Guardians of the Galaxy EP 1 - Tangled Up In Blue - Early Impressions Discussion



  • Looking at these comments is scaring me :( . I really want this game to be good I hope at least I can enjoy it tomorrow it might just be people saying this just because of how ANF ended up a game shouldn't be judged off another game but if it's because if that than I'm glad I enjoy ANF.

  • The only thing im not really a fan of is the graphics but they'll grow on me

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Looking at these comments is scaring me . I really want this game to be good I hope at least I can enjoy it tomorrow it might just be peopl

  • It wasn't terrible although I won't say it was good either. I'm really disappointed how they got rid of thanos so easily and how he came off as being a generic mini boss. I actually liked the music in the episode and the character QTE events when fighting thanos. I felt that the arguments among the guardians at times came off as very forced and uneccesarry with the models looking pretty bad times (Drax comes to mind). As of now I think I'll pass on picking it up, but I hope the series is fantastic and continues improving.

  • Good post I prefer when people list reasons why they don't like it instead of justv"it sucks"

    Chibikid posted: »

    It wasn't terrible although I won't say it was good either. I'm really disappointed how they got rid of thanos so easily and how he came off

  • Don't be sorry Its my fault for agreeing, and not understanding that the reaction could be abysmal and not waiting.

    AChicken posted: »

    For those who are sad to see such negative comments, I'm sorry. I was the one who put freelance up to make this thread so early. I knew i

  • edited April 2017

    This makes me sad thinking about the ANF premiere..

    Don't feel bad about starting the thread. It's done it's job. If people want to get opinions on a game before they play it, that is their ch

  • But you enjoy the actual story?

    zeke10 posted: »

    The only thing im not really a fan of is the graphics but they'll grow on me

  • edited April 2017

    Gameplay-wise is better than a new frontier by a long shot, the hubs and time to talk to the guardians was good, i am also happy about the ability to use the jet boots to explore verticaly the escenario. while i dont like that the episode is still short at least this was longer than 90 minutes. the action sequence againts Thanos felt like fun and the comeback of the nex time is welcome, the models arent good unfortunately (especially Drax).

    story-wise is not good, the story felt boring and the characters all derivate from the movie, with a few exceptions, i already see where the story is going and how is gonna end, the plot in at iself is cliche as of this point and unoriginal, the conflict bewteen the guardians doesn't feel natural and it seems is only there as to make you choose bewteen them. i also dont like that you can only control Star-lord outside of the battle with Thanos, i wanted talk like Drax or Rocket or even Groot(for as little he could say), the villain by now doesn't click with me yet though its motivations seems understandable.

    Conclusion: i dont recomend buying it yet, There's potential for the plot to become interesting but as of now, it may not be worth it.

  • Can't say at the moment like judging a book on chapter 1

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    But you enjoy the actual story?

  • edited April 2017

    I must be a complete video game outcast (whatever it means) right now, and that's probably a good thing. The New Frontier made this forum go goddamn crazy? I've been quite happy with it so far. Mass Effect Andromeda caused a major shitstorm? 50 hours in for me and I'm still enjoying the hell out of it. Anyway, because of all the negativity in the air here I thought it would be better to stay out.

    So. I came to the early impressions thread and, like a filthy optimist I am, expected the people to love or really enjoy the game for some reason. Of course doesn't happen, literally everyone says how it's a new rock bottom for Telltale - even worse than TNF! The jokes are off, it's seriously boring, simply the worst kind of trash you can find.

    This post is not a criticism against people who didn't like TNF or Guardians - I only want to spread hope and joy!

    Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy™, a Telltale game. Way better than The New Frontier! Tangled Up In Blue is a FUN episode filled with thrilling action & fights, guaranteed funky songs included in the Rad Mix (one that was also used in Eddie the Eagle, the glorious feel-good film from the last year) and great humor spread all around. Now even "once again" featuring mighty fine hubs and the length of 90-100 minutes! Not to mention the fantastic score of Jared Emerson-Johnson, truly engaging. Also the graphics and the old school art style sure pleases me here. This ain't Tales from the Borderlands, this is Guardians of the Galaxy and I really love the beginning for our adventure. Any Tales fan should absolutely like this too though, if they also enjoy Guardians. All in all, such a satisfying and heartwarming episode. Couldn't have wished for a better start and can't wait for the next one. Under Pressure, a masterpiece of songs sets up quite high expectations but I'm sure Telltale will bring us something fabulous. See you there and I hope others will like to get tangled up in blue as much as I did!

  • Oh my god a positive comment. I'm sure people have very good reasons for hating the episode, but I just needed that little boost of confidence that fucking someone liked it. @unra321 while not as excited also mentioned some decent highlights, and intrigue. Again totally cool if you don't dig the story/graphics, but gotta give some props to the expanded mechanics, even just a little bit

    I must be a complete video game outcast (whatever it means) right now, and that's probably a good thing. The New Frontier made this forum go

  • S3 just makes me sad in general and not in the good way.

    This makes me sad thinking about the ANF premiere..

  • It's fine. We both were the cause of this. Me for initiating the creation of this thread; You for agreeing with me and setting it up so prematurely...

    Reality Sucks. You think something will go one way, but then it's the other. For all we know in an alternate universe people were raving about this episode already and we aren't debating about whose fault what is.
    Let's just put this behind us....

    enter image description here

    Don't be sorry Its my fault for agreeing, and not understanding that the reaction could be abysmal and not waiting.

  • Honestly, if people get their feelings hurt because other people don't like something they want to be great, it's not your fault.

    Don't be sorry Its my fault for agreeing, and not understanding that the reaction could be abysmal and not waiting.

  • Yeeeep. Not gonna act like I didn't start with that impression...I totally did. But, aw well people don't dig it. I might, sooooo no reason to care.

    Honestly, if people get their feelings hurt because other people don't like something they want to be great, it's not your fault.

  • Making the thread a day early has nothing to do with the quality of the game. This would have happened regardless of the day you made the thread.

    AChicken posted: »

    It's fine. We both were the cause of this. Me for initiating the creation of this thread; You for agreeing with me and setting it up so prem

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited April 2017

    What a terrible, terrible game. Clementine barely appears in this episode and Kenny... well, he died so fast I didn't even notice him. BUT, I know his great beard looked bad, like a beard of a homeless man. Shame. Why Telltale, why?

    enter image description here

  • Yep. Same here. The graphics are bad too.

    First Telltale series I won't buy since TWD s1. No regrets... GotG was trash.

  • Well there's no harm in judging the chapter itself. :p

    zeke10 posted: »

    Can't say at the moment like judging a book on chapter 1

  • Lol you drunk bro?

    Omid's cat posted: »

    What a terrible, terrible game. Clementine barely appears in this episode and Kenny... well, he died so fast I didn't even notice him. BUT, I know his great beard looked bad, like a beard of a homeless man. Shame. Why Telltale, why?

  • I wish.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Lol you drunk bro?

  • Okay....WHAT IN THE everyone complaining about?

    I'm not going to act like Episode 1 was a perfect masterpiece or anything but it was rock solid for what it was much like Telltale Batman Episode 1.

    I was never bored, the action was good, the gameplay actually looks like a major upgrade from past titles, and I actually like the humor.

    The writing didn't even feel sloppy or even phoned in and it has a few hitches but it's solid for the most part as I feel there's a decent amount of development for Drax, Star Lord, and

    The story is definitely cliche and I can tell where it's going from a mile away but that doesn't take anything away from the characters and their fun banter and I'm at least intrigued how it all plays out. Besides the film's story was cliche as all hell and everyone loves that movie to bits.

    I don't know if everyone was expecting another Tales but it's not trying to be Tales and that's what I appreciate most about it, despite being an adaptation of the comics and mostly the film, it's entirely its own thing.

    I don't know...I didn't have extremely low expectations and I wasn't expecting a holy masterpiece, I was moderately excited and expected an enjoyable solid episode and that's what I got though these are first impressions but my first impression is surprised that it's nowhere near as awful as it's being made out to be so early.

    Maybe, it gets worse but so far, I'm Hooked On A Feeling.

  • I know, but putting it out early means more negative opinions that may tarnish people's expectations of the game earlier than anticipated.

    Making the thread a day early has nothing to do with the quality of the game. This would have happened regardless of the day you made the thread.

  • edited April 2017

    NVM. Nothing special

  • Shit, I thought this was a spoiler-free thread. Sorry

    Ya wanna not spoil the game?!

  • Sweet. Spreading a little positivity here, I like it...
    Glad you enjoyed it!

    I must be a complete video game outcast (whatever it means) right now, and that's probably a good thing. The New Frontier made this forum go

  • edited April 2017

    nothing to see here folks.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Shit, I thought this was a spoiler-free thread. Sorry

  • Done

    AChicken posted: »

    nothing to see here folks.

  • Does anyone else feel like Scott Porter just doesn't fit into the role of Star-Lord? Whenever he talks all I hear is Luke or Lukas...

  • It didn't look very good in all honesty. The jokes were unfunny, the basic premise seems very generic, and the animation is awkward doesn't lend itself to the universe very well. The only positive thing I can say about it is that most of the voice acting is good for the most part. Maybe the game will be awesome, but the trailer didn't give me much hope.

  • That's exactly what I said, which I deleted. It just doesn't match. Chris Pratt did a better performance in the movie.

    Does anyone else feel like Scott Porter just doesn't fit into the role of Star-Lord? Whenever he talks all I hear is Luke or Lukas...

  • One positive thing about GOTG is that it's hubs are way better than ANF

  • edited April 2017

    Seeing this now, I personally am reconsidering whether I want to continue playing new releases from Telltale, I started out with TWDG which was honestly amazing to me, I've never played a game like it with comic style graphics and I absolutely loved it! It got me into Dragon Age, Mass Effect, KOTOR and even visual novels!

    After the release of The Wolf Among Us and TWDG2, I actually become a huge fan of the company, although allot of people weren't as much of a fan of the second season of TWDG, I actually enjoyed it as much as the first and I liked how TWAU did allot of things different. Then we got Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands and I really enjoyed both of them! Game of Thrones almost becoming my absolute favorite, similarly to TWDGS2, I enjoyed it more than I disliked the inconsistency and bad writing at some points and this was around the time I slowed down with my fanboyism and started looking at the games critically and I can understand why GOT and TWDGS2 were quite bad for some people.

    Then we came into late 2015 and on-wards with the additions of Minecraft: Story Mode (which wasn't too bad in my opinion, just sub-par to the previous games, although the DLC was actually great, apart from the last imo), The Walking Dead: Michonne (which I still enjoyed but significantly less then the other games, honestly I was disappointed that a Michonne game wasn't as great as the character and it was during this game that I started losing hopes of the effects of our choices) and lastly Batman, which I personally loved as it recreated the world of DC and it was honestly the only part of TTG's 2016 line-up that got me hyped.

    Now into the present, as soon as TWDG: A New Frontier released and I witnessed the first episode (split into two because of a reason I find bogus and might have been dishonest), I really became disappointed in the company, don't get me wrong, I actually do enjoy A New Frontier, I just dislike the way they told fans that our previous decisions would matter allot and then we end up with practically no consequences in the stories, the consequence from our previous choices are all practically the same or at least end in the same way for the sake of story progression, Clementine, a character we've been building up since 2012 always acts the same and now I feel like the game is trying to force relationships similarly to how TWDGS2 did and I'm not a fan of that. Sure, they gave us the hubs that we wanted but exactly how much is there to do in them? Now with the first episode of Guardians of the Galaxy not being very good, I'm starting to lose hope in Telltale. They've had many years of feedback from fans that indicate what people want, yet they only ever seem to half deliver our requests. This honestly makes me worried for Game of Thrones Season 2, are all those decision from the 6 episode game going to amount to nothing too? Are your future games going to continue getting shorter and cut into two, with less consequences from our decisions and more bugs to break immersion? If so, I don't think I can continue being a loyal consumer to you Telltale but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and see how you deal with the rest of your two current games.

    Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed playing all of TTG's games, even Minecraft and I actually do like the first episode of GOTG but I don't like how the games seem to be going downhill in terms of quality :\

  • Thanks for always starting these threads freelance, and soaking up all the spoilery comments lol.

    Ya wanna not spoil the game?!

  • Honestly I really liked it. I did feel some choices and lines fell flat though.

  • edited April 2017

    I think I know why I liked the episode so much... Probably because you guys lowered my expectations so much, so thanks for that! I really liked it, I laughed a couple of times, I thought the battles were fantastic, and we got somethong we all have missed greatly, a HUB, 2 even. I really liked the, well, a bit different HUB thing we got. The first, ya'll know what I mean. The length was good, I don't know what you're talking about. If you talk to everyone and explore every thing then it takes you a good 110 minutes, that is the time it took me. The thing they want to protect (I'm trying to be as subtle as I can)

    The story is a bit weak, but I hope it'll pick up. The arguments between the guardians might feel a bit forced, although they are understandable. Especially two characters has a bit of a grudge, but considering that they are more or less total opposites as characters, I also think it is understandable. The voice actors are doing a good job, I really enjoyed hearing the British woman (determined I think), and the main guardians are great as well. the voice of Drax really reminds me of like a dwarf from Dragon Age or something along those lines.

    I give it a solid 9/10. The story is what needs fixin' I say.

    (Thanks again for lowering my expectations so much that I actually liked it!)

  • The game was lame all what my eye caught was the existence of hubs and dialogue options......I thought telltale stopped making those :/? Also was this supposed to be funny? Cause I never laughed this episode which is promising for GOTY worthy real soon.

  • I thought it was great! First off, the graphics are the best we've seen in any Telltale game and it all runs very smoothly as well. There were hubs to interact with the characters, and even a radio to talk to ones that weren't around you. You can even fly around! I thought the whole thing captured the charm of GotG pretty well. It was interesting, funny, and even touching at points. I'm really looking forward to more. Pretty sure this will wind up being one of my favorite games from them!

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Also was this supposed to be funny? Cause I never laughed this episode which is promising for GOTY worthy real soon.

    It's not supposed to be a comedy themed game like TFTB was, i watched the movie for the first time yesterday and it was more of a scifi action adventure which is what the game seems to be aiming for so i wouldn't expect to see lots of jokes, memes or things like the finger guns in this game.

    The game was lame all what my eye caught was the existence of hubs and dialogue options......I thought telltale stopped making those ? Also

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