Yeah, this convinced me not to buy this game. If ANF didn't get this treatment as well, Telltale don't deserve my money from a wanna-be Tales from the Borderlands. It's still better than that shit.
So Guardians has...
* proper hubs with gameplay and actual conversations.
* more than one hub.
* 90+ minute episodes.
* next time on… more segments.
* credit songs/menu songs.
* shooting gameplay sections?
* I probably missed out some others...
... I'm just wondering - why couldn't ANF have this...?
Continuation? Don't forget this isn't season 3. It's one thing to reuse a song once or twice, but repeat the same song in an episode over and over and over?
No thanks. Reuse music for your TRAILERS? No thanks. Having wonderful music specifically made for TWD trailer during season 2, but now using already existing music off the internet that sounds like a bunch of out of tuned banjos? No thanks. Reuse screaming effects from clementine in season two and put it into season 3 for a NPC death (everyone heard this, btw)? No thanks. After having wonderful music for season 2 credits and all of a sudden not in season 3? No thanks.
But that happened anyways. Why? Take a wild guess.
Continuation? Don't forget this isn't season 3. It's one thing to reuse a song once or twice, but repeat the same song in an episode over… more and over and over?
No thanks. Reuse music for your TRAILERS? No thanks. Having wonderful music specifically made for TWD trailer during season 2, but now using already existing music off the internet that sounds like a bunch of out of tuned banjos? No thanks. Reuse screaming effects from clementine in season two and put it into season 3 for a NPC death (everyone heard this, btw)? No thanks. After having wonderful music for season 2 credits and all of a sudden not in season 3? No thanks.
But that happened anyways. Why? Take a wild guess.
Telltale is completely wrong. Just because they call it Season 3, doesn't mean it's Season 3. Season 3 means a continuation, not a fucking reboot or some shit.
You see? Telltale definitely puts more effort in some of their titles over other ones. They only did this because it's galaxy and their trying to cash in on the hype around galaxy
You see? Telltale definitely puts more effort in some of their titles over other ones. They only did this because it's galaxy and their trying to cash in on the hype around galaxy
After the leak spoiled the everloving fuck out of episode 3 for me, I think I'm going into episode 4 completely blind. No screenshots, no trailer. Need to enjoy the last two episodes as much as possible.
You see? Telltale definitely puts more effort in some of their titles over other ones. They only did this because it's galaxy and their trying to cash in on the hype around galaxy
Yeah, this convinced me not to buy this game. If ANF didn't get this treatment as well, Telltale don't deserve my money from a wanna-be Tales from the Borderlands. It's still better than that shit.
I'm calling it news on Thursday!
Also not to mention, Episode 1 of guardians had more new music than Episodes 1 - 3 of A New Frontier, COMBINED.
So cute.
Trailer this thursday? Release date next tuesday?
Well, Guardians is a new series/first episode as opposed to a continuation so it makes sense that it would have less reused content.
Plus it is a franchise that relies heavily on music.
Continuation? Don't forget this isn't season 3. It's one thing to reuse a song once or twice, but repeat the same song in an episode over and over and over?
No thanks. Reuse music for your TRAILERS? No thanks. Having wonderful music specifically made for TWD trailer during season 2, but now using already existing music off the internet that sounds like a bunch of out of tuned banjos? No thanks. Reuse screaming effects from clementine in season two and put it into season 3 for a NPC death (everyone heard this, btw)? No thanks. After having wonderful music for season 2 credits and all of a sudden not in season 3? No thanks.
But that happened anyways. Why? Take a wild guess.
Next Tuesday confirmed.
Awww like my kitty
S2 E4 news about news = 200+ new comments in 5 mins.
S3 E4 news about news = 5+ new comments in 30 mins.
The hype is real
S3? Season 3? What's that?
Most likely since they really want this episode out by the end April and EP5 in may.
Season 3? Where?
It would be hilarious of the real Season 3 comes out with more music and more gameplay and better pacing and longer episodes with good writing...
... but now I have to endure this.
Apparently, 3 episodes of season 3 are already available
So much for it being two PARTS and not two EPISODES eh Telltale? Jesus wept.
And also, @Dont_Look_Back Even Telltale can't tell us this isn't season 3
Telltale is completely wrong. Just because they call it Season 3, doesn't mean it's Season 3. Season 3 means a continuation, not a fucking reboot or some shit.
How is a sick toddler not a good reason?
Because it was pointless he didn't need it but she did need the medicine in s2
Makes me hate TT even more. Rock bottom shit.
sah cute
We'll most likely get the news Wednesday.
I assume the trailer drops on Thursday/Friday, with a release next week Tuesday.
I watched GOTG playthrough on youtube and guess what? It features content that we have been asking FOR YEARS to be in ANF.
Tends to happen with the walking dead.
Shoving their middle finger up our asses
Telltale with GOTG be like

You see? Telltale definitely puts more effort in some of their titles over other ones. They only did this because it's galaxy and their trying to cash in on the hype around galaxy
I'm never buying it, Telltale can suck my stick.
Leaks aside there's always something to be said about experiencing the game 100% blind. Bravo for having the willpower.
I suppose the calm was nice while it lasted...
No matter! I'm really looking forward to episode 4
If they don't respect TWD fanbase but DC and Marvel fanbases which are a pain in the ass, they can kiss my Romanian ass.
I'd rather play that instead of Garbages of the Galaxy. I loved the movie but I hate that game.
This is so adorable!
What can that mean? Release date will be revealed? We already know its 25 april. (job said ep4 is this month. Last tuesday is 25)
Damn you ttg