Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • Part 3.10

    Fun fact, Eyron Forrester is actually semi-canon (see here).

    Here's his page on the S2AU wiki, too.

  • "The North Grove must never be Lost"

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.10 Fun fact, Eyron Forrester is actually semi-canon (see here). Here's his page on the S2AU wiki, too.

  • That's a big map.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.10 Fun fact, Eyron Forrester is actually semi-canon (see here). Here's his page on the S2AU wiki, too.

  • Eyron was a better cartographer than Gregor - plus he was out there for months locating the Grove so he would have come across other things. The map Gared had was likely the most direct route to the North Grove.

    That's a big map.

  • Really cool that you created a character based on one line from Duncan, all the way back to episode 1.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.10 Fun fact, Eyron Forrester is actually semi-canon (see here). Here's his page on the S2AU wiki, too.

  • Part 3.11

    Thorren the Bold, indeed.

  • Oh my. Fuck that guy.

    Did Rodrik ever meet Thorren?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.11 Thorren the Bold, indeed.

  • Rodrik was 7 when Thorren died, but Gregor probably made sure the two were far apart from each other most of the time. He probably knew Gregor's mother a lot better.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Oh my. Fuck that guy. Did Rodrik ever meet Thorren?

  • What a shit.

    Also Rip that Maester with the piss-poor Frey hat. Read around a bit, and that would be the guy that got executed, right?

    I also learned that you are british. :3

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.11 Thorren the Bold, indeed.

  • edited August 2016

    Also Rip that Maester with the piss-poor Frey hat. Read around a bit, and that would be the guy that got executed, right?

    Fuckin' headsocks are the worst. Naturally a character who is scum would get the worst kind of headgear. And yeah, he was executed because he was the one who orchestrated the whole Karl-Whitehill-Greyscale-thing as part of Thorren Forrester's "undying legacy." As far as Rodrik & the other kids are concerned, though, the Maester just went missing one day or died of an illness or something - Gregor kept a lot of things secret as he didn't believe they should have to know about things like executions and such.

    Royland, Duncan etc. would have known the truth, though. Maybe Elissa, but she can't really be trusted based on how often she went behind peoples' backs in canon.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    What a shit. Also Rip that Maester with the piss-poor Frey hat. Read around a bit, and that would be the guy that got executed, right? I also learned that you are british.

  • What a prick

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.11 Thorren the Bold, indeed.

  • Is the armored up guy Nestor Greyson?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.11 Thorren the Bold, indeed.

  • edited August 2016

    enter image description here enter image description here

    Nestor was born in 219 AL to Lord and Lady Greyson. He grew up an angry young man, quick to throw himself into a fight which lent to a bond with Thorren Forrester, who was a like-minded individual.

    You tell me ;)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Is the armored up guy Nestor Greyson?

  • I'm pretty confident :p

    I actually went through the wiki trying to find an old guy that looked like him and found Nestor and read that exact description.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Nestor was born in 219 AL to Lord and Lady Greyson. He grew up an angry young man, quick to throw himself into a fight which lent to a bond with Thorren Forrester, who was a like-minded individual. You tell me

  • An amazing deduction here, man, no irony .D I would never have noticed, even though it's logical, given what we know about Nestor. That was impressive!

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Is the armored up guy Nestor Greyson?

  • Part 3.12

    Mira would be like... "tfw you look like an aunt you've never met."

  • I like her ^_^

    Rodrik's reaction is great. "All right this is getting ridiculous now."

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.12 Mira would be like... "tfw you look like an aunt you've never met."

  • Here's a random Stormlands house I made overnight. They're linked to House Forrester through Lord Hardcastle's aunt, who was Thorren Forrester's first wife (and Genna Forrester's mother). I'll be adding them to the Wiki soon.

  • They're cool. I like them :)
    I also really like that they chose to side with Renly Baratheon.
    I think the Castellan is my favourite.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Here's a random Stormlands house I made overnight. They're linked to House Forrester through Lord Hardcastle's aunt, who was Thorren Forrester's first wife (and Genna Forrester's mother). I'll be adding them to the Wiki soon.

  • Part 3.13

    I sympathise with Rodrik.

    Why did I make this.

  • Oh my! XD
    Too early indeed.
    Everyone needs a wildling in their life.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.13 I sympathise with Rodrik. Why did I make this.

  • Lmao

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.13 I sympathise with Rodrik. Why did I make this.

  • Oh, dear lord. This just reminds me of when Talia walked in on Rodrik and Eleana.

    enter image description here

    And that, kiddies, is why you always knock before entering.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.13 I sympathise with Rodrik. Why did I make this.

  • It's sweet karma for Talia having to see Rodrik and Elaena up to their business, haha.

    Oh, dear lord. This just reminds me of when Talia walked in on Rodrik and Eleana. And that, kiddies, is why you always knock before entering.

  • "What in all the gods of fire and fuck!" Too soon man, to soon.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.13 I sympathise with Rodrik. Why did I make this.

  • All I can say is that I really hope the flashbacks will las several more posts & maybe we get a look at, at least, one more thing from Forrester's past?) I'm enjoying this POV far more than I thought I would. Genna is a perfect cinnamon roll that the Forresters need to go pay a visit. I'm thousand percent sure if she remained at Ironrath, things would've still been just fine. But if she's happy wherever she is now, that'd be bloody great, bc this gal really deserves it.

    And, although he didn't get any speaking lines, Gorden attracted my attention here. It seems like he was attached to Gregor at least a little, following him and all, but his asshole of a father had too much influence on him, so that he eventually strayed from his brother. I wonder how Gregor felt about his early death, since Gorden self-exiled after a quarrel with him, but later still fought for house Forrester to the end. I imagine it felt shitty enough, and maybe part of the reason why he didn't tell his children about him was some degree of guilt, for not looking out for his little brother, letting their father corrupt him and all? This seems like Gregor to me.

    Another my headcanon-theory is that, maybe, while more sensible Genna & Gregor were close as siblings, Catrin & Gorden could have a similar bond? Both troublesome & exiled from the house, they are alike in a way. Maybe Catrin's exile worsened Gorden's behavior, along with obvious unhealthy family environment, him loosing the closest person he had?

  • Part 3.14

    Duncan's lies (or half-truths) know no bounds.

    This is the last post of the visions, but there may be more further down the line if people want them.

  • Duncan knew!

    Great part btw. I loved the flashbacks and it'd be great to see more.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.14 Duncan's lies (or half-truths) know no bounds. This is the last post of the visions, but there may be more further down the line if people want them.

  • edited August 2016

    Yesterday I studied my Forrester family tree (it's ridiculous in size) and discovered that Rodrik/Talia/Ryon/etc are third cousins with Cregan/Britt/Taena/Grag/Boros/Colton Warrick etc. That makes them third cousins once removed with Torrhen's daughter, Roslin Snow. Also means Rodrik unknowingly saved his third cousin at that tavern wayyyy back in part 1.

    Another fun fact is that Namond/Elaena/Lyarra/Kyra/etc Glenmore are all second cousins with Greta Bole, making them second cousins once removed with Karl Whitehill the Second O_O

  • I understood exactly half of those words! Yea! R.i.P

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Yesterday I studied my Forrester family tree (it's ridiculous in size) and discovered that Rodrik/Talia/Ryon/etc are third cousins with Creg

  • Family trees of the asoiaf universe are the perfect representation of the word "insanity" even in canon :ь It's pretty hard to find highborn characters that aren't related in a way.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Yesterday I studied my Forrester family tree (it's ridiculous in size) and discovered that Rodrik/Talia/Ryon/etc are third cousins with Creg

  • Part 3.15

    This is gonna sting.

  • Nuuu Garbear looks so hurt... :(

    And Rodrik being a meanie by trying to suggest Gared would be a traitor. I will jump through the screen and put you through the wringer Rodrik! Don't think I won't!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.15 This is gonna sting.

  • edited August 2016

    Oh well, isn't this marvelous? After having his ass saved from getting killed by Gared, the guy has the nerve to bark this in his face with an accusing, self-righteous expression, as if he has any right to blame him for what happened :) What the fuck was I even expecting though. So very Rodrik of him. I really shouldn't have forgotten, that it's my Rod who at least tried to be a nice guy - the choice statistic pretty much confirms that most other people's one was one of my least favorite characters in the game. Gared, I highly expect you to not tolerate this bs, because you deserve better.

    Aside from me venting, things are surely getting more and more interesting. I expected the squad to be heading to Ironrath, but now I'm genuinely curious about what the plan is going to be. I don't really have any good guesses, so I'll just have to wait & see.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.15 This is gonna sting.

  • edited August 2016

    This is gonna be good! I'm hoping Gared gets mad. At Rodrik, not at Duncan.

    "Some pathetic attempt at peace with the Whitehills" That's Thorren's way of thinking.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.15 This is gonna sting.

  • GASP! After looking again I realized Rodrik was giving Gared a look when he talked about traitors. He best be not suggesting what I think he's suggesting!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.15 This is gonna sting.

  • I really shouldn't have forgotten, that it's my Rod who at least tried to be a nice guy - the choice statistic pretty much confirms that most other people's one was one of my least favorite characters in the game.

    Keep in mind at this point Rodrik's had very little sleep, he's just woken up from blood-loss-induced unconsciousness, he's just been told everything he thought he knew was a lie, he's heard his sister is dead, has no home left and all he has to go on is the idea of killing those who took his home from him so they can't do it to anyone else.

    In his mind, Elissa is dead (confirmed), Mira is dead, Talia is dead, Ryon is dead, Elaena is dead and all the Whitehills are living happily ever after. He's like right on the verge of complete nervous breakdown. All he's got left is anger and hatred for those who took his home and family from him.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Oh well, isn't this marvelous? After having his ass saved from getting killed by Gared, the guy has the nerve to bark this in his face with

  • Gared's not taking any shit any more - this isn't the Gared we saw letting Bowen's insults slide : ]

    Kateis posted: »

    Nuuu Garbear looks so hurt... And Rodrik being a meanie by trying to suggest Gared would be a traitor. I will jump through the screen and put you through the wringer Rodrik! Don't think I won't!

  • Niccee, I always thought little Garbear needed to stop taking so much shit.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Gared's not taking any shit any more - this isn't the Gared we saw letting Bowen's insults slide : ]

  • edited August 2016

    Oh shit! Rodrik's telling Gared the fate of his uncle! Things are about to get ugly, I can tell.

    enter image description here

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.15 This is gonna sting.

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