The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • Javier x Gabe

    enter image description here

    That links keeps taking me to one of those busted error pages

    Works fine for me, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

    so how did your thread get closed? I mean if ppl want to talk about shipping they can, right? 21st century and freedom of choice and all that.

    Not sure actually, since it reach 5 pages over the course of at least a month or two. I assume @Blind_Sniper just got tired of looking at it, likely since there wasn't much hardcore discussion going on.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Javier x Gabe, Larry x Lilly and Kenny x boat. That links keeps taking me to one of those busted error pages so how did your thread get clos

  • Was Mariana carrying a weapon on her like Gabe?

  • Well I looked at the forum guidelines and it said that they are allowed as long as story discussion is going on, so maybe you can try again some day but also add a few story stuff in there to avoid getting it closed?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Javier x Gabe That links keeps taking me to one of those busted error pages Works fine for me, so I'm not sure what t

  • What interview?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Am I the only one who hates that quote from that recent interview about how Clementine "is a survivor now"?

  • edited May 2017

    I don't think so, I haven't seen any gun holster equipped on her or seeing her wielding a gun.
    but I'm sure Javi/Kate gave her a melee weapon to protect herself, instead of gun

    DabigRG posted: »

    Was Mariana carrying a weapon on her like Gabe?

  • I am not sure. I went to the wiki to see some screenshots, but I couldn't see a weapon on her. She also doesn't seem to have a backpocket...

    DabigRG posted: »

    Was Mariana carrying a weapon on her like Gabe?

  • Thanks! :)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    This one.

  • And this time, she's a survivor.

    That logic is so stupid.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    This one.

  • Yeah, I've thought about that, but didn't have the mind to do it myself yet.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Well I looked at the forum guidelines and it said that they are allowed as long as story discussion is going on, so maybe you can try again some day but also add a few story stuff in there to avoid getting it closed?

  • Well I'll support you if you do decide to make one, if not no big deal :3 I'm terrible at making my own discussions, which is why I have only made one.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, I've thought about that, but didn't have the mind to do it myself yet.

  • Kenny or Jane might be alive if you abandoned them. Bonnie might be alive if she was with Mike and Arvo. Possibly Andy St. John as well.

    ladypocky posted: »

    are there actually characters that can be argued as possibly being alive aside from lilly, christa and molly? (from season 1 and 2) (not counting 400 days characters)

  • Did I? Hmm....

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Paul Monroe Who cares That got a chuckle out of me. You forgot Mariana.

  • I see her as Pink or Light Purple

    DabigRG posted: »

    Did I? Hmm....

  • I considered those exact colors myself (specifically Lavender) but I didn't think that'd gel with how I did the others, as well as wanting to avoid the obvious "Girl Character = Pink."

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I see her as Pink or Light Purple

  • What/who do you think "Jake" the Bandit Leader and Linda look like under their masks?

  • Would Sarah also count as a tomboy or is she the closest to being a Girly girl?

  • Was David the one who taught Javier how to shoot a gun?
    He mentioned that he is good at shooting and wanted to go to the shooting range. Javier said he wasn't good at it.

  • Sarah wasn't a tomboy, she can't kill walkers, do daily labor task, and she gets disgusted with the walker guts being slimed on her back pretty verbally, even when it's something that's requisite to pass the herd. Generally Sarah doesn't appear to act like a boy as well, or has that personality. I'd say she's more of a "girly girl", with the way she talks, her time used in the apocalypse via reading books instead of going outside for supplies/food (maybe she helped inside the house), wanting Clem to pinkie swear as "best friends", etc.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Would Sarah also count as a tomboy or is she the closest to being a Girly girl?

  • Sarah wasn't a tomboy, [because] she can't kill walkers, do daily labor task

    Uh, no dude. Just no.

    and she gets disgusted with the walker guts being slimed on her back pretty verbally, even when it's something that's requisite to pass the herd. I'd say she's more of a "girly girl", with the way she talks, her time used in the apocalypse via reading books instead of going outside for supplies/food (maybe she helped inside the house), wanting Clem to pinkie swear as "best friends", etc.

    Yeah, that was my thought as well. The throw off seemed to come from how she was so interesting in reading a science fiction/horror book and learning to use a gun behind her dad's back.

    Spodes posted: »

    Sarah wasn't a tomboy, she can't kill walkers, do daily labor task, and she gets disgusted with the walker guts being slimed on her back pre

  • Possibly. Either him or Kate.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Was David the one who taught Javier how to shoot a gun? He mentioned that he is good at shooting and wanted to go to the shooting range. Javier said he wasn't good at it.

  • Uh, no dude. Just no.

    Well, she hasn't killed a walker, and daily labor task would be something a man formally does as in going out in the woods with guns, checking the areas, etc. Obviously they thought Clem was man enough ("she's tough as nails) to go out to fish and get food, check the area out, etc. They would've brought Sarah if she could help outside, also in Carver's she didn't do anything labor intensive as well. We're discussing tomboy traits, right? I guess I missed the point with these two, I'm just trying to convey things that a man would usually do (considering they're very young), or at least physically in regards to these two.

    Yeah, that was my thought as well. The throw off seemed to come from how she was so interesting in reading a science fiction/horror book and learning to use a gun behind her dad's back.

    The genre of book isn't very important in my opinion, and trying to learn a gun behind her father's back was more of her curiosity. I doubt Sarah wanted to be treated as a girly girl, and someone who has to be shunned for her own protection, but Carlos sadly ingrained that mindset into her, which was horribly irresponsible of him as a father...setting her up to die with emotional blemishes when Carlos dies.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Sarah wasn't a tomboy, [because] she can't kill walkers, do daily labor task Uh, no dude. Just no. and she gets disgusted with

  • Well, she hasn't killed a walker, and daily labor task would be something a man formally does as in going out in the woods with guns, checking the areas, etc

    No, I mean what does any of that have to do with being a tomboy? You can sit on your ass all day and still a tomboy, or work in the garden/lawn and still be a girly girl.

    We're discussing tomboy traits, right? I guess I missed the point with these two, I'm just trying to convey things that a man would usually do (considering they're very young), or at least physically in regards to these two.

    Okay then.

    Spodes posted: »

    Uh, no dude. Just no. Well, she hasn't killed a walker, and daily labor task would be something a man formally does as in going out

  • What if Joan and David were in a relationship prior to Javi's arrival? Would that make her actions more stupid or better

  • Uh, I think you're thinking of Jint/Cloan, thank you very much.

    But yes, that'd be really fucked up if that was the case.

    Clemenem posted: »

    What if Joan and David were in a relationship prior to Javi's arrival? Would that make her actions more stupid or better

  • No, I mean what does any of that have to do with being a tomboy? You can sit on your ass all day and still a tomboy, or work in the garden/lawn and still be a girly girl.

    I guess so, but most girly girls don't even do that stuff, just picture a cliche teenage girl walking down the street with her expensive purse, that's what I meant, they wouldn't really do any of the sweaty labor stuff, they'd at most clean the house or wash dishes, not saying that's Sarah though, I don't believe she's actually a girly girl, but just a girl; nothing too girly girl about her, but there's some things (again, probably because her father shunned her out from reality, and Sarah didn't get the chance to adapt to the apocalypse).

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, she hasn't killed a walker, and daily labor task would be something a man formally does as in going out in the woods with guns, checki

  • I noticed how Lee and Kenny can have determinant cuts on their cheeks. How does that happen? :/

  • Screenshot? I've never heard of this, and if it does, it may be related to Lee and Kenny fighting in the train determinantly (if you choose not to be civil/talk it through).

    Melton23 posted: »

    I noticed how Lee and Kenny can have determinant cuts on their cheeks. How does that happen?

  • edited May 2017

    I had it in my randomized playthrough when I started episode 5 straight away. It is visible here.
    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    It can't be from he fight with Kenny because they both end up with scars on their faces and no weapons were used, I doubt they scratched each other's faces.

    Spodes posted: »

    Screenshot? I've never heard of this, and if it does, it may be related to Lee and Kenny fighting in the train determinantly (if you choose not to be civil/talk it through).

  • Kenny got his face bruised (and I'm guessing that cut too) if he stays behind in search for Clementine.

    You know, when Vernon and his cancer gang steals the boat.

    As for Lee, I have no idea. Maybe when you let Kenny kick your ass in the train?

    Melton23 posted: »

    I had it in my randomized playthrough when I started episode 5 straight away. It is visible here. It can't be from he fight with Kenny

  • edited May 2017

    Well the bruise was definitely from Vernon and his group, I doubt the cut was. And if you let Kenny kick Lee's ass Lee gets sent out and then you get a non canon death where duck kills everyone on the train

    Findagon posted: »

    Kenny got his face bruised (and I'm guessing that cut too) if he stays behind in search for Clementine. You know, when Vernon and his cancer gang steals the boat. As for Lee, I have no idea. Maybe when you let Kenny kick your ass in the train?

  • edited May 2017

    Here's what I recall off the top of my head:

    Clementine x/< Sarah
    Lilly < Ben
    Larry x Brenda
    Ben x Brie
    Danny > Jolene
    Danielle x Adam
    Russell x Michelle
    Bonnie x Arvo
    Carlos x Sarita
    Troy > Jane
    Vitali > Natasha
    Gabe </x Ava
    Joan < Clint

    DabigRG posted: »

    Hey, since my thread on the topic has been closed for roughly half a year now, what are some good/bad/funny/weird/whatever ships yous guys have come across or thought of?

  • Does anyone know how to lower the notification number? I'm long sick of seeing that 99+.

  • I really dislike how Clementine was written in Season 3. There was no likeability to her, no interest, not much development. She flat out murders Eli with no remorse beyond our control, kills Lingard with no hesitation and pretty much becomes a Jane 2.0 as if one Jane was a great person in the first place

  • I think you meant to post his in the Unpopular Opinions thread.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I really dislike how Clementine was written in Season 3. There was no likeability to her, no interest, not much development. She flat out mu

  • Why were the Garcias so ill prepared to leave the house after 3 months? Telltale does this dramatic montage of them packing and Javier looking at his bat and Mariana her cassette player?? What about food, clothes, flashlights, tools?

  • I know right? I guess they just wanted to show them taking things of sentimental value to characterize each of them rather than anything else. You can at least assume they grabbed what was good.

    Bonbomb posted: »

    Why were the Garcias so ill prepared to leave the house after 3 months? Telltale does this dramatic montage of them packing and Javier looking at his bat and Mariana her cassette player?? What about food, clothes, flashlights, tools?

  • Okay, may I ask what the heck was the context of this screenshot?
    enter image description here

  • I guess. It would have been an awesome movie worthy scene if they were gearing up, making melee weapons and clearing out the pantry. Lol ..interesting Kate doesn't take her wedding picture.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know right? I guess they just wanted to show them taking things of sentimental value to characterize each of them rather than anything else. You can at least assume they grabbed what was good.

  • I think it was when David caught Clem stealing the medicine for AJ, in one of Clem's flashbacks...? (Correct me if i'm wrong)

    Why do you ask?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, may I ask what the heck was the context of this screenshot?

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