I thought that Job said on his twitter that there will be 8 minutes of gameplay for TWDS3 this week it's sunday right now last day of this week and gameplay isn't out yet?? well somewhere is error.
Well, I know that pisses off a lot of people, but it works for me. I'm still working on a playthrough of season 1 and 2(my saves were on my kaput ps3 so I need to do new ones on the new one), and my time is limited right now(my daughter was just born on friday). So a little extra time to get caught up won't go amiss.
This week is the week of Thanksgiving for Americans, so keep in mind, Telltale will only be in office for like half of the week. Furthermore… more, their main focus will immediately be the launch of Batman Episode 4, so that will take a lot of man hours for promotion, technical support, and the usual stuff from Telltale. They usually don't give news over holidays like Thanksgiving, and Batman's fourth Episode is out this week, so expect lots of promotional focus on that (and let's not complain about it either). Looking back, one exception is that we did get the Game of Thrones Season 1 launch dates and Trailer over Thanksgiving 2014, but don't expect that twice.
With that alongside the lack of Episode ratings (similar to how Michonne did not have episode ratings as an early indication of a delay), I suspect they might have pushed it back by a few weeks at minimum.
I thought that Job said on his twitter that there will be 8 minutes of gameplay for TWDS3 this week it's sunday right now last day of this week and gameplay isn't out yet?? well somewhere is error.
I agree with what you're saying. I'm sorry for the people that like Batman and get annoyed by our rage, But at this point we have all the rights to be mad and pissed at Telltale.
On their Twitter there are like two dozen tweets talking about Batman and so I think it is safe to say we wont see TWD anytime soon. Which w… moreas painfully obvious when they werent giving us a release date. While I do not condone insulting any staff members or ad hominem attacks of any kind. the frustration by the fans expressed here is understandable. And I am disappointed in Telltale not having enough respect and consideration for the fans who love this game to at least give an update. Even if it entails letting us know nothing will come out until 2017, have the professional courtesy of informing your fans, ESPECIALLY after YOU were the ones who announced to expect a November release. It's not like we just made that up and are now frustrated OUR OWN prediction did not come true. YOU said November and people have every right to expect it and when you dont deliver, gripe and post and ask and be pissed off.
Okay, even I'm now starting to get a bit frustrated with Telltale, and usually I'm one of their staunch defenders. I have no problem if the game was delayed, if they need more time to work on it, fix some bugs, or whatever, fine. I've been patient and I will continue to be patient until Telltale thinks their product is in a good state to be released to the public, that's not the issue. The issue is the lack of any real communication from Telltale about just what exactly is going on. This isn't necessarily something new with Telltale, but this is easily the worst case of it that I have ever seen. Sites have it listed as November 15th, leading people to speculate that's the date of release, Telltale doesn't say anything. We get a tweet about 8 minutes of footage that people think Telltale will release this week, and Telltale does nothing to clarify or correct us, and they had plenty of time to. And when Kirkman said a November release in the letter hacks of the recent TWD issue, Telltale could have easily come forward and say that that isn't quite right, but nope. And Kirkman had to have gotten that November date from somewhere, otherwise he wouldn't have said it. I get that Telltale can only give out news when there is news to give, but a little communication with the fans is not a bad thing, that way we're not going around spreading false information to others and people won't act so bitchy when something doesn't happen. Even if it's just a little reassurance that will be a fall release or a little clarification would go a long way to calm people down.
Placeholder dates from websites selling the game. I wouldn't get too worked up about it, the delay isn't even confirmed and if it is delayed then we don't know for how long, so it could be only delayed until like December.
This is exactly my problem with Telltale right now. Not that the game is or will be delayed. It's the problem that they just ignore us and don't communicate with us at all and gets our hopes high. All I'm asking is for SOME communication from them about the game so we know what is going on with it.
Okay, even I'm now starting to get a bit frustrated with Telltale, and usually I'm one of their staunch defenders. I have no problem if the … moregame was delayed, if they need more time to work on it, fix some bugs, or whatever, fine. I've been patient and I will continue to be patient until Telltale thinks their product is in a good state to be released to the public, that's not the issue. The issue is the lack of any real communication from Telltale about just what exactly is going on. This isn't necessarily something new with Telltale, but this is easily the worst case of it that I have ever seen. Sites have it listed as November 15th, leading people to speculate that's the date of release, Telltale doesn't say anything. We get a tweet about 8 minutes of footage that people think Telltale will release this week, and Telltale does nothing to clarify or correct us, and they had plenty of time to. And when Kirkman said a November release in the le… [view original content]
I have a pet hamster called Greg. He's the kindest hamster you could ever meet, always happy to help you with homework, offer emotional support and help you put away the shopping. He was just that kind of hamster y'know. Pure.
He was also a huge fan of Telltale's The Walking Dead. He wouldn't shut up about Season 3, it was all he talked about. But last night we found him on the floor, face down in a pool of his own vomit, dozens of empty bottles strewn around him. It had all just become too much. He died without ever getting to see S3. Not even a trailer of the first episode. I know it's not your fault but i'll never forget that Telltale.
The thing about news that everyone is saying is "They might not be releasing news because they don't have 100% certainty if they're allowed to release it yet." Yes, we get that, we understand that, and we're not asking for that. What we''re asking for is communication. Even if that be a tweet saying "Sorry guys we ran into some problems there won't be news for a while." It's still closure and it's not being dead silent. It's being honest and respectful to the fans which telltale has been anything but that.
I have a pet hamster called Greg. He's the kindest hamster you could ever meet, always happy to help you with homework, offer emotional supp… moreort and help you put away the shopping. He was just that kind of hamster y'know. Pure.
He was also a huge fan of Telltale's The Walking Dead. He wouldn't shut up about Season 3, it was all he talked about. But last night we found him on the floor, face down in a pool of his own vomit, dozens of empty bottles strewn around him. It had all just become too much. He died without ever getting to see S3. Not even a trailer of the first episode. I know it's not your fault but i'll never forget that Telltale.
I waited 6 years for Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Sure I can last a few weeks delay for this
Don't the ppl on here play any other games than what telltale releases ? sometimes I wonder O_o
You don't know that. As a matter of fact, it almost certainly isn't, or Telltale would release the game on time. If you were referring to the fact that Job played the Episode, he posted Tweets like this before when the Episode was still several weeks off, and we also don't know how playable his version actually was.
Starts Monday or Sunday. According to international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. It is followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday is the 7th and final day.
I did
Monday will always be the first day of the week ;p
You don't know that. As a matter of fact, it almost certainly isn't, or Telltale would release the game on time. If you were referring to th… moree fact that Job played the Episode, he posted Tweets like this before when the Episode was still several weeks off, and we also don't know how playable his version actually was.
No he is right. When they release an episodic game, they have already made the first 3 episodes or so, and they use the time between to create the last two. Of course they do some minor refurbishments when that episode is going to be released. But you really think they make that quality of an episode and release it in just as little as 1 month? What if there are complications with voice actors and stuff, that's why they already pre make the first couple of episodes. Season 2 episode 3 took forever to release probably because they started that from scratch.
You don't know that. As a matter of fact, it almost certainly isn't, or Telltale would release the game on time. If you were referring to th… moree fact that Job played the Episode, he posted Tweets like this before when the Episode was still several weeks off, and we also don't know how playable his version actually was.
Job didn't always specify that it was an early version, yet it almost always turned out to be. And I don't know why him saying premiere changes anything, it's just a fancy word for first Episode. I wouldn't read anything into that.
Job didn't always specify that it was an early version, yet it almost always turned out to be. And I don't know why him saying premiere changes anything, it's just a fancy word for first Episode. I wouldn't read anything into that.
While we all wait for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode 1, here's some theories of what Clementine's revenge could be and how it connects her to Javier.
Wellington - If Clem and AJ stay in Wellington, then Wellington becomes their new family. After a year or 2 of being raised by the group, Wellington is attacked and overrun by another group. At this point, Clem and AJ barely escape, maybe with Javier's help. And the same group that destroyed Clem's home maybe hurt/kidnapped people from Javi's family. So they team up to save any survivors from their family and get revenge against this other group.
Kenny - If Clem and AJ stay with Kenny, then after a year or 2 together, maybe waiting for Wellington to accept them, a group of survivors attacks (Perhaps their target was Wellington, and Kenny and Clem happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time) and Kenny ends up killed or kidnapped. While Clem is on her rescue/revenge mission she meets Javier who's hunting the same group, so they head off together.
Jane - If Clem is at Howe's Hardware with Jane if you let the new people in they become part of your family. If you turn them away they join this antagonist group mentioned in theory 1 and 2. Either way, this group takes over Howe's Hardware after Clem and Jane rebuild it. In the process, Jane gets killed or kidnapped. Again leading to Clem and Javier's revenge mission.
Alone - If Clem is alone with AJ, she meets Javier. His family becomes her family, and they help her raise and protect AJ. However, when the antagonist group attacks and kills or kidnaps members of Clem and Javi's group, they head off together to seek revenge and save their family.
The kidnapped theory makes sense considering in the teaser Javi says "Just hold on..." You don't tell someone dead to hold on. You tell someone you intend to rescue to hold on. Well, I hope y'all enjoyed my ending tie in theories.
3 episodes + 1 episode = 4 episodes + 3 characters of two projects (2 from them in new season together), 2 story, the effect of ending the third season also makes it BIG.
I agree with what you're saying. I'm sorry for the people that like Batman and get annoyed by our rage, But at this point we have all the rights to be mad and pissed at Telltale.
I'm American and I've always considered a new week to start on Monday. shrugs I'm personally still giving them Sunday to tell us news (ACTUAL news, not news about more news coming "soon"). If it does get delayed, I'll be a bit disappointed, but not surprised at all. TBH, I don't really even care about season 3 anymore. A little sad to say, but that's just how it is for me.
Step it up, Telltale. You're literally losing your audience here. I just can't be assed anymore.
Sorry to disappoint you but a week doesn't start on Monday. It started yesterday. And also it wasn't 100% confirmed.
Well, I know that pisses off a lot of people, but it works for me. I'm still working on a playthrough of season 1 and 2(my saves were on my kaput ps3 so I need to do new ones on the new one), and my time is limited right now(my daughter was just born on friday). So a little extra time to get caught up won't go amiss.
Sunday - It's a first day of week.
Google It.
I agree with what you're saying. I'm sorry for the people that like Batman and get annoyed by our rage, But at this point we have all the rights to be mad and pissed at Telltale.
That is terrible organization, because it's not how I like it¿
Where did the February date come from? I see a lot of people mentioning it, but where did the basis of that idea come from?
Okay, even I'm now starting to get a bit frustrated with Telltale, and usually I'm one of their staunch defenders. I have no problem if the game was delayed, if they need more time to work on it, fix some bugs, or whatever, fine. I've been patient and I will continue to be patient until Telltale thinks their product is in a good state to be released to the public, that's not the issue. The issue is the lack of any real communication from Telltale about just what exactly is going on. This isn't necessarily something new with Telltale, but this is easily the worst case of it that I have ever seen. Sites have it listed as November 15th, leading people to speculate that's the date of release, Telltale doesn't say anything. We get a tweet about 8 minutes of footage that people think Telltale will release this week, and Telltale does nothing to clarify or correct us, and they had plenty of time to. And when Kirkman said a November release in the letter hacks of the recent TWD issue, Telltale could have easily come forward and say that that isn't quite right, but nope. And Kirkman had to have gotten that November date from somewhere, otherwise he wouldn't have said it. I get that Telltale can only give out news when there is news to give, but a little communication with the fans is not a bad thing, that way we're not going around spreading false information to others and people won't act so bitchy when something doesn't happen. Even if it's just a little reassurance that will be a fall release or a little clarification would go a long way to calm people down.
Placeholder dates from websites selling the game. I wouldn't get too worked up about it, the delay isn't even confirmed and if it is delayed then we don't know for how long, so it could be only delayed until like December.
This is exactly my problem with Telltale right now. Not that the game is or will be delayed. It's the problem that they just ignore us and don't communicate with us at all and gets our hopes high. All I'm asking is for SOME communication from them about the game so we know what is going on with it.
"Everyday's a school day."
2016 to be the biggest year for The Walking Dead yet?
...For everyone acting like not getting the game within a specific date is ruining their lives.
Actually yes.
2 project together.
"Michonne" + "TWD: Third Season".
I have a pet hamster called Greg. He's the kindest hamster you could ever meet, always happy to help you with homework, offer emotional support and help you put away the shopping. He was just that kind of hamster y'know. Pure.
He was also a huge fan of Telltale's The Walking Dead. He wouldn't shut up about Season 3, it was all he talked about. But last night we found him on the floor, face down in a pool of his own vomit, dozens of empty bottles strewn around him. It had all just become too much. He died without ever getting to see S3. Not even a trailer of the first episode. I know it's not your fault but i'll never forget that Telltale.
Please refrain from posting memes (likely pics/GIF), that doesn't fit in TWD:ANF discussion.
The thing about news that everyone is saying is "They might not be releasing news because they don't have 100% certainty if they're allowed to release it yet." Yes, we get that, we understand that, and we're not asking for that. What we''re asking for is communication. Even if that be a tweet saying "Sorry guys we ran into some problems there won't be news for a while." It's still closure and it's not being dead silent. It's being honest and respectful to the fans which telltale has been anything but that.
R.I.P Hamster.
Michonne clearly wasn't that big and at the rate S3 is going, it doesn't even look like it's going to release this year.
I think the fans have every right not to "chill."
Thanks I appreciate it.
Nope, not really.
You realise that the game is already finished?
I waited 6 years for Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Sure I can last a few weeks delay for this
Don't the ppl on here play any other games than what telltale releases ? sometimes I wonder O_o
You don't know that. As a matter of fact, it almost certainly isn't, or Telltale would release the game on time. If you were referring to the fact that Job played the Episode, he posted Tweets like this before when the Episode was still several weeks off, and we also don't know how playable his version actually was.
Starts Monday or Sunday. According to international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. It is followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday is the 7th and final day.
I did
Monday will always be the first day of the week ;p
I mean before he posted that he played an early version of it but this time he said he played A New Frontier's premiere So imo its pretty much done.
No he is right. When they release an episodic game, they have already made the first 3 episodes or so, and they use the time between to create the last two. Of course they do some minor refurbishments when that episode is going to be released. But you really think they make that quality of an episode and release it in just as little as 1 month? What if there are complications with voice actors and stuff, that's why they already pre make the first couple of episodes. Season 2 episode 3 took forever to release probably because they started that from scratch.
Put the hashtag in italics
Job didn't always specify that it was an early version, yet it almost always turned out to be. And I don't know why him saying premiere changes anything, it's just a fancy word for first Episode. I wouldn't read anything into that.
he says "Early version of WDS3E1" So i don't see where he didn't specify about it.
While we all wait for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode 1, here's some theories of what Clementine's revenge could be and how it connects her to Javier.
The kidnapped theory makes sense considering in the teaser Javi says "Just hold on..." You don't tell someone dead to hold on. You tell someone you intend to rescue to hold on. Well, I hope y'all enjoyed my ending tie in theories.
And I said he didn't always do that in the past and might leave the state of the Episode out on purpose in this case.
3 episodes + 1 episode = 4 episodes + 3 characters of two projects (2 from them in new season together), 2 story, the effect of ending the third season also makes it BIG.
I say that 5 months is enough to finish at least 1 episode. I just want to know what takes them so long.
You actually put a space between the first line and the hashtag.
this isnt about people who love Batman. I am not begrudging them getting their games. I get it. This is about us, TWD folks, being jerked around...
drop the hyperbole and patronizing posts. This is not what we are saying.
I'm American and I've always considered a new week to start on Monday. shrugs I'm personally still giving them Sunday to tell us news (ACTUAL news, not news about more news coming "soon"). If it does get delayed, I'll be a bit disappointed, but not surprised at all. TBH, I don't really even care about season 3 anymore. A little sad to say, but that's just how it is for me.
Step it up, Telltale. You're literally losing your audience here. I just can't be assed anymore.
These are, actually, really good theories to talk about. I just hope that Jane or Kenny won't die.