I feel like giving my two cents on everything we know so far. Read if you care : )!
Two playable protagonists, Clementine and Javier - I don't see it as a bad thing, but also don't see it as a good one yet. I'm sure that having two protagonists will affect the game's original atmosphere that is focusing on a small group and interact with things from one sole prespective. In the past two seasons you, as the player, have only experienced things from one prescpective, one place, one sole relationship between a character, etc., changing that will definitely affect the game's original essense, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse, but it won't feel the same.
Pros about this:
exapanding the universe horizons, which wouldn't have worked in the past seasons since we were more focused on one sole group, but will definitely work now that we're in a 'society of communities' setting;
having two relationships with the same character (which can be seen as a con by some?), for example, having Clementine like and sympathise with certain character and have Javier have a bitter realtionship with said character as well, which allows us to see to sides of the same person;
interacting with yourself, it will be most definitely fun to interact with the Clementine I shaped with Season 1 & 2 as Javier. It can also be fun the other way around, making Clem interact with Javier, although it may not be as interesting since we haven't really had the time to shape 'My Javier'.
... and the cons:
your choices, at times, do not stick with you; you choose to do something terrible as Clem, but then the game switch to Javier and you can continue to interac with characters who you choice affected without any consequence;
Clem and Javi will spend most of the season together; this is not necessarily a bad thing, it just aborts the 'expanding the universe' pro;
lack of focus in one of the main characters; now Tales balanced this perfectly, I feel like I saw as much of Fiona as I saw of Rhys, but Game of Thrones...? Not so much. Asher and Rodrick were the most characterized, Ethan... no comment and Mira and Gared were left in the background with meaningless (yet interesting) plots. Anyways, I'm sure it will be ok like Tales since there's only two protagonists... Just something to think about.
Suspicion: We will only be playing as Clem in flashbacks. I'd be totally ok and maybe even happy if this is what happens. As said above, I'd be a big fan of interacting with someone who our choices shaped. This way, we'll have our choices (from previous seasons and from the flashbacks) affect how 'My Clementine' interacts with people and reacts to certain things and situations in the present timeline, which is neat! And in my honest opinion, more interesting than having us choose what she does and who she is again, because this way we will have a Clementine with a consistent personality throughout the present timeline. A personality we already shaped.
New graphics and engine - not much to say here. I like how the new Clem and the new AJ look. The walker that we've seen is also pretty neat. As I've said in a previous thread everyone is looking pretty good.
Worry: Telltale will be using the attrocity that is the Batman engine. I don't have a console (yet) and most defenitely won't have the money to buy one in November, so this worries me quite a bit :]!
Missing Finger - Mehhhhhh. I see what you did there, Telltale. 'Let's remove this part of Clem's body that isn't essential to her! It won't affect anything but two or three lines, but the player will think it's a big deal! Ehehehehe >: )!' - Telltale, 'your choices matter'.
That aside, it's pretty cool that we'll have determinant limbs, appearence and stuff. I'm calling it right now, Clem lost her finger in the alone with Kenny ending because of frostbite!
Clem is between 13 and 14 - Cool, 2-3 years timeskip then. This could've been bad, really bad, if Telltale hadn't confirmed the added flashbacks which will show what happened. This timeskip would've bothered me a lot if this wasn't the case.
This is also a good thing because: 1. It doesn't take away the initial shock of seeing Clementine acting differently ('Why is she acting this way? What happened to make her be this way?' / 'What is she refering to when she says this?') 2. We won't be left in the dark since we'll see what happened to her throughout the season.
Season 1 = Father figure. Season 2 = Playing as her. Season 3 = Playing as an equal/friend - Oh boi, am I bitter about this. Look, I appreciate this different viewpoints on Clementine through the different seasons, but giving us a pre-set relationship in a choice based game? So not cool. I personally would rather to play as Clem's 'frenemie' which would give me a really new prespective on Clem that's disagreeing with her as an equal. I mean, it would be so cool to put this two people I controll on different sides of a choice and have them disagree with eachother (which is, in a way, disagreeing with myself). I just hope we can have something other than just friends between Clem and Javi, having them have some beef from time to time would be way more cooler and interesting.
AJ will be learning from Clem about growing up - That's cool as long as they make it not stupid and ridiculous. Teach him basic things like tending a fire, shoot a gun, etc is totally fine, but for fucks sake don't have this two year old go on supply runs! (Apparently 2 year gold's would suck at shooting guns so nevermind this xD).
"Season 3 "around Virginia", close to characters in the comics" - Yuck. I don't mind having some side character involved in the main plot, but I don't want to get anywhere near the comics' situations. I don't want to see All Out War, I don't want to see Alexandria vs Whisperers war. Have some mentions, sure, word spreads out obviously, but do not involve us with the comics plot.
"Tailored stories will exist for lots of variations of the Season 2 ending, accounting not just for the five endings, but potentially for variations of how you reached those five endings in the last part of Episode 205" - That's soooo cool.
Speculation: One of the neighbouring communities will have Jane/Kenny residing if you left them but didn't got them killed. Imagine meet them again after you left their ass! Same thing for other unknown characters such as Molly, Christa, Bonnie, Mike, Arvo, Lilly (i luv u bb), Victor, etc... Imagine having them spread and living in the different communities.
Con: Unrealism if so. It may bother some users and I admit, meeting all those fellas from our past is unrealistic, but honestly the joy and the potential interesting interactions between Clem and them would overshadow all the bs.
Anyways this can also simply mean that we'll bump into Kenny's/Jane's walker on the flashbacks or even in the present timeline. Lol.
"Season 3's focus is on rebuilding; infrastructure, justice, etc" - Honestly I always liked the small group dynamic this game has always had, but I'm open to new themes :].
A New Frontier - neat title. Can't see why one would dislike it. I'm trying to refer to Season 3 as 'A New Frontier' cuz it just sounds cooler, ya know.
Flashbacks - Aside from what I've already said about them it would be lovely to have flashbacks from:
the three month timeskip in Season 1 (which would mean more Lilly & Katjaa & Carley & Larry & those guys!);
the trip to Gill's pitstop with Christa and Omid;
16 month timeskip with Christa & finally knowing what Clem meant by 'Not again' in No Going Back aaaand the fate of her baby;
post-No Going Back, obviously;
9 day timeskip between Kenny's mental breakdown and whichever ending you got (and please include a part where we somehow found the formula for AJ to survive for 9 days!);
off screen stuff (stuff that happened while we were playing as Lee/Clem but they didn't show. For example 3/1 day timeskip between Rebecca's labour and the russian ambush or playing as Clem in the afternoon where she left to find The Fuckfac- I mean.. Stranger and the time she spent with that abomination, etc.)
"It's really Javier's story" - Dude, totally fine by me. Clem will still be there, the tie between the seasons will still be there can't see the reason for all the ruckus. Fresh blood is a good thing, we've had it in Season 1 and 2, and now we'll have in Season 3. Simple.
EDIT: Hey, you! Person reading this. You should totally do something like this and tell us how you feel about these Season 3 confirmed topics as well ; )!
Wright Micah^ abandon Build 17 (change Rynna post for more clarity) telltale community (Windows server 2008 Vista)
thick you & sorry Rynna that people are attacking you at less you were trying to be calm & reasonable.
I have been looking at the community. for the last week and found aggressive comments, including attacking others users.
thick you 1740559. you made a bitter explainable tune i did. below Karnedg2013
for someone who has PDSD, i was in-sharkt of how badly Javier was tranted. Nobody knew this fucking guy. OK i complacently understand. why people love clementine like i do. but If i play the game i look aware of clementine. who cares if we play as him. That he may tell clementines deepest darkness self from her past that not even clementine herself want's people to knew about.
the point is every time i look at Clementine. i get super uncomfortable from my past haunting me. I stall played the game and happily done it even thew it tack me 3 mouth to complete it. you people act like clementine is your child. clementine is only a funshanal character.** clementine is 14 a teen her is able to defined her own without you the player**. Having Javier for her new bff might do her some good even if they ware 10 years about.(I hope the reveal trailer in e3 2016 . is the last episode of season 3. because i fell like telltale needs to focus on flashbacks. to fill the grips of season 2. like what happen to Christa's baby.)
^I am Dyslexic and spilling is really hard for me to correct. Thank you from Wright Micah
AJ will be learning from Clem about growing up - That's cool as long as they make it not stupid and ridiculous. Teach him basic things like tending a fire, shoot a gun, etc is totally fine, but for fucks sake don't have this two year old go on supply runs!
I seriously doubt any of that will happen, two year olds have terrible motor functions. He'd be way more likely to be taken with the group on a supply run than shoot a gun.
This is from a "Telltale Games Predictions" Tumblr page, and I have to admit, this would be funny to see.
I agreed with everything you said, except for being okay if we were to play as Clem only in flashbacks. I want to play as her present and in the past. But everything was spot on.
I feel like giving my two cents on everything we know so far. Read if you care : )!
Two playable protagonists, Clementine and Javier - I … moredon't see it as a bad thing, but also don't see it as a good one yet. I'm sure that having two protagonists will affect the game's original atmosphere that is focusing on a small group and interact with things from one sole prespective. In the past two seasons you, as the player, have only experienced things from one prescpective, one place, one sole relationship between a character, etc., changing that will definitely affect the game's original essense, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse, but it won't feel the same.
Pros about this:
* exapanding the universe horizons, which wouldn't have worked in the past seasons since we were more focused on one sole group, but will definitely work now that we're in a 'society of communities' setting;
* having two relationships with the same character (… [view original content]
This is from a "Telltale Games Predictions" Tumblr page, and I have to admit, this would be funny to see.
I swear some people are acting like we've played Clem from the start. We've played as Clementine for exactly one season of the game. Why is … moreit so terrible or surprising that we would play mainly as another character this time? Clem's better when she's not the main playable character anyways. Playing as her made Season 2 seem ridiculous because all the adults were suddenly insanely incompetent and she's doing things she never should be.
"This is really Javier's story." Alright, guess what? I don't care about Javier. Sure, you could have him be the center of the story like yo… moreu seem to be planning to, but my focus and care is always going to be on Clementine. And I'm going to be really upset if we don't get a proper continuation to Season 2 in this Season. They should be saying "This is both Clementine AND Javier's story." Not just Javier's.
Hang on... so if Clementine is given interactions with AJ in order to instill values and techniques to survive certain predicaments he may find himself in. Does that mean there could be a fail state of those techniques handed down from the player?
[after escaping a camp where the people eat other survivors]
Javier: Can't believe we made it out in one piece. Why would they do such a thing?
Clem: I've had it before. It's not that bad.
XD .. jk
Hang on... so if Clementine is given interactions with AJ in order to instill values and techniques to survive certain predicaments he may f… moreind himself in. Does that mean there could be a fail state of those techniques handed down from the player?
This is from a "Telltale Games Predictions" Tumblr page, and I have to admit, this would be funny to see.
If there is an appropriate response the game provides for the choices decided to AJ for the proper skills necessary to survive, could that then extent to giving him improper training and maybe a similarly responsive result to said choice?
Keep in mind the intentions of a player may not always be in the best interest of a character we may or may not be talking about.
The real answer is that she is Clementine and that she is strong! But they can kill her off if they wanted to (which I think will be really bad considering all the sacrifices that were used to save her).
My whole strategy throughout the entire series has been to keep Clementine safe, and that ain't changin for Season 3! She may be strong, tough, hardened, and a badass in A New Frontier, but she's still my little girl!
The real answer is that she is Clementine and that she is strong! But they can kill her off if they wanted to (which I think will be really bad considering all the sacrifices that were used to save her).
My whole strategy throughout the entire series has been to keep Clementine safe, and that ain't changin for Season 3! She may be strong, tough, hardened, and a badass in A New Frontier, but she's still my little girl!
Am I the only one actually alright with S3 focusing more on Javier? We know Clementine's story and we still get to play as her and explore it further, I don't mind a new character to get the spotlight - at least that ensures they'll have character development lol
That doesn't mean the story has to be entirely revolved around Clementine. A new story and a continuation can be both be told if they intersect and in my opinion, a new story should always get at least a slightly bigger focus than a continuation. It's not like Clementine is suddenly cut out from Season Three.
I feel like giving my two cents on everything we know so far. Read if you care : )!
Two playable protagonists, Clementine and Javier - I don't see it as a bad thing, but also don't see it as a good one yet. I'm sure that having two protagonists will affect the game's original atmosphere that is focusing on a small group and interact with things from one sole prespective. In the past two seasons you, as the player, have only experienced things from one prescpective, one place, one sole relationship between a character, etc., changing that will definitely affect the game's original essense, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse, but it won't feel the same.
Pros about this:
... and the cons:
Suspicion: We will only be playing as Clem in flashbacks. I'd be totally ok and maybe even happy if this is what happens. As said above, I'd be a big fan of interacting with someone who our choices shaped. This way, we'll have our choices (from previous seasons and from the flashbacks) affect how 'My Clementine' interacts with people and reacts to certain things and situations in the present timeline, which is neat! And in my honest opinion, more interesting than having us choose what she does and who she is again, because this way we will have a Clementine with a consistent personality throughout the present timeline. A personality we already shaped.
New graphics and engine - not much to say here. I like how the new Clem and the new AJ look. The walker that we've seen is also pretty neat. As I've said in a previous thread everyone is looking pretty good.
Worry: Telltale will be using the attrocity that is the Batman engine. I don't have a console (yet) and most defenitely won't have the money to buy one in November, so this worries me quite a bit :]!
Missing Finger - Mehhhhhh. I see what you did there, Telltale. 'Let's remove this part of Clem's body that isn't essential to her! It won't affect anything but two or three lines, but the player will think it's a big deal! Ehehehehe >: )!' - Telltale, 'your choices matter'.
That aside, it's pretty cool that we'll have determinant limbs, appearence and stuff. I'm calling it right now, Clem lost her finger in the alone with Kenny ending because of frostbite!
Clem is between 13 and 14 - Cool, 2-3 years timeskip then. This could've been bad, really bad, if Telltale hadn't confirmed the added flashbacks which will show what happened. This timeskip would've bothered me a lot if this wasn't the case.
This is also a good thing because: 1. It doesn't take away the initial shock of seeing Clementine acting differently ('Why is she acting this way? What happened to make her be this way?' / 'What is she refering to when she says this?') 2. We won't be left in the dark since we'll see what happened to her throughout the season.
Season 1 = Father figure. Season 2 = Playing as her. Season 3 = Playing as an equal/friend - Oh boi, am I bitter about this. Look, I appreciate this different viewpoints on Clementine through the different seasons, but giving us a pre-set relationship in a choice based game? So not cool. I personally would rather to play as Clem's 'frenemie' which would give me a really new prespective on Clem that's disagreeing with her as an equal. I mean, it would be so cool to put this two people I controll on different sides of a choice and have them disagree with eachother (which is, in a way, disagreeing with myself). I just hope we can have something other than just friends between Clem and Javi, having them have some beef from time to time would be way more cooler and interesting.
AJ will be learning from Clem about growing up - That's cool as long as they make it not stupid and ridiculous. Teach him basic things like tending a fire, shoot a gun, etc is totally fine, but for fucks sake don't have this two year old go on supply runs! (Apparently 2 year gold's would suck at shooting guns so nevermind this xD).
"Season 3 "around Virginia", close to characters in the comics" - Yuck. I don't mind having some side character involved in the main plot, but I don't want to get anywhere near the comics' situations. I don't want to see All Out War, I don't want to see Alexandria vs Whisperers war. Have some mentions, sure, word spreads out obviously, but do not involve us with the comics plot.
"Tailored stories will exist for lots of variations of the Season 2 ending, accounting not just for the five endings, but potentially for variations of how you reached those five endings in the last part of Episode 205" - That's soooo cool.
Speculation: One of the neighbouring communities will have Jane/Kenny residing if you left them but didn't got them killed. Imagine meet them again after you left their ass! Same thing for other unknown characters such as Molly, Christa, Bonnie, Mike, Arvo, Lilly (i luv u bb), Victor, etc... Imagine having them spread and living in the different communities.
Con: Unrealism if so. It may bother some users and I admit, meeting all those fellas from our past is unrealistic, but honestly the joy and the potential interesting interactions between Clem and them would overshadow all the bs.
Anyways this can also simply mean that we'll bump into Kenny's/Jane's walker on the flashbacks or even in the present timeline. Lol.
"Season 3's focus is on rebuilding; infrastructure, justice, etc" - Honestly I always liked the small group dynamic this game has always had, but I'm open to new themes :].
A New Frontier - neat title. Can't see why one would dislike it. I'm trying to refer to Season 3 as 'A New Frontier' cuz it just sounds cooler, ya know.
Flashbacks - Aside from what I've already said about them it would be lovely to have flashbacks from:
"It's really Javier's story" - Dude, totally fine by me. Clem will still be there, the tie between the seasons will still be there can't see the reason for all the ruckus. Fresh blood is a good thing, we've had it in Season 1 and 2, and now we'll have in Season 3. Simple.
EDIT: Hey, you! Person reading this. You should totally do something like this and tell us how you feel about these Season 3 confirmed topics as well ; )!
Wright Micah^ abandon Build 17 (change Rynna post for more clarity) telltale community (Windows server 2008 Vista)
thick you & sorry Rynna that people are attacking you at less you were trying to be calm & reasonable.
I have been looking at the community. for the last week and found aggressive comments, including attacking others users.
thick you 1740559. you made a bitter explainable tune i did. below Karnedg2013
for someone who has PDSD, i was in-sharkt of how badly Javier was tranted. Nobody knew this fucking guy. OK i complacently understand. why people love clementine like i do. but If i play the game i look aware of clementine. who cares if we play as him. That he may tell clementines deepest darkness self from her past that not even clementine herself want's people to knew about.
the point is every time i look at Clementine. i get super uncomfortable from my past haunting me. I stall played the game and happily done it even thew it tack me 3 mouth to complete it. you people act like clementine is your child. clementine is only a funshanal character.** clementine is 14 a teen her is able to defined her own without you the player**. Having Javier for her new bff might do her some good even if they ware 10 years about.(I hope the reveal trailer in e3 2016 . is the last episode of season 3. because i fell like telltale needs to focus on flashbacks. to fill the grips of season 2. like what happen to Christa's baby.)
This is from a "Telltale Games Predictions" Tumblr page, and I have to admit, this would be funny to see.
I seriously doubt any of that will happen, two year olds have terrible motor functions. He'd be way more likely to be taken with the group on a supply run than shoot a gun.
I saw that too. I really want this to happen XD
Javier just starts cursing in Spanish, and Clem stares at him "The hell you say?"
I agreed with everything you said, except for being okay if we were to play as Clem only in flashbacks. I want to play as her present and in the past. But everything was spot on.
Am I the only one here, who doesn't have a tumblr?
I'm sorry, I was a bit annoyed.
Speak for yourself.
I believe they know what they should do better than any of us.
Yes, you are the only one.
Hang on... so if Clementine is given interactions with AJ in order to instill values and techniques to survive certain predicaments he may find himself in. Does that mean there could be a fail state of those techniques handed down from the player?
Javier: [slowly backs away]
It feels like yesterday that I was watching a livestream for All That Remains...
[Javier mumblers something bitter in Spanish.]
[Mentions Clementine's name.]
Clem: Bitch say that in English!
What do you mean? o.o
I am speaking for myself, obviously. What's with all of you? I get that you're annoyed by Javier but now I'm getting irritated at all of you.
I seriously cannot wait for this to happen. As a Cuban myself, swearing is something we do best.
If Clem's die...god, i don't think my body will be ready.
If there is an appropriate response the game provides for the choices decided to AJ for the proper skills necessary to survive, could that then extent to giving him improper training and maybe a similarly responsive result to said choice?
Keep in mind the intentions of a player may not always be in the best interest of a character we may or may not be talking about.
If Clem dies, part of me will die too. I'm not emotionally ready for that.
I highly doubt it will happen. Everyone at Telltale is super protective of Clementine.
If they were super protective, then they wouldn't have had her shot in Ep 5 S2.
Then I consider myself dishonorable, forgive me!!
[Mod edit: Gif removed]
Then explain how a 11 year survived a bullet through the body without getting medical attention.
Plot Armor, that's why.
The real answer is that she is Clementine and that she is strong! But they can kill her off if they wanted to (which I think will be really bad considering all the sacrifices that were used to save her).
My whole strategy throughout the entire series has been to keep Clementine safe, and that ain't changin for Season 3! She may be strong, tough, hardened, and a badass in A New Frontier, but she's still my little girl!
Then you better make sure that she doesn't lose that finger of hers.
What comic character do you guys hope to make a appearance this season?
Oh, I will make SURE of that.
I think it would be interesting for Clementine to meet Carl.
I feel like Michonne definitely will.
Melissa Hutchinson, the voice of Clementine herself, RETWEETED ME!!
My Twitter is @ComicBookGuy708
I haven't read much in the comic, but I think it would be cool for her to meet Negan
And apparently you do?
Am I the only one actually alright with S3 focusing more on Javier? We know Clementine's story and we still get to play as her and explore it further, I don't mind a new character to get the spotlight - at least that ensures they'll have character development lol
That doesn't mean the story has to be entirely revolved around Clementine. A new story and a continuation can be both be told if they intersect and in my opinion, a new story should always get at least a slightly bigger focus than a continuation. It's not like Clementine is suddenly cut out from Season Three.