A New Age - Interactive GoT Story
After reading a lot of fantastic fanfiction on this forum, I decided to make on myself. I really hope that you will like mine as well.
I will also apologise for my grammar here, I will try my best to have as few grammar-wrongs as possible in the story, but here it might be a bit clumsy.
Anyways, the story is set roughly 60 years after the ending of season 6, Westeros is divided into 3 different parts, the South (Dorne, The Stormlands, The Reach, The Crownlands and The Westerlands, ruled by the Targaryens), the North (The Vale, The North and The North beyond the North, ruled by the Starks) and the Rebels (The Riverlands and The Iron Islands, led by the Greyjoys). Then we also have Essos of course, who stand united behind Braavos' Iron Bank. How they succeeded to unite Essos might be explained later on in the story. And of course, Asshai, led by... the red god?!?
The Story will, in the beginning, have 2 P.o.V, one in the North and one in the south. As time passes by we will, of course, get more P.o.V, maybe even just your character.
In the North, we will follow House Beartilde, a minor house, yet very close to the king. The P.o.V's name is Barney Beartilde, who is fighting alongside his father, Bernhard Beartilde and his king, Robert Stark when the story begins.
In the South, we will follow Catelyn Beartilde, a handmaiden to the Queen and little sister to Barney. She is travelling back to King's Landing with the Queen + Handmaidens after a visit to Highgarden when the story begins.
Good things to know:
1. I and I only are the one to choose which canon character that will appear. You are very welcome to send me a message with an idea, and you are very welcome to create a family for the said canon character. But just for the canon character, is in my hands.
2. The White Walkers are gone... At least for now.
3. I used to write these parts rather special. I'm writing them in Swedish because my vocabulary is much bigger in my native language, I'm doing that for you guys. Anyways, after that I translate them, and then I go through it all to check for grammatical errors that I might find.
4. Enjoy!
Here is a picture of about how it looks now in Westeros (Please bear in mind that I made this in Paint.NET in about 5 minutes, so it's far from great:
Prologue: The Battle of Seagard [Finished]
Chapter 1: Never defeated [Finished]
Epilogue 1: The Darkness Arises [Finished]
Chapter 2: Pressures of Family [Finished]
Epilogue II: Men without Honour [Finished]
Chapter III: The Fall [Ongoing]
Epilogue III: A Night to Remember [Coming pretty Soon]
Chapter IV: The Son of Ice and Fire [Coming quite soon]
Epilogue IV: The Forgotten Lady [Coming soon]
Chapter V: The Wolf and the Dragon [Coming not so soon]
Epilogue V: Chaos is a Ladder [Coming quite far away]
Chapter VI: The North Remembers [Coming pretty far away]
Epilogue VI: Adamant and Gallant [Ain't Coming in years, darling!]
Please feel free to send as many characters as you like.
Appendix (Please note that this is a very early stage of it, and far from complete)
Mapping out which years Kings, Queens, Lords and Ladies ruled kingdoms and seats (Early stage, not yet complete)
List of Characters: Bold ones are Point of View (P.o.V) Characters.
At Seagard:
The Kingsroad:
At Beartilde Hall: 'The Captain', 'old Maester'
Reach Roads or Reach Woods:
At Winterfell: King Robert Stark, Princess Arya Stark, Lord Harlund Marbrand, Farengar The Survivor, Lord Barney Beartilde, Jaesa Brennys, Alfdan Runnie, Yrin Runnie, Jurgen, Sneaky Ned, Lord Endrew Woldkeep, Queen Valla Stark, Lady, Prince Brandon Stark, Princess Lyanna Stark, Prince Jon Stark, Addam, Ronald, Deanna Glover
At Frosthorn: Hermion Marbrand, Adrion Marbrand, Torstein Marbrand, Harald Marbrand,
At King's Landing: Catelyn Beartilde, Queen Elaena Targaryen, Prince Daemon Targaryen, King Denterys Targaryen, Grand Maester Wylis, Alliser Forrester, Daenerys Targaryen, Mysarion, Ser Edward Swann, Naela, Lord Commander Gregor Mertyns, Ser Orwen Merryweather, Lord Duncan Rayner, Arvak, Anders, Ser Alexander Vance, Axel, Ser Jack "TallJack" Tollenwood, Redhammer Jordan, Roland Marbrand, Stan, Selyne, High Septon Corvin, Eylon, Lord Laemond Silvermane, Ser Daeron Lannister,
At The Hunter's Imperium: Dustin Rayner, Alicia Rayner, Ewa, Samantha, Kail Rayner, Lady Velaena Rayner, Gregor Flowers, Maester Doren, Nathaniel Flowers,
At the Stark Farm: Gendry, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Nymeria,
At the Eyrie: Jeyne Stone, Tom 'Tommy the Fighter', Vaemon Fire, Lord Richard Arryn, Willem, Kendra
At Ironrath: Lord Rodrik Forrester, Lady Elaena Forrester,
The North: Lord Walder Mallister,
At Braavos: Bhorras, Eshi, Karl, Morden, George Crum, Maester Mason, Acolyte Addam, Alden Long-eye, Carla, Burtis Rayner, Brandon Beartilde, Martin, Gregoro Baakaris
Characters waiting to be introduced: Lord Gilbar Yronwood, Lady Alys Yronwood, Prince Aegon Targaryen, Princess Nymeria Martell, Prince Malrick Martell, Princess Erissa Martell, Princess Amelira Martell, Aiden, Trystane Sand, Prince Olivario Martell, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, Lady Elarya Lannister, Raekar Targaryen, Khal Rhaego, Khaleesi Esinni, Li Ping, Kaela the Viper, Lady Alison Woldkeep, Rodrik Woldkeep, Dennis, Dane Aldwin, Celifede Magabaz, Bastet-Mumu di Randagio, Jaehaer Velaryon, Rhaegen Targaryen, Corlys Velaryon, Lucerys, Valaena Velaryon, Ser Daemon Silvermane, Edrick Forrester, Deerot Viper, Ser Eldon Fossoway, Ser Erich Harlaw, Lord Bowen Blackwood,
Dead or Unknown: Bernhard Beartilde, Elia Pyke, Jasline, 'The Nightmare', Vyror, Lord Willem Waterman
Oh, and yes characters will appear that appeared in the show/books, but no one is confirmed.
I hope you enjoy my story, and underneath here it will say when it's likely that I get my next part out/close votings.
I'm certainly interested! The idea of fanfic from the "future" is intriguing. I'll submit a couple characters, if you don't like them/want to change something, just PM me
I'm interested in submitting a few characters. Just one question. Am I allowed to create a completely original Noble House?
Sure. It's the future after all!
I'm sure your characters will be awesome. But if I have any questions, I will certainly PM you.
This seems like a very cool story! I really hope that this'll go on for a while, it's quite intriguing. And I sure as shit will send in a couple o' characters to get the story rollin'. This'll be an experience for sure.
And I thank you for your characters already! I hope it'll be an experience for us all.
I am the one who chooses which one of the canon characters to appear. I'm happy to accept families for canon characters, but if the character is canon I choose if he has a role in this at all.
And there is no way in hell that for example Olenna Tyrell will be a part of this story, as she would be at least 120 years old, and that would be highly unlikely to live that long, even today. If she wasn't resurrected a lot of times... But Jon Snow and Daenerys could make appearances, as they aren't dead-old so to speak.
Major change on the map. The Tullys are eliminated, the Mallisters took over.
white walker?
Shoulda brought that up as well. White Walkers are dead... For now.
Prologue - The Battle of Seagard
Barney I
"ATTACK!" Shouted King Robert Stark and ran out on the battlefield. Barney's father, Bernhard, followed and Barney was right behind. Ever since the Riverlands had declared war against the North, King Robert had given them no rest. Soon, half the Riverlands had been taken from them to the North's advantage. King Robert had not yet lost a single battle, and today is not the first loss. When House Tully died out years ago, the Mallisters took over and declared war.
"Move your asses Beartilde, both of you!" Robert shouted after them, while their first enemy reached them. This was the Battle of Seagard, house Mallisters seat. Lord Walder Mallister had about 3000 men, while Robert and his vassals had assembled over 20 000 men. Victory for the North was inevitable, the question was just how many people would be lost. Mallister was stupid enough to face them in open battle field, instead of waiting for them behind Seagards thick walls. Walder Mallister was not a smart man, not very old either, he had only inherited the title after his deceased father and made the best of the situation.
"The horse is lame, my king!" Bernhard screamed back. Barney's father was not a handsome man, not anymore anyway. He was bald and clean shaven, but a big ugly scar on the right cheek to his mouth. He was short and thin as a stick. He was not good at riding either, but he knew how to fight. He had been in Braavos and practiced fencing for many years before Barney was born. He remembers the stories of the first and second dragon invasion of Tully and Baratheons destruction. About Wildfire in King’s Landing, the red wedding and the death of the last dragon. Before his mother died, everything was so good, they lived a simple life in their simple castle, at least that was what Barney thought. But times has changed, for the worse. Once again Westeros fought against each other for land and power. The North had stayed away decently long before Mallister
"Come on, boy. No time to waste, let's take care of these bastards. "Bernard shouted to him while they were mere meters away from the enemy. Bernhard tried to stop his horse, but did not succeed, and rode straight into the enemy. Barney could not leave his father, so he followed him. King had already begun to carve his way forward, already four enemies lay on the ground. Barney got into a couple of hits, but nothing against how many hits his father did. He had already succeeded in killing six of them, while Barney only taken care of the two. As Bernhard horse were lame, the horse died quite quickly, a soldier drove the sword into the horse, and Bernhard fell off it. Barney jumped off his own horse as soon as possible, and killed soldier after soldier, blow after blow until they lay dead on the ground. After a few minutes of fighting, he managed to reach his father, who was more or less surrounded by soldiers. He had a nasty new wound in his right thigh, quite deep too, but he stood up and waterdanced, and managed relatively well. Barney took one of them from behind, drove his sword through his back, and took on the next one. The next man was a pretty good contender, but after half a minute, Barney saw a gap in the soldier's defense and swung the sword around and drove it into his throat. Blood gurgled from his mouth and fell to the field. Slowly, he stopped moving and breathing..
"Aargh!" Grunted Bernhard after that received a small cut on his arm. Barney did not waste any time, but went on the next opponent, who did not even notice him. He brandished his sword against his neck and cut his head off. He heard the king laugh from a few feet away, and knew that Robert would be there in a few minutes.
But a few minutes was longer than Barney was willing to wait, so he dealt with yet another soldier who just managed to fend off two hits before Barney's sword stabbed in the soldier's heart. His father had taken care of the last two soldiers and began to attack the soldiers behind the king's direction. Meanwhile, Barney waved his sword in the other direction to keep the enemies away.
"Are you alright Father?" Barney asked while he stabbed a man through his armor into the stomach. "I'm not going to lie, I've felt better," said the father, before They kept on killing Their enemies. They had made their way past the soldiers, and now stood side by side to the king.
"Hell boys. Did not think you would survive That, got me worried. Well, no time to wast ... "he did not continue his sentence after receiving an arrow in the shoulder," Aaah, fuck me. " And Bernhard…
"Father!" Shouted Barney in sheer horror when he saw the arrow sticking through his father's right eye and out the back of the head. "Fuck ... Bernhard, come on, my friend. Damn, why you? No, no, NO! "Roared the King, in total disregard of his shoulders wounds when his old friend fell to the ground. Barney ran to his father lying lifeless on the ground, and the tears ran down his cheeks. Meanwhile the king’s soldiers pushed forward and soon reached the Seagard. A Maester pulled the arrow out of the sad king so that it would not be infected, while the king stared at Bernhard's corpse. Barney cried while hugging his father’s corpse. Again, Barney was alone in this world. Again, everything change ..
Question of the part: Firstly, this will be a recurring thing for almost every part, where I have a question for you guys. I have to do two questions right away.
1. What do you think of this "Question-segment"? Is it good? Shall I keep it?
2. Do you have any ideas how I will do if there is a tie? Shall the one who posted the P.O.V choose? Shall I choose? Shall I choose the first one who answered? Or any other way. Please leave this in a reply to this part.
Thank you for readin'!
That was an interesting prologue! I believe this story has great potential and I'm looking forward for the next parts. Since it is the very beginning, I can't say too much yet, but I'll closely follow the story with interest
I certainly like that idea and I love to answer questions. Most importantly, it allows you to get immediate feedback. So yeah, I'm all up for it!
I have considered all three approaches in my story and ultimately, I have decided for the first option, even though that brought all kinds of problems if the creator of the PoV character is not an active reader. Ultimately, you are the writer and you should choose the option you're the most comfortable with. Personally, I'm okay with all three options or even others you come up with. Your story, your rules.
The first option seems pretty good. In this chapter, if there were to be a tie, then I'll probably choose. As the PoV are mostly mine in the first chapter.
Thanks for the feedback!
Good start. I'm excited to see more
1. It's good.
2. I like the 1st option.
I have a question about this story. In your version of the future/end of the books/show, how did things end up? From what I gather, from your setup and the current state of the realm, the white walkers were defeated, but Daenerys was successful in her invasion and became queen on the Iron throne. She married and started a new Targaryan dynasty. However, not everyone was happy with these events and nobles rebelled and caused the realm to go into Civil War. Jon Snow stayed king of the North, married, and created a new Stark line. Ultimately, the realm of Westeros is no longer United and ended up splitting up into these new sections. Is that basically what happened in your version of the story?
Basically. Daenerys and Jon negotiated to peace. So the Riverlands/the vale and upwards was the north, and beneath them, the south. However, after a couple of decades, after the Tullys death and the death of the "good" Lord Paramount Mallister, shit hit the fan.
He didn't like how the Starks ruled (Might I add that the starks ruled just fine.) and declared a rebellion, since the Greyjoys told them to. The new Mallister was very easily manipulated, so it was no problem for the Greyjoys to manipulate him into it. Why? Well, follow the story and you shall see.
Oh, and welcome to the story.
I will certainly toss a coin if it's my PoV. Thanks for the suggestion, and your characters.
Thanks for the explanation, I think I might create a couple characters for the story. But first, I need to ask you something regarding a character with a pm.
waiting for PM reply
Sorry. I'll grab something to eat, and then I'll read it through and send you a reply. Expect an reply in about an hour or two.
House Silvermane

Motto: Adamant & Gallant
Unofficial Motto: A Silvermane always kills his foes
Coat of Arms: An argent maned and clawed sable lion rampant on violet
Background Music: Valyrian Lions

Dārōñe gælion kēlio ēlī va vīlībagon!
Lord Læmond (Laemond) "The Silver Lion" of House Silvermane from the High Lordship of Riverspring, and his most noble bloodline.
Edit: Double Post
This is absolutely sick! Only today I got 12 AMAZING characters from you guys, only today. I thank you a lot for that.
Oh, and for the next part, it should be out tomorrow hopefully. I am currently translating it. It'll be the first part of Cat Beartilde, there will be a choice and 1 "Stop: Question Time!" (waddaya thank?) So I hope that you guys look forward for that.
Cannot wait!
Chapter 1 - Never Defeated
Catelyn I
On the Kingsroad
The queen and her Handmaidens were going home after a visit to Highgarden in a carriage with 50 soldiers who protect them on the road back to King's Landing. Catelyn couldn’t stop thinking of her father and brother since the war started. "Cat". They would besiege Seagard, she had heard.
"Cat!" Said the Queen in a slightly higher tone. The Queen was a kind and nice woman. Long silver blond hair and a beautiful face. "What are you thinking about?"
"My family, they besiege Seagard soon" said Catelyn uneasy. "I know I Should not be worried, Your Grace, but ..."
"I know, Cat. And if it weren’t for mother, I would have already sent an army to help them. I may be queen at the moment, but it is still Mother that's in charge of the army. "The Queen said softly, and Continued." Westeros is already divided into two different kindoms that lives in peace, we do not need to divide it any further. The Riverlands were stupid enough to listen to the Greyjoys. But what can one expect from a naive leader like Walder Mallister. "Queen Elaena said, slightly irritated.
"I agree. The Greyjoys knows that they don’t stand a chance. They probably just tries to create chaos, but why? "Said Elia Pyke, a very pale woman, with a very raspy voice. Almost deathly pale and normal length of the jet-black hair. The only special thing about her would be her incredibly high cheekbones that she has. And she is known for always saying what she feels.
"Bold said for a handmaid. But you have a point, and you know them better than any of us, I suppose. "Said Elaena.
Elia did not react to what Elaena said, as she just stared out the carriage window.
"Cat. The Starks have over 40 000 men, the Vale the same, while Mallister has barely 20 000, with vassals of 25 000 and the Iron Islands of 20 000, The Starks will win. "Elaena tried to cheer up Catelyn. She did not succeed very well.
"I guess so, your gra ..." Elaena cut her off "How many times do I have to say it? Call me Elaena, please. "
"I guess so, Elaena ... But at what price?" The queen looked quite sad when Cat said. "For any price ... Should we change the topic, Hmm?" Cat thought about it quickly and then said, "As you wish, your gr ... Elaena."
"That's what I wish indeed. We will soon reach King's Landing again. I would like a new haircut, is there some sort of northern haircut That you can recommend? "Catelyn had no good answer to this, because the northerners do not care about the hairstyle that much anylonger. "We only have the hair hanging, or in a ponytail. We have not bothered ourselfs Those things all too much since Westeros got Divided, Elaena. "Elaena chuckled at that response and the handmaidens joined in.
"Enough! That's how They do it in the North. We should not laugh about it. I'm sorry, Cat. "Elaena said honest, and Catelyn nodded. "Anyways, we have about one day's journey left to King's Landing, we should all get some rest." The three handmaidens who almost never talks to the other, but only whisper to themselves, fell asleep, their heads against each other. Elia fell asleep with her head against the window, Elaena leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. Cat sat up for a while and just looked at the sleeping women, before she leans against a wall, then the eyelids gets heavier and heavier ...
The carriage stopped so hard and fast that Cat flew down on the floor when it stopped. She woke up at the same moment, and saw that the others woke up around the same time. The queen scratched her in the eyes and yawned before she asked the guard outside what is going on.
"We have it under control, your grace. Just sit still in there and take it easy. "Elaena narrowed her eyes and looked out the window, she saw nothing, and looked a little bit irritated. "What's going on?" She said sharply.
The guard sighed, then said, "We believe that there are forest bandits nearby, and a big group of ‘em." "And what makes you think that?"
The guard did not answer, instead he said. "Do not go out of the cart, I was ordered to keep you in th ..." Elaena cut him off "I'm the one who gives orders here, and I'm going out." "But ..." "Now!"
"As you wish, Your Grace."
"If you don’t want to come out with me, you don’t have to. I will not blame you if you'd rather stay here." Elaena said rather quick. The three shy handmaidens shook their heads almost simultaneously.
"I'm going with, Elaena" said Elia. "As you wish. What about you, Cat? Do you want to stay with Those three, or come with us two? "
[Go with Elaena and Elia] [Stay and bond with the other three handmaidens]
STOP: Question time
Do any of you know who Barney Beartilde actually is? He's a character from a Let's Play on youtube. (No google-search plzz
[Go with Elaena and Elia]
I've never heard of him.
[Go with Elaena and Elia] The queen seems nice, so I'd like to stick close to her. Going with her now probably also mean earning her respect, which can't be a bad thing.
Now that you mention it, the name sounds distantly familiar. Like, very distantly. I think I have heard it before, but that might just be my mind playing tricks on me because you mentioned it. I certainly can't tell you where I have heard it before though.
[Go with Elaena and Elia] Btw, sorry for taking a bit longer with the Yronwoods, I have a lot of things to write atm
And to the question, no, I have no idea.
[Go with Elaena and Elia]
Hey , The story seems pretty good so far , but i have a question simple question regarding Jon , the previous king in the north ,
Who did he marry ?
And regarding Beartilde , i do think i've heard this name in a certain playthrough of skyrim , but i'm not sure....
[Go with Elaena and Elia]
No, I don't know.
Who Jon Snow married will certainly be revealed as we get to know the current king a bit more.
No problem. I can wait!
Double post , sorry
Okay thanks for the answer , Hope you like the little family i submitted .
I like them a lot. Thank you!
[Go with Elaena and Elia] It looks like I have stumbled across yet another neat story on here! I love this idea of a story in the future plus it looks like there have been several changes to what we all know. I will definitely contribute a character or two. I am curious though, since it looks like House Swann is over the Stormlands now, I am just curious if the Baratheons died out or if they have just been demoted to being a bannerman?
When it comes to your question, I am not entirely sure either.
I mean, the Baratheons is pretty much dead already. Apart from a couple o' bastards they're dead. And since they are bastards, they can't really "revive" the Baratheons.
Exactly, I was wondering if Gendry or any of Robert's other bastards were legitimized in this timeline to keep the name alive but I suppose if that were to have happened then the Baratheons would still rule over the Stormlands.
Anyway, do have a certain need for a character anywhere or does it really matter?
[Go with Elaena and Elia] Staying as I assume means a death sentence
vikings? not sure, I watched stuff and the family name is the same but not a Barney
I preferred the Prophesy of Pendor though
I would need a couple of characters in the north and the south, but mostly in the north. If you want to, make smallfolk or something. If you want to create a house, do so. But I really need smallfolk. I've only gotten one character that is relatively low-born, and she isn't really smallfolk either.
Are you talking ReformistTM?