Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • I LOVE Gabe!

    JackTTR posted: »

    I like Gabe.

  • Liking Lilly is fine, I really like her too but tno one but Lilly is to blame for her murdering Carley/Doug.

  • she is not a well written character

    Oh stuff it. What makes you say that?

    darthsansa posted: »

    I don't like Eleanor. I don't trust her + she is not a well written character. I can't stand a romance with her and Javier.

  • I don't care about whether my decisions affect how the game plays out.. I just want longer episodes with actual gameplay, not a dialogue simulator like in Season Three.

  • I actually like David so far and am going to do my best to work things out with him

  • I feel sorry for you. The fact you think you'll have a choice in the matter is wishful thinking.

    I actually like David so far and am going to do my best to work things out with him

  • I like him too! Though personally I think he may be the main antagonist, not sure how Telltale will go about it though.

    I actually like David so far and am going to do my best to work things out with him

  • I feel sorry for you. The fact you think you'll have a choice in the matter is wishful thinking.

    Don't be so damned condescending. I'm well aware of Telltale's limitations and disappointments as of late, you don't need to act like I'm an ignorant child. I'm just saying that I'm going to take the peaceful options with David whenever I can. Jesus

    Chibikid posted: »

    I feel sorry for you. The fact you think you'll have a choice in the matter is wishful thinking.

  • Aye, I'm fully expecting him to turn out incredibly brutal and pragmatic but I'd still like to be able to appeal to him as my brother and try to save him from himself.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I like him too! Though personally I think he may be the main antagonist, not sure how Telltale will go about it though.

  • Same here. I hope David and Javi will survive this season, although, it may be wishful thinking. :(

    Aye, I'm fully expecting him to turn out incredibly brutal and pragmatic but I'd still like to be able to appeal to him as my brother and try to save him from himself.

  • I honestly think that David may be determinant by the end of it all, if only for a little while.

    Alenheim posted: »

    Same here. I hope David and Javi will survive this season, although, it may be wishful thinking.

  • The Conrad scene didn't work out for me. I would never betray Clementine, but I didn't want to shoot Conrad. There should have been another choice to talk him down.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The Conrad choice in the subway was too unbalanced/biased/whatever.

  • I can see it now:
    [Save David][Save Gabe][Save Clementine]

    Only one can survive and 90% will be Clem, 8% will be for Gabe, 2% David.

    I honestly think that David may be determinant by the end of it all, if only for a little while.

  • OH HELL NO! Telltale should know better than to throw that one at us.

    I think it'd be more likely that David loses it and we have the choice to [Leave David][Shoot David][Plead to David]

    Alenheim posted: »

    I can see it now: [Save David][Save Gabe][Save Clementine] Only one can survive and 90% will be Clem, 8% will be for Gabe, 2% David.

  • Come on, it's Telltale. Who are you kidding? ;)

    OH HELL NO! Telltale should know better than to throw that one at us. I think it'd be more likely that David loses it and we have the choice to [Leave David][Shoot David][Plead to David]

  • Myself.... weeps

    Alenheim posted: »

    Come on, it's Telltale. Who are you kidding?

  • Firstly I'm gonna get this out of the way... I don't like Lee. Though to be honest my dislike for Lee may have something to do with how often people still talk about him to this day as if he's a god. I'm convinced that Clementine has moved on from Lee's death more than most fans. I actually get annoyed now when he's mentioned in the game. Don't get me wrong, I think he's a good character and has an interesting arc but I just don't like him.

    I feel the same way, to be honest. Except I am just indifferent toward him.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I've been holding off on saying this for a while as I'm pretty sure these have got to be some of the most unpopular opinions out there. F

  • She is the one responsible for the death; that's unarguable.

    I wouldn't hold her as immoral for being responsible for the death, because she would not have done that if she had been in her sane state of mind.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Liking Lilly is fine, I really like her too but tno one but Lilly is to blame for her murdering Carley/Doug.

  • edited January 2017

    Clementine is a better character in A New Frontier than in Season Two.

    Even though I like her less now, I think she is better as a character.

  • Nice! I feel like Telltale is taking the right path with her. The progression of her character into a pragmatic teenager really does make sense.


  • Oh yeah, definitely!
    I feel like Clementine works much better as a supporting character rather than a playable one, but that's just me.

    Clementine is a better character in A New Frontier than in Season Two. Even though I like her less now, I think she is better as a character.

  • This so much.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    If Clementine ever reappears, she should be the antagonist.

  • Agreeing with Conrad is one of the worst choices to be made.

  • She kind of has a point. Eleanor meets Javier right away and immediately starts flirting and immediately goes out of her way to offer to release him from the cell and accompany him to the junkyard. She always acts excessively nice and compassionate, and doesn't really have any personality flaws. She's just a stereotypical, two-dimensional nice girl. But I still enjoy her character, even though she barely got any development so far.

    AronDracula posted: »

    she is not a well written character Oh stuff it. What makes you say that?

  • edited January 2017

    We've only known her for two episodes though, who's to say she isn't hiding something? Way too early to judge IMO. But I like her so far.

    Ironically enough I feel Mariana is overrated for the same reason: she was just your typical sweet kid. Not that I disliked her, but her death didn't affect me aside from the initial shock.

    She kind of has a point. Eleanor meets Javier right away and immediately starts flirting and immediately goes out of her way to offer to rel

  • That's not unpopular.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Agreeing with Conrad is one of the worst choices to be made.

  • So basically, Carley without much time spent with her or any extensive connection to the playable character.

    She kind of has a point. Eleanor meets Javier right away and immediately starts flirting and immediately goes out of her way to offer to rel

  • I don't think that Nate had anything to do with attacking the old couple at all

  • Who thinks he did?

    I don't think that Nate had anything to do with attacking the old couple at all

  • edited January 2017

    I want to make a funny TWD parody video, but I don't know how to...

  • edited January 2017

    I think this would be better suited for the questions thread.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    I want to make a funny TWD parody video, but I don't know how to...

  • Quite a lot of people if you read the threads from ye olden days.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Who thinks he did?

  • edited January 2017

    All things considered, the relationship between them is actually kind of stale. Especially if you didn't choose to back her up about Eli when you miss one of the most humanising scenes of her in the present day and only get a scene telling you how cold she is from Eleanor plus Clementine telling you that she's done with you once she gets the van.

    Which is annoying as hell because there was the perfect opportunity to build on such a relationship on the drive back to Prescott if you chose to stay and fight back. We couldn't even get a 2 minute conversation between them? Would that have taken up too much of the episodes time?

  • Glad to know I'm not alone in this. My Javi's been turning down Kate's and Eleanor's advances in hope he'll reveal that he's not straight or at least bi. One can only hope and dream, yeah? :(

    Nixks posted: »


  • I hope Clementine is wrong about Eleanor and maybe vice versa.

  • I didn't mind Rebecca.

    • I fucking despised Luke and Jane. Since Amid the Ruins.
    • I think Clementine should die in A New Frontier.
    • I hated the Michonne miniseries.
    • I helped Kenny kill Larry and I don't regret it one bit. Sure, I had sympathy for Lilly, but I couldn't care less about Larry.
  • i really like Gabe and his friendship with Clem

  • edited January 2017

    Neither did I, even when she was bitching at me.

    MuErToS_TWD posted: »

    I didn't mind Rebecca.

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