'Book of the Stranger' Episode Discussion
Interesting title, Littlefinger is supposed to appear finally, so yeah. Comment before, while, after you watch, blah blah blah.
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Interesting title, Littlefinger is supposed to appear finally, so yeah. Comment before, while, after you watch, blah blah blah.
Osha is definetly gonna die
. Anyways this should be a decent episode. Seems like the show runners have learned their lessons and really cut back on Dorne
Thank you Game of Thrones show runners for not cock blocking us on Sansa and Jon finally meeting again lol
That was a lovely scene.
Now who could have for seen that with Osha xD. It happened quicker than I would've thought though. Also Tormund be macking on Brienne lol. Looks like Jon got the letter. Go kick some ass Jon!
It was, but I would've preferred a Jon and Arya scene
So TV Daenarys is still fire proof? Books and show really are different. GRRM said Dany being Fireproof was a one time only thing in the books I thought.
P.S: Nice do see Dany's boobs again even if they aren't Emilia Clarke's xD
I couldn't hear what ramsey said to osha before killing her , can someone tell me pls ?
She gets one scene and she's dead.
Wildling Tonks deserved better. I guess this confirms that its not some kind of ruse to lull Ramsey. Im so disappointed in the Umbers.
I laughed at the way Tormund was eyeing Brienne up and down. I think he's impressed with seeing a woman as big as he is, lol. Hey, If they go there, I'll ship it.
And Jon gets the "Pink letter". That was a suprise, He seems reluctant but I like how Sansa is just done with it all and is rallying him to fight. I just hope it doesnt all go wrong. Im so happy she and Jon are together though. Too many near misses with the Stark children.
And yeah, no way Theon was going back to Winterfell. He may be broken but he's not stupid.
I was so hoping that Jorah would touch that fool with his greyscale. Why does he have to keep needling him? He's not that much older and he acts like Jorah is 80 years old.
Not me. I liked it because Jon and Sansa werent close, but now they can be.
patience young one.... Kappa
Plot armor
well i honestly didnt think we see a Stark Reunion. this was the highlight of the episode to me. i just hope another "for the watch" doesnt happen... lol Ed doesnt seem entirely happy with jon, but i doubt its gonna play out that way. man problems within the wall, not the Jon-Ed stuff, the Melisandre-Davos-Brienne shit. i hope it doesnt spiral into something bigger. so Jon = prince that was promised basically confirmed??...
do we really needed the North stuff? i mean they just brought Natalia Tena back to kill her.. ok. still hope my believe that all the Stark children are very important to the story is true..
the king's landing stuff still is the weakess of the plot lines so far, well not its not dorne but still.. i like how they played the Lannister theme as Cersei and Olenna basically saying they are gonna kill all the religious nuts. also i hope shit breaks down in KL burn that place to the fucking ground. idk why but that High sparrow motherfucker as strong lines, fucker has more going on than whatever he shows. what the hell are they doing to Loras? just beating the shit out of him?..
Iron Islands, well Theon is still a bit of Reek, but how cant he not? poor bastard. Next week HYPE! more on that later.
Meeren/Essos- its interesting what Tyrion is doing but they are right they cant trust those fucks because they dont understand their ways. those people are not gonna let their way of life to be changed no matter how much time they give the to "adapt". btw damn would tyrion be a badass politician if he was real and on this day and age. #Tyrion2016
Meeren and slavers bay another place i hope gets burned to the fucking ground. fuck that place.
speaking of burning... well that Vaes Dothark stuff interesting. i would've thought that Dario's reaction to J-bears greyscale would have been bigger.. also how smart is dario? he is so smart, did any of yall knew how to cover up holes to the body before? just smash their heads and that hole on this body disappears! genius. those Dothraki went out like bitches...also why didnt Dany burn?? didnt she survive the first time because blood magic? or is she cursed forever? or since she killed those fuckers first the magic made her fire proof again? i mean i know that they've said that Targs have more resistance to heat/fire, but that was weird. i mean it was awesome since it was kinda like a throwback to s1 ending. but arent they gonna question her? like, hey why the hell did that place get burned down? ehh who cares, look Dany's tits! btw im glad they showed her boobs, they probably werent Emilias but who cares, what matters is that it made sense that we see her naked and- well i already kind of explained it before so im just gonna leave it at that.
and to end it that "pink" letter, Bastard Bowl may BEGIN!
oh man, anyone watch the next week preview? HYPE! kings moot, another Red Priestess and other stuff. im not so hyped about the arya stuff, seems like its going to go back to cleaning stiffs.. sigh.
The only thing that pisses me off about the Bastard Letter is that they forgot to say the part about Theon. They're supposed to say "I want my bride and my reek". Would have been cool to have Jon be like "who the fuck is Reek?" and have Sansa tell Jon a tiny bit about Theon.
Oh hey Daenerys finally did something on her own. Good for her. I dislike her less now. And Tormund/Brienne has to happen. Tormund's eye game is too strong.
The feels at having two Starks together again, finally. That was beautiful.
I actually didn't like Daenerys' storyline this episode. Yeah, it was a callback to the end of Season 1, but it's like, Dany, how many times can you do this, rule the Dothraki because you're impervious to fire? That doesn't seem like a sound basis for rule. Right up there with strange women lying in ponds distributing swords. Also, last time it was noble because you went into a pyre to die with Khal Drogo, so it made sense why the Dothraki would bow to you when you miraculously survived. This time you just murdered the Dorthraki's leaders and figured everything would just turn out okay.
I loooved this episode! Especially everything at Castle Black - Jon in Stark gear, the family reunion, Tormund flirting with Brienne, Mel worshipping Jon, and the effing Pink Letter. Vaes Dothrak scenes were okayish, and the last scene was admittedly badass (and no Drogon ex Machina needed!). Meereen was surprisingly great, especially the scene with the masters - Tyrion rocking it. Theon&Yara was nice. Sad to see Osha go, but the scene itself was great. KL was decent again, but I'm still waiting to have pay off from all the building up there.
All hail! Mother of dragons! And finally Jon and Sansa are reunited. Hopefully they come up with a plan to take down those bolton bastards.
I love the Stark reunion! Am I the only one who notices that Jon hugged Sansa the same way as he did to Arya?
I love this episode. Although I am a bit sad that Euron didn't appear, I thought there are a lot of good stuff. Such as some intrigue with Tyrion, Daenerys getting herself out of her trouble and the North storyline at Caste Black.
Very good episode
He said something like "It is too early in the season to kill me off" or something of that essence.
Man Tormund has slowly come out of nowhere to become one of my favorite characters lol.....which means he is likely dead soon.
I was legitimately clapping my hands at certain parts of the episode. Loved the Stark reunion, kinda wish Davos heard the pink letter though. Glad to see Reek went back to his actual home, although idk how fast the kingsmoot will progress, comparing it to Danys rise to power.
Felt like that was really fast for Dany to seize control, and almost too easy. I mean they got a lot they need to do, and they probably will have to move things along so war can start next season, but still.
And glad to see Littlefinger back in action, and immediately joining the fight. If I know LF, he's not done yet and we know that Kings Landing is calling his name. Wonder how long until everyone starts fighting.
Is no one else irritated that they brought back Osha only to kill her one episode later? She didn't even get a scene to talk with Rickon.
Oh, in the series she is fireproof?
Feels so odd to see Sansa and Jon together, but still feels awesome nonethless
Has anyone seen the promo for 6x05? Littlefinger shows his teleportation skills once again. Looks like he will have some explaining to do for Sansa!
Yeah, it did feel slightly odd. But in the end, they are still family.
Regarding Littlefinger. He is the owner of Petyr Baelish airline and has his own private jet. That's why he can teleport.
Im sure she told him about Theon, he had to know how she escaped. But since Theon is not part of that story anymore, I guess it didnt seem necessary to mention him.
I care a great deal about Brienne and what she thinks. She wasnt gloating. She was just speaking the truth. She knows Mel helped murder the man she loved so of course she's not going to be exactly warm to her.
It seemed to me like theyre rebooting Dany's storyline. Since she flew off last season, its been a repeat of the first season and I felt like from this point theres going to be some actual movement toward getting her back to Westeros.
Yeah my friend reminded me that just like the first season, right now she has no dragons, no army and no boats. Oh and no clothes.
Truth be told I wonder how much She will matter in the grand scheme of things. I mean yeah she's done a lot for herself but this whole time she's not known about what's beyond the wall. I wonder if her legacy will carry her through the books or if reality will strike soon. She may not burn but she can probably still die.
Sidenote: The way the show is speeding up, I honestly think Jorah may survive. Or at least I hope.
Yeah I was pissed, but that's probably an ode to jeyne pool in their own way. Not a good one I guess but it helps the story.
Also I'm kinda happy Ramsey didn't already die. So I made a compromise
I hope so. I love Jorah. Daario can go jump in a lake.
Yeah, I wasnt too happy about that.
I really liked their little sibling banter. Theyre more mature people now and they can get passed their little childhood rivalries or whatever and really work together. Im just praying that it works. This show is not great at letting the good guys win.
I wonder if they were more focused on referencing the first season or that they wanted to just make Dany show that she was magic without practice. She needed the blood magic in the books and even the first time, but now she can apparently just walk thru fire whenever.
It shows that the show is more about the fantasy and magical aspect. I definitely prefer the books method in calculated magic but meh.
Also it's been like let's say a month at the most. Probably more but Jorah is still just as hurt from the greyscale as he was before. So yeah.. That's happening
Idk if tormund even said a line but he was the highlight of the episode.
The only way I could like Daario is if he was a Jorah-like antagonist where he served the Harpies until this particular point, but instead of falling in love with Dany he became completely afraid and turned on them.
He was talking about the fact that Theon had told him how Osha helped Bran and Rickon escape Winterfell before (by seducing Theon), implying that Ramsay wasn't going to fall for her trying to do that again with him.
I think they have to win. Pretty much everyone on their team is a major character and the only one on the other is Ramsey. There would be no benefit to the plot for him to win.