Who do you think are the most underrated and overrated characters in all of the games?
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Goddammit, you stole my idea! I literally tried to make a similar thread yesterday but I had connection issues, somehow lost the header text, and just said fuck it; It was called "Don't Believe the Hype! Critical Mistakes!"
I'm not sure how exactly I should rate this, so I'll just make some occasionally biased guess:
Wyatt or Eddie
Great minds think alike, eh?
I guess?
...Oh, you meant the topic.
Overrated: i dunno hum..... YEAH! Nate
Underrated: Alvin, Sarah, Carlos, Oak, Sam, Reggie , doug and several others.
Overrated: By a landslide Nick.
Underrated: Doug and Alvin.
Pete (both Petes)
The dog or the character from Michonne?
The dog or the character from Michonne?
Alright let's do this
Larry(just a little bit, as he played the part pretty well. Just ain't seeing enough hatred for the guy though)
Lee (seen quite a few people saying words to the effect that he had served his purpose and it was good that he died and shit. His character went way beyond "Clementine's guardian" imo)
Perfectly rated
Kenny and Jane - have their critics and what not but also a lot of fans and most importantly rated by the writers who rightly saw them as driving forces in the game.
Most of the Cabin group (seen as underwhelming, underdeveloped characters that never really took off)
The one that doesn't try to kill Clementine
So...the Michonne character?
She was only in the game for... 2 minutes? And she killed ****.
Everyone I know on the forums (Okay, not everyone.. But most) loves Clementine...
Overrated: Kenny
Underrated: Paige, Arvo
Yeah, that's why I put her here. At the risk of going on a tangent, I really liked what she did from a storytelling perspective and wish she stuck around for another episode.
Also, are you new here?
No, I guess you haven't been on the TWD S3 waiting thread... I've been here since July (So I guess I am sort of new) But I've only started being really active the last couple of months.
This is my first time on this thread though, sorry if it was a dumb thing to say.
Oh okay. I just thought it was weird that you spoilered her (accidental) fatal victim even though it's one of the few things people know her for.
Oh, I just prefer to avoid accidently spoiling anything for someone who might've not played it yet. (I, myself, haven't finished it yet) And I knew everyone would know what I'm talking about.
Yeah, that's unfortunately a hazard that most of us don't really bother safeguarding for. Nice of you to consider that, but this is one of those things where you probably shouldn't visit if you haven't completed any of the games yet.
How far have you gotten?
Uh...really? Cause I think that's more of a case of him being a Knight Templar that some people love to hate.
What a funny little guy.
For the sake of curiosity, who was the member(s) that appealed to you the most? How would you rank them amongst the others?
Yeah... I learned that the hard way... But I'm going to play TWD S3 as soon as the episodes release so there's no chance of spoilers.
I finished Episode 3 maybe a week ago. I haven't played episode 4 or 5 yet.
Oh, you poor thing. Hope the next comment isn't too spoiler sensitive for you, then.
Oh good, you've complete what I find to be the weakest episode and have the two controversial ones left to go. Good luck with that!
The next two episodes, I mean.
May I ask why you find Episode 3 to be the weakest?
Feel like Omid was a tad overrated. He was a burden for most of his time with Lee, he never does anything noteworthy, and then he dies in a pitiful way.
Primarily? Because it's bare as fuck.
It was an astoundingly disappointing follow-up to the previous episode(the strongest in my opinion), can be summed up in in two words (jail break), and many of the Season's problems are introduced there and they start strong, too.
Not to mention about 80% of the cast was neglected with Kenny, Carver, Bonnie, Kenny, Rebecca, and Sarah being the only ones who matter from a development standpoint; this includes Clementine herself, btw.
Yeah, I thought about that myself. To be fair, I'm pretty sure people love Omid is because he came in at a time when laughter had ceased thanks to the loss of Duck and his friendly optimistic demeanor was a breath of fresh air. He wasn't very prominent in the story but his presence was a welcome one.
His lighthearted attitude was definitely appreciated at the time that he showed up. Unfortunately he just doesn't do much besides that.
I always thought of Christa as 90% of the power couple because she was always the one helping with plans and offering advice.
For the fact that he has the guts to stand up to his xenophobic abuser (Kenny) even while being beaten to death.
Or that he has only good things to say about Clementine if you spare him the meds, until he gets tricked into thinking that you/Clementine murdered his sister in cold blood.
Or that when the above is true, his shooting Clementine becomes an accidental fight-or-flight response instead of purely out of revenge.
Or how he managed to survive in a zombie apocalypse with broken glasses, a leg brace, a sister with sickle-cell anemia, two teammates who are trigger-happy and a lack of English in an English-speaking country.
While STILL prioritizing his sister over himself and everything else.
And he had objections to shooting Clementine in the first place, back on the observation deck before Jane made things worse. If someone else had shot Clem instead, he'd have just as many qualms with the shooter as you do with him.
But it does give reason to respect him, as you sorta point out. Here he is, tied up as a prisoner within his own incomplete home after losing most of the things he cares about with a guy he knows won't hesitate to hurt him insulting everything he cares about and he just doesn't care anymore. He even continues to try and talk back despite the fact that Kenny's trying to beat him to a pulp.
Plus, for some people, its a take that moment for Kenny himself and it has parallels to victims of bullying/abuse/racism standing up for themselves, so there is a personal vindication involved for the viewer.
For the same reasons Kenny got mad at Lee for telling him to stop the train, Kenny yells at Clementine if she kills the walker that bit Sarita, Sarah wouldn't move in the trailer after witnessing Carlos's death, and Kenny attacks Arvo himself after Rebecca had to be put down regardless of the Russians showing up. He's feeling bad, so he's focusing his frustration at someone who feels/knows is responsible somehow. People who lose something they care about tend to lash out when under enough pressure.
a.Yes you can. Michelle does exactly that in the first scene and Nick nearly does the same thing to Clementine depending on what you do after waking up, including Rebecca trying to take the gun from him on one option.
b. True, but you can pull the trigger unintentionally if you're not careful with your finger placement.
c.Okay, admittedly this is something that's lost in translation and unavoidable due to things that have to happen because the story demands. What he/she's referring to is the notion that Arvo may have shot Clementine by accident on nicer playthrough's due to a look of shock/horror on his face. Having done the research, I can confirm that this is indeed true, but the problem is the cinematography.
This most likely refers to the cut where Mike looks back at him after Clementine drops to the ground: if you were mean/threatening towards Arvo and Mike, Arvo will have a glare on his face before looking up at Mike and almost immediately stumbling off in a nervous panic; however, if you were nice/cooperative towards Arvo and Mike, his facial expression is a more wide-eyed one of surprise, as if he didn't consciously intend to actually shoot her. However, because the camera doesn't actually focus on this combined with people just being swerved that he actually shot Clementine, it's a relatively negligent detail that most people just don't notice.
An understandable point, but one that can sorta be decided with what we have. Let's take the scene where he gets stuck up by Clementine and Jane as the main example: when Jane questions whether he has any other weapons on him, Arvo promises that he doesn't. When Jane learns about he medicine, Arvo immediately offers to let them take whatever they want as long as they don't take the medicine because it belong's to his sister. When she still shows an interest in taking it despite of knowing this, he starts getting angry and starts insulting her to her face in spite of the fact that she has a gun trained on him. Should Clementine decide to return the bag, Arvo thanks her and gives Jane a concerned look and this later causes him to display reluctance and constant hesitation with being ordered to rob her group. However, Clementine deciding to follow Jane's advice by taking the medicine and later shooting Natasha (for what we know was self-defense, but Arvo never finds out as far as we're told) as she's crawling has Arvo become genuinely livid with them and cause.
Also, translations of Natasha few lines has her try to pacify Buricko and Vitali as they start getting antsy with Arvo's failure to calm down the Howe's Ski Cabin Group and she can encourage Arvo when he freezes with uncertain due to Clementine determinately suggesting his group lower their guns as a promise that her group will do the safe. Both also try to convince both groups to calm down when the tensions start getting, with Arvo/Natasha getting hysterical with fear/frustration.
So while we're never given much context as to their relationship, it's safe to assume that Natasha did mean a lot to him given that he basically risked himself over her medicine.
For a second there I thought you were talking about Sarah.
Which is another missed opportunity, but that's neither here nor there.
Yes, Jane was right to be cautious about a stranger hanging around the area but she went too far when encouraged Clementine to outright rob the guy rather than attempt to work out some deal when she had control of the situation, which ended up biting both groups in the ass.