Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • Is Royland drunk or did he forget how to speak? XD

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.27

  • Ouch, low blow from Lyarra.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.26

  • He had a mouthful of food. Kinda hard to portray in a still image though lol

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Is Royland drunk or did he forget how to speak? XD

  • Part 1.28

    This is a weird one. Tried to go a bit more psychological with the dream sequence this time round instead of being so blunt.

  • Oh no... it's fucking Mira isn't it?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.28 This is a weird one. Tried to go a bit more psychological with the dream sequence this time round instead of being so blunt.

  • edited July 2016

    Got it in one. Don't worry about seeing the rest of the... body, though - that single post was the whole dream, intended to be a bit surreal and leave more to the imagination than the original version.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Oh no... it's fucking Mira isn't it?

  • You raise a very good point, but Lyarra did already boot him in the crotch for that when she originally found out about it.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Ouch, what's that, Namond? A lil upset that your sister can get away with joking about your love interest, are we now? Well there, my friend

  • Look at Namond being a drama queen, look at lord Errol's relationship with his daughters, look at Roy getting a new outfit. Though Glenmore characters in the au were always very alive & believeable, THIS is an introduction they deserve.

    This is definitely what I was hoping to achieve with the redux. Re-introducing the Glenmores and making them more consistent with how they'd appear in later parts (Namond specifically; I wanted to make his character growth and change seem more believable instead of being a complete twat one minute and all repentant and regretful the next. He's still a twat, but you can kind of see it's more out of stress than just inherently being... a twat for no reason).

    Also, the fact "Kyra" is pronounced "Kye-ra" was a shock I still haven't recovered from. I've only ever pronounced it "Kee-ra", and yes, my life will never be the same.

    I always thought the "Kee-Ra" pronunciation was weird, if only because the name has a "Y" in it instead of a "EE" or "EI".

    And what's that thing you did irl that made you proud?

    Not really a big thing, I applied for some jobs. It's the first time I've done anything like that and I'm super awkward as is, so I was on a high for a while haha.

    Krapinka posted: »

    I'm just so, SO happy the redux was made. Look at this. Look at Namond being a drama queen, look at lord Errol's relationship with his daugh

  • Nice one, Lyarra. I hate situations when several people beat one guy as it is, and with the case being adult soldiers against a fifteen year old... Bloody disgusting.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    You raise a very good point, but Lyarra did already boot him in the crotch for that when she originally found out about it.

  • GASP That was a swear!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.29

  • Haha, that's exactly what I was thinking. XD

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    GASP That was a swear!

  • edited July 2016
    AgentZ46 posted: »

    GASP That was a swear!

  • What? I am so confused. XD

    JakeSt123 posted: »

  • It's Talia saying "Shit"

    It's canon, yo

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What? I am so confused. XD

  • My answer to the "peasant stuff" would be an immediate smack on the face. No second thought.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    The "peasants" thing was hyperbole - the Glenmores are very exaggerative.

  • Well she's got quite a mouth on her. Rather inappropriate for a lady.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    It's Talia saying "Shit" It's canon, yo

  • edited July 2016

    Aren't the Glenmores treacherous cowards and Whitehill arselickers?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.29

  • I don't know if it was intentional but that reminded me of Gared telling Duncan about the North Grove. "I've been waiting for the right moment to tell you".

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.30

  • Must've been sub-conscious. A lot of things like that happen with me, I've played the game too much haha.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't know if it was intentional but that reminded me of Gared telling Duncan about the North Grove. "I've been waiting for the right moment to tell you".

  • I wonder what kind of choices you made in the game in your first walkthru. But from your AU I suppose it was Royland who got his position, you left the grove as Gared ending mercifully Cotter's suffering, saved Tom as Mira, told the Truth to Margaery, let Asher save his brother. I just wonder if you stood down as Rodrik, saved Ryon or defeated Lord Whitehill, and if you let Beskha send Dezhor zo Raza to hell. From what I see you must be strongly on the red side with I suppose Fierce Passion, or at least a Nobility ending.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Must've been sub-conscious. A lot of things like that happen with me, I've played the game too much haha.

  • I have a complete list of choices on the blog where I post the AU parts (which you can see here). I think I was all about protecting the family which I why I submitted to Gryff (not knowing what was happened I backed down to spare Talia from any punishment) and why I killed Gryff instead of Ludd (because he was apparently going to murder Ryon or injure him). Also sort of why I told Morgryn to go suck a big fat one as Mira, to protect her from a lifetime of torture.

    I wonder what kind of choices you made in the game in your first walkthru. But from your AU I suppose it was Royland who got his position, y

  • You seem to think exactly like me. You did concerning what you describe. And yet you're fiercely red, while I got cunning strat. In the same logic, but much less honourably I

    • Butchered cotter to save the grove which in turn is supposed to save house forrester
    • chose Duncan to avoid a war I can't win to once again save the family

    • But

    • told the Truth and lost Mira

    • layed in the mud not to sacrifice (or save?) Talia
    • agreed on the marriage to solve the issue peacefully, trusting Gwyn to influence her father
    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I have a complete list of choices on the blog where I post the AU parts (which you can see here). I think I was all about protecting the fam

  • I also butchered Cotter for blood magic. I think at that point I was like "fuck it, what's the worst that could happen?"

    I resigned myself to the fact Cotter was going to die two episodes earlier - and I was never that attached to him in the first place.

    You seem to think exactly like me. You did concerning what you describe. And yet you're fiercely red, while I got cunning strat. In the same

  • Part 1.31

    (Talia's 'all right, let's go' is supposed to sound more... resigned. Can only do so much with text.)

  • Oh gods, Namond's expression & posture in the eighth picture. I can't believe this, it's some brand new level of smugness, if you don't know what's actually happening, you can assume he is about to do something worth being proud of. I need to restrain myself from saying something rude & agressive... Or slapping someone...

    Speaking of better stuff, is Talia's attempt to write a song meant to be, like, a way to cope with stress & shitty stuff going on around? I assume, music reminds her of days when Ethan was alive & they could actually do what they liked, which is comforting, and the reprise to the ballad is her reminding herself of Forrester's pride & greatness, no matter what? I'd love nothing more than to actually see that reprise. Is there any chance of it showing up anywhere in the last part of the story?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.31 (Talia's 'all right, let's go' is supposed to sound more... resigned. Can only do so much with text.)

  • edited July 2016

    Oh so you got a blue choice after all. It's still fierce passion tho. Sadly his wound got infected. Bad luck I guess. Good think we both didn't really like him. I wonder if I would have sacrificed him healthy for blood magic lol. For House Forrster, and especially Talia, Ryon and Rodrik (Gared's best friends), I would. Would you?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I also butchered Cotter for blood magic. I think at that point I was like "fuck it, what's the worst that could happen?" I resigned mysel

  • edited July 2016

    Well I say, I say, she wanted to write something like this:

    From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,

    In fire there's a warn.

    Parents, siblings, I mourn, I mourn,

    From those losses I'm torn.

    May kings and lords melt down their crowns.

    A pyre on Aegon's hill.

    In floods of gold, I pray they drown,

    For all the blood they'll spill.

    Mance, sound the horn of winters past.

    Call starving giants forth.

    Urge cannibals to break their fast,

    On the Rillwater Cross.

    My final words, faced with the sword,

    Curse you traitors to hell,

    Give me as offering oh my lord!

    And ring for me death's knell.

    Curse you, curse you, backstabbing scum

    Old Gods bare steel against you.

    Oh death, oh end, you are welcome,

    So iron grows anew,

    Still iron grows anew.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Oh gods, Namond's expression & posture in the eighth picture. I can't believe this, it's some brand new level of smugness, if you don't

  • And now it's going to be probably time for Talia to stand up to Ebbert Whitehill. I mean I remember the story so I believe there's going to be a jump no to repeat it.

  • And the stupidest decision of the year goes to...

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.32

  • Part 1.33

    Because I felt like posting two today.

    Watch your language, child.

  • Fuck you, Namond

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.33 Because I felt like posting two today. Watch your language, child.

  • Well, that was tense.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.33 Because I felt like posting two today. Watch your language, child.

  • release date of season 2?

  • I think you've gotten to the wrong thread, mate. I could somehow understand as the name is Season 2 and all. But I would guess on an very late 2016-release or a 2017 release.

    release date of season 2?

  • Talia angryly shows her teeth (figuratively). Looks cool. Thx 4 2 posts/day.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.33 Because I felt like posting two today. Watch your language, child.

  • I just threw in "Fan-made" to the thread title to hopefully avoid this sort of confusion.

    (Also my guess for Season 2's actual release would be Mid-2017 given how we've heard literally nothing on it.)

    captainivy1 posted: »

    I think you've gotten to the wrong thread, mate. I could somehow understand as the name is Season 2 and all. But I would guess on an very late 2016-release or a 2017 release.

  • Part 1.34

    In other news, a few days ago I was thinking. People have probably seen the AU but don’t know where to start (or can't find it). For those people I've made a comprehensive tumblr blog with links to every single post of the AU. This means you can start from the beginning and work your way through so you’re up to date! There’s also an ‘about’ page if you have absolutely no fucking clue what the AU is.

    Here are the links:

    "About" Page

    Page where you can read the AU.

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