe she wants to give Asher, Kara and Kren this chance to flee. Aside from that, I am deeply worried for Kara, way more than I am worried for Kren. I believe he has a chance to make it either way. His wounds are treated and while he is still in a bad shape, they definitely disinfected the wound. Meanwhile, if Kara's eye is infected, then she needs medical help and she needs to get to this help as long as she is still able to run. If it truly is infected, and frankly, it probably is, then she won't be able to run for much longer, so they have to take this chance Beskha is giving them if they want any chance for Kara to survive. Later, they may have to carry her and even later and she might succumb to the infection. Aside from that, I'm sure that the Masters will never let them go, so they have to run either way sooner or later and now seems like the best choice. That said, I was wrong before and Kara paid dearly for it, so I hope that I will be right this time.
Rodrik's part was amazing as well! I'm always in awe at the detail in your fighting scenes and can't get enough of them. The fight against the Lefford host was amazing as expected and I really grow to love Axel as a character. I also love how his relationship with Haytham evolved, it is one of the most noticeable developments in the entire story for me. Their buddy talk after the battle was nice and really shows how both have grown as characters. And well, the return of creepy Mortimer is always a nice thing. He's my favourite original villain in this story by a country mile. Axel eventually redeemed himself completely and I have far too much of a personal grudge against Nyx to like anything about her, so I am happy to say that Mortimer is my favourite antagonist. In his own way, he is awesome and his lines give me the chills. Because of that, it was clear that I won't kill him now, I enjoy him far too much for that. Also, I'd rather take the chance to save a loyal friend. The choice between Axel and Haytham was hard for me. Both are very well-developed characters and I like them equally. Since I have to make a choice, I decided to save Haytham, with a heavy heart. Unlike Axel, who started of as a villain, Haytham was always the loyal good guy and trusted soldier under Rodrik's command. For his loyalty, I think he deserved to be saved. Aside from that, as much as I would want Axel to survive, this part felt like a farewell from his character. He finally fully redeemed himself, not only in the eyes of the readers, but also in the eyes of his new companions, even Haytham and perhaps even in his own eyes. It appears to me, he literally achieved what he truly wants to achieve. That said, I am not at all sad if he survives. Quite the contrary, as I love his character so much. I just have to make a choice and I'm leaning slightly more in favour of the guy who has always been on Rodrik's side. But this was a hard choice, perhaps the hardest in the entire story for me. Both choices were hard, but Rodrik's was the first one where I legitimately thought about skipping the vote.
Thank, thank you
by the way, I heard about the surgery. It sounded pretty rough, but I'm glad you're back home now! I hope you continue to improve, mate. Oh, and it's weird seeing you without your Oberyn avatar... though the new one is very cool!
She's certainly going to try
That makes a lot of sense. And I'll just come out and say it: yes, Beskha's whole idea behind this fight was buying them time to escape. (Not that escaping is necessarily the best, or right choice, just to be clear) but as I said, all your logic sounds pretty good to me
Well, Part 16 will finally answer the question of whether her and Kren are going to make it, or not. At least, in terms of their injuries. They'll be getting a lot more coverage then, so that should be good! You needn't worry much longer! ... maybe. :P
Once again, thank you! I really enjoy writing fighting scenes, so I'm glad they're as good to read, as they are to write. And I love the Axel-Haytham relationship, too. It wasn't really ever planned, their whole rivalry, it just sort of organically happened. And I'm really glad with how it's turned out... and even more glad I'm not alone in thinking that!
He's fun to write as well. A very Ramsay-ish character, but with his own distinct spin!
That makes sense. This decision is probably the one I'm most excited to see where it ends up. And I did try my best, to set every option up perfectly, prior to the point. Like we were basically at Foreshadow City before it happened. :P so thanks for reading! It's always exciting hearing people's comments! And I look forward to reading yours every time.
Thanks! I think after today the worst is over and in a week I should be fully recovered. It wasn't exactly rough in terms of pain, but it was extremely unpleasant. Any kind of nasal surgery probably is. Currently, I'm having the important choice of either continuing to catch up on everything I missed, or going to sleep. Though it's 3PM here and that's not a time anyone should be asleep XD
I have faith in her. At least I'm willing to bet money that she is going to win and I'm curious to see how she finishes Nyx of. Fingers crossed that it'll happen under a lot of pain, but honestly, I just want Nyx dead in general. The agony would just be the icing on the cake.
Hah, I knew it! That's just so in-character for Beskha. The way I see it, currently many people watch that epic battle and I'd love to as well. However, they have to run sooner or later. If they run later, it might not only be the physical condition of Kara and Kren (whom I both imagine to grow weaker with every second) that's going to be a problem, there are also going to be a lot less people interested in Nyx's corpse, which means a lot more people are going to be interested in fleeing prisoners.
Oh man... I am excited and honestly scared at the same time. Though on a slightly more positive note, I realized that, if Kara survives, she is now eligible for a badass eyepatch
If she survives that is. I'm nervous for this choice, because it really can go both ways.
While I'm at it, one question out of interest: How would this part have played out if a majority would have decided to leave the house at the end of part 13? You said before that Kren would have died and Asher, Beskha and Kara would have ambushed Nyx, but what would have happened then?
Their rivalry greatly enhanced both characters for me, so I have no doubt that it was the right decision to write them into this direction. Their discussions have always been a highlight in Rodrik's part. And them settling their rivarly and becoming friends of some sort really made the current choice a lot harder for me. No matter who's going to survive, I'm going to miss the one that dies.
I actually made the mistake of scrolling too far, and I read the choice before I read the rest of the part, so I knew it was coming. I definitely noticed the foreshadowing and it made this choice so much better. Seriously, this is not only the hardest choice for me, but also probably my favourite so far
WHAT!? I sleep in the afternoon all the time. xD but that is quite the dilemma you have there. Maybe make a poll for it? Actually, don't, because I wouldn't know what to vote for. On a serious note, though, I'm glad you should recover in a week.
We will just have to see
I couldn't help but tell you the truth, once you worked it all out perfectly. Just like you did with the Rodrik-Torrhen dual. (Damn you, you know too much!) In my head the entire time, Beskha's motive here wasn't to kill Nyx or anything (though that would be a bonus!) she's just trying to create a distraction, for Asher, Kren and Kara to escape.
Judging by the descriptions, she would certainly look even more epic and badass with an eyepatch! And I'd be lying if I said that was something, I hadn't already thought about :P
To be honest, that was as far as I got, in planning for that. I tend not to plan too far ahead, into the different choices as obviously the majority of them will never see the light of day. I work out the basic outcomes of every choice, and then expand upon them once the polls have been fully decided. Likely, though, that particular arc would have ended with Nyx's demise.
Me too, me too...
Yeah, I figured it would be pretty clear--even without seeing the choice first lol--where things were heading. But in a way, I think that just adds to the tragedy, as you kind of said. It's definitely my favourite choice, I think, that or the "hide in the house" or "escape the house" one. Mainly because they are the only two, where I genuinely don't favour one or the other. I'm completely neutral. Which I guess is a sign of a good and difficult moral dilemma!
That part was a blast to read, especially Rodrik's part. I don't really comment as often anymore, but I really appreciate to see that even though Rodrik is an extremely skilled fighter, he still has flaws and is more realistic in his actions and decisions (as opposed to the always heroic in very early parts). Considering Rodrik doesn't have a sentinel for himself as of the Red Wedding, I feel like part 16 could be the time to kill Haytham.
Well, firstly, I'm sad that after reading about the biggest scene your character has yet had, this is the only feedback you could come up with...
That said, yes Mortimer's speech was directly inspired by Randall's speech. That's no secret. I just finished TWD: Michonne and I loved it. I had those lines on the brain. Especially with Mortimer as I feel him and Randall are very similar in a lot of ways.
Well, the whole thing is technically a rip off. It's fan fiction of essentially, Telltale's own fan fiction of Game of Thrones. I'm not trying to pretend it's anything else.
Well it's nice to hear from you again
and I took that criticism on-board, and I'm glad you stuck around to notice!
Well, there's no Axel around then, either, but I get what you mean.
it's quite a well-rounded choice, I think. Either way is justified. Thanks for reading! I hope to hear from you again.
I hear what you're saying exactly, but yeah, the wording was a bit much. :P Still, though, this isn't my official, published work. This is fan fiction. Of a fan fiction. For the Telltale community. I wouldn't rip off a Telltale product, and then try to pass it off as my own... to the Telltale community. His whole speech mirroring Randall's own was an intentional parallel, because I loved it, and felt it fit the character so well. If you didn't like it, I respect that, but as I said, the term "rip off" is a bit much.
Rodrik and Asher aren't my own characters either, you know. I stole them too. But I wouldn't call it ripping-off. I'm just repurposing them for my own story, in my own way.
Still, I get your concerns, and see where you're coming from. Honestly, I do. And I'm glad you're reading the story, anyway. The more readers, the better.
No promises, but...
It's not that I don't want it, it's just that I know, if I'd go for a nap in the afternoon, I would sleep until it's the middle of the night XD Getting up once each day is already hard enough. In fact, the very same thing happened today after I wrote my last comment, where I was just too tired to do anything else. A small hour-long nap turned into four solid hours of sleep. At the very least I am quite happy with my new Avatar now that I slept over it, even if I'm probably going to miss Oberyn in time
It looks like she has the upper hand currently, though that's hard to say with Nyx. From what we've seen, I see Beskha as the slightly better fighter though. Nyx is strong and fast, but Beskha is Beskha. I wonder if she would get any sort of authority as the Champion of Meereen that could save Asher and the siblings, but I somehow doubt it. Now looks like their best chance to escape and to get medical supplies, but that could very well also end up in disaster.
The thought almost made me feel less guilty for choosing to stay in the house. Almost, at least until I recall how utterly painful the last part must have been. But well, that happened and all she gotta do now is survive, which is probably the hardest part. At least from the way I see it, things look very grim for her and she needs to get medical help asap in order to survive, but maybe she still has more time left than I think and running away now will be what kills her. Ugh, this choice and the possible outcomes are literally messing with me right now XD In any way, first she gotta survive this rather grievous wound, then she can think of cool new looks she can pull off now. I heard pirates are in this year.
I actually start to regret that I argued in favour of hiding in the house so heavily. It's indeed hard to say if leaving would have truly been better, but currently it does certainly look even more grim for the siblings, so I'm inclined to believe I simply chose wrong with the house. Krendak is still as good as dead and to make things way worse, Kara looks even closer to death now as well. The only truly positive thing I currently see is that if she survives, she won't be pissed at Asher and Beskha now, because even if Kren dies, they did their best to save him. But well, it appears that at least from a physical standpoint she would have survived this story arc without problems, so that would have been something.
Tbh, I find the current Asher choice even harder than the house choice. At least the house choice had the single obvious benefit that it was better for Kren to stay. This current choice however can go either way for him and Kara. Perhaps staying now is going to kill both, or it saves them. Perhaps one of them dies regardless as a result of our choices, or perhaps there's an option none die. Perhaps running is the right choice, or perhaps running ends in a complete disaster. Taking the time aspect into consideration, I am especially worried about the possible infection of Kara's wound, since there's no saying how bad that might be without having someone with medical knowledge look over it. Since I prefer her alive even over Kren, I believe that running gives her the better chances of survival. We know Asher is getting out of there with both choices, I'm just afraid that one or both siblings could end up dead as the result of this choice and unlike the house choice, where staying was clearly better for Kren, it can go both ways with both siblings for both options here. So, this part definitely features the hardest choices from either PoV for me. Though I noticed you don't mention this choice as being one where you don't have a favoured outcome, so does that mean that one option is going to be better here?
Oh, by the way, one thing I wanted to say but totally forgot to mention which I enjoyed in Rodrik's part was the return of Rickard Snow and Philo Frost. I liked them in the early story and can't recall them appearing much after the Sentinel choice, so it was nice to have them do some more stuff
Hopefully it won't be the last time.
Haha, fair enough! And I can relate to that, too. At least you've had some sleep now, mate.
Sowwy! I'm evil, I know, but I learned from the best (Telltale, George R.R Martin). But I personally think eyepatches are cool. And pirates are so in this year. If she makes it, Kara will look more badass than ever, that's for sure. Like a female Kenny.
True, in Telltale speak, Kara is not determinant! Though that eye certainly needs looking at. If she makes a recovery, she will definitely remember how Asher and Beskha did all they could to protect her and Kren. So that is definitely a positive, without a doubt. As for the Beskha / Nyx fight, they are very even, I'd say, basically 50/50.
I suppose there's nothing wrong with admitting one option is arguably far better than the other, in terms of outcome, yes. But as to which it is, these lips are sealed. :P I'm glad to hear about that first part, though. I do keep trying to make these as difficult as possible! And it seems to be working so far.
Haha, yeah, I try to sneak them in whenever I can! It's just, after the Sentinel decision, they became far less relevant and harder to implement. I do hope to give them proper roles again, before the story is done. They're pretty cool characters in their own rights!
First off, it is good to see you are back and writing again and hopefully your assignments turned out well!
When it comes to both of the stories there is not much I can say that has not been said however, I have to applaud how well you flipped Axel! You made a character that was initially a really bad guy all around and have realistically turned him good!! Obviously I want neither Axel or Haytham to die especially considering how they now have seemed to form an unlikely friendship but with my obvious bias I definitely want Axel to live especially seeing how now he has actually become a honorable knight! I know it probably won't happen but I would definitely like to see them both make it through but overall great story and I can say without a doubt I am here to see it to the end!
Yeah. I just would have preferred not to fall asleep in my chair, because when I woke up hours later, my neck was killing me XD
I wholeheartedly agree, there are indeed very few things that look more badass than eyepatches. Kenny-like beards for example, but I think it's safe to say that Kara is never going to have one of these, regardless of wether or not she makes it out alive. I'm not yet entirely convinced if I prefer this more visually badass version of her, considering how absolutely painful the eye-gouging scene was to read, but the eyepatch certainly makes for a nice touch. Here's hoping that she gets a chance to rock the new look.
One thing I just noticed is, I'm actually not sure how long such an infection needs to kick in, so perhaps her chances aren't as bad as I previously thought. Still, she needs serious medical treatment and it is going to be horribly painful, even more so the longer they wait. I think a lot of my opinion on wether or not we made the right decision in the house is going to depend on the events of the next part. But yeah, if she makes it out, I'd very much prefer for Kara to remain on good terms with Asher and Beskha, especially since being on bad terms with Beskha is never advisable. As for the fight, I'm definitely not betting against Beskha. She landed the more nasty blows so far, or so it seems. Also, she's Beskha. Hopefuly she literally butchers Nyx. In any way, this fight is going to have me super excited. Since it is a fight to the death, Beskha theoretically has to win, but a part of me wonders if there's going to be a twist to it.
Oh shit... I'm calling it now, we're totally going to screw up. From experience, I know that if there is one choice that is far better than the other, the wrong one somehow has an oddly increased chance of winning. Here's hoping that we're going to get lucky this time. Before joining, I told myself I shouldn't become that attached to the characters, but well, I certainly failed with this once I saw how wonderfully you wrote them. Most of the times, that is not a bad thing, but this time... eh, I'm literally and genuinely deeply afraid.
I realized, one of them could have been a main character if he would have won the Sentinel decision and Rodrik's storyline would have probably had a completely different vibe to it. What I've seen so far shows that they all have potential to be fascinating characters, though if I would have followed the story back when the choice was made, I would have probably chosen Haytham for Sentinel as well. While he never had a storyline of his own, his presence gave the Rodrik storyline a certain vibe to it, which I greatly enjoyed. His clashing morals with Axel greatly enhanced Rodrik's storyline for me. Considering that this element of the storyline wasn't planned in advance, I can only imagine what kind of storylines Philo and Rickard would have offered instead. I don't know enough about their morals, but I guess they probably wouldn't have been too fond of Axel either, at least initially.
ARGH! The Rodrik choice! Great part BTW.
[Asher] It's better to try and escape than to sit and do nothing.
[Rodrik] This is a difficult choice for me, I'm leaning towards saving Axel, who I find the most interesting but I decided to end Mortimer here and now. I don't really see this choice winning though.
Aaaaandddddd Part 16 is up, at long last. I know, it took ages, right?
Nah, but somehow the fastest part I've yet released is also the longest part I've yet released. It's funny how things work out. Anyway, it was quick and has lots of pages. Whether it's any good or not, you be the judge. Enjoy
I'm pretty sure I will never know how you manage to write so much, so fast and with such outstanding quality
Well... Phew... Asher's part literally gave me the huge sigh of relief, because it appears we have not screwed up. The more I thought about, the more I was convinced that escaping is the right choice and I am glad I was correct on this. The escape scene was intense and you had me holding my breath several times. I'm a bit sad that we haven't seen Nyx's death, but well, perhaps we get to see her corpse once Beskha the new champion puts it on display. Though a part of me thinks that Nyx may have survived, even won this fight, since you teased that she is going to get much worse after she plucked out Kara's eye. Afterwards, I can't recall her doing anything more horrific, so that got me thinking she might return after all. I know Beskha is going to live, but I am still worried for her. Just so that I know what kind of bullet we just dodged, how would things have turned out if the alternative would have won? As for the rest of the part, I had a big grin on my face the entire time. Well until they used their medical supplies on Kara's wound. Damn, that must have hurt, though kudos that she made it through without passing out. She really earned that badass eyepatch Asher found for her! I immensely enjoyed the bonding moments between her and Asher, and between Asher and Kren as well. Both siblings have something in common with him, but whereas Kren is more like Asher used to be, Kara definitely has a lot in common with the current Asher and this part showed both of this extremely well. I haven't outright planned for them to have so much in common with Asher, but now that you pointed it out, I loved it. As for the choice, surprise, surprise, I chose to kiss Kara. Usually, I'm not the person to squee, but well, perhaps I squeed a tiny bit this time
Never knew how much I needed this choice until now. I found their interactions, especially in this part, very sweet and I really want to give them a bit of happiness, for they make a cute match. It's a rare occasion. A fling of course, but I believe it'll be good for them to have some comfort as long as it lasts. They've been through enough, they deserve it and it's going to be super adorable 
And Rodrik's part was a strong contrast. Not quality-wise of course, but whereas I had an Asher-grin on my face during most of Asher's part, Rodrik's part was something I read with a heavy heart. In retrospect, I would have probably chosen to kill Mortimer, not because I want him dead, but because that would be the neutral option. Haytham and Axel are both such great characters that it felt wrong choosing one over the other. While I am happy that Haytham survived, the complex personality of Axel will be missed in future parts. It's tragic, because for half of the part I thought they may manage to survive both. Axel's death gave me a flashback to Naomi's death, as both died as a hero and at peace, saving their friend and redeeming themselves for their past wrongdoings. Axel may have started a villain, but he became an unlikely hero. As for the rest of Rodrik's PoV, Mortimer is creepy awesome. He just killed one of my favourite characters and I can't even hate him because he is so cool. I still hope he dies of course, like any villain of his caliber should, but against all odds, I find him too cool to truly hate him. The choice got me thinking a bit, but ultimately I decided to send Axel to Torrhen. He is not a Tully, so his body shouldn't be kept at Riverrun. That is not right for him and not right for the Tully's. Gwyn is a good choice and I trust her to be respectful with the body. However, I am actually not sure if Axel would have wanted to rest in the Whitehill family crypt. He turned against his family, supported and died for the Forresters in the end and it seemed his relationship to most Whitehills was rather complicated. But Torrhen is outright stated to be his friend and he should definitely be noble enough to respect this friendship. If anyone knows how Axel would have liked to be buried, it is Torrhen.
I got lucky. Real lucky. :P ah idk, sometimes it just all comes together, and sometimes it doesn't. Thankfully, this occasion happened to be the former. Thank you, though
I thought you'd be happy!
and I'm glad you liked the whole escape scenario. The escape choice was probably the best result, so you were indeed correct! I thought it was pretty cool. As for Nyx, I think it's fair to say, we haven't seen the last of her, just yet.
If they got back on their knees, the fight between Beskha and Nyx would have continued until Beskha won. However, Nyx, before dying, would have made a suicidal charge for Asher. Either Kren or Kara (probably Kren, I hadn't decided though) would have rushed in the way, and died as a result. Nyx and Kren would have then died together, before Beskha became the Champion of Yunkai. She would then have used that gold to take Kara to a maester.
I thought you might
but they are a cute match, and it seemed a nice way to end this chapter, considering the way it had been going prior to that point. But, I never like to force things like this on the story - so I'll let the polls decide.
Yes, I only realized, once finished, how tonally different both chapters are.
I see what you mean with the Mortimer choice, though, but then both Axel and Haytham would have died. Still, that is the neutral option, as you say, so there's a certain allure to it. And to be honest, I'm just happy to see how even the polls were - a complete even split, almost. I didn't want to stop writing either character, and Axel will certainly be missed. He was a complex and a lot of fun, but that's life. I also didn't even notice the parallel between his demise and Naomi's - so good eye!
He's certainly got his own unique edge.
And I fell in love with this idea, that he moves with the shadows, as if he was a part of them. There's still lots of great Mortimer stuff to come 
Yeah, I'd agree with all of that. I think this decision is quite hard, as well. Not because it could have drastic consequences (at least in theory) but because it's hard to really determine which is right. I don't particularly have a strong preference here, but I liked your logic behind the Torrhen choice. As always, thanks for reading, mate!
The escape was indeed pretty cool! In retrospect it even made a lot of sense to me, more than at the time I gave my vote for it. And Nyx... I am terrified of her. Having her alive might open the way for giving her a gruesome death, though at the same time, she is definitely going to be horrifying as long as she is still alive. My guess is that she won this fight in the general confusion, but did not kill Beskha, in order to lure Asher and the siblings out of hiding later. Here's hoping her eyes are going down first.
Yeah, we made the right choice for sure. At least that's how I see things now. Since Nyx is currently probably alive, she now has the chance to return and fuck things up another day, whereas the other choice would have meant that she is dead for sure. Still, I'm very happy with how this scene ended. Kren has some great moments in this part, which I would have missed otherwise.
True. I definitely hope for the kissing option to win, though I like to handle things similarly to you, to give the readers a choice. I thought the end to this part was well-written though and kissing her now seems like such an Asher choice. I don't see him wasting a chance like that
Actually, I should have made that more clear. I would have chosen the Mortimer option, but not only because it is neutral, but also because I was sure that it wouldn't win. This would have been a choice where I gladly would have wasted my vote on an option that has no chance of winning, because it was so hard. Also, I just checked Naomi's death scene again and I noticed a very fascinating similarity. She and Axel had very similar last words. In Axel's case it was this:
Meanwhile, Naomi (and Asher in case of the first line) said this:
In general, Axel and Naomi were very different kinds of awesome, but I find it really cool that both brothers have such a similar experience in their respective storylines.
Definitely a very menacing guy. I like this sort of villain. He's not the big, strong guy, but instead more subtle and that makes him so entertaining. And it is terrifying that he hunted Rodrik down all the way from Harrenhal.
I actually found some reasoning for the Riverrun option as well. Axel redeemed himself so much that he can hardly be said to be at the Whitehill's side at all, so it would also seem in character for Rodrik to give him the honour of being buried with the kind of people he aspired to be, not with the kind of people he left behind. Though I still think that Torrhen sounds like the most respectful choice.
I'm happy with the result as well. Kren and Axel dying in the same part would have been very depressing, both for me and the reader. :P I'm glad we were all spared that. Plus, it gave me the opportunity to do more bonding scenes, and they're always fun.
Haha, he is well in there, it's true. I think it's bound to win, but I just don't like doing stuff like that, unless it's been democratically decided. As you say you like to do, as well.
Ah, that's so cool, all of that! You're very dedicated and inquisitive, I like it! I never want to make it too on-the-nose, but subtle parallels between Asher's journey and Rodrik's are definitely there, and I love them. It makes them feel connected as opposed to detached. I originally had a lot more ideas on that front - like characters who would meet both Rodrik and Asher, and maybe the two brothers would have exchanged letters every other chapter, but it seemed too much, too unlikely. This subtleness is far better, I think. And I'm glad some of it is getting noticed
Yeah, he's a persistent bugger, with far too much time on his hands. xD but I agree. Talking of parallels, both Rodrik and Asher's central villain are opposites. Nyx is strong and dumb, whereas Mortimer is quick and clever. It'll be interesting to see if both of their ends, have any similarities!
I'm torn. I like the Torrhen one, because it makes a lot of sense, but I also like the Gwyn one, because it means he gets to be buried in the crypts of Highpoint. And I also like the Riverrun one, as it means Rodrik and Haytham can have a proper funeral for him. Urgh, too hard for me. I'm glad I don't participate in the polls
I just make the dilemma and run away.
[Asher] I chose back away. I don't want Asher to kiss someone while he's thinking about Gwyn! I still love the Gwyn references btw.
[Rodrik] It seems more apropriate to send Axel to the first in line to inherit the House.
Aaaaandddddd Part 17 is up. It's a shorter one, this one, and mainly setting up the exciting stuff to come. Hopefully, you'll like anyway.
Oh, and I've now realized I'm going to be able to make good on my original intention; of making this a 20-part thing. So yes, Part 20 will be the last one, and will conclude the full origin / prequel story of Rodrik and Asher Forrester. I'm amazed I've actually took them from the start of their journey (Rodrik marching south with Robb Stark, Asher being exiled across the Narrow Sea) to the point in which we find them in the game. But, I digress, and I will save the rest of this talk for another time...
Hah, Asher and Kara do not waste any time
I'd ship them and frankly, Ashkara makes the perfect ship name, though at the same time it felt almost like friends with benefits. This is probably a result of Kara's charmingly nonchalant reaction. That said, she had a pretty interesting freudian slip at the end of the part and I'm not sure how to interpret it. In any way, I had to grin when Asher asked what they are now, just for her to give the most evasive answer possible. They are the best, their interaction and talk was priceless int his part. I was definitely expecting Kara to act like that and I loved it. In any way, whatever it is between them, I think they needed it and I was greatly entertained. In the long run, their paths are bound to separate again of course and Kara's behaviour in this part gave me an idea how it might end between them. Amicable, probably, but she does not seem ready for any deeper romance, she made that quite clear. I still like to imagine that it meant something to her and in Asher's case, that it helped him getting over Gwyn. I always interpreted the interactions between Asher and Gwyn in the finale as him being largely over her and having matured as a person. For the choice, I had a hard time, because both options sound like they will end in a catastrophe. I ultimately chose to accept Dezzaq's offer. I definitely don't trust him, but the thing is, he brought up one brilliant argument in his favour. If he wanted them dead, he would have had them right here. He could have brought guards with them to take them and even if he wanted them alive, to torture them for his own amusement, he still could have captured them here and now. Inviting them sounds like a risk that is not befitting of a cunning man. In turn, breaking into the mansion is something he almost certainly expects, Kren is right on this one and it is even more risky than accepting his offer. The presence of Nyx makes me nervous for sure though. On the one hand, Kara has a score to settle. On the other hand, she can't afford loosing any more eyes, or well, anything else, so I'd simultaneously like to keep her away from that crazy monster as far as possible. I expect things to end badly in both cases, but perhaps Dezzaq surprises me. If he means to screw them over, he could have done so during their talk, so I presume he seeks an agreement that ends up satisfying him, but also Asher, Kara and Kren. Mostly him probably, but if he seeks vengeance, he could have taken it already, so I am inclined to believe he wants some sort of deal with them. Hell, it wouldn't be too far fetched to assume that he needs them for something, after seeing their skills.
As always, I enjoyed Rodrik's part as well, though this time I clearly had a lot more fun with Asher's part. The Asher/Arkara dialogue has been priceless this time XD Rodrik's part felt a bit like a breather after the last and very action-heavy part. I loved that Lame Lothar and Black Walder appeared. They have been among my favourite side characters in the books and I was happy they used them in Season 3 (even with Lothar's limp from the books). I was even more happy that they are actually bringing them back for Season 6, and in Black Walder's case they even use the original actor. They may have been bit characters in Season 3, but killing Cat and Talisa made them quite memorable still. And well, no one can make a ridiculous Frey hat and a weak chin look so intimidating as Black Walder XD Their scene was short and sweet, nice foreshadowing for what's about to come. The talk with Robb was wonderful as well. Together with Jaime, I feel like Robb is one of the canon characters you write the strongest. As for the choice, I chose Friends. Allies seems a bit... cold in this situation especially as they just seemed to bond. Meanwhile, family might be too personal. Robb is still his king and no matter how close they are, the Starks and the Forresters are not family. Considering how important the term is in Westeros, calling Robb, his king and liege lord, who is not related to him at all family could even be seen as an insult. I'm sure people like Tywin Lannister would see it as a severe insult. While Robb might see it differently and might even be moved by this, it sounds like a risk to say something he might take insult in.
It feels odd that we have almost reached the end of the story. I'm still sad that I joined so late, though in the end I was able to follow a majority of the story, which I'm quite thankful for. Now I'm looking forward for the finale. I'm sure a lot of shit is going to hit the fan. My speculation would be that the stuff with Dezzaq is either going to end in a horrible bloodbath, or that he indeed needs them for something else and that there will be one last mission after which Asher and Beskha part ways with Kara and Kren (if they are hopefully still alive by then) and end up in Yunkai. In any way, I hope Nyx dies screaming and I'm still quite fixed on taking her eye (or both eyes) before she dies. As for Rodrik, it's harder to speculate what happens to him before the Red Wedding as his storyline ends a bit earlier than Asher's in terms of the time that is going to pass until then, but there is probably going to be a showdown with Mortimer and maybe a chance to take revenge for Axel.
Ashkara! xD that's great! Why didn't I think of that...? And I'll certainly be expanding upon their relationship, and establishing its conclusion before this is over! I'm excited for it. I'm glad you liked their interactions - they're pretty great, I thought. And I honestly agree with every point you've made on the subject. They're basically in-line with my own on the matter.
Between a rock and a hard place, yet again! There's certainly more going on that it seems... but which of the twins are right about it, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I like your thought process on the matter, though. He indeed made a valid point, about the fact he didn't attack them when he could have. There must be a reason for it.
I think that's just true in general :P of their lives and the storyline... Rodrik always seem to get the shit end of the stick.
Makes sense. I just figured it was about time to fully establish the specificity of their relationship... before, you know...
Haha, it's been a weird, yet wonderful journey. And I'm glad you've joined me on it. Like everyone else who has posted, it's great to hear people's thoughts on it all. But I feel like I've told the story I wanted to tell - and I don't want to artificially extend it. 20 parts sounds good to me... and who knows? Maybe I'll do another story, down the line. I've certainly had a lot of fun with it all, as I hope others have, to. As for the rest of your final paragraph, I have planned out the end, so I know more or less what happens now (with leeway given for the polls, of course). It should be pretty intense! And we will see if your speculations ring true!
Another job well done, DillonDex.
I gotta say, things are really starting to get interesting for both Asher and Rodrik. They've both got their own issues with potential threats and it's keeping me hanging off the edge of my seat.
I reckon Robb really needs someone like Rodrik to kinda keep him grounded and someone to rely upon at this point, and I couldn't just say that the Starks were friends to the Forresters; that alone wasn't enough. So for now, the Starks are family.
Thank you so much!
I really appreciate it!
Well, I'm very glad to hear that! And it's only going to get better from here, I hope.
I get that. Good choice.
it makes sense. Thanks for reading!