you could always just read maybe 10 issues, give or take, around the timeline in the comics that the Michonne Miniseries takes place.
Which issues are they?
I do want to read the comics but I'm having trouble finding them. I'm not sure whether to buy and read them digitally or try and find them online somewhere (Except that would cost a lot more).
It wouldn't hurt to read the comics, as the Michonne miniseries reveals what Michonne did during a time when she "disappeared" during the co… moremics, but you can still very much enjoy the game without reading them. If you don't want to read all of them, you could always just read maybe 10 issues, give or take, around the timeline in the comics that the Michonne Miniseries takes place (Or around the time that she disappears/reappears.)
I wouldn't say that - I don't read the comics, and I still liked it, aside from the short episode duration. Some of the plot was a bit generic in areas in my personal opinion (generic disclaimer: mods are not staff members), but I would not say that it was a waste of time overall. It's similar to Wolf Among Us, in that it uses existing characters from a comic and fills in events during a certain period of time, but with both Wolf and Michonne, knowledge of the comics is not needed and the story is mostly self contained.
Michonne Miniseries starts off the basis that Michonne is within a period of depression and mental obscurity in which she left her group, bu… moret not much further than that. There are no mentions of comic characters, aside from two that are also featured in the series; Pete and Siddiq. You should also know that the three lived in different communities of a network in the Washington DC area.
There! That's all it will ever spoil.
I wouldn't say that - I don't read the comics, and I still liked it, aside from the short episode duration. Some of the plot was a bit gener… moreic in areas in my personal opinion (generic disclaimer: mods are not staff members), but I would not say that it was a waste of time overall. It's similar to Wolf Among Us, in that it uses existing characters from a comic and fills in events during a certain period of time, but with both Wolf and Michonne, knowledge of the comics is not needed and the story is mostly self contained.
Well, I just didn't like as many of the characters as I did in Seasons 1 and 2, or other TTGs.
That's understandable, I just disagreed in particular with how you said it was a waste of money if you aren't a comic fan. I don't think that is the case that only comic fans will like it, but it's understandable if you weren't as interested in the characters. Whether or not you like the characters is a separate criticism that doesn't hinge on whether or not you already read the comics, if you get my point. You can read the comics and not like the characters from Michonne, or not read the comics and still like them.
Aye, and it is the same for most games, honestly. The developer's site is the best place to get any news, and sometimes early leaks (weird that it happens ON the site, but hey, I won't complain).
I suppose I should apologize for that remark, but I may have mistook certain parts of your post and got somewhat defensive, should I call it that. I didn't expect such a reply to my comment, I looked at the post thinking "did I write something that this person didn't like?" So... sorry about that, eheh.
Hmm, I suppose that is fair. I can say that I wouldn't be able to commit to such an idea with great confidence. Not to say anything bad about some of the users here... but it gets exhausting.
Mhm, I kinda miss the old days, tbh... but perhaps I'm just being sentimental, since there was still the good and the bad on this site. But yeah, discussions get exhausted fairly quickly (there are times that someone comes along with something new to point out, but otherwise it tended to turn into senseless bickering). And that's no surprise, then, since you're fairly new, and probably joined during a more peaceful time (it is weird saying that on a forums).
Aye, I'll look forward to that as well, then. Sorry, again, if I came off as kinda hostile after that first post, and thank you for being reasonable. It's a pleasant change.
Honestly, the fact that a large portion of users visit regularly to keep up to date with news for A New Frontier had not passed through my m… moreind up to this point, and it's also likely that most of them will stay to discuss choices, narrative, characters, etc.
And I might have gone off-rails earlier as well, though I continue to believe what I said—partly. "Pointless rambling" does not sound nice to describe my post, which took quite a lot of time and mental energy to compose, but oh, well. I suppose I deserve it.
You might not describe me as a hypocrite for this. Every day I come here I keep in mind that I could be defending a soundless position and just haven't realized it yet. But believe me when I say that I join discussions on a regular basis.
And what you say makes complete sense! You would not want to go over topics that have been exhausted in your experience, but I joined in January and I haven't been tired of it yet.
And I … [view original content]
One of the main upsides is definitely the focus on the characters, particularly Michonne and her daughters, Pete (no, not Season 2 Pete), and Sam's family. I'd also argue that the choices felt like they mattered more than they did in Season 2, even though the story is still linear. From dialogue choices, unique character interactions, to slightly different events, the miniseries gives the player that same illusion of choice that season one had, even if it wasn't as effective (IMO).
The game time was definitely a drawback, and I myself breezed through all three episodes in around four hours. However, I will give credit that the episodes FELT longer, as I was deeply entrapped in what was going on at all times. So while the episodes were shorter, they were quality episodes (again, just my opinion).
Here is something that Season 2 didn't do for me that the Michonne miniseries did: attached me to the characters, even the evil and minor ones. From the crew on Pete's ship, to the primary antagonists (don't want to give names), I loved them all (not that I necessarily liked them, but I felt they were well-designed). By the end, I actually didn't want to leave them behind, I wanted to keep playing and continue on with my little team, but alas, continuity beckons...
So definitely check out the miniseries, because even if you just buy it on sale (please don't if you can afford it), it is worth it. Telltale proved that they haven't lost their touch with this one, and that gives me faith in Season 3.
I cannot recommend the miniseries enough!
The origin of the conflict has more elaboration than Season One of Season Two's did, but it is … moresubtle enough that you won't be forced to figure it out by yourself if you do not wish to; the characters are complex, dynamic and tridimensional; and the overall morality is kept ambiguous, so the antagonists are not stereotypical villians. The settings are also fresh and innovative.
One of the downsides is the gameplay time, though. Each episode amounts to an hour and a half at most.
Completely agree. I liked the story of internal struggles with Michonne, being disconnected from everyone. The villains being a mix of good and bad, and the "good guys" as well. And while many think that the episodes were too short, I was fine with it. They told what they needed to and it left me satisfied (and intrigued) enough to continue to figure out how to solve the conflict.
But, I did not like how you were [REDACTED] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I cannot recommend the miniseries enough!
The origin of the conflict has more elaboration than Season One of Season Two's did, but it is … moresubtle enough that you won't be forced to figure it out by yourself if you do not wish to; the characters are complex, dynamic and tridimensional; and the overall morality is kept ambiguous, so the antagonists are not stereotypical villians. The settings are also fresh and innovative.
One of the downsides is the gameplay time, though. Each episode amounts to an hour and a half at most.
Nah, man, that isn't the point, but when he says "at most" he means that some of the episodes are even shorter than that. Now I can't speak for the Minecraft Series, nor the new Batman game (I want to play it so bad, but I don't want to just jump in now...), but the supposed average completion time for these games are as follows:
The Wolf Among Us: 8 hrs, 34 mins
The Walking Dead, Season 1: 12 hr, 33 mins
The Walking Dead, Season 2: 9 hr, 5 mins
Tales of the Borderlands: 10 hr, 17 mins
^ I would say these are fairly accurate, not too sure about season 1's length though... (maybe they are counting 400 days?)
So these were short, even for Telltale :P but again, they probably won't feel short depending on how you play.
Now I'm excited... Maybe I might be able to play it sooner... Hopefully.
One of the downsides is the gameplay time, though. Each episo… morede amounts to an hour and a half at most.
I thought most episodes of their newer games episodes went for that length?
Completely agree. I liked the story of internal struggles with Michonne, being disconnected from everyone. The villains being a mix of good … moreand bad, and the "good guys" as well. And while many think that the episodes were too short, I was fine with it. They told what they needed to and it left me satisfied (and intrigued) enough to continue to figure out how to solve the conflict.
But, I did not like how you were [REDACTED] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sorry, but given that the user that asked about the game hasn't played it yet, I removed the final part of your post
for his/her sake
oh, and i fixed your ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nah, man, that isn't the point, but when he says "at most" he means that some of the episodes are even shorter than that. Now I can't speak … morefor the Minecraft Series, nor the new Batman game (I want to play it so bad, but I don't want to just jump in now...), but the supposed average completion time for these games are as follows:
The Wolf Among Us: 8 hrs, 34 mins
The Walking Dead, Season 1: 12 hr, 33 mins
The Walking Dead, Season 2: 9 hr, 5 mins
Tales of the Borderlands: 10 hr, 17 mins
^ I would say these are fairly accurate, not too sure about season 1's length though... (maybe they are counting 400 days?)
So these were short, even for Telltale :P but again, they probably won't feel short depending on how you play.
Sorry, but given that the user that asked about the game hasn't played it yet, I removed the final part of your post
for his/her sake
oh, and i fixed your ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I wouldn't want Clementine to be mentally broken but I think that she already is. Though, she has to be strong and if she wants to express her feelings about anything she has her group and she has Javier, too.
Season 3 makes me really question how Clementine has been able to deal with emotional and physical trauma as a child and adolescent for four… more or so years.
People have many different coping mechanisms, and I think Clementine's is silence, and keeping all of the stress inside. In the world she lives in, it makes total sense to keep her emotions quiet.
Number 1. She would be seen as week.
Number 2. Everyone else is going through the same mess.
So it makes me wonder if Clem will come to her breaking point this season. Many people believe that this is Clem's final season, and ik starting to agree. Traumatic stress on a any child is enough to break them; we saw that with Sarah.
So when will it be Clem's time to break? Will she break? Or is she unbreakable, and is that the point of her story?
What do you guys think? Do you think Clem's mental state will play a larger role in Season 3 than the previous 2 seasons?
I don't care how much I end up caring for Javier and his family, I will always choose to help Clem and AJ over Javier's family and face the consequences for my choices.
I loved the Michonne mini. Almost everyone is a mix of good and bad and the mini does a good job of illustrating that...though it was probably too short to fully explore those imperfections.
Loved the characters we got to know like Sam and Paige.
If Clem breaks down then that would be it for me. If she'll cry then I'll cry but it'd be very cool to try to console her as Javier and maybe Javier will make a joke and she would burst into laughter while wiping off her tears. That'd be an incredible scene. And of course I'm sure the great Mellisa Hutchinson will pull it off perfectly.
And Im sure this isn't Clem's last season. It just can't be.
I would love to see Clem's mental state play a larger role in Season 3. She has been so brave and tough through all of the trauma and misery… more she has experienced. I hope to God that this isn't Clem's last season, but I honestly would be intrigued to see a scene where Clem finally breaks down, and expresses her grief. I know with Melissa Hurichison's brilliant performance, and the proper writing, it could be a very powerful, emotional moment, that will bring people even closer to Clem than they already are.
I honestly couldn't agree more. I love Clementine's story, I'm so immersed and invested in this young teenager attempting to survive in the apocalypse.
Yes. I agree. As someone who is reading twd comics since 2010 I'm the guy who's absolutely in love with them. But I've never been as invested in any character as I've been in Clem. It actually makes me sad whenever she gets in some trouble (like dog bite from that fucker). Even though I love comic book characters like Rick, Carl, Michonne, Jesus and of course Negan. I just can't compare them with Clementine. I mean she's so awesome the others don't even have a chance. She's that great and her story that good.
Clementine's story is better than both the comic's and the show's, honestly. So I would rather both stories stay within their own boundarie… mores. A little mention of Clementine's character in the comics or vise versa would be neat but anything more than that would seem forced.
What if Clementine loses her hat while trying to escape from the Capricorn Fucks. And then later when Javier and others are mounting for some revenge we have the option either to ask him to look for the hat( he may think Clem as a little baby if she's worried about a hat and I know respect means a lot to teens so she may even hesitate to ask) or let it pass(Clem without her hat Nooo!!! ) I think it'd be one of the toughest choices in the game. (Clem's teen attitude or her faithful hat).
NOTE: Clem's hat turns up sooner or later regardless of the choice, cause no way she's going on her adventures without that sweet thing on her head.
What if Clementine loses her hat while trying to escape from the Capricorn Fucks. And then later when Javier and others are mounting for so… moreme revenge we have the option either to ask him to look for the hat( he may think Clem as a little baby if she's worried about a hat and I know respect means a lot to teens so she may even hesitate to ask) or let it pass(Clem without her hat Nooo!!! ) I think it'd be one of the toughest choices in the game. (Clem's teen attitude or her faithful hat).
NOTE: Clem's hat turns up sooner or later regardless of the choice, cause no way she's going on her adventures without that sweet thing on her head.
Now ,this isn't my own though but I really wanted to share it with you.
So,in the teaser,you will see that Javier hands Clem some ammo.Why did he do that?Doesn't Clem have her own ammo?Is he in charge of the ammo? Doesn't he trust her? That doesn't really make any sense since he does trust her with a weapon and turns his back on her while she is armed.
Was it just a random action with no meaning?
I'm really curious.
What do you think?
Or... What about a choice where you have to choose between saving Clementine's hat or saving another character...
If you save Clem's hat then the character dies and if you save the character then Clem loses her hat... FOREVER!
Now ,this isn't my own though but I really wanted to share it with you.
So,in the teaser,you will see that Javier hands Clem some ammo.Why … moredid he do that?Doesn't Clem have her own ammo?Is he in charge of the ammo? Doesn't he trust her? That doesn't really make any sense since he does trust her with a weapon and turns his back on her while she is armed.
Was it just a random action with no meaning?
I'm really curious.
What do you think?
Or... What about a choice where you have to choose between saving Clementine's hat or saving another character...
If you save Clem's hat then the character dies and if you save the character then Clem loses her hat... FOREVER!
Ok...what do they do? I mean I know what they do for mmo a super dooper mod with a direct line to the devs...but have not seen anything like that for TellTalegames. I mean you mods are all excellent human beings and dapper what will the difference be for the community.
Unrelated, but Telltale has another new Community Media Manager.
Unrelated, but Telltale has another new Community Media Manager.
Unrelated, but Telltale has another new Community Media Manager.
Which issues are they?
I do want to read the comics but I'm having trouble finding them. I'm not sure whether to buy and read them digitally or try and find them online somewhere (Except that would cost a lot more).
It's a complete waste of money and time unless you've read the comic books.
I've never read the comics and I enjoyed it.
I wouldn't say that - I don't read the comics, and I still liked it, aside from the short episode duration. Some of the plot was a bit generic in areas in my personal opinion (generic disclaimer: mods are not staff members), but I would not say that it was a waste of time overall. It's similar to Wolf Among Us, in that it uses existing characters from a comic and fills in events during a certain period of time, but with both Wolf and Michonne, knowledge of the comics is not needed and the story is mostly self contained.
Okay, thank you.
Well, I do not retract what I said, but I respect your opinion.
Well, I just didn't like as many of the characters as I did in Seasons 1 and 2, or other TTGs.
I thought the graphics were dope, tho.
That's understandable, I just disagreed in particular with how you said it was a waste of money if you aren't a comic fan. I don't think that is the case that only comic fans will like it, but it's understandable if you weren't as interested in the characters. Whether or not you like the characters is a separate criticism that doesn't hinge on whether or not you already read the comics, if you get my point. You can read the comics and not like the characters from Michonne, or not read the comics and still like them.
Aye, and it is the same for most games, honestly. The developer's site is the best place to get any news, and sometimes early leaks (weird that it happens ON the site, but hey, I won't complain).
I suppose I should apologize for that remark, but I may have mistook certain parts of your post and got somewhat defensive, should I call it that. I didn't expect such a reply to my comment, I looked at the post thinking "did I write something that this person didn't like?" So... sorry about that, eheh.
Hmm, I suppose that is fair. I can say that I wouldn't be able to commit to such an idea with great confidence. Not to say anything bad about some of the users here... but it gets exhausting.
Mhm, I kinda miss the old days, tbh... but perhaps I'm just being sentimental, since there was still the good and the bad on this site. But yeah, discussions get exhausted fairly quickly (there are times that someone comes along with something new to point out, but otherwise it tended to turn into senseless bickering). And that's no surprise, then, since you're fairly new, and probably joined during a more peaceful time (it is weird saying that on a forums).
Aye, I'll look forward to that as well, then. Sorry, again, if I came off as kinda hostile after that first post, and thank you for being reasonable. It's a pleasant change.
I can see it now:
One of the main upsides is definitely the focus on the characters, particularly Michonne and her daughters, Pete (no, not Season 2 Pete), and Sam's family. I'd also argue that the choices felt like they mattered more than they did in Season 2, even though the story is still linear. From dialogue choices, unique character interactions, to slightly different events, the miniseries gives the player that same illusion of choice that season one had, even if it wasn't as effective (IMO).
The game time was definitely a drawback, and I myself breezed through all three episodes in around four hours. However, I will give credit that the episodes FELT longer, as I was deeply entrapped in what was going on at all times. So while the episodes were shorter, they were quality episodes (again, just my opinion).
Here is something that Season 2 didn't do for me that the Michonne miniseries did: attached me to the characters, even the evil and minor ones. From the crew on Pete's ship, to the primary antagonists (don't want to give names), I loved them all (not that I necessarily liked them, but I felt they were well-designed). By the end, I actually didn't want to leave them behind, I wanted to keep playing and continue on with my little team, but alas, continuity beckons...
So definitely check out the miniseries, because even if you just buy it on sale (please don't if you can afford it), it is worth it. Telltale proved that they haven't lost their touch with this one, and that gives me faith in Season 3.
Completely agree. I liked the story of internal struggles with Michonne, being disconnected from everyone. The villains being a mix of good and bad, and the "good guys" as well. And while many think that the episodes were too short, I was fine with it. They told what they needed to and it left me satisfied (and intrigued) enough to continue to figure out how to solve the conflict.
But, I did not like how you were [REDACTED] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nah, man, that isn't the point, but when he says "at most" he means that some of the episodes are even shorter than that. Now I can't speak for the Minecraft Series, nor the new Batman game (I want to play it so bad, but I don't want to just jump in now...), but the supposed average completion time for these games are as follows:
The Wolf Among Us: 8 hrs, 34 mins
The Walking Dead, Season 1: 12 hr, 33 mins
The Walking Dead, Season 2: 9 hr, 5 mins
Tales of the Borderlands: 10 hr, 17 mins
^ I would say these are fairly accurate, not too sure about season 1's length though... (maybe they are counting 400 days?)
So these were short, even for Telltale :P but again, they probably won't feel short depending on how you play.
Sorry, but given that the user that asked about the game hasn't played it yet, I removed the final part of your post
for his/her sake
oh, and i fixed your ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you, you removed it just before I saw it.
Oh okay.
I was actually wondering what the average play times of Telltale's games were, so thanks.
Oh, sorry. Forgot to put a spoiler tag. Thanks on both parts!
I wouldn't want Clementine to be mentally broken but I think that she already is. Though, she has to be strong and if she wants to express her feelings about anything she has her group and she has Javier, too.
No, I guess not. Anyway, happy birthday, in advance.
I, totally, agree with you.
As we don't know if Michonne choices will tie into New Frontier, it might be good that you're holding off on it for now.
I loved the Michonne mini. Almost everyone is a mix of good and bad and the mini does a good job of illustrating that...though it was probably too short to fully explore those imperfections.
Loved the characters we got to know like Sam and Paige.
If Clem breaks down then that would be it for me. If she'll cry then I'll cry
but it'd be very cool to try to console her as Javier and maybe Javier will make a joke and she would burst into laughter while wiping off her tears. That'd be an incredible scene. And of course I'm sure the great Mellisa Hutchinson will pull it off perfectly.
And Im sure this isn't Clem's last season. It just can't be.
More like a young teenage girl trying to survive while also trying to raise a baby.
Yes. I agree. As someone who is reading twd comics since 2010 I'm the guy who's absolutely in love with them. But I've never been as invested in any character as I've been in Clem. It actually makes me sad whenever she gets in some trouble (like dog bite from that fucker). Even though I love comic book characters like Rick, Carl, Michonne, Jesus and of course Negan. I just can't compare them with Clementine. I mean she's so awesome the others don't even have a chance. She's that great and her story that good.
What if Clementine loses her hat while trying to escape from the Capricorn Fucks.
And then later when Javier and others are mounting for some revenge we have the option either to ask him to look for the hat( he may think Clem as a little baby if she's worried about a hat and I know respect means a lot to teens so she may even hesitate to ask) or let it pass(Clem without her hat Nooo!!! ) I think it'd be one of the toughest choices in the game. (Clem's teen attitude or her faithful hat).
NOTE: Clem's hat turns up sooner or later regardless of the choice, cause no way she's going on her adventures without that sweet thing on her head.
Or... What about a choice where you have to choose between saving Clementine's hat or saving another character...
If you save Clem's hat then the character dies and if you save the character then Clem loses her hat... FOREVER!
Now ,this isn't my own though but I really wanted to share it with you.
So,in the teaser,you will see that Javier hands Clem some ammo.Why did he do that?Doesn't Clem have her own ammo?Is he in charge of the ammo? Doesn't he trust her? That doesn't really make any sense since he does trust her with a weapon and turns his back on her while she is armed.
Was it just a random action with no meaning?
I'm really curious.
What do you think?
Haha, thanks bud.
There is no choice here, you save the hat, you always save the hat.
I thought it was just to give him something to do, but I don't know.
It sort of seemed like he was training her though..?
Unrelated, but Telltale has another new Community Media Manager.
I am with the hat.
Ok...what do they do? I mean I know what they do for mmo a super dooper mod with a direct line to the devs...but have not seen anything like that for TellTalegames. I mean you mods are all excellent human beings and dapper what will the difference be for the community.
edited for auto correct stupidity.
I think everyone is...
Hi everyone, that's me!
Happy to meet all of you
I'm very pleased to meet and discuss in the future with you!
Hello Caroline, congrats on your new job!
Nice to meet you Caroline. I hope things go well at Telltale. I bet it must be exciting to work there.