That Screenshot looks amazing also check out the dog bite on her left arm! It's a scar now just like Luke said lol! I think Clementine might get more scars as this season both physically and mentally.
That Screenshot looks amazing also check out the dog bite on her left arm! It's a scar now just like Luke said lol! I think Clementine might get more scars as this season both physically and mentally.
Make better contributions to the thread. Negative criticism is allowed, but attempt to have actual discussion.
Dropping in just to say "g… moreame sux lol byeee" not only stirs the hornet's nest, but it doesn't attempt to lead into any constructive discussion.
yeah i hope its not like that. her "sass" ruined her character in season 2 for me. it might be even more annoying now that we playing as javier.. if she is constantly being bitchy and sassy every time we disagree with her.
Interesting to see that in every material released about the game with Javier and Clementine in them (teaser, banner art, screenshots), Clementine is always at the foreground with Javier lagging a bit behind.
Could just be a coincidence on the part of TellTale and the stuff that was released, but maybe there's something more purposeful there.
Back and old thread during one of our season-3-fan-theory sessions, this was something I suggested. I said that the (my speculation at the time) deuteragonist would notice Clem's hardened state. Instead of a joke, the deuteragonist would have an innocent harmless accident like tripping and falling head first into mud. Clem would react to see if they were ok. After that person spits out a mouthful of mud, Clem would start to laugh and grow to the point where she's almost literally rolling on the floor. The deuteragonist would be petty at first but then would laugh. But after a brief moment while Clem is still laughing, that person would begin to show sadness as they realized Clem had not laughed in a very long time. It would be one of those bitter sweet moments.
If Clem breaks down then that would be it for me. If she'll cry then I'll cry but it'd be very cool to try to console her as Javier and may… morebe Javier will make a joke and she would burst into laughter while wiping off her tears. That'd be an incredible scene. And of course I'm sure the great Mellisa Hutchinson will pull it off perfectly.
And Im sure this isn't Clem's last season. It just can't be.
I've noticed that too.I think their relationship is hardly a close one,at least in the beginning.
Javier might be a bit oblivious to the apocalyptic world and relies on Clementine.
Maybe she is using him for her own benefit, and thinks of him as incapable , which might explain her dominant demeanor.
I guess we'll see.
Interesting to see that in every material released about the game with Javier and Clementine in them (teaser, banner art, screenshots), Clem… moreentine is always at the foreground with Javier lagging a bit behind.
Could just be a coincidence on the part of TellTale and the stuff that was released, but maybe there's something more purposeful there.
Am I the only one that sees Rhys and Fiona's body language also looks exactly like Clementine's and Javier's? Rhys is Clementine and Fiona is Javier. Rhys is shrugging/annoyed with Fiona and Fiona looks like she's trying to get Rhy's attention like she's upset with him. Just like Javier and Clem.
The style looks awfully like TFTB, especially the background.
Right? I saw the screenshot and instantly thought of this promo pic fr… moreom TFTBL:
Now that I'm thinking about it, they do have a bit in common. They're both male/female protagonists of a Telltale game that argue. Oh God this won't ever not be a thing to me now.
I've noticed that too.I think their relationship is hardly a close one,at least in the beginning.
Javier might be a bit oblivious to the ap… moreocalyptic world and relies on Clementine.
Maybe she is using him for her own benefit, and thinks of him as incapable , which might explain her dominant demeanor.
I guess we'll see.
Actually, I have the impression that @TWDazehnuu was being sarcastic, because Javier is the only one carrying ammunition in the teaser trailer as far as we see.
That is true.Judging from her behavior though,I don't think she needs him that much.
But it kinda looks like they just met,though,so maybe that's why she looks so cold towards him.
Javier might be a bit oblivious to the apocalyptic world and relies on Clementine.
im pretty sure it should be the other way round.. if they plan on making it realistic at least.
If this is fake, then the creator needs to come out of hiding because that would be the MOST REALISTIC FAKE TELLTALE SCREENSHOT EVER CREATED! It has to be real though. There hasn't been enough visual evidence to give someone the information to pull of a fake (I know that reasoning can go both ways, just bare with me).
i dont think she necessarily looks angry or cold. they just made her have that permanent resting bitchface ever since the time skip in season 2. kind of like madison from ftwd lol.
That is true.Judging from her behavior though,I don't think she needs him that much.
But it kinda looks like they just met,though,so maybe that's why she looks so cold towards him.
Well,not necessarily reffering to her face,body language does it's part there.Don't you think that she looks bossy?
Even though I can't understand how she might be bossy when in the teaser she doesn't even have her own ammo and has to rely on Javier.
It's pretty strange.
i dont think she necessarily looks angry or cold. they just made her have that permanent resting bitchface ever since the time skip in season 2. kind of like madison from ftwd lol.
As for number 7, there are plenty of light-skinned fully black people and dark-skinned Hispanics. Trust me. I'm black and am from the DC Metropolitan area; arguably the most diverse area in the US. I've seen all types of ethnic backgrounds. TellTale has already conformed Clem is black; no other race or biracial information was given. This same issue happened in Tales From The Borderlands when TellTale's staff confirmed the Fiona was a person of color. Let's just accept it.
Not every black person is brown. Not every Hispanic is tan. Welcome to the skin kaleidoscope known as the human race.
Obligatory statement indicating my response was in no way, shape, or form fueled by, initiated by, or meant to interpret anger or hostility. All opinion are that of eRock92 and Associates, LLC. Protected by some bill, article something, section blah, paragraph idk.
I might ruin the screenshot for you all.
* I am HYPED
* She's missing her finger.
* Her arm. We can finally clearly see the dog bite … morescar.
* The style style looks awfully like TFTB, especially the background.
* There is a (windmile?) in the background
* Mountain in the background
* Why does Javier the Hispanic look darker than Clementine the black woman.
* Javier's hand is bigger than his head.
* Javier looks extremely upset and Clementine looks annoyed.
* The buildings look very worn down.
* There are actual shadow animations that telltale didn't have muc of beforez. Though they seem exaggerated.
* Clementines hair is a lot longer/bigger
* Her hand looks like an alien hand
You're welcome.
Clem might be acting so dominant around Javier because he's a novice at solo survival and he feels like extra baggage to her. Perhaps he was sheltered in an enclosed society (akin to Wellington) with his family ever since the start of the apocalypse, and only knows how to survive in an urban setting; whereas Clem seems to be extremely accustomed to surviving in any setting...
Just a theory. It's more likely that Clementine just is very wary of Javier at first... But I highly doubt she'll be bitchy or anything.
We also have to remember that Clementine is very independent and always has done things herself. I'd imagine she has trouble working as a team.
Same here however when I was reading and listening to some of the interviews of TellTale before season 1 I was thinking oh no another Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5!!! lol I'm glad to see that TellTale did an amazing job with Clementine and Lee!!
I just love Clementine's posture and expression in this. It's so 'Sorry I speak no bullshit.' Oh yeah, she is sooo gonna be sassy this season. I honestly hope she gives Javier a tough time XD
So we got a wind turbine in the background. Can't tell but it looks like it's been put together like that wall of scrap too by the design of it. Obviously there's a plane in the background too, so I wonder if we'll get to fly in one or even just explore an airbase thingy and see planes T.T oh man that'd be so cool.
But definitely appears they're at a community of some kind there.
Telltale did a beautiful job with Clementine and Lee: They made Season 1 for me! I am very intrigued to see this hardened, more independent teenage Clementine in Season 3!
Same here however when I was reading and listening to some of the interviews of TellTale before season 1 I was thinking oh no another Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5!!! lol I'm glad to see that TellTale did an amazing job with Clementine and Lee!!
Exactly. Those are my thoughts too. TT has made her character in such a sweet way that I can't help liking her and caring for her. I can't thank TT enough for such a cool game and such a great character.
The Walking Dead: A Telltale Series has literally changed my life. Clementine is my favorite character in all of gaming, and I couldn't thank Telltale enough for giving us such an amazing, complex character
Exactly. Those are my thoughts too. TT has made her character in such a sweet way that I can't help liking her and caring for her. I can't thank TT enough for such a cool game and such a great character.
What I don't think she can get any more mentally scarred than she's already been. (But maybe AJ's death would have a deep impact especially now that she's been with him for such a long time) But I'm kind of scared about the physical scars thing. That can happen. (Not mentioning the missing finger) I suspect that there is going to be a war between Capricorn guys and team Clem. That may leave some scars.
That Screenshot looks amazing also check out the dog bite on her left arm! It's a scar now just like Luke said lol! I think Clementine might get more scars as this season both physically and mentally.
What? no I think she can work equally well with a team too. Like team Lee and Clem in s1 or in s2 when she cooperates with the group to deal with various situations.
Clem might be acting so dominant around Javier because he's a novice at solo survival and he feels like extra baggage to her. Perhaps he was… more sheltered in an enclosed society (akin to Wellington) with his family ever since the start of the apocalypse, and only knows how to survive in an urban setting; whereas Clem seems to be extremely accustomed to surviving in any setting...
Just a theory. It's more likely that Clementine just is very wary of Javier at first... But I highly doubt she'll be bitchy or anything.
We also have to remember that Clementine is very independent and always has done things herself. I'd imagine she has trouble working as a team.
No one tells Clem what to do.
Can someone please post the screenshot here? I can't access the site and I really want to see it!
Here is a imgur reupload.
Thank you very much!
I think it depends on how you play Clementine if she's a rude teenager or not. She's still my virtual daughter lol
Well, Clem don't take dat shit from nobody anymore in Season 3
That Screenshot looks amazing also check out the dog bite on her left arm! It's a scar now just like Luke said lol! I think Clementine might get more scars as this season both physically and mentally.
I agree. I'm hoping there is a scene where Clem breaks down to Javier, expressing her grief and trauma, and he has to comfort her.
here comes the shippers lol
Hell yeah! Clem can handle herself now!
You are the best.
My mindset for Clem has been the same since Season 1: I must protect her at ALL costs

I love her, I can't lose her
The amount of sass in that posture, lol. For a 13 year old, Clem looks older than she should be.
yeah i hope its not like that. her "sass" ruined her character in season 2 for me. it might be even more annoying now that we playing as javier.. if she is constantly being bitchy and sassy every time we disagree with her.
Looks like Fallout 4.
Interesting to see that in every material released about the game with Javier and Clementine in them (teaser, banner art, screenshots), Clementine is always at the foreground with Javier lagging a bit behind.
Could just be a coincidence on the part of TellTale and the stuff that was released, but maybe there's something more purposeful there.
I have to agree here.It looks really nice but very different.
Back and old thread during one of our season-3-fan-theory sessions, this was something I suggested. I said that the (my speculation at the time) deuteragonist would notice Clem's hardened state. Instead of a joke, the deuteragonist would have an innocent harmless accident like tripping and falling head first into mud. Clem would react to see if they were ok. After that person spits out a mouthful of mud, Clem would start to laugh and grow to the point where she's almost literally rolling on the floor. The deuteragonist would be petty at first but then would laugh. But after a brief moment while Clem is still laughing, that person would begin to show sadness as they realized Clem had not laughed in a very long time. It would be one of those bitter sweet moments.
I've noticed that too.I think their relationship is hardly a close one,at least in the beginning.
Javier might be a bit oblivious to the apocalyptic world and relies on Clementine.
Maybe she is using him for her own benefit, and thinks of him as incapable , which might explain her dominant demeanor.
I guess we'll see.
Am I the only one that sees Rhys and Fiona's body language also looks exactly like Clementine's and Javier's? Rhys is Clementine and Fiona is Javier. Rhys is shrugging/annoyed with Fiona and Fiona looks like she's trying to get Rhy's attention like she's upset with him. Just like Javier and Clem.
im pretty sure it should be the other way round.. if they plan on making it realistic at least.
Actually, I have the impression that @TWDazehnuu was being sarcastic, because Javier is the only one carrying ammunition in the teaser trailer as far as we see.
That is true.Judging from her behavior though,I don't think she needs him that much.
But it kinda looks like they just met,though,so maybe that's why she looks so cold towards him.
If this is fake, then the creator needs to come out of hiding because that would be the MOST REALISTIC FAKE TELLTALE SCREENSHOT EVER CREATED! It has to be real though. There hasn't been enough visual evidence to give someone the information to pull of a fake (I know that reasoning can go both ways, just bare with me).
i dont think she necessarily looks angry or cold. they just made her have that permanent resting bitchface ever since the time skip in season 2. kind of like madison from ftwd lol.
I hope I meet some new sympathetic characters in Season 3.
Well,not necessarily reffering to her face,body language does it's part there.Don't you think that she looks bossy?
Even though I can't understand how she might be bossy when in the teaser she doesn't even have her own ammo and has to rely on Javier.
It's pretty strange.
As for number 7, there are plenty of light-skinned fully black people and dark-skinned Hispanics. Trust me. I'm black and am from the DC Metropolitan area; arguably the most diverse area in the US. I've seen all types of ethnic backgrounds. TellTale has already conformed Clem is black; no other race or biracial information was given. This same issue happened in Tales From The Borderlands when TellTale's staff confirmed the Fiona was a person of color. Let's just accept it.
Not every black person is brown. Not every Hispanic is tan. Welcome to the skin kaleidoscope known as the human race.
Obligatory statement indicating my response was in no way, shape, or form fueled by, initiated by, or meant to interpret anger or hostility. All opinion are that of eRock92 and Associates, LLC. Protected by some bill, article something, section blah, paragraph idk.
Clem might be acting so dominant around Javier because he's a novice at solo survival and he feels like extra baggage to her. Perhaps he was sheltered in an enclosed society (akin to Wellington) with his family ever since the start of the apocalypse, and only knows how to survive in an urban setting; whereas Clem seems to be extremely accustomed to surviving in any setting...
Just a theory. It's more likely that Clementine just is very wary of Javier at first... But I highly doubt she'll be bitchy or anything.
We also have to remember that Clementine is very independent and always has done things herself. I'd imagine she has trouble working as a team.
Same here however when I was reading and listening to some of the interviews of TellTale before season 1 I was thinking oh no another Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5!!! lol I'm glad to see that TellTale did an amazing job with Clementine and Lee!!
I just love Clementine's posture and expression in this. It's so 'Sorry I speak no bullshit.' Oh yeah, she is sooo gonna be sassy this season. I honestly hope she gives Javier a tough time XD
So we got a wind turbine in the background. Can't tell but it looks like it's been put together like that wall of scrap too by the design of it. Obviously there's a plane in the background too, so I wonder if we'll get to fly in one or even just explore an airbase thingy and see planes T.T oh man that'd be so cool.
But definitely appears they're at a community of some kind there.
Agreed. Idc if she's rude or not. She still my little girl. (Although I prefer her not to be)
Telltale did a beautiful job with Clementine and Lee: They made Season 1 for me! I am very intrigued to see this hardened, more independent teenage Clementine in Season 3!
Exactly. Those are my thoughts too. TT has made her character in such a sweet way that I can't help liking her and caring for her.
I can't thank TT enough for such a cool game and such a great character.
The Walking Dead: A Telltale Series has literally changed my life. Clementine is my favorite character in all of gaming, and I couldn't thank Telltale enough for giving us such an amazing, complex character
I think it would be funny if Clem was a bit sassy, but I will always love her either way
What I don't think she can get any more mentally scarred than she's already been. (But maybe AJ's death would have a deep impact especially now that she's been with him for such a long time) But I'm kind of scared about the physical scars thing. That can happen. (Not mentioning the missing finger) I suspect that there is going to be a war between Capricorn guys and team Clem. That may leave some scars.
What? no I think she can work equally well with a team too. Like team Lee and Clem in s1 or in s2 when she cooperates with the group to deal with various situations.
Aww... Exactly. Me too.