I... I don't know who I would choose! I'd probably take 10-20 minutes to decide like with S1 E2. I really hope they do this. (And yes, I was exaggerating a bit with the 10-20 minute part)
EDIT: Sorry for replying twice, I didn't know I already did... Strange.
I bet they will make this a super difficult choice.
Example- They will make Javier's little sister come to us and ask for food in her sweet… more little voice which you just can't deny. On the other hand, Clem won't be asking for food for herself but she will say something like "Aj might be hungry." If they do that the choice would become between our sweet sister who is definitely hungry and a baby who might be hungry. Now that's be difficult. That will make it more of a 50:50 divided choice.
I don't care how much I end up caring for Javier and his family, I will always choose to help Clem and AJ over Javier's family and face the consequences for my choices.
Well the end of October is almost here have my $5 for episode 1 of Season 3 ready (then the other $20 for season pass) time to start an agen… moreda.
October 25th: play Batman episode 3
October 31st: survive clown purge
November 15th (hopefully release date) : buy episode 1 of "A new frontier".
What I see is that supporters of Kenny are a majority on the forum, despite what is commonly said. I suppose the argument "we're a minority" isn't valid now, right?
Thread: The B.E.S.T date for the launch of TWD Season 3 - NOVEMBER 14
Telltale said on the last interview at the skybound (?) panel that they didn't have a defined date yet, so I'll sugest one myself: November 14th; Now, you may ask: Why is this a good date? Isn't it just as good as any other? But I can answer that: NO! And here is why:
1st - It is on a monday! Telltale can enjoy their servers not-so-full and be able to fix any glitches before it becomes too major :O Well tought Romão, but why can't it be in other mondays? There are 4 other ones in the month, why is this special? Well that's because of... THE SECOND POINT
2nd - It will in in a Supermoon! Yeah, you heard it right, this awesome astronomical event that happens from time to time, in which the moon will be 30% BIGGER because it is CLOSER to earth, how nice would it be to even have the moon to come and see the launch? I answer you: VERY AWESOME. Do you think it's only that? OF COURSE it isn't only that, let's go to the THIRD POINT
3rd - It will be in my birthday!!!!!!!! And yes there is only one of my birthday a year, so if they miss this opportunity they will have to wait at least another 365 days to be able to launch another TWD game in my birthday, and that would take too long wouldn't it?
So now that you are 100% sure that this date is the best date ever to launch the game, please do ( Pleeeease, I never asked you anything telltale [Well, I might have but you never actually made it so you can use this as a redemption chance ])!!!
Do not let Clementine into your group...every group she comes across...dead...she is like some dark harbringer of death wrapped in a sweet innocent shell.
Do not let Clementine into your group...every group she comes across...dead...she is like some dark harbringer of death wrapped in a sweet innocent shell.
The wait for more news reminds me of Ariana Grande's song "Into You"
"So baby come light me up" (with that release date plz)
"And maybe I'… morell let you on it" (my money)
"A little bit dangerous" (this whole series)
"But baby that's how I want it" (let's be real, we thrive on the tragedy that is Clementine's life)
"A little less conversation and a little more touch my body" (Stop beating around the bush and touch my bod with them feels!!!!)
"Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you" (I LOVE THIS SERIES)
No I like both option? I do prefer Kenny but I do really like Jane.
I don't hear gay people calling one another "my faggot."
Let's not derail this thread over the history/use of particular slurs, please. Thanks.
That's why I said it.
There isn't one. I just wanted to say that I like both of them.
I... I don't know who I would choose! I'd probably take 10-20 minutes to decide like with S1 E2. I really hope they do this. (And yes, I was exaggerating a bit with the 10-20 minute part)
EDIT: Sorry for replying twice, I didn't know I already did... Strange.
Kenny all the way!!! Long live the stache!!!
Ben. He may have been shot in the head, but he is still alive. insert Kenny beard onto Ben
Kenny obviously. Fuck Jane!
Maybe now he will be useful
"Yeah, Clem, it was a hard thing to get out of, but I got out of it."
"And it's still lodged in me with a bloodstain around it."
is there a release date yet? or even a pre-order?
Please don't over use large letters. Thanks.
You can pre order on Amazon right now and it says the release date is November 15th, but it's not been confirmed by Telltale themselves.
its not official then.. I wanted to pre-order it on psn! but I guess I have to wait for the official announcement
Going to say it...Javier to save his family screws over Clementine....she will lose Kenny/Jane and AJ.
If this music piece plays when Clementine first appears in Season 3, I will literally start bawling.

Eh, I trust Amazon enough. It's a hard copy with the Season Pass and I prefer hard copies over PSN but that's just me.
Or this
That's a great one too.
I don't care how much I end up caring for Javier and his family, I will always choose to help Clem and AJ over Javier's family and face the consequences for my choices.
Well the end of October is almost here have my $5 for episode 1 of Season 3 ready (then the other $20 for season pass) time to start an agenda.
October 25th: play Batman episode 3
October 31st: survive clown purge
November 15th (hopefully release date) : buy episode 1 of "A new frontier".
Wait...what clown purge? Should I tell my brother to stop watching that clown pornography?
Ok in the description for A New Frontier it describes Clem as someone on a mission of revenge .
They're... Both the same...
I added an update to my first post on Page 1 with a quick look at the new emoticons you can post on the forums, after the July forum update.
You can use these new emoticons in your posts, but please use them in moderate amounts as is the same case with pictures, gifs, etc.
That both excites and terrifies me.
Hell hath no fury like a Clementine scorned
It's my most favorite song ever!!!
Yes, they're right there!
What I see is that supporters of Kenny are a majority on the forum, despite what is commonly said. I suppose the argument "we're a minority" isn't valid now, right?
Kenny is so dead,dude.
Thread: The B.E.S.T date for the launch of TWD Season 3 - NOVEMBER 14
Telltale said on the last interview at the skybound (?) panel that they didn't have a defined date yet, so I'll sugest one myself: November 14th; Now, you may ask: Why is this a good date? Isn't it just as good as any other? But I can answer that: NO! And here is why:
1st - It is on a monday! Telltale can enjoy their servers not-so-full and be able to fix any glitches before it becomes too major :O Well tought Romão, but why can't it be in other mondays? There are 4 other ones in the month, why is this special? Well that's because of... THE SECOND POINT
2nd - It will in in a Supermoon! Yeah, you heard it right, this awesome astronomical event that happens from time to time, in which the moon will be 30% BIGGER because it is CLOSER to earth, how nice would it be to even have the moon to come and see the launch? I answer you: VERY AWESOME. Do you think it's only that? OF COURSE it isn't only that, let's go to the THIRD POINT
3rd - It will be in my birthday!!!!!!!! And yes there is only one of my birthday a year, so if they miss this opportunity they will have to wait at least another 365 days to be able to launch another TWD game in my birthday, and that would take too long wouldn't it?
So now that you are 100% sure that this date is the best date ever to launch the game, please do ( Pleeeease, I never asked you anything telltale [Well, I might have but you never actually made it so you can use this as a redemption chance
Do not let Clementine into your group...every group she comes across...dead...she is like some dark harbringer of death wrapped in a sweet innocent shell.
For all the death that she had brought, I think she'll die this season. Dunno why,I just got a feeling.
I nearly snorted my coffee out reading this lmao!!