'Home' Episode Discussion
Here it is, before I forgot. Hopefully we can see Euron. Comment before, while, and after you watch.
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Here it is, before I forgot. Hopefully we can see Euron. Comment before, while, and after you watch.
Aww, look. Bran and Mira are of an age. Now they can date. Seriously, Bran looks like he's twenty years old. They shouldnt have shown that clip of when he was still a long haired moppet, lol.
So how is the episode so far? I can't watch it till it comes on my xfinity app.
So far so good.
Red Wedding= Bolton Birth
And two million fans screamed simultaniously "I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!"
Like we didnt all see this coming.
Very good episode. This season is going to be amazing.
They did a preattly good job of hidding it all things considered. The odds of the production team against the entire fandom were just impossible.
Well Roose is no longer loose lol
Ironic, isn't it? Died the same way as the king he killed and sought to replace.
This episode was great. Have to re-watch immediately.
Bran's flashback was nice, it was great to see Lyanna in there too. The Wall kept being amazing, freaking Wun Wun smashed a bloke
(and then THAT happened in the end, I'm glad they didn't drag it any longer). Amazing start for the Ironborn plot, Euron is badass. Well, I guessed Ramsay might kill Roose and Walda at some point. What I'm glad about is that Ramsay clearly didn't enjoy those kills, which says a lot when we are talking about him. Also they made it so that Ramsay knows that he should keep the kinslaying as a secret (except from this Harald Karstark, who seems like a fuckin arse). Sansa and Theon had a nice moment there. Tyrion with the dragons was quite funny
idk, I'm just glad they are unchained now. And Arya's story seems to be going forward, thumbs up for that as well. Oh and King's Landing, we got some tense build up there. Not really sure what to make of Tommen, but Jaime vs. High Sparrow scene was great, and Robert Strong... man, I'll never speak ill of Cersei again, I don't want an undead mountain of a man to crush my head xD
Not sure if I'm still forgetting something, but this episode sure was a step up from last week. And there wasn't that one controversial storyline to drag it down either
My rating: 9/10
tits & arse jiggling in the breeze
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Absolutely amazing episode and the wait for next week is going to be terrible!
Jon Snow was killed...and Jon Targaryen was born.
enter link description here
I found myself rooting for characters I had despised in the past seasons, I felt tears well up in my eyes, and I nearly fell off my bed at the last few seconds of tonight's episode. This right here is truly the best tv show I've ever seen to date, I can only imagine how the remainder of the season will follow with tonight's immense amount of twists.
enter link description here
Robert Strong is fucking amazing. I laughed so hard when this happened.
Hmm I didn't think about that. Great call back by the double d's.
I laughed too at that and when wun wun just destroyed that guy lol. So much smashing and killing in this episode, but I expect no less from GOT.
P.S: I wouldn't call that a punch. It was more like an epic push to the face xD
Am I the only who thought that Roose was stabbing Ramsay at first? It kind of look like it IMO.
and Tyrion Targaryen appeared tonight.
This was an overall epic episode especially for only being episode 2. I admit I was worried going into season 6 with the show overtaking the books, but I'm glad to see my fears have been laid to rest atleast so far with the first 2 episodes.
It was a palm strike. (P.S: I just linked a random youtube video)
when it happened i started to look away cuz i felt a sneeze but when my brain reacted i didnt look away so i saw the whole thing. but at first i did think that that was the case, but then roose started to fall, then i couldnt sneeze anymore lol
The way he kept his hand on Viserion and said "Yet here you are", after talking about his childhood dream of getting a dragon. Yup, Tyrion will ride Viserion
Pretty damn awesome episode. So far, I find Euron interesting and I like Bran's story too. As well as the ending.
Great episode, I do feel that the set up for the season is out of the way
Bran and Arya have done training but need to do more
Sansa going to the wall
Theon going to pyke
brienne has met up with sansa
Anyway thoughts on the actual episode
+Tyrion freeing the dragons was sweet
/ Arya and Bran were fine. Im looking forward to both of there stories, hoping we start to see arya have her book abilities and bran see some backstory of westeroes
Hallelujah Jon Snow is back I just hope it doesn't cost him, I think that he might lose his memorises. but I don't know why they brought him back to life with no one was in the room apart from Ghost it seems like the Red Woman was going to give up her faith, if she saw that it might have stopped her.
The Ramsey scene was really good. very creepy and disturbing. Also the flashback was great but really short. we didn't learn much from it. I am glad they are moving on with Aarya turning into an assassin. that storyline was moving on too slowly.
very good points, take a like
I think that was the best episode in a long while, since Season 4. Personal highlight was Bran's Flashback (who else got really excited when Lyanna appeared?) and Euron seems better than I'd thought he'd be. Earnestly feeling a lot more excited for the rest of the season now.
Also I'm surprised that bringing Jon back was so simple, like I thought Melisandre would have to sacrifice herself or something.
I'm glad she didn't. We're only just beginning to understand her as a character, it would be shame to lose her now.
And Euron....
Yara reported that the Glovers have managed to reclaim Deepwood Motte, I wonder what that means to House Forrester. They might have even aided their liege lord in reclaiming their seat.
Possibly refrencing Season 2?
Reclaiming the Motte would make a great episode in S2 if we were still playing as Asher/Rodrik. It'd even make sense we were playing as Torrhen, since he works for the Boltons and they'd obviously want the Ironborn driven from their lands.
Why is Euron so popular again? Because hes another sand snakes for me, there is all this hype over such little material,
I remember Victorian doing plenty however all I remember from the books is Euron winning the kingsmoot.
So Sansa is heading North, Theon west... I was kinda hoping she was going to Riverlands. Roose Bolton stabbed in the heart like Robb Stark was, and poor Walda and baby bolton, but it was in the air, Roose had a very stupid idea threatening His Monster son the the last episode. The mountain still smashing heads(lol, he deserved it) and Tommen realizing how useless he was as a king, he basically said that he doesn't want to see his mother because he is embarrassed by his poor job. Well, the resurrection of Jon, that escalated quickly, it seemed easier than I expected, but maybe there will be repercussions. Even the dragons were too friendly with Tyrion, I expected it to happen more gradually.